[quote author= goyacobol][WRONG it was me goyacobol]This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.
Sorry I didn't notice. I said Win52
[quote author= goyacobol]It's not really a ''fight'' as in 3D thinking. Remember there is no true physicality in 4D. [WRONG][/quote]
Variability of physicality is not true physicality we are familiar with here on 3D.
Hence me saying 'no true physicality' That's what I meant. It's the best I can come up with attempting to understand 4D reality. To recall to what the C's said on this issue: ''physicality in 4D will be variable according to need and circumstance.''
[quote author= goyacobol]It are kind of 'mind battles' [at 6D]I suppose. Like during the Fall. [/quote]
I don't know if 4DSTS can contact 6D. I don't think so at least, it exceeds their level? Hence no 'thought battle' between the 2? But I don't know if I understood you correctly?
[quote author= goyacobol]4STS will show you the 'gold' and try to convince you how great and fun STS is[May be more physical that that]. [/quote]
I suppose that when you lose STO polarity or ''Fall'' you can get back in a material physical form instead of a spirit/etheric form that is more natural to STO.
If I remember correctly from the sessions physicality comes to be because people want to possess. STS wants to possess stuff and other beings. That's why they crave for physicality. You can only really physical possess things and others in a material World being in a material body yourself.
[quote author= November 7, 1994 ]Q: (L) What do they see in the physical universe that they feel is superior to the spiritual universe?
A: All who serve self yearn for physicality[/quote]
[quote author= January 7, 1995 ]Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4Th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."
Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.
Q: (L) So, "falling" means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?
A: Yes. [/quote]
[quote author= goyacobol]And it will indeed not be picknick, 4STS can be rather convincing[Aren't they doing that already?]. They probably know you better than you do yourself. So any blind spot you have will certainly be exploited. [/quote]
Yes, and they continue to do so against 4D STO.
[quote author= goyacobol]From what I understand this event is indeed exciting in a way. Because it offers a chance to replace the old Gods of Earth (4STS) with the new (4STO) [That's a possibility I suppose but where is your reference?] [/quote]
That is me trying to make sense of the sessions when they talked about 'realm border crossing' and 'level playing field' And to be precise, most if depends with who the people of 3D Earth align themselves with. So we can't really replace the Gods. In the end it's up to 3D STS earth to make a choose between 4STO or 4STS.
It can also refer to Mouravieff, and his template for the 1000 year time of transition (It's a battle of souls 4STS and 4STO will 'fight' for on 3D STS earth?) leading to humanity's last judgement.(Earth's ascension to 4DSTO)
[quote author= goyacobol]But first and foremost, and as for now. We can only do what is in front of us. That's also the best way to prepare (If this 'battle' in 4D is actually somehow real and on the agenda?[If not who cares?])[/quote]
I think it might be an interesting possible game chancer if it's somehow factual. But like said, we can at the moment only do what is in front of us.
[quote author= goyacobol]So yes, you still suffer in 4D. [It's still a battle but at least you will see directly who your opponents are] [/quote]
You suppose to see sound in 4STO. So I can't tell how being 'up close and personal' looks like in 4D. Nobody who is 3DSTS can I think.
But about 4DSTS vs 4DSTO you mentioned. This ''thought battle'' between the two?
Well first of, STO doesn't play chess. So only 4STS will attack by trying to bring STO down to their STS level. Because that way they can let you lose STO polarity and ''Fall'' (And through this process possess and control you better) Of course it also present the opportunity to learn more about yourself. Because 4STS will exploit your blind spots.
I think 4STO will only seek out contact with 4STS if they sincerely ask for help or can give advice to them when it is suitable
Honestly I can't tell how any of this is supposed to work out. I can only try to get a better understanding.
But like I said at the beginning, ''At least that's what I am currently getting at.'' I can't proof any of it. It's trying to speculate best I can based on a wide variety of esoteric sources and changelings of the C's and RA.
Sorry I didn't notice. I said Win52
[quote author= goyacobol]It's not really a ''fight'' as in 3D thinking. Remember there is no true physicality in 4D. [WRONG][/quote]
Variability of physicality is not true physicality we are familiar with here on 3D.
Hence me saying 'no true physicality' That's what I meant. It's the best I can come up with attempting to understand 4D reality. To recall to what the C's said on this issue: ''physicality in 4D will be variable according to need and circumstance.''
[quote author= goyacobol]It are kind of 'mind battles' [at 6D]I suppose. Like during the Fall. [/quote]
I don't know if 4DSTS can contact 6D. I don't think so at least, it exceeds their level? Hence no 'thought battle' between the 2? But I don't know if I understood you correctly?
[quote author= goyacobol]4STS will show you the 'gold' and try to convince you how great and fun STS is[May be more physical that that]. [/quote]
I suppose that when you lose STO polarity or ''Fall'' you can get back in a material physical form instead of a spirit/etheric form that is more natural to STO.
If I remember correctly from the sessions physicality comes to be because people want to possess. STS wants to possess stuff and other beings. That's why they crave for physicality. You can only really physical possess things and others in a material World being in a material body yourself.
[quote author= November 7, 1994 ]Q: (L) What do they see in the physical universe that they feel is superior to the spiritual universe?
A: All who serve self yearn for physicality[/quote]
[quote author= January 7, 1995 ]Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4Th density... we are on 3rd density and we eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants by eating them like the Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without eating?
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to "eat."
Q: (L) So part of the "fall" into the physical existence and part of the Edenic story of the whole business, "you shall eat by the sweat of your brow," has to do with being physical and needing to eat?
A: Lucifer, "The fallen Angel." This is you.
Q: (L) So, "falling" means going into physical existence wherein you must feed on other life, other beings, is that it?
A: Yes. [/quote]
[quote author= goyacobol]And it will indeed not be picknick, 4STS can be rather convincing[Aren't they doing that already?]. They probably know you better than you do yourself. So any blind spot you have will certainly be exploited. [/quote]
Yes, and they continue to do so against 4D STO.
[quote author= goyacobol]From what I understand this event is indeed exciting in a way. Because it offers a chance to replace the old Gods of Earth (4STS) with the new (4STO) [That's a possibility I suppose but where is your reference?] [/quote]
That is me trying to make sense of the sessions when they talked about 'realm border crossing' and 'level playing field' And to be precise, most if depends with who the people of 3D Earth align themselves with. So we can't really replace the Gods. In the end it's up to 3D STS earth to make a choose between 4STO or 4STS.
It can also refer to Mouravieff, and his template for the 1000 year time of transition (It's a battle of souls 4STS and 4STO will 'fight' for on 3D STS earth?) leading to humanity's last judgement.(Earth's ascension to 4DSTO)
[quote author= goyacobol]But first and foremost, and as for now. We can only do what is in front of us. That's also the best way to prepare (If this 'battle' in 4D is actually somehow real and on the agenda?[If not who cares?])[/quote]
I think it might be an interesting possible game chancer if it's somehow factual. But like said, we can at the moment only do what is in front of us.
[quote author= goyacobol]So yes, you still suffer in 4D. [It's still a battle but at least you will see directly who your opponents are] [/quote]
You suppose to see sound in 4STO. So I can't tell how being 'up close and personal' looks like in 4D. Nobody who is 3DSTS can I think.
But about 4DSTS vs 4DSTO you mentioned. This ''thought battle'' between the two?
Well first of, STO doesn't play chess. So only 4STS will attack by trying to bring STO down to their STS level. Because that way they can let you lose STO polarity and ''Fall'' (And through this process possess and control you better) Of course it also present the opportunity to learn more about yourself. Because 4STS will exploit your blind spots.
I think 4STO will only seek out contact with 4STS if they sincerely ask for help or can give advice to them when it is suitable
Honestly I can't tell how any of this is supposed to work out. I can only try to get a better understanding.
But like I said at the beginning, ''At least that's what I am currently getting at.'' I can't proof any of it. It's trying to speculate best I can based on a wide variety of esoteric sources and changelings of the C's and RA.