Re: About David Icke & James Redfield
Parallax said:
The Vonnegut reference was intriguing, marvellously-deviously possible even, and the C’s transcript, at the risk of under toning the significant of the issue…Priceless!
Yes, these things are tantalizing "clues." By themselves they can look like coincidence, but just a quick look at Wikipedia gave a few pretty strong "coincidences."
Slaughterhouse-Five has actually been sitting unread on my bookshelf for a few years; I think I'll pick it up and see if anything else pops out. I have nothing to lose - at the very least I'll be reading a good story. :)
[quote author=Parallax]
Rather subjectively speaking, as it balances on what has been read, interpreted or even just plain old OSIT feelings; either knowingly or not, Mr. Icke seems to be playing/played as a type of new age fringe provocateur for some socio/hyperdimensional end, like a default position either for the now, or awaited upon if needed and conveniently used for some ultimate design not yet to full fruition.
Indeed, it seems like there's a good case for both human AND 4D STS involvement. On the human side, this Brian Desborough guy is especially interesting - an aerospace researcher who's an expert on mind-control, essentially shaping the course of Icke's book by feeding him ideas... and THEN bringing him together with Arizona Wilder, who conveniently confirms it all? Hm...
Aside from these sources, Icke (or maybe Desborough) has apparently lifted entire concepts from other researchers without giving them credit. Regarding this, I found out that the "Rixon" whom Jocelyn Savage was responding to is Rixon Stuart, owner of "The Truth Seeker" website where the Ivan Fraser article appeared. In his article "David and Goliath (_," Stuart claims to have met Icke in person several times, and his impression from these encounters is that Icke "is a rampant egoist who is motivated by his egotism rather than by any desire for truth." This attitude could be sour grapes, rivalry, or similar; it's hard to say. But some of his other points in the article sound valid.
[quote author=Rixon Stuart]
...[David Icke] has taken the research of others, passed it off as his own, added a few of his own really absurd ideas – such as the notion of "shape-shifting reptilians" – and then reaped the rewards without acknowledging those who did the original research.
I personally know several researchers – including and an American genealogical investigator – to whom this has happened.
Now, it’s true, we are all on a learning curve and Icke is no exception. In fact it was one of my contacts who more than a decade ago first informed him about Adam Weishaupt; until then Icke had been blissfully ignorant of one of history’s most notorious conspirators.
However, it’s in the sphere of genuine spiritual knowledge that Icke is most noticeably lacking. Indeed in terms of spiritual development Icke is almost infantile. It shows in his egoism, his own ideas and even in his bloated physical countenance.
It also shows in his repeated references to “shape-shifting reptilians”, which reveals a profound ignorance of the nature and inhabitants of the various spiritual worlds that adjoin our own.
Like they say: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Contrary to what some of his defenders say however, Icke is not bringing the crimes of the ruling elite to wider public attention. This would be happening anyway for this truly is a time of revelation when much that was hidden is coming to light.
Icke is simply a Johnny come lately and the criminal elite must be thanking their gods for his appearance, for if anything he has helped further conceal their crimes.
For example, in his 1999 bestseller “The Biggest Secret” Icke devotes many pages to Princess Diana’s death. He makes a brief passing reference to Richard Tomlinson’s affidavit but spends pages and pages on the "reptilians" in the Royal House of Windsor.
According to Icke, Britain’s Royalty are all "shape-shifting reptilians" with an appetite for human flesh and Diana was another of their victims.
Purely by association this demolishes the integrity of credible witnesses like former intelligence officers David Shayler and Richard Tomlinson.
So it’s more than likely that covert operatives have used Icke’s egoism to inveigle and feed him these absurdities – thereby helping to discredit by association the genuine research of others he uses.
More than 25 years ago I was hearing much of what Icke now talks about – minus references to the reptilians – from an old South African tradesman, a simple builder who also happened to know Credo Mutwa. This was while David Icke was still a sports commentator and long before he had even met Credo Mutwa.
The thrust of this is that Icke makes this huge deal of being a "lone voice crying in the wilderness," yet he's standing on the backs of many who came before - and there are many others who are currently doing what Icke does, right down to the ineffective "New Age"-type solutions. Yet Icke fails to acknowledge many of them, even while adopting some of their ideas as his own. Since Brian Desborough seems to have virtually "created" David Icke as we know him today, maybe he's the one behind all of this; it's hard to say.
[EDIT: Added underscore in front of url so it's not an active link]