April Drop Dead Date

Luke, of course none of those improvements will come about, not in any automatic way. But the possibility of having more of them will open up to a certain extent for those who are willing to take the opportunity to actualize some improvements. Russia and China are opening some possibilities that the whole world will not be exclusively like Palestine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. And, in terms balancing things out somewhat, the cosmos will not have to do it in as much a drastic way....
Perhaps those "spheres above us" are ready to funnel change into this level. They just need enough conscious people who are "paying attention to reality right and left" to make it happen.

"Density refers to conscious awareness only, once one becomes aware, all conforms to that awareness."

Optimism bias is a tendency to overestimate the likelihood of good things happening to you, and underestimating bad things. For example 40% of people divorce, but people marrying assume the probability for them is zero. Even people marrying for a second time don’t see it: “Remarrying is the triumph of hope over experience”. People tend to be optimistic about themselves and their family, while at the same time predicting a bad future for the world in general.

Optimism about your own traits gives you a confidence and sets you up for success. But are low expectations the secret to happiness? This will mean you will be happy with success in love and career, but are not disappointed if it doesn’t happen. Tali argues the opposite, that optimistic people are happier because:

optimists interpret things differently. Whether they win or lose, they interpret successes as due to their own traits and failures as poor luck or biases.
anticipation makes people happy – something pleasant (a kiss from a celebrity) immediately isn’t as enjoyable as one in 3 days time – which lets you look forward to it
optimism acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy – it makes you try harder to achieve your goals. Optimism leads to success.

So how do we maintain optimism in the face of reality? That is: stay optimistic despite evidence to the contrary. Tali did a study – asking people to estimate their cancer risk (for example), then giving the population rate (30%) and asking them again their likelihood. People did change their estimate, but they changed it a lot more if their first estimate was high (ie changing their estimate from 50% to 35%) rather than when it was low (going from 10% to 11%). Tali found that there were 2 regions of the brain: one responsible for receiving good news and one that processes bad news. The ‘bad news region’ did not trigger in optimistic people: they kept the rose tinted spectacles on.

She went a step further – passing a magnetic pulse through these regions of the brain to temporarily disable them, and found that she could switch off or increase the optimism bias. This led to the question: Given the benefits would you switch off the optimism bias if you could? Optimism can lead to risky decisions: for example firefighters being surprised by the movement of a fire despite the hints being obvious, or underestimating the cost to implement a city project.

Tali thinks we can gain the benefits of optimism while staying realistic about risk, just by better understanding the bias. Knowing about the bias doesn’t prevent optimism in general life, but it does make people aware when making risky decisions. You need to be able to imagine a better world before you can make it happen.
A Jay said:
WIN 52 said:
Is this information important?

Aren't we trying to get out of the time loop?

Wouldn't it be better to work on self, developing a relationship with your essence or spiritual self, who is you in the future?

Paying strict attention to reality left and right and acting on what we see around us is part of how The Work works. You can't awaken your higher emotional centers by shutting yourself away and meditating on your navel. You have to go out and get your hands dirty by acquiring and applying knowledge both within and without, and attempting to predict when the economy is going to tank by putting pieces together is just another way of doing that. OSIT.

I do get my hands dirty, pretty much every day, creating art by making things beautiful via restoration projects, on Vancouver Island. Living job to job with very little reserve funds. My perspective may not fit all people, I like it.

Still, there do come times when a person needs to use "G"s big "I", which I believe is ones spiritual self. A person's spiritual self may have a bow and arrows of white light or a snare to bind them tight. Possibly even a sword of white light. But, who knows because all of that stuff is in the mind, can you believe it if it is not in 3D?

When you work on self, at some point you should come to know yourself a bit better.
SeekinTruth said:
Luke, of course none of those improvements will come about, not in any automatic way. But the possibility of having more of them will open up to a certain extent for those who are willing to take the opportunity to actualize some improvements. Russia and China are opening some possibilities that the whole world will not be exclusively like Palestine, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. And, in terms balancing things out somewhat, the cosmos will not have to do it in as much a drastic way....
Yes, I agree.
Some thoughts: Russia and China are not world powers. There is only one global power in the world and is America. For the existence of other powers, multi-polarity, first should drop the type of Zionist American imperialism
based on their current military / financial / communicational base. And I think that can only happen with cometary disasters and other natural phenomena impossible to control by the PTB.
I am also pessimistic about what changes really will achieve Russia and China for the moment. But it must be stressed that its policies, movements, international alliances are doing much damage to imperialism. That is, are shown as an example of the government of normal people that Lobaczewski speaking, and that is something that yes will generate worldwide changes in a future.
luke wilson said:
Maybe I've just grown to be a pessimist... :-[

Do I truly think Russia/China represent a changing of the guard? I think the world always changes... it's never static. Empires rise and fall. But to me it appears that certain things remain constant and have remained constant for at least as far back as my knowledge of history goes.

- Serfdom of the people.
- Ruling political class are professional liars and should never be trusted, don't care what face pops up, up there, if it's there, it's a professional liar. That is a simple rule that avoids any unnecessary disappointments (hello Syriza) which by the fact that they are all professional liars, is inevitable.
- Constant stream of threats to maintain the serfdom for the privilege of a ruling class.

Multi-polar world... what is it really? America is an empire in decay, that is a fact. Other centres of power will rise. As sure as the climate of the world doesn't remain the same, the centres of power won't remain the same. But will the fundamentals change? Will humanity truly be free? Will we be free from bondage? Will our technology and our creativity be used to make the lives of people better? Will working hours reduce? Will social mobility improve? Will poverty be a thing of the past? Will spiritual nourishment of the masses make an appearance? Will family units become centres of communities? Will relationship between citizens improve? Will wars for profit and control be a thing of the past?

I don't know... I just haven't seen it happen before beyond a local scale so there is no frame of reference. All I know is that for as long as I remember, the ground above the heads of the average people has been constantly shifting, since time immemorial, but his reality has fundamentally remained the same. The cycle has never been broken as far as memory serves.

The question is what do the masses want really? From their pov, I think this is the order of the day. That's why to me it appears like regardless of what destruction of ruling and order creating structures are brought to bear, the edifice like a living organism, remakes itself in its prior image, as if from a blank canvas.

Pessimism 101. It's sad to think of the possibility that in fact, what happens around us is not through choice, that we have no power, that we are placed in a setting that has a life of its own. The lie is that we have power to change things beyond a surface level. Think of the debilitating effects of the visceral realization of powerlessness, the mind can't cope, it has to come up with a narrative for power, it has to desperately find evidence of personal power or even collective power. Otherwise to be a human being is truly no different than just being any 4 legged animal you see out there, and the mind won't accept it, can't accept it. What power does a herd of buffaloes have to change anything? More pessimism 101. I ask you, what does the evidence show? :-[ The powers of change lie in spheres far beyond our own. The best I could hope for is that the emergence of Russia/China is an indication that something in those spheres far beyond our own is in the process of changing and hopefully there will be a rolling effect downwards that will fundamentally transform our reality so that at least we are placed in a better setting to play out our personal dramas. That however could just be wishful thinking, who knows? Without some incredible birds eye view of the whole structure, there is no way of telling, we are just to far down to truly know.

I don't think it is pessimism and I saw your other post about optimism. What I think you are describing is realism and that is seeing the signs. Lobaczewski wrote how revolutions and big changes get corrupted by psychopaths/schizoidal people.

I think that if during the past cycles, trying to change things for the better or hoping for it didn't really bring about lasting change, that might be our own hubris. We assume that we know what's better, but there is the limited free will of the majority that choose to get sucked into the next big lie. We can only choose to discern the lies and truth for us. I think that is what might be the big karmic lesson here. Much like a karmic lesson with family or past love might keep us in a loop until we figure it out, perhaps having this hope in this 3d existence in itself is a loop? The C's did say that we chose to become STS despite the warnings.

It makes me feel less pessimistic about being a realist, and I find your post helpful in reminding me how important seeing the cycles are.
Wow! 'Divide by zero' That was a very realistic thought...because what we are seeing is the Empire Usa..falling and at the same time other powers are rising, and it looks the same cycle is repeating again and again...I'dont know exaclty what to espect,of all this, my hope is that nobody ever will be govern, or rule by other powers,..everything looks the same, and indeed theres no past history, of humanity living by responsabilty and free will, and no keepers......... And knowing what we know, all we can see, that maybe we are the less important..taking of the knowledge that theres so many extraterrestrial races with so many different agendas working and living here! and we were the last to discover it.....and we suppose to came here and agree with all this...to me this is the hard part ,,,because I don't remember...anything..and just accept that souls come and incarnate to this 3D, with no memory, is like playing the game of life with a great disadvantage of the rules how we can do better if you are programmed,and you are mislead, deceive, in every single step you take,since you were born? I don't know.........Despite all this ..I hope for a better world , to all the souls that are in this plan, and for the earth, and animals and the waters, and the trees nature the best of what the future will unfold....what else we can pray for? :)
WIN 52 said:
Still, there do come times when a person needs to use "G"s big "I", which I believe is ones spiritual self.

Except that the vast majority don't have a cohesive "I", only lots of little i's. So how can one use a big 'I' if they don't have one?

I think that in order to develop a real 'I' one must have an AIM and struggle against the little 'i's that come up trying to distract them from that AIM. If that AIM involves helping others through the tough times ahead and not anticipating being 'raptured' by The Wave before that happens, then wouldn't part of the process of fulfilling that AIM be to understand and know how to navigate the economic system we are all forced to work within?
The mid point of April is in a couple of days, so it may be telling if this April is the drop dead one. April 15 has some significance, for example:

- the day that Lincoln died
- the day that the Titanic was sunk
- US tax return day
alkhemst said:
The mid point of April is in a couple of days, so it may be telling if this April is the drop dead one. April 15 has some significance, for example:

- the day that Lincoln died
- the day that the Titanic was sunk
- US tax return day
- the day the shelter I stay at closes, leaving me sol :(

Overnight collapse could be literally any day now. Whether they do it deliberately by ripping away all that's keeping the system propped up to its current false levels, or is a celestial or earth disaster 'trigger' remains to be seen ("drop dead" may include lots of people; 'exit' / "exit point" turns up nothing in the thread on that).

a friend said:
They call it "The Long Darkness" and it arrives soon.
I totally second that skyalmian:-) Starting from April 12 what i call the major window of opportunities opened to last approxim.till May 20. That means that somewhere in between those dates anything really BIG may happen anywhere. And whatever that maybe it will change our lives once and for all globally. That could be anything - cosmic tectonic volcanic solar financial political :-) When some time later in the not so distant future maybe a year or 1,5 years from now someone will try to remember when all of that started he or she will always come to this point in time as some vague starting point of all the ensuing chaos.

I for one have the following timeline in my mind

14.04. Russia joins the AIIB as a founder (The US dollar based economy is a Titanic - 103 years ago today it sank)
By doing this a sign was given to all that the great unsinkable US economy collided with an iceberg (Russia-China and AIIB) and has no other way to go but down down down........
16.04. It will have been a month since the 16.03.15 debt ceiling was reached. Exactly on this day Putin will speak to the people of Russia and answer all of their questions no doubt making our currency even stronger.
17.04. This is the 11 month anniversary for the C's prediction about the stock market future looking not very good. So that means that after this date the stock market crash may happen any time. Leading directly to the Global US dollar based economic collapse.

No stock market sales or transactions on April 18-19 - it is a week end

And starting from April 20 - btw Hitler's birthday any thing may happen - black monday tuesday wednesday etc.
Pro-Nazi fascistic one world government would gladly use this opportunity to stage manage the crash of some sort.

So let us just wait and see..... whatever happens will be epic :cool2:
Anybody see this?

_http://www.light2015.org/Home.htm l"International year of light and light based technology"

I may be supposing something that isn’t there, but it does strike me as interesting that we have the ADDD (April Drop Dead Date ;), plus the LHC is going into hyperdrive (or at least running 24 hours a day?), plus the sun is whiter (or so people are thinking).

Anyway, just wanted to put it out there. I’ve not heard anything about it online anyway else, but it appears to be the usual mainstream bodies.

Here’s one of their videos:

‘reclaiming the stars’

An amateur astronomer struggles to find darkness amid the dazzling lights of New York City. Visit physicsworld.com for more videos, webinars and podcasts.

Added: event description
Just wanted to add a few more thoughts to the thread.

I still think the April Drop Dead Date refers to the US economy.
(Though after seeing Laura's shared image on FB, I think Hillary is my second favorite guess)

Anywho, there is fairly recent internet chatter linking the idea of Shemitah and all debts erased (or, put another way, fiat globally losing value).
The Jubilee (Hebrew yovel יובל) year is the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years), and according to Biblical regulations had a special impact on the ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel; there is some debate whether it was the 49th year (the last year of seven sabbatical cycles, referred to as the Sabbath's Sabbath), or whether it was the following (50th) year. Jubilee deals largely with land, property, and property rights. According to Leviticus, slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.

Supposedly, the date being bandied about is September 13th, 2015.

I know, it is a red herring and not unlike the Mayan end of the world date.
But unlike where the world did not end on the Mayan end of the world date, I had the idea that the dollar would collapse earlier than the Shemitah date.
Kind of like how my brother used to tell me that he'd take my picture on the count of three but takes it at the count of 2. Producing very interesting (and hilarious) results. Mind you, this was using disposable cameras and cellphones were did not even exist then.

Anyway, just putting out the shemitah internet meme out here on the boards in case no one has encountered it elsewhere before.
"September 25, 2014 until… September 13, 2015."


It's here already and there's no sign of forgiveness of debts yet.
Maybe they only forgive the debts of the Israelis, and not the goyyim.
For New Zealanders and Australians April 25 have significance. It is ANZAC day, the day in 1915 thousands of soldiers landed at Gallipoli in Turkey to be dropped dead by a bullet from "Johnny Turk". This is the affectionate term given to personify and humanise the "enemy" by the military troops of the day. They threw food and exchanged cigarettes across the frontline trenches as they waited for the British command to stand up and be shot by the enemy they respected as like themselves, "Johnny Turk".
The battle after eight months ended in a stale mate and the troops were ordered to withdraw. To this day the courage of the Turkish and the ANZACs is remembered and the sadness at of the senselessness is honored. But still our men will obey the command to shoot and be shot to "drop dead".

Yesterdays ANZAC services were truly moving. The speeches at the ceremony I attended had no resemblance to glorification of war. Thousands of people in New Zealand and Australia will have attended the dawn parade and felt a shiver as the trill of the last post echoed against the rising sun.
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