However, the "Law of One" one may be more complex matter than simply a reference to monotheism (belief in one God). As your post mentions: "This conception held that only One Substance existed, and but One Energy, the one being Incal externalized, and the other His Life in action in His Body."
This concept seems to mirror the "aether", quantum foam, zero point energy, energy of the vacuum, or the information field, from which the material universe manifests.
I forgot to quote this part. Here I think it refers to gravity:
A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?
A: And....
Q: (L) And hmmmm....
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?
A: Binder.
Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?
A: And...
Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?
A: Not the issue.
Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, Frank?
A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?
A: Pathway to.
Q: (L) Okay.
A: Doorway to.
Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is none.
Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?
A: Wrong...
Q: (L) There is no emanation point?
A: Yes. ([Bluegazer] If there is no point of origin, there is neither beginning nor end, so the most logical thing to assume is that it has a circular pattern as the book of Atlantis comments.)
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too! ([Bluegazer] Navaz, the Night-Side of nature)
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.
Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?
A: On the way to.
Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves...
A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?
Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a continuous flow of electrical energy...
A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence! ([Bluegazer] a.k.a One Substance existed, and but One Energy)
In the text of Atlantis, it is explained that there is a night side of nature:
As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, it must carry it out. It does so. It conveys it into what the Poseidi termed "Navaz, the Night-Side of nature,"[...] There is a prism of seven colors in each white ray of light; there is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?
A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity. ([Bluegazer]: One Energy)