AI and music in our future…

Where is here? How about go see a concert? Universities often have performances of various kinds. Or make a road trip to see an old school show…. “Years”? Wow!

The past year I went to a couple shows with my wife and daughter. It was awesome and well worth it. Pretty trippy to be in those environs again. I guess putting our money where our mouths are could be a thing: support real music by real humans.

You're not wrong! But I hate going to the city, to bars full of drunk people. There are probably nice venues too where people play nice music. And the nicer it is, the more expensive it is :) I am happy enough out here playing my own music for myself (I'm in a rural place in southern Australia). I do agree though.. I always give buskers money if I can, especially if they rock or are playing originals.. and not just spare change. They say thanks, and I say thank YOU. I love buskers..especially on a rainy evening... beautiful. (also why bandcamp is cool, you buy music directly from the artist)..

edit: oh yeah, and I can't often go off somewhere for hours anyway cos I'm a full time carer.. haven't been anywhere really in years. I'm fine with it...
Thanks for opening this discussion and the great replies. When talking about the ability of humans to express and interpret music in ways that machines or AI can’t I’m reminded of a legendary TED talk that I sometimes show to my students. It’s a presentation by professional percussionist Evelyn Glennie, who’s…spoiler…deaf. Highly recommended watch:

You're not wrong! But I hate going to the city, to bars full of drunk people.
Totally agree! I’m 63 and don’t consume alcohol. The bar crowds are 30’s on average and too unruly when drinking. Most of the local bands are terrible as they are usually drinking as well while playing. A trip to see a professional concert costs more than the ticket for the show lol! Sadly, over the past several years many places that had shows close to my area have shut down.
This IA can make a single image from any audio file sing, speak and rap expressively.
And it is also called "EMO" 😕: Emote Portrait Alive by Alibaba, i.e.: CCP

(L) I don't think so. You already have negativity right? So you're going to use the symbol to make it go away assuming it was sent on you. So what do you have to have to make the symbol work?
(V) A conscious effort?
(L) Faith. You have to believe in the symbol. And if you believe in the symbol then you are putting the power in something outside of you, you don't believe that you have the ability to stand against the negative consciousness. On the other hand, if the consciousness of negativity is your own, and you believe a symbol can stand against your own negativity, you haven't inquired into where the negativity comes from.
(A) You see a tool is something which you must know exactly how it operates, because otherwise it's not a tool; you are the tool of something else - the originator of the tool who may not have your best interests at heart. So you must exactly know, and have precise knowledge of, the tool if it is to be a tool. So a tool is a projection - an extension - of what is in you.

A: Otherwise you are the tool of the tool

Q: [laughter]. (L) You are the tool of the tool if you don't have real understanding of what it is and what it is supposed to do.

Don't be. "the tool of the tool"
Thanks Liliea. Holy Cow, I can still vibe out the stiff vagueness of this fakery but how long before they nail it? And how many undiscerning souls will be so easily sucked in by their willingness to believe their lies of choice as those lies are promoted by 100 robotic AI real-looking cartoons?

I repeat: ugh!

Just think, they will be able to reanimate Barry Manilow, Michael Bolton and Wayne Newton in their primes. Nooooooooooooo……Please God, nooooooooooooo!
Thanks Liliea. Holy Cow, I can still vibe out the stiff vagueness of this fakery but how long before they nail it? And how many undiscerning souls will be so easily sucked in by their willingness to believe their lies of choice as those lies are promoted by 100 robotic AI real-looking cartoons?

I repeat: ugh!

Just think, they will be able to reanimate Barry Manilow, Michael Bolton and Wayne Newton in their primes. Nooooooooooooo……Please God, nooooooooooooo!
Yes, I think the biggest scare, besides seeing Michael Bolton's haircut again :wow:, is that everything is going so fast and on so many levels and the knowledge of what they do and how they do it is very complex for some of of the things that Laura mentions is to have faith and I think that in this of IA I would not put that kind of energy and I would restrict myself as much as possible, I know it is difficult... what I do know is that we must pay a lot of attention and continue to learn how he operates.
I am going to play devils advocate here ;)

So what's the difference between a Taylor Swift song (or any modern pop song you find on the radio) and a "song" created by AI? I would argue, not much. (after all Ai "music" is basically an aggregate of what has come before, it can't imagine anything new, it just uses the database it was trained on to make something like something else), it's not intelligent, it's a database, for now.

In this world, the stuff that makes it onto the radio (generally) is formulaic, sterile and created by marketing teams and big business to sell stuff to people who generally "consume" music as a product.

IMO, people who love music, are generally not listening to the radio, they're on bandcamp, or going to gigs, or youtube, or even spotify and it's alternatives, or what ever. The thing is they are seeking to find new music, they are connecting with old and new artists because it is something they value!!!!!

Unfortunately, the average Joe doesn't value art, they just see it as content, and swipe next as soon as they're bored. We have a double edged sword of over saturation, so much choice with over 100,000 tracks being uploaded daily to spotify, and over 100 million tracks are accessible to the 574 million users. And that's just spotify. The good side is that there is always new and original muisc to listen to, if you look for it.

IMO, people who make music (or really any kind of art) , like myself for the love of it, because we are "called" to do it, or however you want o articulate it, will be fine, because we not beholden to anyone but ourselves. Now, I would agree that to make a living from it, is becoming harder, but there are ways if you that's the path you choose.

So am I worried about AI music becoming big and replacing Taylor Swift? Hell no, couldn't care less, she might as well be a robot. :lol: :cool2: :headbanger:
Sorry for another 'interlude' but I came to think of another legendary performance that illustrates how a relatively simple melody when interpreted and phrased in an almost supernatural way has a deep emotional effect on the audience that no AI can produce. This is pianist Vladmir Horowitz (one of the best, if not the best, pianist of all time IMO) performing Schumann's Treumerei as an encore in Moscow in 1986. You can see the one man in the audience crying with tears rolling down his cheeks, and the whole audience is transfixed.

Ugh-and so they entrain AI with Horowitz midis and brain wave scans of people listening and voila: the Sirens in a box. Is it real or is it Memorex?
Food for thought… Two things I learned while working on my Masters; there is no such thing as a perfect performance, just great performers who know how to hide those mistakes. Other than live recordings, what is purchased on a recording is a manipulated rendition, created from multiple takes, sliced up and put back together to create a "perfect" recording.
Yep. I used to think I really sucked and was too imperfect as a performer. Not easy to wobble through a set without tension and stumbles and brain farts here and there. One great thing about YouBoob is seeing some of my past pro heroes making mistakes and botching riffs or playing simple versions that are easier to nail in live gigs. Good for the self esteem to realize live performances had their flaws and weird stage dynamics and moods I never noticed when I would attend a live show. (same as I experienced) It also makes me appreciate the people who can nail it in real time. I recorded with our band in a studio back in the day. No cut and paste. No retake this or that part. Each person had to get their part right all the way through all at the same time. Intense pressure! (It took 5 or 6 takes per song to get a “perfect” one) So how does this relate to the thread aside from fond memories?

Obviously AI can make songs with no mistakes and perfect meter. I wonder if that level of perfection would leave a discerning human listener feeling flat uninspired and bored? There are subtle meter fluctuations when real humans are involved. A conductor can even induce this lingering or urgency. (And so can the drummer! Lololol) or any player actually. In reality humans will play ahead of or behind the beat just a scootch and that translates into feeling a groove as is the parlance. The brain hears all this. I know there are quantization schemes to emulate this but IDK…is it too perfect? Too rigid? To sterile? I suppose only the music nerds will think they can hear the difference. But Most people will be hypnotized like always, irrespective of the nuances.

Another thing regarding AI being too perfect and predictable and consequently…boring: I recall a Rick Beato vid where he analyzed how long songs were listened to before the listener flipped to the next song. It was an eye opener.

Sorry for blathering on and on. I love this stuff and get carried away. I’ll shut it now. Thanks!

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