PopHistorian The Living Force FOTCM Member Nov 13, 2023 #1,022 This would be a joke if the author had better phrased it as such. Instead, it's just a closely accurate statement.
This would be a joke if the author had better phrased it as such. Instead, it's just a closely accurate statement.
naorma The Living Force Nov 19, 2023 #1,032 At the station: "Look, here comes our train! Over punctual today!" "No. That's the one from yesterday."
At the station: "Look, here comes our train! Over punctual today!" "No. That's the one from yesterday."
Nienna SuperModerator Moderator FOTCM Member Nov 20, 2023 #1,033 Spot-on! "Wow! We've stumbled upon the remains of an ancient failed religion!