mkrnhr said:"We are depressed, no one from the family believes media reports. Mohamed couldn't have done it. He has not prayed, he is not religious and has not practiced religious rituals. I do not think that he has committed it on religious or extremist grounds," the brother said.
The dialectic has been shifting through the years. First terrorists where muslim radicals from other countries, then terrorists became French citizens of north african origin who have been "radicalized". Now, there's no need for a terrorist to be religious or "radicalized", anyone with the wrong origin can become a super killer. Such ethnic generalizations are what lead to problems when the economy collapses and when "tension" becomes civil war with internment camps and everything.
That's the kind of future that worries me the most. How will the citizens react to this immigrant/muslim/refugee/other propaganda... Not just the french people, but all of Europe. We saw what happened after previous attacks, the racism and the rise of extremist nationalistic parties, the racism and bigotry after the Brexit vote. The C's words keep going through my head, that Nazi Germany was a trial-run...