Better understanding of 4th density


The Force is Strong With This One
As I've read through the material I keep trying to better wrap my mind around the concept of 4th density on a more visceral level. The explanations the C's have given are, as always, eloquent, but much of it hasn't quite "clicked" for me yet. Perhaps part of that is because sometimes I can see/feel/understand something on an unspoken level, but can't find the right words to transmute it into a spoken or written concept. Sometimes it feels like there aren't words to fully convey it in 3rd density.

I guess what I'm trying to determine is whether some of those unspoken concepts I feel about the reality of 4th density have any basis in truth. Maybe the best description I can give is that occasionally I'll have dreams in which my dream-self is still somewhat corporeal, but not as completely bound by physicality as we are in 3rd density. Instead, the physical aspect of reality is more... pliable? More responsive to nonphysical influences? Lighter and more fluid? I would really like to learn whether that's simply wishful thinking or if I'm at least vaguely close.
Have you read Tertium Organum?

Also Edwin Abbott Abbott's Flatland could be of use.
Thanks for the recommendations, I'll be sure to check into those as well. :)
Imagine it like this, straycat:
We on 3D relate to other animals in 2D like pets for some, and food for others, and even others are just there (sometimes they even eat us) they avoid us, and we avoid them.
Maybe 4D relates to 3D in a similar way.
Oversimplistic, perhaps.
I can view things in three dimensions, or four if you include 'time', but I can only draw them in two.
I kind of imagine it being like a lucid dream where you can change your surroundings at will so it's like a fluid landscape that becomes solid when you desire. Except you can see all angles of something at once. So you can see a cube from all sides and from the inside all at once. It hurts my head a little. Imagine looking at someone else from all angles at the same time! you would have to be all round them... When I lucid dream I always end up showing whoever else is in my dream all my favourite things to do in dream land, like walking through walls and feeling the wall as you go through it or floating up into space and pinging stars about. Once there was a T-Rex stalking us and it sent its baby to come and get us where we were hiding and I said, it's ok it's not real and reached out and grabbed it and it turned to this foam toy that I was squeezing and I was laughing. I don't know if that's more like 5th Density though. It's hard to imagine something unimaginable! :huh: :D
Although I wot not of lucid dreaming (something I may need to research)
I thought about the humble cut diamond.
A bunch of people observing it, will each observe a different facet, from their own point of view.
A sixth density individual will see that same object from every facet, external and internal.
The One, on seventh density, will observe all aspects of all objects, material and ethereal.

It's interesting that diamond has an atomic weight of 6 (Carbon).
When walking on a sidewalk, you ever see ants crawling around? Seen them scurrying around, crawling in and out of cracks, going about daily business, living their life. Do you think they see you? I would think at least they may notice being covered by shade as we walk by, obscuring the sunlight. Perhaps they may feel the ground tremble as we walk by with a heavy foot? As they are gathered in crowds, do you think one looks up, points and brings attention to the rest of the ants saying something like: "Hey, there is one of those giants again! Watch out so it don't step on you!"?

Nope, methinks not so. Extrapolate this into us seeing a higher density being. Oh... We may notice something like changes in the weather, wind, clouds, changes in the immediate environment, but I don't think I'll be pointing to say: "Hey! Thar's is one of those higher density dudes! Watch it so it don't step on you!"...

Compared to the higher realms, to those inhabitants, we are as ants are to us, lower life forms, osit, fwiw...
I think that a very good example of what existing in 4th density could be like comes in the form of the film "What Dreams May Come" starring the recently departed (we will miss you) Robin Williams.

It portrays the afterlife as a sort of virtual reality type existence where our minds can create entire universes based on our beliefs and preconceptions, it is a place where the corporeal form has a high degree of variability and the 'rules' of 3d existence do not necessarily have to apply. The movie portrays the afterlife as being an evolutionary step up in cognizance and responsibility and implies that a soul's impetus to accomplish does not end when our 3d existence does.

I think that the movie's portrayal of the afterlife ties in very neatly with the C's descriptions of what to expect in 4th density existence.
Mikha'el said:
I think that a very good example of what existing in 4th density could be like comes in the form of the film "What Dreams May Come" starring the recently departed (we will miss you) Robin Williams.

It portrays the afterlife as a sort of virtual reality type existence where our minds can create entire universes based on our beliefs and preconceptions, it is a place where the corporeal form has a high degree of variability and the 'rules' of 3d existence do not necessarily have to apply. The movie portrays the afterlife as being an evolutionary step up in cognizance and responsibility and implies that a soul's impetus to accomplish does not end when our 3d existence does.

I think that the movie's portrayal of the afterlife ties in very neatly with the C's descriptions of what to expect in 4th density existence.

Not sure if you're implying this from the above, but according to the cassiopaean's structure of the Universe, 4th density is not the afterlife. That is 5th density, the contemplation zone where beings (or lifeforms) of densities 1-4 go when they die or decay. My own wonderings about 4th density are around the nature of service to others beings. In the transcripts there is a huge amount on 4D STS but very little in comparison about their STO counterparts.

In terms of fifth density and the afterlife, you may enjoy the Brazilian film 'Nosso Lar' which is based on the book of the same title by Chico Xavier, a Brazilian medium. Obviously I can't vouch for its veracity regarding the nature of the afterlife :). But it's an interesting watch which depicts a realm in which we still have responsibilities and often difficult decisions to make as well as dealing with our own programs, attachments and ego. And interestingly, one which is only reached by some after remaining in some kind of hellish bardo type existence for a period of time:

You are correct, Zenith. I left that a little vague.

I understand that 4th density, as described by the C's, is not the afterlife.

I will take a look at the reference that you made, thank you.
If you are in third grade, (elementary school), would you be responsible for 4th grade material?

Why worry about 4th density until you get there?

(kinda paraphrasing the C's here).
Is it possible to experience 4D now? If so, can one person be in 4D and not another simultaneously, or would all people on Earth need to be 4D? Are we as limited as we think? Maybe these are dumb questions but I felt pulled to ask.
Luna Del Mar said:
Is it possible to experience 4D now? If so, can one person be in 4D and not another simultaneously, or would all people on Earth need to be 4D? Are we as limited as we think? Maybe these are dumb questions but I felt pulled to ask.

C's told about that we are experiencing 3D now. The 4D is another world "over" us which we are experiencing sometimes as bleedthrough - overlapping 4D and 3D.

It's possible to moving from 3D to 4D reality and vice versa, this is what doing beings from 4D and this is what is happening with the abductees.

C's told us also about the wave which is related to the learning process of humans on Earth. Those who'll be ready to be picked up by the wave to the 4D density, then they'll experience the 4D density as the 4D beings.

Many can be found in The Wave series and in the sessions with C's.
Luna Del Mar said:
Is it possible to experience 4D now? If so, can one person be in 4D and not another simultaneously, or would all people on Earth need to be 4D? Are we as limited as we think? Maybe these are dumb questions but I felt pulled to ask.

Hello & welcome to the forum Luna Del Mar,

as it is your first post on the forum, it would be great if you could make an introductory post in the Newbie section and tell us a bit about yourself and how you found out the forum for example.

You can also read the Wave online if you wish.
Zenith said:
Mikha'el said:
I think that a very good example of what existing in 4th density could be like comes in the form of the film "What Dreams May Come" starring the recently departed (we will miss you) Robin Williams.

It portrays the afterlife as a sort of virtual reality type existence where our minds can create entire universes based on our beliefs and preconceptions, it is a place where the corporeal form has a high degree of variability and the 'rules' of 3d existence do not necessarily have to apply. The movie portrays the afterlife as being an evolutionary step up in cognizance and responsibility and implies that a soul's impetus to accomplish does not end when our 3d existence does.

I think that the movie's portrayal of the afterlife ties in very neatly with the C's descriptions of what to expect in 4th density existence.

Not sure if you're implying this from the above, but according to the cassiopaean's structure of the Universe, 4th density is not the afterlife. That is 5th density, the contemplation zone where beings (or lifeforms) of densities 1-4 go when they die or decay. My own wonderings about 4th density are around the nature of service to others beings. In the transcripts there is a huge amount on 4D STS but very little in comparison about their STO counterparts.

In terms of fifth density and the afterlife, you may enjoy the Brazilian film 'Nosso Lar' which is based on the book of the same title by Chico Xavier, a Brazilian medium. Obviously I can't vouch for its veracity regarding the nature of the afterlife :). But it's an interesting watch which depicts a realm in which we still have responsibilities and often difficult decisions to make as well as dealing with our own programs, attachments and ego. And interestingly, one which is only reached by some after remaining in some kind of hellish bardo type existence for a period of time:


Actually I think "What Dreams May Come" is 5th density-like. For one thing it ends in reincarnation. The Cs I think have also mentioned that 5th density not 4th is really the density where what you think actually happens. Even before the going into the light part, since Laura mentioned she just had to tell her mom to think visiting Laura in order to visit Laura. Williams himself had some interesting quotes last year about this movie:

Williams participated in a Reddit AMA in 2013 in which one questioner asked him about his role in the film. The reader asked:

"I wept like an emotionally disturbed infant when I watched "What Dreams May Come." What was the most valuable thing you learned about your acting from that movie/what criticism stuck with you the most afterwards?"

Williams responded: "That every moment in life is precious?"

He went on to discuss the film's ending in which (spoiler alert) the doctor and his wife choose to reincarnate and live out their lives together again. Williams said he favored an alternate ending that depicted reincarnation as a mandatory and natural cycle of life -- one which saves them from reliving their previous lives.

"[I learned] that the gifts of your relationships with others, don't miss it. That was one of the hardest movies I think I ever did in my whole career. Every day was literally hell, because of the nature of the subject matter, dealing with death and being in hell literally. When I watched the final movie, I felt it was extraordinarily beautiful but I felt disappointed by the ending. There was a different ending that they shot that I felt was much more true to the story. It was about reincarnation, basically, that they were going to meet again. The movie ended with two babies being born simultaneously, one in Bombay and one in the United States, and they held them up, and then the screen went to black. I don't know if it's anywhere."
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