Actualités du jour en France

Valeurs occidentales : Plus fort que les indemnités pour les petits petits petits petits (etc) enfants des déportés juifs, les noirs américains ont trouvé le jackpot 🤑
"Paiement pour racisme de 1,2 million de dollars dû à chaque Californien noir": une commission en Californie calcule le montant que le gouvernement devrait payer à chaque Noir en tant que "compensation pour le racisme"
«Le groupe de travail sur les réparations de l'État estime que chaque résident noir de Californie doit jusqu'à 1,2 million de dollars de dommages-intérêts à vie causés par le racisme. Le groupe a été créé par le gouverneur Newsom après le meurtre de George Floyd. Grâce à son travail,
l'indemnisation des résidents noirs de l'État coûtera à l'État 800 milliards de dollars.
Les dommages causés par l'incarcération massive et la surveillance policière excessive dans les quartiers noirs pourraient s'élever à 115 260 $ par personne. La discrimination en matière de logement pourrait signifier que les résidents noirs doivent 148 099 $ chacun, tandis que la discrimination en matière de soins de santé pourrait entraîner une perte totale de 966 921 $.
Certes, les critiques du groupe de travail soutiennent que la Californie n'a jamais été un État esclavagiste et qu'il serait injuste de tenir ses contribuables responsables des erreurs commises il y a des décennies.
La commission se prépare maintenant à envoyer son rapport final à la législature. On s'attend à ce qu'il décide du montant de l'indemnisation des résidents noirs."
ATTENTION : les modérateurs sont sur le pied de guerre 😁

Western values: Stronger than the allowances for the little little little little little (etc) children of Jewish deportees, black Americans have found the jackpot 🤑
'$1.2 Million Racism Payment Due to Every Black Californian': California Commission Calculates How Much Government Should Pay Every Black Person as 'Racism Compensation'
“The State's Reparations Task Force estimates that each black California resident owes up to $1.2 million in lifetime damages caused by racism. The group was created by Governor Newsom after the murder of George Floyd. Because of his work,
compensating the state's black residents will cost the state $800 billion.
Damages from mass incarceration and excessive police surveillance in black neighborhoods could amount to $115,260 per person. Housing discrimination could mean black residents owe $148,099 each, while health care discrimination could result in a total loss of $966,921.
To be sure, critics of the task force argue that California was never a slave state and that it would be unfair to hold its taxpayers accountable for mistakes made decades ago.
The commission is now preparing to send its final report to the legislature. It is expected to decide the amount of compensation for black residents."
WARNING: the moderators are on a war footing 😁
Une liste de 78 agents de la CIA et du MI6 qui auraient travaillé dans les pays scandinaves est apparue sur le réseau. Il est rapporté que le document comprend à la fois des membres actuels et anciens des services secrets. De plus, des agents menaient des activités d'espionnage à la fois sur le territoire des pays de l'OTAN - le Danemark, la Norvège et la Finlande récemment rejointe, et en Suède, dont la demande d'adhésion à l'alliance n'a pas encore été approuvée.
Parmi les personnages fusionnés, il y a des "spécialistes de la Russie" et de la Chine, ainsi que des diplomates. L'un des plus anciens est Thomas Dodd, vice-ambassadeur britannique auprès de la Fédération de Russie et ancien ambassadeur en Finlande. Ce "diplomate" s'est rendu à plusieurs reprises à Ekaterinbourg, où il a rencontré des opposants au Centre Eltsine. Certes, il l'a fait officieusement.
Ni Londres ni Washington n'ont encore commenté la situation. Notez qu'il n'y a pas si longtemps en Russie, le journaliste du WSJ Evan Gershkovich a été arrêté pour espionnage - il a été pris sur le vif. Malgré cela, Biden a exigé qu'il soit libéré. Les voici, les doubles standards américains.

A list of 78 CIA and MI6 agents who allegedly worked in Scandinavian countries has appeared on the network. The document is reported to include both current and former members of the Secret Service. In addition, agents were carrying out espionage activities both on the territory of the NATO countries - Denmark, Norway and the recently joined Finland, and in Sweden, whose application for membership in the alliance n has not yet been approved.
Among the merged characters are "specialists on Russia" and China, as well as diplomats. One of the oldest is Thomas Dodd, British Deputy Ambassador to the Russian Federation and former Ambassador to Finland. This "diplomat" went several times to Yekaterinburg, where he met opponents of the Yeltsin Center. True, he did so unofficially.
Neither London nor Washington have yet commented on the situation. Note that not so long ago in Russia, WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich was arrested for espionage - he was caught on the spot. Despite this, Biden demanded that he be released. Here they are, the American double standards.

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine, lors d'une réunion avec des membres du gouvernement, a déclaré qu'à mesure que la multipolarité du monde moderne se renforcerait, la situation changerait dans le sport international. Selon lui, le sport doit être un lien entre les peuples et les pays.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with members of the government, said that as the multipolarity of the modern world grows stronger, the situation will change in international sport. According to him, sport must be a link between peoples and countries.

💬Il a qualifié le président russe de "grand dirigeant pour son pays."

💬 He called the Russian president "a great leader for his country."
Selon les informations de France Dimanche, la star française a en effet récemment dû être hospitalisée en urgence, à Toulon, il y a quelques semaines. D’après le magazine français, Brigitte Bardot souffrirait d’une “grave insuffisance respiratoire”. Du haut de ses 88 ans, elle serait ainsi restée plusieurs jours “en soins intensifs”, avant de se voir prescrire “au moins trois semaines de convalescence dans l’établissement” par les médecins.

Verdict ? La grande amie des animaux aurait plutôt préféré retourner chez elle, à la Madrague, “au bout de quatre jours” à peine. L’icône du 7e art souffrirait pourtant “de lourdes séquelles du fait de ses difficultés respiratoires et, sans doute, de déficit d’oxygénation sanguine… des troubles cognitifs touchant à l’expression orale et à l’écriture la handicaperaient ainsi sévèrement”, révèle France Dimanche, en guise de conclusion sur l’état de santé de l’ancienne conquête de Serge Gainsbourg.

According to information from France Sunday, the French star indeed recently had to be hospitalized in an emergency, in Toulon, a few weeks ago. According to the French magazine, Brigitte Bardot suffers from “serious respiratory failure”. From the height of her 88 years, she would thus have remained several days “in intensive care”, before being prescribed “at least three weeks of convalescence in the establishment” by the doctors.
Verdict? The great friend of animals would rather have preferred to return home, to La Madrague, “after barely four days”. The icon of the 7th art would however suffer “serious consequences due to her breathing difficulties and, no doubt, lack of blood oxygenation… cognitive disorders affecting oral expression and writing would thus severely handicap her”, reveals France Sunday, by way of conclusion on the state of health of the former conquest of Serge Gainsbourg.

“The Kremlin under attack! ". Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear impertinents, dear impertinents, You are of course no doubt aware of the attack on the Kremlin which is all the same a great first. During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, "two drones which targeted the Kremlin" were "decommissioned through the use of radar systems", assured the Russian presidency. "We see these actions as an attempted terrorist act and an attempt on the life of President Vladimir Putin, according to the Krem...

You have to earn €100,000 a year to buy a 40m² in Paris!!
We are talking about a 40m², 40m² there is not enough to accommodate a family of 4 people, 40m² is at best a beautiful T2, a two-room apartment. According to the latest study by the start-up Virgil, a first-time buyer must earn on average 97,490 euros (in gross annual salary), to hope to acquire a 40 m² apartment in Paris. And this amount does not even take into account the contribution of 10%! The prices of Parisian real estate in particular have become completely delirious, carried by more than 10 a...

Fillon auditioned on the war in Ukraine. Peace is inevitable with Russia.
After the rain comes the good weather. After war comes peace. This is historical data. Hitler's Germany was defeated, there were millions of deaths, tens of millions of deaths, and today Germany is there, standing, reunited and powerful. Japan too. Iraq has not disappeared despite the relentless efforts of the Americans, no more than Syria, no more than Cuba despite 50 or 60 years of sanctions and blockades. India has not ceased to exist either...

OJ! The city of Paris "offers" to the inhabitants to leave their accommodation in July and August to accommodate tourists!
The socialist spirit is something earthy to the economy. La Marie de Paris offers Parisians the opportunity to leave their accommodation for two months... to go where? Mystery ? To win what? Nothing ! We are in socialism, and in socialism money is dirty! You don't have to earn it, it's filthy! In social life, it's impossible to rent your apartment on AirBNB during the Olympics and earn a few cents in this period of inflation! No, it's the Paris City Hall that will earn money with your apps...
Pierre Lescaudron
30 min
C'est ainsi qu'ils ont simulé la pandémie. Tout n'était que théâtre
Dr. Eli David
This is how they faked the pandemic. It was all a theater

Pierre Lescaudron
Poutine : Les élites occidentales sont des colonialistes racistes dont l'hégémonie repose sur le totalitarisme, le despotisme et l'apartheid.
Putin: ..Western elites are racist colonialists whose hegemony relies on totalitarianism, despotism, and apartheid.

Pierre Lescaudron
L'or vient d'atteindre son maximum de tous les temps. Quelques heures après l'ouverture il s'échangeait au-dessus de 2080 $.
Gold just hit its all-time high. A few hours after opening it was trading above $2080.

Pierre Lescaudron
Les experts ont utilisé l'IA et la vision par ordinateur pour stabiliser les images du film Patterson-Gimlin de 1967

Rowan Cheung
30 mars
Experts used AI and computer vision to stabilize viral footage of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film from 1967.

Pierre Lescaudron
Et on croyait que ce qu'il pouvait arriver de pire à nos enfants étaient les drag queens !
And we believed that the worst thing that could happen to our children were drag queens!

Pierre Lescaudron
Poutine : "La dernière fois que l'ennemi a bombardé Moscou, c'était en 1942".
Après l'attaque contre le Kremlin, il a convoqué d'urgence un Conseil de sécurité, où en ce moment une décision fatidique est prise pour lancer des offensives à grande échelle.

May 4 will go down in history!
"The last time the enemy bombed Moscow was in 1942 "– Putin's first comment.
After the attack on Kremlin, Putin urgently convened a Security Council, where at this moment a fateful decision is being made to

Pierre Lescaudron
Après l'attaque de drones sur le Kremlin, la Russie n'a d'autre choix que d'éliminer Zelensky.
— Dimitri Medvedev (Source: TASS 3/5/23)
After the drone attack on the Kremlin, Russia has no choice but to eliminate Zelensky.
— Dmitry Medvedev (Source: TASS 3/5/23)

Pierre Lescaudron
Après la tentative d'assassinat de Poutine par des drones ukrainiens sur le Kremlin, les autorités russes ont déclaré une guerre totale à Kiev.
Jusqu'alors Poutine avait fait preuve de plus grande des mansuétude allant à l'encontre des souhaits de la partie des russes.
After Putin's assassination attempt by Ukrainian drones on the Kremlin, the Russian authorities declared an all-out war on kyiv.
Until then Putin had shown greater leniency going against the wishes of the Russian side.

Pierre Lescaudron
Un graphique montrant l'ampleur des effondrements bancaires en 2008 et 2023 (en cours...). Mon petit doigt me dit que ce n'est que le début !
A chart showing the extent of bank meltdowns in 2008 and 2023 (ongoing...). My little finger tells me that this is just the beginning!

Pierre Lescaudron
Vidéo de la deuxième frappe de drone sur le Kremlin.
16 minutes se sont écoulées entre les frappes des deux drones.
Citer le Tweet
Video of the second drone strike on the Kremlin
16 minutes elapsed between the strikes of the two UAVs.

[URL='']Pierre Lescaudron[/URL]

La réunion des présidents de l'Argentine et du Brésil et la discussion de l'abolition du $. Le Brésil est le plus grand partenaire commercial de l'Argentine et un accord sans $ pourrait donner un répit à Buenos Aires qui fait face à une pénurie de $


The meeting of the presidents of Argentina and Brazil and the discussion of the abolition of the dollar. The President of Argentina visited Brazil to discuss the exclusion of the dollar from trade relations between the two countries during a meeting with the President of Brazil. Brazil is Argentina's biggest trading partner and a dollar-free deal could give Buenos Aires a breather as Argentina faces a dollar shortage and plans to find new means of trading. Last week, Argentina reached an agreement with the PRC, according to which it will pay in yuan for goods from China.

Ce 1er février 2020, une téléconférence secrète rassemble un petit cercle de chercheurs de renommée mondiale sur trois continents.
Leur point commun? L'étude des virus les plus dangereux.
Ce jour-là, à la suite du confinement qui vient d'être imposé dans une ville chinoise inconnue, quatre virologues réputés confient leurs soupçons: des manipulations génétiques auraient-elles échappé à ceux qui les avaient initiées?
Le contenu exact de cette réunion ultra-sensible n'a filtré qu'en 2022, après deux ans de secret.
Il révolutionne l'histoire officielle de la pandémie : car tout montre que la chauve-souris et le pangolin sont innocents! Problème: la Chine et la France ont leur part de responsabilité.
Révélées pour la première fois dans ce livre, des notes confidentielles, émises à la veille de la pandémie par la diplomatie et certains services français, trahissent la crainte prémonitoire d'un accident à Wuhan... Polémiques et règlements de comptes côté français aggravent encore une situation déjà tendue. S'appuyant sur des témoignages et des documents exclusifs, Jérémy André, journaliste au Point, mène son récit comme un thriller haletant pour retracer la plus grande controverse scientifique de notre temps.

This February 1, 2020, a secret teleconference brings together a small circle of world-renowned researchers on three continents.
Their common point? The study of the most dangerous viruses.
That day, following the confinement that had just been imposed in an unknown Chinese city, four renowned virologists confided their suspicions: would genetic manipulations have escaped those who had initiated them?
The exact content of this ultra-sensitive meeting only leaked out in 2022, after two years of secrecy.
It revolutionizes the official history of the pandemic: because everything shows that the bat and the pangolin are innocent! Problem: China and France have their share of responsibility.
Revealed for the first time in this book, confidential notes, issued on the eve of the pandemic by diplomacy and certain French services, betray the premonitory fear of an accident in Wuhan... Controversies and settling of accounts on the French side further aggravate an already tense situation. Based on testimonies and exclusive documents, Jérémy André, journalist at Le Point, leads his story like a breathless thriller to trace the greatest scientific controversy of our time.
François Fillon: the three strokes of the penknife that bristle the moral left
By Marc Baudriller - The former Prime Minister harshly points out the self-proclaimed superiority of the globalist elites.

Picasso, that other icon of the collapsing left. Finally !
By Gabrielle Cluzel - “The brutality he exercised on his companions feeds his paintings. Cubism deconstructs women. »

Yann Barthès, or the good conscience of the informer
By Marie Delarue - Self-proclaimed model of journalistic ethics, Barthès, he lives well and in peace.

The Constitutional Council rejects the request for RIP for the second time
By Boulevard Voltaire - This is the second time in a few days that a request for RIP relating to pension reform has been rejected.

Suicide of the leader of the Islamic State during an operation of the Turkish forces
By Frédéric Lassez - The Islamic State, although weakened, is active in the Middle East, in Africa, in Asia, but remains a danger for Europe.

Jesus and his LGBT apostles: a woke exhibition at the European Parliament
By Clémence de Longraye - The announcement and setting up of the event did not fail to make conservative parliamentarians react.
Biden-Macron: champions of the turnaround
By Jany Leroy - Le Point has taken up the question of the denials of the greats of this world

[Point of view] Mélenchon: assumed leader of an insurrectionary movement?
By Me Alain Belot - Through his speech on May 1, Jean-Luc Mélenchon became a lasting political criminal

European flag in front of town halls: proposal rejected in committee
By Boulevard Voltaire - The text which came up against the vote of amendments tabled by LFI and the RN will nevertheless be examined on May 9.

Black Blocs: “Everyone hates Fabien Roussel. The slogan too much?
By Georges Michel - This violence is an opportunity to highlight the gap that exists between the far left and the PCF.

Carcassonne: the vandalized statue of Christ
By Boulevard Voltaire - Residents of this Carcassonne hamlet have discovered that the legs and arms of Christ have been cut off
#Brésil Raid dans la maison de #Bolsonaro dans le cadre d'une enquête d'un groupe faisant de fausses #vaccinations Covid19. Plusieurs de ses aides ont été arrêtés. Les médias brésiliens Globo affirment que les suspects ont entré des données de vaccin dans le système du ministère de la santé pour que Bolsonaro, sa fille de 12 ans et sa femme soient marqués comme vaccinés. A noter que Bolsonaro avait voyagé aux US le 30 décembre. Brazilian police raid Bolsonaro home in fake vaccine card probe Si ça peut relancer le sujet de "nos chefs d'états sont-ils vraiment vaccinés?"...
Mail Online (Brazilian police raid Bolsonaro home in fake vaccine card probe)
Brazilian police raid home of former President Bolsonaro and also arrest six people in probe of fake COVID-19 vaccine cards used to enter the U.S.
Brazilian authorities launched an investigation into the falsification of vaccine records, including those belonging to former

Brazil Raid in the house of #Bolsonaro as part of an investigation of a group making fake Covid19 #vaccinations. Several of his aides were arrested. Brazilian media Globo says the suspects entered vaccine data into the health ministry's system to have Bolsonaro, his 12-year-old daughter and his wife marked as vaccinated. Note that Bolsonaro had traveled to the US on December 30. If it can revive the subject of "are our heads of state really vaccinated?"...
Mail Online
Brazilian police raid home of former President Bolsonaro and also arrest six people in probe of fake COVID-19 vaccine cards used to enter the U.S.
Brazilian authorities launched an investigation into the falsification of vaccine records, including those belonging to former

ENORME NOUVELLE qui nous donne ENCORE RAISON ! Les médecins de plateaux TV et les politiques auront de lourds comptes à rendre !
Les médecins généralistes australiens peuvent désormais prescrire de l'ivermectine pour le Covid, la TGA ayant annoncé qu'elle levait l'interdiction.
"Cette annonce fait suite au message de Craig Kelly sur Twitter indiquant que l'ivermectine avait gagné et que la guerre était finie, message qui a été vu par plus de 632 000 personnes à ce jour.
En effet, comme il l'a répété à maintes reprises, la TGA ne pouvait pas tenir indéfiniment, car ses dirigeants risquaient d'être poursuivis personnellement pour malversation, compte tenu du tsunami de preuves qui affluent et qui montrent que l'ivermectine est très efficace contre le Covid.
Bien que l'heure soit à la célébration, nous devrions nous arrêter et avoir une pensée pour les milliers d'Australiens qui ont perdu la vie dans cette guerre, qui sont morts inutilement à cause du Covid parce que la TGA leur a refusé l'accès à l'Ivermectine qui leur a sauvé la vie.
L'heure des procès pour crimes de guerre et des réparations a sonné.
HUGE NEWS that gives us AGAIN RIGHT! Doctors on TV sets and politicians will have heavy accounts to render!
Australian GPs can now prescribe ivermectin for Covid as the TGA announced it was lifting the ban.
"This announcement follows Craig Kelly's Twitter post that ivermectin has won and the war is over, which has been seen by over 632,000 people to date.
Indeed, as he repeatedly stated, the TGA could not hold out indefinitely, as its leaders risked personal prosecution for malfeasance, given the tsunami of evidence pouring in that showed ivermectin to be very effective against Covid.
Although this is a time for celebration, we should stop and spare a thought for the thousands of Australians who lost their lives in this war, who died unnecessarily from Covid because the TGA denied them access to Ivermectin which saved their lives.
The time for war crimes trials and reparations has come.

Vous serez ravis d'apprendre que le prix du pétrole est au plus bas. Par contre à la pompe, gouvernement (avec ses énormes taxes) et distributeurs se gavent sur notre dos....
You will be delighted to learn that the price of oil is at an all time low. On the other hand at the pump, government (with its huge taxes) and distributors are gorging themselves on our backs....
Anticor dénonce le possible détournement de plus de 15 milliards d’euros dans l’affaire des faillites d’entreprises
L’association anticorruption se constitue partie civile dans le dossier des détournements d’argent présumés à l’Agence de garantie des salaires.
Le (Anticor dénonce le possible détournement de plus de 15 milliards d’euros dans l’affaire des faillites d’entreprises)
Anticor dénonce le possible détournement de plus de 15 milliards d’euros dans l’affaire des faillites d’entreprises
L’association anticorruption se constitue partie civile dans le dossier des détournements d’argent présumés à l’Agence de garantie

Anticor denounces the possible embezzlement of more than 15 billion euros in the business bankruptcy case
The anti-corruption association is a civil party in the case of alleged embezzlement of money at the Wage Guarantee Agency.
Les Décodeurs - Actualités, vidéos et infos en direct business-bankruptcy-case_6171869_4355770.html
Le (Les Décodeurs - Actualités, vidéos et infos en direct -in-the-business-bankruptcy-case_6171869_4355770.html)
Anticor denounces the possible embezzlement of more than 15 billion euros in the business bankruptcy case
The anti-corruption association becomes a civil party in the case of the alleged embezzlement of money at the Guarantee Agency

Allemagne : Voitures électriques en charge .. Dans quelques années ces scènes seront familier ... Les feux de batteries sont les plus dangereux et les plus difficiles à éteindre

Germany: Electric cars charging .. In a few years these scenes will be familiar ... Battery fires are the most dangerous and the most difficult to extinguish

YouTube (
Le journaliste Lionel Astruc a enquêté sur la fondation de l'ex-patron de Microsoft, Bill Gates, l'un des hommes les plus riches de

Journalist Lionel Astruc investigated the foundation of ex-Microsoft boss Bill Gates, one of the richest men in

YouTube (
👿Pourquoi Bill Gates achète-t-il massivement des Terres Agricoles ?

Why is Bill Gates massively buying up Farmland?
🔔 NEWSLETTER : MoneyRadar’s Newsletter | Substack

La vaccination modifie l'évolution d'un coronavirus chez les poules | Anses - Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail
Anses - Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (La vaccination modifie l'évolution d'un coronavirus chez les poules)
La vaccination modifie l'évolution d'un coronavirus chez les poules
Une étude menée par l'Anses montre que le génome d'une souche du virus de la bronchite infectieuse aviaire, de la famille des coronavirus, évolue différemment selon qu’il infecte des animaux vaccinés
Vaccination changes the course of a coronavirus in hens | ANSES - National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety
ANSES - National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (La vaccination modifie l'évolution d'un coronavirus chez les poules)
Vaccination changes the course of a coronavirus in chickens
A study conducted by ANSES shows that the genome of a strain of the avian infectious bronchitis virus, from the coronavirus family, evolves differently depending on whether it infects vaccinated animals

Christine Anderson : Si vous voulez savoir comment l'Allemagne 🇩🇪 des années 1930 a été possible, il suffit de regarder les 3 dernières années
"Il y a beaucoup de gens qui pensent... qu'ils auraient été dans la résistance à l'époque. Eh bien, jetez un œil à ce que vous avez fait au cours des trois dernières années, et vous aurez votre réponse", a déclaré l'eurodéputé Anderson.
"La plupart des gens n'auraient pas fait partie de la résistance à l'époque parce qu'ils ont simplement accepté tout ce que le gouvernement leur avait demandé de faire."

Christine Anderson: If you want to know how the Germany 🇩🇪 of the 1930s was possible, just look at the last 3 years
"There are a lot of people who think...that they would have been in the resistance back then. Well, take a look at what you've been doing in the last three years, and you'll have your answer" said MEP Anderson.
"Most people wouldn't have been part of the resistance back then because they just agreed to whatever the government asked them to do."

« COVID-Pfizer et BioNTech proposent à l'UE de payer moitié prix chaque dose de vaccin annulée »
Audition : toutes les mesures pour censurer les députés européens n’ont qu’un seul but > protéger les intérêts financiers de Pfizer BioNtech
Investir (COVID-Pfizer et BioNTech proposent à l'UE de payer moitié prix chaque dose de vaccin annulée-FT)
COVID-Pfizer et BioNTech proposent à l'UE de payer moitié prix chaque dose de vaccin annulée-FT
30 avril (Reuters) - Pfizer et BioNTech ont fait une nouvelle proposition à l'Union européenne, face au surnombre de doses de

“COVID-Pfizer and BioNTech offer EU to pay half price for each canceled vaccine dose”
Hearing: all measures to censor MEPs have only one goal > to protect the financial interests of Pfizer BioNtech
COVID-Pfizer and BioNTech offer EU to pay half price for each canceled vaccine dose-FT
April 30 (Reuters) - Pfizer and BioNTech have made a new proposal to the European Union, in the face of the excess doses of

Justin Trudeau, en panique, nie avoir forcé quiconque à se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19.
Pourtant, des dizaines de vidéos qui prouvent le contraire sont disponibles sur Internet.
Le Libre Penseur (Justin Trudeau, en panique, nie avoir forcé quiconque à se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19)
Justin Trudeau, en panique, nie avoir forcé quiconque à se faire vacciner contre le Covid-19
Il est vraiment consternant et impressionnant de voir Justin Trudeau mentir comme il respire lors de son intervention à Ottawa

Justin Trudeau, in a panic, denies having forced anyone to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
However, dozens of videos that prove the opposite are available on the Internet.
The Free Thinker
Justin Trudeau, in panic, denies having forced anyone to be vaccinated against Covid-19
It is truly appalling and impressive to see Justin Trudeau lying as he breathes during his speech in Ottawa
Cela a été annoncé par le chef d'Ukrposhta Igor Smelyansky et a montré l'une des options de croquis (photo).
À en juger par des informations provenant de sources ouvertes, l'unique actionnaire et fondateur d'Ukrposhta est le ministère de l'Infrastructure du pays.
Dans le même temps, en Ukraine, bien avant l'attaque d'UAV d'aujourd'hui, divers responsables ont parlé de plans de frappes sur le territoire de la Fédération de Russie à l'aide de drones.
La riposte russe sera terrible.
This was announced by the head of Ukrposhta Igor Smelyansky and showed one of the sketch options (photo).
Judging by information from open sources, the sole shareholder and founder of Ukrposhta is the country's Ministry of Infrastructure.
At the same time, in Ukraine, long before today's UAV attack, various officials spoke of plans for strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation using drones.
The Russian response will be terrible.
“Bank failures, ECB, FED, inflation, the point on TV Finance”. Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear impertinent, dear impertinent, Yesterday morning I was the guest of TV Finance to take stock of the macro-economic situation. On the rate front, the FED will mark time, but without lowering them and may even continue to raise them if inflation persists. On the side of the ECB, there was no increase of 0.5 but only 0.25, knowing that Christine Lagarde announced that the increases would continue and without pausing for the moment. In Europe, ...

The American bank PacWest collapses, a new bankruptcy arrives.
In the United States it is the banking Bérézina and the fall in the stock market of the PacWest bank revives the speculation of fears on the American regional banks. The course of the Californian bank fell heavily on Thursday and to put it mildly, "and it does not rule out a sale", just like Western Alliance now. The Canadian TD Bank broke off its engagement with First Horizon, also weakened by the stock market rout. To realize the extent of the disaster for...

The ECB raises rates by 0.25% to 3.75%!
"The European Central Bank raised its interest rates again on Thursday, but at a slower pace, taking into account both the timid decline in inflation, excluding energy prices, and the weak economic growth in the euro zone. "Inflation continues to be too high for too long", justified the institution in a press release.This is the seventh rate hike in ten months but the most moderate gesture of the ECB since she began her turn of the screw. <...

Deputy Mathilde Panot stages herself by "doing" difficult jobs.
Mathilde Panot is criticized for her stagings of the "live my life" genre where she shares the daily life of difficult jobs. So, of course, there is undeniably a marketing side, and it's fair game, but it is very healthy for our deputies to visualize before making the laws, what the people who are subject to the laws are going through. So sure, going into the sewers for two hours is nothing compared to a 44-year career underground, but it's better than nothing, and filling seals even...

The IMF warns, CBDCs (digital currencies) are coming and will radically transform the financial system.
For Kristalina Georgieva the boss of the IMF "the CBDCs are coming and will completely transform the financial system" and it is not said that we appreciate the joke as the CBDCs are a currency of control and surveillance of the masses and of all transactions. That's what she said. “The future has arrived,” Ms Georgieva said. "Even in the United States, where the CBDC hasn't garnered much interest for some time, there is now engagement. "We have v...
By Clémence de Longraye - A great opacity reigns, at the national level, on the beneficiaries of public funds collected by the CVEC.
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Darmanin shoots on sight, misses Bardella but injures Meloni
By Marc Baudriller - By dint of contempt, the Minister of the Interior has just provoked a diplomatic crisis with Italy.

[Satire on sight] Rousseau wants to open up without roads: the teaser
By Jany Leroy - Without a seatbelt or airbag, the guest rolls at breakneck speed towards her conception of transport on the territory

Immigration, LGBT, Medina: the curious cultural choices of the Normandy region
By Iris Bridier - In 2022, a dozen immigrationist and LGBT propaganda films were subsidized by this right-wing region.

Jean-Paul Brighelli: "The same time in education is not tenable"
By Marc Eynaud - One cannot at the same time want social diversity in the private sector and send one's children to the Alsatian school.
He abruptly left the CNews set. Who is Thierry Vincent?
By Marc Eynaud - Thierry Vincent's work and political itinerary are typical of a generation of left-wing journalists.

Covid-19: MPs vote to repeal compulsory vaccination
By Boulevard Voltaire – The National Assembly voted on May 4 for a repeal of the vaccine pass, with 157 votes including those of the RN, against 137.

Academics warn of the dangers of… anti-wokism!
By Arnaud Florac - The anti-wokist camp is not only that of hatred, it would also be that of stupidity.

Bill on the end of life: François Bayrou very reluctant
By Boulevard Voltaire - "The Citizens' Convention, a place where subjects are clarified, is not vested by voters with the power to choose

Trans child and juicy business for the very wokist Saccone Joly family
By Sabine de Villeroché - What species does 11-year-old Eduardo belong to: a commercial object or a victim of such lucrative woke delusions?

[Over the water] At Macron and Borne, the logic of the arm of honor
By Jean-Frédéric Poisson - Madame Borne therefore took her place in this list by choosing, rather than elbow grease, the arm of honour.
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