Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

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What I hinted at is, that one could read the picture 'backward': "Way after" <- was first.

Some quote from the Oera-Linda-thread at stolenhistory:

<neptunatic mode on> (not just lunatic)
'Christianity' comes at least from Kantek. Then Atlantis, then Frisland, and then your story begins...
Quasi starseeded on earth waaaay back in antediluvian eaons...
<neptunatic mode off>

Well that is an interesting proposal. Of course, Christianity as we know it today stems from the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, the term "Christ" comes from "Christos", a Greek word that means “the anointed one,” or “the chosen one.”

The Hebrew word meaning the same thing is Mashiach, or as we know it — Messiah. So the term Christ is really more a title than it is a name. Hence, on that basis there could certainly have been earlier "chosen ones" in Kantek, Atlantis and Frisland.

Although I have not yet read the Oera-Linda, it seems to be suggesting from this quote that the Frisians were an Aryan group from Atlantis, some of whom survived the Deluge and set up shop in northern Britain and the Scottish Isles (the Orkneys and Hebrides etc.) to become Graham Phillips' Megalithic Builder race or Laura's Hyperboreans, who subsequently brought civilisation to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Today the Frisians are an ethnic group indigenous to the coastal regions of the Netherlands and north-western Germany. They inhabit an area known as Frisia and are concentrated in the Dutch provinces of Friesland and Groningen and, in Germany, East Frisia and North Frisia.

Frisians were also part of the wave of ethnic groups to colonise areas of present-day England alongside the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, starting from around the fifth century when Frisians arrived along the coastline of Kent. Frisians principally settled in modern-day Kent, East Anglia, the East Midlands, North East England and Yorkshire.

However, the maverick English historian William Comyns Beaumont (in works such as Britain: Key To World History) linked the Frisians with the people who would become known as the Phrygians, an ancient Indo-European speaking people who inhabited central-western Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) in antiquity. According to the Iliad, the Phrygians were Trojan allies during the Trojan War. Hence, in accord with Iman Wilkens ideas, could some Frisians after the Trojan War have migrated from northern Europe to Asia Minor, like the Trojans and Dardanians may have done, to escape major climatic changes and settle in warmer climes? if so, did some of them return to northern Europe when conditions had improved centuries later?​
Although I have not yet read the Oera-Linda, it seems to be suggesting from this quote that the Frisians were an Aryan group from Atlantis, some of whom survived the Deluge and set up shop...​
If you take it for real, it's a somewhat convoluted collection of history, myths, laws and teaching written down and copied from generation to generation. Basically in the form: "This was written on the wooden panels in the great hall of Burg such and such, which is now lost etc.pp." The original lost land they came from was Altland, now sunken to the depth of the Sea. 'Altland' in German is literally "The Old Land" and shure is not far from Atlantis. The 'monotistic principle' is called Wralda, which in German is 'Uralda' -> Ur - Al - Da (= 'Primordial' - 'All' - 'which is there/exists'). As time goes on in the tale, thinks get always more bleak, with scheming for the position of the Folkmother, intermixing with 'lesser developed / 'more STS' tribes and so on.

For some more 'fringe stuff'. Grosche (the Fraternitas Saturni guy) writes, that Lemuria was ruled in the end by evil enchantresses, which where heavily in depraved sexual moon magic, with blood and human sacrifice and the whole thing. That's why it sunk in the end.
'Mumu' is in German an euphemism for c-u-n-t.
If you take it for real, it's a somewhat convoluted collection of history, myths, laws and teaching written down and copied from generation to generation. Basically in the form: "This was written on the wooden panels in the great hall of Burg such and such, which is now lost etc.pp." The original lost land they came from was Altland, now sunken to the depth of the Sea. 'Altland' in German is literally "The Old Land" and shure is not far from Atlantis. The 'monotistic principle' is called Wralda, which in German is 'Uralda' -> Ur - Al - Da (= 'Primordial' - 'All' - 'which is there/exists'). As time goes on in the tale, thinks get always more bleak, with scheming for the position of the Folkmother, intermixing with 'lesser developed / 'more STS' tribes and so on.

For some more 'fringe stuff'. Grosche (the Fraternitas Saturni guy) writes, that Lemuria was ruled in the end by evil enchantresses, which where heavily in depraved sexual moon magic, with blood and human sacrifice and the whole thing. That's why it sunk in the end.
'Mumu' is in German an euphemism for c-u-n-t.
And when you see this kind of occult based pop video harking back to such things and link it with what the C's have just said about the ritual abuse of children for the extraction of adrenochrome, then it suggests that the western world cannot be far away from suffering the same fate as Lemuria and Atlantis.

Where you said: "The original lost land they came from was Altland, now sunken to the depth of the Sea. 'Altland' in German is literally "The Old Land" and shure is not far from Atlantis", could this have been a reference to Doggerland rather than Atlantis, since Germanic people may have dwelt in this land before it was submerged in what is now the North Sea?

Referring back to place names which contain "Arran" or derivatives of it, it suddenly occurred to me tonight that the word, which was supposed to mean "light of the sun" and could therefore be linked to the Egyptian "Aten", also crops up in the name of the biblical city of Harran or Haran, which first appears in the Book of Genesis as the patriarch Abraham's temporary home. This biblical placename is חָרָן‎ (with a ḥet) in Hebrew, pronounced [ħaːraːn] and can mean "parched," but is more likely to mean "road" or "crossroad," cognate to Old Babylonian ḫaranu. Today the city is usually identified with Harran, which is now a village of Şanlıurfa, Turkey. However, Harran is also identified with the Sabians, sometimes also spelled Sabaeans or Sabeans, a mysterious religious group who were described as star worshippers. If the name Harran can be traced back to the Megalithic Builder race's concept of the "Arran", which they linked with sun light, then the fact that the mysterious Sabians, whose roots have been lost in the mists of time, worshipped stars may create a potential link between them and the Megalithic builders of Stonehenge who also worshipped stars according to the C's:​

Q: Who was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge?

A: Complicated.

Q: Give me some key words to work it out.

A: Spirits, stars, energy.

Was Abraham, who the C's told us was a Hittite and a Levite, connected to the Sabian star worshippers in some way and thus in turn with the Megalithic Builder race from the British Isles?​
... according to the C's:​
A: Spirits, stars, energy.
= consciousness, matter, energy.
...Which is the Trinity of aspects of the same ONE thing that exists.
All that exists.
AL that exists.

the 'Primordial' - 'All' - 'which is there'



  • Laurency, Adelskogh Explanation 2nd Ed. 2018.pdf
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Sorry for not to getting back to recent posters but I have been busy posting on the recent 29th July 2023 session and also been assisting No. 2 son in securing a place at College (no easy task) for the start of term next week. For those who may think I live a hermit-like existence, I assure you it couldn't be further from the truth. However, I intend posting again very soon some follow-up articles on recent themes touched on in this thread, including the origins of the 'Black Madonna' cult in Europe. Hence, please look out for upcoming posts.

Thank you to all those who have been commenting since your additional information and views help to widen the scope of enquiry and our collective knowledge. Like Laura, I am coming to see more and more the interconnectedness of things, even if on the surface such connections are not immediately obvious.​
Sorry for not to getting back to recent posters but I have been busy posting on the recent 29th July 2023 session and also been assisting No. 2 son in securing a place at College (no easy task) for the start of term next week. For those who may think I live a hermit-like existence, I assure you it couldn't be further from the truth. However, I intend posting again very soon some follow-up articles on recent themes touched on in this thread, including the origins of the 'Black Madonna' cult in Europe. Hence, please look out for upcoming posts.

Thank you to all those who have been commenting since your additional information and views help to widen the scope of enquiry and our collective knowledge. Like Laura, I am coming to see more and more the interconnectedness of things, even if on the surface such connections are not immediately obvious.​

Thank you very much for all Your work! ... Take Your Time ... I feel I can hear you .... :lkj: :hug::wizard:

My twins, the youngest sons, just starting the college and now we have all 4 students, what is for me PHEW situaiton finaly! hahah ... and yes ... we were very smooth this time, it was so deliberating after we decided not to continue system education in family talents in Arts and Humanities but to devote more focus to Natural Sciences, so they choose and successfully applied for Geology and Paleontology and Urban Forestry ... and it was intense too ... but now we can have a bit of relaxd time untill October.

And those synchronicities on researches, and how I stumble upon this thread last AUgust ... for me it is just so rewarding ... as "Black Madonna" ... I just opened my research slot on Black Madonna I was "working" with ... wow! ... any how, in 2019 I was commissioned to concept design Innovation Center at one Pavlinian ex Benedictine monastery in Istria Croatia, where they are worshiping the icon of black madonna that is one of the "replica" of Black Madonna of Częstochowa ...


Thank you very much for all Your work! ... Take Your Time ... I feel I can hear you .... :lkj: :hug::wizard:

My twins, the youngest sons, just starting the college and now we have all 4 students, what is for me PHEW situaiton finaly! hahah ... and yes ... we were very smooth this time, it was so deliberating after we decided not to continue system education in family talents in Arts and Humanities but to devote more focus to Natural Sciences, so they choose and successfully applied for Geology and Paleontology and Urban Forestry ... and it was intense too ... but now we can have a bit of relaxd time untill October.

And those synchronicities on researches, and how I stumble upon this thread last AUgust ... for me it is just so rewarding ... as "Black Madonna" ... I just opened my research slot on Black Madonna I was "working" with ... wow! ... any how, in 2019 I was commissioned to concept design Innovation Center at one Pavlinian ex Benedictine monastery in Istria Croatia, where they are worshiping the icon of black madonna that is one of the "replica" of Black Madonna of Częstochowa ...

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I am close to finalising the article, which I hope will be very thought provoking. Are your twin sons identical like myself and my brother?
The Cult of the Black Madonna

We have touched upon the subject of the Black Madonna before on this thread. Although many may perceive the cult of the Black Madonna as a Medieval one, it is still widespread in many countries in Europe and South America today. One only has to think, for example, of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa in Poland, an icon which draws thousands of Polish Catholics to make a pilgrimage to Częstochowa every year.

Black Madonna of Częstochowa with a crown​

However, what are the roots of this veneration and could these roots conceal an older veneration to the mother goddess in the form, for example, of Isis. Please do not misunderstand me here, since I do not for one moment believe that devout Roman Catholics and members of the various Orthodox Churches are praying by mistake to Isis rather than the Blessed Virgin Mary when they venerate the icons and statues of the Black Madonna, as many detractors today readily propose. The Catholic Church has made a practice down the centuries of subsuming older pagan shrines and deity images by Christianising them, as we saw earlier on this thread with the way in which the cult and shrines of the Tuatha de Danaan goddess Brigid were converted into the cult and shrines of the Christian Saint Bridget in Ireland. This practice was widespread in Europe, particularly in the Dark Ages and would continue up to the Medieval period.​

The Templars and the Spread of the Black Madonna Cult

During the fourth century A.D., St. Helen, mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, brought the Madonna known as Our Lady of Częstochowa to Constantinople from Jerusalem at a time when there were formative debates and explorations on the meaning of Christ and Christianity. By the end of the fourth century, the basic tenets of Christianity had been formed, primarily from the work of St. Augustine, (354-430 AD), and Black Madonnas began to appear in various parts of Europe.

The largest number of Black Madonnas was brought to Europe through Crusader or Templar hands during the time of the Cistercian Abbott Bernard of Clairvaux, the Crusades, the building of the cathedrals, and the flowering of the great Mystery Schools, particularly of Chartres. In legend, St. Bernard received his inspiration from the Black Madonna at Chatillon, where three drops of milk flowed from the Black Madonna's breast into his mouth. He credited this experience for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Upon this foundation, he preached the intimacy of the human soul with the Divine. He and his Cistercian monks sought to form a culture that could be a vessel for Christ. Thus, they carried Black Madonna images throughout the Continent of Europe as a force for creating a civilisation founded on love. However, given the gnostic influences that affected the Knights Templar during their time in the Middle East, did the Templars introduce the Black Madonna into Christianity as a means of reviving a disguised veneration of the Earth Mother or Mother Goddess, especially in the form of Isis? Like other Black Goddess figures, Isis was viewed as the life-giving and healing goddess of the Earth. Indeed, in pre-Christian times, the city of Paris had been devoted to Isis.​

The Black Madonna as the Sorrowful Mother and the Mother of Compassion

The word “compassion”, meaning to love together with, is derived from the Latin “con”, meaning “with”, and “passus”, meaning “patient” or one who suffers. In Biblical Hebrew, the word for compassion is “riḥam”, which is derived from “reḥem”, which means the mother, womb, or to show mercy. The Arabic word for compassion, “rahmah”, also translates as “womb”. The meaning of the name Isis is “throne”, as the Egyptian word for Isis, “Ast” or “Aset”, means “Throne” or “Seat”. Isis is an onomatopoeic Asianic word, “Ish-ish”, meaning she who weeps. The Black Madonna thus provides the maternal lap where all creatures who sorrow may gather to receive her compassion. The Black Madonna is thus the Throne of Compassion. In Christian terms she also becomes the ‘Mater Dolorosa’, the ‘Mother of Sorrows’, to whom all Christians can bring their sorrows and troubles to lay them in her maternal lap.

[N.B. Much of the material expressed above is sourced from an article by Dr Karen Rivers titled: The Black Madonna a Divine Mystery Veiled in Blackness]
Sobek-Nofru-Re - Queen of Egypt

My starting point in delving into the potential links between Isis and the Black Madonna is the work of Andrew Collins and his research into the ancient Egyptian Queen, Sobek-nofru-re, who he discovered had been linked with a stellar cult focused on the darker virtues of the Egyptian goddess Isis. We have, of course, encountered Sobek-nofru-re before when considering Collins’ article on the Goddess of the Seven Stars: The Rebirth of Sobekneferu, which I posted as part of my own article on Bram Stoker and the Jewel of the Seven Stars. The Irish novelist famous for his vampire novel Dracula, had written a book called The Jewel of the Seven Stars, which featured the attempted resurrection of an ancient evil priestess called ‘Queen Tera’ who had worshipped the seven stars of Ursa Major (the Great Bear). Evidently, Bram Stoker had, either consciously or unconsciously, based his Queen Tera on the historical figure of Sobek-nofru-re. But why? The answer may lie in his close association with the acclaimed occultist J.W. Brodie-Innes, who in 1913 founded two offshoot temples of the Order of the Golden Dawn known as Alpha and Omega, which practised ancient Egyptian rituals.

Sobek-nofru-re appears to have succeeded the Pharoah Amenemhet IV circa 1789 B.C., who according to the Egyptian historian Manetho, may have been her brother. How she came to be the ruler of Egypt is not recorded. However, it was a very unusual occurrence for a woman to reign, especially one who believed that she was not so much a queen but a female king, a bodily incarnation of the sun-god Re as denoted by her chosen name ‘Sat-re’ – daughter of the sun-god (Sat-re being the feminine form of ‘Sa-re’, which would not have been used by a female ruler.

[Note, however, how close the name Sa-re is to ‘Sara’ or Sarah, the name of Abraham’s wife, who the C’s have confirmed was Nefertiti the wife of Pharoh Akhenaten. Is this just coincidental, bearing in mind that Nefertiti was a deep level punctuator from the underground civilisation and that the C’s said she was primarily responsible for Akhenaten’s sun worship?

Q: If the Levites were the Hittite Moon worshipers, how come Akhenaten, who hung out with Nefertiti, instituted Sun worship? That doesn't make sense.
A: Future Ho into.
Q: Future what into?
A: Ho
. [MJF: probably Jehovah which is another version of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews or Israelites]
Q: HO must stand for something. I don't understand. Was Nefertiti responsible for Akhenaten's Sun worship?
A: Mostly.
Q: Well, why did it turn into Sun worship instead of Moon worship?
A: Future honour of Ra. Go 353535. Deity.
Q: So, in other words they were laying a foundation for future layering of other concepts?
A: Yes

Sa-re is equivalent to Sa-ra, since Re and Ra are just different versions of the Egyptian sun-god’s name.]

Sobek-nofru-re meant ‘the beauties of the crocodile-god (Sobek) and the sun-god (Re)’, although it was often shortened to just Sobek-nofru. She was also known by the name Meryt-re, ‘beloved of the sun-god’, whilst as king of Upper and Lower Egypt she was known by the name Sobek-ka-re. You will note the similarity between Meryt-re and Meritaten, the latter meaning ‘beloved of the Aten’, where the Aten would eventually replace Re as the principal sun-god during Akhenaten’s reign. This may be significant, given what I shall say later about the link between these two Egyptian princesses and queens.

Very few traces of Sobek-nofru-re’s three year reign exist today. Her short reign would bring to a close the prosperous 12th Dynasty, which would be succeeded by a succession of weak, inconsequential pharaohs who would constitute the 13th and 14th Dynasties. Their power would be usurped by the Hyksos or Shepherd kings who invaded the Egyptian Empire and became its overlords around the year 1700 B.C. The Hyksos were Semites, and they would adopt the worship of Sobek the crocodile-god who they likened to their principal Semitic deity, Baal. However, they fused the attributes of Sobek with the deity’s father, Set, the Egyptian god of chaos, destruction and chaos. This new composite deity was referred to either by his original name Set, or by the new name, Sutekh. The Hyksos were finally driven out of Egypt by Ahmose the first pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty (Akhenaten’s dynasty) around 1575 B.C. However, even after the expulsion of the Hyksos invaders, their main centre of power at Avaris in the Nile Delta remained the cult centre for the worship of Set, which had many links with the priesthoods of Amun – who would be the main opponents of Akhenaten’s Aten worship. Hence, it is intriguing to find that after the reign of the four Amarna period pharaohs, Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamun and Aye, the dictator Horemheb helped to re-establish Set worship. His successors Ramses I and Seti I also became initiates of Set.

According to Collins, Sobek-nofru-re could well have been instrumental in the revival of the god of chaos, destruction and disorder. For him, it showed, perhaps, that she may have had an unsavoury and very dark side to her nature. Collins at the time he wrote The Seventh Sword found he could not take the matter further from an historical point of view to link Sobek-nofru-re with an Isis rebirth cult or the worship of stellar bodies, such as the seven stars of Ursa Major. However, he did find such a connection in the unorthodox views of the English occultist Kenneth Grant, which clearly linked Sobek-nofru-re not just with the worship of Set and Sobek, but also with a stellar cult focused on the darker virtues of the goddess Isis. In one of Grant’s books, entitled Cults of Shadows (published in 1975), Grant referred to a dark stellar cult, which once existed in ancient Egypt. It allegedly centred on the worship of deities who had strong associations with the seven stars of Ursa Major and the dog star Sirius. These were seen as representations of the goddess Isis in respect of her mythological associations with Set. This reference to Sirius makes me think of the C’s statement concerning Sirius in the session dated 4 October 1997:​

Q: I also noticed that the word 'Osiris' could also be slightly modified to say 'of Sirius.' Comment, please.

A: Sirius was regarded highly in your "past".

Q: What was the foundation of this regard for Sirius?

A: "From whence cometh, is seen that which knows no limitation."

Q: Could you elaborate on that?

A: Could but will not.

Q: Why?

A: Because you can!

It is perhaps significant that this exchange was followed by a reference to the Rosteem who were the forerunners of the modern Rosicrucians:
Q: In reading the transcripts, I came across a reference to a 'pact' made by a group of STS individuals, and it was called 'Rosteem,' and that this was the origin of the Rosicrucians. In the book 'The Orion Mystery,' it talks about the fact that Giza was formerly known as RosTau, which is 'Rose Cross.' Essentially, I would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to the Rose?

A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross.

In an earlier session with the C’s they had said:

Q: Now, supposedly, this area, Giza, was originally called Rostau. It took me awhile to realize that this is, literally, Ros-Tau, or Rose-Cross.

A: Yet another connection, but why?

Q: Well, I don't know! Rostau! That was even before it was called Giza. That is ANCIENT!

A: Yes.

Moreover, elsewhere the C’s had said that “Isis was a 'vanguard”. But a vanguard for what? In addition, the Giza plateau seemed at one stage to have been a centre for star worshippers who subsequently moved to Harran (a city connected to Abraham in the Bible and the mysterious Sabians – see my earlier posts) in what is now Turkey:

Session 22 August 1998:

Q: One of the things I noticed in this book was that they said that there was a colony from the city of Harran in what is nowadays Turkey, and that this colony formerly resided on the Giza plateau. Is there any connection between this colony they mention and the fact that you said that the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were composed in Turkey by an ‘Aryan’ source?

A: Yes.

Q: What relationship is there?

A: One and the same.

Could this colony from Harran have been related to the Rosteem, who today manifest as the Rosicrucians?

According to Matthew Levi Stevens in his article Typhon Rising: The Magical Legacy of Kenneth Grant, Grant, although a student of Aleister Crowley, drew on the self-taught Egyptologist Gerald Massey as the primary source for his three ‘Typhonian Trilogies’, Typhon being a monstrous entity from Greek mythology, a leader of the Titans, who made war against the gods of Olympus. Quoting from Steven’s article:

[As the Mother of Set] Grant does not hesitate to appropriate this gigantic, multi-winged and snake-limbed chthonian monster, Primal Typhon, as an avatar of The Great Mother, i.e., ‘Mother Nature’ Herself, and boldly asserts:

She typified the first parent at a time when the role of the male in procreation was unsuspected. Because she had no consort, she was considered to be a goddess without a god, and her son – Set – being fatherless was also godless and was therefore the first ‘devil’, the prototype of the Satan of later legends.

The Egyptian Mysteries very much form the core of the Western Magical Tradition and were certainly the basis for the mythos and rituals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where Crowley had learned most of what he needed for his later development. Ancient Egypt as a source of supernatural power sanctioned his role as Prophet, and as much as Grant built on Crowley’s Aeon of Horus and The Book of the Law, the primary source for his Typhonian Gnosis was the controversial work of self-taught Esoteric Egyptologist, Gerald Massey.

In monumental works such as Natural Genesis and Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World, Massey set out in no uncertain terms what he claimed was the Afrocentric and physiological basis of Gnosis: “The oldest symbols and religions originate in Africa.” He conceived of Typhon as equivalent to the Egyptian Tauret, or Ta-Urt, the hippopotamus “Mistress of the Birth-House.” She was the Goddess of the Seven Stars of the North, and Her son was the Dog Star, Sothis or Sirius (equated with Set), whose heliacal rising appeared above the horizon just before the inundation of the Nile. ‘Typhonian’ referred to those who worshipped this Primal Goddess, and members of Her Stellar Cult had fled East, taking their wisdom with them, when the Solar worshippers gained the ascendancy. In many ways, Kenneth Grant’s major innovation was in linking this Typhonian Tradition to Modern Occultism.

Was this stellar cult that fled east, who worshipped the Goddess of the Seven Stars of the North, linked in some way with the Rosteem, and also with the colony that went to Harran [(H)arran], as referred to by Laura (see above), who the C’s say manifest today as the Rosicrucians (recalling here that the Golden Dawn were in essence a Rosicrucian offshoot)? And was the role of the dog star Sirius (linked with Set), as the Goddess of the Seven Stars of the North’s son, the reason why the C’s said: Sirius was regarded highly in your "past"? You will note that the C’s put the word “past” in brackets, which seems to indicate that this may have a direct connection to Laura and her own past?

Andrew Collins adds that according to Kenneth Grant, the Egyptian star cult originally died out during the third millennium B.C. in favour of the more obvious worship of the solar, lunar and zoomorphic god forms (think here of Anubis the Jackal god linked with the dead). However, he then adds that the cult was revived at the very end of the 12th Dynasty by Sobek-nofru-re, or Sebek-nefer-ra, as Grant referred to her (MJF: “nefer” you will note being part of Neferititi/Sarah’s name), and although her reign was short, the profound influence of her cult spread widely among the Set and Sobek worshipping Pharaohs of the 13-17th Dynasties.

Apparently, the star cult in the name of Sobek-nofru-re and Isis had, according to Grant, thrived alongside the cult of Set until the beginning of the 18th Dynasty. For the part she had played in this unprecedented worship of the stars, Grant considered Sobek-nofru-re probably the most important individual in the whole of Egyptian history. However, Collins adds that exactly why Grant should have felt so strongly for what on the surface appeared to be an insignificant Egyptian female king, was not made clear in any of his books.

Grant’s material led Collins to research the apparent links between Isis and Sirius. He discovered that the appearance of the star in the morning skies of Egypt at the end of July (marking the proverbial “dog days” of summer) announced not just the commencement of a new year, but the annual life-giving inundation of the Nile. This brought renewed wealth and prosperity to the desert lands and was seen as the return of the goddess Isis. Indeed, so strongly was Isis associated with Sirius that her temple at Denderah (where the famous zodiac is located) had been specifically positioned so as to allow Sirius’s light to pour through its entrance corridor as the star rose on the first day of its heliacal rising each year.

This event raised a serious connection for Collins with his colleague Graham Phillips’ purported raising of the dead queen Sa-re (Sobek-nofru-re) to life again, since the first rising of the Dog Star was given by many sources as 23rd July, which coincidentally just happened to be the first sunrise after Phillip’s alleged resurrection of Sa-re in his flat in Wolverhampton, which I described in my article The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia. I am not asking people to believe this actually happened [MJF: although I would not necessarily rule it out either, as Phillips was clearly acting in a possessed state, given his actions, and he also had the Green Stone with him, which may have acted as a TDARM or resurrection device if it truly was a cutting from the Grail] but the presence of Sa-re in this episode spurred Collins to investigate this forgotten Egyptian queen [MJF: he has just released a new book on her, which I have yet to read]. Hence, it is Collins’ research that I wish to concentrate on here. Indeed, it was the story of Sare which led Collins to look closely at the world of Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula, which is a tale of an undead vampire count.

It was the marked similarities between Sa-re and the character of Queen Tera in Stoker’s book The Jewel of the Seven Stars, who in the story worshipped the seven stars of Ursa Major, that really made Collins sit up and take notice. In the story, Tera’s spirit compels the Egyptologist hero to steal the Canopic jars containing her preserved vital organs in an attempt raise her back to life. To achieve this, he had to use the Jewel of the Seven Stars, a fiery red stone originally discovered in the queen’s severed hand, which had been transported with her mummy and sarcophagus to Great Britain. This aspect of the tale has a strange resonance with Graham Phillips supposedly being possessed by the spirit of Sa-re and his use of the Green Stone, allegedly discovered in the tomb of Akhenaten, to bring about her resurrection. Moreover, Phillips would subsequently go on a further quest to find a red stone (both stones had once apparently been on the hilt of the sword of a long dead British Celtic warrior queen, Gweveraugh), with the same psychic team that helped him find the Green Stone, a quest which would place members of the team in extreme danger, as described in his book The Eye of Fire, which at times provides a terrifying account of the dangers involved when good, well-meaning people become involved with the occult. The parallels between Stoker’s story and Graham Phillips supposedly true-life experiences involving Sa-re are uncanny. However, Collins was sure that Graham Phillips was unaware of all of this when he began receiving dreams concerning the Egyptian female who had given her name as Sa-re. But what may you ask does Sa-re have to do with the Black Madonna and Meritaten?
Sarah the Egyptian

Collins admits that the name Sa-re had been the final aspect to confuse him. He asked himself why Sobek-nofru-re should have only given her name as Sa-re, the male variant of the title Son of Re. He wondered if it had simply been Phillips’ ability to get her name right, or did this epithet have some deeper meaning. Thus, he began to wonder whether Sa-re had ever been worshipped by unsuspecting worshippers under some other guise. This made him look at books on Christian mythology with particular references to any divinities connected with Isis and Egypt.

His enquiries were rewarded when he found a reference to a saintly woman known as Sarah the Egyptian, who was venerated at a place called Les Saintes Maries de la Mer (The Holy Marys of the Sea) in France. According to tradition, she was a black serving maid who had accompanied her mistress to this age-old Christian shrine dedicated to St. Mary of the Sea. Interestingly, Sarah or Sara became a revered divinity sacred to the Gypsies, who descended upon the coastal town from across to Europe to offer up prayers to what was an insignificant Egyptian saint. As Collins reminds us, many Gypsies claim descendancy from ancient Egypt, the title Gypsy merely being a corruption of the word Egyptian. Quoting from Wikipedia:

Saint Sarah, also known as Sara-la-Kâli ("Sara the Black", Romani: Sara e Kali), is the patron saint of the Romani people. The centre of her veneration is Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, a place of pilgrimage for Roma in the Camargue, in Southern France. Legend identifies her as the black, Indo-Egyptian servant of one of the Three Marys (usually Mary Jacobe), with whom she is supposed to have arrived in the Camargue. Saint Sarah also shares her name with the Hindu goddess Kali who is a popular goddess in northern India from where the Romani people originate. The name "Sara" itself is seen in the appellation of Durga as Kali in the famed text Durgasaptashati.

Though the tradition of the Three Marys arriving in France stems from the High Middle Ages, appearing for instance in the 13th century Golden Legend, Saint Sarah makes her first appearance in Vincent Philippon's book The Legend of the Saintes-Maries (1521), where she is portrayed as "a charitable woman that helped people by collecting alms, which led to the popular belief that she was a Gypsy." Subsequently, Sarah was adopted by Romani as their saint.

Some authors have drawn parallels between the ceremonies of the pilgrimage honouring Saint Sarah and the worship of the Hindu goddess Kali*(a form of Durga - a major Hindu goddess worshipped as a principal aspect of the mother goddess Mahadevi), subsequently identifying the two. Ronald Lee (2001) states:

If we compare the ceremonies with those performed in France at the shrine of Sainte Sara (called Sara e Kali in Romani), we become aware that the worship of Kali/Durga/Sara has been transferred to a Christian figure... in France, to a non-existent "sainte" called Sara, who is actually part of the Kali/Durga/Sara worship among certain groups in India.”

*The name Kali comes from the Sanskrit root word Kal, which means both “time” and also “black”.

Similarly, author Ashwin Sanghi in his novel The Rozabal Line puts forward the notion that Sara-la-Kali refers to the three Hindu goddesses – Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali – the goddesses of Knowledge, Wealth and Power – symbolizing the trinity of female power (a triple goddess theme that may be a disguise for the Grail). What intrigues me about this though is that the goddess Saraswati has been linked to the Celtic goddess Brigid, Bride or Brigantia, who is triple goddess figure too. And, of course, I believe Brigid, of Tuatha de Danann fame, may be linked to Meritaten/Hagar/Helen (see more on this link below).

The shrine of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer​

Collins learned from more than one source that the cults of Sara the Egyptian and St. Mary of the Sea – whose symbol curiously is the seven stars – are but latter-day remnants of a European Isis cult which predated Christianity. As I suggested at the beginning of this article, this may be yet another example of the Christian Church absorbing a former pagan cult by transforming it into a cult of two Christian saints. To back this up though, Collins points out that St. Mary of the Sea’s annual feast date just happens to be 22nd July, the eve of the ancient Egyptian Isis-Sirius festival.

St Mary Magdalene

Collins also wondered whether the cult of St Mary Magdalene, which was, and is, especially strong in France, could also be added to this Christian form of disguised Isis worship, as she too celebrates her annual feast day on 22nd July. Many of you may see a certain resonance with the mystery of Rennes-le-Château here, since Abbe Berenger Saunière seemed to have a deep reverence for St Mary Magdalene (his church was dedicated to her), which the authors Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in their book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail interpreted as being a disguised devotion to the Sang Real or sacred royal bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (the San Graal or Holy Grail). In fairness, Collins looked into the Magdalene cult much more closely in his later book Twenty-First Century Grail and reached the conclusion that the idea of the Holy Grail as the Sang Real or sacred royal bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene cannot be substantiated and he also viewed the idea that Mary Magdalene may have come to France as nothing more than a medieval subterfuge on the part of French clerics who profited from the cult.​

St Mary the Egyptian

However, Collins noted that there was also another saint, who like Mary Magdalene was a considered to be reformed harlot, and that was St Mary the Egyptian. Although he provides no background for her, quoting here from Wikipedia:

Mary of Egypt (c. 344 – c. 421) is an Egyptian saint, highly venerated as a Desert Mother in the Eastern Orthodox and Coptic Churches. The Catholic Church commemorates her as a patron saint of penitents.

Mary of Egypt, also known as Maria Aegyptiaca, was born somewhere in the Province of Egypt, and at the age of twelve ran away from her parents to the city of Alexandria. There, she lived an extremely dissolute life. In her Vita it states that she often refused the money offered for her sexual favours, as she was driven "by an insatiable and an irrepressible passion", and that she mainly lived by begging, supplemented by spinning flax.

Mary of Egypt, also known as Maria Aegyptiaca, was born somewhere in the Province of Egypt, and at the age of twelve ran away from her parents to the city of Alexandria. There, she lived an extremely dissolute life. In her Vita it states that she often refused the money offered for her sexual favours, as she was driven "by an insatiable and an irrepressible passion", and that she mainly lived by begging, supplemented by spinning flax.

After seventeen years of this lifestyle, she travelled to Jerusalem for the Great Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. She undertook the journey as a sort of "anti-pilgrimage", stating that she hoped to find in the pilgrim crowds at Jerusalem even more partners to sate her lust. She paid for her passage by offering sexual favours to other pilgrims, and she briefly continued her habitual lifestyle in Jerusalem. Her Vita relates that when she tried to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the celebrations, she was barred by an unseen force. Realizing this was because of her impurity, she was struck with remorse, and upon seeing an icon of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary) outside the church, she prayed for forgiveness and promised to give up the world (i.e., become an ascetic). She attempted again to enter the church, and this time was able to go in. After venerating the relic of the True Cross, she returned to the icon to give thanks, and heard a voice telling her, "If you cross the Jordan, you will find glorious rest." She immediately went to the monastery of Saint John the Baptist on the banks of the river Jordan, where she received absolution and afterwards Holy Communion. The next morning, she crossed the Jordan eastwards and retired to the desert to live the rest of her life as a hermit in penitence. She took with her only three loaves of bread she had bought, and once she had eaten these, lived only on what she could find in the wilderness.

In iconography, Mary of Egypt is depicted as a deeply tanned, emaciated old woman with unkempt gray hair, either naked and covered by her long hair or by the mantle she borrowed from Zosimas. She is often shown with the three loaves of bread she bought before her final journey into the desert. In Italy, she became associated with the patronage of "fallen women" much like Mary Magdalene, to whom similar traits were associated.

Collins then notes that he found these dusky Christian female figures are also connected in one way or another to the cult of the Black Madonna. He further notes that these dark, sometimes ebony statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary are, even today, found in dim candle-lit crypts in Catholic shrines or chapels. He points out that so greatly are the Black Madonna icons revered and venerated that the more obvious representations of the Madonna as the Queen of Heaven elsewhere in a church or cathedral are often ignored in preference to images of the Black Madonna. He states that in many places, such as in France and Spain, whole cults have been built up around individual statues associated with particular miracles and visions. He added that some of these statues are well over a thousand years old and may once have been statues of Isis with the infant Horus before being rededicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although the church authorities tried to suppress such unorthodox and uncanonical forms of mass veneration, these attempts were usually to no avail.

For Collins, on an occult level, the Black Madonna appeared to embody a power, a magical current far older than Christianity, perpetuating the worship of Isis as an Egyptian goddess of the night sky, whose symbols were the seven stars of Ursa Major and the Dog Star Sirius. Indeed, Collins points out that the seven stars was one of the primary symbols of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am not so sure about this, as the images of the Blessed Virgin Mary with stars around her that I am familiar with normally depict twelve stars, which represent the twelve Apostles.

Collins then claims that most important of all was the belief that Sara the Egyptian was an avatar, an earthly incarnation of her starry form. Was it possible that Sa-re, as the historical Sobek-nofru-re, had become a dark force of the goddess Isis and was now masquerading under the guise of ‘harlot’ saints such as St Mary the Egyptian and St Mary Magdalene or as Sara the Egyptian and St. Mary of the Sea, and ultimately as the Black Madonna?

However, if Sa-re had taken on the darker virtues of Isis, it appeared from Graham Phillips’ statements that Akhenaten’s daughter Meryt-aten (Meritaten) had been seen as the embodiment of the purer aspects of the ancient goddess. Sa-re and Meritaten therefore seemed to be two polar opposites, avatars who symbolised Isis’s dual nature – one black and the other white.


If we take Collins’s theory further, the fact that the C’s have hinted that Hagar the Egyptian servant maid of Sarah in the Bible was Princess Meritaten and Sara or Sarah was really her mother Queen Nefertiti, this may put an entirely different complexion on things (N.B. a deliberate pun on my part). Indeed, the two polar opposites of Isis may now be seen as Meritiaten/Hagar as the white aspect of Isis and Sa-ra or Sarah/Nefertiti may be seen as the dark aspect of Isis. This might also mean that some of the more ancient statues of the Black Madonna with child could in fact be representations of Meritaten/Hagar (as an avatar of Isis) with her son, the biblical Ishmael, representing Horus. As we know from her bust preserved in the Museum of Berlin, Meritaten was darker skinned and more African in appearance than her mother. Could the person of Sarah the Egyptian, who was by legend a black serving maid who accompanied her mistress, be a long-term conflation of the real personages of Meritaten/Hagar and her mother Nefertiti/Sarah? Did the Romanies (Gypsies) from Egypt/India help to preserve Meritaten/Nefertiti’s story through the character of Sarah of Egypt and, if so, did it become the basis for the subsequent veneration of the Black Madonna in Europe?

A fascinating post MJF. At the risk of stretching your research way back beyond your point of consideration and documentation, some comments in passing on a couple of thoughts you raise:

1. Your links between The Black Madonna and the dark version of Isis and in particular Kali, brings to mind the idea that this 'memory' stretches way, way black - even to the post Younger Dryas time of around 10,000 BC - and that the origins of her 'black' nature reflects the same ideas that black stone has always held - that of sacred meteorite metal, or black iron from above, or in simple terms the actual 'flesh' of the god/goddess deposited on earth from the above - like the black stone of the Kabba at Mecca which itself is a memento of the black meteorite stone God, Saturn.

The dark Isis is in some sense the shadow side of the benign goddess - the life taking force that is the opposite of her benign loving side. Kali was of course the devouring goddess who eat her own children - and she was often presented with dark/black skin.... her protruding tongue showing her ferocity was likely a discharging plasma signature repeated throughout time immemorial and a key signature of the Gorgon Medusa. A sign in the heavens that destruction was imminent.

ALIEN SKY - 30 -5c.jpg

The same attributes were connected with Venus / Aphrodite, with her long flowing locks - who had a light side and a dark side - the love goddess and her terrifying medusa aspect.... with her again lolling tongue...

ALIEN SKY - 27 -7b.jpg

This duality reflects different aspects of plasma / cosmic discharge - either benign and beautiful or chaotic and destructive...

Does the black Madonna therefore also possibly suggest a deep ancient understanding that resurfaced again of their essential unity but tied up in a single figure... the mother who makes a divine child but who implicitly can also devour him? Hence the need to offer prayers and reverence...?

Just a thought.

2. In terms of your references to the Ros-Tau - Rosy Cross, I collated a pile of research on the post Younger Dryas period in the Levant / Anatolia that gave birth to the Pre-Pottery Neoloithic (circa 10,000 BC on) that spawned the birth of settled communities and then farming etc around Göbekli Tepe. My conjectural thesis is that this whole process was micro-managed by secret societies. Anyway, one of the recurring issues is that of the Tau cross.

You might find something of interest in your research in the suggestions here, albeit millennia before the documented leads you are following....

The Issue of The Tau Head/Skull

And here...

Natufian Tau – early origins

I say this because I essentially propose / theorize that...

The Ros (Rose) is a symbol of the fully integrated human mind/brain (head) of the flower of life... the state of Eden... human consciousness in complete being with the above and below, as before the fall... (note: Rosh in Hebrew originally meant a literal head...)

And the Tau (Cross) is the STS imposition of a binary world view into that consciousness - the left-right, good-bad, positive-negative divide - that split this 'rose' into a place of perpetual separation and 'sacrifice'... through collective trauma... and a mass inability to reconcile and integrate opposites into a singularity ever again...

And through this, came control... by hiding knowledge of the way back whilst amplifying the divide... and our own minds are the battleground upon which this victory was fought and won...

from the Rose arose the Cross

You see, I think the Rosicrucian's were hanging around 10,000+ years ago... and maybe they brought some even more ancient 'dark' knowledge with them up from the Giza Plateau, up to and eventually through the Levant and on in to Anatolia...

With all those ancient underground cities in Anatolia I'm beginning to have suspicions about how far back the crowd who the C's said wrote the Protocols of Zion actually go....

But enough of my musings...
A fascinating post MJF. At the risk of stretching your research way back beyond your point of consideration and documentation, some comments in passing on a couple of thoughts you raise:

1. Your links between The Black Madonna and the dark version of Isis and in particular Kali, brings to mind the idea that this 'memory' stretches way, way black - even to the post Younger Dryas time of around 10,000 BC - and that the origins of her 'black' nature reflects the same ideas that black stone has always held - that of sacred meteorite metal, or black iron from above, or in simple terms the actual 'flesh' of the god/goddess deposited on earth from the above - like the black stone of the Kabba at Mecca which itself is a memento of the black meteorite stone God, Saturn.

The dark Isis is in some sense the shadow side of the benign goddess - the life taking force that is the opposite of her benign loving side. Kali was of course the devouring goddess who eat her own children - and she was often presented with dark/black skin.... her protruding tongue showing her ferocity was likely a discharging plasma signature repeated throughout time immemorial and a key signature of the Gorgon Medusa. A sign in the heavens that destruction was imminent.

View attachment 80711

The same attributes were connected with Venus / Aphrodite, with her long flowing locks - who had a light side and a dark side - the love goddess and her terrifying medusa aspect.... with her again lolling tongue...

View attachment 80712

This duality reflects different aspects of plasma / cosmic discharge - either benign and beautiful or chaotic and destructive...

Does the black Madonna therefore also possibly suggest a deep ancient understanding that resurfaced again of their essential unity but tied up in a single figure... the mother who makes a divine child but who implicitly can also devour him? Hence the need to offer prayers and reverence...?

Just a thought.

2. In terms of your references to the Ros-Tau - Rosy Cross, I collated a pile of research on the post Younger Dryas period in the Levant / Anatolia that gave birth to the Pre-Pottery Neoloithic (circa 10,000 BC on) that spawned the birth of settled communities and then farming etc around Göbekli Tepe. My conjectural thesis is that this whole process was micro-managed by secret societies. Anyway, one of the recurring issues is that of the Tau cross.

You might find something of interest in your research in the suggestions here, albeit millennia before the documented leads you are following....

The Issue of The Tau Head/Skull

And here...

Natufian Tau – early origins

I say this because I essentially propose / theorize that...

The Ros (Rose) is a symbol of the fully integrated human mind/brain (head) of the flower of life... the state of Eden... human consciousness in complete being with the above and below, as before the fall... (note: Rosh in Hebrew originally meant a literal head...)

And the Tau (Cross) is the STS imposition of a binary world view into that consciousness - the left-right, good-bad, positive-negative divide - that split this 'rose' into a place of perpetual separation and 'sacrifice'... through collective trauma... and a mass inability to reconcile and integrate opposites into a singularity ever again...

And through this, came control... by hiding knowledge of the way back whilst amplifying the divide... and our own minds are the battleground upon which this victory was fought and won...

from the Rose arose the Cross

You see, I think the Rosicrucian's were hanging around 10,000+ years ago... and maybe they brought some even more ancient 'dark' knowledge with them up from the Giza Plateau, up to and eventually through the Levant and on in to Anatolia...

With all those ancient underground cities in Anatolia I'm beginning to have suspicions about how far back the crowd who the C's said wrote the Protocols of Zion actually go....

But enough of my musings...
Your musings are very interesting. Incidentally, I enjoyed your thread on Göbekli Tepe. Very thought provoking indeed.

As you hint at in your comments, my article was limited in scope in that it sought to make connections between certain historic figures, especially Sobek-nofru-re or Sa-re, Meritaten/Hagar and Sara(h) the Egyptian. I am certainly aware of the links between the Black Madonna and the Earth Mother Goddess, especially in her more modern guise as the Egyptian goddess Isis. Indeed, the article I quoted from (I very much cherry picked from it though) by Dr Karen Rivers titled: The Black Madonna a Divine Mystery Veiled in Blackness did go into much more detail about the ancient origins of the Black Madonna. It can be found on-line but if you like, I can dig out a pdf copy of it, if you wish to view it. She made similar connections to the Hindu goddess Kali as you mention above. However, the additional information she provided was outside of the scope of the article I intended since I wanted to focus more on the cult's development in the Middle Ages and the role the Cistercians and the Knights Templar had played in promoting the Black Madonna. On this thread, we have previously looked at St Bernard of Clairvaux and the Knights Templar and I intend following up soon with another article on the Templar's activities in England, which will be called 'The Head of God'. My hope is that one article will build upon another to create a larger picture of hidden history that will eventually come down to the present time. The Rosicrucians (who the C's said are the modern manifestation of the Rosteem) figure prominently in all of this.

I think there is really something to what you say in the symbolism of the Ros (Rose) and the Tau (Cross) and the role of secret societies in perpetuating esoteric (pre-Atlantean) knowledge. I think that is spot on. If we are talking of secret societies in their role as philosophical groups preserving ancient knowledge and prinicples, then the grand daddies of them all must be the Sons of Belial and the Sons of the Law of One, which bother existed in Atlantis prior to its destruction. Indeed, the Sons of Belial probably came from Kantek originally:
Q: Cayce talks about the division in Atlantis between the "Sons of One" and the "Sons of Belial." Was this a racial division or a philosophical/religious division?

A: It was the latter two, and before that, the former one.

Q: Well! That is not good!

A: Subjective... you are not bodies, you are souls.

Q: You said that there is a group with whom you have been in contact since they were on Kantek. Is this group the Druids?

A: No. We will not as of yet identify.

Although the name "Belial" can be linked to the male Celtic god Bel or Belus, who I believe can also be linked to the Canaanite god Baal, I feel there may be something in what Robert Graves, the English poet, mythologist and historian, said when he linked Belial to the ancient goddess Belili in his work The White Goddess (if you haven't read it I would recommend doing so but it is a tough read, which he seems to have been inspired to write).

Belili was a Mesopotamian goddess who was depicted as a sister of Dumuzi and, as a primordial deity, counted among the ancestors of Anu. That last reference may be highly significant where the Tuatha De Danann are concerned as Anu or An was the Mesopotamian king of the sky gods (isn't it curious that Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton chose the name Ana or An for his subterranean race of golden Aryans in his novel Vril: the Coming Race!). Apparently, Belili's name has no plausible etymology in Sumerian or any Semitic language, and based on its structure it has been compared to other divine names whose origin also remains a mystery. This suggests that the name could date all the way back to Atlantis. Graves argued that, as in numerous other instances in the ancient world, the male sky god or supreme god usurped the role of the Mother Goddess and thus Belili was demoted in favour of Bel, Baal etc., becoming a mere sister of Dumuzi in the myth of Ishtar's Descent.

However, I am promoting a theory that is a radical departure from the traditional view of the Mother Goddess. As the Atlanteans were a highly advanced society, even more so than ours, then their religion(s) and philosophies would no doubt have been far more developed than those of the later hunter gatherers and shamans of the post-Atlantean world, given their greater knowledge of the universe and how it works. If we contrast their society with our own technological society today, they would probably have been a mixture of agnostics, monotheists, humanists and pantheists. It could be that they viewed their supreme deity (Prime Creator) as a female one, which may therefore have formed the basis of the Mother Goddess worship of later, more primitive ages. Who knows?

I am mindful though that the C's told us that a group of Kantekkians managed to get to Earth with the help of the Grail. The Grail is, of course, many things to many people but there does appear to be some artefact, which Laura referred to as the Merkabah or Mother Stone, which helped in facilitating the transfer of this group of Kantekkians to Earth in the manner of a TDARM (like the one supposedly buried on Oak Island). It would also seem to be able to provide for people's needs through physical manifestations in the same way that the Viking Horn of Plenty, and the Dagda's Coire Ansic and Cerridwen's Cauldron of Celtic mythology were meant to, and even physical resurrections:
Q: ... I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards

If this is the case, could this artefact or device have been considered deeply sacred by the Kantekkians in the same way that Jews today revere the Ark of the Covenant (without realising what it really was) and over time did it become deified? Indeed, did it become the original basis for the Mother Goddess as in the form of mother goddesses like Belili? To go even further, was the Grail in fact Belial?

The C's told us that there were two factions in the Middle East eventually focused on Egypt:

Q: (L) I hate it when they do that: blow my theory to bits. Was there a "grail faction" and an "ark faction?"

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Was Baalbek built by the Ark Faction or the Grail Faction?

A: It was Ark Faction.

Q: (Galahad) Well, we got that part right. (
L) Once before we discussed Nefertiti and Sarah being one and the same person. We have now been discussing the idea, based on some significant clues in ancient documents, that this individual was also Helen of Troy. Is this, in fact, a useful idea to follow? Is it a correct assessment of the clues?

A: Indeed!

We might ask whether the Grail faction represented a modern version of the Sons of Belial and the Ark faction a modern version of the Sons of the Law of One? However, we know that the Egyptian pharaohs came into possession of the both the Ark of the Covenant and the Grail at some stage (possibly in the reign of Thutmose IV) and that Nefertiti/Sarah stole these artefacts from under the nose of her husband Akhenaten and took them into the Sinai Desert with her partner Abraham/Moses. If Nefertiti's daughter Meritaten is Hagar the Egyptian maid of the Bible, as I believe, then she either fled Egypt with them or, more likely, joined them at a later date after General (later Pharaoh) Horemheb led a pogrom against the Aten worshippers when restoring the Egyptian god Amun as the principal deity of Egypt.

It is my suspicion that Meritiaten, who probably shared her father's pacifist beliefs, may have had an intimate connection to the Grail and may have been concerned at the way in which the Ark was being used against the Israelites' enemies. This may have provoked a revolt, remembered perhaps as the rebellion of Korah (Kore) in the Bible and/or as the rape of the concubine (Meritiaten/Hagar) of a member of the tribe of Levi, by a gang from the tribe of Benjamin, which resulted in the battle at Gibeah. Was she then rescued and taken to safety by the Tuatha de Danann (the Dragon Slayers) landing up first in Spain (Brigantia) and subsequently in the British Isles/Ireland where she is remembered today as the goddesses Brigid, Bride, Helen or Elen?

Q: (Galahad) Well, we got that part right. (L) Once before we discussed Nefertiti and Sarah being one and the same person. We have now been discussing the idea, based on some significant clues in ancient documents, that this individual was also Helen of Troy. Is this, in fact, a useful idea to follow? Is it a correct assessment of the clues?

A: Indeed!

Should that really be "Elen of Troy"? And, of course, the C's have confirmed Iman Wilkens' theory that Troy was in Cambridge in England.

Perhaps the Dagda's Coire Ansic and Cerridwen's Cauldron are thus a remembrance of the Grail, which may have been contained within the Ark of the Covenant. When the C's said:
A: Could be a clue. All those stories of escape from confinement and flying and cataclysm...? Who was imprisoned? Why? Good night.

was it the Grail that was imprisoned?

Did the Romani/Gypsies subsequently conflate the story of Nefertiti/Sara and Meritaten/Hagar into one person who they revered under the guise of Sara(h) of Egypt. Although the Black Madonna and Child can certainly be linked to earlier Isis/Horus worship, did the Templars promote the veneration of the Black Madonna as a disguised worship of Meritaten (as a form of Isis) and Ishmael (as a form of Horus) and ultimately of the Grail itself, the original Mother Goddess?

We know that the Ark/Grail seems to have been recovered by the Knights Templar when they were in the Holy Land, possibly after it was buried or concealed by the Prophet Jeremiah prior to the Fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. But what did the Templars do with it afterwards. Was it brought to England and venerated by the Templars as the Head of God before it was eventually taken to the safety of the Pyrenees?

But as you said above, enough of my musings.
The same attributes were connected with Venus / Aphrodite, with her long flowing locks - who had a light side and a dark side - the love goddess and her terrifying medusa aspect.... with her again lolling tongue...

Does the black Madonna therefore also possibly suggest a deep ancient understanding that resurfaced again of their essential unity but tied up in a single figure... the mother who makes a divine child but who implicitly can also devour him? Hence the need to offer prayers and reverence...?

It could also be a reference to something said by C's:

Session 5 October 1994​

Q: (L) What was the Fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that was supposedly eaten by Eve and then offered to Adam?

A: Knowledge restriction. Encoding.

Q: (L) What did it mean when it said Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge? What act did she perform to do that?

A: Consorted with wrong side.

Q: (L) What does consorted mean?

A: Eve is symbolic.

Q: (L) Symbolic of what?

A: Female energy.

Q: (L) The female energy did what when it consorted?

A: Lost some knowledge and power.

Session 18 May 2019​

(L) For them it's an ego trip, and when you give in to their guilt trip, you're feeding the STS part of them first of all. And then I guess secondly, you're feeding your own ego inside yourself because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire! The waif. "If I can save this person or do what they want or need or whatever, then there'll be something for ME!"
It could also be a reference to something said by C's:

Session 18 May 2019​

Laura said:
(L) For them it's an ego trip, and when you give in to their guilt trip, you're feeding the STS part of them first of all. And then I guess secondly, you're feeding your own ego inside yourself because you feel like a savior or needed or like you'll get something. It's that dynamic of the feminine vampire! The waif. "If I can save this person or do what they want or need or whatever, then there'll be something for ME!"
You raise some very good points here.

As to the issue Laura raises of overcoming one's internal ego (which is our real enemy, one we should always be aware of) and Michael B-C's comments above about the two aspects of the goddess, the benign loving side and the devouring goddess, as typified by the Hindu goddess Kali, Dr Karen Rivers had this to say about the matter in her article The Black Madonna a Divine Mystery Veiled in Blackness:

THE BLACK MADONNA AS KALI: In Hinduism Kali is a manifestation of the Divine Mother. The name Kali comes from the Sanskrit root word Kal, which means both time and also black. She is equated with the eternal night, is the transcendent power of time, and is the consort of the god Shiva, the destroyer of unreality. There is nothing that escapes the all-consuming march of time. As the consort of the destroyer of unreality, She reveals the illusory self-centered view of reality and compels the disillusion or destruction of the false ego. In Hinduism, Shiva and Kali grant liberation by removing the illusion of the ego and identification with the body, awakening the eternal I AM.

Her black skin represents the womb of the unmanifest quantum field from which all of creation arises and into which all of creation will eventually dissolve. She is depicted as standing on Shiva who lays beneath Her with white skin, in contrast to Her black or sometimes dark blue skin. He has a blissful detached look. Shiva represents pure formless awareness —sat-chit-ananda (being - consciousness -bliss) — while She represents "form" eternally supported by the substratum of pure awareness.

Of all the forms of the feminine principle in Hinduism, Kali is the most compassionate because She provides moksha or liberation to Her children. She destroys only to recreate, and what she destroys is sin, ignorance and decay. The ego trembles with fear when it sees Mother Kali because the ego sees in Her its own eventual demise. If one is attached to one's ego Mother Kali will appear in a fearsome form. A mature soul who engages in spiritual practice to remove the illusion of the ego sees Mother Kali as very kind, affectionate, and overflowing with incomprehensible love for Her children.

In the Black Madonna you have an all-encompassing symbol of the divine feminine, the wildness, the fury, the ferociousness, the grandeur of destructiveness, the rage against illusions, the rage against cruelty and injustice that is also part of the sacred feminine.

The holiness and acute precision of her destruction, strips away the illusions of the ego, after which, she will pour a wholly new vision and new awareness into the dark empty void that she has prepared in your psyche.


Time did not permit me to comment on all the points Michael B-C made in his thoughtful post. I would now take this chance, however, to comment on what he said about the "Ros" (Rose), which forms the first part of "Rostau" (the ancient name for the Giza Plateau):​

"The Ros (Rose) is a symbol of the fully integrated human mind/brain (head) of the flower of life... the state of Eden... human consciousness in complete being with the above and below, as before the fall... (note: Rosh in Hebrew originally meant a literal head...)"

It is interesting that in Hebrew Rosh originally meant a literal head. The most famous rose in Jewish literature is, of course, the Rose of Sharon, which features in Solomon's The Song of Songs. As I have mentioned before, this is a deeply mystical piece of literature that does not sit well with the Torah since it shows no interest in the Law or the Covenant or the God of Israel, nor does it teach or explore wisdom like Proverbs or Ecclesiastes do. Instead, it celebrates sexual love, giving "the voices of two lovers, praising each other, yearning for each other, proffering invitations to enjoy". Many rabbis saw the text as merely "secular love poetry, a collection of love songs gathered around a single theme", and thus not worthy of canonisation. Perhaps it was only retained because of its widespread fame and could not be left out as it had been erroneously attributed to Solomon.

The Hebrew word sharon means “a plain or a level place.” The Plain of Sharon is the coastal plain between the mountains of central Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, north of Joppa to Mt. Carmel. However, in more ancient times, could it have represented another plain or level place, let us say the Giza Plateau, as in Rostau?

As to this reference to The Song of Songs, I once mentioned on this thread that St Bernard of Clairvaux, the Cistercian Abbott who helped to popularise devotion to the Black Madonna throughout Europe, who also championed the Knights Templar, wrote over 200 sermons about The Song of Song. Why? Given he was a Catholic monk who was supposed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, why did he devote so much time to this strange Hebrew secular love poem? Probably because he saw in it an allegory or a metaphor for something else? There are those who propose that the Rose of Sharon was intended to be a future depiction of the love between Christ and his Church (the Bride of Christ). Other Christian commentators thought it might have foretold the part the Blessed Virgin Mary would play in the redemption story as the Mystical Rose (one of her official titles). However, I have another theory and that is that the Rose of Sharon and the Ros in Rostau relates to the Grail, which might at one stage have been located at Giza, perhaps within the Great Pyramid itself.

If, as I have theorised, the Grail is the pure crystal skull the C's said the Knights Templar revered as Baphomet, then this would be the Rosh, a literal head (albeit crystal) in Hebrew, which, as I hope to show in my upcoming post, was treated by the Templars as the Head of God. It would certainly be a symbol, therefore, of the fully integrated human mind/brain (head) and this might even explain the C's response to Laura's question here:
Q: Okay. Now, I have an idea that the allegory of the Grail is that it is related to the "head." The head is composed of a core group of seven, which then creates the body via exponential increase in knowledge and energy. Is this correct as far as it goes?

A: Semi.
[MJF: this would be an appropriate answer if the C's had in mind a crystal head or skull rather than an actual human head]

The Grail as a crystal skull would also explain away the legendary Head of Bran (Abraham?):

Session 19 April 1997:

Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran?

A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna?
[MJF: You will note that the C's did not say "no" and, as I have argued, Brahna like Bran may refer to Abraham or Abram]

Again Laura refers to a cult of the head (Baphomet) in the following exchange that brings us back to the Templars again:

Session 26 July 1997:

Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were these spurious accusations designed to defame them?

A: Skull was of pure crystal.


Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull...

A: Try to connect to the Templars.

Session 20 June 1998:

Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?"

A: Seer of the passage.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps.

Recall here that the chapel at the Templar Preceptory at Biddulph in Staffordshire established by the English Templar knight Ormus le Guidon, which became Springwood Priory, had a vault, which may well have been originally a sacred cave in Celtic times until it was incorporated into the chapel. Was this where the Head of God was kept by the Templars?​

As to the fully integrated human mind/brain this may connect with comments the C's made about the famous Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull in the session dated 2 November 1994:

Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America?

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularisation imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

Q: (L) Through what kind of instrument.

A: Energy focusing.
MJF: through the mind/brain]

And finally there is the legendary story of Perseus who slew and cut off the serpentine head of the Gorgon Medusa, which many see as an archetypical Grail quest story, where the writhing snakes represent knowledge and wisdom (like Baphomet - the Baptism of Metis - Metis being a goddess of wisdom).

And according to my reading, the Rosicruicans (the modern counterparts of the Rosteem) are extremely keen to get their hands on it.
If, as I have theorised, the Grail is the pure crystal skull the C's said the Knights Templar revered as Baphomet, then this would be the Rosh, a literal head (albeit crystal) in Hebrew, which, as I hope to show in my upcoming post, was treated by the Templars as the Head of God. It would certainly be a symbol, therefore, of the fully integrated human mind/brain (head) and this might even explain the C's response to Laura's question here:

Q: (L) Who carved the crystal skull found in Central America?

A: Mayans.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of that skull?

A: Study brain. Long message follows pause: Now: skull was to learn about soul; reflective remolecularisation imaging. Grays do this with abductees.

Q: (L) Through what kind of instrument.

A: Energy focusing.

Of course! This is the true importance of the Grail! It's not what you can do with the device. The grail is a record, a map of what our brain was like before the separation of the hemispheres.

With it, you can "reverse engineer" and potentially restore brain function. And potentially eliminate the artificial perception we have of time.
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