Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

It's like saying that genetically you were born with an acoustic resonance chamber like that of an opera house but you lack the fat lady who sings.

What I am thinking, that access to the center of gravity is also a function of genetic makeup. Beyond the gold thing, alchemy is about epigenetic regulation. You also have to remember that the genetic body in the matter of densities, the 2D genetic being a reflection of the 6D. That last thing I mention is what I remember reading, although I can't find it in the transcripts.
I was heading in that direction too. All of us (maybe not organic portals) have the potential to nest a 4D body inside of us and maybe some individuals can access the ethereal 4D genetic strands they may have acquired or inherited to achieve amazing feats such as levitation and teleportation etc., as would seem to be the case with the gifted individuals the C's spoke about who used to meet at Chaco Canyon in its heyday.​
I was heading in that direction too. All of us (maybe not organic portals) have the potential to nest a 4D body inside of us and maybe some individuals can access the ethereal 4D genetic strands they may have acquired or inherited to achieve amazing feats such as levitation and teleportation etc., as would seem to be the case with the gifted individuals the C's spoke about who used to meet at Chaco Canyon in its heyday.

And here comes the twist. The C's commented in the last sessions on the “fluid” of 4D characteristics:

Q: (gottathink) Older transcripts refer to a genetic alteration that caused truncated fluid flow. Is the fluid being referred to the cerebral spinal fluid?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well then that eliminates the next question, which was a follow up. What fluid flow is it?

A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from them... Wasn't there some session about it?

(L) There was, there was something about it. I think we were talking about dancing once and they were talking about some kind of energy flow that came through the arms that allowed them to be able to levitate.

(Joe) Yeah, that was the spear-handed Maruts and stuff like that.

(L) Is that why, or the means by which, some odd people throughout history have been able to levitate because they had some genetic quirk that allowed this system to be operational?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I mean, just like some people can transmit healing power and so forth. So there's a whole other different thing that's going on in the body that people are not aware of. Is that because the fluid is something other than what we think of as fluid? It's more like...

(Andromeda) Energy?

(L) Yeah, or more like...

A: Difficult to explain since you don't have the concepts.

Q: (Joe) It's based on an unknown structure...

(L) A structure throughout the body that carries a fluid, or something like something like a fluid... Is it because it's not exactly like a fluid as we know it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it something that's more like, say, a 4th density fluid?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the structure itself is fourth density when it exists in the body?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we have the potential for this if the DNA were to be upregulated?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Untruncated.

(L) Untruncated, yeah, and some rare individuals accidentally by genetic recombination have this...

(Andromeda) Have you ever heard of anybody glowing?

(Joe) No.

(Andromeda) There are halos.

(L) There are halos and then there are ancient stories of people glowing, you know? But I would say... Well actually, yes I have because some of these stories like for example, some of the people who levitate or like Padre Pio and others like that, there have been people who say that they saw the person glowing. Anybody ever heard of that or read of it? Yes? Yeah. Okay. Aeneas has. Okay, so it's not absolutely unheard of. Well that's very interesting.

Blue apples, blue veins. Blue light. There's the clue. Blue light and a frequency of (400-500 nm wavelength). Then you have that truncated fluid is related to the carbon enzyme.

A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal

Q: What does the rest of the DNA code for that is not coding for structural genes. What else can it be doing?

A: Truncated flow.

Q: Truncated flow of what?

A: Liquids.

Q: Liquids from where to where?

A: What is your sense?

Q: Well, what liquids?

A: Time for your input.

Q: Do some of these...

A: No. Not alright: we asked you a question!

Q: Okay. Truncated flow of liquids. I'm not even sure what that means. (A) Maybe something was flowing and something cut it off and stopped it and it cannot be developed. It means that something was cut. (L) Does truncated flow mean a flow of liquid that has been stopped?

A: Yes. Because of design alteration!

Q: Is this liquid that has been truncated a chemical transmitter?

A: Yes.

Q: And would this chemical transmitter, if it were allowed to flow, cause significant alterations in other segments of the DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: So, there is a segment of code that is in there, that is deliberately inserted, to truncate this flow of liquid, which is a chemical transmitter, or neuropeptide, which would unlock significant portions of our DNA?

A: Close Biogenetic engineering.

By the way... something strange happened with this thread about the phosphor and the frequency of light... it is no longer there or I can't access it.

What if this is related to phosphorus, light and truncated fluid?

Putting all that together, I have the impression that this circulatory system of energy, light and power is similar to how chlorophyll processes sunlight.

Maybe our ancestors had the ability to do photosynthesis!
As we see it is already public knowledge about the value of the Grail if we consider the information exposed in these forum pages with extensive care and dedication (it is no longer a secret) is already available on the net...and I do not believe that the men in black, the cointelpro as the 4 D STS beings have confiscated or kept quiet about what is going on here? Patrice Chaplin, the Cs, etc. have hit the bullseye leads me to think that if they STS are waiting for the right guy to capture the Grail and take it away it is a ridiculous idea that I don't care about since Jose Tarres already lived his good life as Patrice and they sleep peacefully so I deduce that they have not reached him they have not obtained the Grail the Cs themselves stated that it served to manifest things out of existence, anyone correct me? If it were my case I would completely eliminate all the STS heavyweight machinery, we would return to a golden age and no living being would have an advantage over another, wars would end and it would be a new era never seen before of peace and happiness without disease or unnecessary suffering, that is "mercy" you know I believe many times that if there is a federation they may be posing as benevolent sources and may be lying to maintain their vision of how things should be on Earth and other densities.

But that is going to change very soon.
I had always associated Truncate with computer code/stopping a process as that was how it was used in a college class as a verb. In the above discussion quoted what was truncated was the flow, not the substance itself. There are several references in the Bible to stumps, roots, branches and shoots used as metaphor in connection with people.

The Connection Between Truncate and Trees

Bushwhack your way deep enough into the literature of tree identification and you may come across references to trees with “truncate” leaves. Such leaves (as of the tulip tree, for example) have bases that are straight and even, as though they’ve been cut or sheared away from something larger. The adjectival use of truncate isn’t common—it’s mostly found in technical writing (and can also describe feathers, etc., that appear squared or evened off), but the familiar verb doesn’t fall far from the tree: it is applied when something is shortened by literally or figuratively lopping part of it off, as when someone truncates a planned speech to fit time constraints. Both adjective and noun come from the Latin verb truncare, meaning “to shorten,” which in turn traces back to the noun truncus, meaning “trunk.” So next time you’re stumped about the meaning of truncate, try to picture, well, a stump.

transitive verb

: to shorten by or as if by cutting off

: to replace (an edge or corner of a crystal) by a plane
If it were my case I would completely eliminate all the STS heavyweight machinery, we would return to a golden age and no living being would have an advantage over another, wars would end and it would be a new era never seen before of peace and happiness without disease or unnecessary suffering, that is "mercy" you know I believe many times that if there is a federation they may be posing as benevolent sources and may be lying to maintain their vision of how things should be on Earth and other densities.
So you would have it so that all of use would not be able to learn the lessons we hare here to learn? Because, as the Cs have said, all there is is lessons. That is the only reason we are hear on Earth in 3D. And we cannot learn lessons if all there is is peace and happiness. As they say, in order to see light, you have to have darkness, in order to see good, you have to have evil, in order to have joy, you have to have sadness. Taking away these things make it so that we have no light, good or joy.
So you would have it so that all of use would not be able to learn the lessons we hare here to learn? Because, as the Cs have said, all there is is lessons. That is the only reason we are hear on Earth in 3D. And we cannot learn lessons if all there is is peace and happiness. As they say, in order to see light, you have to have darkness, in order to see good, you have to have evil, in order to have joy, you have to have sadness. Taking away these things make it so that we have no light, good or joy.
In fairness, I think Yula is talking about the world post the transition to 4D, which will be a very different realm of existence for those who are STO. This concept is reflected in Christian teaching concerning the second coming of Christ and the beginning of a reign of peace - there will, be no more tears, weapons will be turned into plough shears etc.​
Why did you say "no" when I said that: "Yes, the C's confirmed that the Grail was created by STO forces and the Ark was created by STS forces."​

Here is what the C's said about the Grail device:

Q: (L) If it is a 3rd density device why do 4th density critters want it?

A: It is a trans-density device.

Q: (L) Well if 4th density STS are so technically advanced how come they can't just make another one?

A: This item is tuned by consciousness. It is of such a frequency that STS gifts are not capable of such precision. The range includes multiple possibility vectors. STS operates within a narrow range.

Q: (R) So they can't make it, but they can use it. So they have to find one that is already created. (L) Is that possible? (A) Operated by consciousness. (L) They said tuned not operated. First of all we want to ask whether they mean tuned as in tuned when it was created or as tuned as in using. (A) There is this scenario that they will wait until the STO guy will find it and tune it, and still only then they will jump on 'em. (L) Right. Do you mean tuned as in the tuning of the creation or the tuning of the operation?

A: Creation.

This suggests to me that it was created by STO forces as STS were not capable of creating it.

As to the Ark's STS origins, here is what the C's said about it:

Q: (L) One aspect of the variation on the story was that Jacob gave his brother, Esau, the 'blessing' and some 'gift.' Does this reflect an accurate part of the story that Moses, in his form as Jacob, passed something on to someone else’s - something that was important?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was it Moses/Abraham who was doing this?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who did he pass it on to?

A: It was finally understood by "Moses" that the danger of the object was greater than the ability of descendants to resist corruption. He handed it over to those who had created it.

Q: (Galahad) Was it STS or STO forces that created it?


Q: (Galahad) So, the Ark was an object created by STS. Did this amount to some sort of realization on Moses' part? Did he start to wake up?

A: Yes. The story of the "contending with the angel" was the significant turning point as well as the moment of return.

That is pretty convincing I think!

You may be confusing creation here with use, as both the Ark and the Grail device could be used by STO and STS forces.
The only grail I like is the next:

February 22rd 2010

Q: (L) You mean like the 19-year cycle and the mother stone and the whole transdimensional thing that I wrote about in Secret History?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In other words, what you're saying is that they did not practice agriculture. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that cereal agriculture and agriculture in general and as a whole is something that has been developed only in the last 10 thousand years and is as a result of our so-called "fall" from that state wherein we could practice technospirituality. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Techno-agro-spirituality!

A: Soon to be restored!

(Perceval) Is kamut okay for us to eat? It's like "old wheat".

A: Yes. When in Rome...

Q: (L) In other words, when in 3rd density without the ability to exercise techno-spirituality, one does what one must. Is that basically it?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) We used to do techno-spirituality?

(L) Yeah, humanity, yeah.

(Bubbles) So, we've regressed so much that we can't anymore?

A: That and change in cosmic environment.

Q: (L) So it's a change in cosmic environment or vibrations or something.

(Bubbles) But the vibrations are gonna change back soon, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) Cool!

(Andromeda) And then we can materialize our own food and it'll be good for us.

(Perceval) Materialize our own healthy food.

(Mr. Scott) We'll be able to manifest healthy pizzas!! [laughter]

A: Yes

Q: (Mr. Scott) Whoa, SWEET!!! And it will even taste like mozzarella cheese?!

A: Yes if you wish!

Q: (Mr. Scott) Oh my god...

(Bubbles) We'll be our own genies?

A: More or less.

I had always associated Truncate with computer code/stopping a process as that was how it was used in a college class as a verb. In the above discussion quoted what was truncated was the flow, not the substance itself. There are several references in the Bible to stumps, roots, branches and shoots used as metaphor in connection with people.

The Connection Between Truncate and Trees

Bushwhack your way deep enough into the literature of tree identification and you may come across references to trees with “truncate” leaves. Such leaves (as of the tulip tree, for example) have bases that are straight and even, as though they’ve been cut or sheared away from something larger. The adjectival use of truncate isn’t common—it’s mostly found in technical writing (and can also describe feathers, etc., that appear squared or evened off), but the familiar verb doesn’t fall far from the tree: it is applied when something is shortened by literally or figuratively lopping part of it off, as when someone truncates a planned speech to fit time constraints. Both adjective and noun come from the Latin verb truncare, meaning “to shorten,” which in turn traces back to the noun truncus, meaning “trunk.” So next time you’re stumped about the meaning of truncate, try to picture, well, a stump.

transitive verb

: to shorten by or as if by cutting off

: to replace (an edge or corner of a crystal) by a plane

Yes and this concept may be reflected in Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia too. The female shepherdess figure, who may represent the goddess Persephone (an archetype of the mother goddess) who in a reflection of nature would spend six months of the year above ground and six months of the year below ground in Hades after eating six pomegranate seeds, is standing in front of a bifurcating tree, where a branch is seen jutting out to her left, a point which Laura has picked up on. However, is it possible that the pregnant shepherdess also denotes Princess Meritaten, who as Kore was the last living member of the Perseid line and the daughter of the large-skulled hybrid Queen Nefertiti. Through her son Ishmael, sired by Abraham, Meritaten would start another Abrahamic branch from which today's Arabs claim descent. However, in my view her descendants are more likely to be found in Britain where I believe Mertiten ultimately found refuge in the guise of the mythic Greek Helle and as Princess Scotia of Scottish and Irish folklore.​


This connection also ties in with what the C's said about Kore and the Autumn Equinox:
Session 16 August 1997:

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!

I have mentioned before that Poussin used pentagonal projection geometry in this painting, which we know from the C's suggestion to view a mirror image of the painting (see below) enabled Poussin to create hidden imagery including a skull, chalice and inverted pyramid that could be a pointer to the Grail (perhaps Baphomet, the pure crystal skull possessed by the Knights Templar).

You will note that the shepherdess disappears altogether from this version. Curiously, there is also a chalice-like figure made from tree foliage appearing over the split mountain top. However, what I didn't know before was that according to researcher Lionel Fanthorpe this pentagonal projection stems from the shepherdess's head, making her perhaps the key figure in the painting. Quoting Fanthorpe:​

"The whole geometry of the painting is governed by the geometry of the pentagon which extends to a considerable distance outside the frame and is centred on the head of the shepherdess."

And we know from the decoded parchment that "Poussin holds the key". Hence, there can be little doubt that there is significant symbolism attached to the figure of the shepherdess in Poussin's painting, which may be linked to something else mentioned in the parchment and that is "Blue Apples" or what the C's said were the "Blue Apples incarnate", which suggests a link to living beings who may be descendants of a particular blue-blooded lineage. Could that lineage be the Perseid line as carried on by Kore or Princess Meritaten?

But what of Autumn? Can there be a link between this season and blue apples? Well yes there is and the link can be found in another painting by Poussin called "L'Autumne, ou la grappe de la terre promise", i.e., Autumn or under its alternative title "the grapes of the promised land". This alternative title immediately makes me think of the C's reference to the trampled "grapes of wrath" and may constitute a link between Meritaten in her figure as the biblical Hagar the Egyptian bondswoman and mother of Ishmael and Sarah, Abraham's wife, who out of envy and anger (wrath) got Abraham to abandon Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. Given that the C's have confirmed that Abraham was also Moses, this meant that Meritaten would never reach the promised land of Israel, the land of milk and honey, having been trampled on by her mother and her lover, Abraham.

Although there is no exact biblical reference to the "grapes of wrath" the closest you can get is to a quotation in the Apocalypse or Book of Revelations:
Revelation 14:17-20 (King James Version, KJV):
17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great wine press of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the wine press, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
These verses speak of the final judgment of the wicked (unbelievers), and the complete destruction of the Earth in the Apocalypse or end of days.

The term "the grapes of wrath" would provide the inspiration for a novel by noted American author John Steinbeck. Curiously, just like me, the first book Steinbeck ever read was Morte d'Arthur (the death of King Arthur) by Mallory, which provides us with another indirect link to the Grail. However, it is the biblical Ark of the Covenant that is alluded to in his depression era tale of a farming family who abandon their Oklahoma farmstead because of the dust bowl to seek a new life in California. Quoting from an article on the book by Esther Lombardi:

"Then, with their world torn apart, the Joads packed up all their worldly possessions (like Noah and his family, in their infamous Ark: "Noah stood on the ground looking up at the great load of them sitting on top of the truck."), and were forced to set off on a cross-country trek to their Promised Land, California. They were searching for a land of "milk and honey," a place where they could work hard and ultimately fulfil the American Dream. They were also following a dream (Grandpa Joad dreamed that he'd have as many grapes as he could eat when he reached California). They had very little choice in the situation. They were escaping from their own very-certain destruction (like Lot and his family)."

Whether Steinbeck's character Grandpa Joad and his dream of eating grapes in the promised land of California was inspired by Poussin's painting of L'Autumne (see below) I do not know.
The painting was one of a series of four on the four seasons of the year. In an earlier post, we looked at the esoteric imagery contained in his painting of Winter (which I will return to in a subsequent post), which depicted the biblical flood. As you can see, the painting above depicts two men of biblical times carrying an enormous bunch of dark blue grapes, which are literally the size of apples. This immediately makes me think of the reference to "Blue Apples" in the decoded parchment Abbe Sauniere allegedly found and the C's own reference to "Blue Apples incarnate" and "the proverbial "grapes of wrath" as well as the blue orbs of light to be seen in Sauniere's church at Rennes-le-Chateau at the time of the Winter Solstice. I don't think this is a mere coincidence either.

However, as Fanthorpe notes, you can also see a mountain peak in the background that looks suspiciously like Mount Cardou, as discussed in my earlier series of articles on the Mountain of God, where it is possible the Grail could have been hidden during Poussin's era. Indeed, as Fanthorpe notes, this Arcadian like scenery could easily pass for the Aude district in southern France where Rennes-le-Chateau is to be found. One can also see a man up a ladder picking apples from am apple tree, which could be a reference to Jacob's Ladder, which is an important device in Masonic lore and symbolism. This symbolism also takes us back to the blessing Jacob received from the angel (who represents the Elohim) and the C's reference to the "trampled leaves of wrath", which appears to be Kore or Princess Meritaten.

Fanthorpe thinks the painting depicting men carrying grapes could instead refer to another biblical incident found in Numbers 13. In this story, Moses is commanded by God to send spies into Canaan to bring back reports of the land and its inhabitants. Moses selects a representative prince from each of the twelve traditional tribes of Israel to undertake the reconnaissance. They reach Eschcol (the name, interestingly, meaning "a bunch" or "cluster") where they cut down one branch laden with grapes so large and heavy that it needs two men to carry it. The spies then return with this and other samples and make their report to Moses. Only Caleb, Prince of Judah, is in favour of attacking. The other princes counselled caution because of the great number and vast size of the indigenous population, some of whom they called Nephilim or giants. This reference to the Nephilim links us back to Queen Nefertiti with her elongated head (marking her out as a Nephilim hybrid) and her daughter Meritaten who also had an enlarged skull, a feature that was subsequently connected with the Merovingian kings of France (were they descendants of Meritaten I wonder?). Moreover, the C's said Kore was handed over to the "Dragon Slayers" who I believe were the legendary red-haired giants known in Irish folklore as the Tuatha de Danann, who may well have been the biblical Tribe of Dan, and were Canaanites just like the giants seen by Moses's spies. Hence, the connections involved here seem to keep on growing and widening.

Fanthorpe also thinks that the grapes could provide another connection to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and this one brings in Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians, and by extension the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees, Sir Phillip Sydney (author of Arcadia) and even the 18th century British Admiral Sir William Anson who in turn is linked with the Oak Island mystery, with more and more evidence being found connecting him to the island and its mysterious treasure. This connection involves special watermark codes used by Sir Francis Bacon and his circle who were all involved in spying for Queen Elizabeth I and were adept at codes and cyphers.

All of this makes me think of what the C's once said about the Rosicrucians:
"A: What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in."

Even this quote may have an indirect link with Poussin's painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia since the figure of the female shepherdess could also also be that of Arachne. She was the protagonist of a tale in Greek mythology known primarily from the version told by the Roman poet Ovid. In Book Six of his epic poem Metamorphoses, Ovid recounts how the talented mortal Arachne challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest. When Athena could find no flaws in the tapestry Arachne had woven for the contest, the goddess became enraged and beat the girl with her shuttle. After Arachne hanged herself out of shame, she was transformed into a spider. The myth both provided an etiology of spiders' web-spinning abilities and was a cautionary tale about human hubris.

I will pick up on these themes in my next post.​
The only grail I like is the next:

February 22rd 2010

Q: (L) You mean like the 19-year cycle and the mother stone and the whole transdimensional thing that I wrote about in Secret History?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In other words, what you're saying is that they did not practice agriculture. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that cereal agriculture and agriculture in general and as a whole is something that has been developed only in the last 10 thousand years and is as a result of our so-called "fall" from that state wherein we could practice technospirituality. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Techno-agro-spirituality!

A: Soon to be restored!

(Perceval) Is kamut okay for us to eat? It's like "old wheat".

A: Yes. When in Rome...

Q: (L) In other words, when in 3rd density without the ability to exercise techno-spirituality, one does what one must. Is that basically it?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) We used to do techno-spirituality?

(L) Yeah, humanity, yeah.

(Bubbles) So, we've regressed so much that we can't anymore?

A: That and change in cosmic environment.

Q: (L) So it's a change in cosmic environment or vibrations or something.

(Bubbles) But the vibrations are gonna change back soon, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) Cool!

(Andromeda) And then we can materialize our own food and it'll be good for us.

(Perceval) Materialize our own healthy food.

(Mr. Scott) We'll be able to manifest healthy pizzas!! [laughter]

A: Yes

Q: (Mr. Scott) Whoa, SWEET!!! And it will even taste like mozzarella cheese?!

A: Yes if you wish!

Q: (Mr. Scott) Oh my god...

(Bubbles) We'll be our own genies?

A: More or less.

Well it sounds like we will have to become untruncated to achieve this :-) .
So you would have it so that all of use would not be able to learn the lessons we hare here to learn? Because, as the Cs have said, all there is is lessons. That is the only reason we are hear on Earth in 3D. And we cannot learn lessons if all there is is peace and happiness. As they say, in order to see light, you have to have darkness, in order to see good, you have to have evil, in order to have joy, you have to have sadness. Taking away these things make it so that we have no light, good or joy.
I mean the Cs could be the federation (we don't know) and if it really is the alien federation ?you could say that the federation is neutral similar to the Quorum where they are only in favor of balance but that is "their version of balance" since we have every right as humans not to agree each one decides and chooses.
Do Blue Apples exist?
Absolutely, blue apples do exist, and they’re quite fascinating! Their distinct look comes from a natural coloring called anthocyanin, which is also found in other colorful fruits and veggies.

While the color might not be sky-blue, this special pigment gives the apple shades like deep purplish-red or even a really dark, almost-black color.

Superposition of spectra of chlorophyll a and b with oenin(malvidin 3O glucoside), a typical anthocyanidin, showing that, while chlorophylls absorb in the blue and yellow/red parts of the visible spectrum, oenin absorbs mainly in the green part of the spectrum, where chlorophylls don't absorb at all.
By the way... something strange happened with this thread about the phosphor and the frequency of light... it is no longer there or I can't access it.
Here is the correct link (click on the article to get access):

Yes and this concept may be reflected in Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia too. The female shepherdess figure, who may represent the goddess Persephone (an archetype of the mother goddess) who in a reflection of nature would spend six months of the year above ground and six months of the year below ground in Hades after eating six pomegranate seeds, is standing in front of a bifurcating tree, where a branch is seen jutting out to her left, a point which Laura has picked up on. However, is it possible that the pregnant shepherdess also denotes Princess Meritaten, who as Kore was the last living member of the Perseid line and the daughter of the large-skulled hybrid Queen Nefertiti. Through her son Ishmael, sired by Abraham, Meritaten would start another Abrahamic branch from which today's Arabs claim descent. However, in my view her descendants are more likely to be found in Britain where I believe Mertiten ultimately found refuge in the guise of the mythic Greek Helle and as Princess Scotia of Scottish and Irish folklore.​

View attachment 103994

This connection also ties in with what the C's said about Kore and the Autumn Equinox:
Session 16 August 1997:

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!

I have mentioned before that Poussin used pentagonal projection geometry in this painting, which we know from the C's suggestion to view a mirror image of the painting (see below) enabled Poussin to create hidden imagery including a skull, chalice and inverted pyramid that could be a pointer to the Grail (perhaps Baphomet, the pure crystal skull possessed by the Knights Templar).

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You will note that the shepherdess disappears altogether from this version. Curiously, there is also a chalice-like figure made from tree foliage appearing over the split mountain top. However, what I didn't know before was that according to researcher Lionel Fanthorpe this pentagonal projection stems from the shepherdess's head, making her perhaps the key figure in the painting. Quoting Fanthorpe:​

"The whole geometry of the painting is governed by the geometry of the pentagon which extends to a considerable distance outside the frame and is centred on the head of the shepherdess."

And we know from the decoded parchment that "Poussin holds the key". Hence, there can be little doubt that there is significant symbolism attached to the figure of the shepherdess in Poussin's painting, which may be linked to something else mentioned in the parchment and that is "Blue Apples" or what the C's said were the "Blue Apples incarnate", which suggests a link to living beings who may be descendants of a particular blue-blooded lineage. Could that lineage be the Perseid line as carried on by Kore or Princess Meritaten?

But what of Autumn? Can there be a link between this season and blue apples? Well yes there is and the link can be found in another painting by Poussin called "L'Autumne, ou la grappe de la terre promise", i.e., Autumn or under its alternative title "the grapes of the promised land". This alternative title immediately makes me think of the C's reference to the trampled "grapes of wrath" and may constitute a link between Meritaten in her figure as the biblical Hagar the Egyptian bondswoman and mother of Ishmael and Sarah, Abraham's wife, who out of envy and anger (wrath) got Abraham to abandon Hagar and Ishmael in the desert. Given that the C's have confirmed that Abraham was also Moses, this meant that Meritaten would never reach the promised land of Israel, the land of milk and honey, having been trampled on by her mother and her lover, Abraham.

Although there is no exact biblical reference to the "grapes of wrath" the closest you can get is to a quotation in the Apocalypse or Book of Revelations:
Revelation 14:17-20 (King James Version, KJV):

These verses speak of the final judgment of the wicked (unbelievers), and the complete destruction of the Earth in the Apocalypse or end of days.

The term "the grapes of wrath" would provide the inspiration for a novel by noted American author John Steinbeck. Curiously, just like me, the first book Steinbeck ever read was Morte d'Arthur (the death of King Arthur) by Mallory, which provides us with another indirect link to the Grail. However, it is the biblical Ark of the Covenant that is alluded to in his depression era tale of a farming family who abandon their Oklahoma farmstead because of the dust bowl to seek a new life in California. Quoting from an article on the book by Esther Lombardi:

"Then, with their world torn apart, the Joads packed up all their worldly possessions (like Noah and his family, in their infamous Ark: "Noah stood on the ground looking up at the great load of them sitting on top of the truck."), and were forced to set off on a cross-country trek to their Promised Land, California. They were searching for a land of "milk and honey," a place where they could work hard and ultimately fulfil the American Dream. They were also following a dream (Grandpa Joad dreamed that he'd have as many grapes as he could eat when he reached California). They had very little choice in the situation. They were escaping from their own very-certain destruction (like Lot and his family)."

Whether Steinbeck's character Grandpa Joad and his dream of eating grapes in the promised land of California was inspired by Poussin's painting of L'Autumne (see below) I do not know.
The painting was one of a series of four on the four seasons of the year. In an earlier post, we looked at the esoteric imagery contained in his painting of Winter (which I will return to in a subsequent post), which depicted the biblical flood. As you can see, the painting above depicts two men of biblical times carrying an enormous bunch of dark blue grapes, which are literally the size of apples. This immediately makes me think of the reference to "Blue Apples" in the decoded parchment Abbe Sauniere allegedly found and the C's own reference to "Blue Apples incarnate" and "the proverbial "grapes of wrath" as well as the blue orbs of light to be seen in Sauniere's church at Rennes-le-Chateau at the time of the Winter Solstice. I don't think this is a mere coincidence either.

However, as Fanthorpe notes, you can also see a mountain peak in the background that looks suspiciously like Mount Cardou, as discussed in my earlier series of articles on the Mountain of God, where it is possible the Grail could have been hidden during Poussin's era. Indeed, as Fanthorpe notes, this Arcadian like scenery could easily pass for the Aude district in southern France where Rennes-le-Chateau is to be found. One can also see a man up a ladder picking apples from am apple tree, which could be a reference to Jacob's Ladder, which is an important device in Masonic lore and symbolism. This symbolism also takes us back to the blessing Jacob received from the angel (who represents the Elohim) and the C's reference to the "trampled leaves of wrath", which appears to be Kore or Princess Meritaten.

Fanthorpe thinks the painting depicting men carrying grapes could instead refer to another biblical incident found in Numbers 13. In this story, Moses is commanded by God to send spies into Canaan to bring back reports of the land and its inhabitants. Moses selects a representative prince from each of the twelve traditional tribes of Israel to undertake the reconnaissance. They reach Eschcol (the name, interestingly, meaning "a bunch" or "cluster") where they cut down one branch laden with grapes so large and heavy that it needs two men to carry it. The spies then return with this and other samples and make their report to Moses. Only Caleb, Prince of Judah, is in favour of attacking. The other princes counselled caution because of the great number and vast size of the indigenous population, some of whom they called Nephilim or giants. This reference to the Nephilim links us back to Queen Nefertiti with her elongated head (marking her out as a Nephilim hybrid) and her daughter Meritaten who also had an enlarged skull, a feature that was subsequently connected with the Merovingian kings of France (were they descendants of Meritaten I wonder?). Moreover, the C's said Kore was handed over to the "Dragon Slayers" who I believe were the legendary red-haired giants known in Irish folklore as the Tuatha de Danann, who may well have been the biblical Tribe of Dan, and were Canaanites just like the giants seen by Moses's spies. Hence, the connections involved here seem to keep on growing and widening.

Fanthorpe also thinks that the grapes could provide another connection to the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and this one brings in Sir Francis Bacon, the Rosicrucians, and by extension the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees, Sir Phillip Sydney (author of Arcadia) and even the 18th century British Admiral Sir William Anson who in turn is linked with the Oak Island mystery, with more and more evidence being found connecting him to the island and its mysterious treasure. This connection involves special watermark codes used by Sir Francis Bacon and his circle who were all involved in spying for Queen Elizabeth I and were adept at codes and cyphers.

All of this makes me think of what the C's once said about the Rosicrucians:
"A: What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in."

Even this quote may have an indirect link with Poussin's painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia since the figure of the female shepherdess could also also be that of Arachne. She was the protagonist of a tale in Greek mythology known primarily from the version told by the Roman poet Ovid. In Book Six of his epic poem Metamorphoses, Ovid recounts how the talented mortal Arachne challenged the goddess Athena to a weaving contest. When Athena could find no flaws in the tapestry Arachne had woven for the contest, the goddess became enraged and beat the girl with her shuttle. After Arachne hanged herself out of shame, she was transformed into a spider. The myth both provided an etiology of spiders' web-spinning abilities and was a cautionary tale about human hubris.

I will pick up on these themes in my next post.​
It occurred to me that it might have something to do with Krishna I think in the way he died being mistaken for a deer in the forest was accidentally wounded and killed by a hunter.

Often those blue deities have the characteristic of being barefoot to Earth.

It occurs to me to think of the fisherman king with his thigh wounded and unable to walk and perhaps there is an important symbolism about the knees.

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