Hello, and thank you Z... for tackling this subject.
I read/hear infos about her since around 2016. In the beginning, I believed her and her story in the details. But, since a few years, after viewing/listening to some of her videos, I now have a bad gut feeling/intuition about her.
I haven't yet watched the two videos (2h and 4h) mentioned
supra, and I doubt that I'll find the time to do so in the near future, sorry.
My question now is : is she really authentic, or is she a good actress ? Or (worse) a kind of narcissistic/psychopath ?!
More details below.
Well, in the recent Sean Combs (AKA Puff Daddy, or Diddy) scandal/affair, apparently (at least) two "stars" were raped by him, while being children or teenagers :
Usher and
Justin Bieber.
I now believe that many, maybe most, of the top singers, actress (and actors ?), models, etc. went through such a treatment...
Now, to come back to the main topic. I was intending to create a thread about what follows.
This year, the French director Pierre Barnerias, famous for 3 documentary movies about the Covid-19 crisis, published a documentary movie named "
Les Survivantes" (French for "the Survivors"), which has been displayed in some rare movie theaters, in France, Belgium, French-speaking Switzerland...
It's about
pedocriminal networks, and the
satanic one(s). In the movie,
8 women give their
testimony, about being sexually abused/raped, and forced to do horrible things, as child, or teenager, (and sometimes still later as adults)...
Some famous names are given, including UK royal family : former queen, nowadays king and some princes ; an (arch)bishop of the Catholic Chuch, some famous businessmen, politicians, etc. Even President Macron, accused of raping children under the Louvres pyramid !
To my knowledge, none of them (witnesses or director) had an "accident", got killed or even prosecuted : strange, isn't it ?
I watched this movie a few months ago. As I studied the subject of pedocriminality, networks, etc. for maybe ten years, no big news for me. But
I has some bad feelings/intuition (lies, etc.) for about half of the 8 women !
This movie has created some pretty
inflamed debate among "alternative people" in France : some of them are believing unreservedly the movie message, while some others are skeptic about it, or even debunking it.
Among the latter, there is
Laurent Guyénot, whose name should be familiar to this forum readers, thanks to his work on Israel, judaism/zionism, 911, etc.
According to him (and others), it's pure "
satanic panic"; he mentions the
false memory syndrom,
parental alienation syndrom, etc.
He wrote several articles, or gave some interviews, (in French) on the subject of this movie. Among them :
L’amnésie traumatique est un phénomène de mieux en mieux admis, connu et compris. Elle est étroitement corrélée au phénomène de la dissociation traumatique théorisé par le médecin français Pierre Janet.
On est redpilled quand on a compris que les grands médias mentent sur à peu près tout. La pilule noire est, si l'on veut, une overdose de pilule
ODC TV. Le documentaire «Les survivantes» est venu alimenter un certain discours complotiste qui tend à nous présenter l'élite dominante comme étant sataniste, inatteignable et omnipotente.
Géopolitique Profonde. Les phénomènes d’ingénierie sociale, qui amalgament des faits avérés et des rumeurs non fondées, peuvent nuire aux efforts pour lutter contre les abus et protéger les enfants.
And in the last of these articles:
par Laurent Guyénot. Dalila Sadok construit son histoire en empruntant à celles des autres ; elle «fait de la couture avec les histoires des autres». C’est en constatant cela que Claire Gabriel a commencé à douter de son témoignage.
he mentions that a French whistleblower on pedocriminality, Claire Gabriel, give clues, or proofs, on X/Twitter, that one of the witnesses of the movie (Dalila Sadok) is lying/manipulating, has some serious psychological troubles, and is financially a parasite.
Among the comments, I discovered that another of the witnesses (Sylvie Heffinger, AKA Laroots Soldjah) is also denounced by an NGO fighting pedocriminality (WantedPedo), as lying/manipulating, having some serious psychological troubles, and being a financial parasite...
at least 2 of the 8 witnesses testimonies in this movie, are fake ! And these women have narcissistic, histrionic, borderline (or maybe psychopathic?) behavior. They made a "business" of this horrific subject ! How many more, among the others, are the same ?
I have serious doubts about Anneke Lucas too, and Helene Pelosse as well. (Of course, I may be wrong about them, they could be authentic victims.)
For A. Lucas, I made a quick research on the web, and discovered that I'm not the only one doubting about her sincerity. For instance, read this in English :
Is High Profile Pedophiles Accuser, Anneke Lucas, Lying? She revealed horrors of abuse, and gives lots of interviews about it, but how do we know if in fact what she says is true?
u/WeeklyDutch622 in
or this in French :
Anneke Lucas, une américaine d’origine belge flamande, nous raconte avec beaucoup de détails les graves abus dont elle a été victime de s...
My (temporary) conclusion is that, among the "witnesses", "whistleblowers" and activists on these subjects,
there seem to some "snakes " hidden, taking advantages of the misfortune of the real victims/survivors, and/or of the good will of the empathetic people, shocked by this horrific stories. Which is really twisted, to my mind. With such a world, no need for hell !