For those of us who presently live in California and the Pacific Northwest, it is likely abundantly clear just how tenuous a place these regions are to remain in. And the choice to leave for safer ground has to be fraught with all kinds of important and life-changing considerations; where to move to, what work opportunities exist, moving away from friends and family, the idea of leaving the well known for the unfamiliar, among other things. No doubt having some fear of the unknown is a very normal and understandable thing, but it can also be, along with a normalcy bias that prevents action based on knowledge, a literal and disastrous showstopper.
So here are some thoughts: conditions are worsening by the day - not only where you are - but everywhere. Geological fractures upon economic tipping points, upon societal discord, upon geopolitical mayhem, upon cosmic fireworks, and more as we know. If any one of these features hits a code red, it will likely introduce a great deal of chaos. But we are looking at all of these developments being in the offing, probably, in the not-too-distant future. Each challenge compounding the other. And time is flying and fleeting. This makes kicking the can down the road, or waiting till the last minute, a very iffy proposition. So what to do?
See this time, right now, as a very big opportunity.
If folks can replace some of their fears, concerns and inertia - with the view that there is now a valuable window of opportunity, I think it would add to one's future prospects immeasurably. Imagine having to think about moving and where to go when things are really bad. The possibilities can get drastically reduced, and the efforts to just keep one's head above water can get far more difficult. So for those us who know all this, and want to help others in the aim of having a real future (but have been on the fence for various reasons) do take the time to get clear on what it is you want to do. Even if it is only a rough idea you can start imagining it now. Start somewhere. And then put some real energy into it again, and again, and again - which can send a surprisingly powerful signal and message. The Universe does respond to efforts as many here will attest to, but the choice to make those efforts rests with you.