Anne Heche's death, suspicious?

However it is till available on his website here.
Still for now, as this article will enter his VIP Club soon and will not be visible anymore if one has not subscribed to it.

Perhaps the solution if you are interested in reading it, would be for me to translate it in English and put it here entirely. It would take me some time, but I could manage to do it for the next week. What do you think?

Edit: Thanks Gandalf to have warned us.
I had time to read the article, quite long but instructive: nothing unknown but what is very interesting, is that it gathers data that bring coherence and deepening of the situations (for me). Merci

J'ai eu le temps de lire l'article, assez long mais instructif : rien d'inconnu mais ce qui est très intéressant, est qu'il rassemble des données qui apportent cohérence et approfondissement des situations (pour moi). Merci
This is a pretty interesting post. It starts out going over the Anne Heche controversy and some (perhaps) reasons why. Then likens it to Princess Dianna’s killing. Then walks on to the CERN and discusses the possibly of opening up a portal for interdimensional beings to come in a feed off of humans. And ends up discussing schizophrenia and just where do the voices come from? An interesting point brought up was, when instead of drugging shocking or whatever the patient they tell them those voices are not yours they are “external entities” and you can resist them. According to the report the voices go away. Pinch salt wherever you need to, but I think you’ll find it interesting. And only (10 minutes long)

Indeed. I read some months ago a blog from a psychiatrist explaining that, and he gives some advices to shizophrenia patients in order to get rid, or at least lessen, theses voices:
Very interesting.
Perhaps the solution if you are interested in reading it, would be for me to translate it in English and put it here entirely. It would take me some time, but I could manage to do it for the next week. What do you think?

I think that we should stay with his request and not publish it here on a public forum.

However those who are interested, the article is still available and you can use google translate if you want to read it in your own mother tongue.
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