Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I am fascinated by your efforts MJF pulling on so many threads. By re-reading your posts I came up with a point I had not noticed before.

Something, a TDARM, and something else was buried on Oak Island.
Something, at a later date, was taken from the pit.

The TDARM needed to be handled by the pure of heart? or am I mixing up a TDARM and the Ark of the Covenant?
What was dug up and do you think all these actions are the work of, shall we say, STS. I realise I have been presuming one thing all along when I am wrong.
Bueno, al menos recibiste una respuesta del museo, que es algo así. Es curioso que el museo admita haber dejado de almacenar el artefacto original, dejando sólo una fotografía antigua como prueba del original. Esto hace que sea más fácil sugerir que posiblemente sea falso. Además, el objeto original estaba fabricado en cuero

Para ser justos, a diferencia del Museo Smithsonian de Washington (donde a lo largo de los años han desaparecido cosas inútiles como esqueletos gigantes), la ciudad de San Petersburgo sufrió un brutal asedio en la Segunda Guerra Mundial (cuando la ciudad se conciencia entones como Leningrado) que causó una inmensa destrucción. Quizás muchos artefactos fueron enviados para su mantenimiento en otros lugares, incluido el artefacto de piel de cuero. Debe ser discutible que tan buenos son los registros del museo de esa epoca oscura de la historia. Además, es bien sabido que la división SS Ahnenerbe de Himmler asaltó muchos museos para apoderarse de cualquier artefacto u objeto que respaldara sus teorías raciales. Un menú seguido con fuerza a las divisiones de combate alemanas cuando ocupaban territorio recién capturado. Sé que fueon muy activos en lo que hoy es Ucrania, así que no sé si esto tambien fue cielo en San Petersburgo. Embargo de pecado, este artefacto de piel de cuero cerca encajaría con el tipo de objeto que les interesaría particularmente porque sugere un origen ario. Sin embargo, gracias de nuevo por escribir al museo.

En cuanto al libro que mencionas, es interesante que la trama refleje lo que parece haber sucedido realmente en Bezu. Quizás el autor estaba al tanto de lo ocurrido allí y lo incorporó a su historia. ¿quién sabe? Sin embargo, no descartaría el papel de la alquimia en la producción de grandes cantidades de oro puro, ya que, si los Templarios fueran hábiles alquimistas como se ha afirmado, es posible que hayan dejado parte de este oro en el área de Bezu, donde tuvieron una presencia muy fuerte (que durante un tiempo sobrevivió a la represión templaria instigada por el rey Felipe IV en Francia en 1307 d. C.) y donde es posible que hayan pasado a la clandestinidad. De hecho, no descartaría que algunos Templarios se hubieran unido al enclave de alquimistas en los Pirineos e incluso podrían haber sido el grupo que originalmente estableció el enclave. Si tengo razón acerca de que Perillos es la ubicación del enclave, entonces vale la pena señalar que Bezu no está tan lejos de allí.

It is curious that the C's should have referred in the transcripts to "Zuber" (N.B. there is a town of that name on the eastern coast of Florida not far from where Laura was based at that time, which intriguingly lies on the 29th parallel as does the Great Pyramid at Giza), which Laura subsequently realised was possibly an anagram for "Bezu":
Q: That’s exactly what they looked like. Okay, if you take your series of sound from those that form a three dimensional pyramid by the proximity based on the flattened pyramids... it really doesn’t matter where you start? You pick one, and take the ones that are connected, is that the idea?

A: Close. But, you will not discover the answer tonight. For example: you have already seen that we sometimes employ anagrams...

Q: (A) What about ‘zuber’ and this ‘bezu’ mentioned in this book, The Horse of God? Was it an anagram?

A: Oh now, it may just have been.

Q: (L) Well, it freaked ME out, coming the next day after last week’s session... with the mention of ‘chevin’ and the funny numbers representing the Golden ratio and all that... it was amazing, even if the woman does not have a clue of what she is talking about!

A: Learning is such fun. Ludvig put words to his music.

Q: (L) Yes... the poetry of Wolfgang Schiller. His Ode to Joy.

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?

Q: Now that you brought this up! This is a VERY strange thing because this guy wrote a bunch of cosmic poems to someone named Laura, and they were about universes and gravity and the music of the spheres, and reincarnation, time and time warps, a bunch of funny stuff. He even wrote one that begins: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’ He hung out with Von Eckarthausen and I think he was an alchemist...

A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ (L) Close enough!
(A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

Perhaps the C's had wider motives in mind for drawing our attention to Bezu. Laura mentions the "Chevin" above, which, as I have pointed out on this thread, is a ridgeway ("Chevin" simply means "back", "ridge" or "ridge of high land") along which an old Roman road once ran that linked various Roman settlements in Yorkshire including York (Eboracum), Tadcaster and Ilkley. The Chevin seems to have has a special significance in Megalithic times since there is a peculiar line of stones standing on the Chevin near the present town of Otley (see below).

View attachment 101100

Otley Chevin Megalithic Stone Boundary

Apparently, the provenance of this line of stones below Surprise View on Otley Chevin is unknown but they are undoubtedly of ancient origin, probably marking an old property boundary. In some ways they remind me of the lines of stones that you can see at Carnac in Brittany, France. Could there be a connection maybe?

The mention of Yorkshire also links us to the town of Doncaster (an old Roman fort and garrison town), which is the "Dancar" (as in the "Philosophers of Dancar") referred to in the Rosicrucian manifesto known as the "Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis", which may have been written by Sir Francis Bacon's circle if not by the man himself. The C's also linked Bacon indirectly with the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees:
Q: (RC) And the guy died... [MJF: By a curious coincidence "RC" happens to be the initials for the society of the Rosy Cross or the Rosicrucians] (L) That's interesting... Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit on Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved Nicholas Flamel?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live somewhere in the Pyrenees...

A: Yes.

And then:
A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech". Horticulturally, please, and family. [MJF: As Laura subsequently discovered, Bacon's surname was derived from the old French Norman word "beech" and this therefore seems to be an affirmation by the C's that Bacon was a Rosicrucian]

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.

And, of course, the treasure buried on Oak Island just happens to be a TDARM, which could be used perhaps to transform base materials into gold.

Vale la pena tener en cuenta aquí que los rosacruces son una organización basada en rituales que utilizan el canto en sus ceremonias (lo que puede tener un posible vínculo con el uso de la Cabalá donde también se practica el canto). Lo mismo ocurrió también con los Caballeros Templarios (que llevaban en particular una cruz de color rojo -una "cruz rosada"- en sus túnicas), ya que aunque aparentemente eran una orden militar religiosa también eran una institución monástica en la que los miembros de la orden habrían tenido que reunirse en común en ciertos momentos del día para orar o cantar el 'Santo Oficio' como lo hacen todas las comunidades monásticas católicas. Este punto adquirirá más relevancia en mi próximo post ya que por una notable sincronicidad, que ocurrió literalmente después de publicar mi último artículo sobre el enclave de los alquimistas, inesperadamente encontré una interesante referencia a Perillos en un libro que estoy leyendo actualmente. De hecho, lo que leí sólo consolida mi sospecha de que Perillos es la base del enclave de alquimistas y el canto juega un papel en esto.

Antes de cerrar sesión, me pregunto si algún hablante de alemán puede comentar las referencias de la C arriba a los nombres alemanes Schiller o Schoeller y su uso de la palabra "zuber" en el extracto de las transcripciones anteriores.

Tengo entendido que "Schoeller" es un nombre oficial que deriva de la palabra “schöllen,” que significa “para pelar o triturar la corteza de los árboles.” El apellido probablemente se originó en la época medieval en lo que hoy es Alemania y denota una persona que pelaba la corteza de los árboles para producir tintes o materiales curtientes. El nombre fue adoptado más por las tintorerías en la Alemania medieval y rápidamente se extendió por Alemania y Europa Central a medida que la gente se movía en busca de trabajo. Aunque la traducción literal de Schoeller es “bark peeler,” o “bark Layer,” el nombre también podría ser un nombre patronímico para personas llamadas Schöllen, o lo que se llama un metronímico para alguien asociado con la familia Schöllen, como un potencial inquilino de la finca familiar. Las variantes más comunes del nombre Schoeller son Schoell, Schoeler, Schöler y Schöller. Sin embargo, mi fuente no menciona la conexión con el nombre "Schiller" como lo hicieron las C.

Una derivación alternativa establece que el apellido se deriva de la palabra bávara y austriaca "Schellenreiter", que significa el hombre que estaba a cargo de cobrar cuotas o impuestos a los campesinos. Las variantes del nombre incluyen Scholl, Schoeler, Shuler, Schuler, Schuller, Schollaire, Scheller y Schoellera.

Según Wikipedia, el Schoeller[a] familia es una familia noble alemana. Originaria de Renania, la familia tuvo durante muchas generaciones importantes participaciones comerciales en toda Europa. Mientras que la mayoría de los espejos de la familia trabajadores inicialmente como Reidemeister (fabricantes de metales) en el Eifel, a parte del siglo XVIII, se convirtieron en fundadores, acciones y directivas de números empresas de las industrias textiles, papelera, azucarera y siderúrica, así como de la tecnología del embalaje. También se formó Banco Schoeller, una casa comercial y bancaria en Viena fundada inicialmente como mayorista en 1833. También participaron en la industria minera del carbón, en la construcción y el ferrocarril, en cervecerías y en otras casas bancarias y comerciales.

Para más información ver: Familia Schoeller - Wikipedia

Curiosamente, los Caballeros Templarios también estaban involucrados en la fabricación de metales y poseían numerosas minas en toda Europa occidental y operaciones de fundición; la cruz templaria de plomo encontrada en Oak Island parecería provenir del plomo extraído en una de sus minas en el sur de Francia.

Por el contrario, el apellido Schiller deriva del alto alemán medio schilher (“una persona que sufre strabismus”), un sobrenombre derivado del alto alemán medio schilhen, schillen (“to sufrir de strabismus”), de donde también el alemán moderno schielen. Strabismus is a defect of vision in which one eye cannot focus with the other on an object because of imbalance of the eye muscles and is basically a squint.

laura menciona eso Wolfgang Schiller estaba fuemente metido en los universos, la tumba y la música de las esferas, la reencarnación, el tiempo y el tiempo deforman incluido escrito un poema que comienza: ‘I was in Arcadia born...’ Ella afirma que el salió con Von Eckarthausen quien ella pensaba que era un alquimista. Bueno, esto me hace preguntarme si Schiller podría haber estado al tanto del enclave de alquimistas en los Pirineos, que, según él argumentado, es el sitio de la Arcadia originales antes de la de la Grecia clásica. Quizás se dio cuenta del enclave de alquimistas gracias a su amistad con Von Eckarthausen. Su poema con el extraño título I was in Arcadia born podría significa que pudiendo haber pasado por algún tipo de renacimiento cabalístico en esa región, que desde la epoca medieval ha estado fuertemente relacionada con el cabalismo. De hecho, descubrió que existe una ruta de peregrinación cabalística inicial en los Pirineos orientales, que a lo largo de los signos ha sido emprendida por todo tipo de personas, incluidos poetas y artistas, uno de los cuales fue el pintor español Salvador Dali (un rosacruz y amigo de John Cocteau, un sumo sacerdote rosacruz) que, al igual que Schiller, también compartía el intereses por la noción del tiempo y otras dimensiones, como se ve en armas de sus famosas pinturas. En cielo modo, esta ruta de peregrinación inicial es la contraparte cabalística de la reconocimiento ruta de peregrinación católica Santiago Compostela en el lado occidental de los Pirineos. Incluso puede tener sus carreras en la peregrinación egipcia de iniciación que culmina en el grado final y más alto de la de los Illuminati (ver mi artículo anterior sobre esto) o iluminada. ¿podría Schiller haber emprendido esta peregrinación cabalística que conducir a un renacimiento espiritual?

En cuanto a la pregunta de la C sobre si Schiller era "Zuber", entiendo que el apellido Zuber se encontró por primera vez en Suiza, donde el nombre tuvo orígenes humildes pero se ganó una reputación significativa por su contribución a la emergente sociedad medieval. Posteriormente se hizo más prominente a medida que muchas ramas de la misma casa adquirieron propiedades y ramas lejanas, algunas en países extranjeros, elevando siempre su estatus social por sus grandes contribuciones a la sociedad. Las variaciones ortográficas de este apellido incluyen: Zuber, Zueber, Zuhber, Züber, Zouber, Zoober. Observará arriba que las C se referían a "Zueber" en lugar de "Zauber" (que significa "magia" o "hechizo"), que parece ser una forma alternativa del nombre Zuber. Vale la pena recordar aquí que los Caballeros Templarios refugiados parecen haber participado para ayudar a los suizos a obtener la independencia y luego establecer el país como un centro bancario. Si lo piensas bien, la bandera suiza es en realidad una inversión de la bandera templaria con una cruz blanca sobre un fondo rojo en lugar de una cruz roja sobre un fondo blanco. ¿podrían algunos Caballeros Templarios haberse establecido en Suiza y posteriormente adoptar el nombre de Zuber?

Sin embargo, en Alemania, Zuber es supuestamente un nombre ocupacional metonímico para un tonelero o fabricante de bañeras, del alto alemán medio zuber ‘(dos manijas) tub’.

Alternativamente, el apellido "Zuber" pretende ser de origen alemán y se deriva del nombre personal "Zubert", que significa "guerrero brillante".

Sin embargo, el nombre podría incluso tener una raíz del Medio Oriente, vinculándolo potencialmente con los Caballeros Templarios, quienes incorporaron muchas ideas y nociones islámicas (quizás a través de sus vínculos con los Asesinos) en su amplio corpus de conocimientos y enseñanzas, siendo los Caballeros inusualmente ecuménicos para aquellos tiempos, ya que "Zuber" es un nombre coránico indirecto para niños que significa “strong”, “firm”, “power”, “intelligent”, “wise”. Se deriva de la raíz ZBR que se utiliza en muchos lugares del Corán.​
I can't really make sense of it either, but at least I can make a few comments.

First of all, this case, two persons are mixed:

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (that is the one, who wrote Faust).

The "I was in Arcadia born..." is from the poem "Resignation".
This poem is part of the 'Laura-Zyklus'.

mmmmhhh... Wo is this Laura?
I found something here: -> Liebhaber Schiller: Der Mann, dem eine Schwester nicht genug war

DeepL Translation of the relevant part at the start of this article:

Ok. Don't know if this is really important for our topic.

A: Was he zuber?
Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ (L) Close enough!
(A) Does this mean he was a magician?

A: Other close one... Zeuber?

When I read Zuber, the first think that came to my (modern german) mind was "Badezuber".
That is basically a medieval bathtub:

The following is probably completely absurd and only due to my excessive consumption of occultist trash literature, but at least I noticed the following:

What do we have?
- a heatable medieval bathtub
- "Zauber" which in German can mean 'magic', 'allurement', 'sortilege', 'charm', 'enchantment', 'spell' (- charm, state of enchantment), 'incantation' and 'attraction', 'glamour'.
-"Zeuber" - which doesn't mean anything to me...
...but if we turn the 'b' in the word, we get "Zeuqer" - which also makes no sense...
...but then - and only by the further addition of a small curl - we can make "Zeuger", which can refer to the actual father of a child - the one who actually squirted the semen that led to the pregnancy.

Ok. ... and now?

Now Wolfgang comes into play. Big Joe von Goethe himself. (by the way, Goethe already sounds like Goetia)

He also wrote "Der Zauberlehrling" (= "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"):

View attachment 101217

The "old sorcerer" is a "Hexenmeister" in the original German version, means he is a master of witches.
Witches are women who ride naked on a broomstick...which could mean..ehm...maybe... 'auxiliary dildo'?
...Which could mean that the secret meaning of Goethe's poem has less to do with domestic inundation and more to do with the improper use of arcane knowledge to generate sexual arousal. ("taking a hot bath")

Which brings us full circle to the Zuber and somehow there is now a hint of Zeuger involved.

I know, it all sounds pretty messy, ... but you asked for it.

Al parecer, el nombre tiene orígenes árabes y persas y se deriva de la palabra árabe 'zubr', que significa 'león'. Bueno, eso ciertamente parece un significado mucho mejor que simplemente "fabricante de tubos".​
Could it not be the alchemy tube?


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I am fascinated by your efforts MJF pulling on so many threads. By re-reading your posts I came up with a point I had not noticed before.

Something, a TDARM, and something else was buried on Oak Island.
Something, at a later date, was taken from the pit.

The TDARM needed to be handled by the pure of heart? or am I mixing up a TDARM and the Ark of the Covenant?
What was dug up and do you think all these actions are the work of, shall we say, STS. I realise I have been presuming one thing all along when I am wrong.

The C's did point out to Laura that the Ark of the Covenant had to be handled by the pure of heart, which in biblical terms meant the Levite priesthood, a monk-like sect of pacifists, who served Moses their fellow Levite. They alone were responsible for carrying the Ark and guarding it:
Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant"?
To: Power cell.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?
A: Lizards given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.
Q: (L) Why was it that if you came close to this object or touched it you would die?
To: Energy overload; scrambling by reverse electromagnetism.
Q: (L) What is reverse electromagnetism?
A: Turned inward.
Q: (L) What effect does it produce?
To: Liquification of matter
[MJF: Which brings to mind the famous climactic scene in the Indiana Jones film The Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Nazis are liquified by the power of the Ark when they unwisely unleash it.]
Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. This "cell" was kept in an ornate box of some sort, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was it only the priests who could handle it?
A: Only those who would not try to use for selfish reasons.
Q: (L) But then did just coming near it injure a person?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well why were these individuals able to come near it?
To: Nonselfish energy field.
Q: (L) So it could tune into thought fields?
Yes. [MJF: This suggests to me that the power cell had an inbuilt AI (artificial intelligence) capability.]

I find it curious though that it could only be handled safely by those who did not have selfish motives for using it since the C's elsewhere confirmed that the Ark power cell had been created by STS forces who are by their inherent nature are selfish and self serving.

However, the C's have also said that the power cell in the Ark was a TDARM and thus equivalent to the device buried on Oak Island:

A: The Ark of the Covenant is not what you think it is.

Q: You guys said that it was a power cell. I don't have some sort of romantic idea of it. I can accept that. But there are all these stories about it and a lot of people have mythologized it. What do you mean by saying such a thing. What is the Ark?

A: See Oak Island.

{Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularizer?}

This leads me to wonder whether the TDARM buried on Oak Island may indeed have been the power cell (TDARM) previously stored in the Ark of the Covenant until Abraham/Moses handed it back to the STS forces that had created it, since this device would by the 16th century (when the C's said the treasure was buried on Oak Island) have become a veritable relic:

Q: Ark has a question. He wants to know if you can give us one other location of a TDARM from which we can derive a relationship?

A: TDARMs do not have fixed locators, Oak Island is a buried relic; therefore the exception that verifies the rule.

Judging from what the C's have told us about the TDRAM buried on Oak Island, it was originally buried there 10,000 years ago by the Lizard beings:

Q: (L) What is buried on Oak Island?
A: Regenerator.
Q: (L) What is a regenerator?
A: Remolecularizer.
Q: (L) Who put it there?
A: Lizard beings.
Q: (L) When did they put it there?
A: 10,000 years ago, approximately.
Q: (L) Do they use it from time to time?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does it still work?
A: It could.
Q: (T) What is the purpose of a remolecularizer?
A: Regenerate matter.
Q: (L) Such as physical bodies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, you just go and stand next to it or inside it or whatever and it regenerates you?
A: Any matter.

However, if the enclave of alchemists were tasked with burying it again on Oak Island in the 1500's, this would seem to suggest it was retrieved at some stage by the Lizards for it to have required reburial. This is why I wonder if it was the same object or device that Abraham/Moses acquired from Akhenaten (via Nefertiti's treachery), which he stored in the Ark of the Covenant until he eventually handed it back to STS forces that had created it:​

A: It was finally understood by "Moses" that the danger of the object was greater than the ability of descendants to resist corruption. He handed it over to those who had created it.

Q: (Galahad) Was it STS or STO forces that created it?


There is nearly a 3,000 year time gap though between Abraham/Moses handing the TDARM back to STS forces and the alchemists reburying it on Oak Island. This leads me to wonder at what stage the enclave of alchemists acquired the TDRAM. Indeed, I also wonder why the Lizards did not rebury it themselves rather than getting humans to do it for them, since they had buried it on Oak Island originally.

There is reason to believe that the Knights Templar discovered the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy land during their occupation of Palestine (as proposed by English author Graham Phillips). There are many who think the Templars may subsequently have buried the Ark (not the power cell or TDARM but the wooden and gold carrier) on Oak Island either before or after their suppression in 1307 AD. The Lagina brothers have certainly found plenty of evidence linking the Templers to the island, as shown on their ongoing TV series The Curse of Oak Island. It would seem that it fell to the enclave of alchemists/Rosicrucians to bury the power cell/TDRAM on Oak Island more than 200 years after the Templars' suppression. In doing so, did the alchemists reunite it with the Ark of the Covenant already deposited there by the Templars?

It seems that TDRAMs can also be used to restore life rather than take it away in the manner that the Ark power cell/TDARM appears to have done in the Bible stories:

A: For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" to aliens and S.G. [Secret Government, which the C's have recently said is non-human]

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

A: No.

It also seems that a TDARM can be used as a teleportation tool judging from comments the C's made here:

Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys?

A: Airports are used by both.

Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?

A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.

Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport?

A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning. Did you catch the latest report about Neanderthals and DNA and how it relates to you?

You will note that the C's made these comments about airports and TDARMs in connection with Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians who they implicated as being involved in the Oak Island Mystery, centring around the buried TDARM, along with the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees. Their reference above to a "much, much deeper meaning" could well be alluding to the subterranean Aryan civilisation the Nation of the Third Eye (who are STS orientated), since the C's confirmed in a recent session that access to and from these deep underground bases involves the use of portals (which are specifically crafted in contrast to 'windows', which occur naturally from the geology of a terrain - "A: Window is open, portal is crafted"), which may be linked in turn to the use of TDARM devices:
Q: (V) If there are not personal portals for one person, or portals for groups of people...

A: Portal is where you desire it to be.

Q: (V) So it could just be a state of mind?

A: No. With proper technology you can create a portal where desired. There are unlimited options.

The reference above to "proper technology" could well mean TDARMs. This last extract from the transcripts should also be linked with the one directly above it where the following extract is concerned:​

Q: On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information? Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?

A: Portal is dual.

Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?

A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.

Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?

A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.

As I posted on a recent session thread, it seems as though the scientists involved in research at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah have discovered an alien portal operating there, where infrared cameras actually caught alien craft passing straight through the solid rock of a mesa overlooking the ranch. The C's have recently confirmed that Skinwalker Ranch does indeed host an underground alien base. This brings to mind what the C's said here:
A: "Aliens?" What constitutes such?

Q: (L) Okay. Well then, non-human beings. Extra- terrestrials, Ultra-terrestrials, and so forth.

A: These bases have naturalized the inhabitants. Anomalies occur as much because of where the bases are chosen to be located as any other factor. Magnetic faults and their inherent portals, you know!

The use of certain frequencies seems to come into play too where TDARM technology is concerned:

Q: (Andromeda) I want to ask about this David Paulides Missing 411 book. There's this weird thing where when a lot of the missing people are actually found, they're found missing shoes and socks. Why?

A: Glitches in transdimensional transference. Recall that this process includes something like flipping backwards and inside out through the realm curtain. Sometimes the trailing parts do not reassemble completely or correctly.

Q: (L) The trailing parts being feet! You're going through a wormhole or something and you're being flipped over and turned inside out to go to the other realm. Then they send you back, and it doesn't always work.

(Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. I was wondering what the...

(Andromeda) Yeah, what's the connection with berries? They're either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries.

(Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

(L) Yeah, there's that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there's something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something.

(Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it's similar. It has to do with objects and sounds.

(Perceval) It's the location at that level... a locating device.

(L) It's a locator.

A: Yes.

I hope to elaborate further on the relevance of portals and windows, to the Rennes-le-Chateau area, something which Abbe Berenger Sauniere seems to have been profoundly aware of. Indeed, one special frequency that seems to apply here is the musical note F sharp, since it seems to have a profound effect on the human psyche and even on the local environment. This was something that ancient inhabitants in that region appeared to have understood as an archaeological dig at a Neolithic site in the area uncovered a bowl with stretched animal skin across it which specifically emitted the note F sharp when struck.

I just hope this post does not leave you more confused than before though :-D.​
Thank you so much MJF for such an in depth reply, but yes, I'm still confused. All my own fault really.
The C's have said that "an item" has been buried somewhere in the Pyrenees and is occluded ( is the word right).
Starting from Frank onwards people were trying to get close to Laura to see if she could lead them to "it"

My error was assuming it was STO that buried "it". But it seems it was the STS all along. I apologise for the noise but I've learned a valuable lesson. Thank you.
Thank you so much MJF for such an in depth reply, but yes, I'm still confused. All my own fault really.
The C's have said that "an item" has been buried somewhere in the Pyrenees and is occluded ( is the word right).
Starting from Frank onwards people were trying to get close to Laura to see if she could lead them to "it"

My error was assuming it was STO that buried "it". But it seems it was the STS all along. I apologise for the noise but I've learned a valuable lesson. Thank you.

The item the C's said was buried somewhere in southern France in "Galle" (perhaps the Roman province of Gallia which bordered the Pyrenees) is in fact the Grail (the Mother Stone or Merkabah), which I think may be Baphomet, the pure crystal skull which came into the possession of the Knights Templar most probably whilst they were based in the Holy Land:

Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...

A: Try to connect to the Templars.

Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then underground?

A: Buried in Galle.

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again, but be careful!!

Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?

A: Skull was of pure crystal.

Q: What is the definition of the god 'Baphomet,' if they did, indeed, worship such?

A: The holder of the Trent.

*This reference by the C's to Kaballah, which you will note came with a health warning, is highly important, as I intend to show in upcoming posts, since Kaballah involves the use of chanting. If you get it wrong, it can kill you since it has a profound affect on the brain and can overwhelm those not skilled in its use. My understanding is that it can produce what seems like a very loud bell ringing in the head, which may make some sense of the response the C's made to Laura in the following extract:
Q: (L) Well, as you know, I have already found the funny connections to the Plain of San Augustin where the purported Roswell crash occurred, closely linked to Magdalena, Socorro, and the similarities of these names to places in Egypt and the Canaries... such as RosTau and Saqqare, and the image of St. Augustine being replaced by St. Anthony in the Grail stories, and the celebratory day being January 17th, which is also the day of Janus, guardian of the door, and Augustus was the named ruler at the time of the purported birth of Jesus, as well the name being of the one who supposedly “created” the church dogma and who attacked the gnostics so vigorously. So, all these names are THERE, but no method of sorting seems to ring a bell in my head... [MJF: the double-headed Roman god Janus, the god of new beginnings and/or endings, of spiritual portals and gateways, may be linked with the Baphomet Crystal Skull of the Templars and therefore with the Holy Grail. N.B. January 17th is also the day on which Abbé Berenger Sauniere died.]

A: No, not yet, my dear, not yet!!! [MJF: Note the use of a triple exclamation mark here. The relevance of this point may become clearer in an upcoming post that I hope to do soon.]

One spoiler alert I can add at this stage was that Abbe Berenger Sauniere (a Martinist Rosicrucian) was a Kaballah initiate and a high powered STS operative who very much wished to get his hands on the Grail but was prevented from doing so by a secret society involved in guarding its secrets.

This object must be distinguished from the Ark of the Covenant "power cell" (which we also know is a TDARM) that was handed over by Abraham/Moses to the STS forces that created it and may, I believe, be the object that the alchemists buried on Oak Island. Indeed, the C's have said that in antiquity there was a separate Grail faction and a separate Ark faction, the latter being centred for a time at the ancient city of Baalbek in what is now modern Lebanon, a city originally constructed by STS forces:
Q: (L) I hate it when they do that: blow my theory to bits. Was there a "grail faction" and an "ark faction?"

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Was Baalbek built by the Ark Faction or the Grail Faction?

A: It was Ark Faction.

The C's also said that the Grail was at some stage retrieved by STO forces from STS hands and put away (buried?) for safekeeping:​

Q: (L) Jay Weidner says that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil. Is he correct in this assessment?

A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets
* might be termed as such. Also they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli! [*the Rosicrucians/Illuminati?]


Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did they lose it?

A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.

Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?

A: 4th density STO mission.

Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Q: (R) Well I guess another major reason is just to disrupt in general. So more or less yes, but there are other reasons. Well Jay Weidner said that they now think that Frank is going to help them find it, that he is a channel for Set. (A) We don't know if this is true. What Jay Weidner says about their hopes about Frank. If that were true they would already have Frank they would be busy with Frank and they would be leaving us alone. So, I don't think it is so important. (L) I don't either. It was just bait tossed out by Jay Weidner. (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.

The fact that it helped to transport a group of Kantekkians to Earth may suggest it has TDRAM capabilities as well ("Airports are used by both"). As to your confusion, do not worry since you are in good company as even members of the Chateau crew were also confused until they posed the following question to the C's and got the following answer:
Q: One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the Covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such. [MJF: The Ark was a power cell but the Grail is not technology per se. The Ark was an STS created tool but the Grail was STO created that could be used by either side.]

Q: (Galahad) Thanks guys! That's real clear!

A: This is an issue that will clarify itself soon enough.

As to this idea of occlusion or a frequency fence preventing STS forces from laying their hands on the Grail, this is best summed up here by the C's:
Session 18 January 2002:

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the sword from the stone." [MJF: A clear reference here to the Holy Grail as per the link to the King Arthur legend who drew the sword from the stone and whose Knights of the Round Table went on a quest seeking the Grail.]

You will note that the C's put the word "see" in quotes here, which suggests a much deeper meaning is involved than merely ordinary sight. This point may be tied up with their description of Baphomet, the pure crystal skull, as the "seer of the passage" in this extract from the transcripts:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

It may also link with what the C's said here about the term "seer":

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centres

The "third eye" is, of course, the pineal gland, which the C's said was our uplink to higher densities. One objective of Kabbalist initiation (and of the Egyptian pilgrimage of initiation in pharaonic times) was to open up the initiate's higher intellectual centres to thus make one a seer, an illuminated one.​

As the leading 20th century occultist Kenneth Grant wrote:

"These artists accomplished a leap into other dimensions and – this is the important point – returned to record their extra-dimensional experiences… Art, in the true and vital sense, is an instrument, a magical machine, a means of occult exploration which can project the seer into the realm of the Unseen and launch the waking mind into the seas of the subconsciousness.

Nicolas Poussin, who was known as the 'Keeper of Secrets', may have been one such artist since it is thought that he was a Rosicrucian, who in my view may have been aware of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees and the secret of the Grail, which he cleverly encoded in his famous work the Shepherds of Arcadia.

Another artist who certainly made that leap into other dimensions and then reflected it in his work was the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali. It may come as no surprise then to learn that he too was a Rosicrucian and a close friend of the Rosicrucian artist and film director Jean Cocteau (supposedly the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion), who will feature again in an upcoming post. I have written about the abandoned French hamlet of Perillos in a previous post, suggesting that it may be the location of the enclave of alchemists. However, I will only say at this stage that Salvador Dali visited the place and it had a profound effect upon him since he felt the devil was all around him there. Curiously, I understand that the abandoned hamlet even has, or had, the French postal code 666, the number of the beast. There was also a good reason why the inhabitants abandoned the hamlet, which I will explain in my next post.

How Baphomet may have been used by the Knights Templar as a "seer of the passage" might be gleaned from what the C's said here about the famous Mitchell Hedge's crystal skull, which is undoubtedly of inferior quality to Baphomet:
Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America? [MJF: The Mitchell-Hedges Skull]

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

You will note that the C's said the skull was used to study the brain and learn about the soul, and it was also capable of reflective remolecularisation imaging, which may link us back to TDARMs. It would not even surprise me if Baphomet was capable of producing three dimensional holographic projections to help open up the passage (portal or doorway) to higher dimensions, realms or densities. Even the name "Baphomet", the baptism of wisdom, may be indicative of this.

I hope this post will help you to understand things a bit better :-D.

FYI: I will be following up on many of these points in my next posts, where the concept of portals will take on a significant importance and may help to knit things together.

der Schiller (as a noun) means first and foremost Iridescence

View attachment 101221

-> der Schiller - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch

Out of "Schoeller" one could make Schueller, which is more or less 'Schüler', which is a pupil or a ... Lehrling, like in Zauberlehrling.
Many thanks for your comments. Getting a German interpretation helps as much can be lost in translation.

Where the C's said:

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?
A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ ...

, it made me wonder if the C's were also having a little joke at Laura's expense (they love humour). Where they say "was he Zuber", if this was said in English with a thick German accent, it might come across as "Was he super". Who knows?
They used crystal skull to learn about soul through reflective remolecularization imaging. Now that's how you learn about soul. Not this mumbo jumbo in our current civilization that we call psychology. The C's were right. We truly are not much smarter than Neanderthals.

The item the C's said was buried somewhere in southern France in "Galle" (perhaps the Roman province of Gallia which bordered the Pyrenees) is in fact the Grail (the Mother Stone or Merkabah), which I think may be Baphomet, the pure crystal skull which came into the possession of the Knights Templar most probably whilst they were based in the Holy Land:

Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...

A: Try to connect to the Templars.

Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then underground?

A: Buried in Galle.

Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumours... what were they doing in Jerusalem?

A: Templars held the secret of levitation.

Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret?

A: Yes.

Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth?

A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again, but be careful!!

Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?

A: Skull was of pure crystal.

Q: What is the definition of the god 'Baphomet,' if they did, indeed, worship such?

A: The holder of the Trent.

*This reference by the C's to Kaballah, which you will note came with a health warning, is highly important, as I intend to show in upcoming posts, since Kaballah involves the use of chanting. If you get it wrong, it can kill you since it has a profound affect on the brain and can overwhelm those not skilled in its use. My understanding is that it can produce what seems like a very loud bell ringing in the head, which may make some sense of the response the C's made to Laura in the following extract:
Q: (L) Well, as you know, I have already found the funny connections to the Plain of San Augustin where the purported Roswell crash occurred, closely linked to Magdalena, Socorro, and the similarities of these names to places in Egypt and the Canaries... such as RosTau and Saqqare, and the image of St. Augustine being replaced by St. Anthony in the Grail stories, and the celebratory day being January 17th, which is also the day of Janus, guardian of the door, and Augustus was the named ruler at the time of the purported birth of Jesus, as well the name being of the one who supposedly “created” the church dogma and who attacked the gnostics so vigorously. So, all these names are THERE, but no method of sorting seems to ring a bell in my head... [MJF: the double-headed Roman god Janus, the god of new beginnings and/or endings, of spiritual portals and gateways, may be linked with the Baphomet Crystal Skull of the Templars and therefore with the Holy Grail. N.B. January 17th is also the day on which Abbé Berenger Sauniere died.]

A: No, not yet, my dear, not yet!!! [MJF: Note the use of a triple exclamation mark here. The relevance of this point may become clearer in an upcoming post that I hope to do soon.]

One spoiler alert I can add at this stage was that Abbe Berenger Sauniere (a Martinist Rosicrucian) was a Kaballah initiate and a high powered STS operative who very much wished to get his hands on the Grail but was prevented from doing so by a secret society involved in guarding its secrets.

This object must be distinguished from the Ark of the Covenant "power cell" (which we also know is a TDARM) that was handed over by Abraham/Moses to the STS forces that created it and may, I believe, be the object that the alchemists buried on Oak Island. Indeed, the C's have said that in antiquity there was a separate Grail faction and a separate Ark faction, the latter being centred for a time at the ancient city of Baalbek in what is now modern Lebanon, a city originally constructed by STS forces:
Q: (L) I hate it when they do that: blow my theory to bits. Was there a "grail faction" and an "ark faction?"

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Was Baalbek built by the Ark Faction or the Grail Faction?

A: It was Ark Faction.

The C's also said that the Grail was at some stage retrieved by STO forces from STS hands and put away (buried?) for safekeeping:​

Q: (L) Jay Weidner says that there is something in the south of France that is very, very evil. Is he correct in this assessment?

A: Not really. But those guarding the secrets
* might be termed as such. Also they wish to make others think thus. Machiavelli! [*the Rosicrucians/Illuminati?]


Q: (L) We were making some theories about this object that Vincent Bridges was looking for - the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Grail. I believe that we understand that this is an object that is of great usefulness, some kind of lensing device. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is this something that the STS groups - yeah, we know everybody on earth is STS, but I mean the heavy duty ones - had at one time and then lost, or lost control of?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How did they lose it?

A: It was not so much "lost" as it was "retrieved" and put away for safe keeping.

Q: (R & L) Who retrieved it?

A: 4th density STO mission.

Q: (L) Who is it that is looking for it? Is it 3rd density STS or 4th density?

A: Both.

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Q: (R) Which is similar to what we've been talking about. If you don't have the same frequency it's ... (L) Or they can set a frequency around it that these guys can't tune to and can't penetrate. (R) It becomes invisible in some sense. (L) But they can still in some way detect a region or something. But it can be like noise or something maybe; so much noise that they can't isolate the signal. Is this the reason these people keep coming after us, because they want us to help them find this thing? Is this the reason?

A: More or less. Though not the only one.

Q: (R) Well I guess another major reason is just to disrupt in general. So more or less yes, but there are other reasons. Well Jay Weidner said that they now think that Frank is going to help them find it, that he is a channel for Set. (A) We don't know if this is true. What Jay Weidner says about their hopes about Frank. If that were true they would already have Frank they would be busy with Frank and they would be leaving us alone. So, I don't think it is so important. (L) I don't either. It was just bait tossed out by Jay Weidner. (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.

The fact that it helped to transport a group of Kantekkians to Earth may suggest it has TDRAM capabilities as well ("Airports are used by both"). As to your confusion, do not worry since you are in good company as even members of the Chateau crew were also confused until they posed the following question to the C's and got the following answer:
Q: One of the questions we would like to clear up is the issue of the Holy Grail and the Ark. Is the Ark of the Covenant - the ark thing given to the early pre-Mosaic Jews that you have described previously - the same as the Holy Grail?

A: No.

Q: (L) So there are two completely different technologies?

A: If you wish to term it such. [MJF: The Ark was a power cell but the Grail is not technology per se. The Ark was an STS created tool but the Grail was STO created that could be used by either side.]

Q: (Galahad) Thanks guys! That's real clear!

A: This is an issue that will clarify itself soon enough.

As to this idea of occlusion or a frequency fence preventing STS forces from laying their hands on the Grail, this is best summed up here by the C's:
Session 18 January 2002:

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the sword from the stone." [MJF: A clear reference here to the Holy Grail as per the link to the King Arthur legend who drew the sword from the stone and whose Knights of the Round Table went on a quest seeking the Grail.]

You will note that the C's put the word "see" in quotes here, which suggests a much deeper meaning is involved than merely ordinary sight. This point may be tied up with their description of Baphomet, the pure crystal skull, as the "seer of the passage" in this extract from the transcripts:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

It may also link with what the C's said here about the term "seer":

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centres

The "third eye" is, of course, the pineal gland, which the C's said was our uplink to higher densities. One objective of Kabbalist initiation (and of the Egyptian pilgrimage of initiation in pharaonic times) was to open up the initiate's higher intellectual centres to thus make one a seer, an illuminated one.​

As the leading 20th century occultist Kenneth Grant wrote:

"These artists accomplished a leap into other dimensions and – this is the important point – returned to record their extra-dimensional experiences… Art, in the true and vital sense, is an instrument, a magical machine, a means of occult exploration which can project the seer into the realm of the Unseen and launch the waking mind into the seas of the subconsciousness.

Nicolas Poussin, who was known as the 'Keeper of Secrets', may have been one such artist since it is thought that he was a Rosicrucian, who in my view may have been aware of the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees and the secret of the Grail, which he cleverly encoded in his famous work the Shepherds of Arcadia.

Another artist who certainly made that leap into other dimensions and then reflected it in his work was the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali. It may come as no surprise then to learn that he too was a Rosicrucian and a close friend of the Rosicrucian artist and film director Jean Cocteau (supposedly the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion), who will feature again in an upcoming post. I have written about the abandoned French hamlet of Perillos in a previous post, suggesting that it may be the location of the enclave of alchemists. However, I will only say at this stage that Salvador Dali visited the place and it had a profound effect upon him since he felt the devil was all around him there. Curiously, I understand that the abandoned hamlet even has, or had, the French postal code 666, the number of the beast. There was also a good reason why the inhabitants abandoned the hamlet, which I will explain in my next post.

How Baphomet may have been used by the Knights Templar as a "seer of the passage" might be gleaned from what the C's said here about the famous Mitchell Hedge's crystal skull, which is undoubtedly of inferior quality to Baphomet:
Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America? [MJF: The Mitchell-Hedges Skull]

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

You will note that the C's said the skull was used to study the brain and learn about the soul, and it was also capable of reflective remolecularisation imaging, which may link us back to TDARMs. It would not even surprise me if Baphomet was capable of producing three dimensional holographic projections to help open up the passage (portal or doorway) to higher dimensions, realms or densities. Even the name "Baphomet", the baptism of wisdom, may be indicative of this.

I hope this post will help you to understand things a bit better :-D.

FYI: I will be following up on many of these points in my next posts, where the concept of portals will take on a significant importance and may help to knit things together.

If the Grail is a pure crystal skull that was created in Kantek, this can give us an idea that the Kantekians were possibly instructed by the 6th density with the mission of containing valuable information in that crystal since it served for the manifestation of necessary things of existence that can refer to life, planets, galaxies, etc. Since if the Kantekians could not save their planet with something of immense value and power it was probably because that crystal would have another mission entrusted by the 6th density and being a transdensity device means that it is not something physical or solid but rather hyperdimensional, so yes The Cs said buried in France "Galle" they are not mentioning that place it does not make sense it is rather something else like deposited in a person (Galle -Guille) and Laura could be destined to find that person or the other way around that that person would find to Laura not necessarily in person but even as someone on this forum.
The name Guillermo as meaning is will-protector even has a Germanic relationship.
Not this mumbo jumbo in our current civilization that we call psychology.
I once read somewhere that Freud was at least interested in Kabbalah. And that Goetia can be seen as a medieval 'precursor' to psychology, in the same way that alchemy can be seen as a 'precursor' to chemistry.
Crowley's reaction to Freud was supposedly something like "Science is making a great hue and cry about discoveries that have been known to magicians for centuries, if not millennia."
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..., it made me wonder if the C's were also having a little joke at Laura's expense ...
One must, of course, note that if one takes the whole thing seriously, we are dealing here with a transfer from (assumed) extremely high spiritual realms down through the psychosymatics of Ms. Knight-Jadczyk onto a witch board. Laura is not fluent in German, which could explain why whenever the C's try to formulate a word or even a sentence in German, the result is rather unsatisfactory. In addition, of course, there is Lauara's lack of knowledge about some 'basic' things (which is not a reproach, but must be taken into account).

'Wolfgang Schiller' from 2:13-2:24:
Just to make the point clear, for those who don't understand: 'Wolfgang Schiller' is like...maybe...

Betty Monroe - Merylin Page
Gorge Roseevelt - Franklin D. Washington
Mageret O'Connor - Sinéad McThatcher
Adolf Stalin - Josef Hitler

(I am exaggerating, of course.)
Many thanks for your comments. Getting a German interpretation helps as much can be lost in translation.

Where the C's said:

A: What does Schiller, or Schoeller mean?
A: Was he zuber?

Q: (A) Zauber, in German, means ‘magic.’ ...

, it made me wonder if the C's were also having a little joke at Laura's expense (they love humour). Where they say "was he Zuber", if this was said in English with a thick German accent, it might come across as "Was he super". Who knows?
I have to admit that something caught my attention in this publication so I decided to share information with you if you allow me. According to this source that I will leave below, the Grail was on six occasions in the world or at least it has been used activated, this would be the 7th time that it is present again, this source declares that the Grail is the primordial sound, which is a certain sound that By pronouncing it correctly, the key to unlimited strength is opened. Here I leave the books for those who are interested. You can search, perhaps it may be useful to you. Book Shambala 4 Anastasia Novick available in English and the Book Allatra also talks about the Grail.

A summary of what Anastasia Novick says about the Grail.

Rigden: It's true... This knowledge, which is "sacred" to one community or another, is almost never fully revealed by the tribe's priests, especially to casual outsiders. And regarding the Grail, it is important to remember that when it was hidden, it was no coincidence that the 12 signs were divided into four parts with three signs in each. This significantly complicated the process of composing the signs and activating the Grail through sound. The signs of the Grail in a certain sequence are like a form, like a key to the lock that, when a certain force is applied (the sonic formula of the Primordial Sound), opens possibilities beyond the limits for a human being. Anastasia: Four parts with three signs in each one... Rigden: By the way, these ancient peoples have preserved mentions that the number four represents the feminine principle, three is the masculine principle, and when added together they equal seven, which is the foundation of the human being (the principle of eternal life), perfection. Anastasia: The number four represents the feminine principle... So if the Grail is made up of four parts, this indirectly indicates the connection to the divine creative force of the feminine principle. Allat. Book AllatRa. Anastasia: The signs? Considering that Shambala also communicates and creates events through signs... Signs are a very special topic. In relation to the previous legend, readers may wonder, what does "the main guiding signs" mean? Rigden: Well, first of all, the very fact that the Dogon had that knowledge shows that their ancestors received it through paleocontact. The two "guiding signs" are signs that can only be used by the one who is called Amma in their mythology. And the eight "main signs" are the creative signs, which, when a certain force is applied to them, in figurative terms, like a key in a lock, unlock certain capacities to control both the processes of creation and destruction. On rare occasions, it happens that the "main signs" become available to a human being. Anastasia: In very rare cases, they become available for a human... But that's the Holy Grail! I recorded this knowledge in the book Sensei IV. Once you mentioned that the Grail consists of twelve signs, and the Dogon mythology mentions eight of them, excluding the two that, in principle, are not available to the people, as I understand it. So, the Dogon had incomplete information, or it was partially lost over time, or it was concealed from the European researchers who recorded their myths. But the fact that the Grail consists of "the main signs" with which one can shape and correct the world according to one's desires is indirectly mentioned in many legends from different cultures. Book AllatRa.
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