Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I mentioned in a post above Andrew Collins' article: Giza’s Cave Underworld Rediscovered – It is the Entrance to the Tomb of Hermes? - Graham Hancock Official Website

There was something else that Collins said in that article that made me wonder about something the C's once said. In the session dated Session 20 June 1998 there was the following exchange:

A: And you may see the connection. Why do you suppose alchemists knew of the secrets brought "to the table" by the Maya/Egyptians? [Is this the periodic table?]

Q: They constructed a mathematical table of some sort and this fits into that table, is that it? Is that why it reveals a secret?

A: It is a start.

The fact that the C's put "to the table" in quotes is evidently significant. Collins' article and his quest at Giza involved trying to find Edgar Cayce's famed Hall of Records or the tomb of Hermes Trismegistus (the person who, according to the C's, apparently betrayed Pharaoh Rana). Here is what Collins says about the matter:

"According to medieval Arab and European sources the cave-tomb of Hermes (Idris, or Enoch, as he was called in Arabic) housed not only the earthly remains of its owner, but also the so-called Emerald Tablet (also known as the Tabula Smaragdina, the "table of green stone") on which was written the "secret of Hermes", or the secrets of creation. Is it possible that legends relating to the presence in the cave-tomb of the Emerald Tablet is a metaphor for a previously unknown structure at Giza with green stone walls and inscriptions recording the secrets of Egyptian creation? Alternatively, perhaps the Emerald Tablet really did once exist, and was discovered here at some point in the past."

I have read a lot down the years about the famous Emerald Tablet but strangely had not connected it to a table. Here is why it is significant to alchemy:

"The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text."

The C's mention both the Mayans and the Egyptians as knowing the secrets of alchemy. The tablet states its author as being Hermes Trismegistus ("Hermes the Thrice-Greatest"), a legendary Hellenistic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the ancient Egyptian god Toth. For the Egyptians, Hermes was Toth. See: Emerald Tablet - Wikipedia.

Thoth was an ancient Egyptian god of the moon, wisdom, writing, magic, judgment, balance and the dead. He was one of the earliest and most important Egyptian deities who was revered from the Pre-Dynastic Period till the last dynastic age of Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian name of Thoth, Djehuty, is defined as “He Who is Like the Ibis”. In keeping with his role as a moon god, Thoth is also sometimes depicted with a lunar disc above his head (therefore like Hathor a moon and cow goddess). Thoth was believed to be the scribe, interpreter and messenger of the gods (like Hermes in Ancient Greece). He was one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at) who stood on either side of Ra's solar barque (which is the 'boat of a million years' - a time machine according to the C's). One of Thoth's titles was "Thrice great". He is credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens, stars, Earth, and everything in them. The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine - which is something also credited to the Greek Muses (think also of Thor's Pantheon here). So when Laura referred to a mathematical table, you can see why the C's would have said "it is a start".

However, Thoth was also very present in the myth of Osiris, being of great help to Isis. After Isis gathered the body parts of Osiris dismembered by Set, Thoth gave her the magical words to resurrect him so that she could become pregnant with Horus, the falcon god. Subsequently, When Horus was blinded by Set while fighting him, it was Thoth who made him a new magic eye. It is this new eye which allowed Horus to see even better than before the loss of his eye (the famous "Udjat eye" of Horus allowing him to see the future).

I would straight away say that these mythical stories are almost certainly hiding references to advanced technology - an eye that can see into the future anyone!. You will also see that Toth, as a Moon god, takes over Isis' role as the Moon goddess. Having read Robert Graves' The White Goddess', one realises that this was a process that was going on all over the ancient world where the Earth Goddess/Moon Goddess was being replaced by male deities and her roles assumed by them. Remember Isis was the Egyptian version of the Babylonian Ishtar or Mesopotamian Inanna - whose roles came to be subsumed by the likes of Marduk, who may be compared to the Egyptian Ra. Graves believed that all true poets derived their inspiration from the White Goddess.

My take on this is that the Emerald Tablet or Smaragdine Table was a device or artefact that contained an immense amount of data and could be used in conjunction with high technology - think of a computer today running complex systems. I think it was based at Giza, probably inside the Great Pyramid. At some stage there was a conflict, perhaps instigated by Hermes Trismegistus, and the machine was dismantled (represented by Osiris body being dismantled). Subsequently, it was reassembled to perhaps serve another purpose as the Pyramid may have served in several roles throughout its long history. I also think that there may be a link between the Emerald Tablet and the Holy Grail or Merkhaba and in turn with Isis herself - since Isis was the Egyptian version of the Mother Goddess/Moon Goddess.

Please note in the context of what I have stated above that the C's also made earlier references to a table in the two sessions dated 12 July 1997 and 19 July 1997 respectively.

Session dated 12 July 1997:

Q: What was the Eleusian mystery? Is this what we are supposed to be tracking back to? I mean, this is sort of where I have ended up?

A: One leg of the table.

'The Eleusinian Mysteries' were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Eleusis in ancient Greece. They are the "most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece. It should be borne in mind here that Demeter and Persephone can be linked as earth or corn goddesses to Isis in Egypt and to Ishtar and Inanna in Mesopotamia. As initiations into a mystery school, they can be compared to initiation rights in modern Freemasonry and Roscirucianism, which can trace their origins back to Egypt.

Session dated 19 July 1997:

Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

I would suggest that the literature being referred to here may include the Bible, the Grail stories/romances and alchemical and Rosicrucian literary works, including Shakespeare. Could the compartment the C's are referring to be the Ark of the Covenant , where the Grail was most likely contained (N.B. there were probably two Arks) when it was spirited out of Egypt by Abraham/Moses and Sarah/Nefertiti?

I should add that the above sessions also dealt with questions about: Rennes-le- Chateau, the Tree of Life, the Rosy Cross and Rosicrucians, TDARMS, 'Et in Arcadia ego' (the inscription on the tomb in Poussin's painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia), the Sons of Belial* and Alton Towers - where again they referred to literature when they said "As you know... fiction is often the guise for the deliverance of the deepest of truths." Thus, as you can see, so many of these themes can be linked together with the Grail.

* According to Robert Graves 'Belial 'may originally have been Belili, a Sumerian goddess also called Gesht-inanna, the sister of Dumuzi and subsequently known as Ishtar or Astarte (who are all earth mother goddesses) before becoming Bel or Baal. Again, Belili may be directly linked here with Isis.

Hence, I have good reason to think that the C's were evidently referring to the 'Smaragdine Table' or Emerald Tablet when they spoke of the table.
One friend of my fb sent my this:

Libra (the scales) is the only one of the signs of the zodiac that is not an animal, but an object, which contradicts the etymology of zodiac, which means "wheel of animals".
It is also the only one that does not have a Greek mythological origin, this is because its constellation did not exist as such in Ancient Greece, but rather its stars were part of the Scorpio constellation.
Libra would become a constellation in Ancient Rome, when the dictator Julius Caesar ordered the creation of his own zodiacal constellation, which was created from the tweezers of Scorpio, and Ophiuchus (the serpent) was removed from the zodiac, to maintain the number of signs in twelve.
It would be with the passing of time, that Libra stopped representing Julius Caesar and began to relate to Astrea, goddess of justice.
This is correct. However, having finally read Robert Graves' The White Goddess, I have now come to realise that the Greek zodiac was intended to tell an encoded story, probably inherited from the Celts/Hyperborerans. I hope to do a post on what he had to say soon.
I might be missing it, but what does that have to do with Corona? It is for a reason that the Forum is not just one big thread as it helps to find things instead of being one big thread with the thoughts of a few thousand forumites all fighting for attention.

It helps to search the forum to see if something has been discussed before and then to put it in that thread. If it hasn't been discussed then open a new thread in the relevant sub-Forum. In that way it is easier for others who are interested in that particular subject to find it.

As for Rennes-le-Chateau, then Laura has written extensively on the subject. Here is a series where she is dealing with it: The Grail Quest and the Destiny of Man – Cassiopaea

By the time you get to chapter XIII, you will read: "Now that we have, for all intents and purposes, disposed of the “Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau” as generally promulgated, what do we have left?

I fully respect the point you made to Joel. However, in many ways what we have left is, I think, covered by this thread. The C's said that the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Priory of Sion was a smokescreen for something else and Poussin's (who may have been a Rosicrucian) painting of 'The Shepherds of Arcadia' was in one sense a map. I believe that something else is the Rosicrucians (part of the theme of this thread) and I aim to establish a link between the Abbe Bérenger Saunière and the Rosicrucians, which even brings into the picture the British Secret Service (founded, remember, by Sir Francis Bacon). Like Laura, I am not particularly interested in the treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau, whether that treasure may be the treasure of the Knights Templar or that of the Visigoths who looted the Roman treasury, which allegedly held the sacred artefacts of the Jewish Temple. Indeed, in my view the real treasure is linked with the Holy Grail and there is tantalising evidence that Saunière, and at least one of his predecessors as parish priest, may have had knowledge of the whereabouts of the Grail. I will develop this idea in a subsequent posting.

Strangely, 'Corona' (Latin for 'Crown') may in fact have something to do with the location of the Grail since I believe that Poussin's painting is a star map, which can be used rather like the one Dawkins used to locate Oak Island.

The constellation of the Corona Borealis is linked in Greek mythology with the legend of Theseus and the minotaur. It was generally considered to represent a crown given by Dionysus to Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos of Crete, after she had been abandoned by the Athenian prince Theseus. When she wore the crown at her marriage to Dionysus, he placed it in the heavens to commemorate their wedding. An alternate version has the besotted Dionysus give the crown to Ariadne, who in turn gives it to Theseus after he arrives in Crete to kill the minotaur that the Cretans have demanded tribute from Athens to feed. The hero uses the crown's light to escape the labyrinth after disposing of the creature, and Dionysus later sets it in the heavens.

I believe the woman in Poussin's painting is indeed Ariadne (I think Laura drew the same conclusion) who may be linked like Persephone and Demeter to the Mother Goddess or Robert Graves' White Goddess and by extension to the Holy Grail or Baphomet (the baptism of Metis - wisdom). The crown Theseus used to escape the labyrinth may have been the light (representing the in dwelling knowledge) of the Holy Grail. There is a correspondence here between the story of Theseus and that of Perseus who slew the Gorgon, Medusa and took her head as a trophy, which in legend writhed with snakes (the universal symbol of knowledge).

From the star map below, you can see that the constellation of the Corona Borealis is found very near to that of the constellation of Hercules:

As previously discussed on this thread, Hercules (like Perseus a son of Zeus), as a member of the Argo's crew, found and killed Ladon, the serpent-like dragon that twined and twisted around the tree in the Garden of the Hesperides and guarded the golden apples, possibly a metaphor for Kore or for the Grail itself. Hercules may be the kneeling, bearded figure in Poussin's painting and the young shepherds flanking him may be the twins Castor and Pollux, fellow Argonauts, who participated in Jason's mission to retrieve the Golden Fleece (another metaphor for the Holy Grail) from King Aeetes of Colchis.

Hence, placing the crown next to Hercules would be very appropriate. Let us not forget the Ordo Lapsit Exillis either, which is named after the 'Stone that fell from Heaven', the fabled jewel that is said to have fallen from Lucifer’s crown during the war in Heaven, and which in the occult is used as a symbol of enlightenment (very appropriate to the Grail) since this again could represent the Holy Grail or Merkaba stone, which according to the C's was known as 'The Gift of God' and helped to transport a group of Kentakkians to Earth prior to their planet's destruction.
'The Gift of God' and helped to transport a group of Kentakkians to Earth prior to their planet's destruction.

How do you know that? I don’t remember the Cs saying that a group of kentakkians were transported to earth with the help of that. Unless my memory is teasing me.

Edit: Nvm I found it, session 2002.

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.
Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things... (R ) Is this the Merkabah?
A: Mother Stone, yes.
Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?
A: Kantek.
Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?
A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.
Last edited:
How do you know that? I don’t remember the Cs saying that a group of kentakkians were transported to earth with the help of that. Unless my memory is teasing me.

Edit: Nvm I found it, session 2002.

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.
Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things... (R ) Is this the Merkabah?
A: Mother Stone, yes.
Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?
A: Kantek.
Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?
A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.
Well done, that was the session indeed. The question that has been going through my mind is did this group arrive at a different time to their fellow Kentakkians? Afterall, we know the Greys are capable of time travel so was the Merkabah capable of transporting this group forward in time. I only raise this point because it leads me to wonder whether this particular group could have emerged later in time than their fellows, say as the Annnunaki in Mesopotamia. Could the Egyptian Boat of a Million Years, which the C's said was a time machine, have been used in conjunction with the Merkabah? Could the boat still be hidden in the large void found just a few years ago within the Great Pyramid? Moreover, could the Merkabah have been the foundation around which the Nordic Covenant was made?
Just to add to my last comments, it suddenly dawned on me that the Merkabah in Jewish thought is linked with chariot mysticism, particularly the vision of Ezekiel and his fiery chariot beloved of Ancient Alien theorists. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the matter: Merkabah mysticism - Wikipedia

Merkabah or merkavah (Hebrew: מרכבה) mysticism (lit. Chariot mysticism) is a school of early Jewish mysticism, c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE, centered on visions such as those found in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1, or in the hekhalot literature ("palaces" literature), concerning stories of ascents to the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God. The main corpus of the merkabah literature was composed in the period 200–700 CE, although later references to the Chariot tradition can also be found in the literature of the Chassidei Ashkenaz in the Middle Ages. A major text in this tradition is the Maaseh Merkabah ("Work of the Chariot").

I wonder if what really lies behind this chariot mysticism is a genetically inherited memory of the Merkabah (Matriarch Stone) and the Boat of a Million Years, given that the roots of Judaism, as discussed in Laura's work and on the Forum, seem to lie in Ancient Egypt? Robert Graves discussed Ezekiel's fiery chariot in his book 'The White Goddess', which he linked with the Jewish tradition of the Four New Years. Interestingly, the colour of the cloud borne Cherubim in Ezekiel's vision was amber. This point alarmed the Pharisees because amber was associated with the Hyperborean Apollo, the sun-god worshipped at Stonehenge who rode a chariot through the heavens - his sacred jewel being amber. What is worse, each golden spoke of the chariot's wheels ended in the leg of a calf; the golden calf being the sacred beast of the god who, according to King Jeroboam, brought the children of Israel out of Egypt as it also was of the god Dionysus, the changing part of the unchanging Apollo (who may therefore be directly linked here with Baal, the sun god of the Canaanites). This made for the Pharisees an uncomfortable association between Jehovah and Apollo - something I think the C's have hinted at.​

I hope to do a post soon that links the Boat of a Million Years with the Holy Grail and a certain Egyptian god that will further support what I have said in these last two posts.
The Chateau of Arginy in France

On the thread for the 22 April 2022 session, there have been a lot of posts recently concerning the importance of the Octagon (a double tetrahedron) in esoterica and its possible relationship to the Unified Field Theorem, which Ark is working on. What I am about to discuss here may be linked to this subject, if only indirectly, by virtue of the presence of the Knights Templar, who many consider to have been practising alchemists.

I have been reading a book called 'Web of Gold' by Guy Patton & Robin Mackness. It deals with the fabled treasure of the the Visigoths and the Knights Templar, which, as we know, is linked to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery but the book also makes strong connections to a lot of modern day political skulduggery that has revolved around the mystery. For example, the book looks into the right-wing political, monarchist and nationalistic links of many of the main players in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, including Pierre Plantard, the instigator of the Priory of Sion secret society, which ultimately proved to be a fabrication on his part. It turns out that Plantard had some amazing political connections, which were born out of his time in service to the Vichy regime of Marshal Petain during the Second World War. He was in essence a right-wing, French nationalist and ardent catholic who wished not only to revive the the French monarchy under a Merovingian descended king but to see a general spiritual and moral revival of France as a catholic country. These aims were also shared by many powerful right wing figures in the immediate aftermath of WW2, where the spectre of a communist revolution and takeover in France was very real.

Although I have taken the view that the fabled treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau (the House of the Queen), at least in terms of material wealth, is not important to our quest, some of the information that comes out of these writers' investigations into the treasure is very helpful to our cause. This is especially true of the Web of Gold. One such golden nugget (excuse the pun) is the authors reference to an ancient French Chateau at Arginy in France.​

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For some researchers, the town of Arginy, situated on the plains between the rivers Saone and Beaujolais, north of the city of Lyons, was the secret meeting place of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. These researchers also believe that part of the treasure of the Knights Templar was removed from the Paris Temple in 1307 shortly before the crackdown on the Templars launched by King Philip IV of France ("the Rosicrucians move like a thief in the night") and deposited, along with artefacts (MJF: including Baphomet perhaps?) in an underground vault for safekeeping.​

The oldest part of the Chateau is the circular Round Tower of the Eight Beatitudes, which is also known as the Tower of Alchemy due to the alchemical graffiti alleged to have covered its walls. For those who want to read more on the fascinating history of the Chateau, I attach the following links, which include good quality pictures:

Although in Christian tradition the 'eight beatitudes' are linked with the teachings of Christ, particularly in his Sermon on the Mount (see: Bible Study Tools), I suspect that with Templars this was merely a cover for esoteric teachings, perhaps those connected to alchemy and antigravity given the alchemical graffiti on the Tower's internal walls - think also of the 8-petalled Lotus Flower discussed previously on this thread. However, it seems to be the lure of the Templars' treasure that has drawn treasure seekers down through the ages, including a regent of France, Anne of France (Anne de Beaujeu), daughter of Louis XI, who had during her time as regent discovered state papers from King Phillip IV's time. One document pertained to Templar treasure hidden at Chateau De Arginy. Anne, who was in the process of remodelling the old castle into a hunting lodge, had searches carried out in the dungeon of the castle with the hope of finding the treasure.

As with the Curse of Oak Island, there also seems to be a curse operating on those linked with searching for the Templar treasure at the Chateau. One of Anne's workers, who had descended into a pit, uttered a dreadful cry that frightened his comrades who had remained in the open air. The man came out of the gallery, a quarter of an hour later, walking like a robot with his skull crushed and brains emerging where he eventually fell dead at the feet of his fellow workers. Finding his body already cold, they assumed “diabolical” forces were at play and refused to resume work, fleeing in terror. Of course, he may just have had an accident where something heavy, a loose stone perhaps, fell on his head.

In 1883, ownership of the Chateau of Arginy passed to the Marquis d'Uxeloup de Chambrun, Comte de Rosemont. Around 1900, Count Pierre de Rosemont began fresh excavations to try to find the treasure of the Templars. He cleared a vertical gallery in which one of his workmen then descended by means of a cable. However, his descent ended in an accident just as tragic as before, since the man had his foot crushed by a kind of articulated wheel ..

The latter incident suggests that, like Oak Island, the Tower may have inbuilt defences for those who wish to hunt for the treasure. Bizarre accidents like the above and disturbing occurrences are apparently common place at the Chateau of Arginy. Several years ago, Chambrun's step-daughter – the wife of Jacques de Cham Uxeloup Rosemont – revealed to Jacques Breyer and some of her friends that her stepfather had also carried out excavations in the Chateau in 1914. However, he suddenly received “spiritual” instructions to stop his investigations and clog the underground from which he had begun his research. Were the spirits of the Knights Templar still guarding the treasure?

In 1952, four years before Plantard established the Priory of Sion, a group of leading occultists, which included a famous alchemist (Armand Barbault), an industrialist and a film director (Claude Cariven), met at the Chateau where, under the leadership of the writer Jacques Breyer who was residing at the Chateau, they formed the new 'Ordre Souverain du Temple Solaire' (Sovereign Order' of the Solar Temple). Forty years later this secret chivalric society would be involved in a tragedy when in 1994 seventy four its members were involved in mass suicides in Canada, France and Switzerland. Amongst the dead were successful businessmen and women and the two current leaders, Joseph Di Mabro and Luc Jouret. Even more surprisingly, the dead included two men said to be members of the French Secret Service. Laura has commented on this event in the past - the official story being that the members committed suicide since they were led to believe that they would be leaving this world for a better place. However, Patton and Mackness observe that the circumstances at the sites and the examination of the charred bodies, cast many doubts over the suicide theory and point out that at least one of the 'suicide' victims had suffered several bullet wounds before dying. They believe that without doubt that other forces were at work, not least the fact that somebody had to set the buildings on fire after the deaths. Apparently some investigators claim there is no link between the original Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple (OSTS) founded by Jacques Breyer and his associates in 1952 and the order of the Solar Temple controlled by Di Mabro and Joure. The authors acknowledge that outwardly, the objectives and practices of the two groups became quite different but they counter by observing that the OSTS leadership was undoubtedly infiltrated over the years by persons with a far right-wing agenda as well as those looking for personal financial gain.

In 1965, a gentleman by the name of Julien Ortigas, a French former Nazi sympathiser who, having worked for the SS and the Gestapo in Occupied France, was arrested and and sentenced to five years in prison, joined the OSTS. Seven years later he became the Grand Master of an off-shoot called the Order of the Renovated Temple and established links with the European-wide fascist network and other extreme right-wing organisations. The guests at his daughter's wedding in 1977 included Jacques Breyer and Joseph Di Mabro. Di Mabre and Origas were friends and apparently made frequent and regular visits to Italy., where they allegedly maintained contact with the rogue Masonic Lodge P2. Some researchers have suggested that Di Mabro had connections with high finance, the international business world and even the Mafia. More tellingly from our point of view is that both Origas and Di Mabro had belonged to the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis (AMORC) - a Rosicrucian organisation that offers occult and spiritual teachings but has attracted many with right-wing views. In 1979, Joseph Di Mabro met with the Belgian Luc Jouret, a charismatic figure lecturing on alternative medicine in the New Age circles of Europe and America. These two men would subsequently take control of the Order of the Solar Temple after Julien Ortigas' death in 1981. Given the links of Ortigas and Di Mabro to extreme right-wing groups, the P2 Masonic Lodge and the Mafia, one may legitimately have cause to suspect that Di Mambro's death and those of the other members of the Order may have had more to do with the leaders' financial connections and political affiliations than with aliens.

Tragically, another famous person had become an active and unsuspecting member of the Order. That person was the celebrated Hollywood film actress Princess Grace Kelly, the wife of Prince Ranier III (Grimaldi) of Monaco who would be found dead in her car in September 1982 after a fatal crash on the road leading to Monaco near the Cap d'Ail. Apparently, a close friend and advisor to Prince Ranier, Jean-Louis Marsan, who was interested in esoteric ideas, wass encouraged by Jacques Breyer to set up a branch of the Order of the Solar Temple at his villa in Monaco and to become Grand Master. Marsan convinced his followers that they were a spiritual elite whose secret knowledge, gained through the Order, could save the world. From 1981, under Luc Juret's grand mastership, the members were subject to subtle and sophisticated techniques, including the use of holograms intended to convince them that they were really contacting spirits and seeing sacred objects and symbols - including the Holy Grail. This, as you will know, is an altogether too familiar story of how a cult ensnares its members.

According to the singer Colette de Real, an old friend of Princess Grace, she and the Princess attended strange, sexually orientated ceremonies, presided over by Luc Jouret at a Solar Temple centre at Villie-Morgon situated close to Arginy. This old manor or farmhouse was subsequently bought by a group of Franciscan Friars who discovered a number of artefacts and pieces of unusual furniture there. These were seemingly remnants or the rites and rituals of the Order, which appeared to blend the Christian with the occult. Apparently, Joseph Di Mabro asked princess Grace to donate 20 million Swiss Francs to the Order - whether this was for self-enrichment or to be funnelled into the European-wide fascist underground engaged in subversive activity is not known. It was soon after this that Princess Grace was found dead in her car. I can only add that my brother visited the manor house at Villie-Morgon a few years ago and spoke with one of the English speaking friars living there. He told my brother that soon after they moved in, the friars performed an exorcism ceremony at the site.

However, I need to return to 1952 and the activities of Jacques Breyer and his fellow occultists at the Chateau of Arginy. After participating in psychic and occult rituals, the group claimed to have made contact with the spirits of the deceased Templars, who apparently conferred on them the the authority to continue their spiritual mission. We will have to take that with a pinch of salt I guess. Breyer, continued his excavations, occultic works and alchemical research for a further seven years, staying on at the Chateau. What breyer achieved in the course of his researches is unknown, though it was reported by French researcher and former architect Andre Douzet that psychic contacts enabled Breyer to discover a secret vault (MJF: shades of Oak Island's Money Pit), passages and artefacts. These researches seemed more directed to the discovery of the Templar treasure than any personal transformation of Breyer himself in the tradition of the medieval alchemists. Rituals are known to have been practised at Arginy until 1973, although Breyer and three of his founding colleagues resigned from the Order nine years before this.

However, as at Rennes-le-Chateau, with its mix of treasure, ancient wisdom and spiritual questing, Arginy in turn became a focal point for Freemasons, Rosicrucians, hermeticists and others drawn to the occult and the esoteric. moreover, like the two male 'suicide' victims of the Order of the Solar Temple said to be members of the French Secret Service, Arginy also drew a member of the French Secret Service and in this case it was its head, Constantin Melnik. In 1959, Melnik reportedly participated in night-time ceremonies held at Arginy. Shortly afterwards, reports appeared in the French press associating Melnik with a group of Catholic, monarchist and synarchist anti-Communists that called themselves Templars. Melnik strenuously denied this.

The involvement of secret groups with Arginy does not stop there since it is known that in 1950, the then owner of the Chateau, the Marquis d'Uxeloup de Chambrun received an offer of 100 million Francs (a huge sum of money for 1950) from an anonymous English colonel representing a British secret society to purchase the Chateau. Why would a British secret society wish to purchase an old French Chateau unless they believed it held something of great importance.​

The League of Antiquarian Booksellers

There are strong echoes here of a similar bid by a British based society to buy what were perceived to be valuable parchments connected to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. As with Arginy, could the society involved have been a front for the British Secret Service? In this case it involved the purchase of three parchments allegedly discovered by Abbe Sauniere in the crypt of his church at Rennes-le-Chateau. These parchments were taken to the Paris church of St. Sulpice for study by experts. In one account , the parchments were eventually confided to the young priest Abbe Emile Hoffet, who became something of an expert on occult matters and Freemasonry, amassing a prodigious library of esoteric works, and reputedly mixed in elite Parisian occult circles. After his death they were acquired by a group claiming to be representatives of the London-based League of Antiquarian Booksellers. The alternative account is that the parchments were inherited by Sauniere's niece, Madame James, who then sold them, not appreciating their true worth, to the League of Antiquarian Booksellers. Intriguingly, after the death of Abbe Hoffet, Marius Fatin, an archaeologist and ardent Freemason and the owner of the Chateau at Rennes, received in 1966 a letter from the League advising him that his chateau was a site of great historic importance, having been the home of Sigisbert IV following the murder of his father, King Dagobert II. The letter also referred to the purchase of the parchments by the League from the Library of Abbe Hoffet. You might well ask why an English antiquarian book society should show such interest in parchments relating to the obscure Merovingian royal line and the fate of their descendants and the old chateau of Rennes.

The three authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, which has featured a lot in this thread, wrote a follow-up book called the Messianic Legacy in which they threw further light on the parchments through a document supplied by Pierre Plantard. The document he showed them, which was officially notarised, contained a request to the French Consulate in London by Viscount Leathers, Major Hugh Murchison Clowes and Captain Ronald Stansmore Nutting for permission to export three parchments from France. The text states: "three parchments whose value cannot be calculated, confided to us, for the purposes of historical research, by Madame James, resident in France at Montazels (Aude). She came into legal possession of these items by by virtue of a legacy from her uncle, the Abbe Sauniere, cure of Rennes-le- Chateau (Aude)."

The sale of the parchments by Sauniere's niece to the League of Antiquarian Booksellers was also confirmed by the Marquis Philippe de Cherisey in his book L'Enigme de Rennes (1978) where he states that Madam James sold the books in 1965 to the League but she was not to know that one of the two respectable lawyers involved Captain Ronald Stansmore of the British Intelligence Service (MI6) and the other was Sir Thomas Frazer, the 'eminence gris' of Buckingham. He claimed the parchments of Blanche of Castille were presently held in a strongbox of Lloyds Bank Europe Limited in London. Leaving on one side the veracity of the reports, Patton and Mackness point out that the British names quoted were all genuine characters who were involved with wartime intelligence activities and this therefore draws attention to a connection here with British intelligence, which along with the Special Operations Executive (SOE) was very active in France during the Second World War and for some years afterwards.​

British Intelligence

An intensive investigation of the League of Antiquarian Booksellers was undertaken by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln and its supposed traffic in ancient French parchments was described in their book the Messianic Legacy (1986). Their examination revealed that all the people involved in this unusual incident had connections with the City of London and specifically with the Guardian Assurance Company. The authors point out that it was quite normal during the war for many intelligence operatives to be drawn from insurance companies, since their professional expertise (in dealing with insurance claims etc.) was considered to be invaluable in planning and executing sabotage missions and intelligence gathering. Now it so happens that I was working for the Guardian's successor company, in 1986 and spoke to the then Managing Director (MD) of the Company at a Christmas drinks party about the book. He told me that he had been very interested in Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln's investigation and had given them access to the company's records to conduct their research. Apparently, the authors reached the conclusion that they had drawn a blank after going through the company's records and decided to move on with other lines of enquiry. However, the MD confided to me that he thought the authors had been on to something and felt they should have pushed the matter further. Like Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, I was surprised when I did my own research how many former directors of the company post war had been members of MI5, MI6 and SOE. Talking to older colleagues, I learned that as insurance operatives based in the former territories of the British Empire (later Commonwealth), they often fed information back to the local British Consulates that might prove useful to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Hence, they readily admitted to being part of an overseas information gathering network.

It also turns out that Lord Selbourne, who was stated to be the central figure in the application to export the three parchments in 1956, was the overall head of SOE, whose headquarters was based at 64 Baker Street in London (MJF: yes the same Baker Street that Sherlock Holmes lived in) was only a stone's throw from the secret London headquarters of the Free French operatives. When the authors conducted a personal interview with Lord Selbourne's daughter, she revealed his passion for maintaining the integrity of the British Empire and his interest in the restoration of other European monarchies. She also mentioned that he had a great interest in genealogies and he often enjoyed holidays around the Pyrenees. Perhaps British intelligence has had an interest in the Pyrenees since the time of Sir Francis Bacon?. I wonder why?

Patton and Mackness go on to mention that several members of the British-based Rennes-le-Chateau Research Group have been in contact with former members of British Intelligence, each of whom had an interest in, and a wide knowledge of, the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. These agents confirmed that many of their colleagues had been members of various occult, masonic or chivalric societies. I would suggest that this has long ben true and as I pointed out before, the famous British spies and double agents, Philby, Burgess and Maclean had all been Freemasons affiliated to the Singapore Masonic Lodge. Patton and Mackness feel it is significant that the fabrication of the Dossiers Secrets by Plantard and Gerard de Sede and the disclosure of the export of the Rennes-le-Chateau parchments are typical of almost any intelligence services disinformation techniques. Furthermore, they allege that in 1998, a former British Intelligence officer told a Rennes researcher that he had personally seen a room within the Ministry of Defence in the 1970's dedicated to surveillance of the region of Rennes-le-Chateau. Yet another former Intelligence officer, the late Michael Bentine (better known as a highly successful British comedian - one of the original 'Goons' in the famous 'Goon Show', a radio show that made stars of Peter Sellers, Sir Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan) warned members of the Rennes Research Group on several occasions that investigations into the affair of Rennes-le-Chateau could be dangerous. As the authors state - what did he know?

Even Pierre Plantard, a Vichy operative, became involved in the French Resistance towards the end of the War and subsequently operated under the pseudonym of 'Captain Way' during the Algerian crisis of the mid-1950's, perhaps as an agent of President de Gaulle.

British Intelligence (MI6) has cropped up in the transcripts on a few occasions notably in the assassination of a young physicist acquaintance of Ark who got careless in publicly sharing his discoveries in relation to UFT and in Laura's kidnapping as a child for a period of 12 days. I can't at the moment track down the session in which they specified a section of British Military Intelligence but maybe someone else can. However, what has been revealed to the Rennes-le-Chateau Research Group and by Michael Bentine, when linked to the business of the three ancient parchments found by Abbe Sauniere and purchased by the League of Antiquarian Booksellers, suggests that British Intelligence takes a very real interest in Rennes-le-Chateau.

If the British Secret Service (and for that matter the French Secret Service) truly do take an interest in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau, is it because of the fabled treasure or is it something else, something far more valuable than mere gold and jewels? If so, could this perhaps explain why Laura and the Chateau crew have from time to time come under surveillance by spooks and why the C's have warned Laura and the crew to be vigilant?​

This also makes me think of the C's reference to the 'Looking Glass' in the following exchange:

A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. “Alice likes to go through the looking glass” at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.

I was struck by what Patton and Mackness had to say about President Francois Mitterand, a Freemason and a Vichy and French Resistance operative during the War. They described him as a man: "well able to perform complex mental gymnastics in recreating a past, and in displaying separate public and private faces, and furthermore very adept at operating in the 'looking glass' world of secret societies and their hidden agendas.

The same statement is also true of spies, who as we saw above, may often be members of secret societies as well. Indeed, the English spy thriller writer, John le Carre, used the concept of the looking glass for the title of one of his books 'The Looking Glass War'. Like Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, le Carre was also a former MI5 and MI6 officer.
See: The Looking Glass War - Wikipedia

What does the phrase “through the looking glass mean”? The phrase first appeared in the title of a book written by Lewis Carrol as a sequel to 1865’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It does not mean to look through glass or a mirror exactly. It means “Opposite to What’s expected by someone”. Here it symbolises things in an alternative universe, totally opposite to the real world.

In this context, the phrase means “Where things are not as expected”. When we see in the glass, we expect our image to be as it is. But looking through glass symbolizes a different world in which things are totally different from their image or reflection. It also means going through a place where things are unexpected, unfamiliar, and different. Alice in her adventures go through such situations and the writer symbolises her stories as through the looking glass.​

The C's used the term in this same sense in an exchange from the session dated 25 July 1998:

Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

Alice through the looking glass.

And again in the session dated 16 August 1997:

Q: Ark suggested that the Etruscans may have gotten their alphabet as a mirror image. Could it be that they lived on the 'other side' of the mirror?

A: Latter is closer.

Hence, the term would seem very appropriate for the world that the spy operates in. However, I note in the unauthorised versions of the transcripts that "Alice" is substituted by "AK". I don't know if this is a mistake in transcription but, if not, it may put a very different spin on things, since AK may refer to Laura's mother, Alice Knight. I understand from Laura's description of her childhood that her mother was very fond of ballroom dancing. I don't know if any of these ballrooms might have had the name 'Crystal Palace' or they resembled such a structure but could the C's be referring here to the way in which Alice was manipulated by intelligence officers in order to gain access to the infant Laura for nefarious purposes?​

Here is the session in which Laura refers to this:

A: Symbiotic relationship. Was there a military connection?

Q: Oh, you mean the fact that my father was a chemist and was in the Navy? Does this have anything to do with my 12 day disappearance when I was three?

A: Maybe?

Q: Was something done to him when he was in the Navy?

A: Hmmmmmmmmmm? Now connect "Jack" with "Cecil."

Q: Well, Cecil was the fellow who kidnapped me. And, when he was arrested, the Navy came and took him away saying he was "incompetent to stand trial" because he had "escaped from a Navy hospital." And that essentially ended any hope of finding out where I was taken or why.

Or, alternatively, the intelligence services wanted to prevent knowledge of their involvement coming out if Cecil had had to stand trial. Hence, it would appear that Laura was drawn into the 'looking glass' world of intelligence operatives/agents from a very early age.
The Chateau of Arginy in France

On the thread for the 22 April 2022 session, there have been a lot of posts recently concerning the importance of the Octagon (a double tetrahedron) in esoterica and its possible relationship to the Unified Field Theorem, which Ark is working on. What I am about to discuss here may be linked to this subject, if only indirectly, by virtue of the presence of the Knights Templar, who many consider to have been practising alchemists.

I have been reading a book called 'Web of Gold' by Guy Patton & Robin Mackness. It deals with the fabled treasure of the the Visigoths and the Knights Templar, which, as we know, is linked to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery but the book also makes strong connections to a lot of modern day political skulduggery that has revolved around the mystery. For example, the book looks into the right-wing political, monarchist and nationalistic links of many of the main players in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery, including Pierre Plantard, the instigator of the Priory of Sion secret society, which ultimately proved to be a fabrication on his part. It turns out that Plantard had some amazing political connections, which were born out of his time in service to the Vichy regime of Marshal Petain during the Second World War. He was in essence a right-wing, French nationalist and ardent catholic who wished not only to revive the the French monarchy under a Merovingian descended king but to see a general spiritual and moral revival of France as a catholic country. These aims were also shared by many powerful right wing figures in the immediate aftermath of WW2, where the spectre of a communist revolution and takeover in France was very real.

Although I have taken the view that the fabled treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau (the House of the Queen), at least in terms of material wealth, is not important to our quest, some of the information that comes out of these writers' investigations into the treasure is very helpful to our cause. This is especially true of the Web of Gold. One such golden nugget (excuse the pun) is the authors reference to an ancient French Chateau at Arginy in France.​

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For some researchers, the town of Arginy, situated on the plains between the rivers Saone and Beaujolais, north of the city of Lyons, was the secret meeting place of the nine founding members of the Knights Templar. These researchers also believe that part of the treasure of the Knights Templar was removed from the Paris Temple in 1307 shortly before the crackdown on the Templars launched by King Philip IV of France ("the Rosicrucians move like a thief in the night") and deposited, along with artefacts (MJF: including Baphomet perhaps?) in an underground vault for safekeeping.​

The oldest part of the Chateau is the circular Round Tower of the Eight Beatitudes, which is also known as the Tower of Alchemy due to the alchemical graffiti alleged to have covered its walls. For those who want to read more on the fascinating history of the Chateau, I attach the following links, which include good quality pictures:

Although in Christian tradition the 'eight beatitudes' are linked with the teachings of Christ, particularly in his Sermon on the Mount (see: Bible Study Tools), I suspect that with Templars this was merely a cover for esoteric teachings, perhaps those connected to alchemy and antigravity given the alchemical graffiti on the Tower's internal walls - think also of the 8-petalled Lotus Flower discussed previously on this thread. However, it seems to be the lure of the Templars' treasure that has drawn treasure seekers down through the ages, including a regent of France, Anne of France (Anne de Beaujeu), daughter of Louis XI, who had during her time as regent discovered state papers from King Phillip IV's time. One document pertained to Templar treasure hidden at Chateau De Arginy. Anne, who was in the process of remodelling the old castle into a hunting lodge, had searches carried out in the dungeon of the castle with the hope of finding the treasure.

As with the Curse of Oak Island, there also seems to be a curse operating on those linked with searching for the Templar treasure at the Chateau. One of Anne's workers, who had descended into a pit, uttered a dreadful cry that frightened his comrades who had remained in the open air. The man came out of the gallery, a quarter of an hour later, walking like a robot with his skull crushed and brains emerging where he eventually fell dead at the feet of his fellow workers. Finding his body already cold, they assumed “diabolical” forces were at play and refused to resume work, fleeing in terror. Of course, he may just have had an accident where something heavy, a loose stone perhaps, fell on his head.

In 1883, ownership of the Chateau of Arginy passed to the Marquis d'Uxeloup de Chambrun, Comte de Rosemont. Around 1900, Count Pierre de Rosemont began fresh excavations to try to find the treasure of the Templars. He cleared a vertical gallery in which one of his workmen then descended by means of a cable. However, his descent ended in an accident just as tragic as before, since the man had his foot crushed by a kind of articulated wheel ..

The latter incident suggests that, like Oak Island, the Tower may have inbuilt defences for those who wish to hunt for the treasure. Bizarre accidents like the above and disturbing occurrences are apparently common place at the Chateau of Arginy. Several years ago, Chambrun's step-daughter – the wife of Jacques de Cham Uxeloup Rosemont – revealed to Jacques Breyer and some of her friends that her stepfather had also carried out excavations in the Chateau in 1914. However, he suddenly received “spiritual” instructions to stop his investigations and clog the underground from which he had begun his research. Were the spirits of the Knights Templar still guarding the treasure?

In 1952, four years before Plantard established the Priory of Sion, a group of leading occultists, which included a famous alchemist (Armand Barbault), an industrialist and a film director (Claude Cariven), met at the Chateau where, under the leadership of the writer Jacques Breyer who was residing at the Chateau, they formed the new 'Ordre Souverain du Temple Solaire' (Sovereign Order' of the Solar Temple). Forty years later this secret chivalric society would be involved in a tragedy when in 1994 seventy four its members were involved in mass suicides in Canada, France and Switzerland. Amongst the dead were successful businessmen and women and the two current leaders, Joseph Di Mabro and Luc Jouret. Even more surprisingly, the dead included two men said to be members of the French Secret Service. Laura has commented on this event in the past - the official story being that the members committed suicide since they were led to believe that they would be leaving this world for a better place. However, Patton and Mackness observe that the circumstances at the sites and the examination of the charred bodies, cast many doubts over the suicide theory and point out that at least one of the 'suicide' victims had suffered several bullet wounds before dying. They believe that without doubt that other forces were at work, not least the fact that somebody had to set the buildings on fire after the deaths. Apparently some investigators claim there is no link between the original Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple (OSTS) founded by Jacques Breyer and his associates in 1952 and the order of the Solar Temple controlled by Di Mabro and Joure. The authors acknowledge that outwardly, the objectives and practices of the two groups became quite different but they counter by observing that the OSTS leadership was undoubtedly infiltrated over the years by persons with a far right-wing agenda as well as those looking for personal financial gain.

In 1965, a gentleman by the name of Julien Ortigas, a French former Nazi sympathiser who, having worked for the SS and the Gestapo in Occupied France, was arrested and and sentenced to five years in prison, joined the OSTS. Seven years later he became the Grand Master of an off-shoot called the Order of the Renovated Temple and established links with the European-wide fascist network and other extreme right-wing organisations. The guests at his daughter's wedding in 1977 included Jacques Breyer and Joseph Di Mabro. Di Mabre and Origas were friends and apparently made frequent and regular visits to Italy., where they allegedly maintained contact with the rogue Masonic Lodge P2. Some researchers have suggested that Di Mabro had connections with high finance, the international business world and even the Mafia. More tellingly from our point of view is that both Origas and Di Mabro had belonged to the Ancient and Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis (AMORC) - a Rosicrucian organisation that offers occult and spiritual teachings but has attracted many with right-wing views. In 1979, Joseph Di Mabro met with the Belgian Luc Jouret, a charismatic figure lecturing on alternative medicine in the New Age circles of Europe and America. These two men would subsequently take control of the Order of the Solar Temple after Julien Ortigas' death in 1981. Given the links of Ortigas and Di Mabro to extreme right-wing groups, the P2 Masonic Lodge and the Mafia, one may legitimately have cause to suspect that Di Mambro's death and those of the other members of the Order may have had more to do with the leaders' financial connections and political affiliations than with aliens.

Tragically, another famous person had become an active and unsuspecting member of the Order. That person was the celebrated Hollywood film actress Princess Grace Kelly, the wife of Prince Ranier III (Grimaldi) of Monaco who would be found dead in her car in September 1982 after a fatal crash on the road leading to Monaco near the Cap d'Ail. Apparently, a close friend and advisor to Prince Ranier, Jean-Louis Marsan, who was interested in esoteric ideas, wass encouraged by Jacques Breyer to set up a branch of the Order of the Solar Temple at his villa in Monaco and to become Grand Master. Marsan convinced his followers that they were a spiritual elite whose secret knowledge, gained through the Order, could save the world. From 1981, under Luc Juret's grand mastership, the members were subject to subtle and sophisticated techniques, including the use of holograms intended to convince them that they were really contacting spirits and seeing sacred objects and symbols - including the Holy Grail. This, as you will know, is an altogether too familiar story of how a cult ensnares its members.

According to the singer Colette de Real, an old friend of Princess Grace, she and the Princess attended strange, sexually orientated ceremonies, presided over by Luc Jouret at a Solar Temple centre at Villie-Morgon situated close to Arginy. This old manor or farmhouse was subsequently bought by a group of Franciscan Friars who discovered a number of artefacts and pieces of unusual furniture there. These were seemingly remnants or the rites and rituals of the Order, which appeared to blend the Christian with the occult. Apparently, Joseph Di Mabro asked princess Grace to donate 20 million Swiss Francs to the Order - whether this was for self-enrichment or to be funnelled into the European-wide fascist underground engaged in subversive activity is not known. It was soon after this that Princess Grace was found dead in her car. I can only add that my brother visited the manor house at Villie-Morgon a few years ago and spoke with one of the English speaking friars living there. He told my brother that soon after they moved in, the friars performed an exorcism ceremony at the site.

However, I need to return to 1952 and the activities of Jacques Breyer and his fellow occultists at the Chateau of Arginy. After participating in psychic and occult rituals, the group claimed to have made contact with the spirits of the deceased Templars, who apparently conferred on them the the authority to continue their spiritual mission. We will have to take that with a pinch of salt I guess. Breyer, continued his excavations, occultic works and alchemical research for a further seven years, staying on at the Chateau. What breyer achieved in the course of his researches is unknown, though it was reported by French researcher and former architect Andre Douzet that psychic contacts enabled Breyer to discover a secret vault (MJF: shades of Oak Island's Money Pit), passages and artefacts. These researches seemed more directed to the discovery of the Templar treasure than any personal transformation of Breyer himself in the tradition of the medieval alchemists. Rituals are known to have been practised at Arginy until 1973, although Breyer and three of his founding colleagues resigned from the Order nine years before this.

However, as at Rennes-le-Chateau, with its mix of treasure, ancient wisdom and spiritual questing, Arginy in turn became a focal point for Freemasons, Rosicrucians, hermeticists and others drawn to the occult and the esoteric. moreover, like the two male 'suicide' victims of the Order of the Solar Temple said to be members of the French Secret Service, Arginy also drew a member of the French Secret Service and in this case it was its head, Constantin Melnik. In 1959, Melnik reportedly participated in night-time ceremonies held at Arginy. Shortly afterwards, reports appeared in the French press associating Melnik with a group of Catholic, monarchist and synarchist anti-Communists that called themselves Templars. Melnik strenuously denied this.

The involvement of secret groups with Arginy does not stop there since it is known that in 1950, the then owner of the Chateau, the Marquis d'Uxeloup de Chambrun received an offer of 100 million Francs (a huge sum of money for 1950) from an anonymous English colonel representing a British secret society to purchase the Chateau. Why would a British secret society wish to purchase an old French Chateau unless they believed it held something of great importance.​

The League of Antiquarian Booksellers

There are strong echoes here of a similar bid by a British based society to buy what were perceived to be valuable parchments connected to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. As with Arginy, could the society involved have been a front for the British Secret Service? In this case it involved the purchase of three parchments allegedly discovered by Abbe Sauniere in the crypt of his church at Rennes-le-Chateau. These parchments were taken to the Paris church of St. Sulpice for study by experts. In one account , the parchments were eventually confided to the young priest Abbe Emile Hoffet, who became something of an expert on occult matters and Freemasonry, amassing a prodigious library of esoteric works, and reputedly mixed in elite Parisian occult circles. After his death they were acquired by a group claiming to be representatives of the London-based League of Antiquarian Booksellers. The alternative account is that the parchments were inherited by Sauniere's niece, Madame James, who then sold them, not appreciating their true worth, to the League of Antiquarian Booksellers. Intriguingly, after the death of Abbe Hoffet, Marius Fatin, an archaeologist and ardent Freemason and the owner of the Chateau at Rennes, received in 1966 a letter from the League advising him that his chateau was a site of great historic importance, having been the home of Sigisbert IV following the murder of his father, King Dagobert II. The letter also referred to the purchase of the parchments by the League from the Library of Abbe Hoffet. You might well ask why an English antiquarian book society should show such interest in parchments relating to the obscure Merovingian royal line and the fate of their descendants and the old chateau of Rennes.

The three authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, which has featured a lot in this thread, wrote a follow-up book called the Messianic Legacy in which they threw further light on the parchments through a document supplied by Pierre Plantard. The document he showed them, which was officially notarised, contained a request to the French Consulate in London by Viscount Leathers, Major Hugh Murchison Clowes and Captain Ronald Stansmore Nutting for permission to export three parchments from France. The text states: "three parchments whose value cannot be calculated, confided to us, for the purposes of historical research, by Madame James, resident in France at Montazels (Aude). She came into legal possession of these items by by virtue of a legacy from her uncle, the Abbe Sauniere, cure of Rennes-le- Chateau (Aude)."

The sale of the parchments by Sauniere's niece to the League of Antiquarian Booksellers was also confirmed by the Marquis Philippe de Cherisey in his book L'Enigme de Rennes (1978) where he states that Madam James sold the books in 1965 to the League but she was not to know that one of the two respectable lawyers involved Captain Ronald Stansmore of the British Intelligence Service (MI6) and the other was Sir Thomas Frazer, the 'eminence gris' of Buckingham. He claimed the parchments of Blanche of Castille were presently held in a strongbox of Lloyds Bank Europe Limited in London. Leaving on one side the veracity of the reports, Patton and Mackness point out that the British names quoted were all genuine characters who were involved with wartime intelligence activities and this therefore draws attention to a connection here with British intelligence, which along with the Special Operations Executive (SOE) was very active in France during the Second World War and for some years afterwards.​

British Intelligence

An intensive investigation of the League of Antiquarian Booksellers was undertaken by Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln and its supposed traffic in ancient French parchments was described in their book the Messianic Legacy (1986). Their examination revealed that all the people involved in this unusual incident had connections with the City of London and specifically with the Guardian Assurance Company. The authors point out that it was quite normal during the war for many intelligence operatives to be drawn from insurance companies, since their professional expertise (in dealing with insurance claims etc.) was considered to be invaluable in planning and executing sabotage missions and intelligence gathering. Now it so happens that I was working for the Guardian's successor company, in 1986 and spoke to the then Managing Director (MD) of the Company at a Christmas drinks party about the book. He told me that he had been very interested in Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln's investigation and had given them access to the company's records to conduct their research. Apparently, the authors reached the conclusion that they had drawn a blank after going through the company's records and decided to move on with other lines of enquiry. However, the MD confided to me that he thought the authors had been on to something and felt they should have pushed the matter further. Like Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, I was surprised when I did my own research how many former directors of the company post war had been members of MI5, MI6 and SOE. Talking to older colleagues, I learned that as insurance operatives based in the former territories of the British Empire (later Commonwealth), they often fed information back to the local British Consulates that might prove useful to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Hence, they readily admitted to being part of an overseas information gathering network.

It also turns out that Lord Selbourne, who was stated to be the central figure in the application to export the three parchments in 1956, was the overall head of SOE, whose headquarters was based at 64 Baker Street in London (MJF: yes the same Baker Street that Sherlock Holmes lived in) was only a stone's throw from the secret London headquarters of the Free French operatives. When the authors conducted a personal interview with Lord Selbourne's daughter, she revealed his passion for maintaining the integrity of the British Empire and his interest in the restoration of other European monarchies. She also mentioned that he had a great interest in genealogies and he often enjoyed holidays around the Pyrenees. Perhaps British intelligence has had an interest in the Pyrenees since the time of Sir Francis Bacon?. I wonder why?

Patton and Mackness go on to mention that several members of the British-based Rennes-le-Chateau Research Group have been in contact with former members of British Intelligence, each of whom had an interest in, and a wide knowledge of, the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. These agents confirmed that many of their colleagues had been members of various occult, masonic or chivalric societies. I would suggest that this has long ben true and as I pointed out before, the famous British spies and double agents, Philby, Burgess and Maclean had all been Freemasons affiliated to the Singapore Masonic Lodge. Patton and Mackness feel it is significant that the fabrication of the Dossiers Secrets by Plantard and Gerard de Sede and the disclosure of the export of the Rennes-le-Chateau parchments are typical of almost any intelligence services disinformation techniques. Furthermore, they allege that in 1998, a former British Intelligence officer told a Rennes researcher that he had personally seen a room within the Ministry of Defence in the 1970's dedicated to surveillance of the region of Rennes-le-Chateau. Yet another former Intelligence officer, the late Michael Bentine (better known as a highly successful British comedian - one of the original 'Goons' in the famous 'Goon Show', a radio show that made stars of Peter Sellers, Sir Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan) warned members of the Rennes Research Group on several occasions that investigations into the affair of Rennes-le-Chateau could be dangerous. As the authors state - what did he know?

Even Pierre Plantard, a Vichy operative, became involved in the French Resistance towards the end of the War and subsequently operated under the pseudonym of 'Captain Way' during the Algerian crisis of the mid-1950's, perhaps as an agent of President de Gaulle.

British Intelligence (MI6) has cropped up in the transcripts on a few occasions notably in the assassination of a young physicist acquaintance of Ark who got careless in publicly sharing his discoveries in relation to UFT and in Laura's kidnapping as a child for a period of 12 days. I can't at the moment track down the session in which they specified a section of British Military Intelligence but maybe someone else can. However, what has been revealed to the Rennes-le-Chateau Research Group and by Michael Bentine, when linked to the business of the three ancient parchments found by Abbe Sauniere and purchased by the League of Antiquarian Booksellers, suggests that British Intelligence takes a very real interest in Rennes-le-Chateau.

If the British Secret Service (and for that matter the French Secret Service) truly do take an interest in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau, is it because of the fabled treasure or is it something else, something far more valuable than mere gold and jewels? If so, could this perhaps explain why Laura and the Chateau crew have from time to time come under surveillance by spooks and why the C's have warned Laura and the crew to be vigilant?​

This also makes me think of the C's reference to the 'Looking Glass' in the following exchange:

A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. “Alice likes to go through the looking glass” at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.

I was struck by what Patton and Mackness had to say about President Francois Mitterand, a Freemason and a Vichy and French Resistance operative during the War. They described him as a man: "well able to perform complex mental gymnastics in recreating a past, and in displaying separate public and private faces, and furthermore very adept at operating in the 'looking glass' world of secret societies and their hidden agendas.

The same statement is also true of spies, who as we saw above, may often be members of secret societies as well. Indeed, the English spy thriller writer, John le Carre, used the concept of the looking glass for the title of one of his books 'The Looking Glass War'. Like Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, le Carre was also a former MI5 and MI6 officer.
See: The Looking Glass War - Wikipedia

What does the phrase “through the looking glass mean”? The phrase first appeared in the title of a book written by Lewis Carrol as a sequel to 1865’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. It does not mean to look through glass or a mirror exactly. It means “Opposite to What’s expected by someone”. Here it symbolises things in an alternative universe, totally opposite to the real world.

In this context, the phrase means “Where things are not as expected”. When we see in the glass, we expect our image to be as it is. But looking through glass symbolizes a different world in which things are totally different from their image or reflection. It also means going through a place where things are unexpected, unfamiliar, and different. Alice in her adventures go through such situations and the writer symbolises her stories as through the looking glass.​

The C's used the term in this same sense in an exchange from the session dated 25 July 1998:

Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

A: Alice through the looking glass.

And again in the session dated 16 August 1997:

Q: Ark suggested that the Etruscans may have gotten their alphabet as a mirror image. Could it be that they lived on the 'other side' of the mirror?

A: Latter is closer.

Hence, the term would seem very appropriate for the world that the spy operates in. However, I note in the unauthorised versions of the transcripts that "Alice" is substituted by "AK". I don't know if this is a mistake in transcription but, if not, it may put a very different spin on things, since AK may refer to Laura's mother, Alice Knight. I understand from Laura's description of her childhood that her mother was very fond of ballroom dancing. I don't know if any of these ballrooms might have had the name 'Crystal Palace' or they resembled such a structure but could the C's be referring here to the way in which Alice was manipulated by intelligence officers in order to gain access to the infant Laura for nefarious purposes?​

Here is the session in which Laura refers to this:

A: Symbiotic relationship. Was there a military connection?

Q: Oh, you mean the fact that my father was a chemist and was in the Navy? Does this have anything to do with my 12 day disappearance when I was three?

A: Maybe?

Q: Was something done to him when he was in the Navy?

A: Hmmmmmmmmmm? Now connect "Jack" with "Cecil."

Q: Well, Cecil was the fellow who kidnapped me. And, when he was arrested, the Navy came and took him away saying he was "incompetent to stand trial" because he had "escaped from a Navy hospital." And that essentially ended any hope of finding out where I was taken or why.

Or, alternatively, the intelligence services wanted to prevent knowledge of their involvement coming out if Cecil had had to stand trial. Hence, it would appear that Laura was drawn into the 'looking glass' world of intelligence operatives/agents from a very early age.
It's interesting you mentioned spooks. Miles Mathis' research shows that certain families often show up for those who are involved in staged events. I don't agree with all his writing but the evidence he presents about the bloodlines of spooks is too much to ignore. Not all people from those bloodlines are spooks of course.

It's interesting most of the info he got came from the internet such as Wikipedia. Why display such damning info to blow their covers? My guess is there is some kind of hyper dimensional contract that dictates that any large staged event needs to let the information out somehow. Otherwise bad karma is created. This is often done by scattering the truth in different sources and amongst lies.

Mathis' theory is that different spook factions are blackmailing each other by releasing secrets of each other but this doesn't entirely explain why certain staged actors have names that give them away e g. Fauci.

Even seemingly kind people like Greta Thumberg are manipulated. This can be extended to anti-imperialist politicians as well. The left right conflict in the US is staged just like the conflicts among different countries. The clues are there if one digs through and critic the info available.

Manipulation of info is found in many domains not just politics. Some are so well-done that it takes a long time to peel through the layers E.g. greenhouse gas, nutrition and even spirituality.

I will end this with some interesting clues.

I highly recommend Rev elati0ns of an eli te fa mily insider.

I hypothesize l00king glass is higher densities which are accessible to spooks and people deep within secret societies after reading

David 1..e's shap eshift ers are hinted in these clues. They are the manipulators.
It's interesting you mentioned spooks. Miles Mathis' research shows that certain families often show up for those who are involved in staged events. I don't agree with all his writing but the evidence he presents about the bloodlines of spooks is too much to ignore. Not all people from those bloodlines are spooks of course.

It's interesting most of the info he got came from the internet such as Wikipedia. Why display such damning info to blow their covers? My guess is there is some kind of hyper dimensional contract that dictates that any large staged event needs to let the information out somehow. Otherwise bad karma is created. This is often done by scattering the truth in different sources and amongst lies.

Mathis' theory is that different spook factions are blackmailing each other by releasing secrets of each other but this doesn't entirely explain why certain staged actors have names that give them away e g. Fauci.

Even seemingly kind people like Greta Thumberg are manipulated. This can be extended to anti-imperialist politicians as well. The left right conflict in the US is staged just like the conflicts among different countries. The clues are there if one digs through and critic the info available.

Manipulation of info is found in many domains not just politics. Some are so well-done that it takes a long time to peel through the layers E.g. greenhouse gas, nutrition and even spirituality.

I will end this with some interesting clues.

I highly recommend Rev elati0ns of an eli te fa mily insider.

I hypothesize l00king glass is higher densities which are accessible to spooks and people deep within secret societies after reading

David 1..e's shap eshift ers are hinted in these clues. They are the manipulators.
You make a lot of good points here, particularly about the manipulation that is going on behind the scenes. Where you say: "I hypothesize looking glass is higher densities which are accessible to spooks and people deep within secret societies", I recall that the C's once said in relation to Oak Island that "Some humans have always communed with "higher" powers. We are speaking of conscious communion in this and other instances".

I think we can take it from their statement that this has been a very ancient practice. I would suggest that the Rosicrucians are one group to have been involved in this practice - think of the Orphic Circle, for example that drew in Roscicrucians like Lewis Carroll and Edward Bulwer Lytton (see my article on this in one of my early posts on this thread) and used gifted trance mediums like Emma Hardinge Britten (see: Emma Hardinge Britten - Wikipedia) to access these Higher Density beings - using a mirror as a psychomanteum. Indeed, it has been argued that she was the esoteric real Alice who went through the Looking Glass at the Crystal Palace to discover an alternative universe (consider 4th Density with its variable physicality and recall how Alice changed size in the story?).

Here are a couple of quotes on what the role of a psychomanteum is meant to be:

"A Psychomanteum is a small room or chamber invented by Dr. Raymond Moody and inspired by ancient techniques used 2500 years ago at the Oracle of the Dead in Ephyra, Greece. A psychomanteum helps the living process grief by seeing and/or communicating with people who have passed over to the spirit realm."

"In parapsychology and spiritualism, a psychomanteum is a small, enclosed area set up with a comfortable chair, dim lighting, and a mirror angled so as not to reflect anything but darkness intended to communicate with spirits of the dead."

Well I suggest it was not invented by Dr. Raymond Moody since the practice is much older than that - think of John Dee and his 'Shew Stone' for example which he used to communicate with his angels and the Orphic Circle who made use of such mirrors. However, what the above quotes say on psychomanteums ties up nicely with the purpose of the 'Speaking Chamber' of the Hypogeum in Malta - which archaeologists view as a necropolis where people went to communicate with the dead. Perhaps they communicated with more than dead spirits though?

Mentioning Emma Hardinge Britten again gives me the chance to pass on new piece of information that I recently discovered about her, which might shed light on the inspiration behind Bulwer Lytton's book 'Vril: The Power of the Coming Race' and Jules Verne's 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth', both involving underground civilisations.

Britten in her memoirs (called 'Ghostland') spoke of an underground city that here friend Cavalier Louis (no doubt a Frenchman) had visited in India at the Temple of Shiva in Alaru. He claimed that he had encountered seven figures there who sat upon thrones that rose up and down on charged batteries. The central figure faded in and out of reality. Could these figures be linked perhaps with the Seven Nagas and Seven Archangels?

I must admit that when I first heard this tale, I immediately thought of the scene in the climax to the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, where Indiana Jones and his friends enter a hidden Amazonian temple and find a chamber containing thirteen crystal skeletons of aliens sitting on thrones/chairs, one of which is missing its skull, which turns out to be the skull they had found earlier in their adventures. Thirteen crystal skull eh! I wonder where we have heard about that before? The skeletons communicate telepathically to the humans.
For the film plot, see: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Wikipedia.

I also attach a link here to what may be the temple Cavalier Louis was referring to, which is an incredible megalithic structure carved out of a single piece of solid rock. How many man hours this took is anyone's guess, unless they used technology now lost to the historic record.


I have some thoughts about talking to the dead, initiation, ect. Speculation, of course.

The topic of speaking to the dead reminds me of a movie called Flatliners. In that movie, some college students - I think they were medical students - wanted to see what was on the other side, so they would use a medical procedure to induce death, and within a timeframe be resucitated. And strange things happened in the aftermath.

So, when the topic of ancient practices comes up - with the imagery of tombs, priests, rites, ect., I always wonder if this Flatliners movie is a modern telling of what spiritualist explorers practiced, and that the remnant imagery left behind, a indication of their activities; but perennially buried as a practice, because of its extreme nature.

So, in this case, it would not be speaking to the dead, but dying and knowing death - from a personal perspective of course, and that initiations were just that - dying and being reinitialized. And from this the pool of knowledge that constituted a society, and it was secret, because it was unnatural, and aside from strangeness, no real benefit. But a lot must have felt enlightened.

I suspect that, in those times, mortality was high and therefore a lot of near-deathers, who seemed more tranquil, peaceful, and enlightened. And so the clerics, priests, healers, scribes, rulers, ect. were interested in the near-death phenomenon that they experimented with it - first on slaves and prisoners - and evolved into a religious practice, where the nobles partook in it.

But it is a endeavor of a exploratory spirit, that will time and again try to push the boundary of the known, and gain from it. And it is as ever extreme, and so shrouded in secrecy and mystique.

I said no real benefit previously... But I think it could be inwardly, as one could gain inspiration, reinitiate, purify... But to tempt such fate must stem from desperate times, and so such practices better understood knowing the conditions such societies existed.

In those times spiritual exploration preceded world exploration, but as we became more technical, world endeavors were more promising, and so these practices waned as the world broadened.
I find this topic interesting because of the intriguing subject matter, and the way it is researched and explained.
And as well, the Rosicrucian part reminds me of when I was young, and responded to a ad in a comic book...
Comic books used to be pretty popular - at least in my family, and my favs were Richey Rich, Little Lotta, Dot, Casper and Wendy - we had a bunch.
But in every comic was a ad section, and mostly they wanted to sell joke/novelty items: fake cigarettes, magic tricks ect. and you'd send a letter off with your order and get it back in a few weeks.
Well, there was a ad with a silhouette of a man, and the face was empty and it had a 'who am I' in place of the face, along with a spiral thingy - it might have been an adjoining ad about hypnosis that was often advertised as well.
So, I was intrigued about the ad and sent some money, not knowing what I'd get in return...
Several weeks later, I get this Rosicrucian book. It was like a introductory book, and a membership offer.
I read the book - initially I thought: 'Oh, a book. That figures.' But as I read it, I felt it draw me in and say the things that made me feel smart just reading it, and as I was only 7 or 8 , reading it was impressive. I was like: 'I want to be a member! Mom, can I be a member!'
So, I got the membership and another book, and this one was way over my head. So, my interest died, though I thought the subject interesting - if only it was a easy read.
So, that is my tie to Rosicrucianism - an ad in a comic. I'm probably listed as a member somewhere deep in their member archive.

So, I like this thread and find it interesting, and it enkindles the same interest I had as a youth.
I owe a long overdue response to you on your comments for which thanks. I intend getting back to you with my thoughts on your observations as soon as possible. As to where Arcadia was situated, you will see that I have touched upon that at the end of my most recent posting - See the Curse of Oak Island.

I found more evidence that links Arcadia with Sargon aka King Saul and Jesse (father of David). All this is just speculation though it is hard to ignore the patterns and clues.

Et in Arcadia ego
means "Here I am in Arcadia". It first appeared in Poussin's painting.

The "I" is taken to refer to the entombed or death
by scholars. Interesting how Saul is Sheol in Hebrew, meaning pit, grave or Hades (which can refer to the physical matrix we live in). Jonah said he was trapped in sheol, a curious word for a whale, which in Greek septuagint bible is referred to as κήτει μεγάλῳ ketei megalo "abyss great". Ketei is linked to the word Cetus, the sea monster killed by Perseus and Hercules, and also the constellation Cetus.

The symbol that may be used to represent Jonah and the whale is the arabic letter Nun. (Fun fact: the letter N on my keyboard was jammed a few months before I made this discovery.). It is also how the militant Islam represent Christians.

View attachment 53721

The dot is also depicted as a cross. Is Jonah the cross or the crescent? Jonah means womb and dove (also a symbol of goddesses like Aphrodite) in Hebrew, so I think it is the crescent. Others have said it is the dot/cross because it looks like it is swallowed by the crescent whale. But if we take the meaning of Jonah as the womb and the whale as Sheol (whom I will later link to the cross below), then it seems like Jonah is the crescent.

View attachment 53722

Nun may be represented as a wheel with eight spokes. This is the symbol for the greek word for fish ΙΧΘΥΣ.

I'm not sure whether Arcadia is the entombed/souls stuck in physical matrix, or Arcadia contains the tomb.

letters R C
In Poussin's painting, one of the shepherd points to the letters R C, which could mean Rho Chi / Chi Rho (CR), which I have explained earlier as possibly referring to Chiram/Hiram. CR symbol is the key of Solomon which is often represented as a key with a cross, though it is also represented as four lines intersected at one point.

Note that the fish is also the greek word ΙΧΘΥΣ. These letters can be fitted into eight spoked wheel, one of the earliest symbols used by Christians to identify themselves.

Does this mean that CR is the spokes (Sheol) and the circle is Jonah? Or CR is both the spokes and circle? Is Arcadia the spokes, or the spokes and circle?

Fun fact: If you look up gnosticwarrior on Hiram, you will find that he used other clues to find the identity of Hiram.

Fun fact 2: Wayne Herschel of the hidden records website shows clues that the key of Solomon is Orion (Aryan? Cs said 4D STS wanted to establish a strong aryan race because aryan genes is most similar to Orion stock.)

S a u l = J e s s e = S a r g o n?
David calls Saul his father in the bible. It could mean Saul as his second father/lord, or it could mean Jesse and Saul are the same person. Even though David and Saul fought each other, it is possible that ancient politics is similar to current politics where we have two parties appearing to fight each other but funded by the same deep state. Both Bush and Obama funded wars.

Sargon king of Akkad/Agade (Arcadia?) is the cupbearer of the king of the city Kish. Interesting that Saul's father is Kish.

Sargon is also linked to a prominent cupbearer in the bible - Joseph (the only other named cupbearer in the bible is Nehemiah - not sure what that means). Joseph's beginning story is similar to Jesus and Saul: Father sends son to wilderness to gather lost flock (donkeys for Saul, brothers and flock for Joseph, sheep for Jesus).

Cs said yes when Laura asked if Joseph is King Scorpion. I think he may be Sargon because the constellation Scorpius has a star called Sargas, similar to Sargon.

Is Jesse, the father of David, a historical figure before or after Abraham?

C says: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.
Jesse is written yod-shin-yod in Hebrew. It means "there is Yah (the Lord)", man or husband. It is said to be pronounced as Yishai but if we just look at the Hebrew, it could be yeshy, or ishi (sorry I'm not expert in Hebrew). Jesse sounds and looks very similar to essene.

Note that Hebrew and Latin does not contain the letter j. Rather, they use Y or H.

According to Epiphanius, a church father in 4th century, essene is also referred to as Jessaei ( ). His choice of word for essene is, however, said to be confused because earlier scholars Josephus and Philo do not use this name. Still one wonders whether Jessaei is related to the Jessaeans?

Epiphanius said that "the first distinctive appellation of Christians was Ιεσσαῖοι, Jessaeans, but it is doubtful from whom the title was derived, or in what sense it was applied. Some suppose it was from Jesse, the father of David; others [...] trace it to the name of the Lord Jesus" (Source: _Jessaeans from the McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia.).

Essene is thus linked with the term "Christian", which is symbolized by the cross. It is also linguistically similar with Jesse who may be Saul, the pit. (Hence, there is greater evidence that Jonah is the crescent and the whale/sheol is the cross in the letter Nun).

"Aryan one of Trent" seems to imply that Trent is made of more than one component. Sheol is one component.
Trent may be two components. As I've mentioned earlier, Trent may be separated into Tent and R. R is RC (and R the key also refers to the belt of Orion - see Wayne Herschel). Tent is the goddess.

Trent may refer to more than two components. Trent is linked to wanderer (river Trent is called "wanderer" perhaps for its flooding). There are male and female deities who are known as wanderers (Hermes, Arma, Hecate). It's also interesting that planet means wander. Laura has suggested that planets/comets were viewed as deities in her book Secret History (Part 2). Maybe Trent consists of stars, comets/planets and Orion.
King David, Saul, Jesse and Sargon

You make some interesting connections here. One problem we face is that the Jews would seem to have invented much of their history during the Babylonian exile, long after the events depicted in the earlier books of the Old Testament were supposed to have occurred. Hence, biblical genealogies may be somewhat confused with key characters being either simply invented or based on other historical figures (e.g., Samson can be viewed as a Jewish form of Hercules or Heracles). However, in the Bible, David's father is given as Jesse and this has important implications for the messiahship of Jesus Christ - see: Who was Jesse in the Bible? | In order to fulfil biblical prophecy concerning the Messiah, Jesus must be shown to have been of the 'root of Jesse' and therefore a 'son of David' - a title connected to him throughout the New testament.

I must admit that I still find it hard to link Sargon with the Hebrew King Saul, since the conventional history surrounding the Old Testament places Saul long after Abraham's time and, therefore, long after Sargon the Great's time. Sargon was the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire, and was known for his conquests of the Sumerian city-states in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC. That being said, the C's have told us that Abraham was actually Moses and the biblical Exodus took place in the reign of Akhenaton who reigned over Egypt in 1353–1336 BC or 1351–1334 BC, which is up to a thousand years or so after Sargon's time. I would concede though that, Saul like King Solomon and the Patriarch Joseph (the Egyptian King Scorpion - generally linked by archaeologists with the Pharaoh Narmer) could have been an Egyptian personage or, as you propose, possibly even Sargon the Akkadian, but then I think that makes it impossible for him to have been David's father since the timelines don't work for me. David is believed by biblical scholars and historians to have captured Jerusalem from the tribe of Jebusites in c.1004 BC, i.e., 1,300 years or more after Sargon's time. Moreover, the C's refer to David as having being a Levite. The Levites are contemporary with Abraham/Moses since in the Bible they carried the Ark and were a priestly caste. Hence, unless the Levites have a much older pedigree than that suggested by the Bible (which is always possible), it is unlikely David could have been a contemporary of Sargon. However, I am open to further argument on the point but remain to be convinced. In the meantime, I take the view that if Jesse was truly the father of David, and not some fictional character, he clearly would have been living after the time of Abraham/Moses.

You state: "Cs said yes when Laura asked if Joseph is King Scorpion. I think he may be Sargon because the constellation Scorpius has a star called Sargas, similar to Sargon."

This is an interesting proposition. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia were noted astronomers and were among the first people on record to have given the stars names, including here the stars of Scorpio. Sargas is the most southerly bright star in the the constellation of Scorpio, closely anchoring the southern curve of the scorpion's tail. However, its Sumerian name is of unknown meaning. One cannot therefore rule out a connection with Sargon, although Sargon was an Akkadian whose empire would replace that of the Sumerians, meaning the star may have had that name before Sargon's age commenced. Intriguingly, the Scorpion is also mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh where the gates of the sun god are guarded by the scorpion-people (the Greys or the Lizards?). The gate signals an underground tunnel that makes its way into the world of immortals. This reference to an underground tunnel is curious since the C's have said that Sargon was a "deep level punctuator", meaning he came from the underground civilisation - the Nation of the Third Eye. The reference to scorpion-people also makes me think of the description in St. John's Apocalypse or the Book of Revelations with regard to locusts giving people scorpion stings:
"And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. Revelation 9:10 They had tails with stingers like scorpions, which had the power to injure people for five months. "

Again could this be a reference to STS Greys or Lizards?

This doesn't take Sargon out of the picture though since the C's confirmed that he was a Scythian-Celt whose people migrated from central Asia into the Fertile Crescent or Mesopotamia. As the Israelites were supposedly Hebrews from Asia, they were most probably of Scythian-Celtic stock too.

As for who may have been David's people, I have recently been reading Robert Graves' book 'The White Goddess'. Though Graves was ostensibly a poet, he was also something of an historian, eg., he wrote the novel 'I Claudius', which was written in the style of an autobiography of the Roman Emperor Claudius, and relates the history of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and the early years of the Roman Empire. In The White Goddess (and also in his book King Jesus) , Graves advanced the theory that the early books of the Old Testament were based on a set of icons captured by the Israelites at Hebron. These icons illustrated the ritual fate of the sacred king; one part of the series became icontropically reinterpreted as the story of Saul, another as that of Samson, another as that of Absolom and yet another as that of Samuel.

Graves then points out that all these names look like corrupt forms of the name 'Salma', or Salmon, a royal title among the Kenites, who Graves claims were David's ancestors. Salma, as a god, was identified with Reseph the Canaanite Osiris. To help here, I set out below the relevant extracts from the transcripts, which deal with King David:​

Q: Is the story of David a gloss of the Perseus legend?
A: Yes. More than that though.
Q: Okay, can you tell me what it is more than that?
A: A Tale of 4th Density.
Q: So it's interactive in the sense of groups, not individuals?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I still have to deal with this King David issue. He was like a Robin Hood. Now, in another direction, what's this deal about Abraham talking to God. Is this where the whole monotheism came in?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, it started out with Abraham and his tribe. Did he have reinforcements of his Levite brothers who came and joined his tribe from Hittite land?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are there any details of this story that I haven't covered that I ought to?
A: David was a Levite.
Q: (L) Was he of the line of Abraham?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did he come from "Hittite land?"
[MJF: Today's Turkey]
A: Close.
Q: (L) How many generations before he was born did his family come to the area of Palestine?
A: 5.
Q: (L) Were they relatives of Abraham?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (L) Distantly related. So, what did David do? Came along and gathered the people together?
A: Yes.

Please note that the C's are saying that David was not a Hittite (like Abraham) but came from territory close to modern-day Turkey. So could David have been a Kenite as Graves proposes?

Quoting from Wikipedia: Kenites - Wikipedia

The Kenites according to the critical interpretation of the Biblical data, were a clan settled on the southern border of Judah, originally more advanced in arts than the Hebrews, and from whom the latter learned much. They supposedly migrated from southern Asia (which suggests they too were Scythian-Celts). In the time of David the Kenites were finally settled among the tribe of Judah, which would explain why they eventually came to be seen as Jews and David was viewed as being from the tribe of Judah.

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Kenites were a nomadic tribe in the ancient Levant. The Kenites were coppersmiths and metalworkers. They were descendants of Cain. They played an important role in the history of ancient Israel, although the Kenites descended from Rechab maintained a distinct, nomadic lifestyle for some time.

The Bible mentions the Kenites as living in or around Canaan as early as the time of Abraham. (Genesis 15:18–21) At the Exodus, Jethro and his clan inhabited the vicinity of Mount Sinai and Horeb. (Exodus 3:1) Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, was a Kenite (Judges 1:16) resident in the land of Midian. Judges 1:16 says that his descendants "went up from the City of Palms with the men of Judah to live among the people of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad." The "City of Palms" appears to be Zoara or Tamar in the upper Arabah. However, if Moses was Abraham, whose wife Sarah was really Nefertiti, then we should take the story of Jethro the Kenite being Moses' father-in-law with a pinch of salt. However, it does establish a link between Abraham/Moses' people (who during the Exodus became nomadic Bedouins, which fits the description of the Kenites) and the Kenite clan represented by the fictitious Jethro.

However, in Exodus 3:1 Jethro is said to have been a "priest in the land of Midian" and a resident of Midian (Numbers 10:29). This has led many scholars to believe that the terms are intended (at least in parts of the Bible) to be used interchangeably, or that the Kenites formed a part of the Midianite tribal grouping. The Kenites journeyed with the Israelites to Canaan (Judges 1:16).

At a later period, some of the Kenites separated from their brethren in the south, and went to live in northern Canaan (Judges 4:11) where they lived in the time of King Saul. The kindness which they had shown to Israel in the wilderness was gratefully remembered. "Ye showed kindness to all the children of Israel, when they came up out of Egypt," said Saul to them (1 Samuel 15:6); and so not only were they spared by him, but David allowed them to share in the spoil that he took from the Amalekites.

In addition, Hippolytus of Rome in his Chronicon (AD 234) appears to identify the Kinaidokolpitai of central Arabia with the biblical Kenites.

It is important to note that Graves viewed the Israelites as a confederation of peoples, mainly Canaanites, who eventually became united under King David.


Turning now to the issue of Arcadia and the interpretation of the term "Trent", again I think it will help set out some relevant extracts from the transcripts:​

Q: Okay, next question, is this Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, the same as what you have called 'the holder of Trent?'

A: Close.

A: Well, quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia?

Q: (L) Arcadia was Turkey. You have made many references to Turkey, to Troy, which was located in what is now Turkey. A lot of funny stuff tracks back there. And, Troy means ‘three.’ Interesting. [Compare Troy to Trent, which also means three]

A: Tis a clue for you, not a destination!

A: Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent.

Q: Can you clarify that for me?

A: We can, but shall not.

Hence, the C's ask the basic question - where is Arcadia? You have suggested that "Akkad" could be etymologically connected with Arcadia. That is an interesting suggestion but could it be that the name was carried by the Akkadian semites to new territories settled by their descendants in the same way that the name Carnac in Brittany, France may have subsequently been translated to Karnak in Egypt or Birmingham, Alabama was named after Birmingham in England etc.

In my last post on Oak Island and Sir Francis Bacon, I made the following point:


For Bacon, Nova Scotia and Virginia may have been the new Arcadia but we need to determine where the old Arcadia of the Classical Age was. I have recently been reading Robert Graves’ book the ‘The White Goddess’. Graves clearly views Arcadia as having been in the Peloponnese of modern Greece, as do most mythologists. However, many of the legendary tales and Greek myths found in the works of Classical writers such as Homer may not have been based in Greece at all, if the siege of Troy took place in England as has been proposed by Iman Wilkens in his book ‘Where Troy Once Stood’. The C’s have confirmed that Wilken’s theory is correct, which means that Arcadia could not have been located in Greece at the time when the legendary events described in Homer’s The Iliad and Virgil’s The Aeneid occurred. This does not undermine the underlying truth contained in these legends but merely relocates where they took place. This means that we need to pin down where Arcadia was located at the time of the Siege of Troy.

I must first confess, I have not read Where Troy Once Stood. However, I have read commentaries upon it and Laura's very useful article in Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols, which analysed Wilken's theories on Troy being located on the outskirts of what today is the modern City of Cambridge in England, a town I know well since my children were all born there on what was the Plain of Ilum. He identified the various city states referred to in Homer's Iliad as towns which can be found today in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark and Scandinavia. The famous siege of Troy was in essence a war between different groups of Celts and not Greeks, Cretans and other peoples of the Mediterranean. Thus, Wilkens identified Agamemnon's kingdom of Argos as being the northern half of France - the city of Argos being the modern day Calvados, Thebes was the present day town of Dieppe in Normandy, Mycenae was today's town of Troyes, Crete was in Scandinavia, Thrace is today's Brittany and Athens was located near to the present day city of Cherbourg. Unfortunately, the one region I have not been able to discover its modern counterpart was Arcadia. If anyone reading this has read Where Troy Once Stood, please let me know if he identified Arcadia.

In the meantime, taking an educated guess, I would suggest that Arcadia was located in southern France in the region known in the middle ages as the Languedoc, what today is called the modern administrative region of Occitania. It may have also extended into northern Spain, straddling each side of the Pyrenees. including what is modern day Catalonia. Prior to the arrival of the Celts, this region was populated by the Basques who may be amongst the oldest groups of extant Europeans, harbouring some very archaic mtDNA lineages. Certainly, this area of Europe has been occupied by humans since ancient times. Indeed, I would propose that it was one of the first parts of Europe occupied post-Deluge by the survivors of Atlantis. Indeed, it may even have been an extension or colony of Atlantis prior to the Deluge, depending on how far the ice sheet that covered most of northern Europe during the Ice Age extended.

If Arcadia was located in the Languedoc, then we should bear in mind that the village of Rennes-le-Chateau is to be found there. As Sylvia Francke and Thomas Cawthorne in their book The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail state: "Rennes-le-Chateau announces the presence of the goddess; the Queen of the House". Another Rennes-le-Chateau researcher David Wood has stated that this area of southern France is saturated with references to 'the goddess', particularly Isis. Since I think the mother goddess (Robert Graves' White Goddess) is directly associated with the Holy Grail, indeed, is most likely one and the same thing, this is a telling point and helps to support my proposition that this area was Arcadia. However, is there any town in the Languedoc that has an etymological link with 'Arcadia'. Well, I think there is one place that fits the bill and that is the town or village of 'Arques', which is only six miles from Rennes-le-Chateau. In French the word "arques" relates to arch or bow as in an arc. In Catalan, "Arques" is the plural of "Arca", which in Spanish translates as "Ark" or "Chest".

Some people happen to think that the landscape depicted in Poussin's painting resembles Arques and it so happened there was a tomb in Arques that exactly matched the one shown in the painting - even one of the peaks in the background of the painting matches the hill on which Rennes-le-Chateau stands. The settings, dimensions, proportions, shape and even the surrounding vegetation of the tomb matched those in the painting and experts know that Poussin was very exacting when it came to getting dimensions and proportions correct in his paintings. Henry Lincoln went to investigate the tomb but found there was nothing to indicate its age and show that it may have been standing when Poussin executed his painting Moreover, if there had ever been an inscription on the tomb, it had long been worn away by the weather. Records show that the tomb had belonged to an American who had opened it in the 1920's but found the sepulchre empty. His wife and mother-in-law were subsequently buried in it. When Lincoln was filming the tomb for his first documentary, when he and the film crew returned to the site after a long lunch, they found someone had attempted to smash their way into the tomb. Some researchers have subsequently claimed that the tomb is too modern to have been standing when Poussin created his painting. They also question whether Poussin, though a Frenchman, had ever visited the area during his life (much of which he spent in Rome). I understand that the tomb has since been demolished.

It should be noted that Laura and the Chateau crew live in the French Pyrenees and, if my theory is correct, that places them most probably in Arcadia. The C's have also intimated that the Grail may be buried close to where they now reside.
You said: Et in Arcadia ego means "Here I am in Arcadia". It first appeared in Poussin's painting.

A more strict translation renders this as "And in Arcadia I". Many researchers have noted that there is no verb in the inscription (which makes it what they call an elliptical sentence), suggesting that whoever wrote it deliberately intended it to be ungrammatical. Many classicists interpret this expression, as used in the context of Poussin's painting of an idyllic pastoral paradise to be elegiac - death announcing his sombre presence even in Arcadia. And remember that Poussin was very much a trained classicist, many of his paintings depicting classical scenes, including one we still need to investigate - The Golden Calf.

Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln, the authors of 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' thought it may have been for philosophical reasons - to preclude all tense, all indication of past, present or future and thereby to imply something eternal. If the Holy Grail is Baphomet, a pure crystal skull, possibly quartz, then this description would be most apt since quartz crystal is ageless and can be, therefore, viewed as almost eternal.

However, the authors also explored the possibility that the expression might be an anagram, since the codes that had been found in the parchments discovered by Abbe Sauniere had relied heavily on anagrams - i.e., the transposition and rearrangement of letters. A viewer who had seen one of Lincoln's TV documentaries on the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau suggested that the letters could be rearranged into a coherent Latin statement to read "I TEGO ARCANA DEI" meaning "BEGONE! I CONCEAL THE SECRETS OF GOD". If the pure crystal that is Baphomet is the Holy Grail (the 'Gift of God') and it contains a stupendous amount of information and data as pure crystal quartz is capable of, this alternative expression would again, I believe, be a very apt description of the Grail.​

You said: "I'm not sure whether Arcadia is the entombed/souls stuck in physical matrix, or Arcadia contains the tomb."

It could be both given what the C's said about the meaning of the 'Fisher King', a figure who appears in many Grail romances. They explained the meaning of the term was "The one who resides within a circular continuum"; a "circular continuum" meaning "Trapped within the grasp of one's own significance, to the exclusion of the acquisition of a broader knowledge base and understanding."

I think it also means, as you suggest, that Arcadia contains the tomb where the Grail is buried. Although most people think the skull in Poussin's first painting of the Shepherds of Arcadia represents death, as in most great classical works, if Baphomet, as a pure crystal skull, is the Holy Grail then he might possibly have being trying to signify the fact that it was entombed/hidden in Arcadia and through the four characters shown in the second painting, he is giving us a star map to help find it.

It is interesting in the extract above that Laura notes Troy means ‘three'. "Trent" may also be taken to mean "three" and both Troy (Cambridge) and Trent (as in the river Trent - the wanderer) are both in England. I also linked "Trent" to "Trident" as in the three pronged weapon that Britannia (the goddess Brig, Brid, Brigid or Brigantia), the symbol of Britain, holds in her hand. Notice the C's say that Laura is close when she asks: "Is this Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, the same as what you have called 'the holder of Trent'." In classical mythology, Hercules is a holder of the serpent. If Brigid, who was a Celtic triple-earth or white goddess, equivalent to the Greek Demeter or Persephone and to the Egyptian Isis, can be linked to the Briganti Celtic tribe in northern Britain who held the territory around the river Trent (see map below), then Brigid, who I think is a deified Meritaten/Hagar/Kore, can also be linked in this manner to the Trent as well. The name Bridget from Old Irish Brigit (Modern Irish Bríd) also comes from Brigantī, as does the English river name Brent.​


I believe that the bearded kneeling figure in Poussin's painting can be linked to Hercules the demi-god. I also think that the female shepherdess in the painting can be linked to Ariadne - who in turn can be seen as an archetype of Demeter or Persephone and by extension Isis and Brigid (all mother/barley goddess figures). In which case, she may be linked to the constellation of Virgo, which is close to the constellation of Hercules in the night sky, as is the constellation of the Corona Borealis (her crown?).

Where the C's say that "Arcadia is a crossroads for the one Essene, the Aryan one of Trent", this would make sense if you were heading to Britain (where Troy was) from Egypt, since you would journey to Spain and then head up through France to the English Channel. It so happens that there are several ancient settlements named Brigantium around Europe, such as Berganza in Alava (Spain), Betanzos and Bergondo in Galicia (Spain), Bragança in Portugal, which suggests a strong link to the goddess Brig, Brigantia, Brid or Brigid on the Iberian Peninsula.

If we are linking Princess Meritaten, Hagar and Kore to the triple-goddess Brigid, as the possible holder of the Holy Grail (the Trent or Trinity), then we need to connect her to the Aryans and to the Essenes. This may not be difficult since she was a Perseid whose lineage was through that of the hero Perseus and the Mycenean dynasty he established, whose famous exploits would have been carried out in northern Europe (Mycenae being Troyes in Northern France - making Perseus a Celt) according to Iman Wilken's theories and not Greece or North Africa. She was also the daughter of Nefertiti/Sarah, who the C's have said came from the underground civilisation which derived from the Aryans, who started going underground over 14,000 years ago - the Nazis in the 1940's being the most recent group of Aryans to do so via a portal in Antarctica. She and her daughter had very enlarged heads or craniums, which means that they would have had much larger brains than the average - making them super intelligent. It is interesting that large, ancient skulls such as those denoted by the surviving head busts of Nefertiti and Meritaten have been discovered in what was Hittite Turkey. Similar large skulls have also been found in the graves of the more modern Merovingians too (see my earlier posts), which may suggest a genetic link between these two groups.

The Essenes although linked traditionally to Israel or Judea, may have enjoyed a pedigree that stemmed originally from Ancient Egypt. I tend to think they have no direct connection to Christianity save that some Essenes may have converted to Christianity in the early years of Christianity. My understanding is that being ultra Jewish nationalists, like the Zealots, they were eventually annihilated by the Romans during the Jewish uprising or revolt, which occurred between the years 66-135 AD (hence the hiding of the Dead Sea Scrolls). However, the Essenes were a monastic movement and their austere religious lifestyle, lived together in common, may have inspired the later Desert Fathers like Saint Anthony and other Hermits who played a major role in establishing Christian monasticism. This link can be seen to be realised in the Carmelite Friars who established their first monastery in the Holy Land at Mount Carmel in the 12th century AD much like the Jewish Essenes had done. Their could even be a tantalising link with the modern Rosicrucians, who also see a link between their traditions and those of the Essenes - see my earlier article on how the Carmelites and Rosicrucians shared a voyage together to California in the early 16th century, where they established the first monastery and first Rosicrucian lodge respectively on the west coast of North America.

I need to do a separate article on the Essenes but for now, I would argue that it is not out of the question that Meritaten could have been a temple priestess. Her uncle, Akhenaten's elder brother Thutmose, was shown to have been a High Priest of Ptah in the ancient city of Memphis before he disappeared from the records. His full royal titles were "Crown Prince, Overseer of the Priests of Upper and Lower Egypt, High Priest of Ptah in Memphis and Sm-priest (of Ptah). Indeed, it has even been argued by some researchers such as Graham Phillips that Prince Thutmose could have been Moses (and therefore Abraham). One day I hope to finish my article on Abraham/Moses which will expound on these links, since I think Abraham and Akhenaten may have been royal brothers, if not necessarily blood brothers.

Is there any evidence that women acted as priests in Ancient Egypt. Well, yes there is. A few years ago. some female tattooed mummies were discovered in El Diera in Egypt, one of whom had a tattoo of the goddess Hathor the Moon goddess (akin to Isis, an earlier incarnation of the goddess), which meant the woman was of high status and almost certainly a priestess. If the Essenes were originally an Egyptian cult group that went with Abraham/Moses during the Exodus, then it is possible that Meritaten could have been one of them, which might explain a bizarre battle involving the tribe of Benjamin that ensued later.
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I find this topic interesting because of the intriguing subject matter, and the way it is researched and explained.
And as well, the Rosicrucian part reminds me of when I was young, and responded to a ad in a comic book...
Comic books used to be pretty popular - at least in my family, and my favs were Richey Rich, Little Lotta, Dot, Casper and Wendy - we had a bunch.
But in every comic was a ad section, and mostly they wanted to sell joke/novelty items: fake cigarettes, magic tricks ect. and you'd send a letter off with your order and get it back in a few weeks.
Well, there was a ad with a silhouette of a man, and the face was empty and it had a 'who am I' in place of the face, along with a spiral thingy - it might have been an adjoining ad about hypnosis that was often advertised as well.
So, I was intrigued about the ad and sent some money, not knowing what I'd get in return...
Several weeks later, I get this Rosicrucian book. It was like a introductory book, and a membership offer.
I read the book - initially I thought: 'Oh, a book. That figures.' But as I read it, I felt it draw me in and say the things that made me feel smart just reading it, and as I was only 7 or 8 , reading it was impressive. I was like: 'I want to be a member! Mom, can I be a member!'
So, I got the membership and another book, and this one was way over my head. So, my interest died, though I thought the subject interesting - if only it was a easy read.
So, that is my tie to Rosicrucianism - an ad in a comic. I'm probably listed as a member somewhere deep in their member archive.

So, I like this thread and find it interesting, and it enkindles the same interest I had as a youth.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful memory. It's a shame you didn't keep the books. Who knows, they may have proved useful to this thread. Strange though that the Rosicrucians should have been advertising in comic books. Presumably, they wanted to recruit young members.
I may need to correct myself here as I said in my last post: "This doesn't take Sargon out of the picture though since the C's confirmed that he was a Scythian-Celt whose people migrated from central Asia into the Fertile Crescent or Mesopotamia."

I also pointed out that according to the C's "Sargon was a "deep level punctuator", meaning he came from the underground civilisation - the Nation of the Third Eye." This suggests that, like Nefertiti, he was an underground Aryan. However, the Akkadian civilisation saw the semitic and aramaic languages take over from Sumerian, which shows that Sargon ruled an empire now dominated by Scythian Celts originally from central Asia. From Wikipedia:

The Akkadian Empire (/əˈkeɪdiən/) was the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia after the long-lived civilization of Sumer. It was centered in the city of Akkad (/ˈækæd/) and its surrounding region. The empire united Akkadian and Sumerian speakers under one rule. The Akkadian Empire exercised influence across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Anatolia.

One legend related to Sargon in Assyrian times says that:

My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not. The brothers of my father loved the hills. My city is Azurpiranu (the wilderness herb fields), which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates. My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river which rose not over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me. Akki the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener. While I was gardener Ishtar granted me her love, and for four and (fifty?) ... years I exercised kingship.

This legend most probably underpins the origin story of Moses in Genesis as Laura has previously noted in Secret History. The reference to "changeling" may be an indirect reference to his origins in the underground civilisation, where test tube babies having no father could be the norm. Sargon's rise to power mirrors those of many other historic figures, including Joseph in the Bible who became Pharaoh's vizier. The Stewart or Stuart dynasty in Scotland are another example, where their family name deriving from "steward" betrays their origins. It could be that Sargon was one of the later semitic leaders of an uprising or takeover that had seen the semite migrants in Sumeria take over power from the indigineous Mesopotamians, thus giving their later Jewish descendants the narrative of escaping oppression or slavery via the Exodus. Sargon was originally a cupberear (Rabshakeh) to a king of Kish with a Semitic name, Ur-Zababa. So it would appear that the Scythian Celts had already assumed power by Sargon's time.​

Prisoners escorted by a soldier, on a victory stele of Sargon of Akkad, circa 2300 BC held by the Louvre in Paris. The hairstyle of the prisoners (curly hair on top and short hair on the sides) is characteristic of Sumerians, as also seen on the Standard of Ur displayed in the British Museum.

It is interesting that the name "Akkad" is of non-Akkadian origin meaning that if akkadia can be linked to Arcadia, then the original tradition associated with this name of an idyllic paradise (the Garden of Eden?) may have started with the Sumerians or perhaps even earlier.
If Arcadia was located in the Languedoc, then we should bear in mind that the village of Rennes-le-Chateau is to be found there. As Sylvia Francke and Thomas Cawthorne in their book The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail state: "Rennes-le-Chateau announces the presence of the goddess; the Queen of the House". Another Rennes-le-Chateau researcher David Wood has stated that this area of southern France is saturated with references to 'the goddess', particularly Isis. Since I think the mother goddess (Robert Graves' White Goddess) is directly associated with the Holy Grail, indeed, is most likely one and the same thing, this is a telling point and helps to support my proposition that this area was Arcadia. However, is there any town in the Languedoc that has an etymological link with 'Arcadia'. Well, I think there is one place that fits the bill and that is the town or village of 'Arques', which is only six miles from Rennes-le-Chateau. In French the word "arques" relates to arch or bow as in an arc. In Catalan, "Arques" is the plural of "Arca", which in Spanish translates as "Ark" or "Chest".

It should be noted that Laura and the Chateau crew live in the French Pyrenees and, if my theory is correct, that places them most probably in Arcadia. The C's have also intimated that the Grail may be buried close to where they now reside.

This is a hyperdimensional game. If the ark/grial is buried in the area, yes, it is. But sticking to how the game develops, where time travel is involved, past life knowledge etc... I'm not convinced that you will find the physical object buried in some catacomb or something like that. Rather buried in the minds of its builders. And I have the impression that where there is a grail there are the principles of the unified field theory.
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