Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I apologise for being silent on this thread for quite a while. This has been in part due to posting on other threads but I have also been busy researching and writing a lengthy article on Princess Meritaten that I hope to post very soon. Because it is so long (80 pages of A4 at the moment), I will post it in parts. I apologise in advance to those who print my articles off to read them since it may push up your printing costs if you use HP's 'instant ink' as I do or something similar. However, I have tried to create a cohesive narrative around what may have happened to Meritiaten after she fled Egypt post the death of her father Akhenaten, which incorporates many of the C's comments on the subject. I will be proof reading the article over the next few days but hope to post it soon after.​
The Legend Of Saint Boniface And The Thunder Oak And The Origin Of The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is more than a much-loved and glittering centrepiece of festive decorations and celebrations. In the home, it is a unifying symbol the family can gather around, strengthening familial ties and a place of fun and cheer. When placed in the local community it becomes a rallying point for people to sing carols, meet, and strengthen social bonds. However, its exact origin is debated, and there are different ideas of how its importance to the festival evolved. Presented here is a retelling of how Saint Boniface introduced the fir tree into traditions and celebrations of the birth of Jesus. This tells how Saint Boniface cut down a sacred oak tree that was a prominent place of pagan worship in a place now called Hesse in Germany. Saint Boniface, also known as Winfrid or Winfred, was born c. 675 in Wessex, England and died June 5, 754, in Dokkum, Frisia, now part of the Neverlands. He was an English Benedictine monk working to establish Christianity in Germany and the Frankish empire. At that time, in that place, people worshipped pagan gods under a sacred tree growing singularly or in groves. The tree in this legend was called the Thunder Oak and is sometimes known as the Donar Oak, Jove’s Oak, the Oak of Jupiter, and other similar terms in other myths and legends.

Legend Of The Thunder Oak

The story begins in a time long before the establishment of Christianity in the Germanic lands where a massive oak grew. It was a true giant of trees so tall its topmost branches were hidden by clouds. Its ancient body was broad and twisted from which a profusion of long, gnarled, stretching limbs spread, creating a vast overarching canopy of darkness centre around the tree. To the people of these lands, the great tree was sacred and venerated as the Thunder Oak of their great god Thor and one of the most important shrines of his cult. Yet, under the darkness of its great canopy, human victims died under the bloodied knife of the priests of Thor, their blood soaking into the ground to feed the ravenous roots of the ancient oak.

Even in the dead of winter, bare of leaves and acorns, the space under its vast spreading branches, clumped with mistletoe, was a place of continuous and gloomy darkness. In this dread place, an atmosphere of quiet but overwhelming fear pervaded under the great smothering branches. Animals avoided the tree, making wide detours around it, while birds would not fly near or over it or perch in its branches. Even the buzzing flies and creeping insects kept well out of the dread darkness under its canopy.

And it came to pass, one cold, white Christmas Eve, as Christians were preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ, the priests of Thor gathered under their sacred tree. They had not come to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ or Christmas. Instead, they had come to pay homage to their god of war and thunder and witness the human sacrifice whose blood would nourish and strengthen the great tree and feed its darkness. They were joined by a great throng of their people to worship their own god, as was their tradition at this time of year.

Over the great tree rose a bright moon. The high priest chanted and made magical signs over the altar while the victim lay shivering in the cold, awaiting the stab of pain from the deadly knife that would end their life. As the high priest spread his arms out towards the Thunder Oak, his eyes adoring the sacred tree, his hand raised to strike, the air became still, all sound in the forest stopped, and silence fell. The bright moon rose to its zenith, sending her rays to find and illuminate the helpless man spread-eagled on the altar slab awaiting the stab of pain that would end their life. It never came. Instead, something extraordinary happened. As the pure rays of the brilliant moon lit the altar, the forest’s silence was broken. From the depths of the woods came the sound of Christian hymns sung by a throng of people growing louder as they drew nearer. They were led by Saint Boniface, who had come to bring Christianity and establish the church of Jesus Christ.

As the illuminating moon banished the darkness under the great Thunder Tree of Thor, Saint Boniface strode forward, wielding a shining axe. The High Priest, dagger in his hands, his raised arms poised to strike, froze. His followers parted to allow the saint to march directly up to the Thunder Oak unchallenged. Then, gathering his strength in his arms, he struck a blow that caused a great gash in the tree’s trunk with his axe. The shocked High Priest and his followers looked on in fear as he struck the oak repeatedly, causing an ever-widening gash in the its body.

Suddenly, a mighty wind swept over the forest roof, hitting the great oak with force. With an awful groan, the tree toppled backwards, crashing into the ground with such force it caused its great trunk to split into four equal portions. Behind the wreckage of the oak, a young fir tree stood, its green spire pointing the way to heaven. Dropping his axe and turning to his people, the saint pointed at the young verdant tree and joyfully cried,

“See there, the young scion of the forest, the tree of peace! See how it is shaped like a church steeple pointing to heaven. We build our houses from it to shelter us; its foliage remains evergreen. Let this tree be known as the tree of the Christ child. Let us bring it into our homes where it will encourage our loving deeds and acts of kindness and bring the peace of Jesus Christ into our hearts as we shun the wildness of the wood!”

In obedience to the saint, they took the sapling fir into their great communal meeting hall where all could see it. They abandoned the cult of Thor and the Thunder Oak and practised Christianity, and every year celebrated Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ with a young evergreen fir tree at the centre of their home, family, and community.

I don't know what to make out with this story. Obviously, we have a pre-Christian religion, symbolized by an oak, and Christianity, symbolized by a fir. In the West, we have Christian churches in a shape of fir, and in the East we have Christian churches in a shape of oak crown. In Serbian Christian orthodoxy, oak is still a sacred tree, not fir. Maybe that's why West doesn't like Serbs? Because they never became full Christians?

In gothic cathedrals, you could say that the inside of the cathedrals is modeled by an oak forest, and the outside by fir. Is one tree more sacred than the other, or are both equally sacred, and it is just a matter of culture which one is preferred?

A little more about oaks:

Like the ash, it is said to ‘court the lightning flash’; lightning is popularly supposed to strike the oak more than any other tree. Such trees often survived the blow and flourished remarkably well, henceforth being known as ‘lightning oaks’. People often took pieces of these trees to put on their houses for good luck. In shamanistic cultures, a person who survived being struck by lightning often became a shaman, for the lightning bolt is seen worldwide as the sudden spiritual illumination that rends the darkness with a terrifying and irrevocable transforming force.

Throughout the major cultures of Europe people have held the oak tree in high esteem. To the Greeks, Romans, Celts, Slavs and Teutonic tribes the oak was foremost amongst venerated trees. In each case associated with the supreme god in their pantheon, oak being sacred to Zeus, Jupiter, Dagda, Perun and Thor, respectively. Each of these gods also had dominion over rain, thunder and lightning. It is no coincidence that oak trees are more prone to lightning strikes than many other trees. This is because of the tree’s high water content and the fact that they are frequently the tallest living things in the landscape.

Fairies and oak trees

Folklore holds that oak trees are the fairies’ favourite dwelling places, especially when they grow near ash and hawthorn trees. It’s said that every acorn has its own sprite, meaning that oak trees are home to a great number of faeries.

An old saying sometimes used in England and Ireland, “fairy folks are in old oaks,” reminds people to be cautious of fairies when passing an oak tree.

In Ireland, oak is called "derry". So fairies like berries and derries. And it's best for them if they have both.

One interesting thing that I saw on TV is that in England they would plant a bush around the tree, in a garden. So I suppose that planting a berry bush around the derry tree would make that place a good attractor for fairies, for better or worse.
A tree which has been struck by lightning is naturally regarded by the savage as charged with a double or triple portion of fire; for has he not seen the mighty flash enter into the trunk with his own eyes? Hence perhaps we may explain some of the many superstitious beliefs concerning trees that have been struck by lightning. When the Thompson Indians of British Columbia wished to set fire to the houses of their enemies, they shot at them arrows which were either made from a tree that had been struck by lightning or had splinters of such wood attached to them. Wendish peasants of Saxony refuse to burn in their stoves the wood of trees that have been struck by lightning; they say that with such fuel the house would be burnt down. In like manner the Thonga of South Africa will not use such wood as fuel nor warm themselves at a fire which has been kindled with it. On the contrary, when lightning sets fire to a tree, the Winamwanga of Northern Rhodesia put out all the fires in the village and plaster the fireplaces afresh, while the head men convey the lightning-kindled fire to the chief, who prays over it. The chief then sends out the new fire to all his villages, and the villagers reward his messengers for the boon. This shows that they look upon fire kindled by lightning with reverence, and the reverence is intelligible, for they speak of thunder and lightning as God himself coming down to earth. Similarly the Maidu Indians of California believe that a Great Man created the world and all its inhabitants, and that lightning is nothing but the Great Man himself descending swiftly out of heaven and rending the trees with his flaming arms.

It is a plausible theory that the reverence which the ancient peoples of Europe paid to the oak, and the connexion which they traced between the tree and their sky-god, were derived from the much greater frequency with which the oak appears to be struck by lightning than any other tree of our European forests. This peculiarity of the tree has seemingly been established by a series of observations instituted within recent years by scientific enquirers who have no mythological theory to maintain. However we may explain it, whether by the easier passage of electricity through oak-wood than through any other timber, or in some other way, the fact itself may well have attracted the notice of our rude forefathers, who dwelt in the vast forests which then covered a large part of Europe; and they might naturally account for it in their simple religious way by supposing that the great sky-god, whom they worshipped and whose awful voice they heard in the roll of thunder, loved the oak above all the trees of the wood and often descended into it from the murky cloud in a flash of lightning, leaving a token of his presence or of his passage in the riven and blackened trunk and the blasted foliage. Such trees would thenceforth be encircled by a nimbus of glory as the visible seats of the thundering sky-god. Certain it is that, like some savages, both Greeks and Romans identified their great god of the sky and of the oak with the lightning flash which struck the ground; and they regularly enclosed such a stricken spot and treated it thereafter as sacred. It is not rash to suppose that the ancestors of the Celts and Germans in the forests of Central Europe paid a like respect for like reasons to a blasted oak.

This explanation of the Aryan reverence for the oak and of the association of the tree with the great god of the thunder and the sky, was suggested or implied long ago by Jacob Grimm, and has been in recent years powerfully reinforced by Mr. W. Warde Fowler. It appears to be simpler and more probable than the explanation which I formerly adopted, namely, that the oak was worshipped primarily for the many benefits which our rude forefathers derived from the tree, particularly for the fire which they drew by friction from its wood; and that the connexion of the oak with the sky was an after-thought based on the belief that the flash of lightning was nothing but the spark which the sky-god up aloft elicited by rubbing two pieces of oak-wood against each other, just as his savage worshipper kindled fire in the forest on earth. On that theory the god of the thunder and the sky was derived from the original god of the oak; on the present theory, which I now prefer, the god of the sky and the thunder was the great original deity of our Aryan ancestors, and his association with the oak was merely an inference based on the frequency with which the oak was seen to be struck by lightning. If the Aryans, as some think, roamed the wide steppes of Russia or Central Asia with their flocks and herds before they plunged into the gloom of the European forests, they may have worshipped the god of the blue or cloudy firmament and the flashing thunderbolt long before they thought of associating him with the blasted oaks in their new home.

Perhaps the new theory has the further advantage of throwing light on the special sanctity ascribed to mistletoe which grows on an oak. The mere rarity of such a growth on an oak hardly suffices to explain the extent and the persistence of the superstition. A hint of its real origin is possibly furnished by the statement of Pliny that the Druids worshipped the plant because they believed it to have fallen from heaven and to be a token that the tree on which it grew was chosen by the god himself. Can they have thought that the mistletoe dropped on the oak in a flash of lightning? The conjecture is confirmed by the name thunder-besom which is applied to mistletoe in the Swiss canton of Aargau, for the epithet clearly implies a close connexion between the parasite and the thunder; indeed “thunder-besom” is a popular name in Germany for any bushy nest-like excrescence growing on a branch, because such a parasitic growth is actually believed by the ignorant to be a product of lightning. If there is any truth in this conjecture, the real reason why the Druids worshipped a mistletoe-bearing oak above all other trees of the forest was a belief that every such oak had not only been struck by lightning but bore among its branches a visible emanation of the celestial fire; so that in cutting the mistletoe with mystic rites they were securing for themselves all the magical properties of a thunder-bolt. If that was so, we must apparently conclude that the mistletoe was deemed an emanation of the lightning rather than, as I have thus far argued, of the midsummer sun. Perhaps, indeed, we might combine the two seemingly divergent views by supposing that in the old Aryan creed the mistletoe descended from the sun on Midsummer Day in a flash of lightning. But such a combination is artificial and unsupported, so far as I know, by any positive evidence. Whether on mythical principles the two interpretations can really be reconciled with each other or not, I will not presume to say; but even should they prove to be discrepant, the inconsistency need not have prevented our rude forefathers from embracing both of them at the same time with an equal fervour of conviction; for like the great majority of mankind the savage is above being hidebound by the trammels of a pedantic logic. In attempting to track his devious thought through the jungle of crass ignorance and blind fear, we must always remember that we are treading enchanted ground, and must beware of taking for solid realities the cloudy shapes that cross our path or hover and gibber at us through the gloom. We can never completely replace ourselves at the standpoint of primitive man, see things with his eyes, and feel our hearts beat with the emotions that stirred his. All our theories concerning him and his ways must therefore fall far short of certainty; the utmost we can aspire to in such matters is a reasonable degree of probability.

So, not every oak was sacred, but only those which were struck by lightning.

Where will lightning strike next?

In the United States, more than 20 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes are detected each year, and with ongoing climate change, the number of thunderstorms is predicted to rise. Most lightning strikes hit trees, rather than people or houses. However, a recent scientific assessment of trees in Michigan and Kentucky discovered an unusual pattern: almost all trees that were damaged by lightning were conifers. Evan Gora and Stephen Yanoviak from the University of Louisville in Kentucky are trying to determine why lightning damages conifers more frequently than other trees. Ultimately, they hope to be able to predict where and what objects lightning strikes – before it happens.

Trees are about 10,000 times more conductive than air, which means that they are not only often the target of lightning strikes, they actually tend to attract lightning. But not all trees are created equal. Because of differences in cell structure and physiology, differing tree species vary in their ability to propagate current. Recent research by Gora and Yanoviak is revealing that these electrical properties may explain why some trees are hit more often by lightning than others.

Is a conifer more likely to be struck by lightning than a hardwood tree? Gora and Yanoviak’s recent research suggests that this may not actually be the case. Using commercially available wood blocks, they found that conifer trees have high electrical resistivity, which means that this type of tree strongly opposes the flow of electric current. In contrast, hardwood trees and vines have lower resistivity than conifers. The physical difference may influence the path of lightning – with their lower resistivity, hardwoods may be more likely to attract lightning than other trees. So, if similar-sized conifer and hardwood trees were growing next to each other, the lightning will most likely take the path through the hardwood tree.

The higher resistivity also may lead to more damage. “If a tree has higher resistivity than another type of tree, it will generate more thermal energy as current flows through it and thus be damaged more” says Gora. That may explain why, although lightning may be more likely to strike hardwoods, actual damage is more often seen in conifers.

Even among hardwoods, resistivity varies by species. A red oak, for example, has a higher resistivity than a yellow birch. The differences between resistivity support the hypothesis that certain tree species are more attractive to lightning than others. Other factors may be important as well. Resistivity increases with diameter, so thicker trees have higher resistivity than thinner trees. And the higher the moisture content, the lower the resistivity.

Gora and Yanoviak also found that taller, emergent trees were more often damaged by lightning than shorter, non-emergent trees. But, they didn’t find differences across large geographic scales. Assessment of lightning damage between trees growing on ridges and those growing in lowlands revealed that damage was about the same. This means that a tree on a hilltop will not necessarily have a higher chance of being struck by lightning than a similar tree at a lower elevation.

Resistance is also lower in damaged trees or those infected by microbes. Gora and Yanoviak think this might be caused by the accumulation of ions (charged particles) and, most importantly, moisture in the damaged parts of the tree. However, because these studies by Gora and Yanoviak have focused on historical data, it is impossible to tell which came first: whether lightning struck and damaged the tree, or the lightning struck the tree because it was already damaged.

Answers to these questions may be found in future “live” experiments in Panama, where Gora and collaborators are developing techniques for the experimental induction of lightning strikes to trees. “By monitoring lightning in real time, and by potentially manipulating lightning strike locations,” says Yanoviak, “we hope to explain how lightning interacts with tree characteristics and affects forest dynamics.”

How will they attract lightning for their experiments? Ben Franklin’s iconic kite demonstration is not too far off the mark. The researchers will induce lightning using a weather balloon with a metal rod attached to a tree/vine complex by a copper wire. The weather balloon will attract the lightning bolt and the copper wire will carry the current to the tree or vine. Vines will be tested because they think that these stringy elements limit the amount of tree damage from a lightning strike by functioning as natural lightning rods. “Lianas (woody vines) parasitize and compete with trees, but they might also provide passive protection against lightning damage,” says Yanoviak. “Uncovering this possibility is a key goal of our observational and experimental work in Panama.”

Q: (L) {Reading from list of questions.} The Maori origin of kites. Why did the Maori fly kites?

A: To attempt communication with Gods.

Session 23 August 2001

A: Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members.

Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS! Do you mean kites as in paper and string or kites as in the bird?

A: Yes, paper wood and string.

Session 20 June 1998

Were kites attached to trees, which would induce lightning strikes, somehow used for communication?
I don't know what to make out with this story. Obviously, we have a pre-Christian religion, symbolized by an oak, and Christianity, symbolized by a fir. In the West, we have Christian churches in a shape of fir, and in the East we have Christian churches in a shape of oak crown. In Serbian Christian orthodoxy, oak is still a sacred tree, not fir. Maybe that's why West doesn't like Serbs? Because they never became full Christians?

In gothic cathedrals, you could say that the inside of the cathedrals is modelled by an oak forest, and the outside by fir. Is one tree more sacred than the other, or are both equally sacred, and it is just a matter of culture which one is preferred?

A little more about oaks:

In Ireland, oak is called "derry". So fairies like berries and derries. And it's best for them if they have both.

One interesting thing that I saw on TV is that in England they would plant a bush around the tree, in a garden. So I suppose that planting a berry bush around the derry tree would make that place a good attractor for fairies, for better or worse.
Well if the fairies were really your friendly neighbourhood Grey aliens then berries may take on a special significance according to what the C's said here:​

Session 14 March 2015:

(Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. I was wondering what the...

(Andromeda) Yeah, what's the connection with berries? They're either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries.

(Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

(L) Yeah, there's that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there's something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something.

(Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it's similar. It has to do with objects and sounds.

(Perceval) It's the location at that level... a locating device.

(L) It's a locator.

A: Yes.

Although the Oak tree was sacred to the Druids it was the Ash tree that was sacred to the Aryan Nordics since they viewed it as the World Tree or Yggdrasil (from the Old Norse Yggdrasill) around which all else existed including the Nine Worlds.

By the way, I thought most churches in the West were in a cruciform shape, i.e., a cross rather than a fir tree.​
The Epic Voyage of Princess Meritaten

I recently watched an Ancient Aliens episode dealing with mysterious Scotland. In the show, author and researcher Andrew Collins makes the point that Scotland derives its name from an ancient Egyptian princess called Scota. Strictly speaking, the country takes its name from a Celtic tribe called the Scoti who we think of today as the Scots or Scottish. They were Gaels or Goidelic Celts who had crossed over from Northern Ireland which they had colonised for many centuries past as part of the large-scale Celtic invasion from Iberia (hence the Roman name for the Irish which was "Hibernians"), today’s Spain. The word Scoti (or Scotti) was first used by the Romans and is found in Latin texts from the 4th century AD describing an Irish group that raided Roman Britain. In time it came to be applied to all Gaels. It is not believed, however, that any Gaelic groups ever called themselves the Scoti in ancient times. The Scoti would wage war on the resident Celts (who were Brythonic Celts that had migrated to Scotland from Northumberland in what is now northern England) and the Picts for domination of Scotland, which was then known as Alba. However, legend provides that the Scoti originally obtained their name from a princess called Scota or Scotia.

However, we have a problem with Collins’ statement since the legend of Scota seems to relate to two different princesses. In one version of the legend of Scota there is an Egyptian princess, the daughter of a Pharoah, who journeyed from Egypt to Britain and seems to have ended up in Ireland. The other version holds that she was a Jewish princess who allegedly was the daughter of the last King of Judea or Israel, King Zedekiah, who was defeated by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and led into captivity with his people in what is known as the First Jewish Diaspora. Her alternative name is Tea Tephi or Tamar Tephi. This version of the legend suggests that she escaped Israel via Egypt in the company of the prophet Jeremiah (who supposedly hid the Ark of the Covenant and other Temple treasures to prevent their capture by the Babylonians – for more on this see my last article The Copper Scroll) and the scribe Baruch and eventually landed in Ireland where she married an Irish prince and came to be known as Scota. The same legend provides that Jeremiah brought the famed Stone of Destiny, the Lia Fáil, which proudly stands today on the Hill of Tara in County Meath, Ireland and served as the coronation stone for the King of Tara and hence the High King of Ireland [MJF: my apologies to the Scots but I don’t buy into their Stone of Destiny legend - but then I am Irish so I may be just a wee bit biased :-D]. The Lia Fáil was thought to be magical for when the rightful High King of Ireland put his feet on it, the stone was said to roar in joy. The stone is also credited with the power to rejuvenate the king [MJF: Shades of the powers of the Grail here] and also to endow him with a long reign.​

This in itself raises a major issue though since, as Wikipedia states, there are several different, and conflicting, legends in Irish mythology describing how the Lia Fáil is said to have been brought to Ireland. The Lebor Gabala, dating to the eleventh century, states that it was brought in antiquity by the semi-divine race known as the Tuatha de Danann. The Tuatha Dé Danann had travelled to the "Northern Isles" (the Hebrides off the west coast of Scotland?) where they learned many skills and magic in its four cities Falias, Gorias, Murias and Findias. From there they travelled to Ireland bringing with them a treasure from each city – the four legendary treasures of Ireland. From Falias came the Lia Fáil. The other three treasures are the Claíomh Solais or Sword of Light, the Sleá Bua or Spear of Lugh and the Coire Dagdae or The Dagda's Cauldron. My own theory is that the Dagda’s Cauldron is in fact the Ark of the Covenant of Abraham/Moses and Akhenaten in which the Grail was held, the Dagda being the Pharoah Akhenaten. It is also my conjecture that the Lia Fáil may be the biblical Jacob’s Pillar upon which the head of the Jewish patriarch Jacob supposedly rested at Bethel.

Another version of the Gaelic Myth surrounding the Lia Fáil stone, a myth more associated with the Scottish Stone of Scone, provides that the sacred stone arrived by ship belonging to the Iberian Danaan [MJF: It is curious that this myth should refer to them as the “Danaan” and link them with Spain. This point will take on more relevance later]into the ancient port of Carrickfergus about 580 BC. On board was Eochaidh, son of a High King and a descendant of Érimón, Princess Tea Tephi and the scribe Simon Brauch. Princess Tea also had in her possession an ancient harp, whose origins some believe lie in the House of David. The stone was delivered to the Hill of Tara by the three. Scota later married High King Eochaidh, both having previously met each other in Jerusalem. Eochaidh supposedly recovered the ancient stone in Jerusalem before the invasion of the Babylonians. It is said all future Irish High Kings/British Monarchs inaugurated by the stone have tried to prove lineage back to the Royal Sage and his wife, Tea Tephi, the original bearers of the stone. Eochaidh's resting place is said to be in the Neolithic passage tomb, Cairn T at Loughcrew.


One serious problem with this version of the legend though is that history does not recall Zedekiah ever having a daughter. The Bible only recounts that Nebuchadnezzar killed all of Zedekiah’s sons in front of him so that he could witness the end of his dynasty before he himself was blinded and taken into captivity with his people.

Revd F. R. A. Glover, M.A., of London (a leading exponent of the British Israelite movement of the 19th century) in 1861 published England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim in which he claimed Tea Tephi or Tamar Tephi was one of Zedekiah’s daughters. Since King Zedekiah of Judah had all his sons killed, no male successors could continue the throne of King David, but, as Glover noted, Zedekiah had daughters who escaped death (Jeremiah 43:6). Glover believed that Tea Tephi was a surviving Judahite princess who had escaped, travelled to Ireland and married a local High King of Ireland in the 6th century BC. Tea Tephi, however, has never been traced to an extant Irish source before the 19th century and critics assert that she was purely a British Israelite invention. Curiously though there is a queen called Tea in Irish mythology who appears in the Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. She is described as the wife of Érimón a Míl Espáine (Milesian) and dated to 1700 BC [MJF: which you will note places her more in the era of Princess Meritaten of Egypt].

In 1897, however, J. A. Goodchild published a work called the Book of Tephi, which supposedly is a translation of an ancient story told by the Irish bards. The first part of the story commences with Tea Tephi’s lament for Jerusalem, which has just fallen to the Babylonians:​

Howl for thy young lions slain, — princes led
captive to Bel.
I, even I am left, — to cry from the uttermost
region, —
(Far off isles of the West,— home of the
remnant of Dan,)
Sown as a thistle on earth is Jacob
, — the names
of us legion.
Tongue of the Hebrew fails, — shall not be
spoken of man.
Isaac is ploughed in his furrows, — before the
Lord in this season
Water the tender plant, — twig of the loftiest
How is the cedar left bare
— in its boughs was
corruption and treason.
Crown of it bended to Baal, — serpents devour-
ing its root.
Rest for the flock of the Lord — was not found in
the shade of the cedar.
Broken it lies. It burns. — Yea, as a thorn
'neath a pot.
Kidlings are seething therein — shot down by the
archers of Kedar.

I would draw your attention in the verse above to the seed and tree imagery, which clearly relates to the patriarch Jacob (the grandson of Abraham) and his seed* – his sons would establish the twelve tribes of Israel, including the tribe of Dan. However, the poem relates that the remnants of the tribe of Dan are now located in the far-off Isles of the West, which is meant here to be Ireland and perhaps the western isles of Scotland (including the Hebrides). The mention of “water the tender plant, twig of the loftiest shoot” would seem to refer to Tea Tephi and how she will carry on the seed of Jacob and the House of David in Ireland. Rather confusingly, in chapter II of the book, there is the following reference – “she dwelleth as Pharaoh's daughter at Tahpane”. This reference seems to mirror the same confusion relating to Scota who in one account is the daughter of pharaoh and in the other is the daughter of the Israelite King Zedekiah. It is worth noting here that in another version of the tale of Tea Tephi, the pharaoh is specifically named as being the Pharaoh Chencres, which is the Greek form of Akhenaten. By tradition, this Pharaoh Chencres was supposed to have drowned in the Nile, which curiously is something the C’s confirmed happened to Akhenaten:​

Q: What happened to Akhenaten?
A: Drowned in the Nile


Q: (L) Did Akhenaten go mad as I have surmised?
A: Pretty much.
Q: (L) Did he fall in the Nile and get eaten by a crocodile as the story about one pharaoh suggests?
A: No Crocodile.
Q: So, he just fell in and drowned?
A: More like he was "helped."

*In the Bible, the Stone of Jacob was taken by the Israelite Patriarch Jacob from Bethel (a ritual centre) while on the way to Haran (Genesis 28:10–22). However, we know from the C’s that Jacob never existed but was instead just another persona of Abraham/Moses. The stone was supposedly used as a pillow by the Jacob at the place later called Bet-El where he had a vision in his sleep, which led him to consecrate the stone to God. The Bible describes the vision thus:

12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it*.

13 And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.

14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Jacob then rose early in the morning, took the stone on which he had laid his head, set it up as a sacred pillar and poured oil on the top of it. He named the place Beth-El.

The key word here is “seed” since, in the biblical account, the seed was clearly intended to represent Abraham/Jacob’s descendants, the children of Israel. However, keep this in mind when we come to look at Kore and the C’s references to “Blue Apples” and the “core” below.

There is also a reference in the same poem to Ishmael, the first-born son of Abraham by Hagar, the Egyptian maid servant of Sarah:

“Shall ye not read in His book of the hope of our rest undone. Of Ismael's fraud, of the tumult and flight, and of Shuphan's son. And how we went into Egypt?"

I do not know whether Shuphan refers to Hagar, Ishmael’s mother, but it is curious that the poem should refer to the fraud of Ismael for in the Bible Abraham would abandon Ishmael and his mother Hagar in the Desert of Paran at the behest of his wife Sarah, who wanted to assert her son Isaac’s primacy of succession over his half-brother Ishmael. However, we know from the C’s that, in reality, Hagar was really Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti’s daughter, who I believe was Princess Meritaten, their oldest child, Nefertiti being the biblical Sarah:
Q: (L) Who was Hagar the Egyptian?
A: Princess of Egypt.
Q: (L) Was she Sarah's maid?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was she Sarah's daughter?
A: Right nurture to.
Q: (L) What do you mean? I don't understand.
A: Sara's daughter by Akhenaten.
Q: (L) Did Abraham have a child by Hagar also, his wife's daughter by another man?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, that's pretty incestuous. Did Sarah actually get so jealous of her own daughter's child that she demanded that Abraham abandon her?
A: Close.

Moreover, the C’s seemed to suggest that Hagar’s son Ishmael was the son who carried the more important bloodline:

Q: What is the relationship between Perceval, Paran Sikarios, the Assassini, and Ishmael, the son of Hagar, at the well of the mirror?

A: Spear of Destiny.

Q: Are the Ishmaelis the carriers of the true bloodline, and the line of Isaac and Jacob, the Supplanter, the carriers of the monothiestic covenant, are the false line?

A: Close.

The C’s reference to the “Spear of Destiny” above is not, I think, a reference to the Spear of the Roman soldier Longinus that was driven into the dead body of Jesus on the cross, as Christian tradition provides but rather a reference to Jacob’s Pillar, the stone upon which the patriarch Jacob supposedly rested at Bethel, the stone which apparently Scota or Tea Tephi brought to Ireland with her and is today known as the Lia Fáil (see above). Apart from the fact that a stone seems to make for a hard pillow to rest your head on, I must admit the Lia Fáil does resemble a crude upright stone spear and the fact that legend has it that it would roar out when the true King of Ireland touched it, would seem to make it a spear of destiny. This makes me wonder whether the stone could have been endowed with some sort of artificial intelligence that allowed it to discern a man’s STS or STO orientation in the same way that the C’s said the Ark of the Covenant could. Curiously, one of the traditional names of Ireland is The Island of Destiny. I wonder why?​

As to this false line of transmission, the C’s would comment further on this matter in the session dated 2 February 2003:

Q: (L) We have the brother issue to deal with. We have Abraham and his nephew, Lot. Then we have Moses and Aaron, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael. Were all of these sets of brothers just different aspects or views on the same stories, a set of singular individuals, whether brothers or not?

A: Pretty much though with added elements from other stories blended in.

Q: (L) Was it a brother/brother relationship as in actual brothers?

A: No. The "brother" relationship was created to legitimize a "false" line of transmission.

Q: (L) So there wasn't a brother, or Aaronic relationship present, assuming any part of that story was true. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Kore and the Trampled Leaves of Wrath

Hence, the C’s would seem to refute the “fraud of Ishmael” claim enunciated in the Book of Tephi. However, the C’s also mentioned a mysterious figure called “Kore” in connection with Jacob in the session dated 16 August 1997:

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!

Q: Why did Jacob then deceive his brother again? He was to travel and meet him in Edom, but then went in the other direction as soon as Esau was on his way.

A: Refer to last answer, and cross reference.

They would subsequently expound upon the identity of “Kore” in the session dated 2 February 2003 already referred to above in relation to the false line of transmission:​

Q: (L) What was the blessing he gave to quote Esau, if giving the object to the "angel" was the event of returning the ark? What was the story there?

A: Two separate events.

Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore"?

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Q: (L) Was it a male or female?

A: Female.

Q: (L) And how did Abraham come to be in possession of this female?

A: Search the text and you will see.

Q: (Galahad) If this person was the last member of the Perseid family, does that mean that Paris was a member of this family?
[MJF: Paris = Abraham/Moses here]

A: No.

Q: (L) Was this person someone who was part of Abraham's group because he kidnapped her?

A: That is going in the right direction, though not quite that simple.

Almost certainly I believe that Kore is Princess Meritaten or Hagar the Egyptian and that at one point she was the last living member of the Perseid family until her son Ishmael was born. The Perseid dynasty was supposedly founded by the mythical figure of Perseus who slew the Gorgon Medusa (MJF: In my view a cypher for the Grail just as Baphomet is) and rescued the princess Andromeda, the daughter of Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia and his wife Cassiopeia, from the sea monster Cetus. Perseus took Andromeda back to Greece with him where she married him and became his queen. They supposedly founded the Perseid dynasty based on the ancient kingdom of Mycenae in the Peloponnese. It has been proposed that Pharaoh Akhenaten may have had Mycenaean royal blood in him through his mother Queen Tiye. If so, this would have made him a Perseid as well as his daughter Meritaten.

I have previously drawn attention to the references to trees, roots, twigs etc in the excerpt from the Book of Tephi, which I quoted above that relate to the fallen House of Judah but you will also have noted that the C’s used arboreal references themselves when referring to the “Trampled leaves of wrath”, the “Tree of Apples”, the proverbial "grapes of wrath" and “the Blue Apples incarnate” in relation to Kore, who I am arguing is Meritaten, the last living member of the Perseid family. I am indebted to another Forum member Thisplacerocks for bringing to my attention the link between the “trampled leaves of wrath and the Greek goddess Hera, who featured prominently in Homer’s tales of the Trojan War, the Iliad and the Odyssey and in Virgil’s the Aeneid. Quoting thisplacerocks:

I looked at the family tree of Perseus and found that Alcmene is the daughter of two Perseids, Anaxo and Electryon, and she seems like the last female descendant of the Perseids. As usual, Zeus disguised himself as her husband Amphitryon and she gave birth to Heracles, who also has a twin brother Iphicles by the real Amphitryon. Her name means "strength of wrath" or "strength of moon" and she and her son Heracles/Hercules faced the wrath of Hera many times. This fits with the idea of trampled leaves of wrath. I guess the Perseid bloodline is the Tree of Apples. Heracles/Hercules ironically means "glory of Hera" despite Hera's wrath against Hercules. Hera is linked with wrath (in the opening of Virgil’s Aeneid, he calls her Iunonis iram meaning wrathful Juno), and Kore is the leaves of wrath - does that mean they are part of the same family of wrath, someone who brings divine justice to the world or bears the burdens of humankind's woes? Interestingly, Hera is known as the "Queen of Heaven", same as Innana who is similar to Persephone. Innana and Tammuz take turns, spending half a year in the Underworld. I'm still trying to figure out why Hera is wrathful against Alcmene when both of them are linked to Kore”.

I think Thisplacerocks makes several good points above. It could be that Hera should be linked with Nefertiti/Sarah here, who seems to have turned her wrath on her daughter Meritaten/Hagar and her grandson Ishmael, at least according to the biblical narrative, to the point that Abraham is forced to abandon them in the desert. There must be far more to the biblical story though than the idea that Sarah simply grew angry at Ishmael for mocking her infant son Isaac. It may perhaps have more to do with her assumption that Ishmael would rob Isaac of his inheritance as the legitimate son of Abraham. However, if I am right, there could be a more profound bloodline issue involved here, since I believe Ishmael had Perseid blood in his veins (the “Blue Apples incarnate”), inherited through his mother Meritaten and his grandfather Akhenaten, whereas Isaac, the son of Abraham and Nefertiti/Sarah, did not. Ishmael would therefore have had a legitimate claim to the throne of Egypt on this basis, whereas Isaac had none. This point may even have had relevance to what transpired in Egypt after the deaths of Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun, which, after the short reign of Aye, brought the Pharaonic 18th Dynasty to an abrupt end.

You will note that Thisplacerock also refers to Hera being known as the "Queen of Heaven", a title also assumed by the Babylonian goddess Innana who is similar in turn to Persephone. He also refers to the Babylonian gods Innana and Tammuz taking turns, spending half a year in the Underworld. In mythology, Persephone would descend to the underworld each autumn or fall for six months, symbolising the end of summer and the onset of winter. By tradition, her mother Demeter would then descend to the underworld every spring in order to bring Persephone back to the surface for six months (a tradition strikingly similar to that of the Babylonian goddess Inanna). Autumn is marked by deciduous trees shedding their leaves, which people then trample upon. This includes apple trees where at the centre of an apple you will find the core with its apple pips or seeds (representing new life). I would suggest that the C’s were making this link with Kore and the trampled leaves of wrath when they said:​

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!

Blue apples” may signify Hagar/Kore’s royal bloodline since royalty are often referred to as having “blue blood”. However, it probably has a meaning which goes much deeper than this.

The reference to the “proverbial grapes of wrath” links us to the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) Chapter 14:19-20, which states: “ So the angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth and threw them into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.” This denotes the soul harvest at the end of time or ‘End of Days’, which therefore corresponds to the harvest at the end of the Great Cycle the C’s have spoken about, when the earth transitions from being a 3rd density realm to a 4th density realm.

However, “grapes of wrath” also has a second more down to earth meaning, which is “an unjust or oppressive situation, action, or policy that may inflame desire for vengeance - an explosive condition”. This secondary meaning could be applicable either to the situation Meritaten/Hagar found herself in when facing the wrath of her jealous mother Nefertiti/Sarah or to the violent dispute between Meritaten/Hagar and an increasingly more tyrannical Abraham/Moses, which may have culminated in the Battle of Gibeah involving the Israelite tribe of Benjamin (or more likely Dan) and/or the conflict with Moses depicted in the story of the rebellion of Korah.​

Following on from the last point, the C’s also told us what happened to Kore or Meritaten/Hagar in the session dated 2 February 2003:

Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."

The Dragon Slayers

So, who were these “Dragon Slayers”? The C’s reference to ‘dragon slayers’ would at first sight appear to be a deliberate link with Jason and the Argonauts. who were central characters in the famous Greek story concerning Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece (a cypher for a Grail quest). In that story, Jason rescues the witch Medea after she helped Jason steal the Fleece (the Grail) in Colchis. Perses then usurped the throne of Colchis from his brother Aeëtes, but was subsequently slain by Medea, his paternal niece, who restored her father to the throne, as an oracle had once predicted that he would be slain by his own kin.

I stumbled across a website a while ago that discussed the Tuatha De Danann and to my surprise it revealed that they were also known as “Anu’s Dragon Masters” named after the Sumerian god Anu or An, a sky god who was the king or chief god of the Anunnaki - or alternatively the ancient goddess Danu. Here is the quote:​

“People from the Israeli tribe of Dan mingled with the Canaanite Tuatha De Danann, also known as Anu’s Dragon Masters, who are said to be descendants of the Anunnaki of the ancient Sumerians. This is also one of the interpretations of the Sons of God who mingled with the “human daughters” mentioned in the story of the Nephilim in the sixth chapter of Genesis.”

The writer clearly links the tribe of Dan here with the Canaanites (the damned children of Cain?) and the Tuatha de Danann, who are meant to be descendants of the Anunnaki giants (the sons of Anak) or the Biblical Nephilim. In the transcripts, the C’s once linked the Anunnaki to the Kantekkians:​

Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?

A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are
the Annunaki.

Moreover, the C’s linked the ‘Sons of Anak (the Anunnaki) with the Celts:

Q: Were the Celts the tall blonds known as the 'Sons of Anak', who ruled over the Sumerians as described by Sitchen?

"Celts" are what remains of the original prototype.

The Tuatha de Danann were described in Irish myths as giants having golden red hair and green or blue eyes possessing superhuman abilities and skills, which tends to suggest a possible link with the Sumerian Anunnaki, who were also depicted as giants with superhuman abilities and skills (think of the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh for example - perhaps the original archetype for the Greek Heracles and the Jewish Samson). Indeed, by the classical age of Greece they may even have morphed into the Titans under the leadership of Kronos who fought the gods of Olympus led by his son Zeus.

Irish legends tell of how these mysterious beings arrived in Ireland with the secret knowledge of the gods. These demi-gods supposedly arrived on ships, descending from the heavens in a great fog that darkened the daylight for three days. They then burned their ships, forcing them to settle permanently where they were. The magic powers most often attributed to the Tuatha Dé Danann are control over the weather and the elements, and the ability to shapeshift themselves and other things. This last reference to shapeshifting suggests they may have been bi-density (3rd and 4th Density) beings, as the C’s have said that variable physicality is an attribute of 4th density. It was also said that the Tuath Dé could hide themselves with a féth fíada ('magic mist') and appear to humans only when they wished to – an attribute of 4th density. The Tuatha De Danann were also called ‘Shining Ones’ and were described as being elegant, beautiful, and even shining with light. This again suggests they may have been bi-density beings, i.e., 3rd and 4th density humanoids, like some of the Aryan beings of the subterranean civilisation the C’s have spoken of. This may even create a possible connection with Abraham/Moses since when he came down from Mount Sinai (with the two tablets of the testimony in his hands) after meeting with God, the Bible tells us that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with God:​

So, when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to approach him …. When Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with Him, he would take off the veil until he came out; and whenever he came out and spoke to the sons of Israel what he had been commanded, 35 the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone. So Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with Him”.

So, could the key members of the semi-divine Tuatha De Danann have been bi-density Aryans from the subterranean society calling itself the ‘Nation of the Third Eye’ who the C’s described as an Aryan, Terran civilisation under the surface of the Earth? If so, they would no doubt have had a strong racial connection with Meritaten/Hagar/Kore, as the C’s told us her mother Neferititi was a “deep level punctuator” from the same subterranean civilisation. It makes sense then that the Tuatha would come to her rescue, as they would have viewed her as one of their own.

Some translate the name “Tuatha De Danann” as meaning “the people of the goddess Danu”, an ancient mother goddess. The same name Danu, or Asura, is also an Indian goddess, and the name perhaps describes “primordial waters”. The change in name of the Tuatha De Danann from the “the people of the goddess Danu” to the “people of the god Anu” may reflect a general usurpation by the supreme male deity of the former primacy of the female mother goddess, a process that took place gradually across the whole of the ancient world. However, the Tuatha de Danann may also be linked to the Danaans (the tribe of Danaus), who were major allies of the Achaeans during the Trojan War. They were supposedly descended from Danaus their mythical founder. In Greek mythology Danaus was the king of Libya. His myth is a foundation legend of Argos, one of the foremost Mycenaean cities of the Peloponnesus. Danaus was the son of King Belus of Egypt and the Achiroe, daughter of the river god Nilus, He was the twin brother of Aegyptus, king of Egypt. However, we know that Iman Wilkens in his book Where Troy Once Stood placed Argos and Mycenae in northern Europe during the Trojan War. So, where was Egypt at this time? According to the C’s it was in northern France:
Q: (L) Is it so that, at a certain period, Egypt was in the north of France and also the other countries; did they ever exist as the author [Iman Wilkens] describes them with the names he gives them?

A: Around 2200 BC

Q: So that would mean that even the Trojan war story was layered on top of the 1600 BC event. Does that (2200BC) coincide with one of the catastrophes that Baillie talks about?

A: Check it out.

What is a Dragon Slayer?

But what does it mean to be a "Dragon Slayer"? Does it mean people who go around slaying dragons like the Christian warrior St George or the Greek heroes Jason or Heracles, who slew the hundred-headed, dragon, named Ladon? Or does it relate to the slaying of the Lizard beings or reptilians frequently mentioned in the transcripts, some of whom appear to hail from the star system Alpha Draconis (the "Dragon") and are thus known in the UFO community as Alpha Draconians? The C’s recently confirmed that the whistleblower Phil Schneider was genuinely involved in a battle between American forces and Grey aliens (Zeta Reticulians) at the secret human/alien underground base at Dulce New Mexico. It is therefore possible that such battles could have taken place in the past with the Lizards too. We know from the C’s that they are 4th density STS beings who are allied with the STS Orions. The C’s said of them:​

The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

However, rather than slaying real life dragons or even alien reptilians could it mean something else altogether? The piece I quoted earlier referred to the Tuatha De Danann as “Anu’s Dragon Masters”, suggesting an ability to exercise control or mastery over something. We also know of natural energy lines or lines of power which are called Ley Lines in England and Dragon Lines in China. Many ancient Megalithic sites were built on nodal points on these Dragon Lines, no doubt to take advantage of these natural Earth energies. Stonehenge in England would be one such example. However, it is possible that such energies can get dangerously out of balance with disastrous results, particularly if these energies were being deliberately manipulated by dark STS forces who may have weaponised them for their own ends. In such cases, perhaps this unbalanced energy manifested itself in a serpentine fashion for those who could see such things. Maybe the Tuatha De Danann numbered people within their ranks who knew how to contain such energies and bring them back into balance. Stefan Broennle has recently published a book called ‘Dragons and Serpents’, which explores the importance of dragon and serpent energies and symbols from prehistory to the present day around the world. In the book, he shows how our ancestors recognized the dragon-earth energies of these energetic lines and identified them with dragon place names or sculptures at precise geographical points [MJF: It would be interesting to learn if he used Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio as an example. The C’s said it was built by the Armonan sectwho were Atlantean descendants.]. He goes on to explain how dragon portals can be opened through geomantic work. This is intriguing since the 17th century Rosicrucians, like Sir Francis Bacon, were exponents of geomancy, as I believe were the Knights Templar too [MJF: Oak Island increasingly seems to have been an example of where the Templars practised this art, given what the researchers on the Curse of Oak Island TV show are discovering.] Did the Templars and the Rosicrucians learn how to use and control these dragon energies through their study of the Kabbalah?

This battle with dark energies may also underlie such legends as the Egyptian god Ra’s continuous battle with Apep (Apophis in Greek), the gigantic and evil snake that symbolised chaos and darkness. The ancient Egyptians promoted the notion of Maat or Ma’at, which stood for balance and harmony in the universe, and it was one of the Pharoah’s key duties to maintain Ma’at within the kingdom. The Egyptians personified this concept through the female deity Maat, the goddess of harmony, justice, and truth. From the Eighteenth Dynasty (c.1550 – 1295 BC) onwards, Maat was described as the daughter of Ra, indicating that pharaohs were believed to rule through her authority. This you will note was the dynasty of Akhenaten and Meritaten. Indeed, Akhenaten supposedly emphasised the concept to a degree that the king's contemporaries viewed as intolerance and fanaticism.

Hence, rather than fighting actual physical dragons, the Tuatha de Danann may have possessed the ability to control these dragon or serpentine energies. How did they do this? The answer may be thought or psychic means if what the C’s said here about the Great Pyramid of Egypt could apply equally to other Megalithic sites involved with energy production:​

Q: (L) In our machinery we generally have dials and tuners which can adjust the machine to do a specific job or deliver a particular amount or flow of energy. What was the equivalent of dials and tuning devices in the pyramid?


Q: (L) Was it the thoughts of a person in there or of a specific individual whose job it was to do this "thinking?"

A: Both on occasion.

Thus, if this were true of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, could it be equally true of sites like Stonehenge in England? Afterall, the C’s said that Stonehenge was used as an energy director:

Q: (L) What was Stonehenge built to do or be used for?

Energy director.

Q: (L) What was this energy to be directed to do?

A: All things.

Q: (L) Was the energy to be directed outward or inward to the centre?

A: Both.


A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.


Q: Well you have described a lot of things that did all kinds of things... the pyramid, Stonehenge...

A: When one harnesses free energy, no limitations need apply

Does this mean that one day people may be able to control free energy with their thoughts alone?

The C’s also told us that the Druids were the builders of Stonehenge in 8,000 BC and that they were an early Aryan group formed from Atlantean descendants:​

Q: (L) Who built Stonehenge?


Q: (L) Who were the Druids?

A: Early Aryan group

This suggests that the Druids, who were the priests and wisemen to the Celts, including the Gaels and Scotti, have a much older pedigree than historians normally credit them with. Moreover, the Druids who built Stonehenge appear, according to the C’s, to have been an off shoot, like the Pyramid builders of Giza, of an earlier group which I would suggest first manifested itself at Göbekli Tepe in modern day Turkey - a site that the German archaeologist Claus Schmidt, who first discovered and excavated it, linked to the Mesopotamian Anunnaki:​

Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge, and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?

A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays. Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.

If it was built in 8,000 BC, and the Pyramids were built 8,649 BC, which is 10,643 years ago, more or less, that means that they were built at almost the same time, or at least within 600 years of each other. If they were built at almost the same time, were they built by the same, or similar groups of people?

A: Atlantean descendants.

Obviously the Great Pyramid is a marvel of engineering - and Stonehenge is as well - yet the two structures are so dissimilar. The Pyramid presents such a finished and sharp and elegant appearance, and Stonehenge might give a person - of course that is based on how it appears today - a more primitive presentation.

A: Was not originally.

Did they work in conjunction with one another and did the two groups that built them in communication with one another?

A: No and yes.

Was it two different groups? One with the Stonehenge business and one with the Pyramid business?

A: Offshoots of same group.

Q: Were they antagonistic toward one another or were they friendly toward one another?

A: No, yes.

If, as the C’s tell us, these two groups were friendly towards one another, does that mean they were both Druid led? As to their links with the Anunnaki who built Göbekli Tepe, the giant sons of Anak (the Anakim of the Israelites), the C’s seemed to support this connection:​

Q: Were the Celts the tall blonds known as the 'Sons of Anak,' who ruled over the Sumerians as described by Sitchen?

A: "Celts" are what remains of the original prototype.

Q: Okay. Kantekkians. When did...

A: Gravity differences account for the height difference


Q: When did the Celts or Kantekkians first take up residence in the British Isles?

A: Same. 12,000 years ago.

This is an interesting answer since modern historians tend to hold that the Celts did not arrive in Britain until the Iron Age circa 800 BC. The C’s seem to be suggesting that the Celts first came to the British Isles 12,000 years ago and built Stonehenge 10,000 years ago. The original builders of Stonehenge are thought to have died out with new migrants (the Beaker culture) arriving in England from northern Europe during the early Bronze Age. One wonders whether these new migrants included the Trojans who made their capital at Illum or Troy near the modern-day city of Cambridge. If the Tuatha de Danann were the remnants of the giant Sons of Anak, as the C’s appear to confirm above, then as Celts they would have been returning to their former homeland if they did come to Britain and Ireland in the Late Bronze Age with Princess Scota. Please keep this in mind when we look more closely at Scota’s story later.

This suggests that the Trojan War took place hundreds of years before the time of Scota/Meritaten. However, the C’s also confirmed that the Danaans, like the later Gaels and the Scotti, were Indo-European Scythians:​

Q: (L) … Okay, going in another direction: what other names were the Danaans known by?
A: Scythians.
Q: (L) How did the Scythians get to Egypt?
A: VIA Akkad.

So, we see the Danaans connected both to northern France in 2200 BC and pharaonic Egypt. Does this suggest that they may have left Egypt with Abraham/Moses as the biblical Tribe of Dan (Danaus) to become the Tuatha de Dannan of Irish folklore, thus returning to northern Europe after a space of several centuries?
Who was the Real Scota

Reverting back to Scota again, it is possible that both versions of the princess did exist, but their distinct identities may have been conflated over time into one persona. However, for the purposes of this article, I am going to opt for Scota being the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh who, having escaped Egypt, after a long and epic journey eventually landed in the British Isles. At this time, the British Isles would have seemed like the ends of the Earth to people from the Eastern Mediterranean. Nevertheless, is there any archaeological evidence to support an Egyptian presence in Britain and Ireland. Surprisingly, there is, and our starting point will be the Hill of Tara in Ireland where the Lia Fáil is to be found.

I shall be basing much of my evidence on archaeological discoveries made in the 20th century, as discussed by British Egyptologist and archaeologist Dr Lorraine Evans in her book Kingdom of the Ark. She is the only accredited archaeologist I am aware of who believes that Princess Meritaten was the Scota of Irish and Scottish legend. However, she does not at any stage link Meritiaten with Brigid and the Tuatha de Danann nor does she view her mother Nefertiti as being Sarah, Abraham’s wife in the Bible. Indeed, there is no mention of the Exodus or the biblical Plagues of Egypt at all in her book. Notwithstanding these omissions, her book does provide a good account of Meritaten’s/Scota’s purported voyage from Egypt to the British Isles by way of Spain and along the way she helps to clarify certain points the C’s have made in the transcripts.​

Continued in Part 2
The Epic Voyage of Princess Meritaten Part 2

The Tara Prince’s Necklace

In Spring 1955, the Irish archaeologist Dr Sean O’Riordain of Trinity College, Dublin was undertaking an excavation at the prehistoric settlement at the Hill of Tara in County Meath, Ireland. As stated above, the Hill of Tara was considered to be the traditional seat of the high kings of Ireland from the arrival of the Goidelic Celts or Gaels at the beginning of the Iron Age around 700 BC. However, Dr O’Riordain made a truly startling discovery when he unearthed a much older, pre-Celtic burial cairn (tomb) called the Mound of Hostages. Removing the earth to the east of the mound, O’Riordain discovered a huge boulder which sealed a narrow stone passageway some 4 metres long that led into three separate chambers. From the many human remains and simple stone artefacts found inside the first two chambers such as tools, flint arrowheads and simple pottery, he deduced that the site was clearly a Neolithic, late Stone Age burial mound of the sort relatively common throughout Britain and Ireland from around 3,000 BC. However, the third chamber was a completely different story.

Surrounded by the cremated remains of a number of bodies, he discovered a pit containing an unburned, intact skeleton crouched in a foetal position. These remains were clearly later than those in the other two chambers, as they were accompanied by Bronze Age artefacts such as a dagger and pin. However, what Dr O’Riordain found around the neck of the skeleton was truly astonishing. It was an exquisite bronze necklace, consisting of an assortment of amber and jet droplets between each segment of which was a series of smaller turquoise coloured, conical beads known as faience beads. Such artefacts were relatively common in the more advanced civilisations of the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle and Near East, such as Egypt, Sumeria and Minoan Crete, whose technology was far beyond the Bronze Age peoples of Ireland at that time.

A forensic examination of the skeleton identified it as that of a teenage boy, which was carbon dated to around 1350 BC (the age of Akhenaten and Meritaten). Scientists at the Department of Archaeology’s research laboratory at the National Museum of Antiquities, Scotland then conducted a spectro-chemical analysis of the grave’s artefacts. Since the faience beads had such a unique chemical composition, it would be possible to determine where the raw materials for the necklace originated. After months of examination, the dating was confirmed. However, the conclusions drawn as reported in an article by J.F. Stone and L.C. Thomas in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society in September 1956 were truly staggering, for they reported that the beads were of Egyptian origin. In fact, when they compared them with Egyptian faience beads, they were found not only to be of identical manufacture but also of matching design to the beads inlayed in the fabulous golden collar found around the neck of the famous Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamun, Meritaten’s brother, who was buried at around the same time as the Tara skeleton.

Unfortunately, the findings of the National Museum of Antiquities, Scotland so challenged the existing archaeological consensus concerning contemporary trade routes of the period that the academic community ignored the report to all intents and purposes. Even the few archaeologists who did comment shrugged off the find as a freak, isolated discovery. The question of whether the Tara Necklace was a one-off fluke or real evidence of a trading link might have been settled by further excavations around the Mound of Hostages but sadly Dr O’Riordain died within a few months of his discovery and no further excavations were undertaken. However, was the discovery of the Egyptian faience beads really a one-off find?

Lorraine Evans subsequently learned that a very similar necklace had been found as long ago as 1889 at a Bronze Age burial mound at North Molton in Devon, England and was now on display at the Exeter Museum. The necklace consists of jet, amber and faience beads almost identical to the one discovered at Tara and its also dates from around the same time. For Evans, the fact that two anomalous necklaces, both similar and contemporary, had been found around the necks of two clearly important individuals – perhaps tribal leaders or religious figures – at two completely different locations suggested more than mere coincidence was involved. However, long-distance trade in the Bronze Age required boats. Was there anything to prove that Egyptian boats could have conducted the long voyage to the British Isles in the 14th century BC? Well yes there was.​

The Ferriby Boats

Lorraine Evans soon discovered that compelling evidence had come to light that indicated not only the possibility of trade routes between Egypt and the British Isles, but that in the 14th century BC a group of Egyptians had actually visited Britain. This remarkable discovery had been made as long ago as 1937 at North Ferriby in Yorkshire on the Humber Estuary, which is located on the north-east coast of England. It should be borne in mind here that the river Trent, also flows into the Humber Estuary and that when the Romans arrived here in 43 AD, this territory was controlled by the Celtic Brigantes tribe who took their name from the Romano-British goddess Brigantia, who can be linked to the Tuatha de Danann goddess Brigid in Ireland and Bride in Scotland. If Meritaten later became personified as Brigantia/Brigid, then if she did land by boat at some stage in Yorkshire close to the River Trent, this might make sense of the C’s statement: “A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

It all began with the discovery by two brothers of the preserved remains of an ancient boat, which was at first taken to be a Viking longship of the type that had frequently raided the east coast of England during the Dark Age. The pieces the brothers discovered did indeed turn out to be part of a boat built from massive planks of oak. The boat was a large vessel some 16 metres long and slightly over 3 metres wide at widest point. It seems paddles had propelled the boat as the remains of several were found, although a preserved sail for downwind travel was also found. There was room for nine oarsmen on each side.

Eventually, a full-scale excavation was carried out by a team of local archaeologists. As they dug around the boat, the remains of other similar boats were found with timbers that had been well preserved in the clay river bank. In the end three boats in various states of preservation were uncovered (two more would subsequently be uncovered at a later date). With each new piece of evidence, it soon became clear that a small flotilla of ships had long ago been wrecked in a storm in what had once been a natural harbour. Unfortunately, the excavation was abruptly curtailed due to the outbreak of the Second World War, which would see many of the finds being destroyed when the Museum of Hull was bombed.

With the war over, the eminent archaeologist C.W. Phillips, one of the country’s leading authorities on ancient maritime vessels having earlier excavated the famous Anglo-Saxon Sutton Hoo boat, got involved. When visiting the North Ferriby site in late August 1947 to inspect the two additional boats that had been uncovered, Phillips had been expecting to view the remains of two typical Viking longships and was amazed at what he saw. The boats were appreciably smaller than Viking boats and their basic construction was also very different. The Ferriby boats were of a far more primitive design and very much older than anyone had suspected being ancient vessels of a type previously only found in the Mediterranean. Just how they got there and where they came from was a complete mystery. Phillips academic standing and enthusiasm for the find would lead to a full-scale excavation of the Ferriby Boats involving senior researchers from the British Museum. The entire team would soon agree with Phillips’s initial dating of the boats to 1350 BC (MJF: which again you will note is the era of Akhenaten and Meritaten). Nothing like them had ever been found in Britain before.

The fairly new radiocarbon dating process allowed the British Museum Research Laboratory to date the Ferriby boats in 1958 to somewhere between 1400 - 1350 BC, thus confirming Phillips’s dating. However, Phillips’s findings were met with scepticism by many prominent establishment archaeologists who refused to accept the Ferriby boats could have been so old. They took the view that such long seafaring voyages outside the Mediterranean were completely beyond the capabilities of the contemporary civilisations of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. As a result, the majority of the archaeological community appears to have quickly forgotten the Ferriby boats. The Ferriby finds were thus stored away in the basement of the Hull Museum and the reports and photographs of the investigators were left to gather dust in the Museum’s archives. There they lay for years until by chance they were examined by eminent archaeologist Professor Sean MacGrail of Oxford University when he visited the Museum in 1989. He could not believe how such important discoveries could have been hidden away for so long. In a report he declared: “Indeed the Ferriby Boats are of world-wide importance, being surpassed in age only by the third millennium BC planked boats from the vicinity of the royal pyramids at Giza in Egypt.”

Lorraine Evans was intrigued that the Ferriby boats were dated to the very same period as the Tara and North Molton necklaces. She therefore wondered whether the boats could really have been Egyptian. As an Egyptologist, she believed that the Egyptians had been more capable seafarers than historians gave them credit for. However, the general consensus among her fellow Egyptologists was that they had not gone far to sea. For her this seemed a strange point of view since the Egyptians are credited with inventing the sail and they had the use of a huge harbour at Byblos on the Syrian coast dating from around 2500 BC, which they had captured in the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. Moreover, she was aware that there was a wealth of literature, dating back to the Middle Kingdom of the 17th century BC, which was solely devoted to tales of seafaring such as The Tale of Sinuhe. This ancient story told of an epic saga of sea voyages that ventured as far afield as the Black Sea and the coast of Spain.

She also looked at the specifications for the great buried boat at Giza referred to by Professor MacGrail, which had been carefully dismantled and perfectly preserved in the airtight chamber it was found in. It transpired that this vessel differed little from the Ferriby boats even though this vessel dated to more than a millennium before the Ferriby boats. This fact is known from various wall reliefs dating from the 14th century BC. Unlike the Romans and Greeks, the ancient Egyptians did not go in for refining and evolving their technology, preferring to stick with what they had if it did the job. When Evans saw photographs of the Ferriby boats and reconstruction drawings of them and compared them with detailed pictures of the Giza boat now preserved at the Giza Museum, she was immediately struck by the similarity in design. To all intents and purposes, the Ferriby craft were simply smaller-scale versions of the Giza vessel.

What Lorraine Evans wanted to know though was whether such vessels were capable of reaching the British Isles. For this she turned to Dr George Simkis of the Maritime Research Unit at the University of California, one of the world’s leading authorities on ancient ship design. From his point of view, there was no reason why such craft could not have made it to the British Isles provided they went in summertime and did not encounter bad weather. Indeed, he felt that many of the Greek and Roman vessels that later visited Britain were far less seaworthy than the Egyptian boats. For Evans, the question was not whether the Egyptian boats could have done it, but had they? Could the Ferriby boats have been Egyptian vessels that had made such a voyage only to be wrecked within touching distance of the British mainland?

Before taking her investigations any further she decided that it was imperative to visit Hull Museum and inspect the Ferriby boats herself. However, having written to the museum seeking permission to view them, she became increasingly frustrated by the museum’s evasiveness and layers of red tape. She began to recognise that the unreasonably conservative attitudes of the archaeological establishment of the 1950’s still prevailed where the Ferriby boats were concerned with a cloak of secrecy surrounding their remains. The museum almost seemed embarrassed by them and preferred to leave the matter alone. Consequently, she decided to turn her attention to the historical record to see whether there was any evidence for ancient Egyptian vessels visiting Britain in antiquity. Here her research would pay dividends.​

The Mystery of Scota

She appreciated that unlike the ancient Egyptians, who had a wealth of written records, the people of the Bronze Age British Isles in 1350 BC had no form of writing. As a result, she went to the British Library to look up the oldest histories of Scotland. She eventually discovered the Scotichronicon – ‘The Chronicles of Scotland’ compiled in Latin in the mid-15th century AD by Abbot Walter Bower of Inchcolm Abbey, a small Augustinian monastery located on a remote island off the north-east coast of Scotland [MJF: So yet again we encounter the Augustinians reminding me of what the C’s once said to Laura – “A: And who was Saint Augustine/San Augustin... Augustus, Augustine Monks, etc?].

Reading a recent translation of the work made by Professor Donald Watt of the University of St Andrew’s, Evans casually browsing through the first volume, entitled ‘The Origins’, which dealt with the first settlers in Scotland, found Bower speaking of an ancient time, well before the Roman arrival in southern Britain (43 AD), when the north had been visited by the ancient Egyptians. In fact, he claimed that they were led by no less a person than an Egyptian princess - a pharaoh’s daughter called Scota. Quoting Bower:​

In ancient times Scota, the daughter of pharaoh, left Egypt with her husband Gaythelos by name and a large following. For they had heard of disasters which were going to come upon Egypt, and so through the instructions of the gods* they fled from certain plagues that were to come. They took to the sea, entrusting themselves to the guidance of the gods. After sailing in this way for many days over the sea with troubled minds, they were finally glad to put their boats in at a certain shore because of bad weather.”

*We should particularly note here the reference to (oracular) instructions from the gods, suggesting perhaps 4th or 6th density assistance. In this regard, we should also note that the C’s admitted to having been in direct contact with Abaraham/Moses:

Q: (L) Where did Moses get his knowledge?
Us. Q: (L) Okay, you told us before that he saw or interacted with a holographic projection created by the Lizard Beings. Was that the experience on Mount Sinai?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, well, if he got knowledge from you, did he get this prior to the interactions with the Lizard beings?
A: Yes. He was corrupted by imagery.

Given that Abraham/Moses was being misled by the Lizards, could the C’s have helped Meritaten by making her wise to what was happening and aiding her in her flight from the Middle East?

This shore, Bower explained, was somewhere in the north of Britain. He went on to relate how a considerable number of Egyptians accompanied Scota, so many in fact that they came in a large fleet. They eventually settled in what is now Scotland and, for a while, lived peacefully with the natives (the Picts). Ultimately, relations deteriorated, and the newcomers were forced to leave, setting sail again to land finally in Ireland [MJF: which you will note is the same final destination as the Tuatha de Danann]. Here they merged with the local population to form a tribe known as the Scotti, named after their founding princess. The Scotti grew in number and power until they dominated much of Ireland, and, for a while, their kings became the high kings of the entire country. Many centuries later, after warring with other Gaelic tribes, they returned to Scotland, defeated the Picts and conquered the Highlands as a whole. Indeed, the very name Scotland, Bower claimed, derived from these people.

Evans could not believe her luck for here she had a medieval account of a voyage implying that ancient Egyptians had visited northern Britain and Ireland in antiquity. She wondered whether the Ferriby boats had been part of Scota’s fleet, perhaps sunk when it was forced to hold up ‘on a certain shore because of bad weather.’ Ferriby was after all in the north of Britain. In her excitement, she began to wonder whether the Tara Necklace had been a gift to a local chieftain when the Egyptians had first arrived in Ireland or whether the Tara Prince may even have been an Egyptian himself. She decided to do a reality check and weigh the evidence first.

Scota was certainly not an Egyptian name. Although the people of Ireland had been called the Scotti in Roman times, they were not named after an Egyptian princess since the word derived from a Latin word meaning “raiders” because of the daring raids they had launched across the Irish Sea when plundering Romano-British settlements. However, Bower’s account of the Irish invasion of Scotland did fit within the framework of known historical events. By the 8th century AD, the Irish (Scotti) had conquered the Picts and taken control of most of what is now Highland Scotland, with those Irish tribes now ruling the Highlands becoming the great clans of Scotland who would be distinguished by their different clan tartans or plaid. However, the peoples of the south of Britain, now calling themselves the English, still referred to them by their Latin name, the Scotti or the Scots.

Lorraine Evans next turned to Ireland’s literary heritage to see if she could find corroboration of the Scota story. She started by consulting the earliest surviving manuscripts to contain remnants of the old Irish literature, which had by and large been lost due to the nation’s turbulent history. She found that Scota was mentioned in passing in the Lebor Gabala – The Taking of Ireland - where it referred to her as the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh landing with her fleet on the shores of Ireland. She also found that it was not only in Ireland that the story of Scota existed before Bower’s time for around 1050 AD Reimann, the Abbot of Metz in Moselle, France wrote a biography of the 10th century Scottish Saint Cadroe. He began the biography with a brief history of Scotland where he explained that the Scots claimed descent from ‘a certain Scota, the daughter of a pharaoh of Egypt’. The fact that these fleeting references to Scota were in literary works that dated back to the 12th century and the 11th century respectively showed that Bower had not just made the story up. Evans also learned that Bower had taken his account from a Welsh source, that of the 9th century Welsh monk and historian Nennius’s Historia Brittonum thought to have been compiled around 830 AD. This showed that the legend of Scota existed well before the Middle Ages and had been spread widely throughout the British Isles. Nennius drew on various old surviving documentary sources for his history and it would seem that he took the story of Scota from the Roman writer and historian Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea’s World Chronicle compiled in 320 AD, which sadly is no longer extant. It seems Eusebius’s source for the story was the Greek historian Euhemerus who visited Egypt and compiled a definitive history of the country around 300 BC. If Bower’s story of Scota had originated in Egypt, it seems to have been long forgotten since Evans, as an Egyptologist, had never come across an account of it. She therefore decided to attempt to identify the mysterious princess.

If Scota had existed, her true name would have been preserved in the records since she was after all a royal princess. It helped here that Bower had actually named the pharaoh in question as Achencres, although this was not an Egyptian name. Evans was able to discover the identity of Achencres through the works of the Egyptian priest and historian Manetho, a contemporary of Euhemerus, who identified him as the pharaoh Akhenaten. She immediately recognised that he was the pharaoh who had reigned at the same time as the Tara Necklace and the Ferriby boats. But assuming Scota was a daughter of Akhenaten, why would she risk her life on a one-way perilous voyage to the British Isles through uncharted waters? It surely could not be for trade purposes in view of the prosperous commercial trade networks already existing throughout the Mediterranean. Evans thought the answer might lie in Bowers’ statement that: “they had heard of disasters which were going to come upon Egypt, and so through the instructions of the gods they fled from certain plagues that were to come.”

Evans appreciated that Akhenaten had reigned at one of the most turbulent times in Egyptian history. During his reign, trade had all but trickled to a halt, the empire disintegrated, and the Egyptians abandoned the worship of the supreme god Amun. The abandonment of Amun was a move brought around by Akhenaten himself when he suddenly, and for no apparent reason, decreed that a new god, a minor solar deity called the Aten, should replace the Egyptian chief god Amun. He outlawed the powerful Amun priesthood, desecrated their temples and seized their great wealth to build a new religious centre to the Aten at Amarna in Middle Egypt. Although things seemed to start well for Akhenaten at the beginning of his reign, they would appear to have gone decidedly wrong by the end of his reign, which, as the C’s have confirmed (see above), ended with him being deliberately drowned in the river Nile by persons unknown. Egypt seems to have been in the grip of a crisis and Akhenaten (who had abandoned the old of gods of Egypt) as Pharaoh was held to blame along with the Aten. It was the Pharoah’s duty, as a semi-divine being, to provide Ma’at or balance to the kingdom and evidently Akhenaten had failed to do this and paid the price.

Lorraine Evans does not attribute this crisis, as authors such as Graham Phillips have, to the cataclysmic events triggered by the eruption of the massive volcano on the island of Thera (today called Santorini) which lay in the Aegean Sea – which is known to have been one of the greatest volcanic eruptions in recorded history. Moreover, she does not make the connection between this eruption and the biblical plagues of Egypt, which brought around the Hebrew or Israelite Exodus, as recounted in the Bible. As a result, she does not link Akhenaten with the pharaoh of the Exodus as the C’s have done, nor does she appreciate that Akhenaten’s wife and queen, Nefertiti (Meritaten’s mother), would desert him to become the wife of the biblical patriarch Abraham who the C’s have confirmed was also the same person as Moses who led the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the wilderness of the Sinai Desert. If she did know and appreciate these things, she would realise that there would have been every reason for Princess Meritaten to flee Egypt in fear for her life. Nor does she appreciate that Meritaten was also the biblical figure of Hagar the Egyptian who was the maid servant of Sarah and the concubine of Abraham, producing a son for him called Ishmael in the Bible, both mother and son later being abandoned by Abraham in the Desert of Paran. Nevertheless, Lorraine Evans does make out a very good case for Meritaten having been the Princess Scota and she also provides a very interesting scenario for how Meritaten escaped Egypt by boat to land eventually in the British Isles. It is these two things I will now concentrate on.​

Why is Scota Meritaten?

Akhenaten and Nefertiti had six daughters any one of which could have been Scota. So why does Lorraine Evans think Scota should be Meritaten, their eldest daughter? A relief or wall decoration in the private chambers of the royal palace at Amarna dating from the eighth year of Akhenaten’s reign shows the king and queen seated on stools with their six daughters before them, the youngest being a mere babe on her mother’s lap. The six princesses were, in descending order of age: Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, Neferneferuaten-ta-sherit, Neferneferure and Sotepenre. From later wall paintings, it is clear that two of these princesses were dead by the 14th year of Akhenaten’s reign, both seemingly dying whilst in childbirth. The dead princesses would appear to have been Meketaten and Neferneferure. Two other daughters would appear to have died from a plague that decimated the capital towards the end of Akhenaten’s reign. This is the plague that was referred to in the transcripts:

Q: The story about the plague that is told in Manetho, was this a plague as in leprosy, a disease, or something else?
A: It was multiple elements including leprosy.

The first signs of a plague came in diplomatic correspondence that originated from the Phoenician coast around Year 12 of Akhenaten’s reign, which had seen Amarna host an international pageant in which the nations of the Egyptian Empire gathered to convey tribute to Egypt. This glittering and joyous occasion would be the last time a united and happy royal family would be seen in public. The pestilence seemed to break out first in Sumer, which was the Egyptian headquarters for the region, and then in Byblos that terrified not only the inhabitants of the city but also the Egyptian officials stationed there as well. The Amarna letters reveal that the king of Cyprus warned Akhenaten that Nergal, the god of pestilence, was abroad and rife in the land, which saw a large reduction in the production of copper ingots for the pharaoh. Hittite records also show that around this time a devastating plague was raging in the Levant. It would appear to have decimated the entire Hittite royal family including the king Suppilupilimas and his son and heir Arnuwanda II. It seems that during border skirmishes with Egyptian troops, the plague quickly took hold among the Hittite army and then swept through their empire.

Further proof of this terrible plague was provided by the Ipuwer Papyrus - called the Admonitions of a Sage. Moreover, a series of inscribed clay tablets, despatches to Akhenaten from foreign dignitaries in the East, found in the ruins of Amarna in the 19th century, actually make reference to an unspecified plague which swept the entire Egyptian Empire. After the 15th year of Akhenaten’s reign, a great many members of the Egyptian nobility disappeared from the record, including the Queen Mother Tiye. A fragment of an Amarna letter entitled ‘The Betrothal of a Princess’ implies that Queen Tiye did indeed die from the plague:​

And you [Akhenaten] yourself sent Haamasis your messenger and Mihumi, the interpreter, saying … ‘the wife of my father was mourned … that women … she died in a plague.”

As Neferneferuaten-ta-sherit and Sotepenre are amongst those who are absent from all royal scenes after this time, it seems that they too died in this epidemic. Interestingly, Evans thought the plague had also accounted for Queen Nefertiti because she too disappeared from the record about this time. However, the real reason for Nefertiti’s disappearance might come as a great surprise to Evans since, from what the C’s have said, plague was certainly not the reason for her disappearance:​

Q: (L) Did Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah get some sort of sickness that contributed to the necessity of locking her up?
A: No, in fact it was the fact that she did not get sick that made her the object of suspicion.

Helle and Hel

The mention of leprosy as one element of this plague may make for an interesting connection to the character called Helle who appears in the Greek mythic story of Helle and Phrixus (they were twins with a mother called Nephele - which sounds suspiciously like "Nephilim"), who escaped on a flying golden ram, sent by their mother, from their evil stepmother Ino who planned to have them sacrificed. During their flight Helle, for unknown reasons, fell off the ram and drowned in the strait between Europe and Asia, which was named after her as the Hellespont, meaning the sea of Helle (now the Dardanelles [MJF: or was it really the English Channel?]); Phrixus survived all the way to Colchis, where King Aeëtes, the son of the sun god Helios, took him in and treated him kindly. Phrixus sacrificed the ram to the god Poseidon and gave the king the Golden Fleece [MJF: a cypher for the Grail] of the ram, which Aeëtes, the father of the witch Medea, hung in a tree in the holy grove of Ares in his kingdom, guarded by a dragon that never slept. This episode would form a prelude to the Jason and the Argonauts story, which in reality is a Grail quest tale. However, the C’s would make a connection between the character of Helle (whose name is similar to Helen of ‘Helen of Troy’ fame, who Laura and the C’s identified with Nefertiti/Sarah) and Meritaten/Hagar/Kore:​

Q: (Galahad) Is the importance of Argos related to the myth of Jason and the Argonauts?

A: Yup.

Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

Q: (Galahad) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the Argonauts. We have the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (Galahad) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru
[MJF: Keep this point in mind when we look at the Paracas skulls later in this article]. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

Well, a thousand ships may have been launched but they may have been Egyptian ships escaping a plague-ridden Egypt. However, the character of Helle also shares a similarity to the Norse goddess Hel or Hella. Thisplacerocks mentioned to me in response to one of my earlier articles that ‘Nephele’ sounds like Nephilim and the Cs spelt it as "Nephelim". Coincidence? I think not and believe that he was really on to something here.

In Old Norse literature, the word “Aesir” is commonly used to refer to the gods of the Norse peoples. Most of the best-known Norse gods and goddesses belong to the Aesir, including Odin, Thor, Frigg, Tyr, Loki, Baldur, Heimdall, Idun, and Bragi. Their home is Asgard, one of the Nine Worlds, which is located in the highest, sunniest branches of the world-tree Yggdrasi. The Icelandic historian, poet, and politician Snorri Sturluson (1179 –1241) obviously noticed the similarities between the Greek gods and heroes in Homer’s tales and felt compelled to give a rational account of the Æsir in the prologue of his saga, the Prose Edda (see: a He speculated that Odin and his peers were originally refugees from Troy as the Greeks, Romans, Goths, British and others claimed also. In other words, the stories of the Norse gods were basically just the Nordic version of the Odyssey.

Hel ("the Hidden" from the word hel, "to conceal") is the Norse Goddess of the dead, ruler of the Land of Mist, Niflheim or Niflhel located in the far north - a cold, damp place that is home to frost giants and dwarves. The name Hel was applied both to the Queen of the Underworld and the land itself, and it is thought that the land gave the Queen her name. In the late Christianised form of the myth, when Hel became Hell, she was said to be the daughter of Loki, who was equated with Lucifer.

So, the Norse goddess Hel (similar etymologically to “Helle”) is a goddess of the dead and ruler of Niflheim, a place located in the far north that is home to giants – the Nephilim of the Bible perhaps - and dwarves or fairy people (elves) who may in reality represent today’s Grey aliens. The name represents both the land itself and the Queen – which may provide a link to Nephele, Helle’s mother, who as a cloud nymph can be likened to a cloud.​

In appearance she is said to be a fearsome sight: She is described as being piebald, with a face half-human and half blank (see above), or more usually, half alive and half dead. It is told that when she was born, disease first came into the world. She was said to sweep through towns and cities bringing plague: if she used a rake, some would survive; if a broom, none would.

It is therefore interesting here that Hel is linked with plague, since, as I mentioned above, the land of Egypt was stricken by plague at the time Nefertiti and her daughter Meritaten abandoned Egypt with Abraham/Moses. If the Norse character of Hel is connected to the Greek mythic character of Helle and therefore to Hagar/Kore/Brigid, could she and her party have brought the plague with them and this fact was remembered in Norse folklore?
Meritaten’s Strange Disappearance

Akhenaten’s third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, survived the plague but she is accounted for in Egypt well after this time since she married her brother Tutankhamun and became Queen of Egypt. Ankhesenpaaten would later go on to marry the Pharaoh Aye, Tutankhamun’s successor, and died in Egypt a few years afterwards. So, the only daughter of Akhenaten unaccounted for is Meritaten.

After the disappearance of Nefertiti (Evans thinks she died but we know from the C’s that she had been locked away), Meritaten would be mentioned in despatches sent to Akhenaten by various correspondents. One of these was Burnaburiash II, king of Babylon, who called her by the affectionate name of Mayati and referred to her as ‘the mistress of your house’, implying that, as the eldest surviving daughter, she had assumed the duties of her mother. However, Evans notes that Meritaten seems to have disappeared around the time of her father’s death. Perhaps this is not so surprising when you consider that her father was murdered by drowning in the Nile. Who could have been behind this act of murder. One could point the finger at agents of the deposed Amun priesthood, but they had no presence of any kind in Amarna, since Thebes was their stronghold. If not the Amun priesthood, who else would have had the requisite power base and opportunity to depose the pharaoh? The answer seems to be the army. As Lorraine Evans points out, a central feature of Akhenaten’s government at Amarna is that his immediate entourage was drawn directly from the military whose senior officers enjoyed a particularly high station. Scenes of soldiers and military activity flourish in the art of Amarna. A strong military commander who appeared in the later years of Akhenaten’s reign was Horemheb who would become ‘General of the Army’ in the reign of Tutankhamun as well as his regent. He would assume the throne after the boy king’s death and the short reign of his elderly successor Aye. Evans points out that one thing is clear, there was no love lost between Horemheb and Akhenaten. An inscription on a statue of Horemheb and his wife Mutnodjemet reads:​

All the plans for the Two Lands cams from his hands. Everyone agrees with what he said when he was summoned by the king. Now the palace fell into rage, and he answers back at the king.”

This inscription is unique since never on any other occasion in Egyptian history is the temper of the king mentioned or even alluded to. What may have caused the row? Could it suggest the general was forced to leave the palace at Amarna because of some major problem or issue? Was this the reason why Horemheb seemed to so hate the royal family? There is little question that he did for on his own accession to the throne, he set about erasing all trace not only of Akhenaten’s reign but also of every other Amarna king (Smenkhare, Tutankhamun and Aye). He immediately outlawed the use of their names. He attacked everything and anything connected with the Amarna kings including their worship of the Aten, destroying their temples, toppling their statues, defacing their reliefs and chiselling out their inscriptions. He even ordered the systematic destruction of Akhenaten’s beloved city of Amarna. Amarna quickly became a ghost town, the citizens moving en masse back to Thebes. Horemheb would also restore the old gods of Egypt and with it the primacy of the Amun priesthood.

Meritaten was closely associated with her father’s promotion of the solar deity Aten and by doing so would no doubt have attracted to herself the enmity of the powerful Amun priesthood, whose services had been made redundant when her father introduced the worship of the Aten as the official state religion of Egypt. Although Evans does not mention it, Meritaten had assumed the rulership of Egypt with her husband Smenkhare – Egyptologists are undecided as to whether he reigned as a co-regent with Akhenaten or reigned for a short while in his own right, perhaps three years, with Meritaten as his queen [MJF: another potential reason why Nefertiti/Sarah may have grown angry with her daughter since she had seen her assume her role as Queen of Egypt whilst she was locked away. She even came to be designated as the king’s Chief Wife a title that had belonged to her mother]. Graham Phillips claims that Smenkhare and Meritaten preserved the official worship of the Aten and may have attacked the temples of Amun to enforce this policy. Smenkhare evidently succumbed to plague and died alone after returning to Thebes, the old capital before Akhenaten moved it to Armana. Before his death, it seems he sought to be reconciled to the Amun priesthood. Whatever the case may have been, the resurgence of the Amun priesthood and the rise to power of Horemheb after the death (murder) of Akhenaten would have given Meritaten good reason to flee Egypt, as she no doubt would have been high on Horemheb’s hit list. As Lorraine Evans suggests, by the time Horemheb ascended the throne at Thebes, he may have had the blood of the entire Amarna dynasty on his hands.

Lorraine Evans also astutely points out that as Akhenaten’s eldest surviving daughter, she should by tradition have been married to his successor the boy king Tutankhamun, her brother, but that honour went to her younger sister Ankhesenpaaten. One must assume she did not marry Tutankhamun because she was no longer around to do so. Evans further points out that there is no record of Meritaten’s death and her tomb has so far never been found. What became of her is a complete mystery. As all the other daughters of Akhenaten are accounted for, if Scota was a daughter of Akhenaten, as Bower and his sources maintain, she has to have been Meritaten. This would lead Evans to search next for direct evidence of a voyage by a fleet of boats fleeing Egypt.​

Meritaten’s Flight from Egypt

Lorraine Evans presents a very good case for how Meritaten may have escaped Egypt and the Middle East. However, she does not take into account that she may have fled Egypt in the company of her mother Nefertiti, becoming in the process the biblical figure of Hagar the Egyptian maid servant to Sarah and the concubine of Abraham/Moses. We must ask, however, whether she went willingly or was she coerced given what the C’s said about her:​

Q: (L) Going back to this person - the last living member of the Perseid family - who was handed over by Abraham in his Jacob persona to someone else, who was this person handed over to and why?

A: For protection from the fury of "Helen."

Q: (L) So, there is a reflection of that in the story of Hagar the Egyptian. Who was she handed over to?

A: The "Dragon Slayers."


Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

We know that Nefertiti was confined to her quarters for nearly five years according to the C’s until Abraham/Moses rescued her:

Q: (L) Well, it seems that Nefertiti disappeared from history in the 12th year of the reign of Akhenaten. He then died in the 17th year of his reign. If Nefertiti was Sarah, where was she during this five year period, if Akhenaten died going after her when Abraham/Moses carried her off?
A: Locked up.
Q: (L) So, Nefertiti is Sarah and Abraham came and rescued her somehow, is that correct?
A: Yes.

However, did he also rescue Meritaten/Hagar at the same time, or did she go involuntarily? There clearly was some tension existing between Nefertiti and Meritaten, which eventually led to Meritaten/Hagar and her son Ishmael being forced to leave the Israelite group that was led by Abraham/Moses:

Q: (L) Who was Hagar the Egyptian?
A: Princess of Egypt.
Q: (L) Was she Sarah's maid?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was she Sarah's daughter?
A: Right nurture to.
Q: (L) What do you mean? I don't understand.
A: Sara's daughter by Akhenaten.

Q: (L) Did Abraham have a child by Hagar also, his wife's daughter by another man?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, that's pretty incestuous. Did Sarah actually get so jealous of her own daughter's child that she demanded that Abraham abandon her?
A: Close.

By their response “close”, the C’s seem to be suggesting that Neferititi’s jealousy was not the whole story here. Lorraine Evans reckons that Meritaten would have been about 18 years of age when she disappeared from Egyptian history. As her eldest child, this would make Nefertiti perhaps in her late thirties at the time. Not old by any means. The biblical cover story that Nefertiti/Sarah was old and struggling to produce a son for Abraham as the reason for why she gave Hagar over to him so that he might sire a child by her, seems somewhat suspect when one looks at the facts*. We cannot rule out the old stepfather falls in love with his young stepdaughter scenario, which would certainly explain Nefertiti’s hostility to her daughter and explain her jealousy. As they say: “Hell have no fury like a woman scorned”. Throw in the fact that Meritaten seems to have assumed Nefertiti’s exalted position at the Egyptian court (she had been placed on an equal footing with her husband Akhenaten – an unheard-of situation in Egyptian history, especially when you take into account that she was foreign born) whilst Nefertiti was incarcerated, gives Nefertiti even more reason to resent her daughter. It is even possible that Akhenaten may have married Meritaten (the Egyptian royal family was extremely incestuous, particularly during the 18th dynasty, since they were obsessed with preserving what they considered to be the special royal bloodline) since she took over Nefertiti’s title of ‘Great Royal Wife’. However, could just as well have inherited that title by becoming the wife and queen of the mysterious Pharoah Smenkhare. There is even a theory that Meritaten may have served as pharaoh in her own right under the name Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten, a theory I would admit that I don’t subscribe to.

*Curiously, Rabbinical commentators have asserted that Hagar was Pharaoh’s daughter. The midrash Genesis Rabbah states it was when Sarah was in Pharaoh's harem that he gave her his daughter Hagar as servant, saying: "It is better that my daughter should be a servant in the house of such a woman than mistress in another house." Sarah, as Nefertiti, was in fact part of a harem, for it was common for Egyptian pharaohs to have several wives. However, to me it is strange that rabbinical interpretations of the Torah, which date back to 300-500 AD, should maintain a traditional belief that Hagar was the daughter of a Pharaoh, since this is exactly what the C’s have confirmed.

The Battle of Gibeah and the Revolt of Korah

The Bible also provides stories which seem to indicate there was dissension and factions within the Israelite camp from the beginning. One such story is the episode of the rape of the Levite's concubine, also known as the Benjamite War. The tale concerns a Levite from Ephraim and his concubine, who travel through the Benjamite city of Gibeah and are assailed by a mob, who wish to gang-rape the Levite. He turns his concubine over to the crowd, and they rape her until she collapses and later dies from her ill treatment. Rabbinical interpretations say that the woman was both fearful and angry with her husband and left because he was selfish, putting his comfort before his wife and their relationship. This incident would lead to a civil war between the other tribes of Israel and the Benjamites, which almost saw the Benjamtites wiped out at the battle of Gibeah. Although this story in the Book of Judges is supposedly set centuries after the age of Moses, one can see that it might contain echoes of a much earlier incident and possible conflict, one involving the Levite Abraham, his concubine Hagar (Meritaten) and Abraham’s wife Sarah (Nefertiti), which would lead to a battle and a parting of the ways between Meritaten, her mother and her lover Abraham, when Meritaten was handed over to the custody of the Tuatha de Danann or the ‘Dragon Slayers’ (known in the Bible as the Tribe of Dan and to the Greeks as the Danaans). Curiously, Judges 19 concludes by saying that nothing like this had happened since the Exodus of the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. Is that because the story had its roots in the Exodus.

A second biblical story which may reflect this conflict between the Meritaten faction, and the Nefertiti faction can be found in the story of Korah. In this case, the tale is set during the Exodus and involves a man called Korah leading a revolt against Moses. Korah, a Levite and cousin of Moses, would die along with all his co-conspirators, when God caused "the earth to open her mouth and swallow him and all that appertained to them” (Numbers 16:1–40). I find it interesting that this man’s name should be Korah, which sounds suspiciously similar to Kore, a name the C’s connected with Hagar. Indeed, some older English translations, as well as the Douay–Rheims Bible, spell the name as Core, and many Eastern European translations have "Korak" or "Korey". Is this just coincidence? The rabbis of the Talmudic era explained the name "Korah" as meaning "baldness". It was supposedly given to Korah on account of the gap or blank which he made in Israel by his revolt. However, if Korah was really Meritaten/Hagar/Kore, then the bust of her found in a workshop at Amarna and now on display in the Berlin Museum (see below), which shows her as being bald, may give the true reason why Korah was known by that name in the Bible. In an earlier article, I suggested that this depiction of her as bald may be due to her having been a priest in the Temple of Aten. Thus, I was intrigued to find Lorraine Evans lending support to this argument. She stated that initially the shaved head was just a fashion suited to the hot climate of Egypt, aiding cleanliness and the wearing of courtly wigs. However, at least from the Middle Kingdom onwards, it was also associated with the purification rights prescribed for those persons performing a range of priestly tasks. This led Evans to wonder whether the royal sculptor, Thutmose (who was appointed as a vizier by Akhenaten), in displaying Meritiaten with a bald head was trying to emphasise Meritaten in a religious context at Amarna. It is worth stressing here that during Akhenaten's reign, Meritaten was the most frequently depicted and mentioned of Akhenaten’s six daughters, signifying her high standing. Her figure appears on paintings in temples, tombs, and private chapels. Not only is she shown among images depicting the family life of the pharaoh, which were typical of the Amarna Period, but on those depicting official ceremonies, as well.


Korah is also represented in the Bible as the possessor of extraordinary wealth, having discovered one of the treasures that Joseph had hidden in Egypt. Now we know from the C’s that Joseph was not a real patriarch but a composite figure mainly based on the legendary King Scorpion of Egypt:

Q: Well, that's bizarre. Was King Scorpion of Egypt the "Joseph" of the Bible?
A: Mainly.
Q: Does that mean that Joseph was a composite story?
A: Yes.
Q: Was King Scorpion a son of Sargon the Great?
A: Close.
Q: Was he, as the Joseph story tells, kidnapped and sold into Egypt?
A: No.
Q: Was he sent to Egypt to have a hand in the unification of Egypt and the control system there?
A: Close.

We should not forget here that according to the C’s Sargon the Great was, like Nefertiti a millennium later, a “deep level punctuator” hailing from the subterranean civilisation that calls itself the ‘Nation of the Third Eye’. We may reasonably assume that these people were sent up to the surface world to pursue an agenda connected to the Nation of the Third Eye, just as their modern counterparts and agents are doing right now. Hence, if King Scorpion was connected in some way to Sargon, he too may have been following such an agenda.

If Korah was the possessor of some great treasure that he/she brought out of Egypt with him/her, then it would not have been found by Joseph but by someone else. Could this treasure have been the Grail, which had been possessed by Akhenaten (a member of the Perseid family descended from the mythic Perseus who killed the Gorgon Medusa and cut of her head – which is a cypher for the Grail) along with the Ark of the Covenant that was handed over to Abraham/Moses in his Jacob persona by Nefertiti/Sarah in her biblical guise as Rachel? Could Meritaten have been angered by the way in which the Grail and the Ark of the Covenant – her father’s former possessions - were being used by Abraham/Moses? Could this have become a major bone of contention between them?

Although the Bible story has Sarah (Nefertiti) demanding that Abraham abandon Hagar (Meritaten) and her son Ishmael in the desert, could the story of Korah hint that the issue may have been the reverse scenario? According to the Rabbis, the main cause of Korah's revolt was the nomination of Elizaphan, son of Uzziel, as prince over the Kohathites (a clan of the Levites). Korah arguing thus: "Kohath had four sons. The two sons of Amram, Kohath's eldest son, took for themselves the kingdom and the priesthood. Now, as I am the son of Kohath's second son, I should be made prince over the Kohathites.” However, Moses gave that office to Elizaphan, the son of Kohath's youngest son". Korah then supposedly consulted his wife, who encouraged him in the revolt, saying: "See what Moses has done. He has proclaimed himself king; he has made his brother high priest, and his brother's sons priests; moreover, he has made you shave all your hair in order to disfigure you.” In the Bible, Moses made his fellow Levites the priests of the Israelites. If Hagar/Meritaten had been a priest in the temple of the Aten, might she have expected her son Ishmael, who was of Egyptian royal blood, to have been made a priest too? You will note that Moses gave the office of prince of the Kohathites to the son of Kohath's youngest son. Could this be an echo of Isaac being preferred over Ishmael who was Abraham’s first-born son by Hagar? We also see a reference to Korah having all his hair shaved off, which may be an echo of the bald appearance of Meritaten. Moreover, we see Korah’s wife claiming that Moses has proclaimed himself king, suggesting he had become something of a tyrant. Interestingly, more modern, liberal Jewish commentators take the view that Korah incited all the people against Moses by arguing that it was impossible to endure the laws Moses had instituted. This argument accords with the C’s comments that Moses was eventually deposed because he had become a tyrant:

Q: (L) Why was Moses not allowed into the promised land?
A: Because he became tyrannical.

Had Meritaten/Hagar been one of the first to notice this in her biblical persona as Korah? In the Bible, Korah and his allies were punished for their rebellion when God caused the ground to split open beneath their feet swallowing them, their families, and anyone associated with Korah together with all their possessions. Moreover, the Bible provides that those Israelites who did not like what had happened to Korah, his associates and their families and objected to Moses were subsequently punished by God through a plague. This is an interesting point since it may suggest that the plague, which was epidemic in the Near and Middle East and had wiped out much of the Egyptian royal family (see above), may also have affected the Israelites.

Even though the Bible provides that Korah is destroyed by God, if Korah was really Meritaten/Hagar/Kore then she evidently survived. In the Biblical tale of Hagar, she and her son are rescued by the intervention of an angel of God who opened Hagar's eyes upon which she saw that she was near a well of water. Christian commentators, including St. Paul, have put their own interpretations on this story.

Another such commentator was St Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD) who was a theologian and philosopher from Roman North Africa. He referred to Hagar as symbolising an "earthly city", or sinful condition of humanity: "In the earthly city (symbolised by Hagar) [...] we find two things, its own obvious presence and the symbolic presence of the heavenly city. New citizens are begotten to the earthly city by nature vitiated by sin but to the heavenly city by grace freeing nature from sin." Given this interpretation, it is perhaps unsurprising that the C’s, who seemed to be sympathetic towards Akhenaten and by extension his daughter Meritaten, should have launched a scathing criticism of St Augustine when they said:​

Q: Okay. I think that helps. We will take care of it and see where it goes. Now, I was trying to relate the Canaries to Roswell, and noted the funny numbers of lines of latitude. I really didn't WANT to read any more about this subject, but I dug out all the stuff sent to me by Stan Friedman. And, while I was reading, I was looking at the map and locating the various sites mentioned by him. It seems that the actual 'crash' did not take place AT Roswell. It was nearer to Corona. And, near Corona is a place called 'Socorro,' and there is a Socorro on the Canaries*, also, which is almost exactly where this statue of the Virgin was found. C**** and I looked it up and it means 'succour.' The inscription on the painting of the Magdalene that is in the church at Rennes le Chateau talks about the 'tears of the virgin' washing away sin and is a plea for 'succour.' And this painting is modelled on the painting of St. Anthony, the hermit, who is shown being tempted by creatures that can only be described as 'aliens.' Now, there is also a Magdalena, a St. Anthony, and even a Pearce on the map near this crash site. And when I drew little lines connecting them all, they enclosed this plain of San Augustin....

A: And who was Saint Augustine/San Augustin... Augustus, Augustine Monks, etc?

Q: Oh! Well, I never thought about that! I was going after St. Anthony and the Magdalene... St. Augustine was one of the early church 'fathers' who wrote a lot of things that became established church doctrine in general.

A: Or established early church "whitewash".

*The reference to the Canaries and the part they may have played in the Meritaten story will be dealt with later in this article.

Was this what the C’s had in mind here? In fairness to St Augustine, he like other Christian scholars had inherited the Old Testament, which had been written by Jewish scribes and rabbis who collected tales and stories together that had been handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. Although many of these stories, such as Hagar the Egyptian, had a kernel of truth to them whilst others were merely allegorical, the real history behind them had become muddled and distorted by the time the Old Testament was compiled. Hence, when Christian scholars like St Paul and St Augustine tried to interpret them centuries later, it is not surprising that they often struggled to make sense of them, which sometimes led to them imposing false notions or interpretations on real characters such as Hagar. For the Jews, Egypt was always a land of depravity, idolatry and sin and it would have been natural, therefore, to connect Hagar as an Egyptian with such things.

The biblical story of Hagar’s rescue is certainly a wonderful prosaic tale describing how Hagar and Ishmael were rescued through angelic intervention. However, the C’s seem to hint that Hagar’s delivery may have been effected by other means. The Greek myth of Helle and Phrixus, which tells of twin siblings escaping by means of a flying golden ram might suggest a more nuts and bolts mode of delivery from danger, perhaps by what today we would call a flying saucer or similar such craft. But the C’s also said Kore was handed over to the Dragon Slayers who I am proposing were the Tuatha de Danann of Irish folklore. I would certainly not rule out a more technological rescue mission since the Nation of the Third Eye (Meritaten’s mother’s people) would seem to have access to exotic technology like the Grey Aliens and Lizards do and we know from the C’s that the Greys have intervened to rescue people, e.g., the Kantekkians from Kantek and some Native American Indian tribes who were rescued from Siberia and taken to North America. Indeed, according to the Lebor Gabála Érenn, the Tuatha de Danann reputedly came to Ireland "in dark clouds" and "landed on the mountains of [the] Conmaicne Rein in Connachta". Many modern UFO accounts tell of flying saucers disguising themselves within dark clouds, perhaps a biproduct of the ionisation process that surrounds these craft. Although I would not dismiss the part advanced technology may have played in Meritaten/Hagar/Helle’s escape from her mother’s wrath, I will henceforth rely on Lorraine Evans’s account of how she thinks Princess Meritaten escaped from a plague-ridden Middle East, an escape which involved the use of sailing craft like those found at North Ferriby.

Continued in Part 3​
The Epic Voyage of Princess Meritaten Part 3

The Escape from Amarna

To effect an escape by ship, you need to travel to a port first. Moreover, we know that Scota was meant to have travelled in a large fleet of vessels, which suggests the need for a very large port. In Meriaten’s age, this would have meant using a port based on the Levant, which is now modern-day Lebanon. One such ancient port is Tyre (150 kilometres south of Lebanon’s capital Beirut), which today is a mere shadow of its former self but in its time was one of the greatest ports of the ancient world. The Greek historians Herodotus and Homer paid tribute to its enormous wealth and the taste of its inhabitants, its merchants being amongst the most successful in the ancient world. Of all the cities that sprang up on the Phoenician shore, Tyre was the most dynamic. Although the Greeks referred to this shore as Phoenicia, the indigenous people have always referred to themselves as Canaanites. Indeed, Tyre was the home of the infamous Jezebel of biblical fame, who has given her name to scarlet women everywhere.

Where Tyre was concerned, Meritaten also had one major card she could play and that was the fact that she seemed to enjoy a very close relationship with Abi-Milku, the Prince of Tyre. As Lorraine Evans explains, in the diplomatic correspondence discovered with the Amarna Letters, there was a remarkable letter addressed to Akhenaten from Abi-Milku entitled ‘Servant of Mayati’, Mayati being Meritaten’s nickname. The letter went answered, which was unusual because the Prince of Tyre was one of the few people who an increasingly lethargic Akhenaten bothered to reply to. Evans takes this as a sign that Akhenaten may have already been dead. However, Ab-Milku did not merely use Meritaten’s nickname, suggesting he was on very good personal terms with her, but he also refers to her as ‘my mistress’. He even calls Tyre the ‘city of Mayati’. Evans asks why would a foreign ruler name his city after an Egyptian princess? Evans feels that the fact that the prince referred to Meritaten in a form used for a partner or a wife, might even suggest that Abi-Milku may have been Gaythelos, the husband of Scota in Walter Bower’s account of Princess Scota. Had Meritaten wed a foreign prince and fled Egypt with him?

Anything is, of course, possible but we know from the C’s that Meritaten, in the form of Hagar the Egyptian, joined with her mother Nefertiti/Sarah and her mother’s new husband Abraham/Moses in the exodus from Egypt, whereafter she became Abraham’s concubine or second wife, bearing him a son called Ishmael. Nevertheless, could Meritaten/Hagar have subsequently linked up with Abi-Milku in Tyre after her abandonment by Abraham, when she was handed over to the Dragon Slayers (the Tuatha de Danann), and taken ship with her large retinue of servants and followers from Tyre? Could she have married Abi-Milku, who seemed to be very fond of her, and set sail with him to the far-off British Isles?

We should note here that as Prince of Tyre, Ab-Milku would have been a Canaanite. But then it is also feasible that the Tuatha de Danann were Canaanites too. Irish legend holds that the Tuatha de Dannan were a race of blonde and red-haired giants, so it is curious then that the Hebrew word “Edom” means red. The Bible informs us of one such race of giants who lived in Canaan. These were the Anakim who were said to be descended from Anak and lived in the southern part of the land of Canaan near Hebron. The Bible states that they inhabited the region later known as Edom and Moab in the days of Abraham, which suggests they may have been the Edomites and Moabites. Edom was a small kingdom in the northwest of the Sinai Wilderness that was inhabited by a Semite people known as the Edomites from around 1700 BC. It has been determined by archaeologists that the Edomites had migrated south from Canaan at the same time other Semitic groups (including the Israelites or Hebrews) had settled in Egypt. DNA tests on Edomite and Israelite skeletons have shown that they did in fact share a common ancestry. As stated above, the Hebrew word Edom means "red", and the Bible relates it to the name of its founder Esau, the elder son of the Hebrew patriarch Isaac and twin brother of Jacob, because he was born "red all over". According to the Bible, Jacob would gain Esau's birthright or blessing from his father Isaac, as the firstborn son, by means of deception. Jacob would go on to have twelve sons who would become the founders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. However, the C’s have confirmed that Jacob was really just another persona of Abraham/Moses and therefore there was no brother relationship between Esau and Jacob. They also shed light on the nature of Esau’s blessing in this extract from the transcripts:​

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

As we learned above, the blessing relates to a person called ‘Kore’, the proverbial ‘trampled leaves of wrath’, who I am arguing is Hagar/Meritaten. The C’s would subsequently expand upon this in the following extract from the transcripts:​

Q: (L) We have the brother issue to deal with. We have Abraham and his nephew, Lot. Then we have Moses and Aaron, Jacob and Esau, Isaac and Ishmael. Were all of these sets of brothers just different aspects or views on the same stories, a set of singular individuals, whether brothers or not?

A: Pretty much though with added elements from other stories blended in.

Q: (L) Was it a brother/brother relationship as in actual brothers?

A: No. The "brother" relationship was created to legitimize a "false" line of transmission.

Q: (L) So there wasn't a brother, or Aaronic relationship present, assuming any part of that story was true. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) One aspect of the variation on the story was that Jacob gave his brother, Esau, the 'blessing' and some 'gift.' Does this reflect an accurate part of the story that Moses, in his form as Jacob, passed something on to someone else’s - something that was important?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was it Moses/Abraham who was doing this?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who did he pass it on to?

A: It was finally understood by "Moses" that the danger of the object was greater than the ability of descendants to resist corruption. He handed it over to those who had created it.

Q: (Galahad) Was it STS or STO forces that created it?


Q: (Galahad) So, the Ark was an object created by STS. Did this amount to some sort of realization on Moses' part? Did he start to wake up?

A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.

Q: (L) What was the blessing he gave to quote Esau, if giving the object to the "angel" was the event of returning the ark? What was the story there?

A: Two separate events.

Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

Well, it seems Abraham handed Kore over to the ‘Dragon Slayers’, the Tuatha de Danann (the Tribe of Dan or the Danaans) who may be the same people as the Anakim of the Bible. Curiously, the Danaans (the sons of Danaus), although enemies of the Trojans in the Iliad, were in fact allies of the Hittites (Abraham’s people) since the Egyptians recorded that they fought with the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh (1275 BC) in the reign of Ramses II, which is situated along what is today the Lebanon–Syria border. If the Hittites were the remnants of the Trojans, then the Danaans would have been their Celtic cousins when both groups occupied northern Europe. It would therefore make sense for fellow Celts to unite against a common enemy in the Egyptians.

The name ‘Anakim’ may come from a Hebrew root meaning "necklace" or "neck-chain", which makes me think of that blue faience necklace worn around the neck of the teenage boy’s remains found in the tomb mound at Tara (see above). Moreover, the Israelites seem to have identified the Anakim with the Nephilim of the antediluvian age. Indeed, this is highly likely since the name Anak seems suspiciously close to ‘Anunnaki’, the giants of Mesopotamian legend who the C’s alleged were Kantekkian survivors. There is also a surviving Egyptian record of the Anakim since the Egyptian Execration Texts of the Middle Kingdom (2055-1650 BC) mention a list of political enemies in Canaan, and among this list are a group called the "ly Anaq" or people of Anaq. Moses’s successor Joshua would finally expel the Anakim from the land, except for some who found a refuge in the Philistine cities of Gaza, Gath and Ashdod (ref. Joshua 11:22). This has led some biblical scholars to conclude that the Philistine giants such as Goliath whom King David encountered (2 Samuel 21:15-22) were descendants of the Anakim.

At this stage, I must point out that Lorraine Evans takes the view that Meritaten did not escape from the port of Tyre. She argues that it would not have been possible for Meritaten to have sailed due east towards the Levant since the whole area was engulfed in a long, drawn-out Syrian war and a virulent plague was widespread in the area as well. She thinks that travelling east would have been far too perilous. However, the Bible makes it clear that this did not stop Abraham from travelling eastwards from Egypt since it relates that he sought the relative safety of the Sinai wilderness where Egyptian military patrols were few. Indeed, according to the Bible, he and the Israelites would at one stage seek shelter with their Edomite cousins (the Tuatha de Danann or Anakim?), perhaps at the place we know today as Petra* in Jordan (Sela in Hebrew), which may have been the true site of Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments from Yahweh. In the Genesis account of Esau settling in the land of Edom there is a passage which makes reference to a specific mountain around which the Edomites lived called Mount Seir:​

Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir … And these are the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in mount Seir.” (Genesis 36: 8-9).

*The famous city of Petra, which is hewn out of the rock, would be constructed by a people called the Nabateans, who took the area over from the Edomites nearly a thousand years later.

Mount Seir is mentioned a number of times in the Old Testament and, like Mount Sinai, it is considered to be a holy mountain associated with God. God is said to have resided on Mount Sinai and there are repeated references in the Old Testament to God also residing in Seir. The prophet Isaiah, for instance, tells us that when God speaks to him, “He calleth to me out of Seir” (Isaiah 21:11). The prophet Ezekiel, for example, tells his followers to “set thy face against mount Seir” (Ezekiel 35:2). One particular passage leaves us with little doubt that God was thought to reside here and that Mount Sinai is somewhere in the Seir Range. In the Book of Judges 5:4-5, the prophetess Deborah prays to God:​

Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, when thou marchedst out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water. The mountains melted from before the Lord, even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Israel.

The Old Testament Book of Deuteronomy 33:2 is even more specific. When Moses is dying, he calls upon God to bless the children of Israel: “the Lord came from Sinai and rose up from Seir unto them”. Not only is this evidence that God was thought to reside in Seir but that Mount Seir is in fact another name for Mount Sinai.

The Valley of Edom is today called Wadi Musa, which in Arabic means the “valley of Moses”. It was so named because the local Bedouin of the Shara Range believed that it was here that Moses brought forth the miraculous spring in the Old Testament story. In fact, they had built a shrine to identify the exact site at the foot of the mountain where they thought the incident had occurred near the entrance of the Siq al Barid (Arabic for “cold canyon”) or Siq for short, a narrow crevice which winds for about a mile through mountainous terrain. They called it Ain Musa – the Spring of Moses. If this spring had really been the one Moses had brought forth from a rock “in Horeb”, then presumably the mountain rising above it was Mount Horeb itself or Mount Sinai. The local Bedouin had long considered the mountain to be a sacred place and called it Jebel Madhbah – Mountain of the Altar - as there was an ancient shrine on its summit that dated back well over 3,000 years (radiocarbon dating places it at 1500 BC, thus close to the era of Akhenaten).

If this truly was the location of the biblical Mt. Sinai, one must wonder whether Abraham/Moses had previously been aware of this site and deliberately headed to it, perhaps under the instructions of the Lizard beings who the C’s tell us were passing themselves of as the Lord or Yahweh. It is interesting that when Laura once asked the C’s what Abraham/Moses and the Israelites had been doing during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness, the C’s replied they had been Bedouins:​

Q: (L) So, from 1627 BC to 1588 BC - that's 39 years - almost exactly 40 years of "wandering in the desert," so to say. So they must have escaped when Thera blew and forty years later, the comets came. What was Abraham and his crew doing during that time?

A: Bedouins

Q: (L) How many were in this tribe?

A: 623.


Q: (L) When did this tribe finally arrive in Israel and settle down. Was this after 40 years living as Bedouins?

A: Pretty much.

Hence, one might reasonably ask whether it is possible that Abraham’s link with the Bedouin tribesmen could explain why the local Bedouins of the Shara Range to this day retain the tradition of Ain Musa being the Spring of Moses and Jebel Madhbah – the Mountain of the Altar - being a sacred place where Moses met with God. It is known that oral traditions passed on from generation to generation can survive for thousands of years.
The Edomite temple located on the summit of Jebel Madhbah – the Mountain of the Altar. This may have been the place where the Bible says Moses communed with God and received the Ten Commandments​

The other question we might ask is whether Hagar/Meritaten was with Abraham/Moses and her mother Nefertiti/Sarah at Mt. Sinai when the events described in the Bible occurred.​

Did Meritaten Journey to Mycenae?

If Meritaten, as the legendary Scota, did not head eastwards (although I believe she did), Lorraine Evans tells us that the only viable option would have been for her and her followers to head directly north along the river Nile into the Mediterranean and then cross the Aegean Sea or proceed west along the North African coast. So, which route did they take?

Evans first considers the Aegean Sea route, although she would come back to the alternative North African route subsequently. In doing so, we first need to ask what attraction the Aegean Sea route might have held for Meritaten, an Egyptian princess. If she had journeyed across the Aegean, the first port of call would have been the island of Crete, which was only 300 kilometres from the Egyptian coast. At that time, Crete was the centre of the advanced Minoan civilisation, which had built up a maritime trading empire with close commercial connections to Egypt. Indeed, the C’s have stated that the Minoan civilisation was an offshoot of the ancient Egyptians, so the ties between the two kingdoms were very close. Evans makes much about the discovery of the architecturally advanced palace of Knossos on Crete discovered in 1899 by the British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, although she at no point mentions that it was a necropolis, a city of the dead rather than the living:​

Q: Was the Temple on Crete at Knossos, was it really a necropolis as Wunderlich suggests?
A: 5th density waiting room.
Q: Did they sacrifice humans there?
A: Yes.


Q: (L) When Thera blew, it seems to have destroyed all the Minoan cities except for Knossos

A: Thera was result of close passage by Maldek
[Mars]. Knossos was not destroyed because structures were fundamentally stronger and blast wave was perpendicular. Underground shelters saved a few of the people.

However, to her credit she does note that the Minoan civilisation came to an abrupt end in 1390 BC (N.B. her dating) due to the eruption of the volcanic island of Thera (today called Santorini). She also notes that until that time, trade had flowed freely between the Cretan and Egyptian Empires. What Evans does not take account of though is the immense damage that had also been done to Egypt by the same volcanic eruption, which occurred in Akhenaten’s reign and would be remembered in the Bible as the plagues of Egypt. These biblical plagues would lead to the Exodus of Abraham/Moses and the Israelites, which Meritaten herself would seem to have been a part of in her guise as Hagar the Egyptian. Indeed, it was the fall out (literally in this case since volcanic ash and other debris from Thera settled over a large swathe of Egypt) from this incident that sealed Akhenaten’s fate, as he would be blamed for this natural cataclysm by the likes of General Horemheb and the Amun priesthood, the disaster being viewed by them as the revenge of the gods of Egypt for Akhenaten’s abandonment of the country’s traditional deities.

Could Meritaten/Scota have landed on Crete as a first port of call after fleeing Egypt, whether from the Nile or the port of Tyre? The answer is probably no since there is evidence that most, if not all, of the ports of Crete were destroyed either by tsunamis triggered by the eruption of Thera or by the blast wave the C‘s spoke about above. Moreover, Evans argues that Minoan-Egyptian relations had been severely strained by Minoa’s close trading relations with the former Hyksos regime. The Hyksos had been nomadic Asiatics (Semites and Levantines, including Canaanites) who first settled in Lower Egypt (i.e., the northernmost region of Egypt consisting of the Nile Delta between Upper Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea) and then overthrew the pharaoh’s administration to create an independent kingdom of their own based on their capital at Avaris located in the eastern Nile Delta. The Theban kings of the 17th dynasty fought a protracted wars against them until eventually they were defeated by Pharaoh Ahmose I, the founder of the 18th dynasty to which Akhenaten belonged, the recapture of Lower Egypt leading to the reunification of the two kingdoms of Egypt once more under a Theban Egyptian king. Evans therefore argues that even if the Minoan Empire had not been destroyed by the time of Meritaten/Scota’s flight from Egypt, she would not necessarily have asked the Cretan royal family for asylum since the Theban kings of the New Kingdom may not have truly forgiven the Minoans for associating themselves with the hated Hyksos. So, if not Crete where else in the Aegean might she have headed to?

Evans’s answer is Mycenae, situated on the Argolid Peninsula, which evidence shows had by the 18th dynasty become the prime destination of the main trade routes from Egypt. The ancient Greeks believed that the origins of Mycenae were inextricably linked with Egypt. According to Greek tradition, its founder was Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae, who was ostensibly of Egyptian descent – being the great-great-grandson of brothers Danaus and Aegyptus, the Egyptian founders of the Greek nation. However, as we know from the C’s, this Egypt was located in Northern Europe and not North Africa or the Middle East as present day Egypt is. Thus, Danaus and Aegyptus would not have been Egyptians from North Africa but Celts from Northern Europe per Iman Wilkens’ theories.

Connections between the pharaohs of Egypt and the kings of Mycenae appear to have been very close as demonstrated by the evidence of large quantities of Mycenaean pottery found at numerous sites all over Egypt and the large number of Egyptian objects that have been found on the Greek mainland. However, Evans points out that it was during the Amarna period that contact between these two great Mediterranean powers became especially intimate. As evidence of this, Evans points to the fact that excavations at the city of Akhetaten (Amarna) have produced an extraordinary amount of Mycenaean pottery, far more than would normally by expected. In comparison, the Greek Archaeological Society’s excavations throughout the 1900’s of the citadel of Mycenae unearthed four faience plaques bearing the name of Amenhotep III, Akhenaten’s father in what is called the Cult Room just beyond the famous Lion Gate. In addition, a blue faience vase bearing the name of ‘Amenhotep – Ruler of Thebes’ was also discovered, together with a small beetle-shaped scarab inscribed with the name of Akhenaten’s mother Queen Tiye. The Egyptian embassy had brought the plaques to Mycenae as gifts and, in return, they took the Mycenaean pottery back to Egypt.

Notwithstanding the above, another piece of evidence for close Egyptian - Mycenaean relations only came to light in 1992 when fragments of a painted papyrus (very rare in Egypt) depicting the scene of a battle uncovered at Amarna in excavations dating back to 1936 were finally examined and the results published by the British Museum in London (it was the usual story of important evidence being boxed, put away and forgotten about for many years). It is important to note that a scene of a battle that occurred in Akhenaten’s reign is extremely unusual since, as far as the experts know, Akhenaten was never involved in any military action outside of Egypt during his reign. The battle scene on the papyrus depicts a fallen Egyptian soldier being attacked by Libyan archers. However, in other scenes, there appears to be a group of fighting men who are neither Egyptian nor Libyan. There is no question though that these troops are part of Egypt’s army. The helmets worn by two of the figures bear a remarkable similarity to the boar’s tusk helmets traditionally worn by Mycenaean troops. When taken together with the characteristic Greek colouring, the vertical demarcations and the short oxide metal-edged tunics the soldier are wearing, the only parallels to be found are those in the Bronze Age Aegean. It was certainly not unusual for the Egyptian army to include soldiers from other nations or states since throughout Egyptian history it seems to have been standard military policy. However, this was the first time that troops from the Aegean had ever been depicted. This led Evans to propose that Akhenaten may have been hiring mercenaries direct from the King of Mycenae to fight on his behalf. She argues that Akhenaten’s employment of Mycenaean troops demonstrates a powerful union between these two great empires, one from which Mycenae had benefited greatly

Evans then asks the question whether the Egyptians fleeing north across the Aegean would have found sanctuary at the palace of Mycenae? Evans first points out that the abundance of Egyptian inscribed material found at Mycenae not only reflected Egypt’s position as a world power but, more importantly, through Egypt’s unquestionable support, Mycenae’s emergence as the dominant State among the various Greek Kingdoms of the Late Bronze Age. She then answers her question by querying whether Mycenae would want to jeopardise its prominent status, not only with Egypt, but with the Eastern Mediterranean in general by harbouring the Amarna refugees against the will of the new power that had now taken over in Egypt, i.e., General Horemheb. Evans points out that Horemheb had no particular love for Akhenaten and his followers, including his Atenist daughter Meritaten, and would not have looked kindly upon the King of Mycenae interfering in the internal disputes of Egypt’s royal court. Evans even ponders whether Hormheb would have been prepared to go to war should he have learned that the King of Mycenae had offered sanctuary to Meriaten/Scota and her band. News of a large fleet of Egyptian vessels anchoring at Mycenae would no doubt have travelled fast and got back to the Egyptian court.

Evans then refers back to the Bower manuscript with anecdotal evidence that some of Meriaten/Scota’s followers did indeed seek refuge in Mycenae (or at least Greece) where Bower states:
It is, however, stated elsewhere that many Egyptians fled in terror from Egypt and their native land not just in fear of men but in fear of the gods. Seeing the fearful plagues and portents with which they had been inflicted, they did not stay any longer. It is said some crossed over to Greece.”

Evans thinks that if some Egyptians did head towards the safety of Mycenae, then their time in that city would have been limited. If this scenario had happened, she thinks the King of Mycenae would have given the refugees food and water for a few days and then, not wishing to offend Horemheb, would most probably have sent them on their way. Interestingly, she argues that these refugees would have made their way to the British Isles by using the ancient amber routes that traversed Europe, amber being one of the principal commodities used for barter in early Europe and the Mediterranean, a trade which may have started as early as 3,000 BC. At that time, most of the amber mainly came from deposits found in a specific region of the Baltic straddling what is now eastern Sweden and southern Finland. Extensive research has shown that the Baltic tribes traded their amber mainly along the European rivers network. Amber beads, pendants, amulets and hairpins have all been found in the tombs of Mycenaean kings. She therefore feels that by following these river trade routes, the Egyptian refugees could have reached the North Sea and from there the shores of North Ferriby would only have been a short hop away. Ingenious as her theory is, I am not convinced by it, although I would not necessarily rule it out. Instead, I would like to explore her alternative theory, which involved Meritaten/Scota’s band travelling to the British Isles via North Africa and Spain.
Escape through North Africa

The first conundrum which Lorraine Evans had to resolve was whether Meritaten chose to head westwards to North Africa by land, through the desert of Libya, or by sea. By a process of elimination, Evans opted for the safer sea route. Although there is little evidence of conflict between the Libyans and the Egyptians during the 18th dynasty, the two people had been traditional enemies since at least the time of Egypt’s unification in 3100 BC. There is evidence though from various tomb biographies that there was a Libyan group, most probably bandits or raiders, who were considered to be quite a nuisance by the inhabitants of Akhetaten (Amarna). We also saw above that the Amarna Battle Papyrus depicted a battle scene between Egyptian troops and Libyan forces that had evidently occurred in Akhenaten’s reign, which may have been this Libyan raiding band. Whatever the case may have been, Evans points out that after the fall of Amarna, relations between Egypt and Libya were soon on a downward spiral. The subsequent 19th and 20th dynasties saw a number of serious invasions of Egypt by Libyans. However, the sparse details available suggest that famine may have forced tens of thousands of Libyan refugees to flee towards north-west Egypt. Whatever the truth of the matter, the reigning pharaohs drove back these immigrants by force of arms.

If we take into account the immense destruction caused by the eruption of Thera, which hit much of Egypt very hard, it makes sense that this cataclysm would have left Egypt reeling and potentially weak where the risk of invasion was concerned. This situation was only made worse by having an ineffectual pharaoh, Akhenaten (who was an absolute ruler), at the helm when all this was happening. Since Princess Meritaten along with her husband Smenkhare were the effective rulers of Egypt in her father’s absence due to his mental breakdown, she would have been well placed to know what was happening on the Libyan border, as the military would have been passing intelligence reports to them. However, my main objection to the flight via Libya theory is that if Meritaten was Hagar the Egyptian of the Bible, then it appears that she fled eastwards into the Sinai Wilderness in the company of her mother Nefertiti/Sarah and her lover or consort Abraham/Moses for whom she would bear a child, Ishmael. This does not rule out the possibility that she later took ship with a large band of followers, most likely from a Levantine port such as Tyre or Byblos, since the Bible relates that she was subsequently abandoned by Abraham along with her son in the desert but rescued by an angel of the Lord (a metaphor for the Dragon Slayers - the Canaanite Tuatha de Danann?). If this is what actually happened, then this scenario appears to have generated the same set of circumstances that lie behind the myth of Princess Scota, who was said to have fled from Egypt by ship. Hence, in ruling out the Libyan desert route, as Evans herself does, we need to return to Walter Bower’s account in the Scotichroinicon to look for clues as to the route she followed. Quoting Bower:​

And so Scota and Gaythelos wandered through many provinces, passing through many places, enduring many perils and vicissitudes according as they were driven about by the violence of opposing winds. They entered Africa along the river Ampsaga and settled peacefully for some time on the province of Numidia although the people who dwell in that country usually have no fixed abode.

Thus, we see Bower’s account confirming that Meritaten/Scota’s trail did lead into North Africa. Evans discovered that Numidia was in fact the ancient name for Algeria. It also turned out that Ampsaga was the old name for what became the Roman town of Constantine, which was situated approximately 300 kilometres south-east of Algiers. Today, most of the ancient city has all but disappeared. So, it seems almost certain that Scota’s Egyptians did avoid the Libyan desert and entered North Africa by ship via Algeria. Indeed, Bower’s manuscript makes no mention of Libya at all. Evans then wanted to see whether she could uncover any trace of Scota’s presence in the bleak terrain of the Sahara Desert in North Africa.

She noted that in 1879, the German geologist and explorer Oscar Lenz reported seeing ‘strange drawings or decoration’ engraved on the rocks whilst travelling through Morocco. In spite of his report, these sightings would go unnoticed by the academic world until 1912, when the formerly independent kingdom of Morocco was transformed into a French protectorate. It was only then that interest in the sightings intensified. In the years that followed, it seems that hundreds of rock-art sites were discovered in Morocco mainly due to the interest and enthusiasm of French administrators, army and civilian doctors and civil engineers. Evans relates that today the best locations for this rock-art lie deep in the southern Sahara and are often difficult to reach except for the hardiest of tourists or researchers.

However, a large game changer occurred on the 19 February 1935 when a paper titled ‘Engravings of Magarat Sanat’ was submitted to the Sixteenth International Congress in Brussels, which first suggested that there may be a connection between North African rock-art and ancient Egypt. The Magarat Sanat is a large cave in northern Morocco dating to prehistoric times where local nomadic tribesmen often took shelter from the Sahara climate. Although its importance to archaeology was overlooked for the next 50 years, the cave would be rediscovered, so to speak, in 1975 by the French archaeologist Dr G. Camp who put it on the archaeological world map. He found on the roof of the cave the most incredible collection of engravings he had ever witnessed. Camp soon realised that some of the engravings were very unusual and did not correspond with the overall design. He concluded that they not only bore an extraordinary resemblance to artistry originating in ancient Egypt but that one particular depiction of a war chariot was identical to that used by the Egyptian army during the New Kingdom period – the period covered by the 18th Dynasty, the dynasty of Akhenaten.

However, Evans claims that this was no isolated example of a painting in a nomad’s cave. Another example with a possible Egyptian connection was found on the Yagour Plateau in the Atlas Mountains stretching from the south-west of Morocco to the north-east for over 700 kilometres. The find in question is known as the Great Disc or Talat n’Lisk. It is a two metres high huge rock upon the side of which is a representation of what she takes to be a sun disc. At first glance, she felt it was not dissimilar to sun discs of the Aten depicted upon the tomb paintings at Amarna. Unfortunately, the carving has been badly damaged over the years, which makes it difficult to interpret what it was meant to be. For example, I have seen one interpretation which dates the disc to the Bronze Age but views it as an image of the full moon. What is more important perhaps is that Evans discovered that the waves of the inland Triton Sea once lapped around the area where the disc was located.

The Triton Sea appears to have been one of this North African regions many stretches of water to have suffered from Saharan desiccation. The Greek writer Herodotus states that even in his age, the sea had all but dried up. Lake Triton was once part of a huge inland sea in the middle of the Sahara, just east of the Atlas Mountains. The Ahaggar mountain range, now in central Algeria, was once an island in the middle of the Triton. Today Lake Chad represents the final remnants of this ancient waterway. Curiously, there lives today in this same region a mysterious tribe called the Taureg, who are related to the fair skinned Berbers, whose ancestors are claimed to have originated in the Nile Valley. Although many of them have moved southwards over the past 2,000 years due to pressure from the north, small pockets of the ancient Taureg still survive in the High Atlas today. The geologist and writer L. Taylor Hansen said of this mysterious people that they are renowned for jealously guarding their Egyptian heritage and beliefs. It also appears that they were once worshippers of Amun. The ancient Taureg capital city was supposedly called Tamen-Ra-Set.

If Scota had rested here for a while, the problem was that she was an Amarna princess and, as such, was a worshipper of the Aten, a solar deity. Taylor Hansen adds that the Tauregs particularly despised the sun and blamed it for all their misfortunes. This would fit in perfectly with what is known about the priesthood of Amun. The rise of the Aten, represented by a sun disc, certainly brought about their downfall under Akhenaten, albeit temporarily. Could the Tauregs’ loathing for the sun have really been a hatred of the Aten? Could their capital city, Tamen-Ra-Set, have been established by a small contingent of Scota’s followers who turned against the Aten and preferred to remain in North Africa rather than journey on with her?

Evans states that when and where Scota left North Africa is at this distance in time difficult to pinpoint but the fact that Egyptian artefacts, based on archaeological evidence, were arriving in Britain between 1400 and 1300 BC suggests her time in Africa was brief. Evans then turned to the question of what direction her trail took from there. Fortunately, the Bower manuscript provided a clear answer:​

At last they left Africa, boarding the ships which they the had at their disposal, and sailed to the vicinity of the island of Cadiz in Spain.”
Scota in Spain and the Town of Brigantia

Evans argues that it is easy to see why Scota would have chosen to cross the open seas to Cadiz, since the site situated on the southern coast of Iberia was only a short hop away from the North African coast, it was easily defensible and was encircled by a protective lagoon.

Evans advises us that according to the orthodox view, the indigenous race of Iberia was a backward people, whose rise around 800 BC, was attributable to Greek colonisation [MJF: It is somewhat strange to me that Evans didn’t mention the Basque people by name who are one of the most ancient peoples in Europe and were originally Atlantean survivors according to the C’s]. However, she does mention that in spite of various claims in later classical sources, no archaeological evidence of any Greek settlements has yet been unearthed in southern Spain. On the contrary, it now emerges that the Phoenicians, backed possibly by their Egyptian masters (recalling that Egypt controlled the Levant during the 18th Dynasty), may have played a far greater role in the opening up of the Iberian Peninsula than was originally believed. Indeed, the Roman historian Strabo claimed that it was the Phoenicians and not the Greeks who were the first people to voyage to southern Spain in 1200 BC. So, it seems that a century and a half after Scota had escaped from the turmoil of Egypt, a similar fleet of ships, sailing from the Phoenician port of Tyre, was recorded heading to Cadiz in Spain. Evans asks quite astutely whether the classical chroniclers could have got their facts somewhat muddled. She ponders whether it can be no coincidence that the island of Cadiz, the principal landing place of the Phoenician Empire (who called the port Gades), was also the first documented site where Scota set foot upon European soil. Moreover, the Phoenicians’ departure point, the city of Tyre, just happened to be the city of Scota governed by Abi-Milku, the ‘servant of Mayati’ (Meritaten). When documenting the ‘fleets sailing from Tyre’, were the ancient chroniclers like Strabo really making a reference to the escape of Scota and Gaythelos a century or more before? Alternatively, could Gaythelos, having safely landed on Spanish soil, have sent a message back to his people in the Levant to come and join him? Could this explain why the Phoenician fleet headed directly to the port of Cadiz? Evans adds that it should come as no surprise that a few years after Scota had left her Egyptian homeland, ancient Egyptian artefacts began appearing on the Iberian Peninsula.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish from where these Egyptian artefacts came and in what period they were originally deposited. In any event, Phoenician foundations were now beginning to appear all over the Iberian coastline demonstrating the signs of a highly Egyptianised society. Almost overnight the indigenous people of the Iberian Bronze Age seemed to have adopted the fashions, cultural values and technologies of Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean. In 1922, Icard and Guielly, the original excavators of the great Phoenician city of Carthage on the Tunisian north coast, remarked about the numerous Egyptian finds on the Iberian Peninsula: “The extreme antiquity of the findings belong to such a distant era that could be attributed to an Egyptian colony”. Evans wonders whether they could in fact have been unwittingly referring to Scota and her fellow Egyptian refugees.

After the initial landing at Cadiz, Evans ponders where Scota may have gone next. Once again, she reverts to the Bower manuscript for the answer:
Meanwhile they were in distress from the long weariness of the sea and were hurrying towards the land of Spain to acquire provisions and rest. The local inhabitants rushed together from all sides in resentment of their arrival. Their aim was to oppose them in armed warfare, but soon a fierce battle ensued and the inhabitants were defeated and turned to flight. With no time to celebrate their victory, the Egyptians with Gaythelos at the helm, pursued the indigenous people back into their own land and proceeded to plunder a sizeable portion of Iberian territory by the river Ebro. Here the Scots had their settlement for some length of time.”

The river Ebro rises in the Cantabrian Mountains and runs straight down to the Mediterranean Sea. According to the Bower manuscript, after pitching their tents on higher ground, the ancient Egyptians swiftly built themselves a settlement on the river Ebro itself. The manuscript then states:​

After the indigenous tribes had been subjugated for some time, Gaythelos built a very strong tower, encircled by deep ditches, in the middle of the settlement, and called it “Brigantia”. Here their descendants multiplied greatly. It can still be seen to this day.

Unfortunately, it does not record how long Meritaten’s Egyptians remained at Brigantia. Before proceeding with Evans’s narrative, I must point out that she made no mention of why the Egyptians (or Scots as Bower calls them) called the settlement Brigantia. Wikipedia tells us that Brigantia or Brigindo was a Celtic goddess in the Gallo-Roman and Romano-British religion of Late Antiquity. The tales connected to the character of Brigid in Irish mythology have been argued to be connected to Brigantia, although the two figures themselves remain distinct. The name is derived from Proto-Celtic brigantī and means "The High One", cognate with the Old Irish name Brigit. As we know, the Celtic goddess Brigid was a member of the Tuatha de Danann who had arrived in Ireland in mysterious circumstances bringing with them four strange treasures (ref. the beginning of this article). It is not odd in the ancient world for a city to have been named after a goddess, think of Athens in Greece, for example, which was named after the Greek goddess Athena. Similarly, places can be named after people too. Rome, for example, was named after its mythic founder Romulus. In that case then, one would have thought that the settlement of Brigantia should have been named after Scota or even Meritaten, her Egyptian name. Does the fact that Bower tells us that the settlement was named Brigantia suggest that Brigantia or Brigid (the Irish form of her name) should be linked directly with the person of Scota or Meritaten? Bower leads us to believe that his country of Scotland obtained its name from Scota, as did the Scottish people via their old Roman name of the Scotti. However, we learned (see above) that no Gaelic tribe ever referred to themselves as the Scoti in ancient times. Hence, it seems that Bower (who was a Roman Catholic monk and Latinist) may have been unduly influenced by the Romans when referring to an Egyptian princess called Scota, whose real historic name seems to have been Meritaten.
A similar process may well have been at work as regards the name Brigantia, or Brigid in Irish, who also leant her name to Celtic tribes and place names all over Europe, a name which we learned meant the “High One” or “Exalted One” in Proto-Celtic, a name that appears therefore to be more a title, like the modern day “Her Royal Highness”, than a proper name. As to place names, Wikipedia tells us that:

“The ancient name of Bragança in Trás-os-Montes, Portugal, was Brigantia. The inhabitants today are still called brigantinos. Braga is another town in Portugal. It is the capital of the district of the same name in the province of Minho. A short distance up the coast, the cities of A Coruña and Betanzos in present-day Galicia (which together with the area of present-day Portugal north of the Doure river formed the Roman and later medieval kingdom of Gallaecia or Callaecia) were respectively named Brigantia and Brigantium.

Like Scota, Brigantia also leant her name to a region and a Celtic tribe. Brigantia was the land inhabited by the Brigantes, a British Celtic tribe which occupied the largest territory in ancient Britain. The territory of Brigantia, which now forms Northern England and part of the Midlands (especially Staffordshire), covered the majority of the land between the River Tyne and the Humber Estuary [MJF: where curiously the ancient Egyptian boats were found at North Ferriby] forming the largest Brythonic Kingdom in ancient Britain. Wikipedia states that it is unclear if the Celtic name Brigantia is derived from the highland topography of the area or from the Goddess Brigantia who was worshiped by the Brigantes themselves. I would suggest that it was the latter. However, the Brigantes were not just present in England since another group by that name had a presence in Ireland. Ptolemy, the second-century geographer, mentions a tribe calling itself the Brigantes in Leinster, which is one of the four ancient kingdoms of Ireland. In Ireland, there is also a river called Brigid.

Staying with Ireland, to confuse matter even further, the Lebor Gabála Érenn (The Book of the Taking of Ireland), an Irish work which was first compiled in the 11th century AD by an anonymous writer, purports to be a history of Ireland and the Irish (the Gaels). It tells us that a Scythian king named Fénius Farsaid is the forebear of the Gaels. Fénius, a prince of Scythia, is described as one of 72 chieftains who built the Tower of Babel. His son Nel weds Scota, daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, and they have a son named Goídel Glas. Goídel crafts the Goidelic (Gaelic) language from the original 72 languages that arose after the confusion of tongues. Goídel's offspring, the Goidels (Gaels), leave Egypt at the same time as the Exodus of the Israelites and settle in Scythia. After some time, they leave Scythia and spend 440 years wandering the Earth, undergoing a series of trials and tribulations akin to those of the Israelites, who were said to have spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness. In some versions of the Lebor Gabála, there was a succession dispute between Refloir and Mil (also called Galam) over the kingship of Scythia. Míl kills Refloir and is exiled for this kin-slaying. Eventually, Míl and his followers reach Iberia (Spain) by sea and conquer it. There, Goídel's descendant Breogán founds a city called Brigantia and builds a tower from the top of which his son Íth glimpses Ireland and then sets sail across the Celtic Sea to invade and settle it.

Brigantia supposedly refers to Corunna (then known as Brigantium) in modern-day Galicia in Spain, and Breogán's tower is said to have most likely been based on the Tower of Hercules, which was built at Corunna by the Romans.

Here with this Irish or Gaelic tale of Breogan, which sounds suspiciously like Bower’s tale of Scota where Gaythelos founded a city in Iberia called Brigantia and built a tower there, we see a certain degree of confusion setting in since the invasion of Ireland by the Gaels or Goidelic Celts, also known as the Milesians (the sons of Mil), would not occur until long after Meritaten’s time. Indeed, Irish mythology holds that it was the Gaels or Sons of Mil who would defeat the Tuatha de Danann to take control of Ireland. If Brigid was Meritaten/Scota then her arrival in Ireland in the Bronze Age with the Tuatha de Danann would have been many centuries before the Gaelic Celts arrived in Ireland via several waves of migration. Before the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, there was no actual written Irish history, so it's very unclear exactly when the Celtic culture did arrive in Ireland. The first sign of any Celtic influence to reach Ireland is reckoned though to date between 800 BC and 400 BC (the Iron Age), but this is still the subject of much debate.

However, this Irish tale of the foundation of the Gaelic race, who are clearly defined as having been Scythians (Indo-Europeans), goes one step further than Bower’s account for it specifies that the Gaels left Egypt at the same time as the Israelite Exodus. In this tale, Scota, a pharaoh’s daughter, weds a prince of Scythia called Nel [MJF: is this really Abraham/Moses?] and produces a son called Goidel [MJF: Is this really Ishmael?], who would lend his name to the race that became known as the Gaels. Is it more likely though that Ishmael, who was half Egyptian and half Hittite, landed in the British Isles in the 14th century BC in the company of his mother Meritaten and a retinue of Egyptian servants and members of the Tuatha de Danann (the Semitic or Hebrew Tribe of Dan) having journeyed there from Spain or southern France?

So, we see aspects of Bower’s tale of Scota reflected in the story found within the Irish Lebor Gabála Érenn, which provides an account of the foundation of the race known as the Gaels who, after migrating from Iberia, would conquer much of Ireland and subsequently Scotland. However, if the Bronze Age settlement in Spain which Bower called Brigantia was the original town owning that name, is there anything to prove it? This is where Lorraine Evans turned to archaeology to support Bower’s case. Was there any archaeological evidence in Spanish prehistory to support the case that towers like the one built by Gaythelos at Brigantia, as described by Bower, or the one erected by Breogan, as described in the Lebor Gabála Érenn, were ever constructed in Spain? The answer is yes.
The Motillas

Lorraine Evans tells us that in 1995, Dr Maria Cruz Fernandez Castro in Iberia in Prehistory reported on the so called ‘Towers in Spain’. She remarked on the presence of conspicuous archaeological mounds that rise up from the flat landscape - conical in shape and separated by only small distances. These towers were subsequently called motillas. At first, they were thought to be huge Arab fortresses built by the Moors, who had invaded the Iberian Peninsula in AD 711. Then, when their prehistoric origin became apparent to historians and archaeologists alike, they were naturally thought of as Megalithic monuments. Over the past 50 years, excavations by various Spanish universities have tried to establish the nature of these strange structures.

Dr Joaquin Jimenez of the University of Madrid conducted the first full-scale excavation of a motilla at La Penuela in northern Spain in 1947. It revealed a complex structure and confirmed the notion of a well-fortified settlement with a tower in the middle of the enclosure, precisely how Walter Bower had described Brigantia [MJF: As someone of Norman stock, this type of construction reminds me somewhat of the Norman motte-and-bailey castles, a fortification with a wooden or stone keep situated on a raised area of ground called a motte and often accompanied by a walled courtyard, or bailey, surrounded by a protective ditch and palisade, which, originating in Normandy and Anjou, were eventually built across much of northern Europe from the 10th century onwards. These were relatively easy structures to build with unskilled labour, but still militarily formidable. No doubt this is why the Spanish archaeologists called their structures motillas, which seems to be the Spanish version of the French “motte]. Three encircling defensive systems were uncovered, and the tower walls had to be reinforced on at least four occasions. The accumulation of occupied strata beside the wall , especially situated around the tower, pointed to the use of the tower as a dwelling. Around the base of the tower, Dr Jimenez unearthed some graves that, according to him, contained highly advanced metal weapons including some bronze arrowheads and riveted daggers. Preliminary analysis confirmed that these weapons were of the Middle Bronze Age dating to around 1340 BC.

As Evans points out, there can be no doubt that these motillas served a defensive purpose. This would fit well with what was alleged in the Bower narrative where he states that “The local inhabitants rushed together from all sides in resentment of their arrival.” With the Egyptian party being attacked on all sides by the locals, the construction of Brigantia would make perfect sense. The fact that Scota’s party should have built a defensive stronghold like this and, according to Bower, quickly subjugated the indigenous tribes suggests that they had in their ranks experienced military personnel who knew a thing or two about strategy. Whether these military people were Egyptians or Tuatha de Danann, or a mixture of both, Scota seems to have been able to rely on their resourcefulness. However, perhaps the firmest indication that this structure should be linked to Scota and her people is the date of the bronze weapons Dr Jimenez found at the site, which being around 1340 BC places it very close to the time when Scota/Meritaten would have entered the Iberian Peninsula. Lorraine Evans mentions that other than the bronze weapons, there was a lack of material finds at the site at La Penuela. However, she adds that the study of motillas was only in its infancy at the time of writing and she looked forward to the prospect of many more finds being unearthed in the coming years. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, it seems that only a few years after Scota had left her Egyptian homeland, ancient Egyptian artefacts began appearing on the Iberian Peninsula. Although it is impossible to determine where they came from and when they were deposited, the fact that such artefacts made their way to the Iberian Peninsula suggests a possible link to the arrival of Scota and her party, which may well have opened the door to later Phoenician settlement, as claimed by the Roman historian Strabo.

Continued in Part 4
The Epic Voyage of Princess Meritaten Part 4

The Canary Islands and the Guanches

So, from Spain, where could members of Scota’s party have gone next? The answer may come as quite a surprise to many but Evans claims that some of Scota’s party may have made their way to what are now the Spanish Canary Islands. Before exploring her interesting theories on this, I think it would be instructive to look at what the C’s have said in the transcripts about the Canary Islands and hidden artefacts:​

Session 2 May 1998:

Q: The story is, and there are even some very old legends in France itself, that there are caves or places where Joseph and Mary Magdalene spent the night, or lived, or whatever. Did Joseph of Arimathea actually travel to France and then to England later, with Mary Magdalene or other followers of Jesus?

A: No.

Q: Did he travel to France alone?

A: No.

Q: What is the source of these stories? What is the point of these stories?

A: Deflection.

Q: Deflection of what to what or from what?

A: Truth from recipient.

Q: Okay. Did somebody travel to France carrying some sort of object, or a person who was this 'object,' so to speak, as the 'holy bloodline,' or whatever?

A: Maybe it was carried by those most capable.

Q: And who would be those most capable?

A: Check the geographic link.

Q: I am getting completely confused. I don't have a single clue about what is going on here or even what we are talking about now!

A: Where are the Pyrenees?

Q: On the border between France and Spain.

A: Who lives there?

Q: The Basques, among others. Is that who we are getting at? Or the Alchemists? These beings....

A: Close


Q: So, all these stories being made up about all these people and dramatic scenarios...

A: It is not the people but the message, the artifacts hold the key.
[MJF: Could these artefacts be the four legendary treasures of the Tuatha de Danann?]

Q: What artifacts? Where are these artifacts?

A: France, Spain, Canary Islands and Morocco.

Q: What kind of artifacts are they? Things that still exist?

A: Yes.

Q: Is there any possibility that I am going to be able to find out about, or even actually FIND these artifacts?

A: Of course!!

Q: Does anyone else know about these artefacts?

A: Others are "on the trail."

Q: Is one of these artefacts the 'Virgin of Candelaria' that appeared in the Canary Islands?

A: Related.

Q: Okay, well, I haven’t learned anything about Morocco yet...

A: Best to get "on the trail of..."

Q: On the trail of what? Trail of the Lonesome Pine, Trail of the Assassin... the Assassini?

A: Look for major conjunctions.

Laura would follow this reference to ‘getting on the trail of’ with the C’s in the session dated 3 October 1998:

Q: (L) […] Now, when I asked previously about the carriers of this significant bloodline that I am supposed to be tracking, you said to follow the trail from Morocco to Spain to France and included the Canary Islands. Also, that the bloodline was carried by those most capable. Now, I have thought that this might be the Arab connection via the Moors to the noble houses of Spain and then into France. Is this, in fact, the case?

A: Yes

Although Laura mentions the Moors of North Africa with their Arab connections*, in the epic voyage of Scota, who we know was really Meritaten and carried the special Perseid bloodline, we see another major racial conjunction that occurred in Spain long before the arrival of the Moors. Given what happened to Meritaten’s family, most of whom died of plague, she does indeed seem to have been the most capable and resourceful member of the Perseid family to continue the Perseid bloodline [the “holy bloodline” the C’s were referring to above] through her son, Ishmael.

We also see from Lorraine Evans’s reconstruction of Scota’s voyage, that she seems to have journeyed from the Middle East to Morocco and then on to Spain. It would also make sense that she would have moved on to France before sailing to the British Isles, perhaps laying up at North Ferriby on the Humber Estuary at some stage during a severe storm. Does this suggest that where the C’s say “ Best to get "on the trail of..." they meant on the trail of Scota/Meritaten?

We have learned that carvings have been discovered in Algeria and Morocco which may point to an Egyptian presence there in antiquity and we have found that numerous Egyptian Bronze Age artefacts have been found in Spain. However, the C’s also mentioned the Canary Islands where these artefacts were concerned. So, is there anything which may help us to connect the Canary Islands with Scota’s plucky band of Egyptian refugees? In fact, there is.​

*There was a major bloodline or racial convergence that took place in the Arab Maghreb states of North-West Africa comprising Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and, more recently, Mauritania. During the era of Al-Andalus (the period of Muslim rule of the Iberian Peninsula between 711–1492 AD), the Maghreb's inhabitants — the Muslim Maghrebis — were known by Europeans as the "Moors". However, prior to this era, and post the fall of the western Roman Empire, much of this area of North-West Africa had been conquered by the Samartian/Alans (who like the Danaans were Scythians) and the Vandals, especially Algeria and Tunisia where Casablanca is situated. Their short-lived empire, which covered all the coast and islands of the western part of the Mediterranean, including Sardinia, Corsica, the Balearics and Sicily endured until 535 AD whereafter it was incorporated into the Byzantine Empire. The Alans former towns on the Iberian Peninsula were overcome by the Goths who then lived on under the name Got-Alania, which eventually became Catalonia. The Goths in their turn would be conquered by the Maghrebris or Moors who had previously conquered the Byzantine territories in the Maghreb.

For more see:]

It was a chance meeting with fellow Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher in London in May 1999 that allowed Lorraine Evans to learn of a compelling link between Egypt and Spain, which involved the Canary Islands. Dr Fletcher informed her that when Spanish adventurers first set foot on the Canary Islands off the North-West Coast of Africa in the mid-14th century AD, they were surprised to encounter a light skinned, cave-dwelling, goat herding people who mummified their dead and called themselves the guanachinet or Guanches as used by the Spanish. The islands had certainly been known to the Romans since the Roman historian Pliny the Elder called the main island of the group Canaria in his 7-volume Natural History in which he provided a description of the island. The Greek poet Homer had identified the Canaries as Elysium, a place where the righteous spent their afterlife. Other Greek writers identified the islands as the place where the hero mythic hero Heracles or Hercules was sent as one of his twelve labours to bring back the golden apples guarded by the Hesperides – the fabled daughters of the night [MJF: Hmmm ... should those golden apples have really been blue I wonder?]. It is interesting that the legend of Heracles is said to date to the Mycenaean Age (1500-1100 BC), which encompasses the era of Meritiaten. Whatever the truth of the matter, Evans argues that it is legitimate to presume that Mediterranean mariners had already visited the islands during the second millennium BC.

Evans explains that Gran Canaria today is the most populous of the Canary Islands with tourists flocking to it to bask in its round the year sunshine. However, she mentions that few who visit the island are aware of its remarkable archaeological heritage. Reading this statement reminded me of what the C’s once said to Laura about the neighbouring island of Tenerife:​

A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech." Horticulturally, please, and family.

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.

Q: Okay, a "thief in the night." The destruction of the Templars...

A: Research the history of the Canary Islands for clue.

Q: Is there any connection to the fact that those guys at the University of Tenerife were communicating back in February and March? Might there be more to this connection?

A: Maybe, but do you know the history of this place?

Q: Well, no I don't. That one slipped by. I will follow that one...

Evans tells us that on Gran Canaria there are hundreds of caves, occupied from ancient times to the present, which hide in its cliffs and mountains. Burial mounds overlook the sea near the remains of stone houses that once sheltered bustling fishing communities. She then tells us that thousands of years before the first tourists came to the island – even before the first Europeans set foot on its soil – a group of people from North Africa had made their home there.

Unfortunately, nobody is clear what the Canary Islands were like before the 14th century AD since there are no written records of the Guanches until the Spanish invasion. Although the Guanches of Gran Caria mounted stiff defence of their island, they would eventually be conquered. Within a few decades of their conquest, it is estimated that two thirds of the indigenous inhabitants had disappeared in one way or another and within about a century or so this ancient society had all but vanished.

Evans continues by explaining how in the centuries following the Spanish conquest, almost all of the Guanche mummies that once filled the burial caves of the islands were destroyed with only a handful remaining today. Indeed, I have seen some of these in the Museum of Santa Cruz on Tenerife and they are quite amazing. However, Evans mentions that one of the surviving mummies is in the care of Cambridge University and when it was examined in the 1920’s and again in the 1960’s, scientists concluded that it had been preserved by methods very similar to those employed by the ancient Egyptians.

Evans then tells us that during the summer of 1998, Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher, together with Dr Joyce Filer of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, examined the Cambridge Guanche mummy under strict laboratory conditions. Although an extensive skull X-ray showed that terrible damage had been done to the face, perhaps by the kind of stick wielded by the Guanches, the brain was still in place, which was certainly not the practice in Egypt. However, a closer examination of the body showed incisions that virtually matched those found in Egyptian mummies. A computerises topography scan of the entire body revealed that along with the intact liver there appeared to be a package of some kind in the abdominal cavity. Except for this one instance in the Canaries, the Egyptians are thought to be the only people who ‘packed’ the bodies of their dead with their treated organs*.​

*Apparently, the Guanches mummification rites were conducted by the faycán, a kind of priest-judge, which again may suggest a link with Egypt where the mummification of royalty and nobility was conducted by trained priests.

Having confirmed that the mummification process used on the Guanche mummy was almost identical to that used by the Ancient Egyptians, Dr Fletcher and Guanche archaeologist Mike Eddy travelled to the Canary Islands to investigate further and were amazed to discover small step pyramids also existed on the island reminiscent of some of the pyramids in Egypt. Though clearly not as elaborate as the step pyramids of Egypt such as King Djoser’s pyramid at Saqqara, Dr Fletcher thought that the Canary Island pyramids appeared to have been constructed on similar lines. The fact that the pyramids had an east-west alignment also indicates that they probably had a religious purpose associated with the rising and the setting of the sun.

Evans states that it is now agreed that the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands were almost certainly Hamitic, a combination of ancient Egyptian and Berber who had moved westwards from North Africa. Evans thus found it remarkable that on a handful of volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean, 150 kilometres off the North-West Coast of Africa, there once lived a people whose ancestors had possibly been Egyptians, from whom they had received the knowledge of the burial practices and perhaps even the religion of ancient Egypt. She then posed the question whether these Egyptian forbears had been members of Scota’s entourage who, for reasons unknown, decided to leave the main body of refugees and settle on the Canary Islands. It may even have been possible that Scota’s followers split into different factions, with some heading north to Spain and others west to the Canary Islands via the Straits of Gibraltar. Since the Guanches are known to have been polytheistic, perhaps the faction that settled in the Canary Islands preferred to go back to the worship of the ancient gods of Egypt in rejection of the monotheistic Aten beloved of Meritaten and her father. It is also known that the inhabitants used pottery idols to represent their deities, which is something the Egyptian people did too. Unfortunately, with the destruction of the Guanche people and their oral history, the answer is now lost in the mists of time.​

For a modern DNA study of Guanche genetics see:
Ancient DNA Study Confirms North African Origin of Guanches | Genetics, Paleoanthropology |


One of the six surviving rectangular pyramid-shaped, terraced structures known as the Pyramids of Güímar which are built from lava stone without the use of mortar. They are located in the district of Chacona, part of the town of Güímar on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

Controversially, the Güímar pyramid structures have been dated to the 19th century AD and may originally have been a byproduct of contemporary agricultural techniques. The pyramids stand as high as 12 metres (39 ft). See: Pyramids of Güímar - Wikipedia

The adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, who had become interested in the Pyramids of Güímar after reading an article on them in 1990 in a local Tenerife newspaper, had hypothesized a transatlantic link between Egypt and Central America. He became intrigued by the Güímar Pyramids and relocated to Tenerife. There Heyerdahl researched possible parallels between the Canarian terrace structures and pyramid structures in Egypt and Central America in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica as ceremonial areas.

Heyerdahl hypothesised that the Canarian pyramids formed a temporal and geographic stopping point on voyages between ancient Egypt and the Maya civilisation, initiating a controversy in which historians, esoterics, archaeologists, astronomers, and those with a general interest in history took part.

Researchers from the Canary Institute of Physics published a book in 2005 titled Las Pirámides de Güímar: mito y realidad (The Pyramids of Güímar: Myth and Reality), in which they suggested that the solstitial orientations of the pyramids were potentially motivated by Masonic symbolism. The authors argue that solstices are very important in the symbolism of Freemasonry, and that the owner of the land on which the pyramids were built was himself a Freemason. This motivation would be only an aesthetic one and would not modify in any rate the fundamental motivation (agriculture) and date of construction.

Heyerdahl suggested that the structures were not haphazardly piled-up stones. Heyerdahl maintained a belief in the hypothesis that the pyramids were connected with Guanches until his death. The association of the Guanches and the pyramids continues to be elaborated upon both in "Pyramid Park" and on its official website.

Now I am in no position to make a judgment whether these pyramids on Tenerife are ancient or the product of 19th century agricultural practice, but I find it interesting that the researchers from the Canary Institute of Physics should make a link between the pyramids and Masonic symbolism, particularly as we have learned from the C’s that Freemasonry originated in Egypt with a society called the Osirians:​

Session 16 October 1994:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin of the Freemasons?

A: Osirians.

Q: (L) Can you tell us when the original Freemasons formed as a society?

A: 5633 B.C.

Q: (L) Is Freemasonry as it is practiced today the same?

A: 33rd degree, yes.

Q: (L) So, there is a continuing tradition for over 7 thousand years?

A: Yes.

It just so happened that the C’s also mentioned the 33rd degree of Freemasonry in connection with Tenerife:

A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors.

Q: Does anybody in the Masonic order know anything?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, how high do you have to go to get to know anything?

A: Page 33. Blond and blue-eyed, of course! Before genetic alteration, one branch stood eleven feet tall.

“Page 33” may be a reference to a guidebook that Laura had on Tenerife, but whatever the case the C’s answer seems to link the Freemasons with a group of Aryan giants who had once stood eleven feet tall before a genetic alteration [MJF: it also seems to link these giants to the Osirian Order and the ancient Essenes too]. Could this genetic alteration be the same one the C’s spoke of here:​

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?
A: Hittites Moon Worshippers.
Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?
A: Indo-europeans.
Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?
A: Aryan sub-race.
Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?
A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.
Q: Was Abraham a Levite?
A: Yes.
Q: Was Sarah Nefertiti?
A: Yes.
Q What was the reason for the strange skull shape of Nefertiti and her family?
A: Genetic tweak.
Q: Was this 4th density genetic tweak done by STS or STO?

Well, we know that Nefertiti’s daughter Meritaten shared this same elongated skull shape with her mother (see the picture of her bust above) and both I and Lorraine Evans are proposing that Meritaten was Bower’s Scota. I have mentioned that Meritaten may have been a temple priestess with her head being shaved but could she have been an Essene too?​

“A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Is it coincidental that the river Trent flows into the same Humber Estuary where the Egyptian North Ferriby boats were found? Could the Arcadia of Greek Hellenic legend have been situated originally in northern Spain and southern France where Rennes-le-Chateau (the ‘House of the Queen’) with its Grail linked mystery is located today?​

In another session, the C’s also seemed to link the Celts of Kantek with a Nephilim hybrid:

Session 19 April 1997:

Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran? [MJF: The Celtic British chief deity]

A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna?
[MJF: I am linking Abraham/Moses here with “Brahna” since the Indian Brahmin caste may well have had Jewish origins according to one modern theory.]

Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid.

A: Could be one and the same.

So were both Abraham and Nefertiti scaled down Nephilim hybrids, one branch of which once stood eleven feet tall before a genetic alteration reduced them in size. However, the C’s mentioned that Abaraham and Nefertiti were both Hittites, who I have proposed were the remnants of the defeated British Trojans. I have also argued that the Danaans, who had been described as the enemies of the Trojans in Homer’s tales of the Siege of Troy the Iliad and the Odyssey, were the Celtic cousins of the Trojans who subsequently found themselves as close neighbours in Asia Minor after both groups had migrated from northern Europe after an unrecorded catastrophe befell them. However, I have also argued that the Danaans were the golden-red haired giants known as the Tautha de Danaan in Irish folklore and the giant Anakim (Canaanites who became the Israelite Tribe of Dan) in the Bible. So, if Lorraine Evans is correct that a group of Scota’s entourage sailed to the Canary Islands, settled there and integrated with the existing Berber population (assuming here that they were not the original population), teaching them Egyptian practices such as mummification of the dead and pyramid construction, could any of this group have been members of the giant Tuatha de Danann? Is there any evidence for such pale skinned fair-haired giants being present in the Canary Islands? Well, there may be.
Guanche Giants

Contemporary reports by the early Spanish colonists spoke of the Guanches as being extremely tall for the time, especially the height of the male members of the race, which was typically between five feet nine inches and six feet two inches. I am aware though of contemporary reports that estimated some of these giant Guanches to have been much, much taller than this but one must accept a degree of exaggeration where such reports are concerned, particularly when the average height of European men at that time was much smaller than it is today. If you are only 5ft 4 inches tall, anyone who is six feet two inches tall or taller will seem like a giant to you. Moreover, as Lorraine Evans notes, very few of the once numerous Guanche mummies survive today, so we don’t know if some of these mummies may have been those of giants. However, some of the inhabitants clearly had blue eyes and blond hair, along with rosy skin. In addition to their unique appearance, they were broad and solidly built. The Arab geographer Muhammad al-Idrisi, writing in 1150 AD, talked of his encounter with a race of “flaxen haired” people in roughly the right location as the Canary Islands. He described the Guanche men as tall and of a reddish-brown complexion. Were these Guanche giants unique though?​

The Basque Giants

It is a curious fact that the area that spans the borders of France and Spain, today called the Basque Country, was also said to be inhabited at one time by the Jentilak and the Mariuak giants. Could these giants have been descendants of Scota’s Tuatha de Danann entourage who chose to remain in Spain/France rather than travel on to the British Isles with her?​

The Maltese Giants

When journeying from North Africa to Spain, could some of Scota’s party have made their way to Malta whilst enroute to Spain, with some choosing to stay there? There is evidence for elongated skulls being found in Malta too. In an episode of the Ancient Aliens TV show that I watched, the presenters were shown an elongated skull that is preserved today in the Maltese National Museum (MJF: the skull was eerily similar to the Peruvian Paracas skulls – see more below on this) but kept out of sight. In 1902, archaeologists excavated a large underground Neolithic complex on the island of Malta called the Hypogeum, which seems to have been a necropolis where the estimated remains of more than 7,000 people were documented by the archaeologists – see: Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum - Wikipedia. Curiously, a small percentage of the skulls discovered in the Hypogeum had an abnormal cranial elongation similar to those of priestly skulls from Ancient Egypt, fuelling speculation amongst the archaeologists about the people who occupied the Hypogeum, and their practices and beliefs. As to the reference to the priests of Ancient Egypt, it is interesting that Queen Nefertiti (a Hittite hybrid) and her children, including Princess Meritaten, are known to have had large, elongated skulls. Could this have been a feature they shared with the Tuatha de Danaan perhaps?


I have claimed that the Tuatha de Danann were the giant sons of the goddess Danu or the biblical Anakim, named after Anak, who is linked with the Mesopotamian deity Anu, the king of the Anunnaki. However, Danu may also be connected to Danae who in Greek mythology was the mother of the hero and demigod Perseus, the son of Zeus (and thus by definition a human/alien hybrid). Perseus would, of course slay the Gorgon Medusa and bring back her head, which I think was Baphomet, the pure crystal skull possessed by the Knight Templar that in reality is the Grail, which was once possessed by Meritaten’s father Akhenaten, a lineal descendant of the Perseids. Hence, it is interesting that Laura once linked the British Celtic goddess Car to the ‘philosophers of Dancar’ (the Yorkshire town of Doncaster) and in turn to ‘Dan’ and Danae, which the C’s then linked bizarrely to Malta:​

Q: Okay. Tracking the Triple Goddess back to the oldest references, we get to KaliMa. There are all kinds of derivations of this name, but the thing that strikes me is the relationship to the goddess Kell, or Kella, as well as to the word kell, Celts, and how this might be transformed into the word 'Cassiopaea.' Can you comment on this?

A: Do not the Celts like "kelly" green?!?

Q: Yes. So. What does 'green' have to do with it?

A: Keep searching... learning is accomplished thusly, and learning is fun!

Q: Yes. I know. Okay, if that is related to Celts, then it must also relate to the Goddess 'Car' which would make the 'philosophers of Dancar' the philosophers of the Goddess Car, the equine term for 'mother' being 'dam' which could easily be converted to 'Dan,' not to mention the relation to the Goddess Danae...

A: Need now to turn you research to Malta.

According to Wikipedia: Danann is generally believed to be the genitive of a female name, for which the nominative case is not attested. It has been reconstructed as *Danu, of which Anu (genitive Anann) may be an alternative form. Anu is called "mother of the Irish gods" by Cormac mac Cuilennáin. This may be linked to the Welsh mythical figure Dôn. Hindu mythology also has a goddess called Danu, who may be an Indo-European parallel. By referring to Malta, were the C’s therefore suggesting a link between the Tuatha de Danann, the children of the goddess Danu or Danae, and the island? If so, was that link created when members of the Celtic Tuatha de Danann visited the island, whilst fleeing as refugees from the plague-ridden Middle East during the Late Bronze Age?​

Returning to the C’s reference to the "origin" of Brahna (see above), which they linked to the ‘Head of Bran’ (which Laura recognised as a cypher for the Grail), Laura also made a connection with the Nephilim, which the C’s then connected to Malta:

A: When it comes to the Nephalim, references all point to a unified legend.

Q: Was this figure the fertility god of the Hoggar region?

A: Better study more material relating to Mediterranean region, particularly Malta.

Q: Okay, that is at least the third time you have brought up Malta. I will look for something on Malta.

Was this again because the Tuatha de Danann, genetically tweaked Nephilim hybrids (the sons of Anak – the Anunnaki being the original prototype), who once stood 11 feet tall before genetic alteration, with their large, elongated skulls were present on the island during the Bronze Age? Was the skull shown on Ancient Aliens thus that of a member of the Tuatha de Danann?
The Paracas Skulls and the Scottish Question

We looked above at the possibility that some of Meritaten/Scota’s large group of refugees may have preferred to head to the Canary Islands where they subsequently settled. Some of these people may well have shared the same large, elongated skull that Meritaten and her mother Nefertiti (a genetically tweaked hybrid) possessed. However, is there anything to suggest that some of this group, or their lineal descendants, eventually migrated further west to the Americas in line with Thor Heyerdahl’s theories (see above). Well, yes there potentially is.

Peru has had reports of blond-haired ancestral high mountain people from ancient times. It is hypothesised that they came upland from the inner reaches of the Amazon River, possibly arriving from same area that the Canary Island’s Guanches hailed from, i.e., North-West Africa.

There were numerous accounts of giants recorded by the Spanish Conquistadores during their colonisation of Peru. One example of such a report was that made in 1620 by a Jesuit priest and missionary Pablo Jose Arriaga in his manuscript “On the Eradication of Idolatry in Peru” where he wrote the following:​

They (representatives of the Spanish inspectors) led us to the other side of the village, where there was a very large cave and the remains of Giants lay in it. Among them were three giant bodies with deformed heads (elongated skulls) wrapped in combi (ceremonial fabric).

These giants were considered the ancestors of all these people in the village who worshiped them, even sacrifices were made in their honour. Then they (Spaniards) burned all these bodies

For more on the Peruvian giants see: The Mythical Peruvian Giants, Whose Skeletons Were Seen By Conquistadors | ARCHAEOLOGY WORLD (

Following on from this 17th century account, it is therefore interesting to note that genuine large, elongated humanoid skulls have since been discovered in the Paracas region of Peru. These skulls are definitely not the result of infant skull elongation by means of wooden board binding since the skulls have no cranial parietal sutures which you normally expect to find on all human skulls. The parietal bones in the skull only close after a child has been born, leaving behind visible suture marks in adulthood which are easily seen. With Paracas skulls, no parietal sutures are to be found. This suggests that the skulls are those of human hybrids.

Evidence for a race of giants in Peru also came from another, very unusual source, which of all things was Peruvian guano. In a report from a Vermont newspaper dated September 1860, the correspondent referred to the finding of human remains in a consignment of guano from Peru that had been shipped to Norfolk Virginia. But these remains were not ordinary human remains since the human frame found within the guano was reportedly twice the size of that of a normal human being. Nor was this an isolated find since the report mentions the discovery of a large human hand in another consignment of Peruvian guano that had gone to Norfolk and of the frequent discovery of bones of extraordinary size in Peruvian guano shipments. The correspondent presumed that the Peruvian workmen had struck a burial ground of some race of giants and were exhuming their remains for the benefit of agriculture. Were these giants just confined to Peru though? Perhaps not, since the discovery of the skeletal remains of giants have been reported all over the Americas from Canada down to Patagonia. Indeed, in an account from the journals of Antonio Pigafetta who accompanied the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan’s on his famous voyage of 1519, which saw his ship complete a circumnavigation of the world, there is mention of how they encountered a race of giants in Patagonia. One of these giants even joined them on their journey, although he would subsequently die whilst on board. Whether it is something of an exaggeration or not, Pigafetta speaks of this giant being so tall that even the tallest of the crew only came up to his waist (this would suggest a size approaching 11-12 feet).
Paracas Skulls on Display
I recently rewatched an Ancient Aliens episode in which an ancient Paracas skull was displayed. Apart from the unusually elongated head, the skull also had an exceptionally large jawbone. The programme showed how the skull had been the subject of DNA testing using part of a tooth extracted from the jaw. Although no mitochondrial DNA could be recovered, the DNA sample was still able to reveal that the skull did not belong to any of the indigenous groups in the Americas at that time. What was quite surprising though was that the only matching DNA the researchers could find on the record was that from Europe and the Middle East, the closest match actually being Scotland. Scotland is, of course, linked to Scota and I have suggested that she may have settled there for a while in the company of the Tuatha de Danann before moving on to Ireland. Well Laura once raised with the C’s the matter she refers to as the ‘Scottish Question’:​

Q: (L) I am curious about what I call the "Scottish Question." Why is it that every time I start a paper trail on any issue of conspiracy, there always seems to be a link to Scotland and Scots?

A: "Celtic," what does it mean?

Q: (L) Well, the word "kilt" comes from "Celtic," but no one seems to know where they originated... they just sort of appeared on the landscape, so to speak.

A: Exactly!

Perhaps the answer to her question may lie in a group of Celtic, Scythian Danaans, some of whom had elongated skulls, who arrived in Scotland after journeying from Egypt sometime in the mid-14 century BC (or mid-17 century BC if we follow the C’s timeline). It is also worth repeating here what the C’s said about the Celts:​

Q: Were the Celts the tall blonds known as the 'Sons of Anak,' who ruled over the Sumerians as described by Sitchen?

A: "Celts" are what remains of the original prototype.

If the group who sailed with Meritaten can be viewed as Egyptians, then they may even have been the same white men who had contact with various South American Indian tribes, which Laura spoke of here:

Q: What white men were seen in South America and talked to the tribes there and promised to return one day and were worshipped as Gods.

A: Egyptians and
Atlantean descendants.

Of course, this may have been an entirely different group of Egyptians but the C’s are at least confirming here that there was contact between the Egyptians and indigenous South American tribes in antiquity. It is curious though that the C’s link these Egyptians also with Atlantean descendants since elsewhere they have linked such descendants with the Celts. Meritaten’s group would no doubt have consisted of a mixture of Egyptians and Scythian Celts in the form of the Tuatha de Danann (Danaans), both groups being descended from Atlantean survivors. Is there anything else that may indicate the presence of a non-Amerindian race in South America, especially in Peru? In fact, there is and the evidence for this comes from a most unlikely source.
The Mysterious Peruvian Manuscript

In the February-March edition of Nexus Magazine, I came across an article called ‘Mysterious Ancient Artefact from Peru in Macabre Russian Museum’ by Paul Stonehill. The museum in question is called the ‘Kunstkamera’, which was created by Russian Czar Peter the Great, its official name being the Russian Academy of Science’s Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. The museum is located in St Petersberg. The exhibit or mysterious artefact prompting Stonehill’s article is called “The image of hieroglyphic signs, possibly on skin, Peru”. It is a mere 18.2 cm high and 12.3 cm in width. Stonehill believes that a proper examination of the material has never been carried out since there is only a mention of the material being a “photosensitive layer, paper substrate”.

The artefact has an unknown and very ancient manuscript on it. It was found during the Second Russian Expedition to South America in 1914-1915, which you will immediately note coincides with the outbreak of the First World War and is also two years before the Russian Revolution. The artefact was transferred to the Museum’s collection by Sergey Veniaminovich Gaiman, a participant in the 1914 expedition to Brazil who separated from the main group and went on an independent journey across South America visiting Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. He had a particular interest in the history and ethnography of the inhabitants of North and South America. Due to a lack of expertise in dating techniques (no dating ever seems to have been done on it), the artefact has been labelled “Time of Creation: The First Quarter of the Twentieth Century”, suggesting that the Museum simply dated it as the date the Russian expedition brought it back to Russia instead of its actual date of creation.

Assuming the artefact is not a fake, it naturally generates interest since, according to orthodox history, there was no complex writing system in ancient Peru before the Spanish arrived in the 16th century. Official history notes that the Peruvian Incas and their predecessors only used a nodular writing method called Kipu, which used knots as an ancient mnemonic and counting system. However, Stonehill finds it hard to believe that the Incas who were able to build an extensive network of roads and irrigation facilities, were familiar with mathematics and astronomy, used a calendar and performed complex surgery, allegedly had no writing system other than knitted primitive nodular letters.

The artefact could, of course, be of Incan origin with an hierographic script that has not been discovered yet due perhaps to mass destruction by the Spanish Conquistadores who, for example, burned and destroyed all the Mayan codices they came across, viewing them as works of the devil. If the manuscript is genuine, then it is unique, as nothing like it has been discovered in Peru before or since. It could perhaps be the work of an older, unknown Peruvian civilisation who possessed a hierographic alphabet. This brings us back to the Egyptians who we clearly know used a hierographic alphabet and to the remains of the giants discovered by Father Pablo Jose Arriaga in 1620 with their misshapen and elongated skulls, similar it seems to the elongated skulls found at Paracas in more modern times. The fact that Meritaten and her mother Nefertiti possessed such skulls establishes a possible Egyptian link (a link recognised by Laura) and we also know that Meriataten fled Egypt heading westwards in her guise as Scota or Brigid in the company of the giant fair and reddish-haired Tuatha de Danann. Tales of white, red-haired giants permeate the legends of the native American Indians of North and South America. Could the origins of these American giants have been in the Middle East, and could they have been the same people as the Tuatha de Danann of Irish legend?

If the Tuatha de Danann were Canaanites from the Levant, then they also possessed an alphabet of their own that would eventually evolve into the Phoenician alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet was a consonantal alphabet that was used across the Mediterranean civilisation of Phoenicia for most of the 1st millennium BC. It would become the basis for the later Greek and Roman alphabets.

The Canaanite languages are one of three subgroups of the Northwest Semitic languages, the others being Aramaic and Amorite. These closely related languages originated in the Levant and Mesopotamia (the land of the Anunnaki) and were spoken by the ancient Semitic-speaking peoples of an area encompassing what is today Palestine, Israel, Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria as well as some areas of south-western Turkey (Anatolia), western and southern Iraq (Mesopotamia) and the northwestern corner of Saudia Arabia. The Canaanites are broadly defined to include the Hebrews (including Israelites, Judeans and Samaritians), Amalekites, Ammonites, Amorites, Edomites, Ekonites, Hyksos, Phoenicians, Moabites, Suteans and sometimes the Ugarites. I might have also added here the Anakim. Hence, if the Tuatha de Danann were Canaanites from the Levant and were the biblical Tribe of Dan, they would have spoken a Canaanite language and would have adopted the Canaanite alphabet.

This family of Canaanite languages also has the distinction of being the first historically attested group of languages to use an alphabet, derived from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, to record their writings, as opposed to the far earlier Cuneiform logographic/syllabic writing of the region, which originated in Mesopotamia and was used to record Sumerian, Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian and Hittite. Hence, you will note that the Tuatha de Danann would have used a different alphabet from Abraham and Nefertiti’s Hittites, who used a Cuneiform script instead. The Canaanite languages are heavily attested in Canaanite inscriptions throughout the Levant, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Today, Hebrew is the only Canaanite language that is still a living language, and the most successful example of a revived dead language.​

The Proto-Canaanite alphabet is the name given to the:

(a) the Proto-Sinaitic script when found in Canaan, dating to about the 17th century BC and later.

(b) an hypothetical ancestor of the Phoenician script before some cut-off date, typically 1050 BC, with an undefined affinity to Proto-Sinaitic. No extant "Phoenician" inscription is older than 1000 BC. It should be noted that the Phoenician, Hebrew and other Canaanite dialects were largely indistinguishable before that time and the writing system is essentially identical.

That last statement makes it clear that ancient Hebrew was essentially identical to ancient Phoenician, which makes sense if the Hebrews of Abraham/Moses became the Israelites of King David (a Levite), who seemed to be the person who united a conglomeration of warring Canaanite tribes to form what became the Jewish people of the Old Testament.​

Q: (L) Well, I still have to deal with this King David issue. He was like a Robin Hood. Now, in another direction, what's this deal about Abraham talking to God. Is this where the whole monotheism came in?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, it started out with Abraham and his tribe. Did he have reinforcements of his Levite brothers who came and joined his tribe from Hittite land?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are there any details of this story that I haven't covered that I ought to?
A: David was a Levite.
Q: (L) Was he of the line of Abraham?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did he come from "Hittite land?"
[MJF: This was mainly Anatolia (modern day Turkey) and northern Iraq]
A: Close.
Q: (L) How many generations before he was born did his family come to the area of
A: 5.
Q: (L) Were they relatives of Abraham?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (L) Distantly related. So, what did David do? Came along and gathered the people together?
A: Yes.

While no extant inscription in the Phoenician alphabet is older than c. 1050 BC, Proto-Canaanite is used for the early alphabets, as used during the 13th and 12th centuries BC in Phoenicia, which included the port cities of Byblos and Tyre, from which Scota and her party may have set sail in the mid-14th century BC.

Hence, is it possible that the Peruvian manuscript* held in the Kunstkamera in St Petersburg in Russia is a surviving example of Proto-Canaanite script written by a member of the Tuatha de Dannan, some of whom may have sailed westwards from the Canary Islands to South America, whereafter either they or their descendants migrated to Peru via the river Amazon? As Lorraine Evans notes, the Canary Islands is an ideal place to launch a voyage to the Americas since the Canary current sweeps everything it can get hold of to the other side of the Atlantic. It is not for nothing that Columbus used the Canary Islands as a springboard for his voyages of exploration to the New World. Moreover, the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl proved in the late 20th century that it was certainly possible for a boat made from papyrus reeds, like those that have been employed on the river Nile for thousands of years, to sail across the Atlantic. If the wooden sailing vessels found at North Ferriby are similar to the boats that the Tuatha de Danann had available to them, then these would have been superior and sturdier than the Egyptian reed boats, making their chances of a successful landing on American shores even better.

*I am attaching below a copy of the page on which the manuscript is shown in the article. I am not sure whether this is an actual copy of the artefact or an artistic representation for the purposes of the article. Perhaps a Russian reader of this article can ascertain if a copy of the manuscript is available from the Kunstkamera or on-line. However, if the image is a genuine reproduction of the manuscript, I would invite readers to compare the symbols on the manuscript with those shown above, which formed the Phoenician alphabet. I also attach a link to the Wikipedia page for the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, which contains a table of symbols the Canaanites used for their alphabet for those who wish to make a further comparison with the Kunstkamera manuscript: Proto-Canaanite alphabet - Wikipedia. I would be happy to compare notes.

It also makes me wonder whether the inscribed stone slab (see picture below) English researcher and author Graham Phillips and his American friends, Jodi and Graham Russell, discovered in Warwickshire, England could have been part of the original Ten Commandments kept in the Ark of the Covenant, which Phillips claims was found by the English Knight Templar Ralph de Sudeley (who researcher Zena Halpern also connected to Oak Island) at Jebel al Madhbah (Petra). Ralph de Sudely was known to have brought back sacred relics from the Holy Land, which were displayed at the Templar Chapel at Temple-Herdewyke in Warwickshire, which he established in the late 12th century AD. Since the Hebrews, Israelites, Phoenicians, Canaanites and Edomites all would have been familiar with the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, which had been in use from at least the 17th century BC, it would, make sense that the Ten Commandments would have been written in an early form of Proto-Canaanite script. Quoting Phillips on the stone slab:

The sandstone from which it was cut was identified as arenite sandstone – precisely the same sort of rock from which Jebel Madhbah is formed.

The slab was taken to the British Museum in London, which boasts England’s best facilities for identifying ancient artifacts. However, as the stone was not made from organic matter it could not be carbon dated, and as it had been removed from its original location and used for landfill, its age could not be determined by the usual archaeological methods. How long ago the slab was shaped and inscribed was also a mystery as the symbols carved into it could not be identified. They appeared to match no form of ancient or modern writing. In fact, they could not be matched with any known alphabet or symbol system on the museum’s massive database.”


For more on this – see: The Ark of the Covenant 12 (


Continued in Part 5
The Epic Voyage of Princess Meritaten Part 5

Genetics and the DNA Enigma

Returning to Scota’s arrival in the British Isles, although there is no surviving written evidence from that time, only archaeological evidence such as the Tara Necklace and the Ferriby boats, Lorraine Evans realised that DNA testing of the British population (a fairly modern science) might help to establish her case, for if there had been settlers from Egypt and the Middle East in Late Bronze Age Britain, indications of this should show up in the population’s DNA.

She starts by pointing out that in a 1956 article by Dr Graham Clarke in the Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, he remarked on the variation in skull shape between Neolithic and Bronze Age man during British prehistory. In the Neolithic era he found there to be a general correspondence to ‘long headed’ (dolichocephalic) skulls, whilst during the Bronze Age the skeletal remains showed a marked difference. The shape of the skull became far more robust and ‘round-headed’. He concluded that the British Bronze Age skulls were almost always ‘brachycephalic’ (short-headed). This finding may be more significant than it appears at first sight since eight years later in 1963, a leading anatomist, R.G. Harrison of the University of Liverpool in England got to examine the skeletal remains of the mysterious mummy that had been found in Tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings (which some Egyptologists believe are the remains of the Pharaoh Smenkhare, the possible husband of Meritaten) and discovered that the mummy’s skull was almost identical to that of Pharoah Tutankhamun. In 1968, Harrison would get the opportunity to examine Tutankhamun’s mummy in great detail, including the X-ray analysis of the skeletal remains. He found that the diameters of the skulls of Tutankhamun and the unknown mummy in Tomb 55 were identical so much so that when placing X-rays of the respective skulls on top of each other, it was virtually impossible to distinguish between the two. He was also able to determine that the type of skull was the same in each case, i.e. brachycephalic or short-headed. Blood and tissue analysis also proved beyond doubt that both mummies possessed identical blood groups, suggesting a very close kinship between the two. We need to remember here that Tutankhamun was the brother of Meritaten, sharing the same father in Akhenaten (and perhaps the same mother in Nefertiti). This would indicate that Meritaten/Scota was also directly related to the mummy in Tomb 55. If the bust of the Amarna princess found in a workroom of the palace at Amarna is really that of Meritaten (see above), then this indicates that she too had a brachycephalic skull, albeit elongated.

When Evans published her book in the year 2000, DNA testing had not been permitted on the 18th dynasty mummies to ascertain the complex family relationships between them. During the late 1970’s and the early 1980’s, Manchester Museum had been given permission by the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, as part of its Manchester Mummy Project, to conduct DNA testing on all 18th dynasty mummies. However, at the last minute the Manchester DNA tests were postponed for reasons unknown. However, since then DNA testing has been carried out in Egypt on some, if not all, of the 18th dynasty mummies with interesting results being obtained suggesting strong familial links between many of the mummies.

However, with the lack of any DNA evidence, Evans switched her focus to blood classifications. She noted that in 1901, English historians D. Randall Maciver and A.Wilken had remarked in Libyan Notes that “Many of those peoples now living in the regions of North Africa, especially the Berbers, were remarkably European in appearance and could, if suitably attired, pass for Scotsman or Irishman.” If their assumptions were correct, they confirmed a North African/British connection which she herself had come to suspect. She noted, however, that the two historians had made their remarks just before the discovery of blood groups and their classification.

Fast forwarding to 1986, an article by Irwin Morgan-Watkins (a good double-barrelled Welsh surname!) appearing in Genetic and Population Studies in Wales first suggested that there might be a genetic connection between the population of Wales and North Africa. The aim of his investigation had been to examine the ABO blood groups of the indigenous Welsh population in an attempt to trace any ancient genetic markers. It should be noted that leaving aside the Roman invasion of Wales in the 1st century AD, during the last one thousand years, there have been various incursions into Wales by groups like the Vikings, Flemings and Normans. Although it was believed that the Vikings had never colonised Wales as they had done parts of Scotland and England, Morgan-Watkins’ research revealed the exact opposite since he found a surprisingly high number of Welsh people had the A blood gene typical of people descended from Viking stock. Evans noted that if his conclusions were correct, then the same methods could be applied to locating other nationalities, including perhaps the remnants of Scota and her followers.

Evans’s starting point was to note that the blood group B is the rarest of the ABO genes to be found in Western Europe. It gradually decreases in intensity as one passes westward from the borders of the ancient Near East through central Europe to the edge of the North Sea (N.B. Evans is basing this on genetic evidence obtained before the onset of mass immigration from the third world into Western Europe, which has occurred over the last 40 years or so). Nonetheless, when Morgan-Watkins divided Wales into western and eastern halves, he was astonished to find that the B gene was significantly more frequent in the west than it was in the east – the exact reverse of the general European pattern. Moreover, Morgan-Watkins discovered that on the moorland and moorland fringes, where it has been claimed that some of the earliest Bronze Age peoples arrived and settled, the incidence of the B gene rises. This led Evans to conclude that in Wales the B gene is a very ancient phenomenon.

Evans then tells us that more recent studies by other scientists have confirmed Morgan-Watkins' initial findings in relation to the B gene frequency. She adds that Dr E Brown of Edinburgh University has shown that in Scotland there is an interesting similarity between the distribution of the B gene and megalithic monuments. Curiously, the presence of the B gene falls off markedly where no megalithic tombs are found. In addition, a raised B frequency has also been detected in the central and south-west counties of Ireland, and according to the British geneticist Robert Damson it may reflect a ‘prehistoric settlement’. This makes one wonder about the arrival of the Tuatha de Danann in Ireland who, if they were the Danaans and thus Scythian Celts (Indo-Europeans) who had made it to Egypt as the C’s claimed, would naturally have possessed higher levels of the B gene:​

Q: (L)…. Okay, going in another direction: what other names were the Danaans known by?
A: Scythians.
Q: (L) How did the Scythians get to Egypt?
A: VIA Akkad.

Q: (L) Was Sargon a Scythian?
A: Yes.

However, the presence of the B gene can also be explained by Scota/Meritaten’s group of refugees being a mixture of indigenous Egyptians and Scythian Danann.

For Evans there was one final enigma relating to the O blood gene to ponder. She tells us that very high frequencies of O blood, similar to those found in much of Wales, Scotland and Ireland, are rarely encountered in Europe. Apart from a few islands in the Aegean Sea and pockets in the western Caucasus, Morgan-Watkins discovered that the only region of the world which produced similar gene frequency results to those found in Britain was North Africa, particularly among the so-called Hamitic tribes who are known to be the accepted descendants of the ancient Egyptians. Strangely, along the Atlantic seaboard, the only other correlation with Britain was to be found upon the peculiarly named ‘island of Ra’ off the North African coast.

In a more recent DNA examination of Welsh genetics, it was claimed that Welsh people could lay claim to be the most ancient Britons, according to scientists who have drawn up a genetic map of the British Isles. See: Welsh people could be most ancient in UK, DNA suggests - BBC News. Research suggests the Welsh are genetically distinct from the rest of mainland Britain. Professor Peter Donnelly, of Oxford University, said the Welsh carry DNA which could be traced back to the last Ice Age, 10,000 years ago. This fits well with what the C’s said about the British:

Q: When did the Celts or Kantekkians first take up residence in the British Isles?

A: Same. 12,000 years ago.

Q: Were the Picts also Celts?

A: No, Atlantean. Remember, "Celt" is latter day moniker.

Q: Were the Picts Kantekkians?

A: Originally.

Prof Donnelly said: "People from Wales are genetically relatively distinct, they look different genetically from much of the rest of mainland Britain, and actually people in north Wales look relatively distinct from people in south Wales."​

While there were traces of migrant groups across the UK, there were fewer in Wales and Cornwall.

He said people from south and north Wales genetically have "fairly large similarities with the ancestry of people from Ireland on the one hand and France on the other, which we think is most likely to be a combination of remnants of very ancient populations who moved across into Britain after the last Ice Age. And potentially also, people travelling up the Atlantic coast of France and Spain and settling in Wales many thousands of years ago.”

One of the ancient peoples who lived in Spain and southern France in antiquity were, of course, the Basques. The notion that the Basques may have populated Britain in prehistoric times was one championed by Stephen Oppenheimer who argued that British ancestry mainly traces back to the Palaeolithic Iberian people, now represented best by the Basques. His claims were contradicted by those who asserted that recent archaeogenetics studies had indicated a population replacement in Britain by a migration of early European farmers, who ultimately hailed from the Aegean, after 4,000 BC and then by a second wave of migration by the Bell Beaker peoples of Europe (so-named after their distinctive pottery and whose genetics contained significant levels of Steppe Ancestry), which occurred around the middle of the third millennium BC. These waves of migration resulted in the replacement of around 90% of the existing gene pool in Britain. However, Laura champions Stephen Oppenheimer’s theories and they also seemed to gain support from the C’s:​

Q: (Joe) The theory was that the Anglo-Saxon or Germanic peoples came over with the fall of the Romans and they came into Britain. And the ones that stayed established an apartheid society and they essentially outbred the indigenous population.

A: Read Laura's book, it is closer to the facts.

Q: (Joe) What book was that? (laughter)

(L) (L) Oppenheimer’s “The Origins of the British”. He has quite a different thing to say about it.

However, we know from Iman Wilkens and his book Where Troy Once Stood that Britain was invaded by a confederation or alliance of Northern European Celts (Homer’s Achaeans) who defeated the native Trojan population after the long siege of Troy, which was located in what today is Eastern England. As previously noted, Wilkens placed the kingdoms of Argos and Mycenae in northern Europe during the Trojan War. Moreover, according to the C’s, the land that was then called Egypt was located in northern France:​

Q: (L) Is it so that, at a certain period, Egypt was in the north of France and also the other countries; did they ever exist as the author [Iman Wilkens] describes them with the names he gives them?

A: Around 2200 BC.

This date you will note falls within the third millennium BC, the Bronze Age, when the Bell Beaker migrants from Northern Europe were settling in southern Britain. This was nearly a millennium before the era of the Egyptian Meritaten/Scota. Does this suggest that the Trojan war had taken place in the third millennium BC with the triumphant Achaeans (Bell Beaker people?) replacing the Trojan population, whose survivors were forced to flee eastwards, eventually settling in Anatolia to become the Hittites? Was it possible that much of southern Britain subsequently became depopulated, perhaps by a cometary bombardment which turned much of the country into a wasteland, by the time Scota and her Egyptian retinue arrived in the British Isles in the mid-14th century BC (or the mid-16th century BC if we go by the C’s dating), save for tribes like the ancient Picts in Scotland? If so, this would certainly explain how very high frequencies of the O blood gene has been found in much of Wales, Scotland and Ireland, a frequency that is only replicated by the nomadic Hamitic tribes of North Africa that were the ancestors of the ancient Egyptians of Pharaonic times. What this proves is that we are clearly missing vast chunks of our true history.​

Further Archaeological Finds

In March 1999, Lorraine Evans received a letter from the curator of the Isles of Scilly Museum advising her that at an excavation of Knackyboy Carn on St. Martins Isle in the early 1950’s, five blue faience beads similar to those found in Tutankhamun’s tomb and the Tara Prince’s tomb were discovered. The Scilly Isles lie 45 kilometres off the south-west coast of Cornwall and have been inhabited since prehistoric times, when geologists believe the Islands were still connected to the British mainland. Knackyboy Carn was a grass covered round barrow which lies just to the north-west of the prehistoric settlement of Nornour.

Ever since Evans had learned of the Tara Necklace, she had been recording and evaluating every faience bead find that had been made in the British Isles. She soon discovered that the concentration of faience beads in the British Isles appeared to be exceptionally high in comparison with other European regions. Up to that point in time, a total of 286 beads had been positively identified. Moreover, further scientific investigation, which involved analysing the lead content of faience beads found in Scotland and Wessex in England, revealed that the lead composition of the beads was identical to that of Egyptian faience beads dating from the 18th Dynasty onwards (Meritaten’s dynasty). The closest resemblance to the Wessex beads proved to be those unearthed in graves at Abydos. In addition, faience beads found at Lakenheath and Ringwold in Scotland proved to be identical to Amarna beads dating from circa 1350 BC (Meritaten’s era).

Dr Hugh McKerrell of the National Antiquities Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh not only discovered that the tin contents between Egyptian and British faience beads were comparable but that a glaze may have been applied to many of the British beads. He had noted that the glaze colour achieved in each case was much darker than the normal faience blue, which was predominantly turquoise in colour. He concluded that the glaze could have been applied to make the beads look like lapis lazuli (a material that has never been found in Britain). The ancient Egyptians had to import the much-prized lapis lazuli, which they had used extensively in jewellery from pre-dynastic times. As a result, they had spent much effort in an attempt at imitating lapis lazuli and had been incredibly successful in doing so through the employment of tin oxide, powdered casserite, in the glaze which they applied to their faience beads. McKerrell concluded that it was this casserite that was most likely to have been used in the glaze found on the British beads. For him, this had a significant bearing on proving the Middle Eastern origins of the British faience beads.

Dr McKerrell’s findings do not in themselves prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the faience beads found within the British Isles were items brought here by Scota and her Egyptian party but, when taken together with the discovery of the Ferriby Boats and the genetic findings referred to above, they do provide circumstantial evidence which aids in establishing a case for a group with Egyptian connections having visited the British Isles at some stage in the 14th century BC. Short of finding Scota/Meritiaten’s preserved remains somewhere within the British Isles and matching her DNA to that of the surviving 18th Dynasty mummies in Egypt, we have no way of knowing whether such an Egyptian group was led by Scota or not. Unfortunately, as Lorraine Evans appreciates, it is unlikely that the Irish authorities will ever allow the Tara Prince’s remains to be DNA tested, which might help in proving a direct connection with the Egypt of the late 18th Dynasty and especially the Amarna period.​

The Apis Bull of St Just

The putative links with Egypt do not stop at faience beads though for in 1832, in St Just in Cornwall, a local worker called John Lawry uncovered the foundations of what appeared to be an ancient burial site. Lawry, after picking his way through the rubble, stumbled upon a small figure of a bull made from bronze. Learned antiquaries in London thought it was Phoenician. However, the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum would in 1929 advise Truro Museum in Cornwall where the bull figurine had been kept that they thought it was an ancient Egyptian Apis Bull. The argument concerning its origins has raged ever since though. In 1981, Carol Andrews, the Curator of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum argued against an Egyptian provenance for the bull as she did not think it resembled an Egyptian Apis bull in the slightest. However, Lorraine Evans found a depiction of a bull in a German book called Agyptische Bronzefiguren published in 1956, which bore a remarkable similarity to the Sr Just figurine.

This intrigues me since it is my understanding that the worship of bulls was also a Canaanite and Phoenician practice since small bull figurines have been found by Israeli archaeologists all over Israel (Canaan). As I mentioned above, if the Tuatha de Danann Dragon Slayers were Canaanites, as the people of the Levant still regard themselves as even today, then it is likely that some of them may have kept bull figurines as religious votive figures. Indeed, there is a strong indication of this in the Bible, for when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, he allegedly flew into a rage when he saw the Israelites worshipping a golden calf. This was a Canaanite practice. If the Tuatha de Danann were, as I believe, the biblical Tribe of Dan and Canaanites, then it is quite possible that some of them were Apis Bull worshippers (old Egyptian habits die hard!). Hence, if Scota/Meritaten/Hagar’s band of refugees consisted of ordinary Egyptians and members of the Tuatha de Danann, it does not matter if the bronze bull figurine was Egyptian or Phoenician (i.e., Levantine or Canaanite) since evidence of bull worship was prevalent amongst both groups in the mid-14th century BC.​

The Mold Pectoral

The archaeological links with Egypt do not stop at the St Just Bull either. In 1833, a gold pectoral was unearthed by archaeologists at Mold, in North Wales when excavating an ancient burial mound most probably of Bronze Age date. It is one of the largest pieces of prehistoric goldwork discovered in Europe and has been a principal treasure of the British Museum for than 100 years. The pectoral consists of a shoulder cape made from a single piece of relatively thick gold. Is surface is covered with a rich repoussé of ribs and bosses, which are perhaps intended to look like beads. However, as Lorraine Evans points out, the best parallels for such shoulder capes come from ancient Egypt.
The Mold Pectoral

Apart from the gold sheet, the archaeologists also found a large quantity of amber beads arranged in rows and lying in some relation to the human remains. Unfortunately, only one bead survives today. What is remarkable though is that, based on the accompanying finds in the burial mound or tumulus, the Mold Pectoral was dated to around 1350-1250 BC, which places it in the era of Meritaten. It has been suggested that the gold pectoral was a ceremonial cape worn as a status symbol possibly by a woman. It is also possible that similar capes, made from cloth with gold ornaments sewn into the cloth were in use in the Bronze Age. It is therefore curious that Dr L Binchy reported in the Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society in 1945 on the discovery of a similar burial in 1805 that was made near Castle Martyr in County Cork in Ireland. Here the skeletal remains were said to be covered with a series of similar gold plates. Furthermore, amber beads were also reported to have been found at the site, although yet again nothing survives except one small gold plate that is now housed in the National Museum of Antiquities in Dublin.

In 1947, the British antiquarian Gordon Childe suggested that these objects might have had ultimate Egyptian prototypes. In addition, he argued that the Mold Pectoral reflected in general form and attributes the broad collar of Ancient Egypt. When Evans compared pictures of the Mold Pectoral with detailed pictures of Egyptian collars in Cairo Museum’s collection, she was struck by the similarity in design. She noted that the embossed gold work on the Mold Pectoral appeared to be an attempt to imitate the beadwork on ancient Egyptian collars. Evans was aware that early Bronze Age metal types were very rare in North-East Wales, nor were there any important graves of this period. Similarly, the late Bronze Age is also poorly represented in metal types. By a simple process of deduction, after taking into account the associated finds, Evans came to the conclusion that the Mold Pectoral had to derive from the middle Bronze Age Period, which just happened to coincide with arrival of Scota in Britain.

Evans then pointed out that by a remarkable coincidence, another important burial site was discovered at Llangwm only 30 kilometres from North Mold where, amongst the graves good, archaeologists found two-segmented faience beads, In addition, a large gold torc (neck-ring) also of a middle Bronze Age date had been found in this same region of Wales in 1899 at a place called Ysgeifog, a village only 13 kilometres north-west of North Mold. The torc was made of a solid rod of gold but what was more interesting was the fact that the only other example of such outstanding workmanship happened to derive from the site of Tara in Ireland where the Tara Prince’s necklace and remains were found.

When viewed in isolation, these individual artefacts would not be persuasive of an Egyptian presence in the British Isles during the middle Bronze Age. However, when taken together, they present a good prima facie case for such a presence, thus suggesting that Walter Bower’s tale of Scota, the Egyptian Pharaoh’s daughter, was not just a whimsical myth or fable but that it might be based on solid archaeological foundations. Bower’s tale ends with Scota journeying from Britain to Ireland where she would ultimately meet her fate. Hence, it was to Ireland that Lorraine Evans now turned to discover what happened to Scota.​

The Dover Boat

I have previously discussed the amazing discovery of the well-preserved Egyptian boats found at North Ferriby in Yorkshire, but it may come as a surprise to learn that they are not the only examples of a boat of such ancient provenance to be discovered off the coast of Britain. For example, in September 1992, construction workers building a new road link between the major ferry ports of Folkstone and Dover who were working alongside an archaeological team from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust, uncovered the remains of a prehistoric boat thought to be at least 3,500 years old, placing it within the Middle Bronze Age. Unfortunately, due to the proximity of nearby buildings, an unknown length of this ancient boat had to be left buried underground. Nevertheless, what was salvaged were sections of the boat that when reassembled measured 9.5 metres, which may have represented up to two thirds of the boat’s full size. The boat was made of oak planking sewn together with yew lashings, a technique which mirrored that used in the construction of the North Ferriby boats. Archaeologists have described the Ferriby boats as seagoing and capable of transporting tons of cargo across the English Channel.

However, there is a controversy concerning the Dover Boat since the Dover Museum consider the boat to be the oldest seagoing boat known, dating it to 1550 BC. The Wikipedia entry for the Dover Boat mentions that in a Time Team Special (a UK Channel 4 archaeological TV series) programme broadcast on 7 September 2014, the archaeologists on that show stated that to be a proper seagoing, cross-channel vessel, the boat would have to have the curved ‘rocker’ bottom and the (unproven) pointed bow that only the more modern Dover Boat allegedly possesses. Rather confusingly, the Oakleaf reproduction of the Ferriby Boats was given a pointed bow and the Ferriby Boats are described by the museum that houses them (the Hull Museum) as having curved rocker bottoms, which therefore seems to be much the same as the Dover Boat. Although the boat is dated to 1550 BC, seemingly making it two centuries older than the Ferriby Boats dated to the mid-14th century BC, the C’s placed Akhenaten’s reign back in the 16th century BC, which can be explained by the slippage of a few centuries due to modern misdating.

Little is known about the boat in use as few clues were left with it, in contrast to the Ferriby Boats (although the finds discovered with those boats were subsequently lost and destroyed when the Hull Museum, where they had been stored, was bombed during the Second World War). It was well preserved by being covered quickly in silt. According to the Bronze Age episode of A History of Britain (presented by the archaeologist and pundit Neil Oliver) TV programme, the Dover Boat had been laid to rest, still in a good condition, in a small channel off the river Dour, with the yew stitches deliberately cut, leaving the vessel unusable. The width of the boat at around two metres would have been wide enough to allow to people to be seated easily next to each other. As mentioned above, the boat was made of oak planks, stitched together with yew withies and fixed together with wooden wedges making it very similar in construction to the Ferriby Boats.

Although these boats were clearly made to an Egyptian design, they need not necessarily have been built in Egypt or the Levant. If Scota/Meritaten and her followers sailed from the Middle East to Spain, as Bower’s account alleges, they could have built new boats in Spain based on the same design as the boats they had departed in. This might explain why the Dover Boat was made of oak, although oaks did certainly grow in Palestine/Canaan. Could the boats have been built in Britain though? Since so few ancient boats of this vintage have survived in Britain or western Europe for that matter, it is hard to know whether the ancient British of the Middle Bronze Age had the capabilities to build such craft. Even if the boats had been built in Britain, it does not explain why the Ferriby Boats and Dover Boat were built to an Egyptian design. One possibility is that Egyptian refugees who landed here built the boats themselves or taught the native Britons how to build such vessels.

Lorraine Evans’s research failed to show that late Middle Kingdom Egypt had any knowledge of the British Isles let alone a trading relationship with the ancient Britons. However, it is clear that there was a flourishing trading relationship between the British Isles and the Continent in the Bronze Age, which would have required vessels able to cross the Channel and carry sizeable cargoes. Hence, other European peoples could have acted as unwitting middlemen in the import and export of goods between Egypt and the British Isles via Greece, and I particularly have tin in mind here since it was one of the most valuable commodities in the Bronze Age and southwest England was one of the most important sources of this relatively rare metal.

At this distance in time, it is impossible to determine whether the Ferriby Boats and/or the Dover Boat could have been part of Scota/Meritaten’s armada. However, Walter Bower’s account of Scota based on more ancient records, the discovery of Middle Bronze Age Egyptian artefacts throughout the British Isles and the genetic evidence which indicates that many Britons in Wales had North African ancestry seems to suggest that there was some sort of Egyptian presence in 14th century BC Britain, which conventional archaeologists have been slow to recognise. As I said above, the evidence of an Egyptian presence in the British Isles is circumstantial but is still compelling. This leads to the question that if Meritaten, as Scota, did arrive in the British Isles in the mid-14th century BC what ultimately became of her?​

Scota’s Death in Ireland

Lorraine Evans first turned to Irish mythology and ancient literature to see if it could shed light on Scota’s fate. She noted that the earliest surviving Irish manuscript to contain a reference to Scota was the Lebor Gabala, which I have previously referred to above. It is only a passing reference, no more than a couple of lines. It refers to Scota, the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, landing with her fleet on the shores of Ireland. Walter Bower’s manuscript, however, maintains that Scota’s descendants became the High Kings of Ireland. The Lebor Gabala describes the various invasions of Ireland in antiquity or pre-history. The last two invasions were by the Tuatha de Danann and the Sons of Mil or Milesians respectively. Another ancient source for the legend of the Sons of Mil is a 17th century pseudo-historical work by four Irish Franciscan friars called the Annals of the Four Masters. It describes how the Milesians fought with the Tuatha de Danann and eventually defeated them to take control of Ireland.

Evans tells us that the Annals relate how 48 married couples, four servants and Scota, daughter of a pharaoh, accompanied the Sons of Mil across the sea from Spain, describing her as the wife of Eremon, one of two leaders of the Milesians. The pivotal battle took place at Inbatr Slaine where Scota died. The account of Scota’s death at the battle of Slieve Mish is also confirmed in the Lebor Gabala, where it states that the Sons of Mil originated from northern Spain. After Scota’s death, the Sons of Mil would win the deciding battle at Tailtinn and take Tara, the traditional seat of the High Kings of Ireland and centre of power. Evans states that there is no record of how many of her followers perished with her and she wondered whether the Tara Prince could have been one of them. Evans thought it strange though that that Scota did not seem to be afforded the proper burial due to an Egyptian princess according to the rites of her ancestors but was simply buried in a traditional British grave. This would be a simple mound or tumulus covered in grass rather than an ornate painted tomb with ritual prayers to the gods of Egypt to welcome her passage into the underworld.

Evans’s next step was to seek out where Scota was buried. The Bower manuscript stated that she had been buried between ‘Sliab Mis and the sea’. It identified her grave named Fert Scota, as being situated in a glen called Glenscota (Scota’s Glen). Evans learned that this glen was only five kilometres south from the modern town of Tralee (famous for the song ‘The Rose of Tralee’) in County Kerry, located in the extreme south-west of Ireland. Thus, it was at Glenscota that Evans finished her trail of Scota, which followed the epic journey this young Egyptian princess had made from the hot sands of Amarna in ancient Egypt to a green-filled Irish glen off the far-flung north-western shores of Europe.

However, if Scota/Meritaten had died in a battle between the Tuatha de Danann and the Sons of Mil as the Scotichronicon, the Annals and the Lebor Gabala relates, it would make little sense of my claim that she had been given over into the custody of the Tuatha de Danann, the Dragon Slayers, as suggested by the C’s. In my view, the Tuatha de Danann, as Danaans, were Scythian Celts who had settled in the land of Canaan, although a group of them may have been based in Egypt with Abraham/Moses who then became a part of the band of Israelites that Moses would lead into the wilderness during the biblical Exodus.

As I stated at the beginning of this article, the problem may have arisen because of the issue of Scota’s identity. Nowhere in her book does Lorraine Evans mention the alternative version of Scota, as Princess Tea Tephi or Tamar Tephi, the daughter of Israelite King Zedekiah, who escaped Israel via Egypt in the company of the prophet Jeremiah, eventually landing in Ireland where she took refuge. You will recall that one version of the Gaelic Myth surrounding the Lia Fáil stone provides that the sacred stone arrived by ship belonging to the Iberian Danaan. The Iberian Danaan would appear to be the Gaels, who migrated in waves to Ireland from Spain. Some of these Celtic Gaels, the Scotti, would eventually migrate from Northern Ireland to Scotland and become the Scots or Scottish nation. Curiously in the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 AD, a Scottish declaration of independence from English rule, the Scots were happy to describe themselves as Scythians:

Most Holy Father and Lord, we know from the deeds of the ancients and we read from books -- because among the other great nations of course, our nation of Scots has been described in many publications -- that crossing from Greater Scythia, via the Tyrhennian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and living in Spain among the fiercest tribes for many years, it could be conquered by no one anywhere, no matter how barbarous the tribes. Afterwards, coming from there, one thousand two hundred years from the Israelite people's crossing of the Red Sea, to its home in the west, which it now holds, having first thrown out the Britons and completely destroyed the Picts, and even though it was often attacked by the Norse, the Danes and the English, it fought back with many victories and countless labours and it has held itself ever since, free from all slavery, as the historians of old testify. In their own kingdom, one hundred and thirteen kings have reigned of their own Blood Royal, without interruption by foreigners.”

So, what of the Sons of Mil and their conquest of the Tuatha de Danann? Quoting from Wikipedia:

Professor Dáithí Ó hÓgain writes that the "account of how the sons of Míl took Ireland was a literary fabrication, but it was accepted as conventional history by poets and scholars down until the 19th century". For centuries, the legend was used in Ireland to win and secure dynastic and political legitimacy. Modern scholars believe that the tale is mostly an invention of medieval Irish Christian writers. They sought to link the Irish to people and events from the Old Testament, to liken the Irish to the Israelites, and to reconcile native pagan myth with Christianity. They were inspired by other medieval Christian pseudo-histories, such as Galician cleric Paulus Orosius's History Against the Pagans, Saint Jerome’s Chronicle, and the works of Archbishop Isidore of Seville. Isidore's works were a major source of inspiration for the writers of the Lebor Gabála.

As we saw above, the Lebor Gabála traced Ireland's dynasties back to Milesian Gaels such as Éremon and Éber. Modern scholars, however, believe that these were fictional characters and that the writers were attempting to give the medieval dynasties more legitimacy.

According to Wikipedia, the claim that the Irish Gaels came from the Iberian region of Galicia may be based on three things. The first is the coincidental similarity of the names Iberia/Hiberia and Hibernia and the names Galicia and Gael [MJF: I think there is some merit in this claim and it is not merely coincidental]. Medieval pseudo-historians apparently made similar claims about other nations based only on their names. The second is Isidore of Seville describing Iberia as the "mother[land] of the races". The third is Orosius describing Ireland as lying "between Iberia and Britain". The Roman historian Tacitus also thought that Ireland lay between Iberia and Britain.​


The irony is that if these Irish writers had linked the origins of the Irish people to Meritaten’s Egyptian followers and the Tuatha de Danann instead of the mythical Milesians, they might have discovered a genuine link with the Old Testament and the biblical Exodus and to Iberia/Spain per Lorraine Evans’s investigative research. Thus, could it be that the Gaels were really the Scythian Dananns (Celts) who in Ireland became the fabled Tuatha de Danann (the biblical Tribe of Dan)? Would they in turn centuries later become the Brigantes tribe (the people of Brigid) in Ireland and Britain who, as the Dananns, had journeyed from Brigantia in Spain in the company of Meritaten/Scota. Would she in turn be deified as the goddess Brigid or Bride, the daughter of the Dagda who owned a magical cauldron? If so, was that magical cauldron really the Ark of the Covenant, originally possessed by Meritaten’s father Akhenaten before it was handed over to Abraham/Moses by her mother Nefertiti/Sarah in her guise as Rachel, the wife of the patriarch Jacob? Indeed, was the Ark of the Covenant viewed as a magic cauldron because within it resided the Grail, a magical artefact that was capable of raising the dead to life, rejuvenating the old and providing for all one’s physical needs? In my view, this answer is a profound yes.​
Although the Oak tree was sacred to the Druids it was the Ash tree that was sacred to the Aryan Nordics since they viewed it as the World Tree or Yggdrasil (from the Old Norse Yggdrasill) around which all else existed including the Nine Worlds.

Yes, Yggdrasil represents a map of the Universe, but the sacred trees were also used as a place of worship.

From an examination of the Teutonic words for “temple” Grimm has made it probable that amongst the Germans the oldest sanctuaries were natural woods. However that may be, tree-worship is well attested for all the great European families of the Aryan stock. Amongst the Celts the oak-worship of the Druids is familiar to every one, and their old word for sanctuary seems to be identical in origin and meaning with the Latin nemus, a grove or woodland glade, which still survives in the name of Nemi. Sacred groves were common among the ancient Germans, and tree-worship is hardly extinct amongst their descendants at the present day.

The Lithuanians were not converted to Christianity till towards the close of the fourteenth century, and amongst them at the date of their conversion the worship of trees was prominent. Some of them revered remarkable oaks and other great shady trees, from which they received oracular responses.

By the way, I thought most churches in the West were in a cruciform shape, i.e., a cross rather than a fir tree.

Yes, they are in a cruciform shape, but their 3D structure resembles a forest. Columns represent tree trunks, and the arches represents tree branches. So the people say that they represent an oak forest. Which might be true, but only from the inside, because their roof don't look at all as an oak's crown. They are pointy, with many little bristles. Well, that is how conifers look like, not oaks.

Were kites attached to trees, which would induce lightning strikes, somehow used for communication?

It seems that you don't need a lightning strike to charge the tree with electricity.

According to the 1767 Priestley account, Franklin realized the dangers of using conductive rods and instead used the conductivity of a wet hemp string attached to a kite. As a result, he was able to remain on the ground and let his son fly the kite from the cover of a shed close by. That enabled Franklin and his son to keep the silk string of the kite dry to insulate them while the hemp string to the kite was allowed to get wet in the rain to provide conductivity. A house key was attached to the hemp string and connected to a Leyden jar; a silk string was attached to that. "At this key he charged phials, and from the electric fire thus obtained, he kindled spirits, and performed all other electrical experiments which are usually exhibited by an excited globe or tube." The kite was not hit by visible lightning; otherwise, Franklin would almost certainly have been killed. However, Franklin noticed that loose threads of the kite string were repelling one another and deduced that the Leyden jar was being charged. He moved his hand near the key and observed an electric spark, which proved the electric nature of lightning.

Blue apples” may signify Hagar/Kore’s royal bloodline since royalty are often referred to as having “blue blood”. However, it probably has a meaning which goes much deeper than this.

I'm still reading the last few posts, (I'll mention something about trees and lightning later) but this immediately caught my attention. And if the meaning is deep as you point out maybe it is because of this, in the session of January 13, 2024:

Q: (gottathink) Older transcripts refer to a genetic alteration that caused truncated fluid flow. Is the fluid being referred to the cerebral spinal fluid?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well then that eliminates the next question, which was a follow up. What fluid flow is it?

A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from them... Wasn't there some session about it?

(L) There was, there was something about it. I think we were talking about dancing once and they were talking about some kind of energy flow that came through the arms that allowed them to be able to levitate.

(Joe) Yeah, that was the spear-handed Maruts and stuff like that.

(L) Is that why, or the means by which, some odd people throughout history have been able to levitate because they had some genetic quirk that allowed this system to be operational?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I mean, just like some people can transmit healing power and so forth. So there's a whole other different thing that's going on in the body that people are not aware of. Is that because the fluid is something other than what we think of as fluid? It's more like...

(Andromeda) Energy?

(L) Yeah, or more like...

A: Difficult to explain since you don't have the concepts.

Q: (Joe) It's based on an unknown structure...

(L) A structure throughout the body that carries a fluid, or something like something like a fluid... Is it because it's not exactly like a fluid as we know it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it something that's more like, say, a 4th density fluid?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the structure itself is fourth density when it exists in the body?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we have the potential for this if the DNA were to be upregulated?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Untruncated.

(L) Untruncated, yeah, and some rare individuals accidentally by genetic recombination have this...

(Andromeda) Have you ever heard of anybody glowing?

(Joe) No.

(Andromeda) There are halos.

(L) There are halos and then there are ancient stories of people glowing, you know? But I would say... Well actually, yes I have because some of these stories like for example, some of the people who levitate or like Padre Pio and others like that, there have been people who say that they saw the person glowing. Anybody ever heard of that or read of it? Yes? Yeah. Okay. Aeneas has. Okay, so it's not absolutely unheard of. Well that's very interesting.

Maybe this is the principle behind the idea of blue blood and certain genealogical trees...
Ok, regarding the trees and electrical conductivity, in researching the subject, I found the following:

The nymph Daphne runs in terror, pursued by an enamored Apollo. Just before this wild race, the god was trying to convince her to consummate their love. The nymph flees swiftly from Apollo's desire, and Apollo goes after her. The image could not be more disturbing, or yes. Because, as if by enchantment, and before Daphne's prayer for her father to free her from the god's harassment, she is transformed into a laurel (Laurus nobilis). Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, narrates that, then, "her splendid beauty is all that remains of her", referring to the resulting plant. From that moment on, Apollo would choose this plant as his attribute: "All right, since you can no longer be my wife, at least you will be my tree". And he consecrates it so that its branches and leaves will adorn his head as a crown. It also stipulates that this ornament symbolizes triumph in war. In addition, the laurel wreaths would come to celebrate since classical times the virtue of the poets or the victories in sporting competitions, apart from being an attribute of peace or reward for the effort expended.

With this legend, Greek mythology gave the imagination of artists of all ages a motif to surpass the highest levels of mastery. Versions abound, and many art museums have some representation of this myth. But in the mind of any art lover, one sculpture immediately comes to mind: the Apollo and Daphne by the Italian Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680), in the Borghese Gallery in Rome. Under the marble of the Baroque artist still flows the blood, transfigured into sap, of the nymph, whose limbs metamorphose in front of the viewer's eyes into roots, trunk and branches adorned by their corresponding leaves.[...]The hardiness of this plant of Mediterranean origin is proverbial, since it can resprout from its stock after suffering a fire; but it is affected by extreme frosts -as it happened in the famous storm Filomena, in Madrid, in 2021-. Although the laurel would be free from being hit by other misfortunes, such as lightning, since in antiquity it was thought to be a protective plant against these meteorological phenomena, so the Romans planted it near their houses.

Then... searching a little more I found something that some relatives from my maternal side had shared with me:

The notary Gio Giacomo Mestroni (1719-1769) used as a sign of his tabellion the coat of arms of his family that represented a laurel on which lightning passes without touching it ...

laurel lighting.jpg

Two things come to mind from this. Either the laurel tree is perfectly insulated... or it has no resistance at all. And for something not to be resistive (help me here those who know about electrical engineering) I understand that it should be an excellent conductor or super-conductor. (?)

The legend of the laurel began in ancient Greece, the first place where this plant was used to make the famous "triumphal crown". Since then this shrub, and specifically, its leaves, became a symbol of glory and power.

Several cultures have associated the laurel with divination. It is believed that this is due to the tradition of using the smoke from its leaves when they were burned to make predictions. However, another curious fact is that some variants of this plant have an active ingredient that can produce hallucinations, which can be interpreted as omens.

In Greece and Rome, these plants were planted at the doors of the palaces of the rulers, as it was believed that they granted protection. The historian Pliny called "Caesar's gardens" to any vegetal space in which the laurel was predominant.

According to the legend of the laurel, this shrub would also protect us from storms. For this reason, the emperor Tiberius wore a crown made of this plant every time the sky became overcast. Over time, of all the meanings of the laurel, the one that has become most popular is the one that relates it to triumph or success.

In the Bible, palms were used by the people of Jerusalem as a symbol of fertility and wealth and could be used to make bread or honey. The olive tree recalls the path taken by Jesus, who came down from the Mount of Olives, and is a tree that symbolizes peace, while the laurel tree represents the victory and resurrection of Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. It so happens that all three trees were very common in the area.
I'm still reading the last few posts, (I'll mention something about trees and lightning later) but this immediately caught my attention. And if the meaning is deep as you point out maybe it is because of this, in the session of January 13, 2024:

Maybe this is the principle behind the idea of blue blood and certain genealogical trees...
Good to hear from you again. I hope all is well with you. I think you have made a very good point here.

Where the C's spoke of "Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power", this evidently refers to the Kantekkians who are the ancestors of the Celts and the Aryans. When they arrived on Earth some 80,000 plus years ago, they were apparently much lighter skinned in appearance than their descendants are today. Since that time, there has been much interbreeding between the races and the people we think of as the Celts today are in reality Indo-Europeans, as proven by the DNA testing of the Tarim Mummies in China, which date back to at least 4,000 BC. These people would become the Scythians who included the Danann's among their number (the Tuatha de Danann) and the likes of Sargon the Great, the first western emperor. They were also Semites like Abraham/ Moses who, as a Hittite, was a Celt too.

However, the C's also mentioned that some Aryan Kantekkians started going underground about 14,000 years ago. These would have been pure Aryans, long before the modern Indo-European Celts emerged through what the C's call racial and genetic blending:
Q: Are the Kantekkians different from the Celts?

A: Only in the sense of long term racial and genetic blending.

It is my belief that the 'Tall Whites' that Charles Hall, a USAF liaison officer at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, described when giving accounts of his dealings with them between 1965 and 1967 are some of these subterranean Aryan Kantekkians. Hall views them to this day as extra-terrestrials without realising that they are really humans from the subterranean society living within the Earth called the 'Nation of the Third Eye':
A: Secret sources. Agents of the “nation of the third eye."

Q: (J) What or who - is the "Nation of the Third Eye"?

A: Terran civilization under the surface.

Q: (L) Now, wait a minute. I remember that when they said the Aryans were brought from Kantek, and that they were "sturdier," or something like that, and I remarked that it seemed that they would be less sturdy - and the C's answered "on the surface." Now, that has always bothered me. I don't think they meant "surface appearances." Have the Aryans been glorified as the "master race" because they are more suited to living underground?

A: Close.
All types there are "Aryan."

Q: (L) Okay, is this a Terran underground civilization that has been 'managed' by Orions, or did it develop on its own?

A: One at a time.

Q: (L) Did the underground civilization develop on its own?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it managed or manipulated by Orions as well?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are these "managers" Orions from other densities?

A: Yes and no.

Q: (L) I don't understand. Are there some that are 4th and some that are 3rd?

A: The human types there are "bi-density".

I believe that the Tall Whites are also the group who will be used for alien disclosure purposes, as mentioned by the C 's in the same session:
Q: (T) Are you saying that the human/Aryan types can exist as long as they want in any density?

A: In 4th and 3rd.

Q: (L) They can move back and forth, existing with equal ease on either density?

A: Well, not with "equal ease," because 4th density is easier, naturally.

Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi-fiction book
[Cosmic Voyage], is about the Aryans and not about the Martians?

A: "Martians" is easier to understand for the less well-informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

Perhaps some kind of disclosure is getting much closer, given what the C's said in the recent session dated 27 April 2024:

(L) Okay. She [Russian astrologist, Svetlana Dragan] is saying, basically, there's going to be disclosure in 2026 of some kind. Is she close to the mark with that?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, there's going to be some ramping up of some kind of disclosure-type information in another year or so?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Will it be a real disclosure or distraction?

A: Distraction. Real disclosure would lead to mass rejection.
Q: (L) In other words, if they really told who they were and what they were here for, people would freak!

Below is an extract from an article where Charles Hall talks about the Tall Whites and the shock of their appearance:
4. Were there others besides you that saw the Tall Whites?

Yes, the tall white extraterrestrials were seen out on the Indian Springs Ranges by many other USAF personnel. These USAF personnel frequently encountered them at close range in and around the buildings located out on the various ranges during both day and night time operations. Encountering the Tall White extraterrestrials at close range was such a shock that they were frequently reported as ghosts, angels, or as fantastic creatures. For example, weather observers who saw a group of them standing side by side would commonly report having seen a radioactive floating horse named “Range Four Harry.” Other USAF personnel would report seeing short glimpses of the tall whites at close range, and then report having had a “Missing Time” experience or having had an unusual dream.

This description of them (see highlighted text above) seems to suggest that they are very pale skinned indeed, which probably reflects how the Kantekkians looked when they arrived on Earth, bearing in mind that the Asteroid Belt. which is the remains of Kantek, is located between Mars and Jupiter. Being so far from the Sun would probably exclude the need for much melanin, which would explain their ghost like, almost translucent appearance (perhaps being very close to that of albinos).

According to Charles White, he still thinks the Tall Whites are here on the surface:
8. Do you still think they are there?

Yes. I believe that they are still there because the main hanger and their living quarters were permanent constructions located in the mountains at the north end of the Indian Springs valley. The aliens live underground. The main hanger is underground and dug into a mountainside. It has an ideal location. It allows the tall white deep space craft to easily arrive here on earth, land in front of the hanger entrance, and to enter and later leave the hanger without being easily observed and without interfering with civilian airline operations in the Las Vegas area.

For more see: Interview of the Month – Insider Charles Hall and the Tall Whites | Paola Harris

Hall never took any photos. When out there by himself (Indian Springs) he was worried about keeping himself alive and taking photos wasn’t thought of. Initially he thought he was dreaming (that’s why he believes Area 51 is called "dreamland"). This is an interesting observation since the C's have recently said that when you are in the vicinity of a 4th density bleed through, as you most likely would be when in the presence of 4D beings like the Tall Whites and/or their technology or base, you effectively can be drawn into 4th density, which will seem dreamlike to most 3rd density human beings:
Q: (hlat) When a person experiences a 4D bleedthrough, does the entire locator or environment temporarily exist in fourth density, even when the others in the same locator don't perceive the bleedthrough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it's also the ability to perceive that's important?

A: Yes

The C's have also mentioned the underground Aryans psychic abilities as with the Aryan army of psychic projectors they called 'Thor's Pantheum'. Hall also experienced psychic episodes when in the presence of Tall Whites:
Q. In vol one, you describe an incident where mental images entered your mind about the Tall Whites in the frontier era, can you explain?

Charles described how he was reading the History of the West, and the history of Death Valley and Indian Springs, he remembered mental images of tall whites in the frontier era when the Tall Whites. These images just entered his mind when the tall whites were nearby, and left when the tall whites departed.

If the Tall Whites are a much purer form of the Kantekkian Aryans than surface Aryans, then its suggests the Kantekkians may have been bi-density beings when they originally arrived on Earth with more pronounced psychic abilities than the average modern human. They may also have glowed. All human beings actually emit photons (light) as a natural occurrence through a process called bioluminescence:​

According to a study conducted in 2009 by Japanese researchers, human bioluminescence in visible light exists - it's just too dim for our weak eyes to pick up on.

"The human body literally glimmers," the team from the Tohoku Institute of Technology wrote in their study published in PLOS One. "The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes."

And this wasn't infrared radiation caused by heat - despite how the images might appear. Those signals are actually from photons of visible light (light particles) not caused by heat:

So what's going on here? Well, it's actually a pretty interesting side-effect of our metabolisms.

As Elliot Bentley sums up for The Guardian, human bioluminescence is "the result of highly reactive free radicals produced through cell respiration interacting with free-floating lipids and proteins".

These excited molecules can then interact with
fluorophores, which can emit a photon, and boom, you're actually glowing.

For more on this see: You Can't See It, But Humans Actually Glow With Our Own Form of Bioluminescence

However, the bioluminescence process within the Kantekkians who arrived on Earth 80,000 years ago may have been far more pronounced than what we see in the average human today, since their alien metabolisms may have been very different to ours. Indeed, the glow or halo surrounding them may be linked to the 4D fluid that flowed through their bi-density bodies, which you referred us to in your post:
A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from them... Wasn't there some session about it?

(L) A structure throughout the body that carries a fluid, or something like something like a fluid... Is it because it's not exactly like a fluid as we know it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it something that's more like, say, a 4th density fluid?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the structure itself is fourth density when it exists in the body?

A: Yes

In that session transcript, Laura refers to people who may have had this halo effect surrounding them:

(L) There are halos and then there are ancient stories of people glowing, you know? But I would say... Well actually, yes I have because some of these stories like for example, some of the people who levitate or like Padre Pio and others like that, there have been people who say that they saw the person glowing. Anybody ever heard of that or read of it? Yes? Yeah. Okay. Aeneas has. Okay, so it's not absolutely unheard of. Well that's very interesting.

Well there is one obvious example of a famous person who was reputed to have glowed and that was Moses, as I mentioned in my last article, and, of course, he was a genetically tweaked hybrid who came into contact with 4D Lizard beings who passed themselves off as Yahweh whilst Moses received the Ten Commandments from them on Mount Sinai, whereafter his face shone according to the Bible:

So, when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to approach him …. When Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever Moses went in before the Lord to speak with Him, he would take off the veil until he came out; and whenever he came out and spoke to the sons of Israel what he had been commanded, 35 the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone. So Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with Him”.

I will stick my neck out here and suggest that it is possible that Princess Meritaten (think of Kore and "blue apples" here and the fact that she was of the Perseid royal bloodline) similarly glowed and this might be why she subsequently became deified as Brigid of the Tuatha de Danann, a race of blonde/red haired giants who were also said to be 'Shining Ones'. She herself, through her mother Nefertiti (a "deep level punctuator" from the subterranean Aryan civilisation), was a hybrid with a large, elongated head that would have given her a much higher brain capacity and with it higher intelligence. The name "Brigid" contains the prefix "Bri", which in the Celtic languages denoted the notion of someone who was "high" or "exalted" as Meritaten was by virtue of her royal pedigree (her father Akhenaten, as the Egyptian pharaoh, was actually worshipped as a living god). Indeed, we obtain the English word "brilliant" from this particular root.

However, forthcoming DNA changes due to extra terrestrial influences such as a super nova explosion and the Wave may cause some human beings to become "brilliant" again as they transition to 4D, judging from what the C's said here:​

Session 7 June 1997:

Q: Okay, I will do that. Thank you. Okay. Now, there is a thing called the GONG project on Tenerife. My feeling is that it is a mask for something else.

A: Close.

Q: What, precisely, is the GONG project doing?

A: Magnetic frequency. Measurements for possible future use.

Q: Future use for what purpose?

A: Discovery. Oh, you are so "brilliant."

Q: Is brilliant the code word for the discovery here?

A: You will see.


Session 23 October 2004:

Q: (A) Why are you transmitting from Rigel? What is special about Rigel?

A: Oh, wouldn't you like to know?

Q: [Discussion as to what that might mean. Laura points out that Rigel was mentioned in a previous discussion about supernovae.]

A: We already told you "No dice!"

Q: (Galahad) Should we tell the group about the change to Rigel?

A: Wait a bit and "see" how brilliant you are.

You will note that the C's put the word "see" in quotes above.

I mentioned Meritaten and her link to Kore and "blue apples" since it was made by the C's here:
A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Although the C's were linking the reference to "core" here with Kore, I think they were also trying to draw our attention to the DNA core within human beings too, where our original twelve strand DNA was reduced down to two strands only:
Q: (L) So, he returned the ark to the so-called angel. And then, he gave something to someone else. Previously, when I asked about this, you said that what he gave to Esau was "trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate," and remarked that I should inquire into the "core meaning."

A: And who was "Kore?"

Q: (L) Was this Abraham's daughter?

A: It was the last living member of the Perseid family.

For those with good memories the term "blue apples" also features in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau where the expression appeared on one of the mysterious parchments that Abbe Saunière discovered in his church:​
  • The 1780s parchments were the most interesting authored by a priest called Antoine Bigou who was the chaplain to the Blanchefort family just before the 1789 French Revolution. They appeared to be texts from the New Testament in Latin but were written rather oddly and clearly contained coded messages. They became the subject of three documentaries made for the BBC in the 1970s by one of the authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Henry Lincoln. It referred to the last Merovingian king, Dagobert II, as follows once decoded: “To Dagobert II, king, and to Sion belongs this treasure and he is there dead.”
  • Another parchment contained the enigmatic message: “Shepherdess, no temptation. That Poussin, Teniers hold the key. Peace 681. By the cross and this horse of God. I complete this daemon of the guardian at noon. Blue apples.”
This makes me wonder whether the pregnant shepherdess in the famous painting The Shepherds of Arcadia by Nicolas Poussin was in fact meant to be Meritaten, the mother of Ishmael, where she is seemingly standing in the middle of a tree in her immediate background that could signify that she had started a new royal, "blue apples" genetic line, as the trampled leaves of wrath, the blue apples incarnate, through her son Ishmael. As I have argued before, the original Arcadia (not the Hellenic Arcadia of Greek mythology that Poussin was supposedly depicting) was in Northern Spain and Southern France, including the region where the town of Rennes-le-Chateau (the "House of the Queen") is located today. If the Egyptologist Lorraine Evans is correct where she argues that Meritaten in her guise as Scota, and possibly Brigantia, was resident in this region for a while before moving on to Britain and the river Trent, then the name Rennes-le-Chateau may relate to Meritaten through another of her guises as the goddess Rhedae (the Greek goddess Rhea), a name that has been linked with Rennes-le-Chateau, although it should more accurately be linked to the nearby town of Quillan, a town that is located at the crossing point of four major roads and close to which parts of a Bronze Age chariot have been found, which makes me think of what the C's said here:
A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

You will note that the C's mention that the trampled leaves are of the Tree of Apples. Well, apples are not normally blue but rather they are red, green or golden. As I have argued before, this mention of golden apples has been linked in mythology, for example, to the golden 'Apple of Discord' belonging to Eris, the goddess of strife, a story which acts as a prologue to the Siege of Troy. In my view the Apple of Discord may be another cypher for the Grail, whose ownership may have been the real underlying cause for the Trojan War. However, I think there may also be a connection to the golden apples that grew in the mythical Garden of the Hesperides (which some ancient scholars linked to the Canary Islands and especially Tenerife).

The Hesperides are the nymphs of evening and golden light of sunsets, who were the "Daughters of the Evening" or "Nymphs of the West". The Hesperides normally number three but in some ancient accounts there are four and even up to seven. The clear-voiced Hesperides", daughters of Nyx (night), guarded the golden apples beyond Ocean in the far west of the world. The three Hesperides include Aigle (or Aegle, "dazzling light"), Erytheia (or Erytheis), Hesperia ("sunset glow") whose name refers to the colour of the setting sun, red, yellow, or gold; and lastly Arethusa.

The Hesperides could be hamadryad nymphs or epimeliads as suggested by a passage in which they change into trees: "... Hespere became a poplar and Eretheis an elm, and Aegle a willow's sacred trunk ..." and in the same account, they are described figuratively or literally to have white arms and golden heads. So this brings us back to the subject of trees once again. However, poplars, elms and willows do not produce golden apples, only the apple tree does that.

Erytheia ("the red one") is one of the Hesperides. Curiously, the name was applied to an island close to the coast of southern Hispania (Spain), which was the site of the original Punic colony of Gades (modern Cadiz). Pliny's Natural History (VI.36) records of the island of Gades:​

"On the side which looks towards Spain, at about 100 paces distance, is another long island, three miles wide, on which the original city of Gades stood. By Ephorus and Philistides it is called Erythia, by Timæus and Silenus Aphrodisias, and by the natives the Isle of Juno."

However, in Walter Bower's tale of Princess Scota set out in the Scotichronicon, he describes how she and her intrepid band of Egyptian refugees made landfall on the Iberian Peninsula at Gades which today is the modern port city of Cadiz. This make me wonder whether the basis for the myth of the Hesperides might be found in the six daughters of Pharaoh Akhenaten, where Erytheia, one of the Hesperides, is in fact Meritaten who, as Scota, was connected to the island of Gades.

In the myth of the Judgement of Paris, it was from the Garden of the Hesperides that Eris, Goddess of Discord, obtained the Apple of Discord, which led to the Trojan War. As I have argued above, the Apple of Discord may be a cypher for the Grail, which we know was owned at one stage by Meritaten's father Akhenaten before it was stolen by Nefertiti (Nyx, the goddess of Night and the mother of the Hesperides) and handed over to Abraham/Moses. It may even be the case that Meritaten, in her role as a temple priestess and Essene, had a role connected to the Grail, perhaps as a guardian, which may be reflected in the role of the Hesprides in looking after the Golden Apple(s). This conenction to the Grail may also be found in the tale of the Eleventh Labour of Heracles, which was to steal the apples from the garden of the Hesperides. On one level, this can be seen as a Grail quest in the same way that the tale of Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa's head is. Indeed, there is another variation to the story where Heracles was the only person to steal the apples, other than Perseus, although the goddess Athena later returned the apples to their rightful place in the garden.

This then brings us to Jason and the Argonauts, which originally included Heracles among their number. After the hero Heracles killed the dragon Ladon (the guardian of the apples) and stole the golden apples, the Argonauts during their journey, came to the Hesperian plain the next day. The band of heroes asked for the mercy of the Hesperides to guide them to a source of water in order to replenish their thirst. The goddesses pitying the young men, directed them to a spring created by Heracles who likewise longing for a draught while wandering the land, smote a rock near Lake Triton after which the water gushed out. Well this is an interesting detail since the Argonauts may in one sense be linked to the Tuatha de Danann, the Dragon Slayers, who if Lorraine Evans is correct, sailed in the company of Meritaten/Scota for a while on Lake Triton (then an inland sea) in North Africa roughly where southern Algeria is today.

As Apollonius of Rhodes in his epic Argonautika narrates, when the Argo was driven ashore on the Lesser Syrtes by a fierce storm while returning from Colchis, the Argonauts found themselves in "an area surrounded by sands". They portaged their ship twelve days to Lake Tritonis, but the lake water was salty and undrinkable. Since they could find no outlet from Lake Tritonis to the sea, they could do nothing. Then they propitiated the deities with a golden tripod on the shore and Triton, the local deity, appeared to them in the form of a youth, to show them a hidden channel to the sea.

And before anybody discounts the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, the C's seemed to lend it some credence here:
Q: (Galahad) Is the importance of Argos related to the myth of Jason and the Argonauts?

A: Yup.

Q: (Galahad) Does it have something to do with the individuals who flew away on the Ram?

A: Mmmmm .... And did she really drown?

Q: (Galahad) Is it a significant fact that this girl's name was similar to Helen of Troy?

A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

Q: (Galahad) Stories of escape - there's the story of Daedalus and Icarus... We have Colchis, Jason, the Argonauts. We have the last living member of the Perseid family... all mixed up with Abraham and Sarah otherwise known as Paris and Helen who was also Nefertiti. (L) And Abraham wanted to save this individual from the fury of Helen. (S) And why was Helen furious? What happened when Helen got furious? (Galahad) A thousand ships got launched... (L) And a lot of people died and have been dying ever since from this whole monotheistic rant. And it looks like Helen/Nefertiti/Sarah is the main source of the whole deal. A Hittite hybrid with a big skull like those heads of the Ica in Peru. And the C's have said that there were hybrids in Peru that were supposed to have been attempts to create a 3rd density body for direct STS incarnation. And it looks like Sarah/Helen/Nefertiti was one of them. No wonder women have been given a bad name. We have our work cut out for us.

So in these Greek myths of the Hesperides, Heracles and the Golden Apples and Jason and the Argonauts are we really seeing the bare bones of the true life story of Princess Meritaten otherwise known as Hagar, Kore, Helle and Scota?

As I said in my article, perhaps the Golden Apple of the Hesperides should be replaced by a Blue Apple where Meritaten is concerned.
Interesting comment about the energy of gothic cathedrals:

Note that energy is weak at front entrance and strong along the sides and rear. This model is of a Vermont megalithic stone structure. Constructed of diamagnetic wood interior and paramagnetic pink granite exterior.

It appears that most healing/religious structures such as gothic cathedrals, round towers, and megalithic tombs are facing east so that the week energy is at the entrance and the strong energy is at the back where the altar of hearing chamber is located. There is also stronger energy at the sides, where the arms of the tomb cross the main tunnel, as seen in gothic cathedrals.

Ok, regarding the trees and electrical conductivity, in researching the subject, I found the following:

Then... searching a little more I found something that some relatives from my maternal side had shared with me:

Two things come to mind from this. Either the laurel tree is perfectly insulated... or it has no resistance at all. And for something not to be resistive (help me here those who know about electrical engineering) I understand that it should be an excellent conductor or super-conductor. (?)

Yes, it is certain that trees held more significance for the ancients than they do for us today. We know that certain trees were considered sacred to people like the Druids including the oak and the yew tree. They would conduct their ceremonies in the open often in oak tree groves. According to Robert Graves, the English poet and mythologist, in his book The White Goddess, the Druids even composed an alphabet and calendar around trees. Laura mentions it here:
Q: Okay, thank you. Now, in this other book, 'The White Goddess' about the Triple Goddess, alphabets, trees, which this author tracks back to the goddess Danu who Rhys identifies as Cassiopaea... but, in this particular section, it brings up something about which I have been EXTREMELY curious... the lame king, the wounded thigh, and the heel issue which is connected to the thigh issue... the thigh of Zeus and the heel of Achilles. Well, it seems that a LOT of heros or 'gods' had this thigh or heel issue and that later, the divine right of kings was connected to this and often a king was ritually lamed. It seems that the wound in the thigh led to an inability to place the heel on the ground which then led to a tabu against the king putting his feet on the ground altogether. Why the ban against the king putting his feet on the ground? Why did the heel have to be protected from contact with the earth?

A: In order to interrupt grounding of chakras.

The White Goddess is an extremely difficult book to penetrate. Graves wrote it by inspiration, which he attributed to the Triple or White Goddess acting as his muse. Much of it revolves around what he calls the 'Battle of the Trees', which was a battle over two competing tree calendars by two distinct groups of Celts. It is possible that he may have been inadvertently referring to the usurpation of Trojan Britain by fellow Celts from Northern Europe who introduced a father or sky god dominated religion into Britain in place of the former mother goddess religion, hence the change in the tree calendar. If, as I suspect, the Trojan War in Britain was fought over ownership of the Grail (the true Helen of Troy), then this may suggest a link between Graves' White Goddess and the Grail. It is therefore interesting that the Tuatha de Danann goddess Brigid (who I think is a deified version of Princess Meritaten) was a triple goddess figure, whose father, the Dagda, possessed a magical cauldron (the Ark of the Covenant?) inside which the Grail may have been concealed.

Graves argued that the names of the Ogham letters in the alphabet used in parts of Gaelic Ireland and Britain contained a calendar that contained the key to an ancient liturgy involving the human sacrifice of a sacred king, and, further, that these letter names concealed lines of Ancient Greek hexameter describing the goddess.

In The White Goddess, Graves proposed a hypothetical Gallic tree goddess, Druantia, who has become somewhat popular with contemporary Neopagans. Druantia is an archetype of the eternal mother as seen in the evergreen boughs. Her name is believed to be derived from the Celtic word for oak trees, *drus or *deru. She is known as "Queen of the Druids". She is a goddess of fertility for both plants & humans, ruling over sexual activities & passion. She also rules protection of trees, knowledge, creativity.

Returning to the significance of the Laurel Tree, it got a mention in the transcripts in connection with a strange priesthood called the Solloi:
Q: Yes. I also found the Solloi priesthood and the priestesses called Peleiades. They seem to be involved with urns, birds, tinkling bells, urns that can be struck and which then set up a particular resonance in other urns, oak trees, and some other peculiar references that relate to laurel trees...

A: Siren song.

Q: What about the siren song?

A: Greek mythology.

Q: I know that. What about it? What do the sirens represent?

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!

Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?

A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.

What the C's say above must also be true, therefore, of the Triple Goddess. However, Laura expanded upon the Solloi priesthood and the priestesses called Peleiades in the following extract from a thread she started called 'Phosphorus and The Frequency of Light'.
See: Phosphorus and The Frequency of Light

"Jupiter was called Dodonean after the city of Dodona in Epirus.
Near this city was a hill thickly covered with oak trees which from
the most ancient times had been sacred to Jupiter. The grove was
further venerated because dryads, fauns, satyrs, and nymph were
believed to dwell in its depths. From the ancient oaks and beeches
were hung many chains of tiny bronze bells which tinkled day and
night as the wind swayed the branches. Some assert that the
celebrated talking dove of Dodona was in reality a woman, because in
Thessaly both prophetesses and doves were called PELEIADAS. It is
supposed that the first temple of Dodona was erected by Deucalion and
those who survived the great flood with him. For this reason, the
oracle at Dodona was considered the oldest in Greece."

"The oracle of Dodona was presided over by Jupiter, who uttered

prophecies through oak trees, birds, and vases of brass. Many
writers have noted the similarities between the rituals of Dodona and
those of the Druid priests of Britain and Gaul. The famous oracular
dove of Dodona, alighting upon the branches of the sacred oaks, not
only discoursed at length in the Greek tongue upon philosophy and
religion, but also answered the queries of those who came from
distant places to consult it."

"Some assert that there was but one tree which spoke - an oak or a
beech standing in the very heart of the ancient grove. Because
Jupiter was believed to inhabit this tree he was sometimes called
PHEGONAEUS, or one who lives in a beech tree."

"Most curious of the oracles of Dodona were the 'talking vases,' or
kettles. These were made of brass and so carefully fashioned that
when struck they gave off sound for hours. Some writers have
described a row of these vases and have declared that if one of them
was struck its vibrations would be communicated to all the others and
a terrifying din ensue. (three dominoes?)"

"When the original priests of Dodona - the SELLOI - mysteriously
vanished, the oracle was served for many centuries by three
priestesses who interpreted the vases and at midnight interrogated
the sacred trees."

Selloi -> selas, light, gleam: from its phosphorescent appearance ->
IE base, swel, to burn -> selene, the moon, -> selenium, a GRAY,
nonmetallic chemical element of the sulfur group, existing in many
allotropic forms; used in photoelectric devices because its
electrical conductivity varies with the intensity of light. Symbol
Se, wt. 78.96 At no 34; sp gr 4.81, melt 217 C; boil 684.8 C.

Peleiadas - Selloi

With jugs, oaks and beeches, doves, tinkling sounds, resonance, light
and stars! And some Guanches have a story of appearing on an island,
but they know not how nor from whence they came... but that it is a
"place of union."

I wonder if the Greek talking dove of Dodona, which alighted upon the branches of the sacred oaks, may be linked with the Gallic tree goddess, Druantia - the Queen of the Druids - named after the Celtic word for the oak tree? Unfortunately, Laura did not go into further detail concerning the other peculiar references relating to laurel trees that she encountered when reading about the Solloi Priesthood. More is the pity.

You mention that: "Several cultures have associated the laurel with divination. It is believed that this is due to the tradition of using the smoke from its leaves when they were burned to make predictions. However, another curious fact is that some variants of this plant have an active ingredient that can produce hallucinations, which can be interpreted as omens."

We have a laurel bush growing at the front of our property. When our neighbour, who is a professional gardener, cuts it back for us, he always takes the cuttings to be burned at a specialist council waste centre. He claims that the fumes given off when the laurel cuttings are burned are toxic and dangerous. However, this may depend I suppose on the laurel variant you have.​
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