Session 30 January 2021

The article about The Ummites says one thing that the Cs mentioned (Lyra) in two other sessions.

The Ummites are of Lyran descent there ancestors left the Lyra Starsystem after the reptilians from Alpha Dracnis and came and attacked the Lyrans. Lyran arks went to Ummite starsystem and colonized the planets in that starsystem they adapted to conditions and enviroments of these planets they are Nordic in apearance and very telepathic and are very benevolent et race and very spritualy and technologicaly advanced aswell.

Session 24 June 1995:

Q: (L) You have told us on other occasions that the Semitic peoples were remnants of the Atlanteans, and yet they are quite unlike...

A: Whoa!! Wait a minute, let's not get ahead of ourselves. First things first. What Roxanne said was not entirely factual. Remember, there is much disinformation to weed through.

Q: (RC) What did I say that was not factual?

A: In this part of your 3rd and 4th density universe, specifically your "galaxy" it is the region known as Orion that is the one and only indigenous home of human type beings... reflect on this! Indigenous home base, not sole locator. What you are most in need of review of is the accurate profile of "alien" data.

Q: (RC) I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke out there and they ended up in Orion.

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.

Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.


Session 24 June 2000:

Q: (L) There are some questions that have been asked about what sort of humanoid types may have originated in Lyra. I realize that Lyra is a constellation, and not a planet, but this person states: "apparently all of the human race comes from Lyra."

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, there is a lot of information out there along this line. Billy Meier even makes this claim. This person says "The human race did not originally exist in Lyra; it came from some other galaxy, but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system."

A: Closer.

Q: (L) According to the Andromedans, "there are over 135 billion human beings in the 8 galaxies closest to ours. Now, there are also other races out there. Some of these races have had a lot of conflict with the human race and that conflict continues, but there are things happening that will hopefully alleviate that problem...."

A: Your current physical form has been fine tuned on your present locator through advanced biogenetic engineering. It is an ongoing process.

Q: (L) It says here: "many members of extraterrestrial races live from an average of one thousand to 1500 years." Now, you have already told us that such ages are the case at 4th density. But, here it says: "The Andromedans live to an average of 2007 years. They do not look at time the same way that we do. They say that our universe, which consists of everything that we do and don't know about is a 21 trillion year old hologram. They say that all the matter that is in our universe came out of black holes. Under every galaxy, they say, is a black hole from whence everything comes." Now, does everything in our galaxy come out of a black hole? Is the center...

A: Whoa! Wait a minute! The term "year" is a 3rd density concept of the terran variety.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the whole thing is ridiculous?

A: No, the whole thing is not ridiculous. Some may be, but not all.

I wonder if much of the problem with these "encounters" are due to the possiblity that they are actually 4D entities rather than 3D. There is a mixture of beliefs about whether "extraterrestrials" really exist. Many conservative Christians do think they are demons which probably is a good description for the STS group.

I think one of the most valuable pieces of information the Cs have given us (for those who "believe") is that there are 7 densites with 4D being perhaps "a little lower than the angels". It is the 4D level that is perhaps the least understood by Christians (maybe other religions too).
I cant find any information related to the "Ummo" on the Cass site. Could you give me a link to the information you are refering too?

Here but in French...

Effondrement 2021 — UMMO WIKI


Quote : OAY-23 du 28 mai 2015 Les probabilités de survenue de l'effondrement économique sont de 8% avant juillet 2019, de 50% avant avril 2021 et de 92% avant décembre 2022

Tell me what you think about it... The 3D Experiment. I Have a friend who is following their informations.
Last edited:
Session Date: January 30th 2021

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Gaby, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia

Q: (L) Today is January 30th, 2021. We have the usual suspects. [Review of those present]

A: Hello children of Cassiopaea. Honorreiae here tonight.

Q: (Artemis) I think we already had someone with a similar name to that.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(Artemis) Are you the same person?

(L) They're not persons.

(Artemis) Well, you know what I mean! The same Cassiopaean...

A: Close

Q: (Joe) It's a slightly different spelling.

(Artemis) Honoria's sister.

(Scottie) Yeah, that was Honoriaea, and this is Honorreiae.

(L) Alright. How do we want to start? Do we want to have Ark ask his question first?

(Ark) Nah. They have to warm up first.

(L) So, clearly Trump didn't have the courage to do anything big and bold. Now the Deep State is in power via Biden and... Camel Harris. So, what does that mean for the world at large?

A: Chaos.

Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?

A: Fear of losing control.

Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?

(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.

(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.

A: Greed is a sickness.

Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?

A: Increased military intervention at all levels.

Q: (L) So despite the fact that Trump was so friendly and always playing up to the military, they really still didn't want or like him because he wasn't a war monger. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And high mucky-muck military guys are basically war mongers.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) When they increase military intervention at all levels, is that a reference to it being not just foreign, but domestic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. We've already pointed out that they're shooting themselves in the foot again and again. The very chaos that they're trying to control is the chaos that they have created by their actions. Well, it's like in the book Political Ponerology: they don't believe that they can't do what they decide that they want to do, and they can't believe that they get the resistance that they get. They're like somebody in a house with 500 holes in the roof in a rainstorm, rushing one bucket all around trying to catch all the leaks. They're unable to read history or historical analyses and derive any benefit from it.

(Joe) The COVID thing is obviously directly related to losing control.

(L) COVID is all about losing control.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they use COVID for just about anything they want to.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…

(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...

A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humor in the expression: The last Trump shall sound!

Q: (L) The last Trump shall sound... And then what?

A: Wait and see! But wouldn't you say that the universal retrieval system has a sense of humor?

Q: (Artemis) Didn't some states want to secede from the USA?

A: They may get serious about that leading to some turmoil.

Q: (Artemis) Then Trump will become president of the new USA or something...

A: No.

Q: (Andromeda) Nice try, though.

(L) Here's another question: Were Trump and his team able to assemble any credible evidence for election fraud?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the election rigged in such a way that there was no presentable evidence?

A: No

Q: (L) So why didn't this evidence prevail?

(Joe) It didn't get a hearing. We know that part. No one would go near it.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it couldn't get a hearing. Despite the fact that Trump stacked the courts, they still couldn't get a hearing. The Deep State had tentacles reaching that far. What happened to all of these judges and so forth that Trump put in place who SHOULD have helped deal with this election fraud...

A: Deep State visits.

Q: (L) So in other words, it was kinda like Men In Black who visit you and say, "This is the way it's going to be."

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) The claim was that those Supreme Court justices were talking and someone overheard them. Apparently, they were getting quite worked up, and one of them who was in favor of looking at the evidence mentioned Bush and Gore and that this has happened before. But the others said yes, but Bush and Gore didn't have the prospect of riots. So I'm wondering if those guys weren't warned off taking that case because of dire predictions of mass unrest as a result of Trump overturning the election. They didn't want to have that on their conscience.

(Ark) But I don't understand. What prevented Trump from publishing this evidence?

A: Deep State controls.

Q: (L) Quite a bit of the evidence WAS getting published, but then they cut him off from Twitter, Facebook...

(Joe) They had hearings of their own where they had testimony from witnesses.

(Ark) I mean, there are thousands of ways to publish it!

(L) Not when you've got complete control of the media.

(Joe) The nature of the evidence was like testimony of eyewitnesses, but also forensic data from voting machines. They would have needed to get full access to all the data.

(L) And they were blocked from access to the machines.

(Joe) Yes, they were stopped from getting full access. And no one would actually rule on it - no one with authority, anyway.

(L) It was stonewalling every which way he turned. It was the most unbelievable display of blatant fraud... It was shocking.

(Joe) Basically, the fraud was to do with the way states counted the ballots...

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.

Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.

(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.

(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Or is it going to manifest as earthquakes and tornadoes and kill a bunch of people?

(L) People will be objecting to this takeover inside themselves, so it'll manifest in some way externally, we just don’t yet know how. Well, that's interesting.

(Andromeda) You don't mess with universal rules.

(L) What are the chances that there will be open efforts to target and potentially imprison people who publicly dissent on major issues like COVID and lockdowns?

A: Very good.

Q: (L) They're already deplatforming them from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. There's like an iron curtain coming down within the USA. It's a curtain against any truth or information getting out. The Bar Association demanded that Lin Wood submit himself to psychiatric examination. So, if you dissent, you lose your job, you get 'examined' by psychiatrists paid by the Deep State to say you're crazy, you get medicated, you lose your medical license if you're a doctor and you say anything contrary to their narrative about COVID... We're talking about the heaviest crackdown that's ever been since it is practically global! This is like Stalin, isn't it?

(Chu) And it's not just the USA. Europe is the same.

(L) It's the whole planet practically.

(Joe) It's mostly in the West. That's a good question. Why are so many of the strongest control measures being imposed in Europe and America and other Western countries?

A: They were weakened by "good times" and "freedom" that permits the flourishing of pathology.

Q: (L) So in other words, when you have real freedom...

(Joe) It weakens the people and it also creates a climate where the greediest have a free lunch so to speak. Those in power become greedier and greedier.

(Niall) Does that mean people in places like East Asia may escape much of this?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) I'd say they're a little bit overbalanced in the other direction. It's a real problem. It's a thorny issue that always returns, again and again and again. It's cyclical.

A: How true that is you have yet to see fully.

Q: (Pierre) You said it's cyclical. The two last occurrences of this cycle - I'm talking about plagues - was it the Black Death and before the Justinian Plague?

A: No.

Q: (L) Look at World War I and World War II. It moves from place to place to place. You're trying to think of it in totally global terms. It moves around. I think that only now is it truly global, and that's because of our global communications and transport. But even in Justinian times, we can't say that everything was subjected to...

A: Not all places were hit in those times.

Q: (Andromeda) But they will be this time?

A: Close

Q: (L) Alright. Honey, what was your question?

(Ark) My question is that in my research, related to the paper I've been writing for a year now, there appears a mathematical structure, an antisymmetric matrix or something like that. I believe it's important, but I don't know whether it's related to action of electromagnetic field, or gravitational field, or some kind of informational field. I have no clue and I would like to have a hint what it is doing this thing that is there and I don't know what kind of job it is doing?

(L) So, you're asking if it's informational, gravitational, or electromagnetic?

(Ark) Or something else.

A: Electromagnetism structured by information emitted by gravity.

Q: (Ark) Alright. [laughs]

A: Go deeper to find the structuring forces.

Q: (Ark) Meow.

(Joe) In all the vaccines they're releasing for Covid, is there any chipping, or...?

(Niall) They answered that. They suggested it themselves without us asking.

(Joe) Well, that was back then. Are there chips in any of the vaccines they're administering?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Which ones? Pfizer?

A: Selective and specific.

Q: (Joe) And what is the purpose of these chips that are administered selectively?

A: Control.

Q: (Joe) Control of individuals?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What kind of control can they affect with those?

A: Tracking and other.

Q: (Joe) Can they have an influence on people's thoughts and behavior?

A: Not thoughts, but physiology.

Q: (L) So they don't need something like that for controlling thoughts. They've got other things for that. But they could probably put something in there that could trigger something that would go off in your body and like create an illness, or...

(Joe) Is that being done for experimentation purposes to do it on more people at a later point?

A: No. Raw control.

Q: (L) No experimenting necessary. They've already done that.

(Andromeda) Are they chips like we think of them, like computer chips? Or is it a higher technology?

A: Nano.

Q: (Joe) Is there anything specific about the people they select, or is it random?

A: Difficult to control.

Q: (L) Obviously, somebody who's easy to control would just, ya know...

(Joe) But then my next question is how do they decide who needs it...

(Niall) Maybe it depends on what they say on Facebook? Those who are dissident get targeted for a chip.

A: Knowledge protects. Review what you have learned about "alien" implants.

Q: (Pierre) But then the most uncontrollable ones won't get the vaccine. They'll refuse it.

A: True. Wishful thinking.

Q: (L) So it's wishful thinking on their part that they think they can get any uncontrollable people controlled?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) They will control the individuals that are already sheep.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Any other questions?

(Artemis) Who created this nanotech? Humans or aliens or inspired by aliens?

A: Both.

Q: (Niall) Is this GameStop business more or less a popular movement or action being done by regular folk?

A: Mostly.

Q: (Joe) Another question from the forum about Kantek: There's a generally held view by most people that the asteroid belt is a planet that exploded. The problem is that there isn't enough material in the asteroid belt to explain the mass of the planet. It's like only 2 or 3% of the planet. So people on the forum have been discussing how there could be so little material left. Where did the other 97% of the material go?

A: Much of it was disintegrated into dust and ejected from the solar system.

Q: (Joe) Somebody also did calculations on the amount of energy released from the explosion of a planet and it should have had catastrophic effects on most of the other planets in the solar system...

A: It did.

Q: (Joe) Okay.

(Artemis) What about on Earth? Is there anything that we can see nowadays from Kantek's explosion?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) What?

(L) I don't want to go through a list of that! It's going to take a long time. There are many craters. If you study the evidence... There's lot of evidence - even genetic evidence. The problem with craters on Earth is that they tend to get healed over because of tectonic plate movement, weather, erosion, etc.

(Joe) Anyway, this would be an energetic effect - more like a blast wave. If most of it was turned to dust, it wouldn't have bombarded the Earth with physical stuff. It would have been more of an energy blast wave.

A: It was also directional due to velocity and direction of planet's orbit and rotation.

Q: (L) So you can't just calculate something for an object that's sitting still. There also had to have been effects caused by the other planets like the gas giants. They would have had gravitational effects on whatever was going on. It's such a complex system that it's hard to do any calculations for it.

(Pierre) Especially a planet we don't know much about. About a related topic: Were the Malta ruts caused by ground-to-ground discharge?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) About the interaction between us and the information field... I wanted to know if basically the DNA because of its spiral shape acts as an amplifier and universal antenna, while the proteins act as a specifier of the information received due to their geometric conformation? DNA amplifier, protein says what FM station you're tuning into?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) When we asked months ago about the next big economic crisis, they said that it will start as usual with a manufactured crisis, but it will get out of hand. I was wondering if this pattern will be synchronous with the current sanitary situation? Fake pandemic, fake economic crisis, and then real pandemic and real economic crisis?

A: Sure. That's elementary dear Pierre!

Q: (Pierre) It's not to me. Last one...

(L) I'm here to serve! [laughter]

(Pierre) In a previous session, you said that in homeopathic remedies, the higher the dilution the more potent the effect is. Could you explain why the higher dilution makes it more potent?

(L) Couldn't you ask a question with a Yes or No answer? [laughter]

A: Structuring of water is good enough.

Q: (Niall) Will the Powers That Be shut down the internet?

A: They will try to restrict, but they depend on it too much themselves.

Q: (L) They use it too much FOR control. They can't shut it down!

(Chu) People might actually get together in person instead of staring at their screens all day.

(Artemis) Oxajil wanted me to ask about her kitty. I was going to ask if there's anything you can say about her kitty that might help Oxajil?

A: Kitty is now a guard.

Q: (L) So her kitty has become a guard in the astral realms?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I did want to ask about our little missing time episode today. Was there any significance to this missing time episode we had earlier this evening?

A: Glitch in the matrix.

Q: (L) So a glitch in the matrix... Does that mean there was something of a program change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what caused this program change?

A: You.

Q: (Artemis) Oh god! What did you do, Mom?! What have you DONE?! You messed up the timeline again! [laughter]

(Chu) Stop organizing your room!! [laughter]

(L) Is the new program better? Will I like it more?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) I have one last question. Several months ago, we talked about speaking out against things going on. They said strategic enclosure to the max. And we just... didn't pay any attention to that whatsoever. [laughter] I'm just wondering if there's any danger to us specifically due to the way we're pointing out things going on? Or are we in danger? One benefit I always thought is that we're in France, but we're writing in English for the Anglosphere. We're not really talking in French about what's going on in France.

(Chu) Well, we do have French SOTT and they do bash...

A: Tone things a bit and use allusions more.

Q: (Joe) So, I should write something like: “Isn't this strange the way things happen like this? Kinda weird! I think there might be something strange about what governments are doing. Maybe they're making a big mistake. What do you think?” [laughter]

(L) Alright. Is there anything upcoming that we need to know about? Or any closing statement?

(Andromeda) Words of wisdom?

A: At this point you should better understand "enjoy the show." So do it. Goodbye.


(Joe) There's not much to enjoy. It's painful.

(Chu) The problem is that shows are short. You watch for an hour or two, turn the TV off, and it's over. This show is going to go on for YEARS!

(Pierre) And there are Dukes and Duchesses in those shows. More entertaining. The real show doesn’t seem to have any Dukes…

(L) The only thing I can say about it is that we learn from it. At a certain point, you get to where... I dunno, you get more detached because you can only endure so much pain. It's like physical pain: at a certain point, something shuts down when you're having physical pain, and it stops. Either you stop feeling it because your brain stops carrying the signals, or you pass out, or SOMETHING happens. [laughter]

(Joe) It's like watching a slow train wreck. For a long time, you might think you'll sound the alarm and prevent the worst that's going to happen. But at some point you realize nobody's listening and it'll happen anyway. At that point, you have to realize it's simply out of your hands. And you see it happening over a long period of time, so you do get a bit anesthetized against it in a certain sense. You can't keep being stressed about it and survive.

(Andromeda) Or even shocked about it.

(L) When you take it all in perspective, all the pain and suffering on each and every side of all the different groups of people throughout history, and then about recompense coming to this or that group... And of course the average person would think, "Well, those people that committed those acts are not the ones who are suffering because they died and it's their children that are suffering." Well, that completely leaves out the idea of reincarnation, that people come back again and pay. I remember when we asked something about Atlantis and the C's said the Atlanteans were doing a replay of their attempt to control the whole world.

(Pierre) The motive is similar. The last destruction of Atlantis was...

(L) It was about power. We asked once about if black people in Africa ever had a high civilization. They said yes. I asked what happened to it, and they said they were cruel overlords and their civilization was destroyed and they were reduced to bare survival in the jungles or savanna or whatever as a result. So... Power comes to one and then it's taken away. It goes to another, and it's taken away. Over and over again. We just happen to be here in a place and time where a whole lot of things are culminating in one point in our history. And the C's have said that this is because it's the closing of a Grand Cycle of 309,000 years or something like that. So ALL the little threads that were left dangling and all the different groups that are deserving of punishment... And I guess the Brits are REALLY going to get it because of their whole empire thing... oh my god. And I should talk about it! My DNA says I'm 85% British, Scottish, and Irish. So... How do I know that I wasn't one of those empire-building nabobs over in India or Malaysia or the colonies in America. And of course you can't even really get all soft and syrupy about the Native Americans. What did they do? They were probably the Atlanteans. That's what their punishment was: to be overwhelmed by the European invaders.

(Niall) What did the Irish ever do to anyone? [laughter]

(L) We don't know.

(Joe) The current ones have been infiltrated. They're all half-castes in power. Laura, you were the Duke or Duchess of Tinklebottom... The Duke of Whibblesworth... Some funny English name. You will pay!

(Pierre) Taking this historic distance, you don't identify as much.

(Joe) You should take that French flag down in the workshop, then. [laughter]

(L) Well, all joking aside, I think the bottom line is that we're being challenged to take a more cosmic perspective on the whole thing. What did the Cs say once? No body-centric persons need apply. If you're body-centric, that means you're stuck in your 3D thinking. We're being invited to rise above that and basically enjoy the show because we're seeing a BIG historical set of events transpiring right before our eyes.

(PoB) Can we change the channel?

(Niall) Only if you change your proteins!

(Joe) A very good way to stop identifying with 3d reality is for it ALL to go to hell! Who wants to identify with something that's a clown show, ya know?

(Andromeda) Which it is!

(L) It IS fascinating, I gotta admit!

Despite what happened to my Orange man, I believe we still run the positive time line, these are just last move of cabal cards on play, nothing left on thier hands and worst is they have infringed the cosmic laws of the game of duality let them seat tight and wait for consequence while we shift them off these higher realms of density.
In this session, there was a section that spoke about the prospects in terms of the military with the current US Biden-Harris administration.
(L) So, clearly Trump didn't have the courage to do anything big and bold. Now the Deep State is in power via Biden and... Camel Harris. So, what does that mean for the world at large?

A: Chaos.

Q: (L) What is the reason for the chaos?

A: Fear of losing control.

Q: (L) Well, I don't understand. Exactly what do you mean?

(Joe) I was going to say that their fear of losing control has increased in recent years, obviously. But it's been as a result of their own actions, not as a result of anything the people are doing. The people are getting agitated and thrown into chaos because of what's being done to them.

(Artemis) They're shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again.

A: Greed is a sickness.

Q: (L) And I guess you mean not just greed for money, but greed for power?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Can you tell us any particular way that this chaos is going to manifest?

A: Increased military intervention at all levels.

Q: (L) So despite the fact that Trump was so friendly and always playing up to the military, they really still didn't want or like him because he wasn't a war monger. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And high mucky-muck military guys are basically war mongers.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) When they increase military intervention at all levels, is that a reference to it being not just foreign, but domestic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. We've already pointed out that they're shooting themselves in the foot again and again. The very chaos that they're trying to control is the chaos that they have created by their actions. Well, it's like in the book Political Ponerology: they don't believe that they can't do what they decide that they want to do, and they can't believe that they get the resistance that they get. They're like somebody in a house with 500 holes in the roof in a rainstorm, rushing one bucket all around trying to catch all the leaks. They're unable to read history or historical analyses and derive any benefit from it.

(Joe) The COVID thing is obviously directly related to losing control.

(L) COVID is all about losing control.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they use COVID for just about anything they want to.

A: Yes
These days, as there is some turmoil surrounding the event of the US leaving Afghanistan, the idea came to review a few sessions and find out what they had to say about the US and Afghanistan. As it turned out, the expedition to Afghanistan connects 9/11, to Iraq, to the situation in Israel/Palestine, and right up to the present push for control of the masses via the Covid measures.

In 2001 after 9/11 there was:
Q: We have a series of questions about this recent event. Was the attack on the World Trade Center undertaken by Moslem Terrorists?
A: No.

Q: Who was behind this attack?
A: Israel.
Q: Is it going to become known that it was Israel? Will they be exposed?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this the event that is going to lead to the destruction of Israel?
A: Yes.
Q: Is the god worshipped in Judaism, Yahwah, really Howah, the Pig God?
A: Yes.
Q: Are there going to be further terrorist attacks in the US next week as others have been predicting?
A: No.
Q: Are there going to be further terrorist attacks of this kind at any time in the near future in the U.S.?
A: No.
Q: Is this the beginning of WW III?
A: No.
Q: Is the US. Going to bomb Afghanistan?
A: Possible in future.

Q: Well, you say there aren't going to be any further attacks; can we believe you?
A: Up to you.
Q: (A) You say that Israel will be exposed; in what time perspective?
A: Month {before first hints emerge.}
Q: Expose Israel? How?
A: Yes, open. Perhaps sooner.
Q: (A) What mistake did they make?
A: Infiltrated.
Q: (A) They seem to be so smart with their god behind them, and they did such a big thing, only to make a mistake. (L) I guess we can only wait to see how it turns out. It's a spooky idea. What do countries do when something like that is discovered and they have had a long-term diplomatic relationship? They talk to each other, they pat each other on the back. What do they do? It's like having to get a divorce when everybody thought you had such a happy marriage. And when it's like this? It's like having to get a divorce after discovering that your partner has murdered your children and buried them in the back yard. (A) Yeah, but it's not so clear, because when you say "Israel," it's not one thing. There are different parties, different factions, they are fighting. We don't know.
A: Gore is pushing buttons on Capitol Hill.
Q: What does Gore have to do with anything? He lost the election. Well... (A) He had this Lieberman as his running mate. He was in bed with Jews. What kind of buttons? Huh. (L) Is he pushing buttons to expose?
A: To suppress.
Q: Well, that's the damnedest thing I ever heard. Did the U.S. Government shoot down the fourth plane as some people are suggesting?
A: Yes.
Q: Did the United States know about this attack at any time in advance of it? Did any of our people in any position to do anything, know?
A: No.
Q: Were they blindsided?
A: No. But not expecting.
Q: (A) So, they knew it was going to happen, but they didn't know when and what exactly? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it truly a "failure of intelligence?"
A: Yes.

Q: So, the infiltrator must have learned something, but wasn't in on the whole thing?
A: Close.
Q: (A) What is the most probable scenario. There were infiltrators, they had some knowledge, and they communicated this knowledge to some part of Intelligence, but this part of Intelligence did not press to communicate it to the higher parties?
A: Yes. And it was not known plan.
Q: So the infiltrator did not know the specific plan. So, they overstepped. Hubris. (A) Which part of Israel government was behind it? (L) Probably some deep level orthodox bunch like Kochav.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) But they killed a lot of Jews. (L) They don't care. Jews killed a lot of Jews in WW II. Hubris.
A: Greed.
If Afghanistan was only an option five days after 9/11 it became more likely two weeks later. But then Afghanistan was not new to war. The Wiki heading is Afghanistan conflict (1978–present) Reading the first lines of the following excerpt, one has to admit they have indeed managed to herd the "population to much finer order of control". Regarding Palestine there was a conflict in 2006 between Hezbollah and Israel, there have been tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, see 2018-2019 Gaza Border Protests and now the 2021 Israel-Palestine Crisis.
Q: (L) Well we plan to. What is going to happen with the Middle-eastern situation; this Afghanistan or whatever?
A: Herding of population to much finer order of control.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this control; this increasing control.
A: Preparation for war in Palestine.

Q: (L) But nobody has said anything about having a war in Palestine. They're all talking about having a war in Afghanistan. How does Palestine fit in here?
A: It is the ultimate objective of Israel.

Q: (L) Why would they want to have war in their own country? Well, aside from the fact that they've been having a war in their own country for a long time. I guess they want to bring it to a final conclusion. What is going to be the result of this plan?
A: Destruction of Jews.

Q: (L) Well obviously this is not what THEY are planning, is it?
A: No.
Q:(L) They are planning destruction of Palestinians, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It seems that through out history whenever the Jews have plotted and planned to destroy somebody, they are the ones who have ended up being destroyed themselves. Or am I misreading my history here?
A: No.
War in Afghanistan for what?
Q: (L) You're not answering my question. (A) {Laughs.} (L) So what is going to be the result of this bombing of Afghanistan?
A: Hosed lies.
Among the lies that were hosed were those relating to 9/11. And something else happened too to direct the public attention. There was an Anthrax attack.
Q: Where did the Anthrax come from?
A: U.S. government.
{This proved to be correct. The anthrax strain was produced in U.S. gov laboratory.}
Q: (L) That's not very nice. (A) Well, the "U.S. Government" can mean any of many parts that all fight with each other. (L) Okay, when you say "U.S. Government," is that the government that we consider to be our government, or is that the secret government - some maverick branch that is operating without the approval of our elected officials?
A: Latter.
Q: (A) Well, that's imprecise. I am sure that at least one elected official is in on it. Certain questions have more or less known answers. What we know is that it comes from some part of the U.S. government. A maverick part. We don't know, and I don't know if we want to know from which part. (L) Probably not. (A) So, probably when they start to look for tracks of the Anthrax, it will certainly point somewhere abroad - to Afghanistan or somewhere else. (L) Right. That will give the government a reason to go and bomb somebody else. (A) So, is this reasoning correct? (L) Are they going to try to blame it on some foreign element?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, if they are going to try to blame it on some foreign group, can we have any idea of which group?
A: Iraq.
Q: (L) Are we ultimately headed toward bombing Iraq?
A: Yes.
A year after 9/11 the drums are beating for Iraq.
Q: (L) Is this bombing of Iraq that George Bush wants - is there any way to stop this gang from going to war?
A: No.
Reading the following one can ask questions as to who gave orders for Bush to go into Iraq:
Q: (L) What is driving Bush to have his war with Iraq?

A: Orders.
Bush knows little in any respect as to what or why he does anything.

Q: Is the war drama merely a play being put on to keep us all distracted and in a state of fear?

A: More or less.

Q: Yet, you said the United States would be bombed, and on another occasion you said there would not be a nuclear war.

A: "Bombs" are not all "nuclear." And, there are "natural bombs."

Q: (A) I want to ask about the collapse of the World Trade Center. There is evidence of seismicity and unusual pulses that seem to have simply disintegrated matter.

A: Very good observation, but that does not mean human sabotage either. There were certainly "pulses." They were of a "natural" source that was "sculpted" or "shaped" and directed.

Q: What do you mean by a 'natural source?'

A: Energies of the planet artificially collected and disbursed. An artificial earthquake sort of.

Q: But we are still talking about technology. Where is the operational center for this type of thing?

A: 4th density technology.

Q: This we know. But there are human brains involved. What brains are behind this?

A: Did you ever wonder why the pentagon is a pentagon? Hint!

Q: Is that why they specifically included the Pentagon as one of the buildings to be hit in the 9-11 attack; to allay suspicions?

A: Yup!

Q: Are there 4th density sections to the Pentagon?

A: Absolutely. It is a "deep cover" kind of place.

Q: (A) There is this Pentagon, then there is another superpower - Russia - and still another - China...

A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center.
The last lines above are remarkable, while we tend to think of different superpowers, the Cs say "A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center."

By 2005, thousands have lost their lives in Iraq, and the US fits the description of being a "Zombie nation".
Q: (Perceval) How many troops have actually been killed since the beginning of the Iraq war?

A: 7,500

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually supports Bush?

A: 36%

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population thinks there was complicity on the part of the US government in 9/11?

A: 47%

Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually thinks at all?

A: 12% if you define it rigidly. (group amazement at this figure)

A: What do you expect with HAARP turning brains to tapioca?

(Perceval) So it's a Zombie nation then?

A: You took the words right out of 6th density.
Fast forward to 2014 and a few months after the coup in Ukraine and the conflict in Iraq had flared up again see War in Iraq (2013–2017)
A: Not Jesus Christ, only Korilla of Cassiopaea. However, we understand the sentiment! Things are rather chaotic in some places, yes? Just wait! Much more to come!

Q: (L) Well. That tunes in to my initial question. We've got Ukraine going to hell in a hand basket. Now all of a sudden, out of the blue seemingly, Iraq is being "re-invaded" and there have been suggestions that this is all being done by forces that have been armed by the US and/or NATO. Is that in fact the case? Is the West behind this re-invasion of Iraq?

A: Indeed. However, as has happened before, the "Allies" are strange bedfellows and the alliance will not last. This situation signals great danger because it reflects the cosmic situation. Many of those in "power" do not realize how controlled they actually are nor why.

Q: (L) Okay, so let's ask the obvious question: Why are they controlled and being driven to act in these warmongering ways?

A: Cosmic justice is coming.

Q: (L) Alright then. Um...

A: They feel it like the hound of hell.

[Pause for fixing mic problems on the remote end since they were talking, but we couldn't hear anything]

(L) Okay, where were we?

(Chu) The Hound of Hell...

A: As the changes approach, they feel the pressure but do not understand what it is. They only feel an insatiable hunger and fear that they will be left with nothing. Thus the drive to grab and destroy.

Q: (Pierre) So there's a kind of feedback loop. Those leaders feel the earth changes growing, so they become even more destructive, which in turn increases the cosmic reaction.

(Perceval) I would assume they would project that fear onto the population, and then crack down on them. Then the population responds, and that just increases their fear, and increases the cracking down.

(L) All I can say is that right now, it just really, really looks ugly and desperate and dangerous. And all of that is happening while the freaking planet is going nuts weather-wise, earthquake-wise, volcano-wise...
By 2015 years, 14 years after 9/11, the US is still in Afghanistan. One can wonder if the invasion made any sense at all. With the invasion in Afghanistan, somebody was hoping for a quick fix, but there wasn't any.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that means we should ask some questions. Everybody is concerned about Vladimir Putin's health. That's Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin. So, I'm wondering is his health compromised?

A: No, not even close. He is working hard and steady.

Q: (L) What is he working on?

A: Solving major global imbalances.

Q: (L) So does that suggest that he has some surprises in store for the globalists?

A: Oh indeed! But they are too blinded by greed to anticipate his moves.

Q: (L) What was that article we read a week ago where somebody was writing that the reason everything is falling apart is because that's what they want it to do?

(Perceval) Dmitry Orlov. He was basically just saying that chaos and destruction was on purpose or intentional. ISIS and all that business is intentional, according to him. They didn't bring freedom and democracy to Afghanistan or Iraq; they brought worse than before. But that's all intentional. That was his point.

(L) But that doesn't make any sense.

A: It makes sense only from a 4D STS perspective.

Q: (Perceval) That's what we've been saying. Orlov was saying it was deliberate... He was saying they want to remake things after they destroy it first, and it's not a mistake.

(L) I think it's just the nature of psychopaths.

(Perceval) That's what I wrote on his blog: that it's even worse than that, because they don't have any plan. They're just nutjobs let loose on the planet, and this is what they do. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

(L) It's like infecting like a body with a virus. The virus just does what it does, which is destroy.

(Perceval) Right, and nobody wants to accept that because it's the scariest proposition at all. It's a runaway train, and nobody's driving.

(L) Yeah, and that's what it is.

(Galatea) That also makes sense with the vaccination debates going on. It's kind of symbolic. People want a quick fix.

(L) Yeah. And there isn't one.
(Perceval) I have a question about Israel. Is the Israeli government/Zionists/people in control of Israel planning some kind of imminent "final solution" for Palestinians?

A: Wishful thinking exposes the man behind the curtain.

Q: (L) So, they may be planning. And they may try something. But they may dig a pit for someone else and fall into it. That's kind of what the US did.

(Perceval) Yeah, what Russia is doing in Syria and Iraq now is changing the political allegiances and stuff in the Middle East. If Israel is thinking it can do stuff now like what they've been doing for so long with impunity, that might now bring the long held-back wrath of Arab nations on its head.

(L) Okay, any other questions?

(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.

Q: (L) I think being really really aware of hyperdimensional forces, as above so below, and how all of those interact, etc. I think that we've done enough for this evening. I'm tired.

A: Help is on the way! Goodbye.
One may wonder why somebody in Israel could be interested in a final solution for the Palestinians since such a way of thinking is associated with Nazi ideology:
(Horseofadifferentcolor) I was kind of curious about Ukraine: the Cs once said in the past that Nazi Germany was a test run for everything that is happening today. Since the Nazis are kind of back in action over there, I was wondering if this is a continuation of what that was, or if it's just the US and their greed and their normal games? Or if there was something different about this Ukraine issue?

A: A combination. There has long been survival of Nazi ideology in various places. It has been encouraged by similar forces in the USA and Israel.
The idea of a final solution does not concern Palestinians only, it is wider and has to do with an attempt to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.
Q: (Pierre) Another question: Years ago in a previous session, you mentioned that Nazi Germany was a rehearsal. Next time, who is going to play the role of the Nazis, and who is going to play the role of the Jews?

A: That should be obvious by now. The objective, as we have said, was/is to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Q: (L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?

A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.

Q: (Chu) Which lines?

A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.

Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) So they want to get rid of superpowered energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Evil!

(L) Okay, next question?

(Artemis) Are we Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So we're going to be the Jews?

(Artemis) We are.

(Joe) None of us have Central Asia in our DNA, do we?

(L) I think we all come out of Central Asia ultimately.

(Joe) Not in our DNA results...

(L) Uh-huh! If you do all our mitochondria and stuff, you always end up there. Okay, next question?
Back in June 2014, there was as quoted above:
A: Cosmic justice is coming.

Q: (L) Alright then. Um...

A: They feel it like the hound of hell.
By 2020 we had entered the Covide era or at least a very different time and some world leaders know what is up:
(Joe) Since this Covid thing has progressed, the lockdowns have continued, businesses are being destroyed, and governments are continuing to push ahead with it despite all evidence that there's no reason for it, have a lot of them kinda been told that... What I'm thinking about here is way back in 2003, Tony Blair got on board with the Iraq thing for no good reason. They said the reason was that he was promised a seat on the Rapture Train. It suggests he was given some inside info about future events. So, a lot of them have been brought in...

(L) They know that this is all going on and there'll be a lot of death and destruction. They're padding their own...

(Joe) Yeah, so my question is: Have a lot of government leaders been given information about upcoming events that...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they know that there probably is more likely to be an Ice Age, cometary impacts, earth changes, death, destruction, disease...

(Joe) Food shortages, mass immigration, chaos... Otherwise, how can you keep those people on board to destroy their own reputations, countries, and economies? There has to be a compelling reason for them to continue to do that.

(Andromeda) But they're not even afraid of repercussions...

(L) They KNOW something's coming.

A: Yes and so do you and some few others. Enjoy the show!
With the US leaving Afghanistan will there be more force available for the US to implement a totalitarian system within?
(L) It's a very short time, but we'll know whether he has the boldness or not. And even if he has the boldness, would he survive bold moves?

(Andromeda) Right.

A: Good question. He is almost damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. One thing is certain, the Biden presidency represents an almost immediate slide into totalitarianism.
If totalitarianism in the US sounds foreign there is an explanation in this session of why it becomes possible: Session 30 January 2021
(Joe) It's mostly in the West. That's a good question. Why are so many of the strongest control measures being imposed in Europe and America and other Western countries?

A: They were weakened by "good times" and "freedom" that permits the flourishing of pathology.

Q: (L) So in other words, when you have real freedom...

(Joe) It weakens the people and it also creates a climate where the greediest have a free lunch so to speak. Those in power become greedier and greedier.

(Niall) Does that mean people in places like East Asia may escape much of this?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) I'd say they're a little bit overbalanced in the other direction. It's a real problem. It's a thorny issue that always returns, again and again and again. It's cyclical.

A: How true that is you have yet to see fully.

Q: (Pierre) You said it's cyclical. The two last occurrences of this cycle - I'm talking about plagues - was it the Black Death and before the Justinian Plague?

A: No.

Q: (L) Look at World War I and World War II. It moves from place to place to place. You're trying to think of it in totally global terms. It moves around. I think that only now is it truly global, and that's because of our global communications and transport. But even in Justinian times, we can't say that everything was subjected to...

A: Not all places were hit in those times.

Q: (Andromeda) But they will be this time?

A: Close
In the latest session, it was mentioned that "The changes are near".
A: The changes are near as witnessed by this desperate push for control.

Q: (Andromeda) After Macron's speech, even Merkel said, "That's not the way to do it. That's not the way to engender trust in your population!" Like: What are you, Nazis?! [laughter]

(Pierre) Events to come that might intervene, is it the Triple Bad Day?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (Scottie) Well, we can make a pretty educated guess at this point.

(L) So the crisis is going to spin out of control?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Because of natural events?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Not because of people revolting.

A: Possible also.
"[C]hanges are near" may again refer back to this session and a comment made by Laura earlier in the thread:
Two references to the "Last Trump".

Keep in mind that "visitations of God" were always cataclysmic.

1Co_15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1Th_4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
In this session, there was a section that spoke about the prospects in terms of the military with the current US Biden-Harris administration.

These days, as there is some turmoil surrounding the event of the US leaving Afghanistan, the idea came to review a few sessions and find out what they had to say about the US and Afghanistan. As it turned out, the expedition to Afghanistan connects 9/11, to Iraq, to the situation in Israel/Palestine, and right up to the present push for control of the masses via the Covid measures.

In 2001 after 9/11 there was:

If Afghanistan was only an option five days after 9/11 it became more likely two weeks later. But then Afghanistan was not new to war. The Wiki heading is Afghanistan conflict (1978–present) Reading the first lines of the following excerpt, one has to admit they have indeed managed to herd the "population to much finer order of control". Regarding Palestine there was a conflict in 2006 between Hezbollah and Israel, there have been tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, see 2018-2019 Gaza Border Protests and now the 2021 Israel-Palestine Crisis.

War in Afghanistan for what?

Among the lies that were hosed were those relating to 9/11. And something else happened too to direct the public attention. There was an Anthrax attack.

A year after 9/11 the drums are beating for Iraq.

Reading the following one can ask questions as to who gave orders for Bush to go into Iraq:

The last lines above are remarkable, while we tend to think of different superpowers, the Cs say "A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center."

By 2005, thousands have lost their lives in Iraq, and the US fits the description of being a "Zombie nation".

Fast forward to 2014 and a few months after the coup in Ukraine and the conflict in Iraq had flared up again see War in Iraq (2013–2017)

By 2015 years, 14 years after 9/11, the US is still in Afghanistan. One can wonder if the invasion made any sense at all. With the invasion in Afghanistan, somebody was hoping for a quick fix, but there wasn't any.

One may wonder why somebody in Israel could be interested in a final solution for the Palestinians since such a way of thinking is associated with Nazi ideology:

The idea of a final solution does not concern Palestinians only, it is wider and has to do with an attempt to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Back in June 2014, there was as quoted above:

By 2020 we had entered the Covide era or at least a very different time and some world leaders know what is up:

With the US leaving Afghanistan will there be more force available for the US to implement a totalitarian system within?

If totalitarianism in the US sounds foreign there is an explanation in this session of why it becomes possible: Session 30 January 2021

In the latest session, it was mentioned that "The changes are near".

"[C]hanges are near" may again refer back to this session and a comment made by Laura earlier in the thread:
Good job pulling this together. Where you said: "With the US leaving Afghanistan will there be more force available for the US to implement a totalitarian system within?" - it made me think of something Andromeda (I think it was) asked the C's a few years ago about bloody revolution (unfortunately I can't recall which session it was). The C's seemed to imply that the Revolution would be at its worst in the USA. This prospect might be borne out soon where the C's referred to "Remember the Alamo" in the recent session. If anyone can track that passage about the revolution down in the transcripts it would be useful to compare.
If anyone can track that passage about the revolution down in the transcripts it would be useful to compare.

That would be session July 22, 2010:
Q: (Andromeda) That's an interesting... (L) Way to look at it. (Burma Jones) So then back to what Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galaxia) Now that's what I like to hear! (Andromeda) Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) More for the evil side, or more for the good side?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

Q: (Andromeda) Great! (Perceval) On that topic, is one of those steps that could happen to cause a revolution...

(L) Well, actually they're talking about steps to an ice age, not steps to a revolution.

(Ailén) They said before the revolution would start, people would only see the oil as a reason to start a revolution.

(Perceval) Yeah, I asked if the ace age was going to cause a revolution. (L) I don't think there's going to be a lot left to have a revolution once the ice age has begun! {laughter} Okay, so all that stuff like crop failure is going to lead up to the ice age.

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, all of that is very, very cheerful. So what are we supposed to do?

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.

Q: (L) So uniting people of good will...

A: Remember we once told you that people would unite against the "invasion" at the time just before the earth changes?

Other sessions with similar subject in other wordings:

September 3, 2008

March 14, 2015

August 5, 2017
In this session, there was a section that spoke about the prospects in terms of the military with the current US Biden-Harris administration.

These days, as there is some turmoil surrounding the event of the US leaving Afghanistan, the idea came to review a few sessions and find out what they had to say about the US and Afghanistan. As it turned out, the expedition to Afghanistan connects 9/11, to Iraq, to the situation in Israel/Palestine, and right up to the present push for control of the masses via the Covid measures.

In 2001 after 9/11 there was:

If Afghanistan was only an option five days after 9/11 it became more likely two weeks later. But then Afghanistan was not new to war. The Wiki heading is Afghanistan conflict (1978–present) Reading the first lines of the following excerpt, one has to admit they have indeed managed to herd the "population to much finer order of control". Regarding Palestine there was a conflict in 2006 between Hezbollah and Israel, there have been tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, see 2018-2019 Gaza Border Protests and now the 2021 Israel-Palestine Crisis.

War in Afghanistan for what?

Among the lies that were hosed were those relating to 9/11. And something else happened too to direct the public attention. There was an Anthrax attack.

A year after 9/11 the drums are beating for Iraq.

Reading the following one can ask questions as to who gave orders for Bush to go into Iraq:

The last lines above are remarkable, while we tend to think of different superpowers, the Cs say "A: There is only one. The U.S. just happens to be the center."

By 2005, thousands have lost their lives in Iraq, and the US fits the description of being a "Zombie nation".

Fast forward to 2014 and a few months after the coup in Ukraine and the conflict in Iraq had flared up again see War in Iraq (2013–2017)

By 2015 years, 14 years after 9/11, the US is still in Afghanistan. One can wonder if the invasion made any sense at all. With the invasion in Afghanistan, somebody was hoping for a quick fix, but there wasn't any.

One may wonder why somebody in Israel could be interested in a final solution for the Palestinians since such a way of thinking is associated with Nazi ideology:

The idea of a final solution does not concern Palestinians only, it is wider and has to do with an attempt to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool.

Back in June 2014, there was as quoted above:

By 2020 we had entered the Covide era or at least a very different time and some world leaders know what is up:

With the US leaving Afghanistan will there be more force available for the US to implement a totalitarian system within?

If totalitarianism in the US sounds foreign there is an explanation in this session of why it becomes possible: Session 30 January 2021

In the latest session, it was mentioned that "The changes are near".

"[C]hanges are near" may again refer back to this session and a comment made by Laura earlier in the thread:
Thank you Thorbiorn! Wow. What an interesting thing you did.
That would be session July 22, 2010:

Other sessions with similar subject in other wordings:

September 3, 2008

March 14, 2015

August 5, 2017
Yes, that was the session I was thinking of. Thank you also for digging out the other references too. I particularly noted the C's saying:

"(Perceval) Is it likely that this kind of social chaos as a result of the economic collapse or whatever would be predominantly in the USA?

A: Yes.

I keep in regular contact with my sister in Seattle and she is convinced the US is heading ultimately for a civil war. Even for Biden's most ardent supporters in the media, it is getting harder, if not impossible, to hide his evident senility. The latest gaff over the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is hitting his popularity ratings hard. As someone old enough to remember the US withdrawal from South Vietnam in the 1970's, this looks like a rerun all over again with American prestige taking a huge knock in the process. With inflation on the rise and the US economy slowing down, things can only get worse on the home front too. I am not American but from what my sister tells me there is a general sense of drifting without any firm hand on the rudder in the midst of the pandemic. Meanwhile, more an more hard evidence of serious election irregularities seems to be building up in the key swing states, which will call Biden's presidential victory, and therefore his legitimacy, into question. I am sorry to say that it doesn't seem to bode well for the States.​
Gotta say that as things get worse from one perspective, the show is enjoyable just because of the sheer stupidity of it.
Somewhere there ought to be some lessons.
A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.
If a show is really stupid, I tend to loose interest, it becomes boring and I can't really enjoy it. But this show is the reality we live in. Therefore, I believe we need to pay enough attention to the plot to understand some of what is going on, then we can better help each other discover the comedies, the dramas, the tragedies, the absurdities, and as acting spectators, encourage each other, extend a helping hand, act our best, laugh sometimes, learn something, and make new friends.
Somewhere there ought to be some lessons.

If a show is really stupid, I tend to loose interest, it becomes boring and I can't really enjoy it. But this show is the reality we live in. Therefore, I believe we need to pay enough attention to the plot to understand some of what is going on, then we can better help each other discover the comedies, the dramas, the tragedies, the absurdities, and as acting spectators, encourage each other, extend a helping hand, act our best, laugh sometimes, learn something, and make new friends.
Yes, I agree with that. I was only commenting on one possible way to "enjoy" what is going on.
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