All About Fasting

Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Ruth said:
Now.... oranges.... Guess which blood types should avoid oranges? Well... The following:
O's; A's and AB's. Oranges are 'neutral' for B's, which means they're ok for B's.
Yes, I have just been reading the ER4YT Encyclopedia of conditions. I wondered about the oranges and how it is that they could not be "beneficial" for any type? I had the same question about wheat, however I found the author's explanation on the website. Does anyone have any idea? I am type O and, according to this book, have been eating the wrong diet for years (very little protein, high carbs). I am trying to eliminate gluten too....I've been at it for almost 2 weeks (I did cave in on mother's day...)
It is encouraging to hear everyone's experiences/thoughts on this subject! Thanks!
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Keit said:
Don't know about "food conspiracy" (since when anything in this world is good for us?)
Yeah, well that was said just a little bit 'tongue in cheek'...

Keit said:
but lately, the consensus at least here in Israel, that A blood type diet is the best thing ever.
Ooof! And the worst thing out for O's! A's and O's are the most disparet in what's good for them as well as the most numerous types. I wonder if the Lizzies are trying deliberatly to weaken O's. Are O's more 'dangerous' to Lizzies than A's? This would be speaking in general terms and in large numbers and not related to specific people at all since nobody is a nobody...

Amanecer said:
I am type O and, according to this book, have been eating the wrong diet for years (very little protein, high carbs).
Oh Good Lord - haven't we all...!

sleepyvinny said:
My main stumbling block is that so many of the quick and easy recipes I rely on for convenience (eg pasta) will have to go out the window.
Try and find some rice pasta? Afterall, the Italians 'stole' the idea of pasta from the Chinese thanks to Marco Polo in the 13th century.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Try and find some rice pasta? Afterall, the Italians 'stole' the idea of pasta from the Chinese thanks to Marco Polo in the 13th century.
Aarrgh! Don't say that! ;-))) Italians are so proud of their own grain poison! :-)

I've started eating rice pasta too, two or more times per week, and it helped a lot, even if type O don't have to eat amids, rice is neutral, but it seems to get stuck in the digestive tract for a longer period even if don't cause irritations, or so it seems to me. Here in Italy pasta and pizza are the cheapest food available, so sometimes - especially during festivities - it's very hard to miss that couple of shots per week.

I'm following the type O diet as close as possible, and I'm noticing the difference, really. Almost no pains, no odd flu, headaches come in if I just follow few elementary rules. When I'm sick, it's 95% of the time about me going "off-diet".

Smoking is also a great help for metabolism (actually great!), and physical exercices do the rest (let's say they can heal an almost everything, move and sweat hard and you'll be healed).
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Hi everyone i'm back, my net was down for a while
when I wrote the last post I was worried I might get banned for sounding like a dope fiend but I found this stuff a few years back when the goverment had a campain to "talk to your kids about drugs" and I researched the drugs my kids are most likely to come in contact with so here is a site with nutritional infoHemp (Marijuana) Seed & Oil
The most nutritional food source known to human kind.

*Essential Fatty Acids Per 1 tbsp = 14 g. Serving

Omega 6..................56.9% 7.96g
(Linoleic acid *EFA)
Omega 3..................19% 2.66g
(Alpha - linolenic acid *EFA)
GLA......................1.9% .266g
(Post blocked Omega 6)
Omega 9..................12% 1.68g
(Oleic acid)
Other fatty acids........10.1% 1.41g

Nutritional info

Calories from fat........120

% Daily Value based on 2000 calorie diet

Total Fat................14g 22%
saturated................1g 5%


Cholesterol..............0mg 0%
Sodium...................0mg 0%
Carbohydrates............0mg 0% *oil only
Protein..................0mg 0% *oil only

Hemp "oil" is not a significant source of fiber, sugars, Vit. A, Vit. C, Calcium or Iron
In 1991 Dr. Roberta Hamilton, head of the UCLA Biochemistry Dept. discovered that Hemp seed oil contains ALL EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) And Amino acids. This was the first food souce discovered to contain all, and not to mention the oils were in the exact proportions needed for the human body.

It's low in saturated fats at 8% of total volume, the oil contains 55% Linoleic acid (LA) and 25% Linolenic acid (LNA) Only Flax has more Linolenic acid at 58% but Hemp has the highest in total amounts at 80% of total volume.

These oils are essential for our immune system, and are the basis of our cellular structure. Hemp seed protein is also 65% globulin edesin (easily digestible) Only Soy bean has a higher amount of protein, but Hemp seed protein is far more digestible. Hemp seed is also an extremely high source of fiber.

It is said that a man can survive off of 2 grams of hemp seed with water per day. In Australian history books it is said that between 1842-44 the settlers near what is now Sydney report to have survived a 2 year drought off only Hemp seed, and leaves for foliage and Vitamin C. Buddhist's believe that Buddha lived for 2-5 years off of 5 Hemp seeds per day on his journey to enlightenment.
www dot nontesterslist dot com slash hempoil dot html and no I did not miss the class about NA having
tobacco to start with ,I meant all the other native people around the planet that did not have tobacco
and got addicted to it as a means to make them dependend on the white traders
I have been a dedicated tobacco smoker since I was 16 (legal smoking age in germany)always trying to find the strongest tobacco awailable (I started with gauloises and progressed to Schwarzer Krauser/White Ox untill I found American Spirit)and I have a deep mistrust of anything the goverment promotes,it is usualy for their benefit not the peoples (fluride in the water,imunisation,schooling as opposed to education)
I took the whole family off gluten when this thread started,Ijust stopped buying bread etc. and filled the pantry with rice-cakes corn-cakes(tastes like popcorn)
and flat breads made from gluten-free grains and they all lost 2-3 kg each since with no extra exercise or anything ,by the way check your bread ingidience most breads now contain soy flour even the bread-mix
stuff for home baked breads .Conspiracy or what? RRR
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

a great book for food combining advice and nutritional tips is :The Tao of Health Sex and Longivity by Daniel Reid , the author explaines things much better than the
ER4RT dude which I find are just old hippy recipies,half the time he does not say why not to eat something.
Smoked salmon and other smoked goods are out for example, why,he does not say,I assume because of the nitites in chemicaly "smoked" goods ,which means they inject the "smoke-flavour"instead of hanging the stuff in smoke ,that means naturally smoked fish should be ok IMO RRR
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Hi Souguiyaverybody. I'm bent over health trought food and other things since a while ago. After having read what are some of the Coeillac Desease's symptoms, i found alot of them that i can transpose to me. So, to try, i stopped eating every cereals containing gluten. Since two days after it, i got a little stomach ache and until then, i have some fever and i'm hot. I remember something the C's transcripts, where laura was in a very bad state. She was always hot, weak, sleepy, tired... I'm very tired and weak, having ache in the bones, in the nervous system. I want to know if someone have already experienced it after having changed something. I'm a vegan, no meat, no dairy since some years. I have problem to concentrate sometimes; a little indication, when i was 17 i was diagnostiqued as a schizophrenic (i'm 22). It's ok, i don't take the medecins since my 18 years old. I talk about it because i always have been in this state of non-control and being failed of accomplish what i'm doing. I remember before having been diagnostiqued as schizophrenic, when i was in a weak state, i was very hot and weak like this, after having discovered something when my mom shouted at me. That's a detail, but i precise it : i was scared, after having thinking in a very deep state, that's we are what we are... you are simply... everybody is... how to be mad at somebody is he's just what he is... etc... Ok, i go too far, normal ahah, i'm in a fever. So, i would like to know if somebody got something like what i explained about my post-stopping CD.

OK, arigato !
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

I'd like to make a small update regarding the bloodtypes and diets.
Till quite recently, I enjoyed saying that though being O neg., I could eat wheat, pasta and this kind of food not advisable for Os, without problems. I think I made a bit of wishful thinking. Having made a blood test recently, I saw in the results that I had a lack of iron, which might account for the hair loss i've been suffering from many months. And I've been regularly suffering from aenemia since childhood.
I also had my hair checked, and the analysis showed that my hair was loaded with toxins and showed an excess of emotivity (I wondder how they came up with this).
It might have to do with my diet. I think I'm gonna buy this book "Eat right 4 your type" and begin to suppress wheat and corn gradually. I've already begun to suppress wheat pastas and replace it with rice pasta. The most dificult and painful thing to do will be to suppress regular bread !! argh, i do love bread so much :( I tried gluten free bread once and it's yucky.
Anyway, I'm gona buy this book and see if a new diet could improve my problems and clean my organism.

PS: I'm researching stuff on bloodtypes these days and i'm very interested in the Basque characteristics (who have a higher than average percentage of type Os and rhesus negative). I also saw a lot of Basques emigrated to the USA and South America in the 19th C. -- Che Gevara had basque origins.
I also found on a site talking about a certain study -- although other sources should be checked for reliability-- for now all the sites I've found about the subject talk about Atlantis :

Un examen de sang et de restes de viscères prélevés sur les momies Guanches a permis de mettre en valeur une caractéristique sanguine extrêmement rare : La prédominance du groupe O négatif. A Tenerife, la proportion en O négatif atteint 84% et 95% dans la Grande Canarie. Une étude sur la répartition des groupes sanguins en Europe indique une prédominance du groupe O en Islande, en Ecosse, dans le nord du pays de Galles, dans le Cotentin français, en Sicile, en Crète, dans l'Atlas marocain, en Tunisie, aux Canaries et au Pays Basque. La même constatation a pu être faite en ce qui concerne la présence du Rhésus négatif, dont le pourcentage le plus élevé a été enregistré chez les Guanches, les Berbères et chez les Basques. Avec toutes ces constatations, on peut supposer que tous ces lieux sont associés � la civilisation Atlante.
A blood and remains test extracted on Guanche mummies emphasized a blood characteristic which is extremely rare : the predominance of O negative blood. In Tenerife, the proportion of O negative reached 84%, and 95% in the Great Canary. A study on the distribution of blood groups in Europe shows a predominance of the O group in Iceland, Scotland, Northern Wales and French Cotentin, Sicily, Crete, Moroccan Atlas, Tunisia, Canary isles and Basque country. The same observation was made regarding the presence of the negative rhesus, the highest percentage of which was recorded in the Guanches, the Berbers and the Basques. With all these observations, one can assume all these places are linked to the Atlantis civilisation (this last assumption to take with a big grain of salt).
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Feather said:
The most dificult and painful thing to do will be to suppress regular bread !! argh, i do love bread so much :( I tried gluten free bread once and it's yucky.
In this case, you might want to try eating plain white bread instead of wheat. Since I am also an O type, it's not so much the gluten that affects me but the wheat. I tend to find myself tired if I have too much wheat, whereas with white bread I do not feel so sluggish. FWIW
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Feather said:
Having made a blood test recently, I saw in the results that I had a lack of iron, which might account for the hair loss i've been suffering from many months.
When i returned from hospital and mother finally washed me, all bath was in hair, i think i lost at least 3/4 of it, almost nothing remained, only memories about once shiny hair. In recovery peroid i started spalming a Burdock oil (Arctium lappa) over scalp and them massaging it and finally covering for couple of hours or overnight with polyethylene and a cap over it, creating like a warm compress over scalp. I simply continued doing this procedure for like couple of months almost every day or a least couple of times a week and hair started to re-grow and now i have it nice and shiny as before. There is only one little zone where hair didn't re-grow, but it's almost invisible. I also used another 'mask' for hair, made from onion (grind couple of onions in a mixer, add coniaque
(you do have good coniaque in Sarkozistan, don't you?), and an egg yellow), spalm it over scalp, massage and made a 'warm compress' for couple of hours. then wash the hair. This recipy doesn't smell pleasant, but it does help to re-grow hair.
Another recipy i know, but didn't use is this:
Mix 100 g of prepared in advance Burdock root in vodka with 2 tablespoons of Tropaeolum juice, massage into the scalp daily, leave for couple of hours, and then wash hair with Burdock roots solution (1 table spoon of roots in 100 ml water; boil on temperate heat for 30 min).
You can restore your hair in its splendour, you can, Feather!
it sounds like whatever Russians do, they never forget about vodka LOL!
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Beau said:
In this case, you might want to try eating plain white bread instead of wheat. Since I am also an O type, it's not so much the gluten that affects me but the wheat. I tend to find myself tired if I have too much wheat, whereas with white bread I do not feel so sluggish.
I normally buy organic plain bread, and am a bit reluctant to eat white bread which is too refined, but you're right it's more easy to digest.

CarpeDiem said:
When i returned from hospital and mother finally washed me, all bath was in hair, i think i lost at least 3/4 of it, almost nothing remained, only memories about once shiny hair. In recovery peroid i started spalming a Burdock oil (Arctium lappa) over scalp and them massaging it and finally covering for couple of hours or overnight with polyethylene and a cap over it, creating like a warm compress over scalp. I simply continued doing this procedure for like couple of months almost every day or a least couple of times a week and hair started to re-grow and now i have it nice and shiny as before.
Thank you very much, CarpeDiem, I'm gonna try these recipes. I'm currently having a treatment with essential oils and other stuff to put on hair, without result I must say : the hair is more shiny, but the hairloss doesn't drop, I just have to put my hands in my hair to collect several hair ! I must have lost at least 1/2 the volume I had before. The great loss started several months after my son's birth. I thought it was normal due to the hormonal collapse, but it didn't stop, it's been going on for more than a year. I can feel my scalp in some areas, though I still have somewhat a long way to become bald :O
I searched through the net, and I didn't know the Burdock oil was good for hair recovery. It comes from Russia doesn't it ? ;)
I found a Russian burdock oil, produced there, in a site selling online russian cosmetics :

CarpeDiem said:
Already, I There is only one little zone where hair didn't re-grow, but it's almost invisible. I also used another 'mask' for hair, made from onion (grind couple of onions in a mixer, add coniaque
(you do have good coniaque in Sarkozistan, don't you?),
never tried, but there's got to be good Cognac, as this stuff comes from the French city of Cognac!
Well if my hair grows again, I'll owe you a good organic Cognac bottle :)
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet


I am a little surprised from what I read about Blood type diet because it does not match my own experiment.

I am O positive and for about 18 months I have deeply changed my diet, basing myself on Pauling, Kousmine and Montignac as well as Minaberry.

The main lines being that:
-I eat low Gycemic Index food (ie whole wheat and no sugar except from fruits);
-in order to prevent fermentation during the digestion process I almost never take desserts and eat the fruits 15 minutes before the meal.
- I avoid associating saturated fats with glucides that have an Glycemic Index beyond 30;
- I take 20 g polyunsaturated fats every day (first pressure, cold)
- I eat nothing that is fried.
- I eat a lot of raw vegetables at every meal.
- My meals are based eather on meat (in which case there is none or only little glucides) or on glucide (in which case there is little meat or fat if any, except mono or poly unsaturated fat)
- I masticate each mouthful until it becomes fluid, then I swallow it.
- I take food complements: organic silicium, beta carotene, magnesium, calcium and mega doses (10g/day) L ascorbic Acid
- As far as possible I try to eat organic food

Here are the results:
starting point: I was 8Okg and my size is 174cm
today: I am 67 kgs. I lost 13 kgs in twelve month, and for 6 months my weight has stabilised.
I lost a lot of fat everywhere, some remain in the abdomen but its starting to go away.
I used to have a lot of muscular pain (mostly neck and arms) and for 6 months it has totally dissapeared.

As I have changed country, I have had to change my diet I eat more meat now than I used to but the principles mentionned before are still respected. I don't notice that switching to a meat diet has improved or decreased my condition.

Further more, my wife who is AB type has followed the same diet with excellent results too.

My present conclusion is that the diet we follow is working on both of our blood types and so I conclude that blood type is not a major factor to take in consideration for a healthy diet.

Maybe it is a factor, but a second order one.

I am still opened to test it, 18 months being a short period of time to draw a definite conclusion....

I am however certain that the principles I have mentionned are an excellent starting point for anybody. They may need to be precised.

Best regards.

Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

One of the best kinds of bread is "ezekiel bread", "essene bread'; or bread made from sprouted grains. The sprouting destroys the gluten in it. I think it tastes pretty good too, although it seems like a lot of people don't like it. I thought I wouldn't be able to find it, but I did at a couple of supermarkets in the in its own mini freezer deep in the hippie-food sections. They also have bagels and wraps/tortillas which is convenient. Usually it is of the "Food for Life" brand.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Hi Ludovic,

If you have a diet that works for you, why change? The point is to help people feel better, not try to dictate how people eat.

I just finished a 21 day fast. Nothing but water. Now for six days I have been drinking freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices and fresh green salads with olive oil and lime juice, as I ease myself back to eating. I feel like I have some energy for the first time since I am an adult. I lost close to 12 kg.

I'll find out how much of the weight comes back as I build up and eat more.

In any case, I'll be doing it again next spring. It may well become a yearly routine.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet


I just wanted to note that all of the references stated in Laura's original post are dead.

I have not done a full water fast before, but I have done 2-3 day juice and fruit fasts and feel energized by doing so. Last week my schedule required me to be away while travelling so I did not have any fresh fruit or vegetables all week. Now that I am back, I have gained a whole new perception on things. G specified that we should be silent while eating, to really observe. Speaking of which (off topic), has anyone run into the recipe for his "special salad"? I think the gist of it was that the ingredients had all different sorts of textures, flavors, etc., so that the eater received a different sensation with each bite. I think it's in a cookbook by his niece Luba.

Also, as an aside, I started looking into alternate forms of foods I often eat. Just about EVERYTHING I see in the store as a vegetarian substitute (ie fake meat, etc.) has soy in it. I found this burger that is gluten free and vegan called sunshine burger, and it tastes pretty good. It's mostly made of sunflower seeds. Not to be an ad, but it seems like a good option for people. Of course, beans 'n' rice can't be beat.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

I read through this great topic and I have some questions and notes:

Dr. Blaylock said:
The worst of the things they're doing are the soy extracts. Soybeans, naturally, have one of the highest glutamate levels of any of the plant products. When you hydrolyze it, you release the glutamate, and the soy protein isolates. The glutamate levels are higher than a lot of what you'll find in MSG products, ...
Soy milk can be bought in our drugstores and on the packages you can read "gluten-free". Am I correct in assuming that, although there is no gluten (wich is a mixture of two proteins), glutamate (glutamic acid) IS contained because of chemical processing?

Laura said:
I split it open and filled it with a chocolate bavarian cream made with rice milk.
Just want to make sure: Rice contains no gluten (, so I assume rice milk is also free of glutamate.

Yesterday, a friend told me about her expericence with soy milk, that after she had drunk half a liter at once, her throat swelled to the point she panicked in fear of suffocation and unconsciousness. After three hours, everything had been back to normal. I asked, if she had tried rice milk also, she answered that she did, and that there had been no such adverse effects.

rrraven said:
I am a O type and always loved my rye bread but sadly most rye breads have 50% wheat flour because rye has NO gluten so the bread wont "glue"together, ...
But rye HAS gluten, although not such much as wheat: said:
Gluten is an amorphous mixture of ergastic (i.e. non-living) proteins found combined with starch in the endosperm of some cereals, notably wheat, rye, and barley.
Feather said:
I also had my hair checked, and the analysis showed that my hair was loaded with toxins and showed an excess of emotivity (I wondder how they came up with this).
I am O pos. type and suffered from sudden hair loss in the last year also (up to 100 lost hair each day). I wonder if it is also due to lack of iron. I am going to check my last blood picture. Which laboratory offers such an hair analysis? Toxins are very common in hair according to hearsay. Especially interesting would be an analysis of the toxin variations over time/length of hair.

henry said:
I just finished a 21 day fast. Nothing but water.
Which type of water did you drink and how much? There are different opinions about tap water, bottled water (glass, PET), reverse osmosis and distilled water.



D Rusak said:
I just wanted to note that all of the references stated in Laura's original post are dead.
(3) and (5) are still alive!
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