April Drop Dead Date

Caledonia said:
So April takes its first heavy death toll in Kenya some sources say that the bodycount is well over 70 some that it exceeds the number of 145 or more. Well but all in all who cares? One would think that such heavy loss of lives would impress the Western world but dont hold your breath folks it will be forgotten in a few days. Great. :scared: When a dozen of people as in Charlie Hebdo in Europe are shot in the middle of the dirtiest FFA the west is shocked the bigwigs gather and pretend to hypocritically mourn but when 70 to 150 people are shot in cold blood by some Us sponsored Al-CIA-da proxy bloodthirsty cell group then it is ok - nothing to see here people move along - who cares for the blacks after all eh? That is disgusting :shock:

And certainly dear Mr O-bomber the Lord of the Drones of the D.C. wouldn bat an eyelash seeing his own paternal fatherland raped so viciously by Uncle Sam funded thug group. :cool2:

I agree. The double standards are sickening. SICKENING!
Hi folks. Found a few more events throughout history that happened in April

1815 The eruption of Tambora one of the greatest in history
1915 The Armenian genocide by the Turks
1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia
1996 Israel army operation Grapes of Wrath against Lebanon and Syria
Cana massacre with hundreds dead and injured
2010 The Polish president plane crash in Smolensk Tu-154
Speaking of which
1940 Katyn massacre of polish officers.
Laura said:
loreta said:
Laura said:
rs said:
It is the ultimate irony of the universe that suffering is the most powerful teacher and that there is more learning in making mistakes than in succeeding. The one universal thing you learn from history is that people never learn from history...

Unfortunately, most people really don't learn from suffering either.

True. This is because this society is afraid of "knowing yourself". When people start to see in themselves they are so afraid that I am sure they go to the doctor for pills. Anguish, fear, insecurity, all of this make people go to take pills instead of stopping, listening inside. Suffering, for them, is negative... there is no lesson, so no learning.

It seems to me that lately things are "out of control" and I am always surprised that life continue as nothing. We are in the brink of a precipice, now much more than some years ago. The violence on this planet is flabbergasted, incredible.

Well, if you read the book mentioned, Altemeyer's "Enemies of Freedom", you'll find that the fear is what makes the authoritarian MORE AGGRESSIVE and fascistic. They do NOT see anything "in themselves", it's all the fault of those evil leftists and liberals and corporal punishment and torture will fix everything.

Fully agreed, in China/Hong Kong where i live, observing how authoritarian mindset works is exactly : "more agressive and facistic in the face fear". Just simple daily acts, for example; getting into a subway, waiting for taxi, waiting for table at a restaurant, waiting for checking in at an airline counter - you can witness very normal family orientated people (as they almost always with their family) - go berserk and violent due to the "fear" that they are going to lose out to the person next to them in the queue. They go violent and start shouting if they can't get their way, even pushing people aside so they can get in to the subway door faster, or to the next table at the restaurant. In these cases it is as though they are faulting the "situation" and they refuse to "lose out" and co-operate with the others who are waiting inline.It really is worrying, how will it be, when real disaster strikes :shock:

On the April drop dead date, the BBM is really getting bizarre now, as excellently summrasied by Joe's latest article on Sott. C's were definitely right on this one.

Personally for me, last year in April 2014, i had a good friend, and colleague at work, and we were both involved in a part time band, just jamming for fun. He was the bassist, and i was the vocalist. Just 1 week after our last performance together, on April 6th 2014, he passsed away at home, falling on the floor suddenly in his home, losing concisousness and never gaining it back after a sudden heart attack. I remember being deeply shocked and affected by it; very sad, and somehow thinking if this was one of the signs of the coming times ahead. I guess more shocking April drop dead dates are on the cards for the BBM..... :shock:
15 historic events that prove April is the worst month ever:

Start of The Civil War: April 12th 1861

Abraham Lincoln Shot: April 14th 1865

Hitler Born: April 20th 1889

San Francisco Earthquake: April 18th 1906

Titanic Sinks: April 15th 1912

Failed Bay of Pigs Invasion: April 20th 1961

Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated: April 4th 1968

Chernobyl: April 26th 1986

Start of Bosnian War: April 4th 1992

Waco: April 19th 1993

Kurt Cobain Suicide: April 5th 1994

Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19th 1995

Columbine: April 20th 1999
Hi folks:-) Here is what i wanted to share with you. I do have insights sometimes rather often i would say and more often than not they tend to be prophetic. Sometimes i just ask myself about this or that question and the answer comes as a series of concepts or images or figures very allegoric in nature. And all i have to do is just to try and interpret it somehow. So here is what i ''saw''.

The state of things on the planet: i saw it rather early this year in february. It looked like a series of stages - 11 days in each.
March 10 - 20 First stage - basic preparation
March 21-31 Second stage - setting the stage for some events later on in time
April 1-11 Third stage - Main events to take place which will later serve as some foundation for some longlasting consequences

April 12 - May 20 - The Great window of opportunities - most probable time period for some things to take place which will later cause all hell to break loose and total chaos to ensue.

Now there was also a series of images i saw when i asked abot this or that event.

Economic Collapse: some sort of a huge barn is set purposefully on fire by some guys and they are just standing in front of it and wonder when it will burn to the point that it will collapse totally into a huge pile.

April as a month generally: the word WAR written in capitals in red looks even like this word is written with blood not the paint.
Also some huge bonfire it is burning and makes very loud crackling noises. Some very impressive volcano eruption and an earthquake somewhere. Rather impressive.

Middle east crisis: whenever that happens and if that happens i see it as a final war to end all wars in that region. Comes concurrently with the collapse and interrupted in the process by some minor cosmic event. Plague will come a bit later maybe even as the latest of that series of events.
Is this information important?

Aren't we trying to get out of the time loop?

Wouldn't it be better to work on self, developing a relationship with your essence or spiritual self, who is you in the future?
Hi Win 52!!! Thanks much. And i really don't know if this info is really important. Just thought i would share it with anyone interested. And yes i work on myself all the time and have a rather good connection with my inner self or otherwise i wouldn't have those insights. So thanks for all my friend and let all of us try our best to get out of the time loop. Any and all info would be useful.Good luck. :thup:
WIN 52 said:
Is this information important?

Aren't we trying to get out of the time loop?

Wouldn't it be better to work on self, developing a relationship with your essence or spiritual self, who is you in the future?

Paying strict attention to reality left and right and acting on what we see around us is part of how The Work works. You can't awaken your higher emotional centers by shutting yourself away and meditating on your navel. You have to go out and get your hands dirty by acquiring and applying knowledge both within and without, and attempting to predict when the economy is going to tank by putting pieces together is just another way of doing that. OSIT.
For me It's all about INFORMATION. Just like the chronology of the bible being all messed up so no one knows that our system in cyclic. The "C's" have "taught me/given me the inclination" that we have CHOSEN this life, at this time. I have been teaching my boys that information. I have found it to be very helpful to get them to look at there lives in a completely different way. From the furthest time back we have read about "ancient knowledge" "special schools" and the amount of knowledge that the "Ancients" had with regard to frequencies, astronomy, cycles, health knowledge that we are only now "FINDING OUT". Not everyone in the TRIBE see's value in sharing. Everyone chooses a path before they leave and then we must search to find this truth to complete our learning. The very reason that we came here in the first place,,,, to learn. I spose if it where easy we would not have come???? Just my thoughts ....so far,,,.....

No need to be scared.... We chose this, monsters have chosen to be monsters.

The thing that's got me thinking now is the statement from the C's about "soul groups" and I wonder if souls can only reincarnate within a "band" of possible outcomes or it's a "free choice" completely? Say John Lennon coming back as a Monster???
It's the old question, Do have to know bad to really appreciate good......??? Hmmmmm... isn't this FUN!!
I don't envision much in the UK for this month. It's the election run-in so the PTB will be busy playing that game in the UK. Famous last words?

As for the rest of the world, I don't know. Personally I don't envision anything out of the usual controlled order of chaos to keep the world in a controlled state of fear and uncertainty. Personally I think that's the game they are playing. They take things to the brink and keep it there, tethering on the edge. Hate to say personally for a third time, but again, to me it looks like they are very good at this game and have learnt to play it to scientific levels. Regarding economic collapse, again, for the 4th time, personally, it's all just a game, a charade. I don't see the economy as anything organic, rather see the whole facade as artificial, controlled, they say go left, it goes left, go right, it goes right etc.

New emerging world order of Putin, China etc... don't know who is playing the game but again, all these stuff is happening at a level above our heads. In the meantime, doesn't really matter much for the average joe on the ground. Life's tough... if it isn't threats of war, it's economic serfdom, disease, daily grind 9 - 5 survival stuff....

Controlled chaos all over the place. Case in point look at the Syriza party in Greece.. loved all the glowing, brighter days ahead enthusiasm when they got into power and started pushing Brussels about... Get hopes up... then booom, back down again but leave a little glimmer of hope for the masses... wait for some time to pass, then like some thermostat move the temperature a little bit to whatever direction to maintain the 'controlled chaos'.

Lets all keep an eye out for Mr Putin... All the hope in the world... don't hold your breath people. The evidence speaks to the contrary... slavery got abolished a long time ago... but did it? MLK through the civil rights won some big victories... but did he? Modern technology was meant to free us... has it? The big security state is meant to keep us safe... does it? Spot the pattern... It's all just a game, some big experiment... the more things change, the more they remain the same. In the end, you'll see the evidence states that it doesn't really matter what happens, it'll all still remain the same.

The overlords must be supremely pleased with the ridiculous levels of success achieved.

So April... let us see what you hold...
Caledonia said:
Hi Win 52!!! Thanks much. And i really don't know if this info is really important. Just thought i would share it with anyone interested. And yes i work on myself all the time and have a rather good connection with my inner self or otherwise i wouldn't have those insights. So thanks for all my friend and let all of us try our best to get out of the time loop. Any and all info would be useful.Good luck. :thup:

I would say that this is contradicted by your previous post which is mainly just wiseacreing.
The signs of the Times are here, around, nature is talking to us, very strongly. And people are part of nature, so it is important to see them also, their insensitivity and egotism is a sign, their reaction, their ideas, or absence of ideas. And we are part of nature, it is important to study our reactions. Maybe April gives us the opportunity to open ourselves and be more aware of what is happening, to enter and see the chaos and accepted it. We live in a fascinating chaos, but there is surely a sense in this chaos. And coming here is find sense in the middle of this chaos.
luke wilson said:
I don't envision much in the UK for this month. It's the election run-in so the PTB will be busy playing that game in the UK. Famous last words?

As for the rest of the world, I don't know. Personally I don't envision anything out of the usual controlled order of chaos to keep the world in a controlled state of fear and uncertainty. Personally I think that's the game they are playing. They take things to the brink and keep it there, tethering on the edge. Hate to say personally for a third time, but again, to me it looks like they are very good at this game and have learnt to play it to scientific levels. Regarding economic collapse, again, for the 4th time, personally, it's all just a game, a charade. I don't see the economy as anything organic, rather see the whole facade as artificial, controlled, they say go left, it goes left, go right, it goes right etc.

New emerging world order of Putin, China etc... don't know who is playing the game but again, all these stuff is happening at a level above our heads. In the meantime, doesn't really matter much for the average joe on the ground. Life's tough... if it isn't threats of war, it's economic serfdom, disease, daily grind 9 - 5 survival stuff....

Controlled chaos all over the place. Case in point look at the Syriza party in Greece.. loved all the glowing, brighter days ahead enthusiasm when they got into power and started pushing Brussels about... Get hopes up... then booom, back down again but leave a little glimmer of hope for the masses... wait for some time to pass, then like some thermostat move the temperature a little bit to whatever direction to maintain the 'controlled chaos'.

Lets all keep an eye out for Mr Putin... All the hope in the world... don't hold your breath people. The evidence speaks to the contrary... slavery got abolished a long time ago... but did it? MLK through the civil rights won some big victories... but did he? Modern technology was meant to free us... has it? The big security state is meant to keep us safe... does it? Spot the pattern... It's all just a game, some big experiment... the more things change, the more they remain the same. In the end, you'll see the evidence states that it doesn't really matter what happens, it'll all still remain the same.

The overlords must be supremely pleased with the ridiculous levels of success achieved.

So April... let us see what you hold...

On the other hand, "controlled chaos" is an oxymoron. The whole point is that they can't control everything, nor even the chaos they unleash. It seems the whole resistance against the Powers That Be and their "world order" is to damage their control mechanisms so that new possibilities open up - THAT'S what Putin/Russia and China are doing (while trying to minimize the damaging turmoil/upheaval of taking down the unipolar world system). Just saying.
SeekinTruth said:
luke wilson said:
I don't envision much in the UK for this month. It's the election run-in so the PTB will be busy playing that game in the UK. Famous last words?

As for the rest of the world, I don't know. Personally I don't envision anything out of the usual controlled order of chaos to keep the world in a controlled state of fear and uncertainty. Personally I think that's the game they are playing. They take things to the brink and keep it there, tethering on the edge. Hate to say personally for a third time, but again, to me it looks like they are very good at this game and have learnt to play it to scientific levels. Regarding economic collapse, again, for the 4th time, personally, it's all just a game, a charade. I don't see the economy as anything organic, rather see the whole facade as artificial, controlled, they say go left, it goes left, go right, it goes right etc.

New emerging world order of Putin, China etc... don't know who is playing the game but again, all these stuff is happening at a level above our heads. In the meantime, doesn't really matter much for the average joe on the ground. Life's tough... if it isn't threats of war, it's economic serfdom, disease, daily grind 9 - 5 survival stuff....

Controlled chaos all over the place. Case in point look at the Syriza party in Greece.. loved all the glowing, brighter days ahead enthusiasm when they got into power and started pushing Brussels about... Get hopes up... then booom, back down again but leave a little glimmer of hope for the masses... wait for some time to pass, then like some thermostat move the temperature a little bit to whatever direction to maintain the 'controlled chaos'.

Lets all keep an eye out for Mr Putin... All the hope in the world... don't hold your breath people. The evidence speaks to the contrary... slavery got abolished a long time ago... but did it? MLK through the civil rights won some big victories... but did he? Modern technology was meant to free us... has it? The big security state is meant to keep us safe... does it? Spot the pattern... It's all just a game, some big experiment... the more things change, the more they remain the same. In the end, you'll see the evidence states that it doesn't really matter what happens, it'll all still remain the same.

The overlords must be supremely pleased with the ridiculous levels of success achieved.

So April... let us see what you hold...

On the other hand, "controlled chaos" is an oxymoron. The whole point is that they can't control everything, nor even the chaos they unleash. It seems the whole resistance against the Powers That Be and their "world order" is to damage their control mechanisms so that new possibilities open up - THAT'S what Putin/Russia and China are doing (while trying to minimize the damaging turmoil/upheaval of taking down the unipolar world system). Just saying.

That's the way I see it too SeekinTruth, it's all falling apart at the seams, at least Russia/China/BRICS nations are putting in place mechanisms to at least mitigate against complete chaos, of course it's going to be a bumpy ride, especially for people in the west and that's only looking at it from a perspective of economic/ societal upheaval, a swarm of meteor's or at least a big would could put a scupper to all the plans of the TPTP and country's that are more populous orientated, we'll have to wait and see, hope for the best plan for the worst.
Seekintruth said:
On the other hand, "controlled chaos" is an oxymoron. The whole point is that they can't control everything, nor even the chaos they unleash. It seems the whole resistance against the Powers That Be and their "world order" is to damage their control mechanisms so that new possibilities open up - THAT'S what Putin/Russia and China are doing (while trying to minimize the damaging turmoil/upheaval of taking down the unipolar world system). Just saying.

Maybe I've just grown to be a pessimist... :-[

Do I truly think Russia/China represent a changing of the guard? I think the world always changes... it's never static. Empires rise and fall. But to me it appears that certain things remain constant and have remained constant for at least as far back as my knowledge of history goes.

- Serfdom of the people.
- Ruling political class are professional liars and should never be trusted, don't care what face pops up, up there, if it's there, it's a professional liar. That is a simple rule that avoids any unnecessary disappointments (hello Syriza) which by the fact that they are all professional liars, is inevitable.
- Constant stream of threats to maintain the serfdom for the privilege of a ruling class.

Multi-polar world... what is it really? America is an empire in decay, that is a fact. Other centres of power will rise. As sure as the climate of the world doesn't remain the same, the centres of power won't remain the same. But will the fundamentals change? Will humanity truly be free? Will we be free from bondage? Will our technology and our creativity be used to make the lives of people better? Will working hours reduce? Will social mobility improve? Will poverty be a thing of the past? Will spiritual nourishment of the masses make an appearance? Will family units become centres of communities? Will relationship between citizens improve? Will wars for profit and control be a thing of the past?

I don't know... I just haven't seen it happen before beyond a local scale so there is no frame of reference. All I know is that for as long as I remember, the ground above the heads of the average people has been constantly shifting, since time immemorial, but his reality has fundamentally remained the same. The cycle has never been broken as far as memory serves.

The question is what do the masses want really? From their pov, I think this is the order of the day. That's why to me it appears like regardless of what destruction of ruling and order creating structures are brought to bear, the edifice like a living organism, remakes itself in its prior image, as if from a blank canvas.

Pessimism 101. It's sad to think of the possibility that in fact, what happens around us is not through choice, that we have no power, that we are placed in a setting that has a life of its own. The lie is that we have power to change things beyond a surface level. Think of the debilitating effects of the visceral realization of powerlessness, the mind can't cope, it has to come up with a narrative for power, it has to desperately find evidence of personal power or even collective power. Otherwise to be a human being is truly no different than just being any 4 legged animal you see out there, and the mind won't accept it, can't accept it. What power does a herd of buffaloes have to change anything? More pessimism 101. I ask you, what does the evidence show? :-[ The powers of change lie in spheres far beyond our own. The best I could hope for is that the emergence of Russia/China is an indication that something in those spheres far beyond our own is in the process of changing and hopefully there will be a rolling effect downwards that will fundamentally transform our reality so that at least we are placed in a better setting to play out our personal dramas. That however could just be wishful thinking, who knows? Without some incredible birds eye view of the whole structure, there is no way of telling, we are just to far down to truly know.
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