Another "Taos Hum" only this time in New York?


FOTCM Member

Annoying noise real hum-dinger


Ear-itated Bay Ridge residents are struggling to name that tone - a round-the-clock humming noise they say is depriving them of sleep.

The noise - compared to the roar of an engine and the honk of a fog horn - has been blowing in from near the Bay Ridge Channel for nearly a year, but nobody has been able to pinpoint its source.

"The problem is it's constant, 24 hours a day," said Dr. Concetta Butera, a chiropractor who lives on Colonial Road. "It's messed up my life really badly."

For Butera, who has lived in her sixth-floor apartment for 18 years, the sound is more than just a nuisance. Besides spending the night at her office, she has sunk more than $2,000 into muffling the noise.

Late last year, Butera installed soundproof windows, invested in a sound machine and even hired an acoustical consultant, who failed to determine where the sound was coming from but suggested a fan outside her building.

Rita Majurinen, a music teacher who lives several blocks away on Wakeman Place, said the sound reaches her home, too.

"It's such a low tone that I can feel it in my body," said Majurinen, adding the noise has kept her awake at night.

"There's train yards down there, so I thought it could be a locomotive," she said, "but then you would've heard the squeal of the wheels, too, so it's not the trains.

"To me it's a mystery. I have no clue."

The prime suspect so far is the Owls Head Water Pollution Control Plant, a sewage plant known more for the putrid smells it emits than for any noise.

But city Department of Environmental Protection spokesman Ian Michaels said a noise inspection unit investigated several times and found the plant innocent.

"We have found no evidence that the noise is coming from the treatment plant," said Michaels, who said inspectors scoured the neighborhood, the treatment plant and the Brooklyn Army Terminal, but found no clues.

"One theory is it may be coming from these large cargo ships just off the shore," said Michaels.

But Butera, who has written letters to local elected officials and Community Board 10, said she isn't convinced. In fact, she pines for the days when the only thing the plant emitted was a foul odor.

"At least with the smell, you can shut your window," said Butera. "But this noise? It's penetrating - the whole apartment, the whole house, everything. I'll take the smell."
i have given alot of thought to this subject. and i belive that people might be hearing machines that are being used to dig who knows what under ground. think about it. nothing up top is making the sound so it must be coming from under ground. there is alot of free space under your feet that can be used for many things.
swchef said:
i have given alot of thought to this subject. and i belive that people might be hearing machines that are being used to dig who knows what under ground. think about it. nothing up top is making the sound so it must be coming from under ground. there is alot of free space under your feet that can be used for many things.
Have any data to support this hypothesis or is it just your opinion?
It's funny, they already moved the link to the page.

Doesn't this article smell of disinfo?

What is a an acoustical consultant? I didn't know they existed. Sounds like an interior decorator.

Why would someone spend $2000 to insulate their office and not determine the source of the sound? You would think Bob and Joe would devote a Saturday afternoon to get to the bottom of that noise. If the noise is bothering so many people, why is no one smart enough to find the location or source? Seems funny.
OCKHAM said:
It's funny, they already moved the link to the page.

Doesn't this article smell of disinfo?

What is a an acoustical consultant? I didn't know they existed. Sounds like an interior decorator.

Why would someone spend $2000 to insulate their office and not determine the source of the sound? You would think Bob and Joe would devote a Saturday afternoon to get to the bottom of that noise. If the noise is bothering so many people, why is no one smart enough to find the location or source? Seems funny.
Do some more research before you talk like you know.
First, read the description of the hum on Wiki:

"Other elements seem to be significantly associated with the Hum, being reported by an important proportion of Hum sufferers, but not by all of them. Many people hear the Hum only, or much more, inside buildings as compared with outdoors. Many Hum sufferers can also perceive vibrations that can be felt through the body. Earplugs are reported as not decreasing the Hum. The Hum is often perceived more intensely during the night.

Then read this amazing Ayahuasca experience. The "Omm" or "Hum" described below seems to be the same thing. In case the link doesn't work, I have posted the experience below the link.


By ENT Doc from Noble Realms forum:

12-9 to 12-16/2006

First of all I want to say that I had deep reservations about the Columbia workshops. It wasn't so much that I was afraid to go to Columbia, although I must admit it was a little bit nervous about that, but it was more of a general apprehension about the ceremonies themselves. I had a deep rooted feeling that the ayahuasca ceremonies were going to be somewhat unpleasant, so I asked for a sign, any sign that I should not go. Despite my most sincere hopes that I somehow be prevented from attending the Columbia workshops, the trip went absolutely flawlessly, so I guess that was my sign.

The ayahuasca medicine had been previously prepared by a Colombian shaman trained in the American Lokata traditions, Warinei over a series of several days. It was a more traditional brew of the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and the DMT containing admixture plant, Chaliponga (Diplopterys cabrerana). The resultant experience was much more physically, emotionally, and spiritually intense than anything Ia��ve ever known in my life.

The first ceremony took place the night we arrived at the posada in Columbia. Unlike previous ceremonies, this took place in an actual physical structure dedicated for ayahuasca ceremonies called a maloka, which means House of the Cosmos. Many shamans have held ayahuasca and Mayan ceremonies in this maloka. Apparently the energy of those ceremonies is retained and actually grows over time.

The first nighta��s ceremony can best be characterized by calling it a��hell night." All of the participants were ayahuasca veterans and most of us had never been more physically sick in our lives. I'm not going into a lot of detail about this because I just don't want to have to remember it, but think severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Most everybody had a very profoundly dark or disturbing experience. Many of us swore never to drink ayahuasca again after that night.

The main thing I remember about that night was The Hum. Now this was no ordinary ringing or tinnitus, but it was a deeply resonating vibrational hum that shook me to my very core. It was maddening. It was explained to me by the person or entity that somehow speaks to me during these ceremonies, just like you were listening to a lecturer or a conversation. I call this person, The Lady because, well, she sounds like a lady and because She is THE LADY. Anyway, the Lady explained that this hum was a vibrational energy that is headed our way. From what I understand it sort of represents that OM sound I've heard about. In fact, that's what it sounds like, a deeply resonating OM. This vibrational energy is headed our way, and we are headed its way. It has something to do with planetary alignment and 2012. It seems to originate from the center of the galaxy. It is a vibration wave beyond what we can measure, and it will affect everything in its wake on a subatomic level. It will affect the sun, the eartha��s core, our weather, and it will affect human DNA by activating it somehow. It is some sort of a cyclic process and ita��s our turn to go through it. I guess it has happened before and it will happen again.

Not everyone will hear the hum, but everyone will react to or be affected by the hum. The thing that I was supposed to remember, and what I was supposed to tell you all, was that if you hear the hum, then what you need to do is relax into it, let it do its thing. Those who resist will get sick mentally and physically. So remember, if you hear the hum then relax. Also it means that we are getting closer to whatever it is that supposed to be happening. The vibrational waves or energy will increase from that point on. Maybe it's already happening, I don't know. I only heard the hum during the three ayahuasca ceremonies. I never heard it before and I haven't heard it since then, so I don't know if I'm full of shit or not.

The second ceremony was not quite as bad, thank God, because I only drank 1 cup. But it was still pretty bad. I didn't have a lot of visions or messages, but I definitely heard the hum, and I was told by the Lady that the reason I was hearing it so strongly was so that I wouldn't forget what it sounded like.

I almost went home the day after the second ceremony. In fact, I was in the process of arranging a flight home when Warinei asked to speak to me. He explained why the ayahuasca was so strong. He explained that because the ayahuasca was so deeply connected to the earth that we were suffering as the earth suffers. He explained that he and the other shaman were having severe difficulties as well. We were all suffering. He explained that the physical effects of the ayahuasca were preparing us for the third ceremony. He promised that the third ceremony would be much better than the previous two, and then he asked me a stay, so I stayed.

Those participants, who had not sworn off the ayahuasca forever after the first ceremony definitely did so after the second. Warinei had to give us a pep talk on the afternoon of the third and final ayahuasca ceremony to quell a mass mutiny. He essentially explained what I wrote above and asked us to trust the medicine. So we all reluctantly agreed to drink again for the third time.

The third ceremony was the exact opposite of the first two. It was so quiet, all you could hear was the sound of the rain on the roof of the maloka, the nighttime sounds of the jungle, and the beautiful singing and music of the shamans. No one got sick, and no one had bad visions.

Thankfully, my messages from the Lady came through loud and clear. I had many beautiful visions that night, including how the universe was structured as two mirror imaged pyramids. I met my higher self. My higher self is sort of like my big brother, who does his best to look out for me and gets his orders from Mom. He sort of pushes energy to me, and tries to get me to do the right thing, because if I do, then that helps him move up the pyramid. The higher you move up the cooler things get. You learn more and get to do more and so on. I'm not exactly sure if we all have higher selves. From what I understand some people, like child molesters and murderers have lower selves who feed off the energy of their higher 3-D self. Does that make any sense?

At any rate like many others, I guess my higher self sent me to incarnate on earth at this time. I suppose this is a critical time on earth and many of us are supposed to help out during this transitional phase. From what I understand I sort of picked myself to be here at this time, because it will not only help me here on a 3-D level, but also on the higher levels.

Anyway, the big transition, may have already started but it really starts after the winter solstice. I guess were supposed to really have to hang on to our hats after that. It has something to do with the six-year (2006), six years to go (2006-2012), and the sixth cycle, 6-6-6. It's like a marker in time to indicate when the barriers between our world and the next world will drop. For many people, it will be just like drinking ayahuasca. We will be able to see the worlds that are not normally seen. More importantly, the inhabitants of other worlds, especially the underworld will be able to see us more clearly and influence us more directly. The way I saw it was the snakes will have a feeding frenzy.

By the way, 2012 isn't when it starts. That's when it stops. Like we'll be counting down the days. The vibration stops on that date, and everything quiets down again. I have no idea what things will be like. I just know that's when the vibration stops. They knew, the Mayan's knew, and they made that calender to show us. It's a cycle, a galactic alarm clock, but it's also a rescue mission, just in the nick of time. There is a random natuaral element to this and also a precise mathematical element. It's so perfect that it is mind boggling. Us kids have been bad screwing up the earth, but that's what humans do. It's evolution. Now Mom is coming to shake things up a bit, and we'll be left to clean up the mess if we're lucky, not aliens. That's a con job. We save ourselves.

So how do we prepare? I'm told that we don't have to hoard food and water. We need to share our resources to get more. I'm told that we don't have to raise or lower our vibrations, just simply relax into the incoming vibration. I'm told that the Lady, like Mrs. Santa Claus, has already made her list of who is naughty and who is nice. Actually, we've made the list as we have lived out our lives.

The bottom line is to live your life to your absolute best, and when or if you hear hum, relax and know that wea��re getting close. Whatever that means? Remember, all of this made perfect sense at the time, but I honestly don't know if it was my overactive imagination or not. I guess we'll see. Your guess is as good as mine.

signing off- good luck-stay on the path.

Last edited by ENT Doc (2006-12-20 10:27:40)
Cleft Asunder, you tell OCHAM
''Do some more research before you talk like you know.''
but have YOU?

you can really claim everything but as long you have no hard data or anything it will only result in a believe.

Have you done research on the effects of Ayahuasca? the sound he heard might as well be a side effect of the this medicine.

you might wanna read this , it's a forum about Ayahuasca, you can find lots of data there regarding the medicine or the side effects.


In short, people can say lots of things, but as long if there is no hard data , facts etc, it's just silly to assume what everyone else thinks.

you know if I hit my leg against a rock, I feel that pain, and if I hit my leg against a metal wall for example I will still feel pain in my leg, what I am trying to say , just because one hears the hum sound after taking a medicine, it doesn't really proof anything without any hard data.

It seems to me thou that lots of people are looking for confirmation, when reading the noble realm forum for example one members says:

Thanks ENT Doc, this is yet another confirmation to me that my heart knows exactly what's going on. Just got to keep following it. You are a brave warrior indeed, thank you for bringing back your spoils for us to gain from also.
from my side of view, it seems that people have stopped thinking critically and trying to only look for confirmations about being ''special'' and then will only see what they want to see, instead of thinking critically all the time, what if one time a grey stands next to you he creates the same ''hum'' sound and you think about all the ''confirmations'' you had about this feeling and you give into this feeling and suddenly you are mind-controlled or something , if you understand what I am trying to say.

following only your emotions without considering to at least think critically will backfire imo.
Nothing against any sufferers, I was asking questions that day, and probably should have kept my mouth shut and did more of what Adam recommended. Better explained, I was only commenting on the strangeness about the article, and am unsure of how it relates to a created hum. Cleft_Asunder, you seem to think I was referring to a hum that is created in your head, nope, was evaluating the writer and info.

I think we all need a little kick of critical thinking, but stress seems to overwhelm it sometimes, and then silly dreams begin about being 'special' as Adam put it, no hum needed to suffer from that one.
Adam said:
it seems that people have stopped thinking critically and trying to only look for confirmations about being ''special'' and then will only see what they want to see, instead of thinking critically
Yes, this is called sleep - and dreaming.

Cleft_Asunder, no offense intended at all, but it might be worth your while to not only read the forum rules as Beau has suggested, but to read the 'Channel Watch' threads as well - if you are interested in waking up. It seems that there are those in this world who are working very hard to keep people asleep and there are those who are working very hard to help people awaken if they so choose.

Anyone who indicates that there is a 'rescue mission' afoot is much less interested in waking up than they are in snuggling more deeply into their soft pillow and keeping others asleep as well - there is no external 'rescue mission' - there is no free lunch, and if you think there is, then you are lunch.

There is, however, a way out - but one must Work for it - not wait for it, imagining the alarm clocks to be lullabies.
Maybe its pipes underground? Disused pipes, sewer pipes, etc. If somehow sound gets into them, it could resonate. It sounds strange that they can't find the source of the sound, so something like resonatation would be my first guess, since it can happen far away from any "obvious" source. I'm no expert on that though...
Recently another article, "Have you heard the Hum", was posted on

"It has a rhythm to it - it goes up and down. It sounds almost like a diesel car idling in the distance and you want to go and ask somebody to switch the engine off - and you can't."

I do not doubt the accuracy of these reports. But why is THIS reported, along with so many other accounts of frustrating but unactionable mysteries -- whereas the actionable goes unreported? For example, where is the BBC article titled, "Have you Seen the Chemtrails"?
Stowaway said:
"It has a rhythm to it - it goes up and down. It sounds almost like a diesel car idling in the distance and you want to go and ask somebody to switch the engine off - and you can't."

Yep, that's kinda what I hear/feel. Like a low rumble underground. My descriptions are subjective speculation cause I ain't got no idea what it is. When heard, a low rumbling can also be felt through your feet, from the ground, like some kinda earth movement, maybe perhaps some kinda tunneling/digging/Earth moving machine? I've tried to reason this out and can't. BUT IT IS THERE. Off and on. Most noticeable at night, quiet time... Sorry for the rambling, but how can someone explain what they cannot explain?
:umm: :umm: :umm:
Interesting, same as:

KOKOMO, Ind.2006-11-27 -- An acoustics expert claims to have found the source of a humming sound that has bothered dozens of Kokomo families for years.

Acoustics researcher Jim Cowan has traced low-frequency noises to a fan at the Kokomo Chrysler plant.

Around 126 families have complained of nausea, headaches, diarrhea and memory loss -- common reactions to low-frequency noises.

"We don't know how long it's going to take for people to feel better if this is the actual source of the thing, but eventually people will feel better if these sounds are causing these things," Cowan said.

The factory is trying to get rid of their noisemakers, RTV6 reported.

If they can't solve the problem, city leaders will look at possible chemical and electromagnetic solutions.

Hmm, nausea, headaches, diarrhea and memory loss -- common reactions to low-frequency noises, what and contamination of our living space and I was pretty shocked with possible solution
If they can't solve the problem, city leaders will look at possible chemical and electromagnetic solutions
,wow from bad to worse.
I think we'll found more and more of this in the future, 4d STS really need more and more energy, more and more control, and ultimately more of our suffering.
Last four days I am hearing the deep low frequency heavy vibrational sound once more , only now its constant , meaning its not only in the night that I am hearing it but ,right through the day time also.
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