Any Chinese speakers? New blog

Robin Turner said:
I’ve just scanned through all 368 articles on this blog. Saved the ones that had anything to do with the C’s (Transcripts, articles, the Wave) and leaving the rest.

Approximately how many pages (printed out) do his translations take up? How much of it is the raw transcripts, and how much is The Wave?

Robin Turner said:
With that in mind, I don’t think it would be helpful to write commentaries on his translation of the transcripts, but, rather, to write commentaries on his translation of the Wave materials.

If his raw transcripts are obviously badly translated, then it would help if you could point that out nevertheless, even if they are the raw transcripts. Same for The Wave materials. Give lies what they are ask for: truth.

Robin Turner said:
If I write commentaries on his translations of the transcripts by themselves, then wouldn’t I, myself, also be “reading the Cassiopaean transcripts on their own, outside of the context provided by Laura's work?”

It depends. If you are able to spot some interpretation mistakes in this guy's translations, that already shows that you are more careful than him. Which of Laura's books have you read so far?

Robin Turner said:
Besides, how can I be the judge of the correct interpretation of the C’s transcripts?

Only if you have a good and proven 'track record'. Ideally the translations into Chinese (as with all other languages) are a group effort. Intense networking (asking questions) would help, here in the forum, and within a specially created translation group. This way, if an error creeps in somewhere, two or more persons can mutually correct themselves (called "proofreading"). Is anyone else out there who speaks Chinese and English and would be willing to help?

Robin Turner said:
Next I will be working on the introduction of the blog, where I will make my position on these crystal clear. Any suggestions/support would be appreciated (Thanks Data and Altair).

Instead of correcting ALL his mistakes (depends on how much he translated), maybe you just take a couple of his most severe mistakes and give it as an example what the C's meant by "much opportunity for corruption".
[quote author=”Data”]Approximately how many pages (printed out) do his translations take up? How much of it is the raw transcripts, and how much is The Wave?[/quote]

It is important, IMO, to gain a fuller understanding of what this guy has actually done in order to answer your question.
The articles on his blog can be separated into 4 main categories:

1. Translations of Cassiopaean transcripts, with or without the original English attached.

2. Articles that have been translated, or rather, are varyingly loose interpretations of previous Cass related materials. Details are provided below.

3. Articles written by him that have a lot to do with the C’s, but where he has had the most “free reign” in terms of subjective interpretation. I saved those on my computer.

4. Articles that have nothing much to do with the C’s, but where some “wise words” spoken by the C’s get a passing mention, or is used to “beef up” his argument. I have mainly ignored those, choosing not to save them.

Now, the details are as follows (With the standard size 12 font):

Category One:
25 different sessions – 461 pages overall

Session Details:
*In chronological order as he translated them
*The dating system in Chinese is Year/Month/day)

2009/01/03 – With English – 13 pages

2009/03/07 – With English – 19 pages

2009/05/30 – With English – 15 pages

2009/06/09 – With English – 58 pages

2009/06/20 – With English – 18 pages

2009/07/04 – With English – 24 pages

2009/07/16 – With English – 24 pages

2009/08/05 – With English – 12 pages

2009/08/15 – With English – 19 pages

2009/08/30 – With English – 42 pages

2009/09/13 – With English – 28 pages

2011/02/13 – With English – 28 pages

2011/04/09 – With English – 21 pages

2009/10/24 – With English – 25 pages

2011/08/20 – With English – 9 pages

2012/03/04 – With English – 4 pages

2001 – 2008 – With English – 32 pages
(Needs updating, so he says)

2001/09/11 – With English – 11 pages

1994/07/16 – No English – 7 pages

1994/07/22 – No English – 5 pages

1994/07/30 – No English – 9 pages

1994/09/30 – No English – 15 pages

1994/10/05 – No English – 11 pages

1994/10/07 – No English – 10 pages

2012/07/22 – With English – 3 pages

Category Two:
14 Articles –286 pages overall

*When translating articles, he mostly skips on translating the bulk of the writing, choosing to give a short introduction (Sometimes in his own words), then just pasting/translating the relevant transcripts. For those, I have labelled as “Transcripts Only”.

Binary Stars – Transcripts Only – 47 pages

Fire and Ice – Transcripts Only – 25 pages

The Truth about Jews (!!) – Transcripts Only – 44 pages

Excerpt(s) From The Grail Quest – Mostly Transcripts – 42 pages

Underground Bases – Transcripts Only – 46 pages

The Wave Chapters 1 to 4 – Some Original writing – 32 pages

Black Death and Smoking – Transcripts Only – 4 pages

Eve of Destruction – Transcripts Only – 4 pages

Wave Chapter 4 (revised) –Some Original writing – 12 pages

Wave Chapter 4 (continued) –Some Original writing – 12 pages

The Wave Chapter 8 – Transcripts Only – 8 pages

Laura Disappointed – His own commentary – 2 pages

Sun, Star Companion, Singing Stones and Smoking Visions – Transcripts Only – With English – 8 pages

Category Three:
23 Articles –190 pages overall

The Madness of the Chinese people – 3 pages

C’s Prediction 16 years ago: Earthquake in Japan – 8 pages

Kerry Cassidy and Laura Knight interview – 11 pages

Knowledge and Ignorance – 6 pages

Summary of the C’s message/Freewill – 14 pages

Return of the Nephilim – 9 pages

The “Battle of the Saints” – 3 pages

Laura & Picknett and Prince – 61 pages
(Link to _

Financial Investment & the C’s – 5 pages
(Roughly translated, this guy posted a lot of financial/gold information, I think this was his “Main Slant”.)

Is Gaddafi Really Dead? – 6 pages

Gold & 4th Density – 6 pages

Gold & the “Battle of the Saints” – 14 pages

The Illusion of 3rd Density – 8 pages

Does Time Exist? – 5 pages
(Not sure what the source is, the C’s or something else. It’s a question – answer format, but I wasn’t sure, so I saved it)

A Level Battle Field – 3 pages
(I presume it adheres to the “Level Playing Field” the C’s said before)

Helping Others as an STS individual – 2 pages

Link to original English sources & notes – 2 pages

The Lie of 2012, thoughts on Cassiopaean “type” materials– 4 pages
(This was posted from another site, and, IMO, since the post is dated at 2012-10-15, I think that the author realised that “2012” wasn’t going to happen, and started to retract from his own work)

Fairwells – 6 pages

Going Forward With The C’s – 5 pages

Wrapping Things Up: The Wave (Translations) – 2 pages

Fairwells (2) – 6 pages

Right then! Now that you have a better idea of the content, let me just tell you some ideas I’ve had regarding how to tackle the problem.

In terms of corruption, it’s clear that Category 1 is the least corrupted, since he is sticking close to the questions & answers, and (I believe) tries to convey the meaning as close as he could.

If I was to analyse his translation of category 1 and provide commentaries, my corrections would be more “technical” than, say, category 2. This is because his translations, though fairly good, are lacking in terms of understanding the subtle nuances contained in the original work, and the distinctions that would get lost in translation.

Let me give you an example:

He translates Density as 密度. Now, this translation is acceptable (to people who aren't familar), and is in fact the officially sanctioned translation of this word, and can be found in scientific papers related that are to ‘density’.

However, and here is the major problem when translating English to Chinese, 密度 is a composite character, or a “Lexical Item”, they are two characters that have meaning on their own, and become more specific, when joined together.

The thing is, there are characters that CAN be used separately as well as combined, and there are characters that cannot.
In English there is a similar phenomenon.

‘Hair’ is a word that can stand on its own, and ‘spray’ can also be used by itself, and can also be combined to create a new lexical item, “hair spray”.

But, there are lexical items in English that don’t work this way, like ‘secondary school’. ‘School’ can stand on its own, but ‘secondary’ doesn’t mean anything by itself, and has to pair up with something to have meaning, like ‘secondary education’ or ‘secondary attack’, etc.

The Chinese lexical item密度 is unfortunately such a word. The first character, 密, means ‘dense/close/numerous’, while the second character is 度, which means ‘degree’, which combines to mean "The degree of which something is Dense", and the two characters CANNOT stand on their own as words proper.

So, while the main idea of ‘Density’ is already conveyed in the first character, I cannot use this character by itself, therefore it must be qualified by another character, so the second character, ‘the degree of which (x) is’ has to be added.

However, the second character, 度, conveys the idea that the object you are trying to describe as dense, is contained within ONE liquid or gaseous body, and so, there is some distortion when you translate the word ‘Density’ in the usual, conventional way.

For our purposes, this word is not used in the conventional sense, it isn’t part of the “juvenile dictionary”, as Laura stated before, so I translate ‘Density’ as 密層. This is because, while the first character remains the same (dense), and thus the essential concept has been conveyed, I have qualified the initial character with a second character, this time meaning ‘level’, which is closer to how WE use this word.

This is just one example, and it’s just one word! I hope you can grasp how difficult the task is, especially since, as you said:

[quote author=Data] Ideally the translations into Chinese (as with all other languages) are a group effort. Intense networking (asking questions) would help, here in the forum, and within a specially created translation group. This way, if an error creeps in somewhere, two or more persons can mutually correct themselves (called "proofreading"). [/quote]

Now, this takes me to:

[quote author=”Data”]Only if you have a good and proven 'track record'.[/quote]


[quote author=”Data”]It depends. If you are able to spot some interpretation mistakes in this guy's translations, that already shows that you are more careful than him. Which of Laura's books have you read so far?[/quote]

Well, I have read:

The Secret History Of The World
Comets And The Horns of Moses
High Strangeness
911: The Ultimate Truh
The Wave 1 through 8
The JFK Series

However, telling you this isn’t really all that useful, IMO, since the real question is, how much have I internalised the Cass Materials, how do I Live and Breathe these materials, and how much have I reflected upon the specific question of How Do I TRANSLATE This?

So, what you said about the track record is spot on, and…

[quote author=”Laura”]It would also be helpful for you to network more with us here so that your own growth and understanding is enhanced and you can eventually become an "official rep" that way.[/quote]

…that is the best way.

I now want to briefly focus on the other categories and the benefits of translating those…

Category 3 (The translator’s own articles), are, as you can already tell from the titles, the most heavily corrupted material, and thus contains the most “meat” from the perspective of correction.

Category 3 is also a blessing in disguise, IMO, since it reveals the most about the author’s assumptions and lack of understanding, and so, highlighting it, “giving the lie what it asks for”, as you said, would be the best way to teach others how NOT to interpret the Cass Materials, and might even be the best way to provoke, to shock, and to make the trolls come out of hiding once their slumber is disturbed.

So, with that in mind, what do you all think?

Maybe I should just correct his articles chronologically?

Finally, for category 2 (The Cass Materials), these are materials that can actually be turned into a real, tangible product (books) in the end, and thus, the most potentially useful to translate.

As a side point, I have also saved, and read the messages that the Chinese translator’s readers had given him. Most of it is rubbish, noise, subjective opinions.

However, I had the idea that, unlike the blog of our “translator friend”, we could put the Cass Materials on the blog in English and Chinese, with an invitation from readers as to how we could make the translation better?

We could set it up so that the readers can provide comments, but ONLY if they have ideas about improving my translation. This way, we could start building up a network of translators who are competent in English/Chinese, encourage people to learn English, attract more people towards joining the forum, and always with the aim of publishing the Chinese Cass Material within our sights!

I am already on the Sott translation group, so we (my wife and I) will keep networking with them as well.

Robin Turner said:
For our purposes, this word is not used in the conventional sense, it isn’t part of the “juvenile dictionary”, as Laura stated before, so I translate ‘Density’ as 密層. This is because, while the first character remains the same (dense), and thus the essential concept has been conveyed, I have qualified the initial character with a second character, this time meaning ‘level’, which is closer to how WE use this word.

I understand the difficulties. If you just say "density" in English to someone who is not familiar with the other meaning, he/she will also think of a regular 'technical' density of a substance. So, even in English, the language of the original, we have to explicitly explain and qualify the word "density". For example, in High Strangeness chapter 6 this was done in a footnote with the explanation from here: In the German translation, at the first occurence of the term "density" we put a footnote containing the qualified translation "density of awareness" together with a short translation from the Glossary. So, maybe you could do the same? I don't speak chinese, so I can't really judge 密層 vs. 密度, but I believe an explanatory footnote should be good enough.

Robin Turner said:
However, telling you this isn’t really all that useful, IMO, since the real question is, how much have I internalised the Cass Materials, how do I Live and Breathe these materials, and how much have I reflected upon the specific question of How Do I TRANSLATE This?

From my own translation activity I know that it is hard to decide for a translation, and unfortunately there are always subjective factors involved, varying from translator to translator. For example, the German Wikipedia mentions subjectivity of translations:

In the process of translation there are always subjective factors involved:

* in the decision of the translator between target text variants,
* due to the cultural and social backgrounds of the translator,
* due to the reception and interpretation of the source text (compare Hermeneutics),
* due to different methodically-technically decisions about the process of analysis and judgement,
* due to the opinion of the translator about the function, purpose and strategy of the translation

So, there is not one 'objectively correct' translation. This little bit of information helped me to have a more pragmatic approach to translations, since before I thought that there can only be one translation, and that I would be the one who had the only correct version. But despite the subjectivity, I am of the opinion that the meaning should be preserved correctly and fully, and that the target language should be so good that readers don't even notice that it is a translation.

Robin Turner said:
Maybe I should just correct his articles chronologically?

Hard to say in my opinion. It seems to be a lot of work, and while you are catching up with his stuff, he and others might translate more, so that you never can catch up.

What if you just make one or two simple posts about his translations, and let it be? What about focusing instead on translating The Wave from the beginning?

Robin Turner said:
However, I had the idea that, unlike the blog of our “translator friend”, we could put the Cass Materials on the blog in English and Chinese, with an invitation from readers as to how we could make the translation better?

I think that's a good idea, or just linking to the originals should be enough.

Robin Turner said:
I am already on the Sott translation group, so we (my wife and I) will keep networking with them as well.

We can continue our discussion there :)
Data said:
Robin Turner said:
Maybe I should just correct his articles chronologically?

Hard to say in my opinion. It seems to be a lot of work, and while you are catching up with his stuff, he and others might translate more, so that you never can catch up.

What if you just make one or two simple posts about his translations, and let it be? What about focusing instead on translating The Wave from the beginning?

I would also suggest to maybe do it like Data mentioned above....
I guess theoretically you could sit there for ages and correct his mistakes/misinterpretations and still not be finished because there is a lot of it and more stuff is coming.

So yes, I also would just post a couple of simple posts about his translations/misinterpretations, that catch the essence of how bad they are and that it is not a good idea to rely on them and then let it be and maybe focus on translating the Wave...
[quote author="Blogger"]2012 06 09 對抗天堂

2012/06/09 Going against Heaven

Date: (2012-06-09 10:48:39)

Downloaded from another site

坦白說, 最近關於佩公的文章,給了我太多太深的影響...所以首先先感謝一下那位推薦"異人啟示錄"的朋友,非常非常感謝...
To be honest, regarding the recent article written by 佩公Pei Gong (He is referring to another Blogger I think, but I am not sure, he seems to be quite famous in that “club”, as I’ve seen other posts that talk about his articles, and readers seem to respect him. Without thorough research I cannot confirm that), he gave me so much, and such deep influences… So I must first thank the one who recommended the article entitled: “The apocalypse of the one of talent” (Very unsure about that translation, since I haven’t read it), thank you so very much.

In his article (Pei Gong) there were the following words:
(If it’s in quotes, it isn’t the words of the translator in question, but this “Pei Gong”)

“We have trained an army, which will be used to fight Heaven”,

“We have taken into consideration that, even though the chances of success are very slim, but thanks to the help of this universe’s most wondrous laws, we can still believe in hope.”

“When you have transcended, and are hidden above the clouds, looking over the city, you see a mother holding a baby, looking at him with loving eyes, then you will understand, that this civilization is still worth protecting.”

Then he expressed himself thusly:

“We have walked with them many times before, but sor whatever reason, they (Heavenly beings, STS forces, I think…) still wanted to go forward with the mortals, and contact them. Even though the possibility of “contact” was always there, and some (higher influences) have already deeply disturbed and influenced the progress of mankind, but real, physical contact is strictly forbidden. However, it’s a shame that, we cannot stop they coming. Because this is the destiny of mankind – teling the truth, I really do not like this expression.”

For many years I have been trying, along with others that share my perspective, to change the state of the way things are, but we are not Gods. Just like the way that I cannot return to… (Difficult to translate, but I can guess that it’s a metaphor of some sort), in the same way, we cannot stop these processes.


So, What does it mean to “go against Heaven”?

我認為,地球,在若干萬年以前就已經淪為第四密度STS 主要是 蜥蜥Lizard 的地盤. 雖然他們中途僅僅是回來幾次,並沒有長時間停留在這裡,但毫無疑問,整個地球一直在“他們控制”之中。
I think that, if earth had already become 4th density STS lizard territory, even though they have only returned a few times, and haven’t stayed here for long periods of time, but, without question, the whole planet has always been within “their control”.
(I think the author has mixed conceptions between what the C’s have said, and something along the lines of what Sitchin has said about “The return of the Annunaki”. That’s the only explanation I can find for his ridiculous notions that “they have only returned a few times, and haven’t stayed here for long periods of time…”)

As for us, the majority of the population is 3rd Density STS, so it goes without saying, this place was a dark honey trap/prison to begin with.

However, the difference between this time and the last few times lies in the fact that, the once every 300,000 year event of the Wave will come. It will give us the opportunity to be free from the STS territory, and even will allow the earth to become an STO environment.

So, at a certain level, STO on the earth is in a completely STS environment, this place never was a territory that belonged to STO.

“Actually, there never existed the word: Beginning”, It was the Lizards that took this place by force.

佩公Pei Gong probably knows about “The Wave”, and so his meaning is “calculating the gathering strength of STO after 2014”, and it’s extremely difficult to defeat the Lizards.

So, returning to the present, here, I don’t know how many friends will be willing to join in with this quest to“battle against heaven” (He means fighting STS, he is saying that since this is an STS zone, then it means that we are fighting against what is above us/the hierarchy, the word ‘Heaven’ in Chinese has the meaning of “What is naturally so”, therefore, he means we are fighting against our original nature).

如果大家有興趣,很簡單,要想對抗誰,先瞭解誰,知己知彼對吧。恩,去看看“天堂”到底有什麼東西吧-本博內的“Cassiopaea --地下基地”
If anybody is interested, it’s easy, if you want to fight against someone, you have to first understand that someone, Know thyself, know thy enemy, and you will never lose, right? Ok, go take a look at what is in “heaven”, link to my article, “Cassiopaea – Underground bases”.

(Link to his translation of transcripts concerning underground bases, so the reader is supposed to “feel inspired” from reading the transcripts out of the context of Laura’s work, of course!)[/quote]

I won't labour the point, but I think anybody with eyes can see why the above translation is bad!

[quote author=Data]It seems to be a lot of work, and while you are catching up with his stuff, he and others might translate more, so that you never can catch up.[/quote]

[quote author=Pashalis]I guess theoretically you could sit there for ages and correct his mistakes/misinterpretations and still not be finished because there is a lot of it and more stuff is coming.[/quote]

You know, I think this translator actually quit doing it some time ago, his last post is dated 11th of August, 2013.

He also has written posts explaining why he won't be doing it anymore, and one post in particular asking for whoever will "take up his mantle" to wake up... Hmmm..

One last question, then I’ll leave it to rest…

[quote author=”Data”]What about focusing instead on translating The Wave from the beginning?[/quote]

My wife and I were discussing the issues raised in this thread, and she recommended that we make our blog concentrate purely on doing a straight translation of the Wave, instead of posting HIS translations and pointing out all the mistakes within it.

She thinks that this will save time, since we wouldn’t have to spend any extra time writing out, point by point, all the distortions in the previous translation.

I am feeling quite conflicted about it, because on the one hand, there is a lot to do, and saving time is important, but on the other hand, I do understand the necessity of “giving lies what they ask for: Truth,” not to mention the fact that I hold Laura’s and Data’s comments in high regard.

[quote author=”Laura”]My suggestion would be that you could create a blog where you, as an individual, not an official rep of Cass, could write commentary on this other guy's translations and commentary, showing how he is twisting and distorting the material as well as eliminating some of the most important aspects of the sharing of my path? [/quote]


[quote author=”Data”]I think that's an excellent idea: "Give what is asked for by a lie: Truth."[/quote]

…then again…

[quote author=Kniall]For the Wave, I wouldn't touch their template if I were you, but if parts of it are sufficiently accurate then I guess the garbage can be tossed.[/quote]

…but, I wholeheartedly agree with…

[quote author=Kniall]…I agree that in the meantime it would be a great service to truth to dismantle their ridiculous commentary and 'translation'.[/quote]

I do have more time available, for now, to do translation work of this type, but this is only because of an unfortunate (maybe fortunate) ankle injury that stopped me from doing my regular job (being unable to walk and all).

I am getting better now, so I am attempting to iron out all the issues about how to approach this task, then, after this week, I’ll be “on my feet” again, and will be plunging back into practical, daily concerns.

So, judging by how busy I will be, but without getting into the details, I can assure you all that my wife’s concerns are very real, that the time devoted to this will have to be given smaller allotments.

It's a question of the principle vs the practical, and I’m just not sure the best way forward.

Any feedback would be mightily appreciated.

With many thanks,
Maybe starting off your blog with something along the lines of letting it be known that the reason you are creating the blog is to translate accurately the material by Laura Knight-Jadczyk because you have found so-and-so's translations and realized that 1.) the translations are inaccurate, and 2.) there is a whole lot of twisting and distortion of the material. Give them a couple of examples by showing the lies/distortions/twisting/bad translations in what was done by that person.

That would all be in an introduction page (or so).

Then, start translating The Wave.
Robin Turner said:
My wife and I were discussing the issues raised in this thread, and she recommended that we make our blog concentrate purely on doing a straight translation of the Wave, instead of posting HIS translations and pointing out all the mistakes within it.

She thinks that this will save time, since we wouldn’t have to spend any extra time writing out, point by point, all the distortions in the previous translation.

I am feeling quite conflicted about it, because on the one hand, there is a lot to do, and saving time is important, but on the other hand, I do understand the necessity of “giving lies what they ask for: Truth,” not to mention the fact that I hold Laura’s and Data’s comments in high regard.

But translating The Wave accurately IS "giving lies what they ask for: Truth". You don't have to go an a cyber "fight" with those who spread out lies. You just do what is right, and as accurately as possible. It saves time, and those who want to see, will see.
Nienna said:
Maybe starting off your blog with something along the lines of letting it be known that the reason you are creating the blog is to translate accurately the material by Laura Knight-Jadczyk because you have found so-and-so's translations and realized that 1.) the translations are inaccurate, and 2.) there is a whole lot of twisting and distortion of the material. Give them a couple of examples by showing the lies/distortions/twisting/bad translations in what was done by that person.

That would all be in an introduction page (or so).

Then, start translating The Wave.

Exactly. You can even say that I have been made aware of the bad translations and have asked you to start on a more accurate translation.
Robin Turner said:
I am getting better now, so I am attempting to iron out all the issues about how to approach this task, then, after this week, I’ll be “on my feet” again, and will be plunging back into practical, daily concerns.

So, judging by how busy I will be, but without getting into the details, I can assure you all that my wife’s concerns are very real, that the time devoted to this will have to be given smaller allotments.

And "giving it smaller allotments" every day is the only way you can tackle such a huge project as translating The Wave. It cannot be done all at once, or fast, otherwise you will burn out quickly and the project stops. No matter what you do, you should enjoy it and it should be 'effortless'. Make sure the work is benefitting YOU in the same amount as it benefits this forum, and the 'universe' at large. This is the 'right' reason to do something like that. When this is the case, I believe the undertaking will be a success.
Data said:
Robin Turner said:
I am getting better now, so I am attempting to iron out all the issues about how to approach this task, then, after this week, I’ll be “on my feet” again, and will be plunging back into practical, daily concerns.

So, judging by how busy I will be, but without getting into the details, I can assure you all that my wife’s concerns are very real, that the time devoted to this will have to be given smaller allotments.

And "giving it smaller allotments" every day is the only way you can tackle such a huge project as translating The Wave. It cannot be done all at once, or fast, otherwise you will burn out quickly and the project stops. No matter what you do, you should enjoy it and it should be 'effortless'. Make sure the work is benefitting YOU in the same amount as it benefits this forum, and the 'universe' at large. This is the 'right' reason to do something like that. When this is the case, I believe the undertaking will be a success.

At the same time, you should keep in mind all those who MIGHT be seeking, who do not have access to the material. Such a service to others/giving back for what you have received, can unblock many problems in your life and/or bring unexpected benefits.

Good news, the blog has been set up and the introductory article has been posted.


Any feedback/insights would be greatly appreciated.

I would change this:

This blog was originally set up due to a request from a woman deserves the greatest respect. Her name is Laura Knght-Jadczyk, and, to put it simply, her books are probably the most important collection of work of this age.

The point was to do it as a personal blog, and there is no need to say that you are doing it because of a "request". Also, Laura's name was misspelled there.

And I would suggest removing Laura's quote here:

My suggestion would be that you could create a blog where you, as an individual, not an official rep of Cass, could write commentary on this other guy’s translations and commentary, showing how he is twisting and distorting the material as well as eliminating some of the most important aspects of the sharing of my path?

You are already doing the above with this blog. But it was a post for you. Otherwise, those who don't know the context may misinterpret it and immediately think that "Laura sent you out to do it", which is not the truth. You wanted to correct the twisting in this person's blog, you brought it up here, and now you have created a blog. Yes, Laura suggested a blog, but the point is, that if you leave it like that, it looks less as coming from you.

Just my take on it, FWIW. The rest looks very good and promising!
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