Actualités du jour en France

"France has not been downgraded... thanks to the pension reform!" ". Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear sassy, dear sassy, This is good news and don't spoil our pleasure. No one has an interest in France being degraded, and in our country being affected by a debt crisis. When I say person, I am talking about the population, businesses (real ones, SMEs) and people. Sometimes certain friends who can hold more of the enemy may obviously have an interest in weakening us or soaping the board we are on. I don't name...

Prohibition of G-rated accommodation. 100,000 French people stay at the campsite, up 30%!
We are led by stars. As our mammoth mammouchis ban energy strainers on rent, which takes property off the market, as they block rising rents (which blocks real estate investment) as interest rates soar to the rise which discourages real estate investment and that no one builds housing anymore, the French will live year-round in mobile homes which are obviously the...

Escrology. Tell me godfather Al Carbonne, what is the volume of a ton of CO²?
As you know, it is not even necessary or useful to question global warming to demonstrate that no one cares about us. So let's be nice to the greats of this world and repeat yes there is warming and yes it's my fault, my humble fault (and beat your neck). So. With that in mind, let's start using our brains. As you know we emit tons and tons of CO² by living every year. On average for a Frenchman it is 12 tons!...

Go ahead ChatGPT; build this building, we're watching you!
Haaa... the AI. Everyone just talks about that. And there is reason, because all this is as frightening as it is fascinating. Many are particularly worried about their work or the orientation of their children. This image, I find is worth 1,000 words to share with you a strong conviction. If the past 40 years have been all about white collars and excel quadrupeds, AI and all software will do much better than a lot of small executives with no...

Russian crude oil record for India and China! We're going to sink the Russian economy he said!
We're going to sink the Russian economy, he said. We are going to prevent the sale of Russian oil, he said. We are going to cap the selling prices of Russian oil, he said. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Broken arms and jerks are on the move for our greatest joy! While the marioles who govern us are chaining the most brilliant and effective decisions that I have ever seen in my life, China and India receive a record of Russian crude oil in May, s.
Lyon, capital of LGBTQ+ Gaul
By Georges Michel - The guest-star of this ball was obviously Grégory Doucet.

Re-demonization of the RN: Marine Le Pen breaks all popularity records!
By Frédéric Sirgant - This will delight fans of the union of the rights: 77% of right-wing supporters (RN and LR) say they "support" it!

Veiled cashiers, halal products: HMarket is a hit in the suburbs
By Arnaud Florac - Besides, it's not expensive. And that's how halal supermarkets are gradually settling into the landscape...

[A teacher in France] The ban on homework… and discipline
By Virginie Fontcalel - It is even forbidden to shout in class, shouting being akin to “psychological abuse”.

In your comments this week: Borne, Pétain, the RN and fraudsters!
By Boulevard Voltaire - We don't know what the future holds for us, but count on BV not to miss anything!

Misrepresentation: be careful, it's expensive!
By Sabine de Villeroché - The public authorities are very picky on the subject.

Who are today's mercenaries?
By Hamilcar - Wagner's mercenaries should not be confused with the soldiers of the Russian army.
The Gwenn ha Du celebrates its centenary
By Éric Letty - If other emblems preceded it, the current Gwenn ha Du quickly became very popular with Bretons

[The American Eye] Is Trump the only one who wants to bring peace to Ukraine?
By Frédéric Lassez - It's a little old music that is once again being heard in the media.

In May, immersed in ordinary Christianophobia…
By Marc Eynaud - The month of Mary no longer has the power to protect what remains of Christianity in our towns and countryside.

Pakistan: accused of having “blasphemed”, a 24-year-old Christian sentenced to death
By Boulevard Voltaire - The Pakistani Parliament has toughened anti-blasphemy legislation.

The very sweet recipe of the Refugee Food Festival, stuffed with subsidies
By Félix Perrollaz - For dessert, the association offers us a magnificent cake covered with lots of whipped cream.

[Tribune] The Sultan, Ursula, Charles, Emmanuel and the others
By Stéphane Buffetaut - This president, a friend of the Muslim Brotherhood, will be able to pursue his neo-Ottoman policy.
On n'est pas encore allés aussi loin que les US sur les opérations #transgenre d'enfants, l'identité, le genre, LBGTQ+ etc. Mais on les voit venir, l'idée est en train d'être imposée dans la culture. Le docu "#WhatIsAWoman" pose la question. En vision gratuite 24h ici, 155millions de vues déjà.
We haven't gone as far as the US on #transgender children's operations, identity, gender, LBGTQ+ etc. But we see them coming, the idea is being imposed in the culture. The "#WhatIsAWoman" documentary asks the question. In free 24-hour viewing here, 155 million views already.

Ce n'est pas si différent, les sujets #Covid et la question du documentaire "#WhatIsAWoman".
Dans les deux cas, on veut nous faire croire que tout est #relatif. Que les #masques marchent "un peu", que les #vaccins réduisent "un peu" la transmission, qu'ils ont "un peu" d'effets secondaires, que le sexe n'est pas binaire, qu'on peut être "un peu" une femme ou un homme.
Et derrière cela on nous impose une #idéologie de plus en plus envahissante: obligation vaccinale, obligation d'accepter d'utiliser certains mots sous peine d'amende, #obligation d'accepter des hommes biologiques (ayant passé la puberté) contre vous en compétition sportive ou avec vous dans les vestiaires femme.
Dans les deux cas, c'est une attaque sur nos #perceptions pour ne plus permettre de dire non.
Si tout devient relatif ou une opinion, sans réalité objective, on ne peut plus dire qu'il faut arrêter les #vaccins, ou que des transgenres ne devraient pas utiliser des espaces/sports réservés aux femmes, ou qu'il ne faut pas faire d'opération mutilantes des enfants.
Dans les deux cas, on nous dit qu'on ne peut pas pouvoir définir l'idée d'une "#vérité" objective ou d'une #réalité. "Que chacun a sa version de la vérité". Ceci est du #gaslighting: un détournement cognitif où l'information est déformée pour vous faire douter de votre perception, votre mémoire ou votre santé mentale. Ou on peut appeler ça #psyop.

It's not that different, #Covid topics and the "#WhatIsAWoman" documentary question.
In both cases, they want us to believe that everything is #relative. That #masks work "a little", that #vaccines reduce transmission "a little", that they have "a little" side effects, that sex is not binary, that we can be " a little" a woman or a man.
And behind that we are being imposed an increasingly intrusive #ideology: obligation to vaccinate, obligation to agree to use certain words under penalty of fine, #obligation to accept biological men (having passed puberty) against you in sports competition or with you in the women's locker room.
In both cases, it's an attack on our #perceptions to no longer allow us to say no.
If everything becomes relative or an opinion, without objective reality, we can no longer say that #vaccines should be stopped, or that transgender people should not use spaces / sports reserved for women, or that we should not do mutilating operations of children.
In both cases, we are told that we cannot be able to define the idea of an objective "#truth" or a #reality. “That everyone has their version of the truth”. This is #gaslighting: cognitive hijacking where information is twisted to make you doubt your perception, memory or sanity. Or we can call it #psyop.

#UK "Notre société aura besoin d'une forme de #revenuUniversel dans les prochaines années, vu le tumulte du #changement climatique, la disruption #tech et la transition industrielle."
Un programme de revenu universel est à l'essai au Royaume-uni. 30 personnes recevront 1600£ par mois dans deux régions. "Nous voulons voir l'effet de ce montant non conditionnel sur la santé mentale et physique des gens, qu'ils choisissent de travailler ou non."
the Guardian (Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in two places in England)
Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in two places in England
Scheme to run for two years and participants will be monitored to see what effect it has on mental and physical health

#UK "Our society will need some form of #Universalincome in the coming years, given the tumult of #climate change, #tech disruption and industrial transition."
A universal income scheme is being piloted in the UK. 30 people will receive £1600 per month in two regions. "We want to see the effect of this unconditional amount on people's mental and physical health, whether they choose to work or not."

Encore un gros fake qui circule côté complotiste.
Une fausse vidéo, un #deepfake où la présentatrice encouragerait les enfants à dénoncer des gens via une application imaginaire (s'ils sont homophobes, ou climatosceptiques etc), et qu'ils peuvent gagner des playmobils. Rien que ça c'est un peu gros. 😆
Je suis sympa, je vous mets la vidéo originale de l'émission Logo! de #ZDF du 20 mai 2023, une émission d'info pour enfants, où la présentatrice Maral parlait de la météo et de l'eau des lacs logo! am Freitag, 20.05.2023 - Nachrichten, einfach erklärt
On voit des petites #coupures quand elle parle, à 4, 15 secondes, ils ont repris plusieurs fois la même séquence. On voit que son nom apparaît plusieurs fois à 00:03, 00:15 (zone blanche coupée), 33 et 55 secondes.
Des gens s'amusent à faire des fakes, c'est un fait. Ce n'est pas le premier que je débunke. La bonne nouvelle c'est que je vois que les gens commencent collectivement à être plus #critiques, par exemple sur Twitter.
Quand c'est trop gros, il faut douter et creuser. Et il faut retirer les #fakes que vous postez au lieu de laisser le doute subsister. Vous ne voulez pas tomber dans les pièges plus élaborés qui viendront par la suite, exercez votre esprit critique et regardez les détails.

Another big fake circulating on the conspiratorial side.
A fake video, a #deepfake where the presenter would encourage children to denounce people via an imaginary application (if they are homophobic, or climatosceptic etc), and that they can win playmobils. That alone is a bit big. 😆
I'm nice, I put you the original video of the Logo show! from #ZDF from May 20, 2023, a news program for children, where the presenter Maral talked about the weather and the water in the lakes
We see small #cuts when she speaks, at 4, 15 seconds, they repeated the same sequence several times. We see that his name appears several times at 00:03, 00:15 (white area cut off), 33 and 55 seconds.
People have fun making fakes, it's a fact. This isn't the first I've debunked. The good news is that I see that people are collectively starting to be more #critical, for example on Twitter.
When it's too big, you have to doubt and dig. And you have to remove the #fakes you post instead of letting doubt remain. You don't want to fall into the more elaborate traps that will come later, practice your critical thinking and look at the details.

Pareil pour Kamala Harris, encore un deep fake, ici à droite.
Le détail ici c'est la voix qui semble être un enregistrement micro sans bruit d'ambiance d'une grande salle ni l'écho.

Same for Kamala Harris, another deep fake, here on the right.
The detail here is the voice which seems to be a microphone recording without ambient noise from a large hall or echo.
“ Les Russes avaient raison.”
Implication de Hunter Biden dans le financement des biolabs en Ukraine: les choses semblent se confirmer.
L’étau se resserre autour du fils alors que son père était vice-président des E.U. à l’époque des faits.

“The Russians were right.”
Hunter Biden's involvement in funding biolabs in Ukraine: things seem to be confirmed.
The vice is tightening around the son while his father was vice-president of the United States at the material time.

Depuis 3 ans les médias mensongers qui ne discutent jamais du fond car ils n'ont pas d'argument, essayent de me discréditer par des "L'homme qui croit aux OVNI et aux extra-terrestres etc".
Que vont-ils dire ? Christopher Mellon, ancien sous-secrétaire adjoint à la Défense pour le renseignement spécialisé dans les ovnis, a écrit dans un article d'opinion de Politico publié samedi qu'il avait reçu des informations selon lesquelles le gouvernement s'était engagé dans un "projet d'ingénierie inverse" impliquant des ovnis. Il a exhorté le gouvernement à rendre publics tous les documents...
Curieux de voir ça....
Source :

For 3 years the lying media who never discuss the substance because they have no argument, try to discredit me with "The man who believes in UFOs and extraterrestrials etc".
What are they going to say? Christopher Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for UFO intelligence, wrote in a Politico opinion piece published Saturday that he had received reports that the government had engaged in a "project reverse engineering" involving UFOs. He urged the government to release all documents...
Curious to see this....

Les corrompus ! Les anti-Raoult signataires de la tribune du Monde ont reçu plus de 18,5M d'euros des labos | FranceSoir
FranceSoir (Les anti-Raoult signataires de la tribune du Monde ont reçu plus de 18,5M d'euros des labos | FranceSoir)
Les anti-Raoult signataires de la tribune du Monde ont reçu plus de 18,5M d'euros des labos | FranceSoir
Les sociétés savantes médicales jouent un rôle crucial dans la promotion des connaissances médicales, l'élaboration de directives

The corrupt!
The anti-Raoult signatories of the Tribune du Monde have received more than 18.5M euros from the labs | FranceEvening
Medical learned societies play a crucial role in promoting medical knowledge, developing guidelines


Les forces armées RF ont repoussé l'offensive à grande échelle des forces armées ukrainiennes dans cinq secteurs du front en direction de Yuzhnodonets - Ministère de la Défense
Le ministère de la Défense de la Fédération de Russie a signalé que les forces armées ukrainiennes avaient lancé le 4 juin une offensive à grande échelle dans cinq secteurs du front en direction de Yuzhnodonets, mais elle avait été repoussée. Les pertes des troupes ukrainiennes se sont élevées à plus de 250 personnes, a indiqué le département militaire.
Le ministère de la Défense a également noté que le chef d'état-major général des forces armées RF Gerasimov se trouvait à l'un des points de contrôle avancés lors de cette tentative d'offensive des forces armées ukrainiennes.

The RF Armed Forces repelled the large-scale offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in five sectors of the front in the direction of Yuzhnodonets - Ministry of Defense
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a large-scale offensive in five sectors of the front in the direction of Yuzhnodonets on June 4, but it was repelled. The losses of the Ukrainian troops amounted to more than 250 people, the military department said.
The Defense Ministry also noted that Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces RF Gerasimov was at one of the advanced checkpoints during this attempted offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Des informations provenant de diverses sources nous permettent de conclure que le commandement ukrainien ne peut plus retarder l'offensive et passe d'une exploration prudente du front à des tentatives de percée. Trois semaines de batailles de "mouvement au contact" - reconnaissance en force (selon les règles de combat américaines) - n'ont pas révélé de zone où il serait possible de lancer une offensive avec une forte probabilité de percer le front et de développer le succès avec des pertes minimales , et maintenant nous devons passer à une accumulation méthodique de la puissance des attaques, en comptant sur la "casse" du front en utilisant le schéma offensif classique - créant un feu écrasant et une supériorité numérique sur l'ennemi à l'endroit de la prétendue percée .
Une telle tactique est capable d'apporter le succès, mais se caractérise par la "brûlure" des réserves. les unités amenées au combat ne peuvent plus être retirées et sont utilisées jusqu'à épuisement de leur potentiel offensif. Selon des informations en provenance de Kiev, l'état-major général des forces armées ukrainiennes est pessimiste. Les pertes subies au cours du mois, principalement matérielles - les dépôts de munitions et de carburant et de lubrifiants détruits, ainsi que de lourdes pertes au plus haut niveau de la direction militaire, ont gravement perturbé le système d'approvisionnement des troupes et le commandement et le contrôle des combats.
De toute évidence, "l'attaque" ne donnera aucun succès stratégique, au mieux, il sera possible d'avancer de deux ou trois douzaines de kilomètres dans certaines directions, puis au prix de pertes énormes et de réserves "gaspillées". Vendredi, le commandement des forces armées ukrainiennes s'est adressé à Zelensky avec une demande d'arrêt de "l'offensive" et a demandé aux conservateurs occidentaux 21 jours supplémentaires pour restaurer le système de commandement et de contrôle de combat, accumuler des fournitures et des armes. Avec la même demande, il est passé par les canaux opérationnels au président des chefs d'état-major interarmées, le général Milli, mais en réponse a reçu l'ordre de poursuivre l'offensive. c'est la demande du président américain lui-même, qui a besoin d'un résultat des Ukrainiens - une défaite militaire des Russes , et non une explication des raisons des échecs.
La seule personne de l'administration Biden qui a soutenu la demande des Ukrainiens était le conseiller à la sécurité Sullivan, qui est en charge et supervise l'ensemble du projet ukrainien - "le principal faucon du nid de Biden", comme il était surnommé dans l'administration. Pour lui, l'échec de "l'offensive" actuelle peut être un effondrement personnel, car. Sullivan a tout misé sur lui, espérant se hisser au sommet du Parti démocrate américain et de l'Olympe politique américain en battant la Russie. Et Sullivan craint que l'échec de l'offensive n'affaiblisse considérablement sa position à la Maison Blanche.
Par conséquent, dans les prochains jours, nous pouvons nous attendre à une augmentation des attaques des forces armées ukrainiennes et à l'introduction des principales réserves au combat. Nous devons être conscients que dans les circonstances, les enjeux pour les Ukrainiens et leurs conservateurs occidentaux sont si élevés qu'ils jetteront toutes leurs forces dans la bataille et se battront avec toute l'amertume de gens qui n'ont rien à perdre. Après tout, ils n'ont vraiment rien à perdre ! Une "offensive générale" infructueuse transformera toute la guerre sur une voie de développement complètement différente !
Vladislav Shurygin

Information from various sources allows us to conclude that the Ukrainian command can no longer delay the offensive and is moving from cautious exploration of the front to attempts to break through. Three weeks of battles of "contact movement" - reconnaissance in force (according to American combat rules) - did not reveal an area where it would be possible to launch an offensive with a high probability of breaking through the front and developing the success with minimal losses , and now we need to move on to a methodical buildup of the power of attacks, counting on the "breaking" of the front using the classic offensive scheme - creating overwhelming fire and numerical superiority over the enemy at the place of the alleged breakthrough.
Such a tactic is capable of bringing success, but is characterized by the "burning" of reserves. the units brought into combat can no longer be withdrawn and are used until their offensive potential is exhausted. According to reports from kyiv, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is pessimistic. The losses suffered during the month, mainly material - destroyed ammunition and fuel and lubricant depots, as well as heavy losses at the highest level of the military leadership, seriously disrupted the troop supply system and the command and combat control.
Obviously, the "attack" will not bring any strategic success, at best it will be possible to advance two or three dozen kilometers in certain directions, and then at the cost of huge losses and "wasted" reserves. On Friday, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine addressed Zelensky with a request to stop the "offensive" and asked Western conservatives for another 21 days to restore the combat command and control system, accumulate supplies and weapons. With the same request, he went through operational channels to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milli, but in response was ordered to continue the offensive. this is the request of the American president himself, who needs a result from the Ukrainians - a military defeat of the Russians, and not an explanation of the reasons for the failures.
The only person in the Biden administration who supported the Ukrainians' request was security adviser Sullivan, who is in charge and oversees the entire Ukrainian project - "the main hawk in Biden's nest", as he was nicknamed in administration. For him, the failure of the current "offensive" can be a personal collapse, because. Sullivan has bet it all on himself, hoping to rise to the top of the US Democratic Party and the US political Olympus by defeating Russia. And Sullivan fears that the failure of the offensive will significantly weaken his position in the White House.
Therefore, in the coming days we can expect an increase in the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the introduction of the main combat reserves. We must be aware that under the circumstances, the stakes for Ukrainians and their Western conservatives are so high that they will throw all their might into battle and fight with all the bitterness of people who have nothing to lose. After all, they really have nothing to lose! An unsuccessful "all-out offensive" will turn the whole war onto a completely different path of development!
Vladislav Shurygin
Volvo l'affirme : basculer vers le véhicule va faire exploser instantanément les émissions de CO2.

This is Money (Volvo says electric car making emissions are 70% HIGHER than petrol)
Volvo says electric car making emissions are 70% HIGHER than petrol
Volvo said the C40 Recharge has a far lower carbon footprint during 'use phase' and if clean energy was used things would improve.
En raison de lourdes pertes lors de l'offensive, l'ennemi tente primitivement de semer le doute parmi les Ukrainiens sur les images publiées de l'équipement détruit des Forces armées ukrainiennes
▪️Après que des images d'équipements en feu des troupes ukrainiennes aient commencé à apparaître avec force et force, le Stratcom des Forces armées ukrainiennes a déclaré que les Russes dans un proche avenir « diffuseront de fausses informations sur la contre-offensive, ses directions et les pertes des l'armée ukrainienne, même s'il n'y a pas de contre-offensive."
▪️Les propagandistes militaires exhortent à ne faire confiance qu'aux rapports de l'état-major et des orateurs officiels

Due to heavy losses during the offensive, the enemy primitively tries to sow doubt among the Ukrainians on the published images of the destroyed equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
▪️After images of burning equipment of Ukrainian troops began to appear loud and clear, the Ukrainian Armed Forces Stratcom said that the Russians in the near future “will spread false information about the counter-offensive, its directions and the losses of the Ukrainian army, even if there is no counter-offensive."
▪️Military propagandists urge to trust only reports from the General Staff and official speakers
Koweït, le plus grand cimetière de pneus au monde
Ce feu est toujours allumé et peut être vu depuis l'espace.
Mais les vaches irlandaises sont responsables du changement climatique.
Jose Muñiz
4 juin
This is the biggest tyre cemetery in the world in Kuwait.
This fire is always on and can be seen from outerspace.
But Irish cows are responsible for climate change.
“OPEC is reducing oil production to support prices... and therefore inflation! ". Editorial by Charles SANNAT
My dear impertinents, dear impertinents, The member countries of OPEC + Russia reached an agreement at the end of last weekend to reduce oil production despite very divergent objectives. African countries want to sell more oil because they need revenues, especially budgetary ones. Russia wants to sell more oil to finance the war and the price freeze does not allow it to take advantage of the potential rise in prices. Due to the sanctions or...

Al Carbonne Escrology. Average age of the fleet 12 years for petrol cars, 3 years for electric cars!
According to this global S&P study, the trend towards aging of the vehicle fleet continues while sales of new vehicles remain under pressure. The number of passenger cars has reached its lowest point since 1978. With more than 284 million vehicles on the road (VIO) on American roads, the average age of cars and light trucks in the United States has increased further this year to hit a new high of 12.5 years, up more than three...

Tribune of the World. RSA: "Living with 600 euros is not a sufficient constraint, you will now have to be a state trainee to receive them"
RSA: "Living with 600 euros is not a sufficient constraint, you will now have to be a state trainee to receive them". It is a Tribune published in Le Monde where Raphaël Amselem, in charge of studies for GenerationLibre, specialist in public finance, and Lucien Guyon, journalist at "Blast", denounce, in a tribune in "Le Monde", the notion of duty that the government wants to associate with the RSA, which constitutes a right to human dignity and therefore cannot suffer from...

Christine Lagarde sees no clear sign that the "peak" of inflation has been reached...
Christine Lagarde, the President of the ECB does not see a clear sign for underlying inflation in Europe for the moment and she is right. For the moment, inflation remains very strong and marked. No wonder. The pressure on wages will remain strong. And the ECB would probably have to raise rates even a little higher, and it is not impossible now that the ECB will be forced to push key rates towards 5%. Of course, that won't...

Real estate in crisis... Abolition of Pinel, restriction of PTZ, individual houses not eligible.
Elisabeth Borne declares to have "taken head on the problem of the housing crisis"! Luckily she's going all out in Babeth shape because otherwise what could happen. What is good with this plan which is not one, it is that it is unanimous against him. It must be said that in Macronie, we do not like real estate, a thing of old right-wing annuitants readers of Figaro. It is therefore the panic on the side of the housing actors who have never dared to shout too f...
1,000 years of Mont-Saint-Michel: dwarfs at the feet of the millennial giant
By Marc Eynaud - To the credit of the Head of State, we must recognize his taste for beautiful formulas.

When France Inter strangely celebrates Mother's Day...
By Gabrielle Cluzel - The maternal instinct would be nothing but a vast deception.

From the defense of Captain Dreyfus to that of the zadists: it's going down, at the LDH!
By Nicolas Gauthier - If we were mischievous, we would remind this league of virtue that the zadists are often children of the bourgeoisie.

A contested Islamic association again enlisted by the European Union
By Félix Perrollaz - La Femyso, close to the Muslim Brotherhood, will send a delegation to meet the Young Europeans on June 9 and 10, 2022

Audiences: CNews and LCI carve croupiers at BFM TV
By Marc Baudriller - This success makes the left and the far left cringe

Bordeaux: trial of "antifa" violence against young right-wingers
By Clémence de Longraye - At the bar of the court, six young men, all members of the Ultramarines.

These Black Blocs from abroad that Gérald Darmanin leaves alone...
By Arnaud Florac - There is apparently no question, this time, of letting in the Black Blocs from all over Europe
Pap Ndiaye receives Lindsay's family more than three weeks after the tragedy
By Boulevard Voltaire - A delay which did not fail to react Gilbert Collard on Twitter who denounced a "scandal".

Rhinoplasty reimbursed by the AME: the incredible generosity of France
By Jean de Lacoste - France is very generous: no European country is so generous.

[Point of view] Attacks on pharmacists on the rise: can't wait for the virtual!
By Marie Delarue - It is now the turn of pharmacists to undergo "decivilization"...

[Interview]: “The monopoly of Christians is that of forgiveness! »
By Gabrielle Cluzel - It is the incessant trial of the Christian West by those who have done it much worse but never ask for forgiveness.

Bordeaux: opening of the trial of the attackers of an RN candidate
By Boulevard Voltaire - Grégoire de Fournas and Edwige Diaz ask the government "to proceed with the dissolution of the Ultramarine 1987 group"

Advertising: the profile of the burglar is surprising!
By Isidore - No, no, no mistake, that's right, the average profile of the new French burglar!
#US Merck & #Moderna annoncent qu'un nouveau vaccin #ARNm combiné à un médicament d'immunothérapie de Merck réduirait le risque de diffusion d'un #cancer de la peau de 65%, comparé à l'immunothérapie seule.
Ils veulent utiliser la technologie d'ARNm pour faire des "#vaccins personnalisés" qui attaqueraient les cellules cancéreuses spécifiques. Un vieux rêve des scientifiques, qui ont essayé de soigner des cancers avec des vaccins depuis des décennies sans succès.
Ils veulent viser des #mutations uniquement présentes dans des tumeurs: ils les retireraient puis séquenceraient leur génome, puis prédiraient par #intelligence artificielle quelle mutation serait la cible la plus efficace, puis ils fabriqueraient un vaccin basé sur ces mutations.
Ils planifient de faire un essai de phase3 et de le tester sur des cancers du poumon.
Reuters (Cancer vaccines poised to unlock 'new treatment paradigm' with Merck/Moderna data)

#US Merck & #Moderna announce that a new #mRNA vaccine combined with an immunotherapy drug from Merck would reduce the risk of spreading #skin cancer by 65%, compared to immunotherapy alone.
They want to use mRNA technology to make "personalized #vaccines" that would attack specific cancer cells. An old dream of scientists, who have tried to cure cancers with vaccines for decades without success.
They want to target #mutations only present in tumors: they would remove them and then sequence their genome, then predict by #artificial intelligence which mutation would be the most effective target, then they would manufacture a vaccine based on these mutations.
They plan to do a phase 3 trial and test it on lung cancers.
Cancer vaccines poised to unlock 'new treatment paradigm' with Merck/Moderna data
Adding an experimental mRNA-based vaccine from Moderna and Merck reduced the risk that the most deadly skin cancer would spread by 65% over treatment with an immunotherapy alone in a trial.
A qui profite le crime ? Pour rappel, il y a quelques mois à peine, les analystes occidentaux disaient que, pour la Russie, faire cela, équivaudrait à "se faire sauter le pied". Ils veulent maintenant que vous oubliez cela et que vous blâmiez simplement la Russie tout en ignorant ce qui suit :
1. Une fois que le réservoir aura fini de se vider, la rivière sera beaucoup plus petite et plus facile à franchir par l'armée ukrainienne.
2. Les inondations forcent l'abandon des positions défensives russes ainsi que la destruction des champs de mines le long du fleuve.
3. La destruction du barrage signifie que la Crimée perd son accès à l'eau.
Les avantages stratégiques sont évidents pour l'Ukraine ; jusqu'à présent, la Russie pouvait économiser dans le secteur de Kherson, car le large fleuve sans pont empêchait tout assaut amphibie sérieux.
En faisant exploser le barrage, ils ont maintenant créé une menace réaliste d'un tel terrorisme une fois que les eaux de crue se seront retirées, ce qui détournera les réserves russes pour couvrir ce secteur au lieu de leur permettre d'être utilisées contre l'offensive ukrainienne plus à l'est.

Who benefits from the crime? As a reminder, just a few months ago Western analysts were saying that for Russia to do this would be tantamount to "taking your foot off". They now want you to forget that and just blame Russia while ignoring the following:
1. After the reservoir finishes emptying, the river will be much smaller and easier for the Ukrainian army to cross.
2. The floods force the abandonment of Russian defensive positions as well as the destruction of minefields along the river.
3. The destruction of the dam means that Crimea loses its access to water.
The strategic advantages are obvious for Ukraine; so far, Russia could save in the Kherson sector, as the wide river without a bridge prevented any serious amphibious assault.
By blowing the dam they have now created a realistic threat of such terrorism once the flood waters recede which will divert Russian reserves to cover this sector instead of allowing them to be used against the Ukrainian offensive further east.

On savait que les Ukrainiens allaient tenter une folie pour ensuite dénoncer les Russes, ce que beaucoup de médias mensongers ont commencé à faire.
Il faut toujours étudier à qui profite le crime. Et à la vitesse à laquelle Zelensky est venu demander de l'aide; OTAN ou ONU, aides militaires etc, on comprend où il veut en venir.
De plus, cela fragilise les défenses russes le long du fleuve Dniepr, et surtout cela menace la Crimée.
Mais les médias mensongers vont vous raconter l'exact contraire.

We knew that the Ukrainians were going to go crazy and then denounce the Russians, which a lot of the lying media started doing.
It is always necessary to study who benefits from the crime. And how quickly Zelensky came to ask for help; NATO or UN, military aid etc, we understand where he is coming from.
In addition, it weakens the Russian defenses along the Dnieper River, and above all it threatens Crimea.
But the lying media will tell you the exact opposite.

Le premier char Leopard a été abandonné lors de l'offensive des Forces armées ukrainiennes près d'Ugledar
Les images ont été diffusées par des sources liées au Corps des Marines du groupe Vostok.
Aujourd'hui, le chef adjoint de la Garde nationale de la RPD, Alexander Khodakovsky, a déclaré que lors de l'offensive sur le secteur sud de Donetsk du front à gauche d'Ugderar, l'ennemi a utilisé pour la première fois des chars Leopard allemands.
❗️Notez qu'auparavant, CIPSO avait lancé de fausses photos avec des véhicules de combat d'infanterie américains Bradley et des Léopards dans des bots de canal, dans ce cas, les auteurs assurent que la photo est réelle.

The first Leopard tank was abandoned during the Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive near Ugledar
The footage was released by sources linked to the Vostok Group Marine Corps.
Today, Deputy Chief of the National Guard of the DPR, Alexander Khodakovsky, said that during the offensive on the southern sector of Donetsk from the front to the left of Ugderar, the enemy for the first time used German Leopard tanks.
❗️Note that previously CIPSO launched fake photos with American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Leopards in channel bots, in this case the authors assure that the photo is real.

Tiens tiens, on se faisait traiter de tous les noms quand on disait qu'on aide, arme des Nazis ukrainiens... Maintenant c'est le New York Times qui écrit que cela pose un vrai problème ! Bah oui, on a tant de vidéos de leurs soldats arborant fièrement des symboles, des tatouages nazis. Il faut arrêter de mentir les médias !
Well, we were called names when we said that we help, weapon of the Ukrainian Nazis... Now it's the New York Times which writes that this poses a real problem! Well yes, we have so many videos of their soldiers proudly wearing symbols, Nazi tattoos. Stop lying to the media!

Le président de la surveillance de la Chambre, James Comer, a déclaré que le FBI avait une fois de plus refusé de "remettre le dossier non classifié" qui relie le vice-président de l'époque, Joe Biden, à un système de corruption payante avec un ressortissant étranger. La surveillance "initiera désormais des audiences au mépris du Congrès ce jeudi".

BREAKING: House Oversight Chair James Comer says the FBI has once again refused "hand over the unclassified record" that links then-VP Joe Biden to a pay-for-play bribery scheme with a foreign national. Oversight "will now initiate contempt of Congress hearings this Thursday."
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