Are you an introvert or just a covert narcissist? Test!

21/50 I had no doubt that I was not a narcissist)). I despise such vain imbeciles. I don't care about people or their opinions. My opinion is the most important thing, but I will always listen with interest to someone else's point of view, as long as you don't force it on me.
Did the test 2 times in 2 days and the results are:
„You’re kind of a covert narcissist. You can be pretty self-centered, in other words, but the behavior isn’t out of control.“

I.e. This question was interesting:
„I try not to show it, but I’m often annoyed when people ask me to take my time and energy to sympathize over their problems.“
I‘ve gave it either „neutral“ or „characteristic“ as generally people who come to me for „solutions“ are the same people with the same problems and I gave them the same answers over and over again and in the end nothing happens. And, yes, I‘m annoyed. 😅

So yeah, I think the test is generally good to see on which side of the scale you are leaning to and what work needs to be done.
A few of the questions were ambiguous and was not sure how to respond. However, I've known that I'm not a narcissist for sure as I don't live my life in a "bubble" with the people I worked or lived with my whole life.
Unfortunately, I live with a narcissist, if I attest to that questionnaire. He is the most needy person and earth and lives in his own little "sphere" of concern every day. Very hard to live with. And not communicative at all. He is also not empathetic toward others. Oh well, I'll have to educate myself in the near future about how to deal with it. Nothing else to do.
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