Bank failures and the coming Economic collapse


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Just wanted to create a thread for keeping track of news relating to the increasingly untenable economic amd financial situation developing pretty much globally.

Here's an article from Zerohedge that I didn't see on Sott about the bank collapses and Credit Suisse teetering on the edge and what it all might mean for the near future.

Also, I've been talking to one of my close associates who rubs shoulders with a lot of middling players in the US and EU healthtech industries and he tells me he's never seen anything like this in his career. There are layoffs, budget cuts, entire projects and branches of the business being cut by some of the biggest pharma companies.

It doesn't seem like a collapse is imminent from what I could gather, but it does seem that some deep restructuring is on the horizon. These companies generally know, at least the people at the top who make these decisions, which way the wind is blowing.

My thoughts are that we're about to go through something similar to 2008, but probably not as bad. It will then be used to print even more money and artificially boost the economy and stock markets to go for one last push for technological expansion and the implementation of AI before they crash it all and attempt to rule with an iron fist once the dust settles.

My two cents, anyway. Any personal knowledge, insight, articles or thoughts are welcome.
It doesn't seem like a collapse is imminent from what I could gather, but it does seem that some deep restructuring is on the horizon.
Considering how much effort went into the digitization of banks (migrating to 'cloud' servers, scanning checks, removing ATMs, developing mobile apps, enforcing QR codes and smart cards), I would be surprised to see such an infrastructure go down spontaneously. Why destroy the 'perfect' prison? During the plandemic, technology played a 'suffocating' role—no passport, no food! If a new system is to be put in place, I imagine that it will reuse the same digital infrastructure (unless the PTB is brewing a totally new system, independent of what we have every seen!).

Now, it seems like there is a rush to Bitcoin, the "bridge to nowhere." But what if people start purchasing precious metals? Will the PTB make it illegal to possess gold/silver coins?

When I see something like this, I am wondering if the 'precious metal exit door' has already been compromised...
The Scottsdale Mints Ghana Alien series returns! This marks the second installment of the highly acclaimed and anticipated coin program.

The idea of extraterrestrial life has intrigued humans for millennia. Our collective imaginations have been captivated by movies and stories of otherworldly beings visiting us, studying us, or even living among us. For decades, many have claimed to see UFOs or have encountered an alien species, with some capturing videos of their encounters.

Struck in 99.9% fine silver, the new design features the alien staring into your terrestrial soul as he summons himself through a stargate. This pure silver coin features green eyes with a specialized coating that is reflective under UV light. The obverse features the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II surrounded by a cosmic pattern.

Do they exist? Whether you're a believer or not, this is truly a unique and remarkable piece any human would love to own.

Strange times ahead guaranteed!
Yeah, some of it feels very deliberate sometimes and it could be in line with the whole great reset agenda.

But there's also ineptitude, and just sheer greed that could be left as an explanation. What I find the most interesting about this time around is that, in 2008 they all went nuts in a few hours about the calamity, this time they keep on telling us that nothing is going to happen, yet there have been several banks who have failed in the US and Europe.

Something wicked is upon us.
It seems to me that as Russia and China rise together, it would not be in the geopolitical interest of the US PTB to demo their own economy right now. They want to be able to project power, or at least the image of power, a major part of which is their image of economic dominance. I can't really see any way that they can leverage a big collapse in a way that fits with their stated geopolitical (or even domestic) aims, as mentioned in the Kunstler article on SOTT recently.

At the same time, it's tricky say because they're lost in a morass of wishful thinking. We got info from the last C's session that the Ohio train wreck was intentional. Thinking about all the industrial fires in chemical and food processing plants. We can surmise that a good number of those were intentional, too. There's also a population weakened and damaged by the jabs & lockdowns, supply chain woes, and on and on. I think the PTB think they are in the position to keep the broken casino running, and then destroy it on their terms, in ignorance of what's really going on.

So on the one hand, the may not want to demo their own economy, but they also are in the mindset of 'well, you gotta start murder and mayhem somewhere' domestically, leading to the likes of the Ohio toxic mushroom cloud. The way I see it is they're moving deeper and deeper into a schizoid position of both undermining their own economic base while at the same time needing to maintain it - or at least enough of a semblance of order and wealth creation. In no small part because the neocons are probably being advised by the Pentagon that they need to up military production if they want to stand a chance against China, Russia and the new multipolar world order. And maybe they're not ready for torches and pitchforks at home yet.

There's been some discussion about the FRV aspect of the Triple Bad Day - the idea that the elites will have some sort of change in their connection to the information field due to the affects of the Wave. I assumed it would mean they would get more reckless in their hunger for darkness and control, and get desperate as they feel the Wave driving them onwards.

As was stated in the Ukraine thread:
This is yet another confirmation of what e.g. Fletcher Prouty wrote in 'The Secret Team', that the US 'deep state' doesn't do any long term strategic planning...nothing! There are no people smart and wise enough to do that. They just live in the now (and the psychopaths 'create their own reality' in their minds) and react to various inputs and low-intellectual analysis of situations. Pahtocracy at its best, with no wise people at the wheel. No wonder things are messed up!

There's the other bit of info from the C's about the Triple Bad Day, where their economic shenanigans will get away from them, causing a real crisis. It could be that this is it. There could be 'contagion'! if that happens, the Fed can guarantee bank depositors with their 'bailouts-that-aren't-bailouts', but there's a decent change that the population, who are themselves affected by the hyperkinetic sensate influx, might still panic and react in fear anyways because that's what they have been entrained to do by the MSM for ages now. The fear/panic program may yet override their 'trust-the-gov' program.

As with anything, wait and see. I also recall the C's saying somewhere that there is a weak correlation between the Triple Bad Day and the April Drop Dead date, so maybe we have another month of champagne and caviar ahead of us?
My thoughts are that we're about to go through something similar to 2008, but probably not as bad. It will then be used to print even more money and artificially boost the economy and stock markets to go for one last push for technological expansion and the implementation of AI before they crash it all and attempt to rule with an iron fist once the dust settles.
I don't know why it would be a watered down version of 2008. The world is in a much worse position now and I see this escalating.
This time compared to 2008 inflation is out of control it feels like we're right on the edge.
Also the west is slightly unhinged about Russia/China and I feel that they're prepared for this.
Other countries are now openly discussing trading in their own currencies. Are we about to see the west led by the USA fall on its face?
This thread seems to me like an extension or a subset of the Reset thread. OK, whatever.

Is the Fed stupid? The current situation is the result of years of quantitative easing. Did they really not know what the result would be? Did they really not see inflation rising a year ago? (and do nothing) Or did they? Remember Yellen being trotted out to float the "inflation is transitory" lie?

The collapse of the financial system is tied to the reset and the introduction of a new system. This seems like the old "problem/reaction/solution" meme. And what a problem it is! Did the Fed really not know that raising interest rates would put banks in a pressure cooker causing their assets parked in long term treasuries and mortgage backed securities held to maturity to plunge in value creating huge paper losses? (which then became realized losses when they had to sell those assets in order to pay depositors/bank runs) They are bankers who should know how things work, are they not?

But whether this is being done knowingly by design or not doesn't really matter at this point. The FOMC meeting will be huge. We shall see what they do and then the corresponding reaction.

As for the C's, I thought they said the collapse would be intentional at first but then it would go out of control. I think this is the beginning of the intentional part.

LOL - as for champagne and caviar.... how about lite beer and canned tuna? (for the masses of course!)

And yeah, the timing is impossible to know, but the layoffs and budget cuts are happening because the economy is already collapsing. The dominos are indeed falling. But it is a slo-mo train wreck for now.

The greed is evident by all the bastards who were running things at the banks who sold their shares (billions of $!) BEFORE the trouble started. IOW, they knew in advance.

If I was forced to guess, I'd say a big black swan is lurking in the shadows somewhere that will take the focus and blame off the ineptitude of the central banks.
I agree with
The collapse of the financial system is tied to the reset and the introduction of a new system.
And also :
What I find the most interesting about this time around is that, in 2008 they all went nuts in a few hours about the calamity, this time they keep on telling us that nothing is going to happen, yet there have been several banks who have failed in the US and Europe.
Makes me think that some variable (AI probable outcome / other event not known by the public) made them to delay the collapse.
And it seems the cracks in the dam are more and more difficult to manage by

"aragorn said:
There are no people smart and wise enough to do that. They just live in the now (and the psychopaths 'create their own reality' in their minds) and react to various inputs and low-intellectual analysis of situations."
As with anything, wait and see. I also recall the C's saying somewhere that there is a weak correlation between the Triple Bad Day and the April Drop Dead date, so maybe we have another month of champagne and caviar ahead of us?

Thinking about the April drop dead date - i recall reading a short article from Armstrong Economics about the ECM (Economic Confidence Model) they have; and it seems there is an inflection point in the ECM on April 10th 2023. Im not sure about what it means and the science behind the ECM, and it just rang a bell when i thought about the April drop dead date.

The article is linked here:
They will do everything to prevent a financial collapse until their cabal/gov digital currency is somehow deployed and assumed functional. They need it in place at this exact moment when people loose most of their assets and FIAT money becomes worthless. In this moment they will offer "free" digital money to everyone. If he has a global (vaxx) id that is. Thats IMO "the plan".
The (FIAT) crash is long time overdue. Prepare for "impact".
I don't understand a lot about the banking system and a lot of the more detailed articles go over my head, in all honesty. My feeling is that if there is a major economic collapse it will be brought about deliberately (as the C's said) at a time when all other options have been exhausted. That would be after the failure to contain multipolarity and de-dollarisation is impossible to ignore even to the most wishful of thinkers. The current situation seems more likely to be an unintended result of interest rate hikes, and can be stabilised to some extent by printing money and typing in some zeros. Of course, that will exacerbate inflation but could still continue a while longer.
Found a video by Martin Armstrong on Armstrong economics explaining the ECM.

Super interesting, thanks for the share. In the video, here is the ECM prediction for a 52-year wave cycle... and I think this is analyzing the global economy. I don't know much about his model beyond watching the vid:

Screen Shot 2023-03-22 at 6.04.22 AM.png

In the article you posted, here is the ECM prediction for a much shorter wave cycle, which I think shows the base unit of the model, 8.6 years:


I think that the 52 year cycle shows the cumulative effects of six 8.6 year cycles.

According to this model, instead of an April Drop Dead date, April 10th would be the date that the global economy is supposed to make a major rebound. It'll be interesting to keep an eye on this and see if it pans out.

I would be interesting to know where or how the ECM (or Armstrong himself) picks a starting point in time. Otherwise it would be easy enough to just pick a convenient start date that makes the ups and downs line up with world events. The examples in the video of Hitler and 9/11 occurring at the 'pi target' sure are interesting though. And also Trump's election!
Saw this the other day and noted it. So if the Fed/US Govt doesn't backstop the small/medium banks in terms of deposits and people run from them, pulling cash out and moving to the too big to fail banks, then things could get increasingly dicey.

"If the Fed does not contain the regional bank collapse, there will be another great depression. Small/medium banks account for 50% of US commercial and industrial lending, 60% of residential real estate lending, 80% of commercial real estate lending, and 45% of consumer lending"

I lean toward that all of this is partly part of the plan to have controlled or fake economic collapse in order for them to increase chaos and implement Globalist goals aligned with what the WEF has put out (CBDCs, ESG investing, total control) and due to psychopaths and pathocracy that it could very well turn into real economic collapse as we move forward.
I don't understand a lot about the banking system and a lot of the more detailed articles go over my head, in all honesty. My feeling is that if there is a major economic collapse it will be brought about deliberately (as the C's said) at a time when all other options have been exhausted. That would be after the failure to contain multipolarity and de-dollarisation is impossible to ignore even to the most wishful of thinkers. The current situation seems more likely to be an unintended result of interest rate hikes, and can be stabilised to some extent by printing money and typing in some zeros. Of course, that will exacerbate inflation but could still continue a while longer.
There's a lot I don't understand either. I haven't watched the documentary "Inside Job" since a while so I'm going to have to dig out my copy of it and watch again. It might help with some insight to the current situation.
I agree with some of ideas shared over here by some of you. It seems that there is a big probability that it is not the endgame yet and there might be some years to play it out. As some of you people wrote that it is the intentional part. I agree. It looks like a controlled demolition. We will know the end game will be when money will be worthless, as a result of that the PTB will have no finacial power and thus the playing field will be leveled so to speak. So far from looking at what we have now it doesn't seem they are ready yet to sacrifice their "queen". Ofcourse there may be some wishful thinking on my part. While people are watching at the economic stage, we know that some parts of the world don't get the opportunity to see that as they are to busy dealing with extremeties of climate change and the west is no exception.
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