A Soul-Smashing Event!

Approaching Infinity said:
What if FOR LIFETIMES, we sin against our souls, without the social support to provide a mirror of our behavior and thus the prompt for guilt (the first shock is always external)? And then, all at once, we experience ALL of it, without any warning or idea of what's going on. This must be what the original meaning of "hell" was, before being corrupted by psychopaths to keep people controlled. And think of the guilt, the desire to just end it all, to feel that one does not even deserve to live. And basically, we make the choice to end it all, because the pain is too great and we truly feel that we do not DESERVE to live. And then we've given everything...

Wow it makes so much sense, thanks a lot Approaching Infinity.
That's why then there is so much emphasis in not knowing the reality as it is as it furthers your guilt when confronted to things you have seen or done but denied them to keep sleeping happily. Imagine doing that for lifetimes indeed....
seek10 said:
Does the listening to this meditation by the people who doesn't know english help ?. it should work, since this is frequency work rather than conscious mind work.

I think you may be correct with your assessment. I think what we're working with here is the energy(?) transmitted via sound and in the future video. Sort of the same/similar way that STS 4D and up uses it...

Evolutionary1 said:
Tatanka said:
Excuse me all but I just read the last session with the Cs.
Interesting and disturbing.
I have questions that could sound childish but are still unanswered to me.
How does one feel when he is being soul smashed?
Also, what is the round breathing in the whole meditative process? (breathing and meditation)

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Tatanka. I agree with the general sentiment about the soul-smashing, too, though I am not really shocked. Here is a quote from Kate describing the potential nature of soul smashing--which, if I'm correct, was endorsed by the C's. Thanks, Ana, for the original post and link, by the way :):

Kate said:
What if the idea behind 4d STS plan of crashing the souls is an ongoing process that begun a long time ago? It is trans-generational, trans-cultural and even trans-reincarnational. The goal is to create extremely toxic environment where people with souls have little chance of choosing to align themselves with the names of God. In this case the eventual "crushing" is just a final "small event" considering the fact that the choice of going on a downward developmental spiral is a very gradual process. At the beginning, pathology moves slowly while infiltrating every aspect of our lives, but at some point (and as it seems in our generation) it might reach a critical mass, where many may choose to sin against their souls and give enough energy to 4d STS to implement their plan.

It seems to me that this suggests that soul smashing feels like life in general! Aimless and empty and void of consciousness. I think it feels like depression, apathy, anxiety, and isolation, and eventually...I can't say.

I agree with this. I compare it with how I viewed my own experience/perceptions of the strange happenings that were going on in my life and what I currently perceive. I think it would feel like despair for many. There are those who will notice that something is going on, deny it in their desperation and go back to sleep. There are others who will notice that something is going on and desperately look for an answer (at this point they will find either disinformation or the truth and make various choices as we all do now).

Much of what's going on in the world looks very clearly like what it is: madness. What I find scary yet interesting is how much of this "smashing" is absolutely subtle and mundane. It's not just in wars and famine but also in the supermarket, our bedrooms, the very air we breathe.
anothermagyar said:
[QUOTE author=Ana]I would say that the smashing event of a soul is a continuous process, in wich soul / conscience is not stimulated/awakened so that it can grow/expand integrating knowledge.

What about people who don't want to see the reality? They put pink glasses on so they don't have to face with the painful truth.
I think certain amount of people can't see the truth and other people just don't WANT to see. They refuse to see. There is a difference between.
I think this is the worst sin what leads to loosing soul to denie the truth.
They're afraid to except the truth. Like waking up in a burning house.
They want to continue asleep.

I could be wrong of course and really thanks for the posts really helped a LOT!

I just had a frightening dream also recently.
I dreamed I got framed by police and I was sentenced to death.
Maybe something trying to tell me to live my life every minute, every hour if it would be the last in my life. osit

Hi anothermagyar,

You forget, some do not need to see what you see in order to learn their own lessons, wich seems themselves have chosen based on their own contemplation in fifth density and this does not mean they are going to be smashed..

Maybe the question is not why some cannot see but Why some are/will be able to see and what is it for?
Thanks, Ana it is very interesting thought.

I will be thinking about this for a while! :)

Yes! Yes, I have to learn my lessons and others have to learn their lessons!

There is a purpose for everything.
Gawan said:
Moderator's note: This topic was split-off from the Eiriu Eolas discussion here and also the discussion stemming from the session where this was discussed here.

I like to bring up what Redfox wrote in another thread in reference to Laura and it's imo very fitting for a phrase of the prayer, where till now I couldn't fully get the meaning of it.

prayer said:
savior of the soul

RedFox said:
Laura said:
So, we see a mass feast approaching... death and destruction and suffering on a scale not seen for some time on this planet. A feast.

And what do these STS dudes plan to do with all that food? What will they do if they are so strengthened and if they have many acolytes among humans ready to join them?

That is the question.

The answer is, I believe, that they will use this energy to actually "smash" the souls of millions - if not billions - so that they literally become primal matter and must begin the cycle all over again.

I pondered this for a while last night because it stopped me in my tracks (I don't remember coming across this before, the part about soul smashing).....and in the end I felt (For a moment at least) anger I've never felt before well up inside me. There was not bitterness or resentment or hatred...it was just very intense 'anger' and I've never felt anything like that before....seems the importance of all this is slowly dawning on me.

I was wondering what this soul smashing was also. And it just seemed very interesting to me.
When I read one of laura transcripts I ran past this word.
Could anybody give me a forum on it or tell me what it mean?

Have a look at this thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13716.0

Click on the "here" and "here" to read the threads. Essentially, the idea of soul smashing is this: Entropic overlords or STS entities collect energies from 3D humans and plan to use this harvested energy to smash the souls of humanity. There has been discussion on the forum over whether this is already happening and has happened over time and whether this will be a big event in the future.
chachachick said:

Have a look at this thread http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=13716.0

Click on the "here" and "here" to read the threads. Essentially, the idea of soul smashing is this: Entropic overlords or STS entities collect energies from 3D humans and plan to use this harvested energy to smash the souls of humanity. There has been discussion on the forum over whether this is already happening and has happened over time and whether this will be a big event in the future.

There is also the question of WHY they would do that...

But if I understood correctly, it is because the STS forces, in their wishful thinking, believe they can take control over the whole soul advancing process,
and lock it firmly into levels 1-4, so that no soul would be able advance past the fourth density.

The result of this would be a kind of a self sustaining farm, with fresh "food" constantly advancing from lower levels, and "old one" being recycled...
It also seems that the very event of soul smashing would bring enormous amounts of negative energy to the STS-ers, kind of like the nuclear fission
on a spiritual level. Thus, they would not lose any food at all, but gain in any case.

But that is just how I see it, maybe the reasons are different altogether...
Freelancer, maybe an other image would be the atom who's electron looses energy, and as long as he goes down to lower energy levels, produces photons (light). I imagine that if the electron has the will to escape its potential well, the atom (to become a free electron), he will gather energy to climb one energy to another, like climbing a ladder. You may perturb this electron, putting stress and discourage him, and then he falls and you get light (fluorescence).

edit : link to a picture showing a potential wall with levels of energy and frequencies :
mkrnhr said:
Freelancer, maybe an other image would be the atom who's electron looses energy, and as long as he goes down to lower energy levels, produces photons (light). I imagine that if the electron has the will to escape its potential well, the atom (to become a free electron), he will gather energy to climb one energy to another, like climbing a ladder. You may perturb this electron, putting stress and discourage him, and then he falls and you get light (fluorescence).

edit : link to a picture showing a potential wall with levels of energy and frequencies :

Yes, that might be a better image than fission. It puts density levels (energy layers around the atomic core) into play, as well as energy release.
It's just that the word "smashing" reminded me of splitting the atom, which releases energy.
Being serious, if a comet wont hit us this year, the 2009 year wont be different from other years, because there is always soul smashing, so, what's the difference?
cubbex said:
Being serious, if a comet wont hit us this year, the 2009 year wont be different from other years, because there is always soul smashing, so, what's the difference?
Apologies, cubbex - could you clarify your question? Are you saying that a comet has to hit for this year to be different from other years? I, for one, think this year has been quite different from other years for several reasons - some of which have me still recovering. Are you thinking that without a comet strike, there can be no transformation or were you expecting something you have yet to 'receive' in 2009? Be careful what you wish for, as they say...
What I understood from Cubbex's question, though I may be completely off here , is that if 'soul smashing' of some kind occurs every year then the C's comment about 2009 being a smashing year is likely to refer to something else (in this case a comet is implied).
Ben said:
What I understood from Cubbex's question, though I may be completely off here , is that if 'soul smashing' of some kind occurs every year then the C's comment about 2009 being a smashing year is likely to refer to something else (in this case a comet is implied).

As I see it, many of our false personalities, believes and behaviour patterns are being smashed for EE.
So, Could this be a smashing year for the lie? :huh:
I also agree that soul smashing could feel like real life, that it could actually feel like being depressed, anxious, desperate, hopeless and isolated. That is how I have felt many times in my life, like being on a rollercoaster, most of the time being at the bottom of the pit. I usually would find my way out of it but then I would once again encounter someone in my life who would show me the way down there again. Maybe that is why I have been feeling lately that maybe instead of transitioning to the 4D I will more likely be going to 5D. The issue I am having with this transitioning to 5D is that I am not anxious or nervous about checking out to 5D, I actually feel nervous of ending up being recycled back to the 3D and having to experience another lifetime with no purpose. Thank you for all your comments on this soul smashing topic. This really got me thinking. What if this soul smashing event has been going on for eternity and now we are becoming more aware of it, and now we have the need to make it stop somehow. I personally do not want to blame anybody for whatever has happened in my life, that would not get me anywhere, I just want to find my way out of it. Out of this repetitive cycle of soul smashing. I think I had enough of being used for food. I wonder if I taste to them right now a little on the bitter/sour side, like old pickles or something.

I am just trying to find a bit of humor in this.
Just to clarify, I was refering to the initial cubbex question wich latter mentioned Ben, about a session with the Cs talking of 2009 as a smashing year, not to the smashing event of souls.

cubbex said:
Being serious, if a comet wont hit us this year, the 2009 year wont be different from other years, because there is always soul smashing, so, what's the difference?
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