
Sergey Kurginian is a Russian scientist and thinker.

In this recent lecture (in Russian):
he asks us to imagine that the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afganistan is not a random and unplanned event. It is the culmination of the strategy to strengthen Taliban forces, foment the discord in the Afgani society. Then leave those people, that followed "democratization" under US patronage to the wolves.

Why would the US rulers have done something like that?
In the "big game" one should see the big picture. Destabilization of the region is cheaper and easier to accomplish by the hands of the locals than mercenaries. Taliban, al-Qaeda and Isis/Daesh are the grapes from the same cluster. They have to be nurtured and strengthen, at the beginning, then they become a force to be reckoned with. Who said that Taliban is not in cahoots with the other two? Pakistan, Iran, all other -stans will sooner or later be exposed to this bunch.

There is more. Covid with the global vaccination, dumbing down populations everywhere, turning blacks against whites, Klaus Schwab dreams of the global reset, etcetera are the links of the same chain. These are the acts of the same global play. Supreme rule of the few over the conquered masses. This would only be possible by weakening countries, that would have been capable to oppose these plans, killing billions of people and creating a population that would blindly follow their digital prophets.
There were a couple of articles. The first is from The Teheran Times

China's envoy to the UN Human Rights Council says the U.S. army and the militaries of its coalition partners should be held accountable for potential rights violations committed in Afghanistan.
During a session on reports of alleged Taliban abuses, Chinese Ambassador Chen Xu told the council "The US, UK, Australia, and other countries must be held accountable for the violation of human rights committed by their military in Afghanistan and the evolution of this current session should cover this issue."​
The Chinese envoy says "under the banner of democracy and human rights the U.S. and other countries carry out military interventions in other sovereign states and impose their own model on countries with vastly different history and culture," Chen said, adding that this had inflicted "great suffering".​
Rights groups such as Amnesty International have previously said that thousands of Afghans have been killed or injured by U.S. forces of which few have been brought to justice.​
China, which has not fought in Afghanistan, is considering a working relationship with the Taliban and the group has also said that Beijing can contribute to the country’s economic development.​
Chen added in his speech that "Beijing will continue developing a good-neighborly, friendly and cooperative relationship with Afghanistan and continue our constructive role in its process of peace and reconstruction".​
The Taliban says China has played a constructive role in promoting peace and reconciliation and is welcome to contribute to the reconstruction of the country.​
Speaking to Chinese media, Taliban Spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, says "China is a big country with a huge economy and capacity - I think they can play a very big role in the rebuilding, rehabilitation, reconstruction of Afghanistan”.

The second is from RT, which taken together with the previous shows that the issues the US have are worse than just getting some people out of Afghanistan in time.

25 Aug, 2021 13:54 / Updated 53 minutes ago​
American drone pilots have leaked video of “punitive” and “nihilistic” strikes in Afghanistan in 2019 that led to the killing of civilians, including at least one child, as the US looked for an exit strategy in the two-decade war.​
The footage, published on Tuesday as part of an investigation by military news outlet Connecting Vets, reportedly reveals how successive US administrations and defense strategists relaxed the rules of engagement in Afghanistan – as part of a policy to pressure the Taliban to the negotiating table.​
However, drone operators interviewed by the outlet claimed the loosened rules around air strikes served “no point” and did not “make a difference” – with one pilot stating that it was “killing for the sake of killing.” The strikes also reportedly killed far more civilians than the Pentagon has admitted.​
The article continues, but probably more will come out.
American drone pilots have leaked video of “punitive” and “nihilistic” strikes in Afghanistan in 2019 that led to the killing of civilians, including at least one child, as the US looked for an exit strategy in the two-decade war.The footage, published on Tuesday as part of an investigation by military news outlet Connecting Vets

"Connecting Vets" did not realize that after seing this video Taliban can retaliate against the American civilians and soldiers, who are still located in Kabul? "Blood revenge" is taken seriously over there. Maybe, that was the intention?

Russian Defense Ministry Evacuated 500 People From Afghanistan (Videos, Photos)
25.08.2021 - Tweets

The axis of evil: Qatar and China are the first envoys to the Taliban. So, who is the main mover, is Iran or their American democratic ally, and what are the messages?

Video via ThePostMillennial
@MaryamMonsef the Canadian Minister for Women and Gender Equality, refers to the Taliban militants as "our brothers” in a statement.
Representative Jim Banks [R] says Taliban now in possession of “more Black Hawk helicopters than 85 percent of the countries of the world.”

"Because of the negligence of this administration and the hasty retreat that they led out of Afghanistan, they have left $85 billion worth of American equipment in the hands of our enemy, the Taliban. 75,000 vehicles, over 200 airplanes and helicopters, over 600,000 small arms and light weapons."

While the weapons are extremely concerning, Banks said the U.S. technology left behind will be devastating to the Afghan people in the hands of the Taliban.

“They have night vision goggles, body armor, and unbelievably, the Taliban now has biometric devices which have the fingerprints, eye scans and biographical information of all of the Afghans who helped us and were on our side over the last 20 years.”

In any military conflict the retreating side would have made sure that not many of their assets would fall into the hands of their enemies.

It looks like the 'deep state' and the Taliban have actually become friends which is also indicated by the fact that the Taliban seem not to infringe on NATO's operations of withdrawal and evacuation.

I would very much like to find out what the deal behind the scenes was...
Did anyone here point to the super strange plane story, where people cling to the plane, an then after taking off those peeps fall off the plane from quite some height? I didn't buy it from the very beginning, something seemed so strange about the footage, not only the seemingly stupid people clinging to the autside of the plane, or the cheering guy, but also the plane itself rather looked "potemkinsch" to me. Now i found this vid from a german YT Channel called "Dancing with Demons". He points to the turbines and the planes windows. Just watch, I think the vid works without understanding the language. He compares pics of the same plane model with this footage.

Everything about the Afghanistan war is fake, except the casualties and the suffering of the people.

So the Americans went to Afghanistan chasing a single guy, Osama bin Laden who probably had already died at the time. Occupying the country for twenty years the US and their NATO poodles went about chasing terrorists, bringing democracy and helping school children safely across the streets.

The 'liberation' seems to have been welcome at Kabul which had already been clinging to an enlightened lifestyle under Soviet occupation.

Just as it started and went along the whole affair is ending with the fake defeat of the NATO accomplices who seem to have been eager to be leaving behind military gear supposedly worth $ 85 billion.
'Biden does not give a shit for how many Americans will remain in Afghanistan after the deadline.'

By Aleksandra Serebriakova - 26.08.2021
'It's a sabotage, they can't evacuate them all.'

26 Aug, 2021

26 Aug, 2021
Tweeter chatter!

Live map: 3 hours ago - 34°33′N 69°13′E
At least 3 U.S. troops wounded in suicide bombing outside Abbey Gate at Kabul airport: U.S. officials


'It's a sabotage, they can't evacuate them all.'

26 Aug, 2021

26 Aug, 2021

26 Aug, 2021

'Put the blame on 'terrorists': No one is responsible for the chaotic evacuation.'
Pentagon confirms multiple US troops have been killed in attack on Kabul airport
Suitcases of money
Contractors, NGOs and others who were aboard the seemingly endless gravy train also kept quiet as they stuffed their pockets with billions of dollars of public money.
Money being spent on an institutional level was a metric of success. Somehow in the minds of the U.S. political leaders, in Iraq and Afghanistan, dollars spent equated to things being constructed and effective counterinsurgency [against the Taliban]…But the Taliban themselves were taking the money! The Taliban guys were doing the construction work. It was absolutely nuts!”
What better proof that the US politically immune Elite - members of the Priesthood of El - were supporting chaos, terrorists? Then those terrorists transformed themselves to be freedom fighters.
What would you do if suddenly - in your impoverished village - helicopters of the planet's greatest superpower landed and soldiers sprung from them handing you suitcases of money?

This cash-in-hand system also created widespread networks of corruption that sustained huge numbers of people, including many in Washington.

I had $50 million in cash. The most I ever had at one point was $24 million on hand, in $100 bills, sitting in safes in my bedroom. And there was hardly any oversight whatsoever. Once we signed that money out of the vault in Baghdad, it was up to me how to document that money was spent and where the money went…I had no requirement. Literally. I am not joking. No guidance and no requirement to provide documentation about where that money went.”

This just shows that the Washington Psychopaths had absolutely zero care for humanity. Human rights or caring for anybody is non-existent for them:
Poppy fiasco
The heroin trade exploded under the U.S. watch. In 2001 — the year of the invasion — Afghanistan produced just 185 tons of the drug. However, that number ballooned to over 9,000 tons by 2017, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The boom turned Afghanistan into the world’s first true narco-state, according to Professor Alfred McCoy, author of “The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.”

The trade implicated almost everybody in power, including Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother Ahmed Wali, among the biggest and most notorious drug kingpins in the south of the country.

Attempts to crush opium production often backfired comically. Local farmers were given cash not to plant poppies. But frequently, they would simply take the money and plant the crop elsewhere, unbeknownst to the Americans. Thus, they were simultaneously getting paid to plant and paid not to plant.
The actions of the political elite are complete insanity, while they are wearing the Mask of Sanity:
” Hoh said. “If you were going to write a movie about this, they’d say ‘This is too far fetched. No one is going to believe this. Nothing is this insane or stupid.’ But that is the way it is.”
40% of the “aid” money earmarked for Iraq and Afghanistan never even left the United States, going towards management and consultancy fees for the prime contractor.

Nothing has changed since WW1 and WW2: Wall Street and London's Bank of International Settlements were busy funding the Nazi war machine. Same today.
Weapons companies have also made a killing supplying the U.S. and its allies with the arms necessary to sustain a 20-year campaign. As Jon Schwarz of The Intercept noted, defense stocks have outperformed the market by 58% over the past two decades. A prime example of this is Lockheed Martin. $10,000 of that company’s stock bought in September 2001 would now be worth more than $133,000. Lockheed Martin itself today receives more in federal contracts than all weapons manufacturers put together did 20 years ago.
Hoh sardonically noted that “the one place that reconstruction was successful was in Northern Virginia.” The rest of America might be struggling, but Raytheon Acres is flourishing.
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