This is my subjective interpretation of Barbara's words (in may contains typos and abbreviations)
Black Swan - Part1 (2020.02.23)
3:00 in this very complicated, convoluted times of chaotic and excessive cover-ups it is be footling to many many people, and when people are be footling, they are confused, they tend to dissociate or create distractions, and of course the media that run your world today [...] is purposelly driving all manner of confusion and polarisation in to the people of Earth, this is no accident
4:30 today the media is using emotionality to trigger peoples time lines, their past lives, their sensitive issues, and of course if you get to emotional about things, you can become deeply irrational. If you not having good emotional inteligence you not be able to figure anything out, becouse with emotion comes the second site, the insite, the intuition, the gut feeling in the body
5:48 some people think that spirituality is based on obedience to a higher authority that is not of this world, that's one definition
6:05 others will look at spirituality as a morality [...] your morality is going to realy play a huge role in what life unfolds for you, and if you are immoral [...] eventually you destroy yourself, you destroy others throuth one means or another, rather is sex, money, rock'n'roll or whatever
6:50 for other people spirituality is a world that encompases a non-physical aspects of life,
6:55 for example the deceased ancesters that all of you have, sometimes come back to hount other world, becouse they have unfinished business or they died in some type of trauma or you have an ancesters who are guides, who assist you, who care about you, sometimes ancesters are you yourself returning to be your own a gardian angel, so to speak, helping you to make a proper decisions
7:40 So physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, must all be factured and this is part of any incarnation in any lifetime. You are going to work on this peticular issues
8:00 the large majority of people throught out time, have first had to master phisical reality. "Who am I and how shell I survive?"
8:50 modern times, XX century, brought great advancement in terms of sanatation, opportunity, education, health, travel and evan the last thirty, fourthy years, bilions of people have been uplifted around the planet out of physical desper
Black Swan Part 2
1:30 using imigrants to change political scene in more conservative us states
1:50 dangers zone (no-go zones) in homless/imigrants camps
4:05 what can happen is one type of virus can trigger another type
(in my opinion {neonix} covid-19 can trigger flu or other virus that was inactive in our body or the illness that was not cured in 100% or this means SARS-COV-2 can mutate to different version wich we are observing right now)
4:10 It can appear to go to sleep and then come bach warring more than ever
(in my opinion {neonix} mutations will come back or this SARS type virus will come back many times in the future. It's interesting becouse I remember that 15 years ago and 5 years ago I hade very unussual flu. The same sympthoms like in January 2020. And I don't suffer intensive cough or catarrh very often There is big chance that SARS (2003) and MERS (2015) spread to the world and mutate to less danger version just like SARS-COV-2 (2019). That means this SARS type virus can come back in the future and mutate to less danger version. But still will create a lot of fear.)
14:00 most people are stresed over something, [...] they overdo, they overeat, over indoled, in one thing or another. Overtech is most common. Too much tech, and when you are out of balance, and out of harmony, then the natural laws of the existence, after a while, will cooperate something, evan if it is purposelly instigated to restore harmony