Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

Now, I am not completely convinced as to the accuracy of the map since, as someone who has studied the UFO phenomena for many years, I am aware of a plethora of UFO observations and sightings in South American countries, particularly Brazil, Peru, Chile and Argentina. The same is also true of Mexico, which surprisingly, as the USA's southern neighbour, seems to have very few sightings in comparison. My own feeling is that these may be underrepresented.

However, be that as it may, the one observation I would make is that the preponderance of sightings in the USA, the British Isles, Northern Europe and Australia/New Zealand seems to tie-in with the comments the C's made about persons of Nordic heritage that I quoted above, as these are the countries where those of Nordic heritage predominate. Indeed, through the spread of the British Empire, there are now large numbers of Celts in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as the British Isles motherland too (this is not to discount France, Spain, Portugal, Northern Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and other European countries which have large numbers of people of Celtic heritage too). The correspondence with the large number of UFO sightings in these particular countries cannot be an accident.

The C's once said that the USA and Britain were particular centres of evil (or STS activity). I am still trying to track that quote down though. The fact that the US and the UK are lighting up like Christmas trees might seem to reflect or correlate with this statement. Obviously, the US has the Rockefellers (recalling here the C's saying "Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk) but the UK unfortunately has Jacob and Nathan Rothschild (whose ancestor was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty and a 'Deep Level Punctuator' from the underground civilisation).

Regarding the 2014 map of UFO phenomena by the (US) National UFO Reporting Center it springs to mind that reports will probably have to be submitted in English which could explain why there is not much activity in the non-English speaking world.
I take it as some form of corroboration that there is a bright speck at Puerto Rico (English as second official language) while the rest of the Carribean remains dark.

The brightly lit area over the Netherlands might include Belgium as well as both countries are among the most densely populated in the world. The Dutch are known to have a high percentage of English speakers.

Israel is also very much lit up which would counter the Nordic heritage predomination thesis.
Arran - Arn - Arne - Aten - Aaron - Ǫrn - Ohr - Orm - Ormus - Hormuz - ... and - Horus. (Think the Egyptian 'Falcon-God', son of Isis made with an 'osirian compensatory phallus', because the original was eaten by a fish/or crab - {think astrologically} - , because of 'the commingling of sexuality with violence in the course of the descending of souls during "the Fall [Expulsion from Paradise]" from 4th to 3th' density, according to the C's)
I forgot to finish the thought:
We go from ArRAn - "the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned" to a Falcon(/Eagle)-God with with doubtful paternity.
Then the Phoenix gets mingled in over the 'Eagle' (which is, say, a pigeon that is too big for its own good).
And the Phoenix brings resurrection to the table of course.
Don't forget, that we startet with Light (the SUN / SOL - Aten).

What do we get at the bottom line?
By the way, He-brew is read from right to left...
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Remember this?

heute back ich, morgen brau ich,
übermorgen hol ich der Königin ihr Kind;
ach, wie gut ist daß niemand weiß
daß ich Rumpelstilzchen heiß!

["today I bake, tomorrow I brew,
the day after tomorrow I'll fetch the queen her child;
oh, how good it is that no one knows
that my name is Rumpelstiltskin!]

"rumpeln" = "to rumple, to bump, to trundle, to lumber"
"der Stiel" = "stem"
I forgot to finish the thought:
We go from ArRAn - "the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned" to a Falcon(/Eagle)-God with with doubtful paternity.
Then the Phoenix gets mingled in over the 'Eagle' (which is, say, a pigeon that is too big for its own good).
And the Phoenix brings resurrection to the table of course.
Don't forget, that we startet with Light (the SUN / SOL - Aten).

What do we get at the bottom line?
View attachment 80216
By the way, He-brew is read from right to left...
In hebrew "Arnon" is a male given name and it means something like "the sign that shows the way".

I've seen references to a river that supposedly pointed the way out of the desert (40 days and night...) in the biblical story of crossing the desert.
Or some kind of a "signpost" along their way.

and yes it's from right to left, looks like this: ארנון
In the case of Arnstadt I'd be inclined towards the obvious meaning of "Arn", "Arend" which is outdated German for "eagle". Take a look at Arnstadt's city coat of arms.

(I saw that has already been mentioned, sorry)
That's ok. Words do change their meaning a lot over large spans of time. Just look at the use of the word "cool" in modern times to denote something that is really good as in "that's cool" when the original meaning is something which is no longer warm as in "cooled down".​
That's ok. Words do change their meaning a lot over large spans of time. Just look at the use of the word "cool" in modern times to denote something that is really good as in "that's cool" when the original meaning is something which is no longer warm as in "cooled down".​

Trying to find the "true" meaning of mystical/occult terms is usually a bit like trying to find out what was on the first poster of an old billboard.


...Before the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, brought the religion of Islam to Arabia, the Arabs were a polytheistic people. Hindu merchants frequently passed through Makkah, a major trading hub. Ancient Indian Vedic texts refer to Makkah as a place where Alla The Mother Goddess was worshiped. In Sanskrit, Alla means "mother." This name was connected to the Hindu Goddess Ila. She was the consort of the Hindu God Siva in his form known as Il, and this form of Siva was known and worshiped in pre-Islamic Makkah. A great deal of cultural and spiritual interchange took place between the merchants of Makkah and India.

According to some scholars however, the ancient Arabs believed that Allah (the greatest God) had entrusted the discharge of the various functions of the universe to different (lesser) gods and goddesses. People would therefore turn to these gods and goddesses to invoke their blessings in all sorts of undertakings. The ancient Arabs prayed to these lesser gods and goddesses to intercede before Allah and to pass their desires on to Allah. As part of their religious practices, they visited Makkah. In Makkah was a large cube-like building known as the Ka'ba. This temple contained three hundred sixty idols. Those who were visiting the great city of Makkah as pilgrims would circumambulate the Ka'ba as part of their religious rites. The pre-Islamic Arabs had a custom of performing a sevenfold circumambulation of the Ka'ba completely naked. Men performed this in the daytime and women at night.
The eminently feminine yoni form of the Black Stone's setting is remarkable. There are several theories on the origin of the Black Stone: a meteor, lava, or basalt. Its color is reddish black, with some red and yellow particles. Its original diameter is estimated to have been 30 cm. The identity of the Black Stone with the Great Goddess and with the moon is recognized by the Hulama - the rationalist school of Islam.

Inside the Ka'ba there were fresco paintings including those of Abraham and the "Virgin Mary" with the baby Jesus. When Muhammad retook Makkah he began a program of removing the pagan influences from the Ka'ba, the most holy of Muslim sites. He removed many frescoes and images that he considered inauspicious but he specifically left on the walls a fresco of the "Virgin Mary" and her child. The Qur'an obligates every believer to make a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in his or her lifetime, if finances permit. Since the time of Muhammad, during the Tawaf (circumambulation of the Ka'ba) pilgrims kiss or touch the black stone as they make circuit around the Ka'ba...

Read on here: -> Centrality of the Divine Feminine in sufism
Regarding the 2014 map of UFO phenomena by the (US) National UFO Reporting Center it springs to mind that reports will probably have to be submitted in English which could explain why there is not much activity in the non-English speaking world.
I take it as some form of corroboration that there is a bright speck at Puerto Rico (English as second official language) while the rest of the Carribean remains dark.

The brightly lit area over the Netherlands might include Belgium as well as both countries are among the most densely populated in the world. The Dutch are known to have a high percentage of English speakers.

Israel is also very much lit up which would counter the Nordic heritage predomination thesis.
Yes, this may be a plausible explanation. We would need to know more about how these reported sightings were collected. Since the organisation responsible is a US body, there is bound to be more of an in-built English language bias. I am aware though that Chile has for a long time encouraged UFO reports from its citizens so there should really be an abundance of them. Even China has numerous UFO groups (highly controlled of course) which collate reports of sightings.

Nevertheless, it does make sense that if there is an ongoing Orion hybridisation programme, then as major centres of evil, according to the C's, the USA and UK will figure more. I think we might add Israel to that list as well since they have the highest incidence of psychopathy in the world according to the C's (46 % from memory). The original Abrahamic Jews (the Sephardim) were in my view of Celtic/Semitic stock. The C's gave a big hint towards this here:
Session 19 April 1997:

Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran?

A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna?
[MJF: from where I think the name Abram, or Abraham as it became, derives]

Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid.

A: Could be one and the same.

Q: Well, from what you have said in prior sessions, these bloodlines can be of positive or negative orientation, a duality, and that they lead to super-secret power sources. Is that correct?

A: Well, the duality is existent concommitantly through all bloodlines, but in the so-called Celts, it is more pronounced, therefore, there are more vivid power cells and centres.

This suggests that the Celts were originally scaled down Nephilim hybrids with a pronounced dual propensity towards being either more STS or STO orientated than the average person.

Many of the Israelites were Canaanites, including Philistines who were absorbed into King David's Israel by conquest. I would suggest that these had Celtic (Semitic) genetics too. The C's also made a point of telling us that the Nazi ethnic cleansing of the Jews was primarily targeted at Jews of the Abrahamic line, who no doubt had the 353535 tribal code in their DNA, which may not be the case for the bulk of the Ashkenazi Jews. Thus, it is interesting to see the struggle going on in Israel right now over the judicial reforms that Netanyahu (who is Ashkenazim) is trying to ramrod through the Knesset. I would suggest that those demonstrating against his reforms might be more likely to have the 353535 tribal coding.

The Celts historically have always been freedom loving people who prefer light touch government. Generally speaking, they are not great rule takers. The Romans by contrast were heavily law orientated and seemed to perform a similar role to the Nazis in ancient times when they invaded and subjugated the Celtic peoples of western Europe and actively sought to annihilate the Druid priesthood. At the same time, they ruthlessly supressed the Sephardic Jews of Judea enslaving the survivors of the destruction of Jerusalem and scattering the remaining Jews all over the empire. In the light of what the C's have told us, this agenda makes more sense now as those with the 353535 coding must have always been a prime target of STS forces, but particularly now at this point in time.​
Trying to find the "true" meaning of mystical/occult terms is usually a bit like trying to find out what was on the first poster of an old billboard.

View attachment 80235
True but that doesn't stop etymologists from trying to get back to the original roots of modern words. Indeed, this has been a preoccupation of Laura at times. We know that there was a universal Atlantean language, some of which has survived in modern languages, particularly German. We also know from the C's that some words originally even came from off planet such as "Orion". Archaeologists also face the same issue when sifting through archaeological sites where they have to distinguish the diffferent layers of history, which can become jumbled up due to natural forces like earth slips or from subsequent overbuilding.​
True but that doesn't stop etymologists from trying to get back to the original roots of modern words. Indeed, this has been a preoccupation of Laura at times. We know that there was a universal Atlantean language, some of which has survived in modern languages, particularly German. We also know from the C's that some words originally even came from off planet such as "Orion". Archaeologists also face the same issue when sifting through archaeological sites where they have to distinguish the diffferent layers of history, which can become jumbled up due to natural forces like earth slips or from subsequent overbuilding.​
If a Traffic camera is installed opposite the billboard, it's not that hard...
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Ancient Indian Vedic texts refer to Makkah as a place where Alla The Mother Goddess was worshiped. In Sanskrit, Alla means "mother."
I accept most of what was said in the excerpt you posted on the origins of Islamic beliefs. I am not sure though of the link though between "Allah" and "Arran". We know historically that Mesopotamia, Arabia and India were all mother goddess cultures as was Europe. However, I would ask what really underlay mother goddess worship? My own feeling is that it was the Grail or Merkabah stone, which the Ka'ba black stone is merely a stand-in for. Did not the C's comment on this by saying of the Ka'ba stone that symbolism reigned supreme here. However, the Ka'ba stone and Mecca may give us a curious link to Hagar as developed in the article I quote from below:
Re: What is the origin of the Kaaba Stone?

"Late Islamic masculinization of the Arabian Goddess, Al-Lat or Al-Ilat - the Allatu of the Babylonians - formerly worshipped at the Kaaba in Mecca. It has been shown that 'the Allah of Islam' was a male transformation of 'the primitive lunar deity of Arabia.' Her ancient symbol the crescent moon still appears on Islamic flags, even though modern Moslems no longer admit any feminine symbolism whatever connected with the wholly patriarchal Allah."

"Shrine of the sacred stone in Mecca, formerly dedicated to the pre-Islamic Triple Goddess Manat, Al-Lat (Allah), and Al-Uzza, the 'Old Woman' worshipped by Mohammed's tribesmen the Koreshites [MJF: thus perhaps providing us perhaps with a link to Kore and therefore Meritaten/Hagar/Helen/Brigid]. The stone was also called Kubaba, Kuba, or Kube, and has been linked with the name of Cybele (Kybela), the Great Mother of the Gods. The stone bore the emblem of the yoni, like the Black Stone worshipped by votaries of Artemis. Now it is regarded as the holy centre of patriarchal Islam, and its feminine symbolism has been lost, though priests of the Kaaba are still known as Sons of the Old Woman."

MJF: Incidentally, Muhammad originally sought to destroy the shrine of the Ka'ba stone but had a change of heart for some reason and ordered its destruction to be stopped. That is why today you can see a silver metal brace on the structure to mask where the damage was done by those who were seeking to dismantle it.

And a translator of the Koran, N.J. Dawood, says:

"Long before Muhammad's call, Arabian paganism was showing signs of decay. At the Ka'bah the Meccans worshipped not only Allah, the supreme Semitic God, but also a number of female deities whom they regarded as daughters of Allah. Among these were Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, who represented the Sun, Venus, and Fortune respectively."

Before the advent of Islam southern Arabia already possessed the sacred Kaaba sanctuary, with its black stone, at Makkah. Diop claimed that "The Kaaba was reputed to have been constructed by Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian (a Negro woman), historical ancestor of Mohammed, according to all Arab historians."

"In Egypt he [Abraham] had married a Negro woman, Hagar, mother of Ishmael, the Biblical ancestor of the second Semitic branch, the Arabs. Ishmael was said to be the historical ancestor of Mohammed."

If Hagar was Meritaten then we know that she was not a negress but through her father Akhenaten she would certainly have had north African genetics in her and therefore had a darker skin colour than her mother Nefertiti. This leads me on to your above post of the following images, all seemingly connected with what you perceive as mother goddess worship:​

It is the central figure here that I wish to focus on though, since it is a classic Black Madonna and Child icon. I hope to show that this icon or image, which became very popular in western Europe in the Middle Ages and remains so even to this day, may have been disguised mother goddess worship that was brought to Europe by Gypsies from Egypt. Indeed, it may not depict the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus at all but rather another Mary or Miriam, i.e., Meritaten or Hagar/Kore, who with her son Ishmael is linked with the Ka'ba (see above) and by extension the Grail. However, you will have to wait for a subsequent post to see how this connection is fleshed out.​
This leads me on to your above post of the following images, all seemingly connected with what you perceive as mother goddess worship:​

What I hinted at is, that one could read the picture 'backward': "Way after" <- was first.

Some quote from the Oera-Linda-thread at stolenhistory:
...Too many other features of the text appealed to nationalist Frisians as well as pre-war National Socialists and post-war New Age believers, for instance: the connection of the Frisians with Atlantis, their early use of a rune alphabet, their civilizing Western Europe, their pre-Christian monotheism and belief in an omnipresent being, their matriarchy with folksmothers and borough-maidens, and their freedom-loving mode of life.

Q: (L) What's next?
A: How about "Paleochristianity"?
Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's
an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter)
(L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?
A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".
Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we
know it?
A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted.
For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.

<neptunatic mode on> (not just lunatic)
'Christianity' comes at least from Kantek. Then Atlantis, then Frisland, and then your story begins...
Quasi starseeded on earth waaaay back in antediluvian eaons...
<neptunatic mode off>

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Some book recommandations, but with the warning that it is a lot to read, comprehend and that you will probably get knots in your brain.

To get a grasp what jewish kabbalah in it's core is about... ["Sterile mysticism with a cashier mentality..." (Crowley)], read the books of
Joel David Bakst, especially "Beyond Kabbalah - The Teachings That Cannot be Taught".

And to get an understanding, why the relationship of Christianity and Judaism is that of an inverted mirror image - the books of
Christopher Jon Bjerknes - "BeWARe the World to Come" and "Satanic Secrets of Jesus Christ" (Volume I+II).

Jesus "is" basically Samael - "the Jewish Devil".


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