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Thanks Scarlet, the problem is that is for people living within the US, and I live in UK. The medical system here is different, NHS is a public system of which we can benefit for free. That means I have to register with a GP (general practitioner) within the area I live. And you have to be lucky to get a good GP, particularly in London where there's millions of us living here and it seems that there is not enough resources.

The other possibility is a private doctor. Some doctors only work privately, others work both for the NHS and privately, however, the quality of service tends to be much superior in private practice. Problem is, private consultations are incredibly expensive, in the order of the hundreds of pounds for an appointment.
There is, in fact, a lady whose book I recently bought called Marion Gluck, and her book is "It must be my hormones". It was recommended to me by a friend who is entering menopause and went to this lady who works with bio identical hormones and does comprehensive hormonal tests. She also works with a nutritionist, so is well aware of the effects of diet. I haven't yet read her book (am reading "Life without bread" at the moment) but have skimmed through it and found quite a few relevant things that seem to apply to me and my hormonal imbalances.
If worse comes to worse and by the end of the year I've had no luck, I might go and see her, her prices are surprisingly low when compared to other private doctors.

My new progesterone jar arrived today, so I'll keep applying it in bigger doses and see how it goes.
Quick question though, would anyone have insights as to whether I should keep giving it a 15 day break to mimic the ovulation cycle, or would it be wise for me to just keep applying it non stop?
Gertrudes said:
My new progesterone jar arrived today, so I'll keep applying it in bigger doses and see how it goes.
Quick question though, would anyone have insights as to whether I should keep giving it a 15 day break to mimic the ovulation cycle, or would it be wise for me to just keep applying it non stop?

Hi Gertrudes, Last month I started using a new kind of progesterone cream and it has had profound effects on my overall health. I just posted an update about it in this thread:,21449.msg281502.html#msg281502

As far as your question goes, I don't know if this information is coming too late, but I will tell you what a new doctor I've been seeing has told me. She told me to use 1/4 tsp of Kokoro Balance Cream twice a day (morning and night) on clean skin and in different locations each time. She recommends the insides of the arms, legs, the face, neck, chest, and even the palms of my hands or bottom of my feet. She does not recommend putting it on the breasts, because there's too much fat there. Also she says to switch locations each time so as not to build up progesterone dominance in a certain area. She says to use a jar so that I can scoop out the cream in a spoon so that I am getting an accurate amount each time. She has recommended I use the cream daily (for the rest of my life) and this is the cream she uses on her body too.

I found this information Psyche posted in the Ultra-Simple Diet thread to be really informative and would like to post it on this thread too:

Psyche said:
Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance: Overview

Female problems seem to be on the rise. Between 40% and 60% of all women in the West suffer from PMS. In addition, women suffer from a plethora of symptoms, some menopausal and others not. Something quite serious seems to be happening. There is strong evidence that that the proper hormonal balance necessary for women's bodies to function healthily is being interfered with by a number of factors.

Research has shown that many women in their 30s - some even younger - will occasionally not ovulate during their menstrual month.[1] Without ovulation, no corpus luteum results and no progesterone is made. A progesterone deficiency ensues and several problems can result from this, one being the month-long presence of unopposed estrogen with all its attendant side-effects.

A second major problem results from the interrelationship between progesterone loss and stress. Stress combined with a bad diet can induce cycles where ovulation does not occur. The consequent lack of progesterone interferes with the production of the stress-combating hormones, worsening stressful conditions that give rise to further anovulatory cycles and so continues the vicious cycle.

Another major factor contributing to this imbalance between estrogen and progesterone is the industrialized world now live in, immersed in a rising sea of petrochemical derivatives. They are in the air, food and water and include pesticides and herbicides (such as DDT, dieldrin, heptachlor, etc.) as well as various plastics (polycarbonated plastics found in babies bottles and water jugs) and PCBs. These estrogen-mimics are highly fat-soluble, not biodegradable or well excreted, and accumulate in the fat tissue of animals and humans. These chemicals have an uncanny ability to mimic natural estrogen and thus are given the name "xeno-estrogens" since, although they are foreign chemicals, they are taken up by the estrogen receptor sites in the body, seriously interfering with natural biochemical activity. Drinking sodas out of plastic bottles is one of the leading causes of estrogen dominance.

Extensive research is now revealing an alarming situation worldwide, created by the inundation of these hormone-mimics. In their book, Our Stolen Future, authors Theo Colburn of the World Wildlife Fund, Dianne Dumanoski of The Boston Globe, and John Peterson Meyers, a zoologist, have identified 51 hormone mimics, each able to unleash a torrent of effects such as reduced sperm production, cell division and sculpting of the developing brain. These mimics are not only linked to the recent discovery that human sperm counts worldwide have plunged by 50% between 1938 and 1990 but also to genital deformities, breast, prostate and testicular cancer, and neurological disorders.

Causes & Development
Dr. John Lee, MD has discovered a consistent theme running through women's complaints of the distressing and often debilitating symptoms of PMS, peri-menopause and menopause: too much estrogen or, in other words, estrogen dominance. Now, instead of estrogen playing its essential role within the well-balanced symphony of steroid hormones in a woman's body, it has begun to overshadow the other players, creating biochemical dissonance. Even natural estrogens should not be prescribed unless it is clear that a deficiency exists.

Signs & Symptoms
Female hormone imbalances can manifest in many and diverse symptoms. More specific suggestions regarding individual hormone levels may be made elsewhere in this report.

Diagnosis & Tests
The hormone issue is a complicated one. There are three types of natural estrogen, and multiple degradation pathways and metabolites. Depending on the area of concern, a skilled natural doctor should be able to recommend those tests which will yield the most information, and guide you into balance. While a therapeutic trial of progesterone may help a condition of estrogen dominance, specific laboratory testing on a doctor's recommendation should be conducted prior to hormone replacement. Blood, saliva, or urine measurements may be made. Your doctor should be aware that the timing of specimen collection in relation to your cycle is important in progesterone testing. The best time is day 21 - 24 of your cycle (sooner if cycle is shorter and later if cycle is longer). If progesterone levels are normal, elevated estrogens can be reduced by means other than progesterone use.

The need for testing is seen in the situation of two menopausal women having similar symptoms but one with elevated estrogens (or an imbalance of estrogens) and the other with low estrogens. Both may have normal or low levels of progesterone. Giving natural estrogen to a woman in menopause seems the logical thing to do, but may make the situation worse if her levels are already too high. Giving a women low in estrogen, more progesterone won’t solve the underlying deficiency.

Treatment & Prevention
Dr. Lee has been able to balance the estrogen-dominance effect through the use of transdermal natural progesterone cream.

Anti-aging Benefits of Natural Progesterone

1. Progesterone is a primary precursor in the biosynthesis of the adrenal corticosteroids. Without adequate progesterone, synthesis of the cortisones is impaired and the body turns to alternate pathways. These alternate pathways have masculine-producing side effects such as long facial hairs and thinning of scalp hair. Further impaired corticosteroid production results in a decrease in the ability to handle stress, e.g., surgery, trauma or emotional stress.
2. Many peri- or post-menopausal women with clinical signs of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, lack of energy, intolerance to cold, are actually suffering from unrecognized estrogen dominance and will benefit from supplementation with natural progesterone.
3. Estrogen and most of the synthetic progestins increase intracellular sodium and water uptake. The effect of this is hypertension. Natural progesterone is a natural diuretic and prevents the cell's uptake of sodium and water, thus preventing hypertension.
4. Whereas estrogen impairs homeostatic control of glucose levels, natural progesterone stabilizes them. Thus, natural progesterone can be beneficial to both those with diabetes and those with reactive hypoglycemia. Estrogen should be contraindicated in patients with diabetes.
5. Thinning and wrinkled skin is a sign of lack of hydration in the skin. It is common in peri- and post-menopausal women and is a sure sign of hormone depletion. Both estrogen and progesterone restores skin hydration.
6. Progesterone serves a role in keeping brain cells healthy. A disorder such as premature senility (Alzheimer's disease) may be, at least in part, another example of disease secondary to progesterone deficiency.
7. Progesterone is essential for the healthy development of the myelin sheath which protects the nerve cells. Low progesterone levels lead to recurring aches and pains.
8. Progesterone creates and promotes an enhanced sense of emotional well being and psychological self-sufficiency.
9. Progesterone is responsible for enhancing the libido. [John R. Lee, M.D., Slowing the Aging Process with Natural Progesterone, BLL Publishing, CA, USA, 1994, p.14]

Estrogen's role in osteoporosis is only a minor one. Estrogen replacement will reduce bone breakdown, but only progesterone increases new bone growth or deposition. Progesterone deficiency results in bone loss. In a three year study of 63 post-menopausal women with osteoporosis, women using transdermal progesterone cream experienced an average 7 to 8% bone mass density increase in the first year, 4 to 5% the second year, and 3 to 4% in the third year. Untreated women in this age category typically lose 1.5% bone mass density per year.[3] Dr. Lee believes that the use of natural progesterone in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle change can not only stop osteoporosis but can actually reverse it - even in women aged over 70.

Effects of Estrogen Dominance

1. When estrogen is not balanced by progesterone, it can produce weight gain, headaches, bad temper, chronic fatigue and loss of interest in sex - all of which are part of the clinically recognized premenstrual syndrome.
2. Not only has it been well established that estrogen dominance encourages the development of breast cancer thanks to estrogen's proliferative actions, it also stimulates breast tissue and can trigger fibrocystic breast disease - a condition which wanes when natural progesterone is introduced to balance the estrogen.
3. Excess estrogen implies a progesterone deficiency. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the rate of new bone formation in a woman's body by the osteoblasts - the cells responsible for doing this job. Although most doctors are not yet aware of it, this is the prime cause of osteoporosis.
4. Estrogen dominance increases the risk of fibroids. One of the interesting facts about fibroids is that, regardless of the size, fibroids commonly atrophy once menopause arrives and a woman's ovaries are no longer making estrogen. Doctors who commonly use progesterone with their patients have discovered that giving a woman natural progesterone may cause fibroids to atrophy.
5. In estrogen-dominant menstruating women where progesterone is not peaking and falling in a normal way each month, the ordered shedding of the womb lining doesn't take place. Menstruation becomes irregular. This condition can usually be corrected by making lifestyle changes and using a natural progesterone product. It is easy to diagnose by having a doctor measure the level of progesterone in the blood at certain times of the month.
6. Endometrial cancer (cancer of the womb) develops only where there is estrogen dominance or unopposed estrogen. This, too, can be prevented by the use of natural progesterone. The use of the synthetic progestins may also help prevent it, which is why a growing number of doctors no longer give non-human estrogens without combining them with progesterone drug during HRT. However, all synthetic progestins have side effects.
7. Water logging of the cells and an increase in intercellular sodium, which predispose a woman to high blood pressure or hypertension, frequently occur with estrogen dominance. These can also be side effects of progestins use. A natural progesterone cream often resolves this problem.
8. The risk of stroke and heart disease is increased dramatically when a woman is estrogen-dominant. [Leslie Kenton, Passage to Power, Random House, UK, 1995]

References & Further Information
[1] Lee, John R., M.D., Natural Progesterone: The Multiple Role of a Remarkable Hormone, BLL Publishing, California, USA, 1993, p.29.
[2] Kenton, Leslie, Passage to Power, Random House, UK, 1995, pp.19-20.
[3] Lee, John R., M.D., "Osteoporosis Reversal: The Role of Progesterone," International Clinical Nutrition Review (1990), 10: pp.384-391.

You can develop a clearer understanding of the nature of your condition and the interplay of female hormones by reading an informative book such as Natural Hormone Balance by Uzzi Reiss, MD, or What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John Lee, MD.

Signs, symptoms & indicators of Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance:

Lab Values - Hormones Reduced/low progesterone level

High progesterone level

Symptoms - Food - Preferences
Sugar/sweet craving

Symptoms - General
Constant fatigue

Symptoms - Metabolic
Low energy/stamina
Temple-based headaches

Symptoms - Mind - Emotional
Impatient/hostile disposition

Symptoms - Mind - General
Reduced/poor mental clarity
Short-term memory failure

Symptoms - Muscular
Leg cramps caused by walking

Symptoms - Reproductive - Female Cycle
Pre/menstrual depression
Having hot flashes
Studies indicate that progesterone can sometimes minimize hot flashes. Natural progesterone cream has been clinically demonstrated to provide relief from hot flashes in some women.

Breast soreness during cycle
Irritability related to cycle
Painful menstrual cramps
Water retention before menstruation
Hot flashes between/hot flashes during & after period

Symptoms - Reproductive - General
Difficulty conceiving children

Symptoms - Skin - General
(Possibly) jaundiced skin

Conditions that suggest Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance:

Autoimmune Multiple Sclerosis
Progesterone has been shown in animal studies to promote the formation of new myelin sheaths [Human Reproduction 2000 Jun;15 Suppl 1: pp.1-13, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999 Apr-Jun;69 pp.97-107, Mult Scler 1997 Apr;3 pp.105-12]

Physicians have known for years that pregnancy can suppress some forms of immune response, such as allergies. In the early and mid-1980s, several doctors observed that MS patients had fewer symptoms during pregnancy and post-partum recovery. This may be due to the high progesterone level in the blood of a pregnant woman. Progesterone tends to be anti-inflammatory. Progesterone therapy may therefore be useful for MS especially as a medical report noted the association between enlarged adrenal glands and MS. Progesterone, being a steroid, often helps the adrenals deal with inflammation.

Other studies have indicated that symptoms are worse during periods when the progesterone to estrogen ratio is low.

Environment / Toxicity
Copper Toxicity
Elevated estrogen levels often increase serum copper levels to more than double normal values, while at the same time red blood cell levels, where copper is important, may actually be lower. This may contribute to some of the psychological or other symptoms seen during pregnancy or with birth control pill use.

Low Male Testosterone Level
Testosterone is converted into estrogen naturally. When this conversion is overactive the result is too little testosterone and too much estrogen. High levels of estrogen also trick the brain into thinking that enough testosterone is being produced, thereby reducing the natural production of testosterone.

Low Sex Drive
Loss of sex drive often correlates with a progesterone deficiency, not an estrogen deficiency.

Icon Hypothyroidism
Progesterone increases sensitivity of estrogen receptors, and can therefore redirect estrogen activity and inhibit many of unopposed estrogen's undesirable side-effects, which includes interference with thyroid hormone activity.

Yeast / Candida Infection

Lab Values
Low Total Cholesterol
Cholesterol is the raw material used to make progesterone, and is therefore its immediate precursor.

Lab Values - Hormones
Elevated estrogen levels (confirmed)

Panic Attacks
It has been reported that women with low progesterone levels experience less intense or less frequent panic attacks after progesterone supplementation. In some cases, sublingual progesterone in olive oil has produced immediate benefit.

Edema (Water Retention)
Progesterone has also been used in the treatment of idiopathic edema under the premise that some women with idiopathic edema either do not ovulate or have a luteal phase deficiency.

Ovarian function was investigated in 30 women with postural idiopathic edema by measuring plasma estradiol and progesterone levels between the 21st and 23rd days of the menstrual cycle. Plasma progesterone concentrations were found to be lower than 5ng/ml in 53% of the cases and lower than 10ng/ml in 83%. The ovarian dysfunction most frequently observed was inadequate corpus luteum, i.e. progesterone deficiency with normal plasma estradiol levels. In virtually all patients the initial disorder in capillary permeability, as evaluated by Landis' test, was fully corrected by progesterone administered orally. However, clinical improvement was less marked with treatments of short duration (2-3 consecutive cycles). In view of the complex cause of the disease, combined treatments in which progesterone might well play the major role are usually required. [Presse Med 1983 Dec 10;12(45): pp.2859-62 (translated)]

Cold Hands and Feet
Cold hands and feet, often caused by low thyroid function, may be a symptom of estrogen excess or low progesterone influencing thyroid function.

Female Hair Loss

Symptoms - Immune System
General fungal/yeast infections

Tumors, Benign
Estrogen levels have persistently been shown to be elevated in patients with uterine fibroids.

Tumors, Malignant
Breast Cancer
One study reported that women with the highest levels of estrogen were twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those with the lowest levels. [Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 17th April 2002]

Premenstrual Syndrome
Menorrhagia (Heavy Periods)
In a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone regulate the buildup of the endometrium (uterine lining of blood and tissue), which is shed each month during menstruation. Menorrhagia can occur because of an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. As a result of the imbalance, the endometrium keeps building up resulting in heavy bleeding when it is eventually shed. Since hormone imbalances are often present in adolescents and in women approaching menopause, this type of menorrhagia (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) is fairly common in these groups.

Premenstrual Syndrome PMS A (Anxiety)
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
The administration of natural progesterone is suggested by Dr. John Lee, MD and others to be a protective therapy that can reduce breast tenderness and the fibrocystic changes seen in FBD.

Susceptibility To Miscarriages
Vaginitis/Vaginal Infection
Yeast infections are more common among women with increased levels of estrogen. This is seen in those who use estrogen-containing birth control pills and among women who are pregnant. The increased hormone level causes changes in the vaginal environment that make it a media for fungal growth and nourishment.


Pregnancy-Related Issues
Hormone levels fluctuate at different stages of pregnancy, making it difficult to isolate any underlying imbalances during this time.

Risk factors for Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance:

Low Adrenal Function / Adrenal Insufficiency
The inner most layer of an adrenal gland is the zona reticularis which produces small amounts of sex hormones. Specifically, it produces androgen, estrogen and progesterone. Adrenal exhaustion can therefore cause hormone deficiencies.

Low Melatonin Level
One of melatonin's roles is the reduction of estrogen production in the body, and probably also reduction of the number of estrogen receptors. Studies have shown that the protective, estrogen-reducing effects of melatonin are significantly reduced by excessive exposure to light (including late night TV viewing) and probably electromagnetic fields, chemical pollutants such as pesticides and fungicides, and many commonly prescribed drugs, such as beta blockers for heart disease, high blood pressure and headaches.

Stress increases cortisol production; cortisol blockades (competes for) progesterone receptors. Additional progesterone is required to overcome this blockade.

Organ Health
Liver Detoxification / Support Requirement

Supplements and Medications
Non-human estrogen use
Current birth control pill use

Natural progesterone use
(Normal/high) sublingual progesterone use
Taking excesssive/on normal dose/on low dose oral progesterone
On moderate/on low/on high dose progesterone

Symptoms - Immune System
Past general fungal/yeast infections

Symptoms - Metabolic
Pear-shaped body when overweight

Symptoms - Reproductive - Female Cycle
History of painful menstrual cramps

Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance can lead to:
Low Sex Drive
Loss of sex drive often correlates with a progesterone deficiency, not an estrogen deficiency.

Tumors, Malignant
Endometrial Cancer
High levels of estrogen without opposing progesterone can increase the risk of endometrial cancer. Using estrogen replacement therapy without taking progesterone or progestins is also related to a greater risk for endometrial cancer.


Recommendations and treatments for Progesterone Low or Estrogen Dominance:

Vitex / Chasteberry
Vitex increases luteinizing hormone production while inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone, leading to an indirect increase in progesterone and a normalization of prolactin levels. If taken regularly for several months, it helps to restore hormonal balance and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Evening Primrose Oil

Not recommended:
Korean Ginseng

DIM (di-indolmethane)/I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol)
DIM encourages the conversion of estrogens to safer forms and helps reduce elevated levels.

Natural Progesterone
Estrogens and progesterone tend to be antagonistic hormones, each balancing the other. When progesterone levels are low, it can seem as though estrogen levels are too high, which may or may not be the case. Supplementation with natural progesterone corrects the real problem: progesterone deficiency.

Estrogen-balancing Medications
Before using estrogen balancing medications whether natural or not, laboratory testing should be conducted to confirm elevated levels.

Lab Tests/Rule-Outs
Test for Hormones

TMG (Tri-methyl-glycine)
TMG converts to S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe, an activated form of methionine) in the body. SAMe assists in the breakdown of estrogens.

Also, the cream I used to use seemed to make all of my symptoms worse and I'm so glad I've found this Kokoro Balance Cream now! Well, I'm just posting to share the information and I hope the cream you've been using has worked well for you!
Thanks for that Scarlet. I do think I have estrogen dominance from the quote you posted, although hormonal balance is such a delicate and complex thing, there are so many factors involved that I suspect that it isn't just that.

So far I have had no positive results. I have tried 2 different brands of progesterone (though not yet the one you mentioned) and have tried different dosases, acupuncture, homeopathy, other progesterone rich herbs such as vitus agnux castus and other female herbal complexes. Nothing worked, it has now been a year that I've not had a period. Very frustrating!
I have booked an appointment with an (expensive!) private doctor whose specialty is female health, and who does comprehensive hormonal tests, to then create a cream specifically designed for you. I really need to access what is going on here, why my body is still in shock mode, and what is happening inside me hormonally wise.

I'm really glad the cream has had such a positive effect on you though.

My appointment is in 2 weeks, so I don't think I'll buy any more creams as after trying several different things, I really want to get to the root of it: get tested, and see what is going on.
Wow, getting a cream specially designed for your system sounds like it would be ideal! I hope it works out for you! I posted the ingredients to the cream I threw in the trash and the cream I adore so you can compare them if you want. That info is here:,14528.msg281070.html#msg281070

I was reading more in Sex, Lies and Menopause and this made me think of you:
Pg 137
Taking natural progesterone continuously, without making a cycle, will wipe out the action all of your estrogen response, which will eventually keep you from receiving progesterone, too.
I'm not completely sure what this means, but thought I'd post it, FWIW.

Also, my friend who suffers from this is back on birth control pills. She began cycling again when she was on them for half a year and so her doctor had her stop to see if she'd cycle again on her own, but she didn't. Right now she is scared to go off of the pills because she wants to keep cycling. If this cream works for you I would be curious to know, because maybe this information could help her too. :)
Hello. I have that problem too. I think I had my last period about a year ago. It is convenient, but sometimes it worries me. I am hoping that it will come back when I am long enough on the low-carb/high fat diet, but I still would like to do something about it. I was thinking about getting the progesterone cream, but I am not sure if I should give it a go just like that, probably should see a doctor first, so I am looking for someone appropriate I could go and see here in Glasgow. I keep looking up holistic health practices, but not quite sure which one is good enough, or what type of treatment will be the best. Should probably just pick one and give it a go... I decided to post here, as I had a dream last night in which my menstruation came back and I was so incredibly happy about that. I had tried black cohosh, but did not help, and probably some other herbs too, but can't recall exactly. Anyway, that's all for now, any input will be greatly appreciated.
ALIEN1 said:
Hello. I have that problem too. I think I had my last period about a year ago. It is convenient, but sometimes it worries me. I am hoping that it will come back when I am long enough on the low-carb/high fat diet, but I still would like to do something about it. I was thinking about getting the progesterone cream, but I am not sure if I should give it a go just like that, probably should see a doctor first, so I am looking for someone appropriate I could go and see here in Glasgow. I keep looking up holistic health practices, but not quite sure which one is good enough, or what type of treatment will be the best. Should probably just pick one and give it a go... I decided to post here, as I had a dream last night in which my menstruation came back and I was so incredibly happy about that. I had tried black cohosh, but did not help, and probably some other herbs too, but can't recall exactly. Anyway, that's all for now, any input will be greatly appreciated.

ALIEN1, I wish I could say something more useful then what is about to follow, but truth is that I am still struggling with the same issue (and getting a little concerned).
Have you seen anyone about it though? Do you also have any idea as to what may have caused your amenorrhea, perhaps diet changes, emotional stress...? If you can pintpoint a trigger, it maybe easier to try to address the root cause.

In my case, my period returned briefly a few months ago during a period of great joy. In fact, when in the past I suffered from amenorrhea my period also returned during an event that generated real joy in me, although at the time I regained my normal monthly cycle.

I saw a kinesiologist and really liked the way he worked and everything he said ringed true, but I can't afford the treatment, so I'm now going for public health care..... my GP is not very knowledgeable but he has, at least, referred me for some exams. In fact, I'm seeing him tomorrow for the results.

I have tried taking herbs (including black cohosh), homeopathy, acupuncture, progesterone creams ordered online, oestrogen and progesterone creams that had been specifically prescribed for me, and kinesiology. Out of all of those I seemed to resonate more with either kinesiology, or the kinesiologist himself. Maybe this is something that you would also like to try, although I do think that some therapies/therapists work better for some people then they work for others. I, for one, seem to be completely immune to homeopathy for example, it just seems to have zero effect on me, while at the same time I am surrounded by little homeopathic miracles at the clinic where I work.

So, I suppose you just really need to try things out and see whether something works for you. Perhaps start by going to your local GP and do some blood tests to at least check your hormonal levels.
Others may also have other suggestions.

Best of lucks to you, I'd be interested to know how your situation progresses :)
When I was a teen I once didn't have any period for about 9 months. They came back naturally. After that, I had rather irregular cycles, and a few missing periods. The gyn gave me medication to trigger them, a couple of times. After that, I went on the pill and everything went back to normal. A few years ago, I didn't have them for a few months. I had an echography, which revealed functional cysts. The periods came back naturally (without medication), which made the cysts disappear. Gertrudes, did you have an echography, to check if you had any cyst? Apparently, cysts can cause a sensation of bloating in the abdomen (_
fwiw (given the possible emotional connection to joy) Louse Hay lists Amenorrhea as being 'Not wanting to be a woman. Dislike of the self'
Adaryn said:
When I was a teen I once didn't have any period for about 9 months. They came back naturally. After that, I had rather irregular cycles, and a few missing periods. The gyn gave me medication to trigger them, a couple of times. After that, I went on the pill and everything went back to normal. A few years ago, I didn't have them for a few months. I had an echography, which revealed functional cysts. The periods came back naturally (without medication), which made the cysts disappear. Gertrudes, did you have an echography, to check if you had any cyst? Apparently, cysts can cause a sensation of bloating in the abdomen (_

Yes, I did. I'm going to see the GP in half an hour, but the technician already told me that everything was clear. There was a bit of fluid inside my pelvis, but apparently that is not uncommon and is unrelated to amenorrhea.
I have also had functional cysts in the past, when I was 15, was given the pill and they disappeared.
Hi everyone,
regarding the absence of menstruation, in my case i agree with RedFox...I still have little remains of denying femininity because of sexual abuse in my childhood, but also it is firmly in relation with diet. Now my periods are at least every second month, as opposed to absence of almost a year when i was on a plant diet although i wasn't skinny, wich is at least something regard to hormones. I do not want to take any hormones but let things fix naturaly.
One firm and interesting fact is that when i had a boyfriend( we broke up after 4 months of almost pure friendship) my hormones were far more balanced than now when i'm single.
I have a lot of work to do, for sure!
lux12 said:
One firm and interesting fact is that when i had a boyfriend( we broke up after 4 months of almost pure friendship) my hormones were far more balanced than now when i'm single.
I have found that this may be partly related to oxytocin - and that since doing things that release it (pipe breathing/EE program, and also in my case smoking) and combining that with practicing self acceptance works really well on the emotional issues. Sleeping in complete darkness, on the odd occasion I wake up at 2/3am in that partly meditative sleep state (or even 5/6am although it's not quite as effective), is also another good time to practice self acceptance - which seems to also release oxytocin after a time.
Pipe breathing or doing the POTS whilst holding the idea of accepting the self is where I started, it then moved on to more of a feeling of allowing myself to be in my body/that everything was ok - I just recall the feeling whenever I need too now. Smiling also stimulated the upper vagus nerve and is good for self acceptance/telling your body everything is ok.
Not being female though I can't comment on what effect it would have on a menstrual cycle, but have a feeling it may help fwiw.
Thanks for sharing your experience, RedFox, though not female you have a very good understanding of these things!
The lack of oxytocin may be issue because i'm not laughing nearly enough, my mother and some others stated the fact that i'm too serious, especially for my age, for many times...
I definitely agree with having some inner blockages/emotional issues as the main root cause for the amenorrhea in my case. When I was growing up I utterly refused to be feminine. My main example was a male figure that totally seemed to lack emotional content, and that was what I most aimed to achieve, an emotionless male inner landscape. When my first period came I felt profoundly ashamed, dirty, cried, and wanted everything but to be a woman at that moment.

Well, I do feel that I have made a lot of progress over the past years. Similarly to you lux12, since being with my partner things have changed. I have felt so unconditionally accepted that my femininity just flourished, and over the last 2 years, it is like that side of me has sped up in order to catch up with the lost years. It's as if in 2 years I lived the femininity I have lost over almost a lifetime.

I can't speak for my unconscious which can very well disagree with conscious me, but right now I feel very, very different then I did before. I feel comfortable as a woman. However, like the kinesiologist I saw said, often we blow up a fuse and it takes hard work to reset it. Heck, I wish I knew where and how to find a new fuse!

I just came from the GP and had one of those feelings of talking to a wall. It's very frustrating, but in any case he referred me to a gynecologist. Apparently there's a strong possibility for me to have hydrosalpinx, which is highly connected to infertility. Talk about problems with femininity.... I have to admit that I feel VERY sad and frustrated with the news... not to mention the diminishing possibility of having children should we wish them, it's like going back and feeling less of a woman again. Added: I'm particularly sensitive to this because developing my femininity is still something relatively recent for me, so having it threatened makes a part of me that I wasn't even aware existed, jump in panic.

As a side note, hydrosalpinx isn't connected to amenorrhea but can explain the fluid in the pelvis. I'll wait for the gynecologist's assessment though.

It is interesting how past hurts really manifest in our bodies, sometimes many years after said hurts! On the one hand it makes me bow in awe at how every single part of ourselves connect, on the other hand it can be frustrating, but also one hell of a lesson if we really put the effort into learning what exactly has/is happening to us, through our bodies' own language. Personally I don't think I could have had several of the insights I've had if it weren't for my body signaling those to me.
RedFox said:
Pipe breathing or doing the POTS whilst holding the idea of accepting the self is where I started, it then moved on to more of a feeling of allowing myself to be in my body/that everything was ok - I just recall the feeling whenever I need too now. Smiling also stimulated the upper vagus nerve and is good for self acceptance/telling your body everything is ok.

Forgot to thank you for that suggestion on my previous post RedFox. I have already put the idea of accepting the self, as it is, to practice today when walking home from work.
My main example was a male figure that totally seemed to lack emotional content, and that was what I most aimed to achieve, an emotionless male inner landscape. When my first period came I felt profoundly ashamed, dirty, cried, and wanted everything but to be a woman at that moment.
So well known! Whenever i felt endangered or any kind of everyday pressure from the outer world, i used to put on my manly severity mask because without it i felt too sensitive and fragile - and i was.
I remember i used to do crunches for about 100x in one bump at the age of 15 daily, in attempt to prevent my period intentionally!
It was all mostly a mere mirroring of my fathers own conflict, because of his never ending denial of confessing himself as a gay, in reverse.
Whatever, all this thing is pretty much complex, a puzzle with many loops.
Thank you for all your input Gertrudes!
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