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Jedi Master
I've been blogging on and off for a couple of years. Now, I've decided to blog again. If you've read my "Do you believe there is hope?" thread, you would know that I'm struggling with finding meaning at the moment. I thought that perhaps by writing, it would help me somehow.
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Hi DianaRose,

I wanted to post in the hope thread you started, but had trouble pulling my thoughts together so I just stayed out of it. There was plenty of good advice in it though that I think will serve you well. I read your blog post. The topic you wrote about is complicated and although I could be off, I don't think there is necessarily one pat answer to your questions. What I will say however, is that I've struggled with some of the same questions in the past as well.

One of the first steps may be to start to realize that you are more than your skin/race. There has been a concerted effort on the part of conscious pathology to keep people separated from each other. One the ways this is done is to keep people focused on their differences rather than their similarities which only serves to separate folks. When I say this, it is not with the intention of dismissing the suffering of others but rather an attempt to highlight at least one root of the problem.

In the end, I think all we have are the choices we make and realizing that in our own way, we all have our crosses to bear. We can either choose to view life as a neverending series of punishments which can lead to nihilism and eventual death of the soul or we can choose to view it as a potentially noble endeavor that will hopefully build character bit by bit. This is no easy task and it was never meant to be, but when we at least attempt to take it up in little ways every day, there is the hope of contributing something meaningful and of value to the situations we find ourselves in. Just some thoughts.

Thanks for taking the time to answer this thread and read my post truth seeker. Oh yes, I'm aware that there are various root to the problem highlighted in my post. However, it's very hard to be conscious that you are more than your race/skin when every single day the world remind you of this. Like they are very, very real flaws in movements such as black lives matter or in the whole white privilege theory. However, I don't believe they came to existence because people wanted to play the victim or were self-centered. For example in the US, black people have a very traumatic history that is still impacting them to this day. The problem is that except for "freaks" on the news, the majority doesn't get a true exposure to the life of minority, their beliefs or hope. And obviously, since they are the majority their life experience are completely different and they have no reason to investigate the matter. Plus, I would say that many of those (white and non-white) voters pro-Brexit in the UK, pro-Trump in the US and leaning toward right-wing movements elsewhere can be as self-entitled and narcissistic as the minorities people are complaining about. It's all about their own woes, but they care little about others.

But, alas, as you said we all have our crosses to bear. Thanks!
However, I don't believe they came to existence because people wanted to play the victim or were self-centered. For example in the US, black people have a very traumatic history that is still impacting them to this day.
I've been thinking about your posts over the last couple of days and sort of comparing my own experiences in growing up. One thing that I've thought about over the years is the difference between both sides of my family. My fathers side is mainly from the states. My mothers side from the carribean/central/south america area in general but with some possible asian and european ties. This may have been important in terms of influencing their thoughts because when you're around many different kinds of people, it's more difficult to view relationships in terms of 'us' versus 'them'.

Both sides admitted to perceiving racism but my father's side seemed to talk about it much more and were angrier about it which is understandable. Even though I really didn't experience life as they did (quite a few things had changed by then), I think I initially took on the anger of it and eventually had to let it go for my own sake because it didn't serve me or anyone else as far as I could see.

I agree with your statement above and I guess I have more questions than answers about it. One would be, does it really still have to impact people to the extent that it does to this day? Another is would people still be impacted to the extent that they are if pathologicals in power didn't keep stirring the pot?
Obviously, people would not be impacted in the way they are if there weren't pathologicals individuals stirring the pot. This being said, I don't think this mean any conversation around racism or race should end with "pathological individuals are the problem" which is what we usually say. I mean most people outside this forum don't have a clue about psychopathy so we can't expect to draw them away from identity politics and similar form of extremism if we don't speak at a level they can understand. Racism in our society is an issue mostly affecting minorities, in light of everything else it's not necessarily as pressing a problem, hence why people are less interested to look into it I guess.

I suppose that it doesn't necessarily need to affect them to this extent. The experience of white people and minorities, notably black people are still completely different to the point that to really understand one another we would have to switch bodies. Nonetheless, it would be disingenuous not to admit that progress have been made. There was a time not too long ago where not paying a black person the same wages as a white person would not have raised any eyebrows. I guess the issue is that history has left wounds that have never been able to properly heal. After all in society, and I'm not only referring to the US, we are still very much like parasites trying to survive. Then, when an innocent black man get shot by the police or when another form of injustice occurs, the wounds become wide open. The problem is that we're like Sims, we (and that include everyone, not only black people) are being exploited by our overseers. Black people's pain and non-black's prejudice are both exploited. So, to answer your question, it doesn't necessarily need to affect them to this extent, but it is fated to affect them to this extent.

If only black people could see how deep the manipulation runs and if everyone else could understand that they don't gain anything by looking down at other and that the enemy isn't the migrant or the person whose skin darker than them, it is the evil government then we would perhaps be able to get somewhere. Obviously, such a thing will never happen. In a way, that's what prompted my blog post in the same place. What do you do when you know that things can't and will not get better? Times of hardship don't bring unity, quite the contrary. I honestly fear what the coming time will bring. Will there be some kind of race war? It's not entirely impossible. All I can see is a lot of sorrow and grief.

By the way, I don't live in the US and have never actually been there. Born and raised in Europe. Like you, my experience was nothing like my parents. However, due to the colour of my skin, it isn't something I can ignore. Besides, since I started working full-time, I see more and more how apt the comparison of black people to parasite trying to survive truly is. I don't do you let go of anger and despair? What worked for you?
What do you do when you know that things can't and will not get better? Times of hardship don't bring unity, quite the contrary. I honestly fear what the coming time will bring. Will there be some kind of race war? It's not entirely impossible. All I can see is a lot of sorrow and grief.
This is quite possible and something I wonder about from time to time. There's no way for me to know how I'll feel about it or what I'll do if that should come to pass. All I can do is to prepare myself for as many possibilities as I can without anticipating any specific outcome. This is a lot easier said than done and I don't mean to sound as if I'm simplifying it. The only thing that I can control is my own choices and what I choose to do in any situation. These are indeed scary and frustrating times and I wish there was something I could say that would bring you some comfort.
By the way, I don't live in the US and have never actually been there. Born and raised in Europe. Like you, my experience was nothing like my parents. However, due to the colour of my skin, it isn't something I can ignore. Besides, since I started working full-time, I see more and more how apt the comparison of black people to parasite trying to survive truly is. I don't do you let go of anger and despair? What worked for you?
I still do feel anger and despair at times, but usually it's in regards to life in general, not so much this particular topic. The short (but not at all easy answer) is that it took time and is more of a journey and not a destination. I read books, talked to people and had to come to some honest conclusions. Some of the conclusions have to do with realizing, little by little, that I have to take responsibility for the choices that I make and the actions that stem from my thoughts. I also try to keep in mind just what I can control and what I cannot.

One of the other conclusions I've recently come to is that maybe my life isn't about surviving any coming insanity but about doing the best that I can with the life that I currently have. Knowing that there have been many people in history that have suffered far worse than I have gives me some peace and inspires me to keep going. Hope that made some sense.

I see, in that case, it's more about choosing the way one will die. Giving oneself an honourable life and death. It reminds me of the example of youth in In Search of Meaning who had a fatal cancer. He decided to live honourably and not feel sorry for himself even through his days were numbered. It's not really comforting, lol. But it is what it is.

Yeah talking about an even isn't the same as actually living it. If all hell break lose, I think we will witness unimaginable savagery.
In my new blog post, I just talk a little bit about how I came to the state I'm currently in. I must say that despite my previous post on this thread there's still quite a bit of feeling sorry for oneself.
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Came across this thread. Thought it might help you in your quest to understand Earth's ongoing predicament regards race/colour. I don't know where you stand with off-world/4D stuff, but there's some good info and dialogue here: It That Shall Not Be Named - UFO/Racism Connection


Thanks for replying to the thread BlackCartouche. Yes, I've read it. I understand what has been said in that thread. I understand the root cause of the race divide (or at least I believe I do). But in practice what can that understanding change? As Laura said in that thread there is only a small percentage of humans that are not inclined to be racist. But the vast majority are to varying degrees. And if you read my blog post, I think you understand that for me racism encompass more than just calling someone a racial epithet. It is not that I believe white people to be inherently evil or that the violence an human can do against another human are solely due to racism, my problem (and I suppose it is selfish) is that I'm fearful of the future of the people that look like myself. I don't think anyone should trust the police. And I'm sure that they are plenty of unreported police brutality against white people, but it doesn't change the fact that black people in the US (and pretty much everywhere else in the world) are more at risk of being killed/brutalised by the police.

Obviously, I don't believe that all the videos of police killing of black people/ injustice against black people (i.e Starbucks, Waffle House) are random. However, most don't realise that. And I believe we're only going to get more and more. Hence, unsurprisingly black people are outraged, saddened and resentful. As for white people (and really any non-black person), most react with indifference or even outright antipathy either because deep down they believe that all black people are thugs/unworthy or they are simply too uncomfortable to confront what they see. Even though perhaps I shouldn't because I technically know better, it is disheartening to witness how low most people's esteem of black people is. We live together but only because we have to.

As I said to truthseeker, the situation is a recipe for disaster. I wish we could avoid some kind of race war, but we might not...Really, we only talk about race relations in the US, but I could see something similar happening in England or France. As a black person, well yes I'm quite a bit fearful, not only for me but also for my family and all those that look like me. I'm starting to see dead bodies and ghosts everywhere! On the forum, it often said that minorities at present possess some kind of privilege or power. I don't really agree. What power does one truly has when it is economically and numerically far inferior? Plus, outside of elite circles, notably in the entertainment industry, white people have little interest in oppression theory and all that stuff. In fact, most are just irritated by this and it tends to increase their prejudice against "the other". It's all going to very bleak indeed.
But in practice what can that understanding change? As Laura said in that thread there is only a small percentage of humans that are not inclined to be racist. But the vast majority are to varying degrees.
Varying degrees, yes. As a relatively traversed 'white guy' with insider 'intel' if you will, I can assure you MOST are not KKK standard! (granted, as it stands) That "understanding" may change many a reader whom would otherwise mislead themselves to noise 'out there' in taking the downward turn - more so than you might realise, and in a positive way.

I would like to go through your comment point by point - but am on a bit of a time constraint this evening. I will wrap up with this:

We can only do what we can with what we got with what we know. Continue increasing knowledge, and "what you can do with what you got with what you know" will increase too... and 'fear' subsides. Come what may, we are pre-determined in this world whether we like it/karmically-asked-it or not - we are one drop in an ocean of turbulence.. Its never the glass-smooth waters we hoped allowing for individual droplets to make for pretty concentric ripples to dance with other droplet ripples... Another realm perhaps...
For the path you walk, if you haven't already, learn the art of absolute fierceness and embrace it. Put aside a space to condition and build upon such a fierceness of mind within the folds of your personality-matrix - solely reserved for any such un-negotiable darkness forced your way. Use it with intelligence... It won't corrupt your compassion or make you a bad person... No, It will empower you and carry you to walk the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Assuming you are able, I strongly recommend you equip yourself a SERIOUS martial-art best suited for your body-type and best trainer-expertise for whats available in your neighborhood. It sounds a cliche, but for any girl on a mission braving the world alone, it really is a must!... Its about not becoming prey at all levels: mind, body, spirit - no matter the reasons behind any a predatory soldier of darkness seeking to do you (or your loved ones) harm.

I must be off...
Take care.
Hi Diana, if your blog posts are an indication of your thinking, then I think you're making good progress. Focusing on the racism etc. that has dominated the news cycle over the past year or so is not, IMO, a good idea, because a lot of it is deliberately designed to provoke tension and anger within individuals and groups. You don't want to be caught up in that kind of manipulation.

You seem to be gaining some difficult but necessary insights about life in general. A lot of that process is not so much about coming to some 'BIG' and objectively true realization about life, but rather letting go of the illusions about life and yourself that you've carried for a long time. That is, necessarily, a difficult and painful process. But you can take hope in the fact that it does not last. As illusions and wrong beliefs are let go, you naturally become 'lighter' in your thinking and perspective on life and what is really meaningful.
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Hi Diana, if your blog posts are an indication of your thinking, then I think you're making good progress. Focusing on the racism etc. that has dominated the news cycle over the past year or so is not, IMO, a good idea, because a lot of it is deliberately designed to provoke tension and anger within individuals and groups. You don't want to be caught up in that kind of manipulation.

You seem to be gaining some difficult but necessary insights about life in general. A lot of that process is not so much about coming to some 'BIG' and objectively true realization about life, but rather letting go of the illusions about life and yourself that you've carried for a long time. That is, necessarily, a difficult and painful process. But you can take hope in the fact that it does not last. As illusions and wrong beliefs are let go, you naturally become 'lighter' in your thinking and perspective on life and what is really meaningful.

Oh lol I can't wait to get to the lighter part! How did you get there? Did you spend a lot of time anxious?

Well, I see all the injustice/ racism story is just a ploy. But that doesn't mean that I don't feel a little stab in the heart at times. I don't know if you saw the video of that girl in Waffle House (or Waffle something) where the police office slammed her to the ground and you could see her breast. And I just thought that this could have been me or someone I know. It's a frightening thought. Secondly, among POC, and notably black people, there are few, if any that see the situation as I do -- oh let's be honest I haven't found a twin soul on that topic. But there are a few scholars who though can't see the manipulation keep a cool head nonetheless. Then you have the Candace Owens of the world, but these are not so far removed from the Ben Shapiro of the world. And in some way, there aren't any better than extreme liberal as they are more interested in being right than lifting people up.
Varying degrees, yes. As a relatively traversed 'white guy' with insider 'intel' if you will, I can assure you MOST are not KKK standard! (granted, as it stands) That "understanding" may change many a reader whom would otherwise mislead themselves to noise 'out there' in taking the downward turn - more so than you might realise, and in a positive way.

I would like to go through your comment point by point - but am on a bit of a time constraint this evening. I will wrap up with this:

We can only do what we can with what we got with what we know. Continue increasing knowledge, and "what you can do with what you got with what you know" will increase too... and 'fear' subsides. Come what may, we are pre-determined in this world whether we like it/karmically-asked-it or not - we are one drop in an ocean of turbulence.. Its never the glass-smooth waters we hoped allowing for individual droplets to make for pretty concentric ripples to dance with other droplet ripples... Another realm perhaps...
For the path you walk, if you haven't already, learn the art of absolute fierceness and embrace it. Put aside a space to condition and build upon such a fierceness of mind within the folds of your personality-matrix - solely reserved for any such un-negotiable darkness forced your way. Use it with intelligence... It won't corrupt your compassion or make you a bad person... No, It will empower you and carry you to walk the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
Assuming you are able, I strongly recommend you equip yourself a SERIOUS martial-art best suited for your body-type and best trainer-expertise for whats available in your neighborhood. It sounds a cliche, but for any girl on a mission braving the world alone, it really is a must!... Its about not becoming prey at all levels: mind, body, spirit - no matter the reasons behind any a predatory soldier of darkness seeking to do you (or your loved ones) harm.

I must be off...
Take care.

No, no, no, I don't think many are KKK standard. However, I believe that like everyone else they can be manipulated which could cause unnecessary bloodshed. But in any case, I suppose you're right mental fortitude can only help me.
I talk about Kanye West and the silly outrage his comments caused. Our society has sunk so low. Why are people even caring about what he said?
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