Another Hit for The C's? Big miscalculation reveals the "Man behind the curtain"

[quote author= goyacobol][WRONG it was me goyacobol]This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.

Sorry I didn't notice. I said Win52

[quote author= goyacobol]It's not really a ''fight'' as in 3D thinking. Remember there is no true physicality in 4D. [WRONG][/quote]

Variability of physicality is not true physicality we are familiar with here on 3D.

Hence me saying 'no true physicality' That's what I meant. It's the best I can come up with attempting to understand 4D reality. To recall to what the C's said on this issue: ''physicality in 4D will be variable according to need and circumstance.''

[quote author= goyacobol]It are kind of 'mind battles' [at 6D]I suppose. Like during the Fall. [/quote]

I don't know if 4DSTS can contact 6D. I don't think so at least, it exceeds their level? Hence no 'thought battle' between the 2? But I don't know if I understood you correctly?

[quote author= goyacobol]4STS will show you the 'gold' and try to convince you how great and fun STS is[May be more physical that that]. [/quote]

I suppose that when you lose STO polarity or ''Fall'' you can get back in a material physical form instead of a spirit/etheric form that is more natural to STO.

If I remember correctly from the sessions physicality comes to be because people want to possess. STS wants to possess stuff and other beings. That's why they crave for physicality. You can only really physical possess things and others in a material World being in a material body yourself.

[quote author= November 7, 1994 ]Q: (L) What do they see in the physical universe that they feel is superior to the spiritual universe?
A: All who serve self yearn for physicality[/quote]

[quote author= January 7, 1995 ]Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4Th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."
Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.
Q: (L) So, "falling" means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?
A: Yes. [/quote]

[quote author= goyacobol]And it will indeed not be picknick, 4STS can be rather convincing[Aren't they doing that already?]. They probably know you better than you do yourself. So any blind spot you have will certainly be exploited. [/quote]

Yes, and they continue to do so against 4D STO.

[quote author= goyacobol]From what I understand this event is indeed exciting in a way. Because it offers a chance to replace the old Gods of Earth (4STS) with the new (4STO) [That's a possibility I suppose but where is your reference?] [/quote]

That is me trying to make sense of the sessions when they talked about 'realm border crossing' and 'level playing field' And to be precise, most if depends with who the people of 3D Earth align themselves with. So we can't really replace the Gods. In the end it's up to 3D STS earth to make a choose between 4STO or 4STS.

It can also refer to Mouravieff, and his template for the 1000 year time of transition (It's a battle of souls 4STS and 4STO will 'fight' for on 3D STS earth?) leading to humanity's last judgement.(Earth's ascension to 4DSTO)

[quote author= goyacobol]But first and foremost, and as for now. We can only do what is in front of us. That's also the best way to prepare (If this 'battle' in 4D is actually somehow real and on the agenda?[If not who cares?])[/quote]

I think it might be an interesting possible game chancer if it's somehow factual. But like said, we can at the moment only do what is in front of us.

[quote author= goyacobol]So yes, you still suffer in 4D. [It's still a battle but at least you will see directly who your opponents are] [/quote]

You suppose to see sound in 4STO. So I can't tell how being 'up close and personal' looks like in 4D. Nobody who is 3DSTS can I think.

But about 4DSTS vs 4DSTO you mentioned. This ''thought battle'' between the two?

Well first of, STO doesn't play chess. So only 4STS will attack by trying to bring STO down to their STS level. Because that way they can let you lose STO polarity and ''Fall'' (And through this process possess and control you better) Of course it also present the opportunity to learn more about yourself. Because 4STS will exploit your blind spots.

I think 4STO will only seek out contact with 4STS if they sincerely ask for help or can give advice to them when it is suitable

Honestly I can't tell how any of this is supposed to work out. I can only try to get a better understanding.

But like I said at the beginning, ''At least that's what I am currently getting at.'' I can't proof any of it. It's trying to speculate best I can based on a wide variety of esoteric sources and changelings of the C's and RA.
SeekinTruth said:
goyacobol said:
SeekinTruth said:
Great summaries and thoughts expressed in the latest turn in this thread. That's the value of this network. The thing about knowing of "higher realms" - the hyperdimensional realities - and the things the C's have been indicating (plus our better understanding of them over the years) is that we should just do what is in us to do. We can forget about if it will help, if we will "succeed", if we should quit, and so on. We can only do very little down here, but we have to choose; choose what we align with, choose what we want to become. That's what should drive us, rather than what the outcome will be.

If we do what is possible and the right choices for OUR destiny, everything will fall into place, I think. The only really useful consideration of keeping track of how things are going is to adjust where energy and intentions are put maybe - as this might work better than that, so let's put more energy and intent here and less there, etc. But we shouldn't put too much emphasis on the possible and probable outcomes, only do what is right BECAUSE it's the right thing to do if we can figure out what that is in each situation. We also can't know what all consequence will be down the line.

As we continue to learn and grow, we'll be able to do more and know more. But in the meanwhile we play the role we can and let the chips fall where they will. Or so I think.

Added: Just saw the last two posts above.

I'll wait for your comments on the last 5 posts (I consider them relevant as well).

Just to clarify, I was commenting on those as well. Just your and WIN 52's posts (#70 and #71) were not up yet when I loaded the page and then replied without refreshing, but the warning came up in the preview that there were two new posts.

Oh, sorry. That happens to me a lot too. I just didn't know how many posts you had read up to then. I agree with your comment and especially the bolded part. I am looking at the pieces and clues that not only the Cs give through Laura's channeling but everything that the forum has on the reading list as well. Not that I will ever finish all the reading, but I think we are the sum of our parts in so many areas here such as the writings of Laura, Gurdjieff, Castaneda, Andrew M. Lobaczewski etc.. I do think that even though we will not fully understand what the function of 4D existence is like until we make that transition, it is beneficial to use the information that the Cs and other sources on the forum to extrapolate the possibilities in relation to 3D vs 4D. The C's say this:

July 25 said:
Q: (L) Well, if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 4th density
without cycling through 5th density via dying, that implies that
persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying.
Is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How does that feel? How is that experience...
A: AK through the looking glass.
Q: (A) Okay, they say that knowledge is supposed to protect from
trauma and confusion. On the other hand, all is lessons, so trauma
is a lesson. Why are we supposed to work to avoid a lesson?
A: You are correct, it is a lesson, but if you have foreknowledge, you
are learning that lesson early, and in a different way.

Q: (L) So, if you learn the lesson in a different way, does that
mitigate the need or the way or the process of the way of learning at
the time of transition?
A: Yes. Smoother.
Q: (L) I do have to say that thinking about it all, not being able to do
anything about it, not being able to talk to people about it because
they don't believe, is certainly more painful than being hit by the
shock of it...
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, you are suggesting that I CAN tell others such things?
A: You can convey, but suggest it be done in a subtle fashion.

My intent is not to prematurely speculate but to try and learn as much about the meaning and process entailed. After all, I don't even know if I am an STO candidate. It is just the awareness that that it is a possibility that makes me want to make the process "smoother" for any of us if it is "in the cards" so to speak. I am trying to "continue to learn and grow". I am trying also to be "subtle" but it is not always my strong point.
goyacobol said:
Session 16 October 1994
A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed
with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

I am maybe
slipping a bit
there :cool2:

But... Does this mean that there would be another way of reading 'Bringers of the Dawn', another perspective one not of third density? Is it possible?

goyacobol said:
I know some are criticizing going off on tangents like "disclosure" and "free energy" but for me there is not much hope in other 3D tangents like elections, wars and financial collapse either.

I found out this sentence on the Law of One :

There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.

I don't know why, but it resonates somehow with myself. It is like the understanding I had as a child.

It's cool to see that there (may) exist a place (thought center) in which one can dream about a world with freely given love.

It is like 'Ahaa... this is an existing way' :)

But then there are all these things happening here and there, so I hold it as a kind of 'ideal', the knowing of the existence of such a 'secret place' with the knowing that this is objective. That does not appear as much. But at least it gives me a higher perspective than staying at the level of how political leaders do their business. Maybe, as well, it is a very interesting sentence because it allows me to understand that I have the right of thinking about what I want, how I want, and that this 'place' is always accessible, even only when I would be eager to seat and meditate peacefully about something else, or, from another perspective.

The mention of it is made there, because it appears to me as something simply said, with a meaning that can reach high.

It's like when the C's say:

A: Good guys don't play chess.

These are things that a person who is not familiar with the Work could understand; there on the forum are many practical advices about how to live, cook and so, and these are maybe the most precious advices I have got from here, because both aspects are understood, even if not completely. It is a bit about 'what not to do' without knowing why.

Sorry if I am a bit off-track regarding your thread; I thank you for all posts made there. I am learning much. There are some that are too high so that I am even skipping their reading: it shows me some aspect of myself so that I understand that I still have much to do. After all, I am stopping because I find myself unable to read things: it's maybe a sign of something and I feel really odd about this situation :huh:
bjorn said:
[quote author= goyacobol][WRONG it was me goyacobol]This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.

Sorry I didn't notice. I said Win52

{No problem, I just thought I would clarify it.}

<snipped> [/quote]

I accidentally posted before finishing but I basically agree on most points so hopefully we'll learn more as we go along. Thanks for your reply.

[ADMIN Note: If you are going to post a one line comment, please delete or snip what you are replying to]
Gawan said:
Joe said:
goyacobol said:
Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."

Seeing actually pretty bright people like Richard Dolan, almost totally loosing the plot by being literally obsessed with UFO stuff, while they could actually use that intelect for exposing nuts and bolts stuff on the 3D ground, certainly is just one case in point in that direction. What if most, or much of that woo woo stuff is designed to distract people to actually do something against those "higher forces" on 3D grounds?

Maybe that is even the only possible and effective way to do something against those "higher powers"? I mean, if you chose to expose the truth in 3D terms, it certainly can take away much more feeding ground for those "higher realms", then "exposing something" that you just have no real handle on and can't really proof or explain from our limited perception.

Pashallis, I don't have a problem with people paying attention to the skies myself since I have personally seen what I consider possible UFOs. And I don't have a problem with various research interests that some are doing. If it wasn't for our being at least "open" to topics that others might consider "woo woo" I doubt that I myself would be here today. 3D doesn't just have to be "down" here I don't think as the Cs mention in the following session in 2012.

I don't think Pash was suggesting that we don't 'watch the skies' but rather he was referring to people who make it the only important thing to do, and who dismiss all earthly matters as secondary to the "disclosure" business etc.

I understood as well that way. I think it goes in the direction of what the C's said and is all the time a good reminder:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the “past”. People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the “Future”.

Yes that sums it up pretty well. Ignoring "objective reality right and left" is basically what many in the woo woo crowd are engaged in. They fail to see objective reality in the 3D world for what it is, because they are focused to much on "strange stuff up there", while at the same time neglecting the "real stuff" down here. I think it is a trap and a pretty dangerous one at that.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't "watch, or observe the sky" closely, far from it in fact, just that solely and obsessively focusing on it, while ignoring "real world stuff down here" makes things likely much worse, both for the people engaged in it and for the rest of the world.

I think Niall has brought up a couple of very interesting points, on how to interpret what is happening right now in the real world down here, and that it very likely is exactly what the C's revered to in their symbolic way of describing reality at our level. The bottom line is: There is much down to earth stuff, right now and here, that we better do not ignore since it probably is the very thing we should pay close attention to "left and right", while keeping the "stuff up there" also in mind.

Pierre and Laura also describe in their book "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection", another way of looking and interpreting stuff "in the sky", and how important it is to pay close attention to those "signs" as well:
If everything is summed up I don't want to beat a dead horse/donkey. :deadhorse:

I'll just try to leave you with a more nuts and bolts perspective: said:
Q: (L) So, out of every 1,000 people, there are 20 that are programmed, and 18 of these are
programmed by aliens, as in 4th density STS?
A: Understand that 4th density is physical, indeed. You are drifting further and further toward an
ethereal only perception/theoretical position.
Q: (L) You are saying that the humans working on these kinds of things... and...
A: No, Laura, we are saying that there is really a very strong "nuts and bolts" reality to this
, and don't ignore it!
[What was missing from our understanding was the broad, overall, influence of society and culture as
programming agents. Such systems can be created and maintained by a small elite, operate totally
naturally within the world system, and only limited, direct hyperdimensional influence is even required.]

Thankfully "only limited" direct hyper dimensional influence is even required".

Would some one please close that curtain it's getting chilly in here. :(
[quote author= goyacobol]If everything is summed up I don't want to beat a dead horse/donkey. :deadhorse:

I'll just try to leave you with a more nuts and bolts perspective:[/quote]

I believe the C's tried also tried to emphasize that these 4D craft while operating in strictly 3D have some ''nuts and bolt'' application. Otherwise they can't fully operate in our reality. So whenever a hyper-dimensional event happened, searching for certain 3D clues is helpful. Since they can leave 3D traces behind. It's not all 100% ethereal.

And about 4D being psychical,

Further down below during that session you get:

[quote author= 25 May 1996]Q: (L) Holy Shi'ite Moslems! What size are they? And, we have to remember that these ships are bigger inside, as a rule, because of some sort of strange principal at that level.
A: Exactly, remember, there is variability of physicality on 4th density, but not lack of physicality.[/quote]

So what could this possible mean?

[quote author= October, 22 1994]Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over?
A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.
Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?
A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be. [/quote]

In 4D what you want to see becomes reality. So maybe this is what effects this ''physicality'' Hence being it variable according to your needs and circumstances.
bjorn said:
In 4D what you want to see becomes reality. So maybe this is what effects this ''physicality'' Hence being it variable according to your needs and circumstances.

That is a stickler, isn't it. Especially if we all are 3D STS by nature. In order for us to make the transition, it would almost seem necessary that we first come to neutral ground.
know_yourself said:
goyacobol said:
Session 16 October 1994
A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed
with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

I am maybe
slipping a bit
there :cool2:

But... Does this mean that there would be another way of reading 'Bringers of the Dawn', another perspective one not of third density? Is it possible?

goyacobol said:
I know some are criticizing going off on tangents like "disclosure" and "free energy" but for me there is not much hope in other 3D tangents like elections, wars and financial collapse either.

I found out this sentence on the Law of One :

There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.

I don't know why, but it resonates somehow with myself. It is like the understanding I had as a child.

It's cool to see that there (may) exist a place (thought center) in which one can dream about a world with freely given love.

It is like 'Ahaa... this is an existing way' :)

But then there are all these things happening here and there, so I hold it as a kind of 'ideal', the knowing of the existence of such a 'secret place' with the knowing that this is objective. That does not appear as much. But at least it gives me a higher perspective than staying at the level of how political leaders do their business. Maybe, as well, it is a very interesting sentence because it allows me to understand that I have the right of thinking about what I want, how I want, and that this 'place' is always accessible, even only when I would be eager to seat and meditate peacefully about something else, or, from another perspective.

The mention of it is made there, because it appears to me as something simply said, with a meaning that can reach high.

It's like when the C's say:

A: Good guys don't play chess.

These are things that a person who is not familiar with the Work could understand; there on the forum are many practical advices about how to live, cook and so, and these are maybe the most precious advices I have got from here, because both aspects are understood, even if not completely. It is a bit about 'what not to do' without knowing why.

Sorry if I am a bit off-track regarding your thread; I thank you for all posts made there. I am learning much. There are some that are too high so that I am even skipping their reading: it shows me some aspect of myself so that I understand that I still have much to do. After all, I am stopping because I find myself unable to read things: it's maybe a sign of something and I feel really odd about this situation :huh:


I think we all are "slipping a bit" at one time or another. Hopefully we will eventually find balance and stability. ;) We all maybe got off topic a bit but sometimes I think we can still learn even more if we are a bit more flexible in our perceptions.

I liked your Ra material quote above, "universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.".

If anyone wants to read more it is in The Law of One, Book II, Session 34.

Thanks for sharing. :)
WIN 52 said:
bjorn said:
In 4D what you want to see becomes reality. So maybe this is what effects this ''physicality'' Hence being it variable according to your needs and circumstances.

That is a stickler, isn't it. Especially if we all are 3D STS by nature. In order for us to make the transition, it would almost seem necessary that we first come to neutral ground.

WIN 52 as a wrap up comment for now, I have thought about the "neutral ground" or maybe I would say "stable" ground we might need for a "smoother" transition to 4D and that really is a "stickler" I think.

With all the "turmoil" that will probably be increasing we all have our Work cut out for us I think. Thanks for the thought.
Just wanted to point out (that may help clarify) that there's a big difference, as we all know, between 4D STS and 4D STO in terms of the variable physicality, etc. STS would continue intensified wishful thinking and desire for domination/possession, thus making one kind of variable physicality serve their "needs"; while STO would follow more natural processes and defense of their chosen polarity in using variable physicality to meet THEIR needs. Not sure, but I thought that clarification/elaboration might be important to keep in mind in speculations/discussions. FWIW.
WIN 52 said:
bjorn said:
In 4D what you want to see becomes reality. So maybe this is what effects this ''physicality'' Hence being it variable according to your needs and circumstances.

That is a stickler, isn't it. Especially if we all are 3D STS by nature. In order for us to make the transition, it would almost seem necessary that we first come to neutral ground.

Like getting our priorities straight? I think so to. That's why developing our conscience is so important. It teaches us what really matters, what our aim should be.

For STO, playing out self-serving fantasies would feel like you are abandoning your child to catch Pokemon. Or something like that.

You care and feel responsible for others. Anything that causes disconnect from that is soulless, empty.

It seems that in 4D you can create whatever you want, but STO wouldn't do that. They would only act that way if it serves others.

Or so I think.
know_yourself said:
Sorry if I am a bit off-track regarding your thread; I thank you for all posts made there. I am learning much. There are some that are too high so that I am even skipping their reading: it shows me some aspect of myself so that I understand that I still have much to do. After all, I am stopping because I find myself unable to read things: it's maybe a sign of something and I feel really odd about this situation :huh:

Hi know_yourself, maybe it's a sign that you need to redirect your focus on more important matters in your life at this moment. What could help you at this point would be to be more focused on the personal problems that you are facing, and as advised to you here, seeking professional help and guidance could be a great step forward in that regard.
Concerning variability of physicality, I've wondered about the validity of this information.
session950812 said:
Q: (L) So, there are actual, material, alien craft that have been captured or retrieved by the government and studied?
A: Do you have any doubt of this?
Q: (L) Well, sometimes I wonder if the whole thing is cooked up by the government just to make us all crazy!
A: Well that's an interesting concept, but we can assure you, that this is not, in any way, correct.
Q: (L) Well, if these craft emerge into our reality from fourth density, as I assume some of them do, how do they stay here? Do they become absolutely physically material and do they remain here?
A: If they malfunction in third density, they then become frozen in third density. Very simple.
Q: (L) And, does the same hold true for the beings?
A: Precisely.
Q: (L) So, in a very real sense, they are very real and physical...
A: They are very real and physical in fourth density, too. The difference is that fourth density physicality is not the same as third density physicality. But that is not to say that there is no physicality in fourth density. In order to completely remove all attachment to physicality, one must reach sixth density or higher. Everything below that involves some aspect of physicality or attachment to physicality; as in fifth density, the contemplation zone, which is simply a recycling of those from 1st through 4th densities, in the etheric plane. They are brought back down and recycled into one of the physical realms. Each density level one through four, involves lesser and lesser physicality, as you know it, but nevertheless there still is physicality. Third density physicality, however, remains constant on third density when a being or a craft or an instrument of any kind manufactured or conceived in fourth density arrives in third density, it is able to navigate through third density in fourth density reality. However, when it malfunctions, whatever is left of it remains in third density. Those reports of objects or of any physical structure whatsoever, be it a being or a construct, disappearing from third density to fourth density, in each and every case, involves an object or a being, or a construct, which is not in the process of malfunctioning. It is still fully operational at its fourth density realm. It is merely visiting third density which has a limited capacity, as you measure time in its passage, therefore it does, indeed, remove itself naturally, at some point, to fourth density. However, if it malfunctions or is in any way broken or altered, it will remain in third density.
This of course begs the question if 2D physicality is fundamentally different from 3D physicality. Using the principles of relativity and scale is it possible to gain an understanding of 4D physicality? I'm thinking of a dog who is looking at the bodies of humans. Now the dog watches a man put on a dive suit or a wingsuit. From the dog's perspective, with it's simplistic 2D reasoning, the man has inexpilcably turned into some type of fish or bird. Therefore from the dog's perspective, he has variability of physicality...

Possibly this all has to do with information density. 3D has the possibility to alter it's physicality with technological assistance where the dog does not. The dive suit contains information, in a crude form, which required a 3D consciousness with some understanding of abstract concepts to organize into something useful. It has been suggested in some of the reading material here that DNA is an information storage medium which interfaces to more esoteric nonphysical modes of existence. The 4D entities seem to have a much more complex DNA structure, the Pleiadians mentioning something like 12-helix in the original fully functioning human form. I wonder if all of those extra strands allow the physical biology to connect much more readily to the realm of information and archetypes. With the appropriate knowledge of abstract concepts and enough "bandwidth", the "fish archetype" can be loaded into the DNA and the information rearranges the physical representation into some sort of aquatic creature. I'm not sure if we can go anywhere with that, but it's something I've been thinking about.

I think that in a purely nonphysical reality where there is no time or space, all things exist as a frequency which is a subdivision of the One, surrounding you with impressions of their respective essences. You have some sort of relationship to all of these essences simultaneously, and are present in an infinity of forms. Obviously, this easily leads to information overload and possible insanity, and your spiritual body is quickly cooked if it can't handle the density of information, kind of like the physical body is cooked and becomes cancerous when exposed to too many X-Rays or cosmic radiation from space. So physicality is kind of a crutch for a small consciousness because it creates an illusion of separation so that there isn't so much information exposure at one time. Physical realms are extruded from subspectrums of these emanations based on awareness and understanding. According to the Cassiopaeans, 4D has a conscious, pragmatic understanding of this principle, and a desired realm can be manifested from the aspects of the information superspectrum that the entity or group chooses to align with, seemingly popping into existence like magic from our perspective.
Neil said:
Now the dog watches a man put on a dive suit or a wingsuit. From the dog's perspective, with it's simplistic 2D reasoning, the man has inexpilcably turned into some type of fish or bird. Therefore from the dog's perspective, he has variability of physicality...

Interesting Neil. I think the concept of 'scale' is interesting - maybe we can think of it in terms of personal physical transformation in 3D as well? A relative recently told me that I kind of look like a Yogi, which I thought was interesting. 7 years ago, I was a chubby guy with a terrible posture who drank too much alcohol, and now someone thinks of me as a 'Yogi' - so there seems to be some change, some physical transformation, which I'm sure many people here can relate to. So if we take 'time' out of the equation (scale), maybe we can say that by connecting more directly to the information field (applying knowledge about diet, Work etc.), we can activate certain DNA, which changes our physicality. Now, if there is a 'quickening of the cosmos', could we do it in one year? One month? One day...? Could we activate different physical representations and associated archetypes in 'no time', based on a deep understanding of DNA and such (connecting more deeply into the information field, i.e. knowledge), depending on need?

I'm sure it's not that simple, but this came to mind reading your post. Thanks for sharing.
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