(Joe) Basically, the fraud was to do with the way states counted the ballots...
A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.
Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.
(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.
(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!
A: Yes
Q: (Joe) Or is it going to manifest as earthquakes and tornadoes and kill a bunch of people?
(L) People will be objecting to this takeover inside themselves, so it'll manifest in some way externally, we just don’t yet know how. Well, that's interesting.
(Andromeda) You don't mess with universal rules.
(L) What are the chances that there will be open efforts to target and potentially imprison people who publicly dissent on major issues like COVID and lockdowns?
A: Very good.