Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Here it comes.... (Tucker is a Russian operative) Video below:

‘Wow!’ Morning Joe Stunned by Russian Foreign Minister’s Comments on Tucker Carlson’s Ouster from Fox News"​

"Speaking at the United Nations on Tuesday, Lavrov brought up the matter of Carlson’s firing without prompting and implied that Carlson’s firing by Fox News was done at the behest of the U.S. government. Mediates Micahel Luciano wrote about his comments on Tuesday:"

(Lavrov quote from the article) “I’ve heard that Tucker Carlson has left Fox News. It’s curious news. What is this related to? One can only guess. But, clearly, the wealth of views in the American information space has suffered as a result.”

"Carlson has been more than a critic of U.S. aid to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in February 2022. He has demonized Ukraine’s leadership, including President Volodymyr Zelensky by calling him a dictator."

"Not surprisingly, clips of Carlson have appeared on Russian state-run media."

"He then seemed to take a clear shot at Glenn Greenwald:"

“You have Russian television offering him a job as soon as he’s fired,” he continued. “Now you have the Russian foreign minister talking about this situation. And, you know, we could laugh and and and roll our eyes about, I think. But this is this isn’t a laughing matter. There are journalists here that are not journalists. There are people who put themselves out as journalists to have newsletters, who you read the newsletters. They are literally, literally picking up Russian propaganda that spread from the Kremlin and publishing it for American audiences and finding receptive audiences on the far right and the far left.”
“Basically, anybody who hates Joe Biden are just laughing,” Scarborough concluded. “All of this Russian propaganda.”

Short article a video below: (Warning: it's MSNBC)

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Wowza if true! From infowars:

Shocking Allegation: Jan. 6th Provocateur Ray Epps Accused of Pedophilia by Adopted Daughter

The adopted daughter of notorious Jan. 6 provocateur Ray Epps, Tiffany, has come forward with startling allegations of pedophilia against the man who raised her.

In recent Twitter Space interviews hosted by independent journalist Dom Lucre, Tiffany Epps revealed she suffered years of physical and mental abuse and sexual molestation at the hands of her adopted father “James” Ray Epps.

After admitting she last spoke to her adopted father at her brother’s funeral six years ago, Tiffany said, “I don’t speak to him, because he’s a — he’s a fuckin’ pedophile. That’s why I don’t speak to him.”

Lucre acknowledged to Tiffany the FBI looks for people who are “compromised” to hire as assets.

In a follow-up interview, Tiffany claimed the Epps had adopted her while her biological family still had missing persons posters out searching for her, according to Lucre.

“She also said her name was changed 6 times. She grew up in Arizona and he made them go to rural parts of Mexico to camp in tents,” Lucre added. “She has also said that he is a pedophile, so many recurring themes that are relevant today. When will people finally connect the dots?”

Tiffany’s Twitter timeline shows she’s become more vocal about the abuse she suffered as a child since her adopted father began receiving media attention for his involvement in the Jan. 6 fedsurrection.

Here's a great interview with RKF Jr.
I've not finished the entire interview yet but this question and particularly the answer moved me.

What do you understand about an information ecosystem that’s demanding that people denounce their spouses in order to continue working? It’s sick.

Well, it’s not journalism. It’s a propaganda system. It’s a social control system. It’s an information control system. And that’s what we’re dealing with.
At this point, I try to maintain a spiritual center that makes me impervious to most of that. I never make predictions, because I don’t have expectations. And as long as I don’t have expectations, I never have disappointments. And because I don’t get disappointed, I never get crushed.
I was in the environmental movement for many years, and I had many friends who were soul-crushed. If you’re an environmentalist, every victory you have is temporary, and every loss is permanent. You lose a species, it’s not coming back. You lose a piece of landscape, it’s gone forever. And people would get just destroyed by the losses, and burn out. And I learned at that time that the only thing I control is this little piece of real estate inside my own shoes. And that’s literally the only thing I control.
So I have to let go of the outcomes and not get invested in them, and I just have to the wilderness with my dogs. And I do other stuff. I know all my strength comes from that spiritual center,

He may not have the full facts on Russia/US but he more than makes up for that in other ways. Maybe he does know the facts but feels now is not the time. Thanks for the find iamthatis.
Here's a great interview with RKF Jr.

They talk about a lot of thing, from RFK's love of animals (with some hilarious stories), the family's relationship with the church and St. Francis in particular, memories of his Dad, his path into environmental law, vaccines and masking, his Dad's assassination, Barack Obama's history, the constant smear campaign against him, his relationship with his wife, and the strength he gets from his spiritual centre.
That was fantastic, thanks iamthatis. Some much needed wonderful, laugh out loud humour too.
Don't you think that Kennedy running for president from Democratic party might be a fraud to steal some votes from Trump? I mean, people who weren't big fans of Trump but didn't see any other option would probably vote for him as a lesser evil, but now their votes may go to Kennedy = Democratic party. I'm not a fan of either party, but this move looks like a classic vote-splitting ploy to me. Democrats are aware that Biden's chances are quite low right now, he compromited himself too much already. And this Kennedy seems to be good with big words that gets through to people who more or less sense what is really happening and who is a real threat. I don't think those in power are not smart enough to use it against those people, to use those people in their own favour. Why would they let him run from a democratic party anyway? And promising the withdrawal of american troops from their bases? Who would believe that he'll really do it after becoming a president?

And I'm not a fan of Trump either, but he seems more independent since he's a filthy rich millionaire who doesn't need any more wealth, so maybe he really is quite unpredictable for those in power and may slightly delay their plans, cause some trouble.

What are your thoughts?
Don't you think that Kennedy running for president from Democratic party might be a fraud to steal some votes from Trump? I mean, people who weren't big fans of Trump but didn't see any other option would probably vote for him as a lesser evil, but now their votes may go to Kennedy = Democratic party. I'm not a fan of either party, but this move looks like a classic vote-splitting ploy to me. Democrats are aware that Biden's chances are quite low right now, he compromited himself too much already. And this Kennedy seems to be good with big words that gets through to people who more or less sense what is really happening and who is a real threat. I don't think those in power are not smart enough to use it against those people, to use those people in their own favour. Why would they let him run from a democratic party anyway? And promising the withdrawal of american troops from their bases? Who would believe that he'll really do it after becoming a president?

And I'm not a fan of Trump either, but he seems more independent since he's a filthy rich millionaire who doesn't need any more wealth, so maybe he really is quite unpredictable for those in power and may slightly delay their plans, cause some trouble.

What are your thoughts?
Need to know what JFK Jr. thinks about the Russia-Ukraine (NATO) war.
If anyone has a link I would love to read.
Need to know what JFK Jr. thinks about the Russia-Ukraine (NATO) war.
If anyone has a link I would love to read.
Yeah but he may say one thing before the election and then do another. You know, actions are what counts in the end. Words are mostly lies to gain needed votes and they change along with the situation and what is profitable at a given moment. But we all here are aware of that.

I'm not sure whether he's against the war, I didn't find any direct statement of his that says "I'm against continuing this conflict". I guess he's just manoeuvring around the topic, saying for example that Russians kill Ukrainians in a ratio of 7/8 to 1 and Ukrainians cannot stand, and everything people are told about this war is a lie. But it's just facts and doesn't say anything about his attitude towards it.

This speech really got me thinking:

Here's a transcription:
"I wanna talk about a war in Ukraine. We need to have a national conversation about this war, mature conversation (...). We can't be telling one side that they're nazis and the other that they love Putin. Everybody in this country loves our country. And we have to respect the difference of opinion and people's capacity to ask questions. We need to talk about some issues, 1: is this war in a US national interest? We just need to isolate that question. And there are, you know, some of the leading pangerums of most respected people in and of our national diplomats, let's say, Henry Kissinger, Jack Matlock, Larry Wilkerson, they all have said the definitive thing: if you just wanna ask "is it in our national interest?" - it is not. It's not in our national interest to push Russia close to China. That is a cataclysm. Number 2: it's not in our national interest to do something that could involve us in a nuclear exchange with a country that has more nuclear weapons than us. Now, having said that, I wanted (wanna?) to say that we are in Ukraine for all the right reasons. We are there because we are a good people. Lincoln said that America is a great nation because we are good nation. And we continue to be good people. And we are there because of our compassion, Ukraine people have been brutalized, have been illegaly invaded, and have shown extraordinary valor and courage. Defending their country and defending their families and their beliefs and their liberties and their independence. Things that Americans have to admire. My son Connor - I'm very very proud - joined the foreigh legion and fought in Ukraine and during the Kharkiv offensive as machine gunner for a special forces(!). We need to know as Americans what is our governments chief objective in this war. We were told inicially that the objective was humanitarian. And that is a good reason to be there. What that means is trying to end the bloodshed and minimize it as much as possible. Biden said that one of our objectives at least is regime change of Vladimir Putin. And this is the same strategy that did not work for as in Iraq and it's many of the same people who run the neocons, who are around president Biden, who have been talking about that for a long time and engaged in geopolitical maginations in Ukraine since 2014. And then president Biden's secretary of defence Lloyd Austin validated Biden's statement saying that our objective in Ukraine is to exhaust and degrade the Russian army so they're uncapable of having battles anywhere else in the world. Many of the steps we have taken in Ukraine have seemed to indicate that our interest is in prolonging the war rather than shortening, so if those are objectives - to have regime change and exhaust the Russians - that is completely unehical in the humanitarian measure. If we're there to exhaust the Russians or regime change then doesn't it mean that Ukraine is just a pawn in a geopolitical battle between two great superpowers and that our strategy is to put the flower of ukrainian youth into an abattoir of death in a war to exhaust Russia? If that's true then we need to know about it, if it's not true we need a pretty good discussion with a presitent and the secretary of defence and other to tell us exactly what are we doing there."

This actually sums up his views, but still he didn't say anything about ending the conflict. He just wants to know if America's involvement is profitable for Americans and what are the reasons of this involvement. But what if, after him becoming a president, he announces that "yeah, it's for our own good and profit, so we're gonna continue to arm Ukraine because Ukraine is the last bastion and Russia actually wants to annihilate western civilisation and the icing on the cake is that regular Americans will become richer, life here will be so great"?
Plus, what's mindblowing, he actually admitted that his son Connor is/was fighting in Ukraine! It's just so confusing to me... Please someone tell me if I transcribed this part properly, cause it's so out of place in this speech.

Honestly, I don't know why at the beginning he stated that "we are in Ukraine for all the right reasons" to later ask questions whether they are there for good reasons or not and asking for a debate. Maybe someone whose mother tongue is English could explain if he just wanted to say "I wish I could say that we are in Ukraine for all the right reasons, but..." but he expressed it in a different way?
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I wanted to add something: he's indeed talking about his son and Robert F. Kennedy's grandson Conor Kennedy and here's an article about him in some crappy polish media: Wnuk Roberta Kennedy'ego potajemnie walczył w Ukrainie. "Byłem gotów umrzeć"
The title says: "Robert Kennedy's grandson secretly fought in Ukraine. "I was ready to die".

Robert F. Kennedy's grandson Conor Kennedy revealed in a social media post that he secretly fought in Ukraine this year, despite having no military experience. Now he has recounted his experience.

Conor Kennedy joined the International Legion and fought to defend Ukraine.
He did not reveal his name because he did not want to be treated differently.
"This war will shape the fate of democracy in this century" - he wrote and appealed for help to Ukraine.

In a post on his Instagram profile, Conor Kennedy wrote that he wanted to talk about his struggle on the front lines before it came out in other ways. "I want to make the most of it and encourage others to take action. Like many people, I was deeply moved by what I saw in Ukraine over the past year. I wanted to help. When I heard about the International Legion, I knew I was going, and the next day I went to the embassy." - began his entry.

I told one person where I was and only revealed my real name to one. I didn't want my family or friends to worry or be treated differently. Going in, I had no prior military experience and was not a good shot, but I could carry heavy things and learn quickly. I was ready to die. Soon they agreed to send me to the northeastern front

- he wrote.

Kennedy added that he didn't stay long in Ukraine and was lucky to make it back, but he would leave to fight once again.

"My friends there [in Ukraine - ed. note] know why I had to return home. I will always be grateful to them for the example they set for me. I know that I'm lucky to have made it back, but I also know that I would take all that risk again." - he assured.

Robert F. Kennedy's grandson recounted his experience.

"This war, like all other wars, is terrifying. The people I met were the bravest I knew"

"My fellow Legionnaires - who came from different countries, backgrounds, ideologies - are true freedom fighters. Like the citizens I met, many of them have lost everything in their long struggle against the oligarchy and in favor of the democratic system. They know that this is not a war between equals, it is a revolution," he wrote.

Finally, he appealed for help for Ukraine.

"This war will shape the fate of democracy in this century (...) Join the Legion, help at the border or send medical supplies. There, every day, someone is sacrificing everything for lasting peace. They can't fight for it alone."

In April, the Legion changed its rules and began accepting only those with military experience. "We realized that training people who don't have it consumes a lot of resources," - Corporal Damien Magrou said.

Conor Kennedy's girlfriend, Brazilian singer Giulia Be, wrote in a comment:

"You are the bravest man I've ever met, my love. Being away from you and worrying all these months has been incredibly difficult, but we believed in the goal the whole time and I just want to tell you [again ] how proud I am."

And here's his instagram post they mention:

Yeah, so in a nutshell his grandson who he's so proud of and admires deeply, came to Ukraine to kill Russians and is actively encouraging others to do that too. That's the kind of people they are in reality. A major schisophrenia.
I'd conclude that Kennedy Jr is not against this war at all. He didn't say that directly. If someone has a link proving otherwise - please send it here.

It's just a show for the masses after all.
I wanted to add something: he's indeed talking about his son and Robert F. Kennedy's grandson Conor Kennedy and here's an article about him in some crappy polish media: Wnuk Roberta Kennedy'ego potajemnie walczył w Ukrainie. "Byłem gotów umrzeć"
The title says: "Robert Kennedy's grandson secretly fought in Ukraine. "I was ready to die".

And here's his instagram post they mention:

Yeah, so in a nutshell his grandson who he's so proud of and admires deeply, came to Ukraine to kill Russians and is actively encouraging others to do that too. That's the kind of people they are in reality. A major schisophrenia.
I'd conclude that Kennedy Jr is not against this war at all. He didn't say that directly. If someone has a link proving otherwise - please send it here.

It's just a show for the masses after all.
Thank you for this information.
Eh tangled it all up. Putin was also bad for most because he officially walked hand in hand with Covid propaganda.
We will wait and see.
Don't you think that Kennedy running for president from Democratic party might be a fraud to steal some votes from Trump?
I wish the DNC nominee would be RFK and/or the RNC nominee would be Trump for 2024. I think Mossad/CIA would do anything to stop that.

RFK has been fighting for vaccine freedom for years before covid, when most people didn't care about any vaccines.
A modern plague!

Don't you think that Kennedy running for president from Democratic party might be a fraud to steal some votes from Trump? I mean, people who weren't big fans of Trump but didn't see any other option would probably vote for him as a lesser evil, but now their votes may go to Kennedy = Democratic party. I'm not a fan of either party, but this move looks like a classic vote-splitting ploy to me. Democrats are aware that Biden's chances are quite low right now, he compromited himself too much already. And this Kennedy seems to be good with big words that gets through to people who more or less sense what is really happening and who is a real threat. I don't think those in power are not smart enough to use it against those people, to use those people in their own favour. Why would they let him run from a democratic party anyway? And promising the withdrawal of american troops from their bases? Who would believe that he'll really do it after becoming a president?

And I'm not a fan of Trump either, but he seems more independent since he's a filthy rich millionaire who doesn't need any more wealth, so maybe he really is quite unpredictable for those in power and may slightly delay their plans, cause some trouble.

What are your thoughts?

I agree with hlat, RFK Jr. would only be able to steal votes from Trump if both he and Trump somehow nominated for Presidential candidate. Although that would be really cool, I think it's pretty unlikely.
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