I went to the doctor this morning because of my bloated tummy. Ironically, I woke up with the flatest belly I've had in a while, still slightly bloated, but a lot better. My work in progress hypothesis is that cabbage, which I haven't eaten over the past 3 days, might be one of the causes for bloating.
I mentioned to her the possibility of having
ascites which she discarded without giving it a second thought. In her opinion I would have to be in a whole of a lot worse condition. She also said that my blood tests done last July indicated that my liver was in perfect condition. After having accessed the symptoms she diagnosed me with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
Well, initially I wasn't quite sure of what to make of it, more for the fact that she saw no need in doing any further exams and diagnosed me so quickly. But thinking about it throughout the day, it seems to be a good possibility. She said that the major cause for IBS is stress. Well, my period stopped and my tummy became bloated after August when I went through a major, if not the most stressful period I have so far experienced.
Also, when earlier this year I burned my esophagus as described in
this thread, since I was unable to eat and barely drink for a period of time, my tummy became completely flat. Perhaps this is a sign that if there were to be liquid from elsewhere that not intestinal, it would have stayed there even during that period of time? I don't know.
I'll have to investigate this whole issue and see whether she is indeed right. Some symptoms seem to match, as in the example of my poo that is apparently typical of IBS. I had no idea, I've been pooing the same way for years
It also dawned on me today how, since my early teenagehood until I eliminated dairy and gluten 2 years ago, I used to get frequent abdominal cramps and mild bloating. I was so used to it I assumed it was normal (?!) and in the more recent years my partner would often massage my tummy that would be filled with gas. The massage usually relieved the cramps completely.
With the above in mind, maybe the stage was already set for this to become IBS?...
One thing is for sure, I'll have to do another elimination diet, this time a hard core one to check for any and all sensitivities. Will stick to organic grass fed meat only for a couple of days, and gradually re introduce vegetables.
The doctor gave me Colofac, a drug with mebeverine hydrochloride. I'm not sure of whether to take it....part of me thinks I should so that if it doesn't work I can go back to her and ask to be tested, part of me thinks I shouldn't because I is a drug and likely too aggressive, not to mention that I can probably care for my condition much better by being careful with my diet.
Nevertheless, If anyone has had any experience with mebeverine hydrochloride I'd be grateful for any tips. My package doesn't even list side effects. I searched it on the net and although the drug can supposedly only give you skin rashes, I found a few scary testimonials from people who've taken it.
In the meantime I'll do a comprehensive search on the forum for IBS and get some peppermint tea which I've been told is helpful.
I started taking progesterone cream, so will see how that goes as well.