
Gertrudes said:
Today my partner was massaging my belly and although my bladder was relatively empty we could hear a few impressively loud sounds of liquid being moved.

Does your tummy feels very tense and bloated as if filled with water?

Let us know how it goes with the progesterone. :)
Gertrudes said:
I got some Sepia yesterday, I will give it a try and see how it goes.

CORRECTION: substituted Stevia by Sepia

Question: Gertrudes, have you, or are you taking any probiotics? If you are dealing with candida overgrowth, which seems likely, given what you have posted, I would recommend adding a good probiotic to your regimen, to repopulate the gut with beneficial flora, which will control candida growth.
Laura said:
That's the one! So, since you haven't had a period, just start now with that schedule.

Will do, thanks!

Psyche said:
Gertrudes said:
Today my partner was massaging my belly and although my bladder was relatively empty we could hear a few impressively loud sounds of liquid being moved.

Does your tummy feels very tense and bloated as if filled with water?

Yes, very much so. Although for example today I don't hear any liquid sound when pressing against my tummy, but it is very tense and bloated.

Rabelais said:
Question: Gertrudes, have you, or are you taking any probiotics? If you are dealing with candida overgrowth, which seems likely, given what you have posted, I would recommend adding a good probiotic to your regimen, to repopulate the gut with beneficial flora, which will control candida growth.

Yes, I am taking probiotics. I'm thinking of doing an enema though. Haven't yet gotten the enema bag but it might be of some help....I don't know, I'm up for everything really.
I went to the doctor this morning because of my bloated tummy. Ironically, I woke up with the flatest belly I've had in a while, still slightly bloated, but a lot better. My work in progress hypothesis is that cabbage, which I haven't eaten over the past 3 days, might be one of the causes for bloating.

I mentioned to her the possibility of having ascites which she discarded without giving it a second thought. In her opinion I would have to be in a whole of a lot worse condition. She also said that my blood tests done last July indicated that my liver was in perfect condition. After having accessed the symptoms she diagnosed me with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Well, initially I wasn't quite sure of what to make of it, more for the fact that she saw no need in doing any further exams and diagnosed me so quickly. But thinking about it throughout the day, it seems to be a good possibility. She said that the major cause for IBS is stress. Well, my period stopped and my tummy became bloated after August when I went through a major, if not the most stressful period I have so far experienced.

Also, when earlier this year I burned my esophagus as described in this thread, since I was unable to eat and barely drink for a period of time, my tummy became completely flat. Perhaps this is a sign that if there were to be liquid from elsewhere that not intestinal, it would have stayed there even during that period of time? I don't know.

I'll have to investigate this whole issue and see whether she is indeed right. Some symptoms seem to match, as in the example of my poo that is apparently typical of IBS. I had no idea, I've been pooing the same way for years :scared: It also dawned on me today how, since my early teenagehood until I eliminated dairy and gluten 2 years ago, I used to get frequent abdominal cramps and mild bloating. I was so used to it I assumed it was normal (?!) and in the more recent years my partner would often massage my tummy that would be filled with gas. The massage usually relieved the cramps completely.
With the above in mind, maybe the stage was already set for this to become IBS?...
One thing is for sure, I'll have to do another elimination diet, this time a hard core one to check for any and all sensitivities. Will stick to organic grass fed meat only for a couple of days, and gradually re introduce vegetables.

The doctor gave me Colofac, a drug with mebeverine hydrochloride. I'm not sure of whether to take it....part of me thinks I should so that if it doesn't work I can go back to her and ask to be tested, part of me thinks I shouldn't because I is a drug and likely too aggressive, not to mention that I can probably care for my condition much better by being careful with my diet.
Nevertheless, If anyone has had any experience with mebeverine hydrochloride I'd be grateful for any tips. My package doesn't even list side effects. I searched it on the net and although the drug can supposedly only give you skin rashes, I found a few scary testimonials from people who've taken it.

In the meantime I'll do a comprehensive search on the forum for IBS and get some peppermint tea which I've been told is helpful.

I started taking progesterone cream, so will see how that goes as well.
Hello Getrudes,

She also said that my blood tests done last July indicated that my liver was in perfect condition.

A perfect condition form her occidental doctor point of view, i.e. before her tools to diagnose can detect a big damage.

I've already told you, find an acupuncturist, he will really diagnose you. I don't think you can manage the situation alone with the diet. The diet is necessary but you need accurate indications related to your OWN body. Our medicine is simply not enough precise for your kind of situation.

Also, some of you body function certainly need to be coordinate and it's very hard to do it only with the diet, further blindly.

Ellipse said:
Hello Getrudes,

She also said that my blood tests done last July indicated that my liver was in perfect condition.

A perfect condition form her occidental doctor point of view, i.e. before her tools to diagnose can detect a big damage.

I've already told you, find an acupuncturist, he will really diagnose you. I don't think you can manage the situation alone with the diet. The diet is necessary but you need accurate indications related to your OWN body. Our medicine is simply not enough precise for your kind of situation.

Also, some of you body function certainly need to be coordinate and it's very hard to do it only with the diet, further blindly.


Thank you for your concern Ellipse, I have been doing acupuncture for a month now though. Won't continue for much longer, though she is doing a very good discount it is still pricey for me.

Regarding IBS, at the moment I tend to think that the doctor was right. I have been reading a lot about it lately and suspect that I might have had IBS since I was a teenager. The symptoms were there, I just didn't notice :rolleyes:. I had daily abdominal cramps and splenic flexure syndrome, both disappeared after I eliminated gluten and dairy. Bloating is recent, my abdomen is less swollen in the morning and gets back to almost normal whenever I have a good bowel movement. It does seem to be food that trigger it as I get increasingly bloated only after eating.

The fact that I'm doing the Candida protocol is probably not helping. As I mentioned previously, I became severely bloated after August last year during an extremely stressful period (stress seems to be the one major trigger related to IBS. Not surprisingly considering the many connections between the brain and the gut) it got better after a while, and it became worse again after I began my Candida attack. My guess is that the intestine is very irritated with the Candida die off. Nevertheless, I'm not 100% sure that I have indeed IBS, and if I do, how to go about it. Time and experimenting will tell.

I agree with you that it is important to have guidelines specific to my own body, navigating in the dark is far from ideal... I'll take your suggestion and discuss with more detail the bloating issue with the acupuncturist next time I see her, so far we have been mainly trying to get my period back.
Thank you for your concern Ellipse, I have been doing acupuncture for a month now though.

I was not aware about it. So, what was the diagnose of the acupuncturist?

Won't continue for much longer, though she is doing a very good discount it is still pricey for me.

Yep, the price is a real problem :(

Regarding IBS, at the moment I tend to think that the doctor was right. I have been reading a lot about it lately and suspect that I might have had IBS since I was a teenager. The symptoms were there, I just didn't notice Roll Eyes.

Certainly but this is likely there's a root of your IBS. The stress certainly play a great part here but I think there's another weakness or unbalance to find so you can deal with it without damages.

Ellipse said:
I was not aware about it. So, what was the diagnose of the acupuncturist?

She said that I have a liver and heart unbalance. Particularly liver. She also said that I have spleen deficiency.

Ellipse said:
Certainly but this is likely there's a root of your IBS. The stress certainly play a great part here but I think there's another weakness or unbalance to find so you can deal with it without damages.

Yes, you're right. After reading so much about how once you have it the condition stays for life I sort of assumed that I would just have to live with it with better periods here and there.
I will talk with her about this next time, thanks for the pointers Ellipse.
She said that I have a liver and heart unbalance. Particularly liver. She also said that I have spleen deficiency.

OK, and do you notice improvements after the treatment? What about your feeling about her skilled? Does she live from acupuncture (I don't know if it's a correct sentence, I mean does she earn her life from this activity?)

Yes, you're right. After reading so much about how once you have it the condition stays for life I sort of assumed that I would just have to live with it with better periods here and there.
I will talk with her about this next time, thanks for the pointers Ellipse.

I've been in a similar situation of you for years too. So I know what it mean. The acupuncture saved me. As it was before I acquired SOTT knowledge, I was eating gluten otherwise it would be easiest.
Ellipse said:
OK, and do you notice improvements after the treatment? What about your feeling about her skilled? Does she live from acupuncture (I don't know if it's a correct sentence, I mean does she earn her life from this activity?)

Well, we're focusing specifically on getting my period back, so far no signs of it. I'm taking progesterone cream as well, but still waiting.... I appreciate how wildly different professionals can be and that it is very important to get a good one. I'm also considering the fact that not all therapies seem to be appropriate for everyone or every disease. For example, I have been given more homeopathic remedies that I can remember for all sorts of ailments, but without a single result. However, I have seen homeopathy doing wonders to other people, particularly children.

My acupuncturist does seem to be a good professional and that is in fact what she does for a living, although I don't think that will necessarily be proof of her skills. It helps, but I don't personally see it as the main factor. I chose her because several people I know have mentioned good results after having worked with her. Nevertheless, the truth of the matter is that if this doesn't work, I can't afford to keep trying different therapists and therapists :(
I'll carry on taking the progesterone cream and if my period doesn't return in about 2 months I will try the regular doctor, maybe I need to do some tests.

Ellipse said:
I've been in a similar situation of you for years too. So I know what it mean. The acupuncture saved me. As it was before I acquired SOTT knowledge, I was eating gluten otherwise it would be easiest.

Good to hear that you were successful in defeating it Ellipse!
For example, I have been given more homeopathic remedies that I can remember for all sorts of ailments, but without a single result. However, I have seen homeopathy doing wonders to other people, particularly children.

This is interesting.

Nevertheless, the truth of the matter is that if this doesn't work, I can't afford to keep trying different therapists and therapists Sad
I'll carry on taking the progesterone cream and if my period doesn't return in about 2 months I will try the regular doctor, maybe I need to do some tests.

Yes, the money is a barrier, time and distance too. I understand your position. We have to conjugate all and use our thought as well as our intuition.
While your next acupuncture session, ask her to say you, from a Chinese point of view, what she detect in you pulse (void of blood, too much yang, etc..), write it on a paper to not forget, and report it here.

Last word, do not forget to pray to ask for help if it's possible, can be "miraculous" :).
Ellipse said:
While your next acupuncture session, ask her to say you, from a Chinese point of view, what she detect in you pulse (void of blood, too much yang, etc..), write it on a paper to not forget, and report it here.

Sure, I will only see her in about 2 weeks though. I will take notes then, it is something that I could have already done :)
Gertrudes said:
Scarlet said:
Hey that's great news about your health and glowing skin, Gertrudes! In response to your mentioning using Pan Acid to treat PMS, I want to note here that I have been taking five pills of B supplements daily. I have also been discussing my progress in the thread titled, "Dysmenorrhea - Severe Pain During Menstruation"

I copied this out of that thread to show you what specifically I have been taking in the way of B vitamins:

1. 100mg of the B-complex in capsule form three times a day (_
2. 1000mcg of B12 (_
3. 1000mg of B5 (_


Thank you Scarlet. I have suffered from dysmenorrhea ever since my first period.
At the moment I am also having a few troubles as I described in the Amenorrhea thread. As soon as I become regular again, I'll try out what you suggested :)

Hi Gertrudes,

I don't have much to add to help you with the amenorrhea you have been experiencing, but I want to tell you about the book I got this vitamin B information out of and also of my friend. My mother claims she used this book to cure her problems with anemia back when she had problems menstruating non-stop for months, but the doctors couldn't help. She purchased a new edition of the book and gave it to me, which is what inspired me to take a look at it to begin with. The name of the book is Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements. I have the most recent edition, which can be found here. The book doesn't mention dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea, but it does have a lot of information regarding premenstrual syndrome.

My best friend has been suffering from amenorrhea since late last year and she has been taking birth control pills to get her period. A couple months ago she was feeling regular again so she went off of them only to find that she still wasn't able to get her period on her own. :( She is thirty-two, not sexually active and the doctor tells her she has osteoporosis now and that she may never have children. I recommended all the extra b vitamin supplements to her recently, but she tells me she is content just working with her doctor right now.

If you are able to find a solution to this problem without using birth control pills I look forward to reading about it! More power to you in your search for some answers here. :hug2:
Scarlet said:
The name of the book is Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements. I have the most recent edition, which can be found here. The book doesn't mention dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea, but it does have a lot of information regarding premenstrual syndrome.

Interestingly, I have an older edition of that book, I found it at a second hand shop for a bargain :)

Scarlet said:
If you are able to find a solution to this problem without using birth control pills I look forward to reading about it! More power to you in your search for some answers here. :hug2:

Thank you Scarlet :hug2:
Taking birth control pills is not an option for me, at least not now, they will be a very, very, very last resource in case EVERYTHING else fails. So far I am taking progesterone cream, I took 1/8 tsp twice a day for 15 days, then stopped for 15 days, and resumed again. This time I decided to augment the dose to 1/2 of a tsp twice a day. Unfortunately my little jar finished yesterday and I'm still waiting for the new one I've ordered.

If that doesn't work, I'll try to convince my doctor to get some blood tests done and evaluate exactly my hormone levels, maybe I need some estrogen as well, I don't know. But just the thought of going to the doctor makes me feel very disheartened... most of the times I'm really struggling to get from him something I agree with, a referral, a test, an examination, whatever that might be, anything that not a drug. It is incredibly hard though. About 2 years ago I made the mistake of mentioning nutrition, candida and alternative therapies, at the time I had NO idea how they were seen by mainstream medicine. The doctor, at the time a different one, got angry with me (and I had no idea why!) and ridiculed everything I had mentioned. My fault really, I should have known better, I just went full on without a clue that mainstream medicine doctors usually do NOT like to speak about nutrition and candida. Not to even mention supplements, that's sacrilege! Unknowingly at the time, I totally stepped on her toes there :/

Nevertheless, a couple of months after I went to another doctor, and since everything is registered on the patient's file, he saw somehow that I had mentioned wanting to do a Candida test at my previous appointment. More (this time covert) anger, more ridicule. I hadn't even mentioned anything, he saw it on my file and just shot. My partner who came with me was dumbstruck. I've learned my lesson and have never again mentioned anything "dangerous". So I am trying my best not to have to discuss with my GP the possibility of bio identical hormones...I have to get over this though, I'm sure there is a way to convey to him nicely that I accept and value his opinion, but would rather do it differently, and that if he would be willing to I would need his help for that.
Hey Gertrudes,

Have you been to or other doctor review websites? The reason I ask is because I have been dissatisfied with most of the doctors I've received "treatment" from over the years. After a while I began to look them up as much as possible online before hiring them to treat me. On the vitals site you can see where they went to college, when they graduated and how long they've been practicing, in addition to random reviews from people.

Remember that these people are getting paid to help you. If you don't agree with what they are saying you can always fire them :evil: and hire somebody else..:halo: I'm just writing to reassure you of this, because I noticed you mentioned that you may consider trying to convince your doctor to order blood tests and also that you are doing your best not to discuss certain issues about your health as well. I found a doctor I can tell everything to and he even heard my drama over the dysmenorhhea issues the last time I was there, because I trusted him long enough. My mom tells her MD everything too, but she and I both really had to search and be disappointed many times over.

Best Wishes,

Scarlet :hug:
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