Anti-Candida, Inflammation, Heavy Metals Detox and Diet

Thanks Aragorn. I promise to stay alert to any symptoms. I have been slowly detoxing for about a year following Laura's supplement detox. Now that the holidays are over I won't have time to use the blanket more than 2 or 3 times a week.
I have used my vacation to detox, complete the EE program daily and read a few new books. I completed "The Complete Omega 3 Diet" and I am in the middle of "UFOs and the National Security State".
I am grateful for the Work and for FOTCM. This world gets crazier by the day. This forum and the Work keep me focused on what is truly important. Thanks to all!
Hi anya
When I started using the FIR sauna blanket, my initial session was for 10 minutes, for three consecutive days before moving on by another 10 minutes, or by increasing the temperature by 5 degrees C. This was to check for any reactions. I am now on a maintenance programme - 45 minutes at 50 degrees C - twice a week. I rarely sweat even now, and usually only in the last 10-15 minutes of a session - usually on one of the days where I take detox maintenance supplements.
Trevrizent and Aragorn...Thanks for reminding me to go slow. I will limit my sessions to three a week and observe for any reactions.
Detox shakes can be sweetened with stevia or xylitol. I prefer xylitol, but some people cannot tolerate it well.
Started this diet with the supplements, will update here in a few weeks, the supplements alone cost about $400 in South Africa, seems good so far, it's a lot of pills to swallow.

I'll comment more on our experience later, thanks for all the research again.
I wanted to give a diet update -- I wasn't sure which thread was the best for it, so I chose this one and hope it is fine. Starting last spring (maybe early March or so), I started having a lot of problems with psoriasis, in various parts of my body, but especially my hands, where the skin on the sides of my fingers would get rough and dry, and start splitting open there and at the joints on my knuckles. I have had skin problems in the past (though not in the last few years), and noted on one of the threads that psoriasis is an immunological disorder (like so many other things).

I started getting serious about the detox diet in the fall, and began by buying the detox formula suggested by Sherry Rogers. I also got an infra-red sauna and put filters on my faucet and shower-heads. Over the past two months, with a couple of one-day exceptions over the holidays, I have pretty successfully cut out wheat, dairy, and soy, and cut down substantially on corn and sugar. What I have noticed is that the psoriasis on my hands has gone into complete remission -- there are still a couple rough areas where it used to flare up, but I have had no trouble with it for going on six weeks now (I am also losing weight -- not drastically, but what is probably a healthy amount). I still have psoriasis occurring occasionally on other parts of my body (such as the back of my head), but the general frequency is down and I am going to see if it eventually goes away as well as I continue the diet and make improvements on it.
Shijing said:
I still have psoriasis occurring occasionally on other parts of my body (such as the back of my head), but the general frequency is down and I am going to see if it eventually goes away as well as I continue the diet and make improvements on it.

Shijing said:
... (I am also losing weight -- not drastically, but what is probably a healthy amount). ...

From the advice I was given by Mark at Get-Fitt, who sold me my FIR infra-red sauna, this is natural (as is gaining weight if that is required) and will stabilise at your optimal weight - mine has, apart from a seasonal increase (!!!) over Yuletide.
Laura said:
I prefer xylitol, but some people cannot tolerate it well.

Would this manifest as bloating/stomach problems? I introduced xylitol to my diet this week and have been experiencing them. I have also heard about an 'adjustment period' which is required for the body to process xylitol without problems and was wondering if this was part of it.
Shijing said:
What I have noticed is that the psoriasis on my hands has gone into complete remission -- there are still a couple rough areas where it used to flare up, but I have had no trouble with it for going on six weeks now (I am also losing weight -- not drastically, but what is probably a healthy amount). I still have psoriasis occurring occasionally on other parts of my body (such as the back of my head), but the general frequency is down and I am going to see if it eventually goes away as well as I continue the diet and make improvements on it.

Shijing, I'm wondering if the psoriasis on your hands was the last to appear? Or if you've had any non-skin disorders that have left since changing your diet. Have you heard of Hering's Law?

Hering's Law of Cure:
•Symptoms of a chronic disease disappear in definite order, going in reverse and taking about one month for every year the symptoms have been present.
•Symptoms move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin.
•Symptoms move from the top of the body downward.

In other words, as you continue with the diet and detox your symptoms should disappear in reverse order of which they appeared. So I'm wondering how your psoriasis progressed initially and if it is disappearing in the "correct" order according to Hering's Law. Not that you have to answer...just a bit to consider.

Ben said:
Would this manifest as bloating/stomach problems?

You are supposed to take it easy at the beginning, sometimes there is additional info about this on the label. I just try to keep my intake up to a minimum.
Odyssey said:
In other words, as you continue with the diet and detox your symptoms should disappear in reverse order of which they appeared. So I'm wondering how your psoriasis progressed initially and if it is disappearing in the "correct" order according to Hering's Law. Not that you have to answer...just a bit to consider.

Odyssey -- this is actually quite interesting, and thanks for bringing it to my attention. Yes, the psoriasis on my hands was the last to appear. I actually had it pretty severely when I was younger, but it was primarily confined to my scalp. When I moved from a wet to a dry climate about 10 years ago, it actually never bothered my except when I traveled. However, this past year it came back in all the normal places (probably due in part to stress, which I have had more of in the past year than in the few before it), PLUS on my hands and in one or two other places I had never had it before, which also seem to be clearing up first. So Hering's law seems to be actually working out for me so far -- I'm intrigued, and will continue to observe!
Laura said:
This is a house full of young people and they all joined in the diet with me as a sort of support/solidarity thing (and a couple of them had some issues, too)... after a month of experiencing a detoxing body, they discovered that their systems had recovered original sensitivity to negative foods. It activates in everyone slightly differently, and to different foods. But once you have eliminated ALL inflammatory foods for a period, your body sure tells you it does not like it if you slip up.

Along with this heightened sensitivity to what you eat, it seems that you begin to acquire other heightened sensitivities.

(bolded by me)

I have to be honest that after some time I started eliminating foods like chips, cookies, bread, candy, all dairy products etc. I realized that I became a LOT more sensitive to negative foods. I was thinking ''something must be wrong, I should be ''strong'' now, because I've been eating healthy all the time'' but now reading your post it makes it a lot more clear!

One time I was with my little brother and my cousin outside and we ordered poffertjes (my dictionary says fritters), they also put a lot of butter on top of it. So we ate them and it was okay, although I just knew that something was wrong with the butter or my body just despises it.

I came home and I was ill for some days, whereas my little brother and cousin were just fine!


Yesterday I ate some bread after not eating it for a while and clearly felt pain in my left head area, I think it was somewhere above my eyebrow. It did not make me feel well. Well no surprise, it has gluten in it! But just wanted to share...

And also tried eggs after a long time of not eating them and I had pain at different areas. For me eggs are like sugar. You have high energy in the beginning after eating it, but then it's a big decline.

Thanks for sharing this, Oxajil. I think that it is very interesting to see just how these foods affect us after having eliminated them from our diets for a while.

And I'm glad that you found Laura's post describing why the body then cannot tolerate these things after having been free from them for a period of time.
When people eat unhealthy, they become desensitized. But when a detox process is done, people become more pure, hence more sensitive. So once the body is more pure, the immune/defense system is able to signal a stronger alarm when something unhealthy enters the body. It is able to protest stronger in order to not return to the unhealthy state, so to speak.

An analogy of this desensitized state where people react less to harmful foods after a lifetime of eating them, can be the boiling frog. Well, sort of.


The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually

Desensitization is a concept that can be used both in health and psychology.
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