About David Icke & James Redfield

Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Ben said:
When considering whether or not Icke is conscious of the purpose he fulfills with his disinformation, for me the most highly suspicious thing is that a seemingly intelligent man does not seem to consider or address the fact that his books are WIDELY available throughout the high street shops in the UK.

When I read some Icke books years ago I took them out of my local library. I've just checked their online records and you can still get them all. If he was such a threat I doubt my local library would be stocking his books.

Alderpax said:
I feel a bit strange thinking that David Icke may be browsing around SotT and the Cass website!

If I remember rightly I think I seem to recall in The Biggest Secret that Icke actually quotes a piece from the Cass transcripts - I can't remember exactly what the quote was about but I'm sure there was a small extract.

I'm just wondering though that because Icke denounces religions and such, but warns of a one world religion, it is out of the question that as the FOTCM gains more support that Icke will be there to vector people and warn them of this new religion....just a thought.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

[quote author=Stuart]
If I remember rightly I think I seem to recall in The Biggest Secret that Icke actually quotes a piece from the Cass transcripts - I can't remember exactly what the quote was about but I'm sure there was a small extract.

No I think maybe you're thinking of this (I'm including a small bit of what was said before and after, just to put it into context):

The Biggest Secret - p. 163 said:
He appears to have had a copy of the Book of Enoch from some source or other and he,
and the psychic Edward Kelley, developed a written language they called ‘Enochian script
or cipher’ from communications with the angels - reptilians. Dee signed his reports 007-
the same, of course, as James Bond, the stories written by a 20th century agent of this
same British Intelligence, Ian Fleming, a friend of the black magician, Aleister Crowley.
Dee travelled throughout Europe manipulating, gathering information and oiling the networks.

One of his haunts was Bohemia and he was closely associated with Emperor Rudolf II of
the reptilian Habsburg dynasty, another occultist.12 Dee was among the influential voices
who were orchestrating a policy of British expansionism which became the British Empire.
While in Prague, Dee gave Emperor Rudolph an illustrated manuscript written in code and
claimed to be the work of Roger Bacon (Roger, not Francis), the 13th century Franciscan
monk who upset the church authorities with his views and ideas. These included prophecies
about the microscope, telescope, car, submarine, aeroplane and the belief that the Earth
was a sphere and not flat. In 1912, this same manuscript was bought by an American book
dealer called Wilfred Voynich and became known as the Voynich Manuscript.

When he sent copies to the experts of the day, they said that most of the hundreds of plants
illustrated did not grow on this planet. Some of the illustrations looked like tissue seen under a
microscope and others were of star systems and constellations. The best code breakers
available to United States Intelligence in both the First and Second World Wars tried to
decipher what they called: “the most mysterious manuscript in the world”, but none of them
could do it. William Romaine Newbold, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, claimed
to have decoded some of it in 1921. He said that part of the text read:

“In a concave mirror, I saw a star in the form of a snail between the navel of Pegasus, the
girdle of Andromeda, and the head of Cassiopeia.”

What is described in the manuscript acquired by Dr John Dee is now known to be
accurate and the illustration it contains of the Andromeda nebula is also correct, but it is
depicted from an angle which cannot be seen from Earth! This manuscript is just one
example of the level of knowledge the Brotherhood were working with hundreds of
years ago while their other wing, the religions, were keeping the masses in the most
basic ignorance. In this John Dee-Francis Bacon circle were all the leading figures of
Elizabethan society, including Sir Walter Raleigh.

It may have been Francis Bacon who communicated some of the secret knowledge
‘for those who have ears’ in ciphers and symbolism in the works called the
Shakespeare plays. He, like the writers of the Old and New Testaments and the
King Arthur ‘Grail’ stories, was a high initiate of the secret mysteries communicating
through code and hidden meaning. Manly P. Hall says that Bacon indicated that he
was the true author in a series of codes.

His esoteric number was 33 and on one page in the first part of the ‘Shakespeare’
play, Henry The Fourth, the name ‘Francis’ appears 33 times. Bacon also used
watermarks in paper to transmit his symbols, as did the Rosicrucians and secret
societies in general. These included the rose and the cross and bunches of grapes
- the vine, the bloodlines.14

I didn't find any other mention in the book. The title of this book is a little bit funny, given its circulation.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Stuart said:
I'm just wondering though that because Icke denounces religions and such, but warns of a one world religion, it is out of the question that as the FOTCM gains more support that Icke will be there to vector people and warn them of this new religion....just a thought.

No matter what Icke or whoever say or do, we just cannot change it, we aren't working against others believes or intentions, we are working in favour of our destiny and all of those who will join us, isn't it?

Wherever there is a lie the FOTCM will give truth and those who will hear will hear and those who can't will not, and that is their choice not ours. Fearing something will only convert a range of endless possibilities in a structured an invariable situation. OSIT

Furthermore is the FOTCM realy a new religion?

http://paleochristianity.org/ said:
A synthesis of science and spirituality, the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind is the first and only modern reconstruction of the truly ancient PaleoChristian tradition, offering time-tested answers to the questions that have plagued the human heart and mind for all its history. In a time when true science is suppressed and the reality of spirit is denied, the Fellowship offers protection from the toxicity of modern society and programs that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The Fellowship offers a new way of life, a new future for humanity.

Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

E said:
No I think maybe you're thinking of this (I'm including a small bit of what was said before and after, just to put it into context):

That's probably it, but the thing is I could have sworn I read in one of his books where he gives a cass quote when talking about channeling, I must be mistaken but it's going to bug me where I saw that. :huh:

Ana said:
No matter what Icke or whoever say or do, we just cannot change it, we aren't working against others believes or intentions, we are working in favour of our destiny and all of those who will join us, isn't it?

Wherever there is a lie the FOTCM will give truth and those who will hear will hear and those who can't will not, and that is their choice not ours. Fearing something will only convert a range of endless possibilities in a structured an invariable situation. OSIT

Furthermore is the FOTCM realy a new religion?

Quote from: http://paleochristianity.org/
A synthesis of science and spirituality, the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind is the first and only modern reconstruction of the truly ancient PaleoChristian tradition, offering time-tested answers to the questions that have plagued the human heart and mind for all its history. In a time when true science is suppressed and the reality of spirit is denied, the Fellowship offers protection from the toxicity of modern society and programs that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The Fellowship offers a new way of life, a new future for humanity.

Rock on!

Oh absolutely! I totally agree, it just seemed how things can be seen ahead of time and with his large following he could be a big influence, but as you say: "Wherever there is a lie the FOTCM will give truth and those who will hear will hear and those who can't will not, and that is their choice not ours." :cool2:
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

[quote author=Stuart]
That's probably it, but the thing is I could have sworn I read in one of his books where he gives a cass quote when talking about channeling, I must be mistaken but it's going to bug me where I saw that. :huh:

I will do a search through all his of e-books and see if it turns up something. :)

EDIT: Just did it. Nothing turned up.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

I finally had the time to read this thread. It has really filled in many gaps in my knowledge about Icke, which wasn't that extensive before I read it. Thanks to all members who added so much data.

I've never read any of Icke's books. Most of what I knew about him was from reading here over the last 5 years or so. But a couple of years before finding the Cass site, I was discussing the 9/11 conspiracy and also the Oklahoma City bombing (and some of the similarities in these inside jobs) with a group of friends and aqcuaintances. For the most part this crowd was open to the idea that the official story is utter nonsense (a welcome rarity) but as conspiracies and how they work were being discussed, this Icke "reptilian" issue came up. I thought it was the most absurd thing I've ever heard, a really annoying distraction from the real conspiracies.

Then, when I read the Adventures and Wave series on Cass, I realized that the hyperdimensional aspect so thoroughly explicated and the working hypothesis explaining the reality we find ourselves in was the CRUCIAL missing link in explaining so many things and connecting so many dots about conspiracy throughout human history and the human and planetary condition, in general. Ever since, it's been in the back of my mind that this "reptilian" nonsense a la Icke was THE way to divert people from any hope of reaching any REAL understanding of the "terror of the situation" by taking into account the hyperdimensional aspect.

I posted on the FOTCM and Strategic Enclosure thread which grew out of this thread without having read this one. I apologize for that, because having read this thread now, I see that I really didn't add much substance in that post regarding FOTCM, and Icke / Scientology: it was pretty much a very general statement regarding Icke compared to what's been covered in this thread with much more data and detailed analysis provided. I hope that post of mine (in the other thread) had some valuable signal and not just noise.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

I'm just wondering though that because Icke denounces religions and such, but warns of a one world religion, it is out of the question that as the FOTCM gains more support that Icke will be there to vector people and warn them of this new religion....just a thought.

I don't think that he meant by one world religion FOTCM, I think that he meant that all major religions will be united in One, and I don't think FOTCM will become one world religion! He doesn't has to vector people from FOTCM(and he said it all when he said that channeling is nonsense) because his followers already have their religion, and Icke is their Messiah. ;)
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Sorry to keep beating a dead horse, but I found this online:

The Reptoid Hypothesis: Utopian and Dystopian Representational Motifs in David Icke’s
Alien Conspiracy Theory



The reason this is a recommended read (rather than to go through ALL Icke's books), is because it clearly shows how Icke mixes truth with nonsense to confuse everybody.

I'll include an example. Here he more or less states fact (at least as far as I understand the matter, oh, and Icke's reptiles are the Anunnaki)

Icke also postulates that the Anunnaki live off human fear and anxiety. They are, in a sense,
emotional vampires. Down through the ages, Icke believes, such Anunnaki have initiated
numerous blood rituals and human sacrifices. During these rituals, human victims release
large amounts of negative energy, which is then absorbed by Anunnaki waiting in the
fourth-dimension, their preferred stomping ground. To quote Icke: “Thus we have the
encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions
which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes
place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject”
(The Biggest Secret - p. 40).

But then, there's this (which I call 'the danger element'):

Icke ends each of his books with a kind of spiritual program for emancipation that can often be
found in all manner of New Age communities.
As opposed to the rational discourse of science,
which is a “fascist club,” Icke suggests that we realize and manifest multiple, overlapping
realities in our lives. These multiple, even contradictory, interpretations of the real are not simply
misunderstandings but the results of our differing positions within an overall energy field. Thus,
each narrative of reality is in fact united on a deeper level by our “multi-dimensional infinity”
(Children of the Matrix - p. 406) or “vibrational wholeness” (Children of the Matrix - p. 399). Rather than
subjectively fragmented and biologically finite beings lost in a sea of “cosmic accidents,”

Icke asserts that we are all part of a unifying, trans-dimensional force: love. This force unifies
all life in the galaxy. In fact, Icke argues, “We are the reptilians and the ‘demons’ and, at the
same time, we are those they manipulate because we are all the same ‘I’”
(Children of the
Matrix - p. 424
). In the end, therefore, it is not clear whether Icke is in fact suggesting that
reptoids are simply psychic projections and that his numerous treatises are little more than an
elaborate allegory or if he actually believes that reptoids do literally exist outside the human

Things get even more complicated when he states, “If the reptilians and other astral
manipulators did not exist, we would have to invent them. In fact we probably have. They are
other levels of ourselves putting ourselves in our face”
(Children of the Matrix - p. 423).
Whatever the case may be, Icke is clear that liberation consists of understanding that humans
and reptoids are ultimately one within a unified energy field, and that we must learn to love
the abject, horrific, and demonic “other” as part of our own humanity.

Thus, his latest work ends by declaring that his future work will no longer take on the air of
conspiratorial critique, but rather present solely a positive vision of multi-dimensional love
(Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster - p. 479-86).

?!?!?!?!... 'Nough said!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

E said:
Sorry to keep beating a dead horse, but I found this online:

The Reptoid Hypothesis: Utopian and Dystopian Representational Motifs in David Icke’s
Alien Conspiracy Theory



The reason this is a recommended read (rather than to go through ALL Icke's books), is because it clearly shows how Icke mixes truth with nonsense to confuse everybody.

The Icke horse isn't quite dead yet. So any new relevant info is great. :) The authors of that document do an excellent job of describing Icke's concepts - probably better than most of his followers could. But I kind of cringed as I read some of it, because they tend to reduce all of Icke's ideas to a psychological profile - a profile which Laura and most of us would also fall under, according to them. The authors do a good job of being fair to Icke despite their bias, but since they dismiss the possibility that there could be some esoteric Truths buried under his ideas, they can't see any value other than an allegory to help stimulate social change. But even with all that said, it was a very valuable look at exactly what Icke teaches and how it draws in people of all kinds. So the article shows both sides of Icke's danger - for those he attracts and those he repels.

[quote author=E]

But then, there's this (which I call 'the danger element'):

Icke ends each of his books with a kind of spiritual program for emancipation that can often be
found in all manner of New Age communities.
As opposed to the rational discourse of science,
which is a “fascist club,” Icke suggests that we realize and manifest multiple, overlapping
realities in our lives. These multiple, even contradictory, interpretations of the real are not simply
misunderstandings but the results of our differing positions within an overall energy field. Thus,
each narrative of reality is in fact united on a deeper level by our “multi-dimensional infinity”
(Children of the Matrix - p. 406) or “vibrational wholeness” (Children of the Matrix - p. 399). Rather than
subjectively fragmented and biologically finite beings lost in a sea of “cosmic accidents,”

Icke asserts that we are all part of a unifying, trans-dimensional force: love. This force unifies
all life in the galaxy. In fact, Icke argues, “We are the reptilians and the ‘demons’ and, at the
same time, we are those they manipulate because we are all the same ‘I’”
(Children of the
Matrix - p. 424
). In the end, therefore, it is not clear whether Icke is in fact suggesting that
reptoids are simply psychic projections and that his numerous treatises are little more than an
elaborate allegory or if he actually believes that reptoids do literally exist outside the human

Things get even more complicated when he states, “If the reptilians and other astral
manipulators did not exist, we would have to invent them. In fact we probably have. They are
other levels of ourselves putting ourselves in our face”
(Children of the Matrix - p. 423).
Whatever the case may be, Icke is clear that liberation consists of understanding that humans
and reptoids are ultimately one within a unified energy field, and that we must learn to love
the abject, horrific, and demonic “other” as part of our own humanity.

Thus, his latest work ends by declaring that his future work will no longer take on the air of
conspiratorial critique, but rather present solely a positive vision of multi-dimensional love
(Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster - p. 479-86).

?!?!?!?!... 'Nough said!

Indeed. This really shows how Icke basically twists seventh-density concepts, then applies them directly to 3D as the supposed knowledge that leads to enlightenment. Never mind that while asleep in 3D we really are "subjectively fragmented and biologically finite beings lost in a sea of 'cosmic accidents'." And never mind the dual polarities of the Cosmos; "evil" is just an illusion and even STS is evolving towards love and light. Yikes... Just this small example you posted shows how simplistic and wrong Icke's "solution" is. And yes, it's very dangerous. It contains so many similarities to the Truth that at first glance it almost feels like he's right. I used to think Icke was close to the Truth; it turns out his ideas are just artificially "truth-flavored" - no nutritional value and full of harmful chemicals. But it TASTES like Truth to those who have never tasted the real thing. And it's so addictive and extreme that the real thing looks unappealing by comparison. Which of these sounds better as esoteric "food" to the average seeker: "a positive vision of multi-dimensional love" or "hard work and intentional suffering?" In the end it seems that Icke has more in common with Ronald McDonald than with Laura Knight-Jadczyk. :lol:
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Alderpax said:
But I kind of cringed as I read some of it, because they tend to reduce all of Icke's ideas to a psychological profile - a profile which Laura and most of us would also fall under, according to them.

Oh yes, I should maybe have mentioned that as well. It's maybe a good thing that they are so disposed, since as you said, to see both sides of Icke's danger - for those he attracts and those he repels.

As you also mentioned, the Icke horse isn't quite dead yet, since it looks like he's actually gaining momentum. He announced at some point that he was going to stop travelling and speaking in public, because he was taking strain, but it looks like that's something of the past.

...Ronald McDonald? :) :huh:
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

E said:
As you also mentioned, the Icke horse isn't quite dead yet, since it looks like he's actually gaining momentum. He announced at some point that he was going to stop travelling and speaking in public, because he was taking strain, but it looks like that's something of the past.

Maybe he was planning to stop, but his "handlers" changed his mind? I also noticed that Icke hasn't stuck with his decision to focus on mostly Love and Light. He still mainly talks about conspiracies and royal bloodlines. But he does seem to have shifted away from emphasis on the reptilians, somewhat.

[quote author=E]

...Ronald McDonald? :) :huh:


Yes, as in he's pushing mental/spiritual "junk food" on people, causing them to lose their taste for the real thing. Plus he does it with lots of flashy style and charisma (plus his detractors basically portray him as a ridiculous "clown"). It's kind of a clumsy analogy, I suppose. It is interesting though how the principle of processed junk can apply to many areas. The PTB and 4D STS poison and weaken us on every possible level with fake versions of healthy things - and for most, the false versions "taste" more appealing than the genuine. Many of us here used to enjoy Icke's "Happy Meals," but Laura and the C's have helped us develop a taste for real food. And I'm very grateful for that.

So to take the fast food analogy a bit further, if David Icke is Ronald McDonald, maybe Alex Jones is the Burger King. :P
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

OH! That clown! Sorry, we don't do Macdonalds! ;) ...but now I also know that clown has a name!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

E said:
OH! That clown! Sorry, we don't do Macdonalds! ;) ...but now I also know that clown has a name!

I never considered that you may not know who he is. Now I understand why you were confused. :lol: I apologize for making assumptions.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

E said:
I only do local! My own tiny little boycott! ;)

Good for you. :) I'm starting to go that direction myself, nowdays. There's a nice food co-op and a couple small local restaurants near where I live. I was pretty much raised on McDonald's throughout my childhood, so that cursed clown's been seared into my brain. But at least now I can choose where I eat and shop. :D
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