Actualités du jour en France

Faced with the drama of Mayotte, the left in freewheel
By Marc Eynaud - The trouble is that the Mahorais themselves reject the reading grid of this "anti-racist" left

Sure, Elisabeth Borne will do in 100 days what she did not do in 2,000!
By Nicolas Gauthier - A summary of these good resolutions taken, one morning with a hangover, the day after New Year's Eve.

Ahmed, rapist: just a good person...
By Arnaud Florac - The impudence of the rapists, the elements of language of the defense, the contempt for the victims are of a desperate banality

Parisians worried about the redevelopment of the surroundings of Notre-Dame de Paris
By Kevin Tanguy - After the cathedral fire, the Paris City Hall organized a call for tenders to modify the forecourt of Notre-Dame
Employees complain of Islamic entryism in an Amazon warehouse
By Clémence de Longraye - Rather than settle and clarify the situation, it seems that Amazon has chosen the path of laissez-faire.

Sébastien-Hanouna facing Yann Barthès: France from below against France from above
By Georges Michel - The interpreter of "Ah if you could shut your mouth" has no intention of closing his own.

Immigration bill pushed back to fall
By Boulevard Voltaire - "Now is not the time to launch a debate on a subject that could divide the country", declares Élisabeth Borne

The left claims exclusive ownership of ecology and its dogmas!
By Marie Delarue - Question: “Are ecology and the far right compatible? Can a transpartisan ecology exist? »
Bernard Carayon attacks: “We claim the right to self-determination! »
By Marc Baudriller - “The zadists and their bourgeois green allies take us for rednecks! »

Closing of special diets: for a handful of canards…
By Éric Letty - The law which the government gave birth to with forceps on April 14 provides for the "closure" of certain special regimes.

Italy: a network of migrant smugglers to France dismantled
By Boulevard Voltaire - Prices ranged from 200 to 1,200€ for migrants wishing to come to France
Le Japon enlève toutes ses mesures de contrôle de frontières plus tôt que prévu, et classe le #Covid19 comme une "maladie commune" comme la grippe saisonnière.
Les voyageurs devaient montrer un test PCR de 72h ou une preuve de 3 doses.
Normalement la levée devait se faire le 8 mai, mais ils l'ont fait plus tôt pour alléger la pression sur les aéroports.
Des tests de fièvre et de toux seront faits sur base volontaire.
PerthNow (Japan to end COVID border measures earlier than planned)
Japan to end COVID border measures earlier than planned
Japan has reportedly brought forward the end of COVID-19 border measures to ease congestion at airports at the start of a holiday.

Japan is removing all border control measures ahead of schedule, and classifying #Covid19 as a "common disease" like seasonal flu.
Travelers had to show a 72h PCR test or proof of 3 doses.
Normally the lifting was to be done on May 8, but they did it earlier to ease the pressure on the airports.
Fever and cough tests will be done on a voluntary basis.
Japan to end COVID border measures earlier than planned
Japan has reportedly brought forward the end of COVID-19 border measures to ease congestion at airports at the start of a holiday.

Est-ce que vous parlez à une IA-bot ou à un humain?
Chattez avec quelqu'un sur ce site et votez après 2 minutes pour décider si c'est un bot ou non. Un genre de test de Turing. J'ai trouvé en moins d'une minute (mais faudrait le tester sur la longueur) Human or Not? // A Social Turing Game
Human or Not? // A Social Turing Game
Play a chatroulette and try to figure out if you’re talking to a human or an AI bot. Think you can tell the difference?

Are you talking to an AI-bot or a human?
Chat with someone on this site and vote after 2 minutes to decide if they are a bot or not. A kind of Turing test. I found it in less than a minute (but would have to test it on the length)
Human or Not? // A Social Turing Game
Play a chatroulette and try to figure out if you're talking to a human or an AI bot. Think you can tell the difference?
Si certains n'avaient pas encore compris que nous vivions dans une société CORROMPUE par Big Pharma, ils ne devraient plus avoir aucun doute.
La Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis a modifié la réglementation relative à l'approbation des vaccins. Ceux-ci n'ont plus à prévenir les maladies ou la transmission d'agents pathogènes.
Euh ils servent à quoi alors ? Bah juste se remplir les poches ! Le document : DocumentCloud

If some had not yet understood that we were living in a CORRUPTED society by Big Pharma, they should have no more doubts.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has changed the regulations for vaccine approval. These no longer have to prevent disease or the transmission of pathogens.
Well what are they for then? Well just fill your pockets!


Le 17 mars le député britannique a vu l'accès aux médias refusé, censuré car il avait prononcé un discours à la chambre, avec des sources accessibles remettant en cause les vaccins. Aujourd'hui il vient d'être suspendu pas son parti ! Voilà leur seule réponse : CENSURE pour protéger la CORRUPTION de Big Pharma !
On March 17 the British MP was denied media access, censored for giving a speech in the chamber, with accessible sources questioning vaccines. Today he has just been suspended by his party! This is their only answer: CENSORSHIP to protect the CORRUPTION of Big Pharma!

Google, l'antre de la bête !
Google, the den of the beast!

L'Ukraine va allouer 100 hectares de terrain à Kiev pour la création d'un cimetière militaire
"Le conseil municipal de Kiev a attribué aujourd'hui un terrain et entamé la procédure de création du cimetière militaire national de Bykivka. La superficie totale du cimetière militaire national sera de près de 100 hectares", a déclaré le maire de Kiev, M. Klitschko.
‼️Pas de pertes (InfoDefenseFRANCE)...
ici (InfoDefenseFRANCE)
ici (InfoDefenseFRANCE)
ici (InfoDefenseFRANCE)
ici (InfoDefenseFRANCE)
Nous avons également publié un article sur l'une des raisons (InfoDefenseFRANCE) pour lesquelles l'armée ukrainienne a subi de si lourdes pertes.

Ukraine will allocate 100 hectares of land in kyiv for the creation of a military cemetery
"Kyiv City Council today allocated land and started the procedure for establishing the Bykivka National Military Cemetery. The total area of the National Military Cemetery will be almost 100 hectares," Kyiv Mayor Mr. Klitschko.
‼️No losses
We also published an article on one of the reasons (InfoDefenseFRANCE) why the Ukrainian army suffered such heavy losses.
Pour s'abonner:
📱 InfoDefenseFRANCE
(📱 InfoDefense (InfoDefense)

Un ami en Italie, vient de m'envoyer cela. Loin de nos prix non ? (Fraise c'est 1kg!)
A friend in Italy, just sent me this. Far from our prices, right? (Strawberry is 1kg!)

Ne pas laisser respirer les Politiques avec les casseroles c'est bien, mais n'oublions pas les médias ! Un grand bravo à ce jeune homme ! Un nectar pour les oreilles....

It's good not to let politicians breathe with pots, but let's not forget the media! Congratulations to this young man! A nectar for the ears....

Décidément, encore une théorie du complot qui n'en est pas une...
Un nouveau documentaire du journaliste d'investigation britannique David Whelan rassemble une multitude de preuves que le leader des Beatles John Lennon a été assassiné par un tueur à gages de la CIA en 1980.
A lire : Lennon-Mord: Neue Hinweise auf CIA-Killer - COMPACT
Decidedly, another conspiracy theory that is not one...
A new documentary from British investigative journalist David Whelan gathers a wealth of evidence that Beatles frontman John Lennon was murdered by a CIA hitman in 1980.
ils ont confronté les rédacteurs en chef du New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times et de Reuters sur leur censure de S.Hersh, Uhuru, J.Assange, T.Carlson, Russiagate..Puis le doyen de Columbia et la sécurité les ont éjectés et ont essayé de les faire taire

they confronted the editors of the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Reuters over their censorship of S.Hersh, Uhuru, J.Assange, T.Carlson, Russiagate..Then the Dean of Columbia and Security kicked them out and tried to silence them

Pour rappel, si pfizer a fait des bêtises et risque de voir sa responsabilité pénale engagée malgré les clauses avantageuses des contrats, ils n’ont PAS CHOISI l' ARNm. Ce sont des prestataires du pentagone et ils ont obéi aux ordres...

As a reminder, if pfizer has made mistakes and risks seeing its criminal liability engaged despite the advantageous clauses of the contracts, they have NOT CHOSEN the mRNA. They are pentagon contractors and they obeyed orders...

"Les bras m'en tombent ! Donc demain, on va censurer les libraires qui vendent des livres du Pr Didier Raoult ou du Dr Perronne ?! C'est très grave ! À ce niveau-là, tirons la chasse !"
L’étrange attitude du journaliste Julien Pain dans une librairie...

"My arms are falling! So tomorrow, we're going to censor booksellers who sell books by Pr Didier Raoult or Dr Perronne?! It's very serious! At this level, let's hunt!"
The strange attitude of journalist Julien Pain in a bookstore...

Un sondage sponsorisé par un fabricant de vaccin (et effectuée par un organisme d'État) conclut que les français sont favorables à la vaccination obligatoire
Et les conflits d'intérêts?
TF1 INFO (Vaccination obligatoire : les Français y sont largement favorables mais s'estiment mal informés)
Vaccination obligatoire : les Français y sont largement favorables mais s'estiment mal informés
[VIDÉO] - D'après une étude Ipsos publiée ce lundi, les Français sont largement favorables à la vaccination obligatoire pour tous.

A survey sponsored by a vaccine manufacturer (and carried out by a state body) concludes that the French are in favor of compulsory vaccination
What about conflicts of interest?
Compulsory vaccination: the French are largely in favor of it but consider themselves ill-informed
[VIDEO] - According to an Ipsos study published on Monday, the French are largely in favor of compulsory vaccination for all.

Ursula von der Leyen
« Faites confiance à vos autorités sanitaires, faites confiance à l’OMS, faites confiance aux médias fiables et réputés qui ont fait leur preuve en ce qui concerne l’exactitude des informations »
FranceSoir (Le Digital Services Act: le règlement européen qui vole dans les plumes de Twitter | FranceSoir)
Le Digital Services Act: le règlement européen qui vole dans les plumes de Twitter | FranceSoir
SURVEILLANCE - Le nouveau règlement sur les services numériques, le Digital Services Act (DSA) rentre en vigueur le 1er septembre prochain. Avec lui, la Commission européenne devient l’autorité de référence en matière de surveillance des très grandes plateformes numériques, et ses exigences en la matière sont pour le moins ambitieuses. Qui plus est, Bruxelles peut infliger des amendes allant jusqu’à 6 % du chiffre d'affaires mondial. De quoi faire taire l'oiseau bleu ?

Ursula von der Leyen
“Trust your health authorities, trust the WHO, trust reliable and reputable media that have a proven track record of accurate information”
The Digital Services Act: the European regulation that flies in the feathers of Twitter | FranceEvening
MONITORING - The new regulation on digital services, the Digital Services Act (DSA) comes into force on September 1st. With it, the European Commission becomes the reference authority for monitoring very large digital platforms, and its requirements in this area are ambitious to say the least. What's more, Brussels can impose fines of up to 6% of global turnover. What to silence the blue bird?
"17 kilogrammes d'explosifs étaient destinés à tuer Poutine." Kiev préparait une tentative d'assassinat contre le président russe, écrit Bild.
L'ukroaktiviste Yuriy Romanenko, qui coopère avec les services spéciaux de Kiev, a déclaré à la publication que la semaine dernière, des agents des services de renseignement ukrainiens avaient reçu des informations sur le voyage de Poutine dans le parc industriel de Rudnevo.
«En Ukraine, un véhicule aérien sans pilote de type UJ-22 a été lancé. C'est le drone ukrainien le plus moderne avec une portée allant jusqu'à 800 kilomètres. Son objectif : un parc industriel nouvellement construit près de Moscou – à 500 kilomètres de l'Ukraine », écrit Bild.
Le 24 avril, les médias russes ont en effet rapporté le crash d'un UJ-22 dans la région de Moscou. À bord du drone se trouvaient 30 blocs d'explosifs C4 d'un poids total de 17 kilogrammes. Les charges explosives de type M112 sont utilisées par les armées américaines et canadiennes.

"17 kilograms of explosives were intended to kill Putin." kyiv was preparing an assassination attempt against the Russian president, writes Bild.
Ukroaktivist Yuriy Romanenko, who cooperates with Kyiv's special services, told the publication that last week Ukrainian intelligence agents received information about Putin's trip to the Rudnevo industrial park.
“In Ukraine, an unmanned aerial vehicle type UJ-22 was launched. It is the most modern Ukrainian drone with a range of up to 800 kilometers. Its goal: a newly built industrial park near Moscow – 500 kilometers from Ukraine,” writes Bild.
On April 24, the Russian media indeed reported the crash of a UJ-22 in the Moscow region. On board the drone were 30 blocks of C4 explosives with a total weight of 17 kilograms. M112 type explosive charges are used by the American and Canadian armies.

À Sofia et dans 46 autres villes de Bulgarie, des dizaines de milliers de Bulgares ont scandé « OTAN dehors », agité les drapeaux de la Russie et de la Bulgarie, exprimé leur solidarité avec les « frères » et maudit les États-Unis.
La principale demande est le retrait de l'OTAN

In Sofia and 46 other cities in Bulgaria, tens of thousands of Bulgarians chanted “NATO out”, waved the flags of Russia and Bulgaria, expressed their solidarity with the “brothers” and cursed the United States.
The main demand is the withdrawal of OTAN
“The crisis is only in its infancy, debate on TV Finances”. Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear impertinent, dear impertinent, Comrade Philippe Béchade and I discussed real estate, DPE, crisis, rates and many other things during our monthly show on TV Finance. Here is the summary of the video that I let you watch, comment and share of course. If you regularly follow the financial markets, you know two things: the first is that we are in a period of publication of corporate results, the second is that the banks...

Janet Yellen fears economic catastrophe and perpetual rate hikes due to US debt.
"Speaking at a conference in Washington on Tuesday evening, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that a default on the public debt would be catastrophic for the US economy, leading to mass unemployment, defaults and rising interest rates "in perpetuity". "Since 1789, the United States has paid all its bills on time, and so it should be," Yellen said, noting how the economic impact would be disastrous...

Bitcoin still rising back over $30,000.
Bitcoin's rebound initiated last night deepened significantly on Wednesday, with BTC/USD hitting a high of $30,028, the highest since April 19, and reversing most of last week's losses. The main catalyst for Bitcoin's rise this week has been the problems at First Republic Bank, which appears to be close to bankruptcy. Its shares closed down 49% yesterday after disclosing massive cash outflows and tumble nearly 20% in...

the High Council of Public Finances "skeptical" about the government's inflation forecasts
"The government's inflation forecasts for 2023 and 2024 are "a little underestimated", judges the High Council of Public Finances (HCFP) in an opinion delivered on Wednesday on the stability program recently sent by the executive to Brussels. “Even if inflation measured on a year-on-year basis should start to fall back in the course of 2023, the decline expected by the Government seems rapid, so that the inflation forecasts (...) seem a little under -estimated", estimated...

For TF1, coins, ingots... the French are rushing for gold!
Coins, ingots... the French are rushing for gold as TF1 in this article has no interest other than to exist and be the "large format" of the 8 p.m. news. There and his interest. Talking gold in the prime time. Talking about it in a very basic way, without any deep analysis, but talking about it anyway, talking about the safe haven, talking about gold as a bulwark against inflation, talking about those who invest a little bit every month, and also talking about the feeling of dispossession...
“Le Monde wonders about the unexplained drop in productivity which worries all economists”. Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear impertinent, dear impertinent, “The downward trend in productivity could announce a deep crisis of capitalism”, is the title of the last column by Philippe Askenazy, economist at the Center Maurice-Halbwachs in the columns of Le Monde. (Source Le Monde here

United States, growth is collapsing and drops from 2.6% to just 1.1%!
As I say regularly, we have not yet seen anything of the crisis and the consequences of interest rate hikes because it takes between 18 and 24 months for the effects to materialize in the real economy and become visible to all . Currently, all indicators are plunging in the United States and the latest figures show a sharp slowdown in growth in the first quarter Indeed, US growth fell to 1.1% in the first quarter (in ...

Ukraine, the counter-offensive is becoming clearer, the rise in gas and trouble too!
You no doubt hear the little music around the Ukrainian counter-offensive which is just waiting for the end of the rain and for the wind to dry the roads to avoid the slush and allow the German-made Ukrainian tanks in particular to tumble into the plains promising us epic tank battles worthy of World War II. The problem is that this will cause some minor problems and other annoyances. What will the Russians do? Will they increase...

Real estate loan, the maximum rate now at 4.52%
The new usury rate, this rate beyond which banks are not allowed to lend, was published in the Official Journal on Thursday and it will increase to 4.52% for a loan over 20 years and more instead of 4.24% in April. The wear rate is the maximum rate and depending on the quality of your file and your personal situation, you can perfectly borrow a little cheaper, but this shows that the rates continue to rise inexorably, and that we will very quickly reach the threshold of...

Social benefits can no longer be paid abroad from July 1 and the same should be done with pensions!
Social allowances can no longer be paid abroad from July 1, according to the announcement made by Gabriel Attal, and this is quite normal. It is perfectly logical that our aid is not paid abroad outside the European Union, but this should also be the case within the European Union! No aid or pensions paid out of French funds, paid with taxes or social charges outside France and this should also be the case for pensions and that is a long way off...
Pierre Lescaudron
Yellen, ministre des Finances, a porté l'hostilité des USA contre la Chine à un nouveau niveau dans son discours du 20/04. Elle y mêle attitude colonialiste et arrogance, parlant comme si les USA étaient le maitre du monde et la Chine était un vassal.
Yellen threatens China
Janet Yellen, the American Treasury Secretary, or Finance Minister, took the US hostility and threat against China to a new level in a speech on April 20 at Johns Hopkins University. In a speech...
Immigration: this “dividing” subject on which 82% of French people agree
By Arnaud Florac - What's the point of asking people for their opinion since, in any case, power doesn't interest them.

Nathalie Loiseau talks about Russia Today
By Georges Michel - Russian interference, real, supposed, reduced or exaggerated, clearly remains a priority for this commission.

Will Emmanuel Macron dare to attend the Coupe de France final?
By Nicolas Gauthier - The trade unions of Seine-Saint-Denis have promised not to give him the best reception.

Arnaud Benedetti: "Whether or not to maintain Elisabeth Borne is no longer an issue"
By Marc Eynaud - For Arnaud Benedetti, Elisabeth Borne is a Prime Minister under pressure, threatened with cornering.
Who is Catherine Vannier, the magistrate opposed to Operation Wuambushu?
By Julien Tellier - Former vice-president of the Syndicat de la magistrature, Catherine Vannier was not marked by her severity in Mayotte.

Marseille: the clan war worsens against the backdrop of drug trafficking
By Clémence de Longraye - Faced with this worrying increase in crime, the prefecture has decided to strengthen the police force.

The city of Menton threatened to become a new Calais
By Iris Bridier - Overwhelmed by the massive flow of migrants, the Alpes-Maritimes department requisitions all buildings

Denounced by the yellow vests, the carbon tax returns by Europe!
By Marc Eynaud - From 2027 or 2028, households will have to pay a tax on fuel and heating.
For 2027, the Apollon Institute of Jean Messiha becomes the Institut Vivre français
By Boulevard Voltaire - Does he plan to run in the next presidential election? Jean Messiha tells us “not to exclude anything”.

The thirty-fourth night of Les Tartuffes in three acts
By Éric Letty - Two poor actresses and CGT activists and Ms. Rima Abdul-Malak in their worst role.

Biden remains the puppet of the Democratic establishment
By Alain Destexhe - Naive people will be surprised that the Democrats choose an 80-year-old man who multiplies blunders.
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