Another Hit for The C's? Big miscalculation reveals the "Man behind the curtain"

luc said:
Neil said:
Now the dog watches a man put on a dive suit or a wingsuit. From the dog's perspective, with it's simplistic 2D reasoning, the man has inexpilcably turned into some type of fish or bird. Therefore from the dog's perspective, he has variability of physicality...

Interesting Neil. I think the concept of 'scale' is interesting - maybe we can think of it in terms of personal physical transformation in 3D as well? A relative recently told me that I kind of look like a Yogi, which I thought was interesting. 7 years ago, I was a chubby guy with a terrible posture who drank too much alcohol, and now someone thinks of me as a 'Yogi' - so there seems to be some change, some physical transformation, which I'm sure many people here can relate to. So if we take 'time' out of the equation (scale), maybe we can say that by connecting more directly to the information field (applying knowledge about diet, Work etc.), we can activate certain DNA, which changes our physicality. Now, if there is a 'quickening of the cosmos', could we do it in one year? One month? One day...? Could we activate different physical representations and associated archetypes in 'no time', based on a deep understanding of DNA and such (connecting more deeply into the information field, i.e. knowledge), depending on need?

I'm sure it's not that simple, but this came to mind reading your post. Thanks for sharing.

I also think Neil raised some interesting questions for thought and the "time" issue might apply to 4D and the 'time loop" we are in which the Cs mention here:

Session September 19 said:
Q: She also says: 'And there are soulless ones.' Is this true?
A: No.
Q: I think that what she means by this is that there are those who are STS in their very essence and
many people judge this to be a 'soulless' condition, I believe.
A: But STS is not "soulless."
Q: S also asks: 'May there be a time when one is faced with choosing between the lesser of 2
A: No, because karma dictates its own existence.
Q: What do you mean by that?
A: There is no fork in the road, because there is no linear time. That is an illusion and, when you
graduate, you will know this.

They are not exactly saying there is no "time" but if/when you graduate [4D?] there is no "linear time. That is an illusion".
Niall said:
On elections, they are generally meaningless in the West, but would you say the same thing about Crimea's referendum? I thought, wrongly, that the Brexit referendum would be meaningless. It was meaningless in the framework in which the PTB promoted it; but it carried much meaning in a way they weren't expecting.

In my opinion, here are two completely different things crowded into the same basket.
Voluntary, anonymous (recorded only you approached vote) acceptance and giving rights, to someone to determine what will be your life. (Human relations in all possible manifestations, referring to the Earth and all her inhabitants (plants and animals) and other resources (water, minerals, air, energy).
Hierarchical (pyramid) herd mentality, the leader's fault.

Search back your right to decide your existence.
Must be specified exactly what you're looking for, certified name, some identification number and signature. Voluntary made decision of each individual, who joined the group. Network setup, the mentality of personal responsibility.
Ah ... the children ... and family. My "Achilles heel". My weakness, and an area of my toughest fight.

I blame the "planetary programming" (my zodiac sign), but there pulling some limits, small, but somewhere we need to start.

Children are a big concern and responsibility, but at the same time of great happiness and "support".
My kids are the reason I "remain on the feet" and moved on, in some situations, where I certainly faltered, that it was just me.

"Children are our future," say the people, and therefore I was very sad when I read this:
Laura said:
As for the bleak perspective: I know this one well and so do my kids who are involved with this work; that's why I do NOT have grandchildren.

As a mother, and as a resident of this planet, I understand everything that is written after that, but I can not go against myself, and I think the opposite possibility.

I think of all those strings in the DNA, that You and your family, built during this period. I think about how the soul connected with the corresponding DNA, and what kind of advanced soul to be able to move into these children. It would be magnificent lighthouses, for the human race (if the transition to 4D lasts a thousand years).

I think more as you are: a large, conscious family and as such, are able together to raise several children and provide them with protection better than You could by yourself with a lot of children.
There are also Cs, crystals, members of this forum.....
Everything changes, the new timeline, the new reality....
I really do wish that your children from time to time to reconsider / meditate their decision.
I am aware that I had crossed the border and entered in your personal life, I apologize for that, and I accept all the consequences arising from it.
Kika said:
Ah ... the children ... and family. My "Achilles heel". My weakness, and an area of my toughest fight.

I blame the "planetary programming" (my zodiac sign), but there pulling some limits, small, but somewhere we need to start.

Children are a big concern and responsibility, but at the same time of great happiness and "support".
My kids are the reason I "remain on the feet" and moved on, in some situations, where I certainly faltered, that it was just me.

"Children are our future," say the people, and therefore I was very sad when I read this:
Laura said:
As for the bleak perspective: I know this one well and so do my kids who are involved with this work; that's why I do NOT have grandchildren.

As a mother, and as a resident of this planet, I understand everything that is written after that, but I can not go against myself, and I think the opposite possibility.

I think of all those strings in the DNA, that You and your family, built during this period. I think about how the soul connected with the corresponding DNA, and what kind of advanced soul to be able to move into these children. It would be magnificent lighthouses, for the human race (if the transition to 4D lasts a thousand years).

I think more as you are: a large, conscious family and as such, are able together to raise several children and provide them with protection better than You could by yourself with a lot of children.
There are also Cs, crystals, members of this forum.....
Everything changes, the new timeline, the new reality....
I really do wish that your children from time to time to reconsider / meditate their decision.
I am aware that I had crossed the border and entered in your personal life, I apologize for that, and I accept all the consequences arising from it.

Thanks for saying that. I have been thinking about this every since Laura's post and have come to a similar conclusion. The best that I can do, as I have little to say about the choices made by others, is to be there for those little ones. I have been responsible for them to have animal fat in their diet and they love it. It is also by my posting articles on Facebook that they are vaccination free, though we are in Canada, where that still is possible.

This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".
WIN 52 said:
Kika said:
Ah ... the children ... and family. My "Achilles heel". My weakness, and an area of my toughest fight.

I blame the "planetary programming" (my zodiac sign), but there pulling some limits, small, but somewhere we need to start.

Children are a big concern and responsibility, but at the same time of great happiness and "support".
My kids are the reason I "remain on the feet" and moved on, in some situations, where I certainly faltered, that it was just me.

"Children are our future," say the people, and therefore I was very sad when I read this:
Laura said:
As for the bleak perspective: I know this one well and so do my kids who are involved with this work; that's why I do NOT have grandchildren.

As a mother, and as a resident of this planet, I understand everything that is written after that, but I can not go against myself, and I think the opposite possibility.

I think of all those strings in the DNA, that You and your family, built during this period. I think about how the soul connected with the corresponding DNA, and what kind of advanced soul to be able to move into these children. It would be magnificent lighthouses, for the human race (if the transition to 4D lasts a thousand years).

I think more as you are: a large, conscious family and as such, are able together to raise several children and provide them with protection better than You could by yourself with a lot of children.
There are also Cs, crystals, members of this forum.....
Everything changes, the new timeline, the new reality....
I really do wish that your children from time to time to reconsider / meditate their decision.
I am aware that I had crossed the border and entered in your personal life, I apologize for that, and I accept all the consequences arising from it.

Thanks for saying that. I have been thinking about this every since Laura's post and have come to a similar conclusion. The best that I can do, as I have little to say about the choices made by others, is to be there for those little ones. I have been responsible for them to have animal fat in their diet and they love it. It is also by my posting articles on Facebook that they are vaccination free, though we are in Canada, where that still is possible.

This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

Kika and WIN 52,

Well, I am in the same situation in that I also have 2 grandchildren from my daughters' family. My son and his wife have chosen NOT to have children. I see both choices as "good" for them.

As the Cs say "it's when you choose that counts". That's sort of why I am where I am now. I didn't know some of the things I know now. That is why I think Laura's choice and realization make perfect sense. She has just been out front so many years ahead of what we are learning. Even though in a perfect world I am almost sure Laura would love to have grandchildren, knowing this "Valley of the Shadow" is most likely here in a very real way, who can blame her for letting others understand the risk and gravity of the situation?

Many of our choices were made in ignorance but for those who have more information now, it only makes sense to choose wisely.

Hopefully, we all still have a chance to survive or at least learn the lessons we need to learn.
Yes goyacobol, I am not saying that Laura's and her children's choice was not wise. Besides, who knows, she may yet be able to enjoy the pleasure of grandchildren. Just not at this time and place.

For me, this is likely the only thing that will keep me present in this World. Now that the main part of my mission profile has been completed.
WIN 52 said:
Yes goyacobol, I am not saying that Laura's and her children's choice was not wise. Besides, who knows, she may yet be able to enjoy the pleasure of grandchildren. Just not at this time and place.

For me, this is likely the only thing that will keep me present in this World. Now that the main part of my mission profile has been completed.

I hear you WIN 52. They say "It's not over till the fat lady sings". I am glad you are here. :hug2:
Chiming in to this topic, Perhaps not the "big miscalculation" itself, but in 3D terms the US 2016 election has seen a build up in disclosures rarely, if ever, seen. Perhaps the revelation is taking the form of the leaks, hacks, emails, hidden cameras, that are showing the true nature not only politicians, but journalists, MSM, PACs and so on to the general public in a very straighforward way. I do think the level of disgust among some portion of the general population in the US (and the world) is rising and reaching levels that makes me wonder what will happen after Nov 8th.

Speculating here, but what if the big miscalculation is to have designated Trump as the pied piper, only to backfire? As a second though, what if this build up delivers the big miscalculation itself, seen as a sign of desperation due to previous - minor maybe - miscalculations?

Admin note: snipped long quoted post.
I think the miscalculation is more of a process than a singular event. It revolves around Putin, but Trump definitely has a role to play. In thinking about this, this session seemed kind of important.
session080903 said:
A: USA heading for destruction!
Q: (L) Hello. Can we say hello first?
A: Hello
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Yeaionnia of Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Do you transmit through Cassiopaea?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Okay. Why do you introduce tonight's adventures with "US is headed for destruction"?
A: Passed the point when anything could possibly be done to change the outcome.
Q: (L) What is this outcome?
A: Increasing inner turmoil. Review what happened in Germany.
Q: (L) Well, what happened in Germany in what period?
A: Towards the end of the war. Hitler's madness and the hatred of the world towards Germany.
Q: (L) Wasn't a pretty picture, was it? (J) In Germany, the rest of the world bombed Germany...
A: Yes. Expect it in the USA ultimately.
Q (J) Would that be nuclear bombs?
A: And more.
Q: (A***) Is it going to destroy the rest of the world with it?
A: Not exactly... but the cosmic stuff will take its toll.
Q: (L) Anything else on that topic for the moment since we have other issues we want to cover?
A: Be alert.
The USA, being past the point of no return, there is not much Trump can do. He doesn't have exactly pure intentions, and he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to play chess with these deep state spooks. His awareness of how the world really functions is rather limited, and he will be surrounded by globalist enemies, where attack could come from any angle. He has a certain level of knowledge from being a sort of renegade insider, which should allow him to play the game for awhile, but if Kennedy couldn't do it, I don't think Trump stands a chance. The one advantage Trump has over Kennedy is that the globalist imperial narrative has become so overt and is a fragile house of cards predicated on some pretty egregious lies. All Trump needs to do is get into a few arguments with his handlers and start spouting off, and expose these lies, similar to what he's doing for his campaign, and he could do a lot of damage. And that's the best hope I see from Trump at the moment. He wants to be in charge and won't like taking orders, so as he's being backed into the corner and dealt with, maybe he'll throw hand grenades in every which direction as a last resort and a couple of them will hit something which will finally allow, on the eve of destruction, for people to see. I also think that Trump is highly dependent on Clinton defectors feeding him information, and it will be interesting to see how much truth he will continue to put out there once they decide he knows enough and they no longer need him. All of these shenanigans will make it easier for Putin to expose the empire, because all of the "conspiratorial" things that he talks about will even be given airtime on western media outlets, even if heavily skewed, and anyone with even a tiny bit of common sense will be able to see through it. Who would've thought that rigged elections would be mainstream conversation around the dinner table in the US? The real question is what system will be employed to replace this chaos.
Yeah, It's a process, and I think we have been seeing that for some time now. I recall the Global Warming emails that exposed that fraud. As you say I don't see Trump in any way close to Putin, nor to his team or what they have accomplished. More like the hand granades you mention, it could be said that this "big miscalculation" can be seen as a series of "misteps" over a period of time that will eventually bring an understanding, a revelation, for those with eyes to see.
WIN 52 said:
This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

Well, not to criticize your decision here - we all have our backgrounds and past experiences. But I'd like to say that from our current understanding, this doesn't seem to be a good motivation for having children and a healthy outlook, for various reasons. There is a good thread about it here: What are your thoughts on having children?
luc said:
WIN 52 said:
This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

Well, not to criticize your decision here - we all have our backgrounds and past experiences. But I'd like to say that from our current understanding, this doesn't seem to be a good motivation for having children and a healthy outlook, for various reasons. There is a good thread about it here: What are your thoughts on having children?

I wondered about this remark too. You seem pretty certain that YOUR genetics are what is wanted. What if they are wanted to provide "food for the moon"?
WIN 52 said:
This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

That sounds like you had no conscious or active part in doing that yourself. You could extrapolate on that to the point of saying everything you did, mistakes and all, were part of some grand destiny that you had no active role in and it was "all good".
Joe said:
WIN 52 said:
This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

That sounds like you had no conscious or active part in doing that yourself. You could extrapolate on that to the point of saying everything you did, mistakes and all, were part of some grand destiny that you had no active role in and it was "all good".

Yup. All narrative to make the self feel better. Read Timothy Wilson's "Strangers to Ourselves" and Khanemann's "Thinking: Fast and Slow". Best to stop lying to the self; it damages the brain.
Laura said:
Joe said:
WIN 52 said:
This was also a part of my mission profile. To have multiple children with multiple women for the purpose of spreading the genetics for future generations. It has not been an easy pill to swallow. As has been stated, "you did what you had to do".

That sounds like you had no conscious or active part in doing that yourself. You could extrapolate on that to the point of saying everything you did, mistakes and all, were part of some grand destiny that you had no active role in and it was "all good".

Yup. All narrative to make the self feel better. Read Timothy Wilson's "Strangers to Ourselves" and Khanemann's "Thinking: Fast and Slow". Best to stop lying to the self; it damages the brain.

And when you take into account your medical history, which you have shared on the forum at different times, it is even more horrifying to me that you would still believe that your "mission" was to spread your genes around so much "for future generations". One thing would have been to do that before you knew or had medical issues, but another is to lie to the self when data contradicts such a belief.
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