Better understanding of 4th density

Q: (L) Is this, now you guys just calm down when I ask this question... (F) I know what you are going to ask... (L) No remarks, okay? Many years ago when I was a child of the 60's and 70's, I tried some LSD. (T) I know exactly what you are going to ask, yeah, because I've seen it too! (J) Yes. (L) In a major way! Geometric patterns and colors manifested with music. (T) Yes! (L) Is this what we are talking about here?

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) So, in other words...

A: The answer to your next question is yes, you experienced a bleed through of 4th density.

Q: (F) In other words an acid trip is like a glimpse into 4th density. (L) Do you recommend this method for accessing this type of reality.

A: Open.

Q: (T) Well, the problem is that some people would want to do that all the time and not work on doing it in a natural way.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And other people would use it and abuse it and use it as an excuse. (J) And damage themselves. (L) Yes, it is obviously something that has to be very carefully handled. We can't encourage this.{My experience with it was not extremely pleasant, to put it mildly and I never let anybody talk me into something like that again!} (J) Is that like the concept of adding additional dimensions to the 3 we normally experience?

A: Yes. 4th level density implies and additional dimension of experience, doesn't it?

So there is a way to experience it but I would certainly not advise it because:

Q: I want to you have lost a fan because he was not happy with what he considered to be "internal inconsistencies" in that you were NOT favorably disposed toward hallucinations produced by substances such as Mescaline and Ayahuasca, but yet you recommend Melatonin because it is a hallucinogen. Then, you said that spiritual powers could not be obtained through chemicals or plant type means, but then said that Melatonin exercises psychic abilities. Could you comment on this?

A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.

So IMO the best way to experience 4D is to actually go there! and get there naturally. We just have to be patient.
Just a little fun thing to add from my own experiences.
One evening about 13 years ago I was driving home from visiting friends, it was dusk. I had recently been shaken from my slumber (more like the cradle had been tipped upside down and I hit the floor hard) and was suddenly wide awake and life had become a wonderland of re-membering. I was listening to the chatter in my mind telling me all kinds of things. Then said was ‘everything is mathematics’ I was replying out loud with comments like ‘oh yeah, I remember that’ then the voice in my mind says ‘geometry to be precise’ then ‘are you ready’, I said yes. Then right before my eyes I saw an overlay like a blueprint of geometric shapes, lines, patterns all with their algebraic equations just like you’d see in a maths text book but thousands upon thousands of them all on top of each other spanning the distance my eyes could see which was probably 15km to the nearest mountain. EVERYTHING connecting to everything, each ray of light coming from the lamppost had an equation, the roads the trees the buildings, the sounds from engines and tyres on the road.
It flashed up for a second or two then was gone and my normal vision returned, any longer than that I would have crashed the car for sure because it was so breath taking to see our reality constructed/instructed like that. I knew that in the ‘future’ it would be part of my job to help design realities. I don’t like maths because I guess in 3D I find it boring and useless, yet I’m naturally pretty good at it. Well I was when I practiced it. I could use a long refresher :)

This existence we inhabit is all built and constructed by very intelligent design, that was the reminder, none of it is by accident.

If anyone is interested I can tell a few LSD stories (and why I’ll never ever touch psychedelics again and do not in any way promote their use because of the high potential for ‘soul kidnapping’)
If anyone is interested I can tell a few LSD stories (and why I’ll never ever touch psychedelics again and do not in any way promote their use because of the high potential for ‘soul kidnapping’)
Hi Fluffy, yes I am interested. Mainly because I never experimented with drugs (nor do I ever intend to), so it therefore fascinates me especially since it can offer a glimpse into 4D. Years ago I heard of some of the trips of older family members back in the 60s/70s, and I found it remarkable how coherent and intelligent many of the trips were, showing them things that they couldn't possibly have got from their own memories. To me (even before I discovered the Cs) it was far too incredible to simply be the result of brain chemistry. I intuitively knew there was some connection to a higher reality being revealed to the experiencer, in much the way that NDEs reveal other realities.
Hi Fluffy, yes I am interested. Mainly because I never experimented with drugs (nor do I ever intend to), so it therefore fascinates me especially since it can offer a glimpse into 4D. Years ago I heard of some of the trips of older family members back in the 60s/70s, and I found it remarkable how coherent and intelligent many of the trips were, showing them things that they couldn't possibly have got from their own memories. To me (even before I discovered the Cs) it was far too incredible to simply be the result of brain chemistry. I intuitively knew there was some connection to a higher reality being revealed to the experiencer, in much the way that NDEs reveal other realities.
Well I certainly do not wish to glorify any of it, but I will share two stand out experiences.

I had taken one drop of LSD.
I cannot explain my bodily sensations because I do not remember except a feeling of awe in all my cells, but I certainly remember the visual effects and how intertwined I was with them. The night sky was a backdrop for anything I thought about and other things that were just there, colours, stars bursting like fireworks, glittery horses pulling chariots, people waving from the chariots, singing, (angelic sounding) comets, funny looking animals. planets, orbs, castles, forests, … the list goes on. The colours I can only liken to Avatar movies. The shapes were soft and had a glow. I was part of it, it wasn’t separate, I could interact, I could ask for something specific or ‘surprise me’. I was certainly getting shown an eye candy feast that took my breath away.
Then inside on the white wall a little movie type started to play, about the size of a deck of cards. I stood in front of the wall and the little movie branched off into another little movie, still connected to the first movie by a chord or string and had some similar themes but it was its own movie, so then I was watching two movies. Then another movie branched off, then another then another until the whole side of the wall was covered in little movies all connected to each other by some common theme and a chord that was gold and glowy. I was watching about 50 or even more little movies all at once, I could interact with some of them and steer some movies with my thoughts. Some of the movies could also interact with each other.
I could leave the room and when I came back the wall was still playing the movies. Unfortunately I was with someone who wasn’t having as good a time as me and he really wanted me to stop staring at the wall and subsequently ruined all of my fun. I was planning on covering the whole wall with thousands of little movies.

This next story is the reason why I will never recommend and very seriously doubt the safely of medicinal usage of psychedelics.

I had magic mushrooms.

The typical super twinkly sky splashed with colours began, I was comfortable feeling fine. I went inside and while I was sitting on the lounge (I was right into the archangels at this point in my life) I started seeing an electric blue swirl energy taking up one side of the room, I believed it was archangel Michael. This feeling I had to this day has never been surpassed, I was in absolute bliss. Then a golden energy I thought to be Gabriel appeared like falling fireworks with shimmering, glittery points on the end of each stream of gold, again the feeling of such intense bliss I felt like I’d explode.
Then glowing green jungle like vines appeared but no sooner than it did this ugly, swamp green, perpendicular object with warts started to move in on the other images. Seeing it made me feel very sick in the stomach and caused me to be very worried about what I’d experience next. I managed to get myself home as I was at a friends place, things had taken a very very scary turn for the worst. I could hear voices, they were telling me that they were here to take my soul and they weren’t leaving without it. I had just finished reading the Ra material so I knew a little of psychic attack but I didn’t have any real defence against it. I was in a ball on the floor hunched over my knees, reciting things like ‘you can’t have me’ ‘I’m stronger than you’ I am safe, I am protected etc. I could feel the swirling of cold around me and it would gather energy then try to penetrate into me. If I slowed down on the affirmations I could feel my armour weaken and the cold energy around me would swoop in harder and do what felt like trying to push my soul out of my body. It spent the whole time taunting me, laughing, grunting, snorting, horrible sounds that we’re trying to make me fearful (I was very scared don’t get me wrong) and weak. I felt deathly sick but I couldn’t move, I was in grave danger, the slightest hiccup in my affirmations gave this thing strength, I had to stay in that position. I stayed there for 4 hours fighting for my life. 4 hours of proper hell I didn’t know existed.
I don’t know if it was the light of day break or I actually out played the dark thing trying to snatch my soul but the feelings and noises stopped. I got up and instantly purged the most horrendous smelling liquids from both ends and I cautiously took myself to bed, I was worried to go to sleep but I really didn’t have much choice. I was absolutely exhausted. I has lost so much weight that my bones were sticking out. I slept for days only waking up to eat and drink.
I may not have done that story justice, but what I experienced was so very real and truly terrifying while it was happening and after the fact for a long time.

It’s not something I’d want for anyone else, and the reason for my very sceptical attitude towards anyone who wants to experiment or use these kinds of drugs as therapy. I’m even very suspicious on the legalisation of medical marijuana. I’m convinced it is not what it seems- especially coz it’s government approved.

I’m not even sure if the mushroom event was a 4D thing, unlike the LSD which seemed so natural and easy like I’d done it all before.
Thanks Fluffy for that detailed and both interesting and highly disturbing account!

The people I know who had trips did so with magic mushrooms. One relative also heard the angelic singing you did, she said it was absolutely divine, and saw the most amazing heavenly scenes with bright colours etc. This same person did another trip not long afterwards which wasn't exactly negative but she felt far less positive at its conclusion, and never had the desire to do it again.

The other person I knew had a bad experience right from the start. He didn't go into any details but his mental health deteriorated very quickly after this time and sadly ended up taking his own life some 15-20 years later.

I suspect that what you and many others are seeing is kind of like a whole cross-section of the various densities, dimensions, realities etc, but you don't really have any control over it, so it can at times be incoherent, and you are also extremely vulnerable to negative STS forces. The demonic (let's face it, that's a pretty good word) experience you had could have been from the "lower astral", or maybe it was a 4D STS thing? But the affirmations you say did seem to help at least.

Another relative of mine (didn't do drugs other than some marijuana in her late teens) used to get a lot of psychic attacks where she would wake up in the middle of the night, body unable to move, yet being aware of a negative presence nearby (mainstream love to just call this "sleep paralysis" as if that can possibly explain the consistency of reports of negative presences nearby). One time she said it was like the entity tried to take her very soul, but like you, the affirmations seemed to help.

Anyway, I have never had any desire to try drugs (these negative experiences are just too harrowing!) and besides, after discovering what the Cs have said about them, it only reinforced my conviction!
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