Re: About David Icke & James Redfield
nut'n purrsnl said:
Spent some time thinking about the bounds of this Icke phenomenon, and I had perhaps
a little help in the form of an old rag of a magazine that I found on a train. It has
an article entitled "2012 A Time Odyssey" in it, that can viewed here:
_ (Click for the September/October issue)
This author places her arguments with emotional content, much like Icke, but the writing is less cluttered with cross-themes, as it is more singularly focussed.
I agree, that article does have a similar feel to Icke's writings. Especially his early stuff.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
My point in bringing this all up, is that something has occurred in my mind that has happened in many minds before mine. You are about to see another person go down the long lane of realizing just how damaging a self-serving, deceptive, needy being can be. And I have been down it so many times before. Only with different eyes this time. Apologies for the clutter :)
It looks like you've had a real epiphany. I know what you mean about going down the same road many times, yet doing so "with different eyes this time." That's been happening to me a lot lately too. Oh, and there's no need to apologize for clutter. If it's there, it's there. The important thing is that you're learning to look for it, and in this forum we're glad to "mirror" and help you do that. :) And fwiw, I noticed very little clutter in what you wrote here.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
First let me propose that if I were to call an unproveable idea 'truth', say that 2012 will be the end of time, and hurl myself outwards and transmit it to others who resonate with my emotional energy, that I have in fact constructed a "Graven Image."
That sounds possible, in the sense that a meme can take on a life of its own once it's exposed to enough "like minds."
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
I'm guessing that a fairly strong argument can be made that this is indeed what that particular Commandment of Moses means.
Possibly, I don't know.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
I get the impression of a little sprocket, or a little emotional yoke made of LEGO blocks that spans across certain themes and points of pain without actually having its own ground attach point. Lots of theme, little in the way of detail. Like an implant!
This is the closest you came to clutter in your post, because it's a mixed metaphor and hard to follow (sprocket? LEGO blocks? implant?). I think I still get your essential meaning - but that's because "lots of theme, little in the way of detail" says it very well. So you do have the ability to write clearly and consisely, because you did! :) But you padded it with all those unneccesary "extras." And that obscured your point somewhat. I'm guessing the symbols you use create a strong image in your mind, so you feel that conveying them to us is helpful. And using symbolism/metaphor CAN be helpful. But when we use such terms, they generally have an understood meaning for all of us ("sacred cow," "sleep," "machine," etc). Since you like to express your thoughts using metaphor, maybe this is something you can examine - what metaphors/symbols have meaning for you personally, but may not be understood by others? Are there other, more universal, symbols you can substitute to express the same ideas?
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
That said, I know of several people who respond to these types of articles with emotional conviction. When they vent about it, they are at full-force, at full-belief. They have had the experience of a light going off at the possibility of a new revelation. Ecclesiastes claims this to be vanity and nothing more. Those old writers may have been on to something.
I think they were on to something. As Mdme de Salzmann said:
Your relations with others–lies. The upbringing you give, the conventions–lies. Your teaching–lies. Your theories, your art–lies. Your social life, your family life–lies. And what you think of yourself–lies also.
All is indeed vanity for those who are asleep. Yet people fall in love with their lies, their self-comforting illusions. So they can read something that "feels right" and just run with it, forming a belief based on nothing at all.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
But more prominently, lets review the idea of royalty of old crushing their vassal with taxes and burning their books, and draining their water supplies, and putting fluoride in it. The end goal of such activity may be to simply push people down on Maslo's Hierarchy of needs while you lift yourself up.
Definitely. If people's minds are kept at the bottom - focused on basic bodily needs - they have no drive or energy for seeking the truth.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
Maybe. But how many times have we read evidence of the rich and powerful calling us all boobs? How many times have we read that they need laborers to work in their factories, so it's not a good idea to educate everyone? And how many clubs have we heard of (eg. Albert Pike & the masons), who claim to have the real & sublime knowledge that is too good for the rest of us?
Constantly. The term "elite" accurately describes how they view themselves compared to us. But they're only "elite" because they've chosen to put the rest of society in the dark. It's not a natural order, like they claim to believe.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
I believe now, though I already did, that the goal of destroying the educational system may be far more peverse than it appears. My thoughts: My friends who respond to this type of stimuli are definitely disturbed by the stimulus. My friend who has an advanced degree in Political Science however, reads articles like the one above with tenacity, hunting the veracity of every contained utterance written therein.
If one is trained to think critically, it's easier to see through the lies. So yes, the dumbing down of education is deliberate. As for your Political Scientist friend, it sounds like he/she has learned to critically examine things. Of course, even people like this can have biases, sacred cows, and programs, and they're still asleep. But at least they have the right mental "equipment" to some degree, so certain programming won't "take" like it does with others.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
Who are the soldiers who we can rile to point their guns and pull the trigger where told to without thinking? Who are the religious zealots who will blindly follow another's judgement and kill a whole race of people? Who are the citizens of our country or any country who put a man like W into power and watch him financially break the back of our country and then blame it on Obama because Republican leadership wants to paint a different picture?
They are machines in a deep state of sleep. This is natural. What seems unnatural is how the PTB have installed certain programming in people. But in the end, even this is natural in an STS world full of machines.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
I am arguing that a principal means used by the few to get what they want is to manipulate us on this level. And as implied above, clever tyrannts always try and cover the bases with their own agents and themes. READ THAT: If everyone were armed like my buddy with the critical thinking skills that he learned from his PolySci degree, war would be much more difficult to sell. And that says it all. Duh.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
To David Icke: [...]
I think your message to Icke would have little to no effect. I feel for you, though, because I've interally pleaded in much the same way while studying him. Also, his disinfo goes far deeper than the Reptilian thing. He added that later (along with the conspiracy angle), but it was like "the icing on the cake." The essence of his disinfo was already there. If anything, the new stuff serves to hide the New Age disinfo more effectively. Because it was pretty blatant in his earlier writings. Plus now he can pretend to be a researcher, rather than just a glorified New Age guru. It adds credibility.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
If you simply look at who is around you, and how important you can be to them, is that not reason enough to sit down with them and understand how to meter your message across in such a way that it is more effective? You would personally reap rewards far greater doing this than you ever will standing up there in the spotlight. PLEASE: THINK about what you are doing.
The thing is, Icke is probably incapable of seeing a reason to alter his approach. We and David Icke are using completely different dictionaries. External considering and strategic enclosure don't even exist in the one he's reading from. "Speak your truth, and to hell with the consequences" is his motto, or at least the motto he wants his readers to absorb.
[quote author=nut'n purrsnl]
(And if you are a complict participant in causing cognitive dissonance, go into a closet and suck eggs!)
My sentiments exactly!