Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet
I'd like to make a small update regarding the bloodtypes and diets.
Till quite recently, I enjoyed saying that though being O neg., I could eat wheat, pasta and this kind of food not advisable for Os, without problems. I think I made a bit of wishful thinking. Having made a blood test recently, I saw in the results that I had a lack of iron, which might account for the hair loss i've been suffering from many months. And I've been regularly suffering from aenemia since childhood.
I also had my hair checked, and the analysis showed that my hair was loaded with toxins and showed an excess of emotivity (I wondder how they came up with this).
It might have to do with my diet. I think I'm gonna buy this book "Eat right 4 your type" and begin to suppress wheat and corn gradually. I've already begun to suppress wheat pastas and replace it with rice pasta. The most dificult and painful thing to do will be to suppress regular bread !! argh, i do love bread so much :( I tried gluten free bread once and it's yucky.
Anyway, I'm gona buy this book and see if a new diet could improve my problems and clean my organism.
PS: I'm researching stuff on bloodtypes these days and i'm very interested in the Basque characteristics (who have a higher than average percentage of type Os and rhesus negative). I also saw a lot of Basques emigrated to the USA and South America in the 19th C. -- Che Gevara had basque origins.
I also found on a site talking about a certain study -- although other sources should be checked for reliability-- for now all the sites I've found about the subject talk about Atlantis :
Un examen de sang et de restes de viscères prélevés sur les momies Guanches a permis de mettre en valeur une caractéristique sanguine extrêmement rare : La prédominance du groupe O négatif. A Tenerife, la proportion en O négatif atteint 84% et 95% dans la Grande Canarie. Une étude sur la répartition des groupes sanguins en Europe indique une prédominance du groupe O en Islande, en Ecosse, dans le nord du pays de Galles, dans le Cotentin français, en Sicile, en Crète, dans l'Atlas marocain, en Tunisie, aux Canaries et au Pays Basque. La même constatation a pu être faite en ce qui concerne la présence du Rhésus négatif, dont le pourcentage le plus élevé a été enregistré chez les Guanches, les Berbères et chez les Basques. Avec toutes ces constatations, on peut supposer que tous ces lieux sont associés � la civilisation Atlante.
A blood and remains test extracted on Guanche mummies emphasized a blood characteristic which is extremely rare : the predominance of O negative blood. In Tenerife, the proportion of O negative reached 84%, and 95% in the Great Canary. A study on the distribution of blood groups in Europe shows a predominance of the O group in Iceland, Scotland, Northern Wales and French Cotentin, Sicily, Crete, Moroccan Atlas, Tunisia, Canary isles and Basque country. The same observation was made regarding the presence of the negative rhesus, the highest percentage of which was recorded in the Guanches, the Berbers and the Basques. With all these observations, one can assume all these places are linked to the Atlantis civilisation (this last assumption to take with a big grain of salt).