Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Speaking of striking back,

I just noticed that Scott Ritter was trending on Twitter (x) and a lot of us have become rather used to his analysis in getting informed, welp.. came across this and I will just post the tweet here. These are the folks that allowed Gonzalo Lira to die and call Russia a totalitarian state with a dictator that doesn't allow freedom of the press, rich..

Biden's interview:

Highlights, a very subjective choice:

Russia, Ukraine

For example, the idea that if when Putin decided to go into Russia :shock: —I mean, he's gonna go from Russia into Ukraine —the reason why I cleared the intelligence so we can release the information we knew that he was going to attack, was to let the world know we were still in charge. We still know what's going on.

And it lays out why I believe Trump—what he never understood—which is that Russia, he [Putin] wasn’t just going into Moscow, I mean from Russia into Ukraine

I don't know why you skip over all that’s happened in the meantime. The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated.

Q: Is Russia's proposal for, to end the war in Ukraine, the best that Ukraine can hope for at this point?
Biden: No, it's not.

Q: is there a danger that NATO is on a slippery slope to war with Ukraine—with Russia, as things stand?
Biden: No, we're on a slippery slope for war if we don't do something about Ukraine. It’s just not gonna…anyway…

When I went over immediately after the—Hamas’ brutal attack, I said then, and it became public, I said, don't make the same mistake we did going after bin Laden. Don't try—The idea of occupying Afghanistan, the idea that you had nuclear arsenals in Iran, that were being, I mean, in Iraq, that were being generated, simply not true.

Q: But has he [Bibi] crossed your red line?
Biden: I'm not going to respond to that because I'm about to make a…anyway.

For example, you may recall a resolution I introduced at the G20 that no one thought would go anywhere and it passed by providing for a railroad and oil line, uh, oil, excuse me, I misspoke. Railroad lines and transportation,

China and so on

I did something that you would have been too cynical to think I could possibly do. I put together an Indo-Pacific strategy that is incredibly broad.

Did you ever think if I told you that Japan would be devoting 3% of its GDP to defense and make a rapprochement at Camp David with South Korea as an overwhelming threat that exists to North Korea as well as to Europe? You know, I've been able to put 50 nations together to help in Ukraine, led by us but also engaged with, with Japan's leadership.

And so the point is we've invested billions of dollars. We are much stronger in the Pacific than we ever were before. China, by the way, China is very concerned about it. They asked me—I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping than any leader in the world, over 90 hours alone with him since I've been Vice President. And we have a very candid relationship.

You know, I don't have any (unintelligible) He wanted to know why I was doing all these things. I said the simple reason I’m doing those things: to make sure that you don’t, that you aren’t able to change the status quo any.

Q: You said on multiple occasions that you would use US forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean? Is it boots on the ground? What, what shape would that take?

Biden: It would depend on the circumstances. You know, by the way, I've made clear to Xi Jinping that we agree with—we signed on to previous presidents going way back—to the policy of, that, it is we are not seeking independence for Taiwan nor will we in fact, not defend Taiwan if they if, if China unilaterally tries to change the status. And so we're continuing to supply capacity.
And, and we've been in consultation with our allies in the region.

Q: So if I might, not ruling out the possibility of deploying US troops to Taiwan in the case of an invasion?
Biden: Not ruling out using US military force. There’s a distinction between deploying on the ground, air power and naval power, etc.

Q: So you're maybe striking from bases in Philippines or Japan, is that…
Biden: I can’t get into that. You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you.

Q: But Mr. President, won’t your newly announced tariffs raise the prices on American consumers?

Biden: No, because here's the deal. There's a difference. I made it clear to Putin from the very beginning that—I'm not, we're not engaging in…For example, Trump wants a 10% tariff on everything. That will raise the price of everything in America. [Editor’s note: Biden appeared to mean Xi here, not Putin.]

Q: The last two years of Presidents, two-term President's tenure are usually focused on foreign affairs. You are 81 years old, and would be 86 by the time you left office. Large majorities of Americans, including in the Democratic Party, tell pollsters they think you are too old to lead. Could you really do this job as an 85-year old man?

Biden: I can do it better than anybody you know. You’re looking at me, I can take you too.

Q: Did you consider not running again because of your age?
Biden: No, I didn't. ...

I remember when I was heading to Taiwan, excuse me, to South Korea, to reclaim the chips industry that we had gotten $865 billion in private-sector investment, private-sector investments since I’ve been in. Name me a president who’s done that.

... My democracy and their democracy is at stake. My democracy is at stake. And so name me a world leader other than Orban and Putin who think that Trump should be the world leader in the United States of America.

Q: what would your goals be in the second term?

Biden: To finish what I started in the first term. To continue to make sure that the European continent—I'll tell you, I got a call from Kissinger about 10 days before he died. And he used the following comment. He said that not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at dread with what Europe—what Russia may do, until now. Until now, you can't let that change.

The point is that we have an opportunity to have the decisions we make in the last couple of years, in the next four years, are going to determine the future of Europe for a long time to come. And so that's why we can not let NATO fail, ... In addition to that, I am desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the…what they are calling the south now. There are going to be a billion people in Africa in the next several years. We have to, we have to be a catalyst for change for the benefit, for the, for the better, we have to help them build back better, we have to help them. ...

You know, you're talking, everybody talks about how, how strong China is and how powerful they are. Name me—Would you trade places with Xi Jinping and any other country? Not a joke? I'm being deadly earnest, a rhetorical question. But would you? You’ve got a population that’s considerably older than the vast majority of the youth in Europe, that is too old to work. And they are xenophobic. Where is it coming from? Where is it going to grow? You’ve got an economy that's on the brink there. The idea that their economy is booming? Give me a break.

But remember, as Biden said at the very beginning:

We are, we are the world power.

Time has also their own (or AI?) "fact check" for the interview.
As we all know, Biden's attempts to secure the borders are a massive smoke screen.

Biden’s new executive order denies asylum claims to most migrants crossing the border unlawfully.
June 4, 202412:00 PM ET NPR
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-53-20 Biden’s new executive order denies asylum claims to most mig...png
President Joe Biden on Tuesday issued an executive order to temporarily suspend the processing of most asylum claims at the southern U.S. border when the seven-day average of unauthorized crossings exceeds 2,500.

The president said he's taking action to "gain control" of the border, after years of high number of irregular crossings.

The measure will take effect immediately, according to the rules distributed by the Department of Homeland Security.

Under this order:
  • Migrants who cross without authorization — absent exceptional circumstances — would not be eligible for asylum, and subject to expdited removal.
  • The new rule raises the threshold to grant an asylum hearing based on a credible fear claim, that is when a migrant manifests fear of prosecution or torture in their native country or country of removal.
The restrictions will remain in place until 14 days after the seven-day average of illegal crossings drops below 1,500. The measures will go back into effect once the number reaches 2,500.

Beyond restrictions, this new rule allows permanent residents, unaccompanied children, victims of a severe form of trafficking, and other noncitizens with a valid visa or other lawful permission to enter the United States.

Biden, who is running for reelection and has been facing criticism for the high number of migrants entering the United States, is relying on section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to implement these restrictions. This provision has been previously invoked on the grounds of national security.

“Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue through bipartisan legislation because that’s the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that is broken, fixed,” Biden said from the White House

He added that the high number of migrants arriving at the border is "the direct result of the Congress's failure to update an immigration and asylum system that is simply broken."

The rule issues in Tuesday is the same law former President Donald Trump — who is challenging Biden in this year's election— used in 2017 to ban immigration from several majority-Muslim countries, and in 2018 to suspend the right to petition asylum for migrants crossing the border illegally.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a statement said: "This executive action is yet another step the [Biden] administration has taken within its existing authorities to deter irregular migration," he said.

Several immigrant rights organizations criticised the Biden administration for enacting these measures.

On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union said it intends to challenge this order in court.

"It was illegal when Trump did it, and it is no less illegal now," said in a statement Lee Gelernt, deputy director of ACLU's Immigrants Rights Project.

Update (1443ET): President Ron Burgundy read what is perhaps the most audacious attempt to trick Americans into believing the exact opposite of reality - namely, that he didn't cause the border crisis, Republicans are the reason it isn't fixed, and he's here to save the day.

A national IQ test, if you will.

And he's off! To some kind of a start...

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Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-40-03 In National IQ Test Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!'...png

Former President Trump responded to this attempted sleight of hand, saying that "The truth is that Crooked Joe Biden’s Executive Order won’t stop the invasion…it will actually make the invasion worse."

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-41-54 In National IQ Test Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!'...png

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-44-07 In National IQ Test Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!'...png

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-45-05 In National IQ Test Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!'...png

After shredding Donald Trump's 'xenophobic' Executive Orders on border security his first day in office more than three years ago, resulting in what some estimate to be upwards of 20 million illegal migrants pouring into the United States (which Trump plans to deport), President Joe Biden is quietly signing an executive order on Tuesday aimed at slowing migrant crossings.

As we noted on Friday, the EO would slash asylum claims by roughly two-thirds of where they stand today - and would cap the number of daily encounters at an average of 2,500 crossings per day (or 912k per year), however Biden would allow mass asylum claims to resume once border encounters fall to around 1,500 per day.

US Border Patrol recorded approximately 4,300 daily encounters in April - which of course doesn't include 'gotaways' - those who enter the US without notice.

The move comes three months after the White House said Biden was no longer considering using executive action to secure the border.

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 01-47-12 In National IQ Test Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!'...png

According to Bloomberg, lawmakers and others have been invited to a Tuesday afternoon event at the White House.

The order is Biden’s most aggressive move yet to address the crisis on the US-Mexico border, which has seen record levels of migrants and taxed communities across the country struggling to deal with the influx of new arrivals. A bipartisan Senate plan that would have given Biden similar powers was blocked by Republicans at Trump’s behest earlier this year, denying the president a political win and prompting him to act unilaterally.
Tuesday’s order is politically risky. It will invite criticism from Biden’s left flank, which has blasted moves to ramp up deportations as an inhumane approach to the crisis. That has the potential to stymie his efforts to shore up an electoral coalition already riven by divisions over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war and overarching concerns over his age and fitness to serve a second term. -Bloomberg
The Biden administration's move underscores how the administration has been compelled to act just months before the 2024 US election - as it's become a centerpiece issue for Republicans on the campaign trail. Donald Trump has been constantly hammering Biden over the border as polls continue to show that voters think the border and immigration are critical issues.

The Executive Order is also timed to reflect an effort to deter a seasonal increase in crossings that typically occurs each summer and early fall (right before the election), and comes as Mexico welcomes a new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, who was elected on Sunday. She doesn't take office until Oct. 1, and it's unknown what actions she will take on the border situation.

In recent weeks the Biden administration has taken other steps to tighten immigration rules. Last month, they proposed a rule that would allow the US to expedite the expulsion of certain undocumented migrants trying to claim asylum.

According to the report, Biden will use Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act - which Trump invoked - which are anticipated to invite legal challenges.

House Speaker Mike Johnson told Fox News Sunday that the move is "too little too late," adding "The only reason he’s doing that is because the polls say that it’s the biggest issue in America."

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As we all know, Biden's attempts to secure the borders are a massive smoke screen.

Biden’s new executive order denies asylum claims to most migrants crossing the border unlawfully.
June 4, 202412:00 PM ET NPR
View attachment 96793

Update (1443ET): President Ron Burgundy read what is perhaps the most audacious attempt to trick Americans into believing the exact opposite of reality - namely, that he didn't cause the border crisis, Republicans are the reason it isn't fixed, and he's here to save the day.

A national IQ test, if you will.

And he's off! To some kind of a start...

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Former President Trump responded to this attempted sleight of hand, saying that "The truth is that Crooked Joe Biden’s Executive Order won’t stop the invasion…it will actually make the invasion worse."

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View attachment 96790

After shredding Donald Trump's 'xenophobic' Executive Orders on border security his first day in office more than three years ago, resulting in what some estimate to be upwards of 20 million illegal migrants pouring into the United States (which Trump plans to deport), President Joe Biden is quietly signing an executive order on Tuesday aimed at slowing migrant crossings.

As we noted on Friday, the EO would slash asylum claims by roughly two-thirds of where they stand today - and would cap the number of daily encounters at an average of 2,500 crossings per day (or 912k per year), however Biden would allow mass asylum claims to resume once border encounters fall to around 1,500 per day.

US Border Patrol recorded approximately 4,300 daily encounters in April - which of course doesn't include 'gotaways' - those who enter the US without notice.

The move comes three months after the White House said Biden was no longer considering using executive action to secure the border.

View attachment 96791

According to Bloomberg, lawmakers and others have been invited to a Tuesday afternoon event at the White House.

The Biden administration's move underscores how the administration has been compelled to act just months before the 2024 US election - as it's become a centerpiece issue for Republicans on the campaign trail. Donald Trump has been constantly hammering Biden over the border as polls continue to show that voters think the border and immigration are critical issues.

The Executive Order is also timed to reflect an effort to deter a seasonal increase in crossings that typically occurs each summer and early fall (right before the election), and comes as Mexico welcomes a new president, Claudia Sheinbaum, who was elected on Sunday. She doesn't take office until Oct. 1, and it's unknown what actions she will take on the border situation.

In recent weeks the Biden administration has taken other steps to tighten immigration rules. Last month, they proposed a rule that would allow the US to expedite the expulsion of certain undocumented migrants trying to claim asylum.

According to the report, Biden will use Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act - which Trump invoked - which are anticipated to invite legal challenges.

House Speaker Mike Johnson told Fox News Sunday that the move is "too little too late," adding "The only reason he’s doing that is because the polls say that it’s the biggest issue in America."

View attachment 96792

Good info, but did you read this forum guideline post?

Highlights, a very subjective choice:

He even sounds sleepy in writing!

Q: But Mr. President, won’t your newly announced tariffs raise the prices on American consumers?

Biden: No, because here's the deal. There's a difference. I made it clear to Putin from the very beginning that—I'm not, we're not engaging in…For example, Trump wants a 10% tariff on everything. That will raise the price of everything in America. [Editor’s note: Biden appeared to mean Xi here, not Putin.]

"Q: wouldn't that make things worse?
Biden: Trump!
Q: Of course..."

And the fact that they had to correct him and still pretend this guy is the president and then have to somehow back him up for a second term? the mental gymnastics are astounding in the US press
And another jewel of their administration striking back, and I am not sure if this should have its own thread as things seem to be moving along in rather interesting ways over there.

But today, after the Georgian parliament cancelled the veto that the president had placed on the foreign agents law, the US state department announced that it would be sanctioning dozens of Georgian citizens by banning them from entry into the United States, an interesting comment that Matthew Miller from the state department made was the following:

“We are taking steps to impose visa restrictions on dozens of Georgian individuals,” he told a press conference.

The first batch of restrictions includes members of the ruling Georgian Dream party, parliamentarians, law enforcement and private citizens.

Miller said Washington remains hopeful that Georgian leaders will reconsider their actions and take steps toward their democratic and Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and warned that if they do not, the United States stands ready to take additional measures.

This is interesting in other respects, as a few days ago an interesting initiative was announced by the same parliament:

The initiative, drafted by the ruling Georgian Dream party, includes a draft basic law and 18 amendments to existing laws of the country, including those on labor and education, local media reports.

The drafts entail banning:
  • the registration of same-sex marriages;
  • the adoption of children by people who have a non-traditional orientation or have changed their sex;
  • performing sex reassignment surgeries and other medical manipulations;
  • indicating on documents a sex different from the biological one;
  • LGBT* propaganda in educational establishments, advertising and the media, as well as “public meetings and demonstrations aimed at popularizing the identification of a person with the other sex, homosexual relations or incest.”
“Any obligation imposed in an employment relationship that is aimed at ignoring biological sex will be considered null and void,” Papuashvili added.
The US warmongers will try to keep Biden on power just to start nuclear war with China and Russia.
We may reach a point in the coming years where an increase from current deployed numbers is required,” said Vaddi, according to Reuters. “We need to be fully prepared to execute if the president makes that decision.”

If that day comes, it will result in a determination that more nuclear weapons are required to deter our adversaries and protect the American people and our allies and partners,”
he added.

Some of the planning is being made in the expectation that US President Joe Biden will win a second term in office this November.
Russia said they can arm the enemies of the US. Next, they send ships to the Caribbean. Where are they going? Cuba? Venezuela? More?

Then this:

US Deploys Sub Hunter P-8 Poseidon Off Florida Coast To 'Shadow' Russian Flotilla​

(Mexico being Russia's Military ally is news to me. And I haven't found the "original" article "from the Russians" that makes this statement. )

"Meanwhile, Jake Broe, a former US Air Force nuclear and missile operations officer, stated on X on Sunday, "Russians on Kremlin State TV yesterday declared that Mexico was their military ally and they are wanting to place their missiles on Mexican territory so Mexico can attack the United States."

This and more in the Zerohedge report below:

A national IQ test, if you will.

And international one, not much better.

The recent Pew Research Center's poll could fit in the election thread too, but since it's been done during Biden's presidency, I'm posting it here. A number of questions asked across 34 countries (sans Russia, Belarus, and many other countries that could largely change the medians). A brief summary.

With many around the world closely following the fiercely contested rematch between U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that, internationally, Biden is viewed more positively than his rival.

Across the 34 nations polled, a median of 43% have confidence in Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while just 28% have confidence in Trump. The gap between ratings is quite wide in many countries, especially in Europe. Biden’s confidence rating is at least 40 percentage points higher than Trump’s in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden.

However, there are exceptions. There is no statistically significant difference in ratings of Biden and Trump in eight nations we surveyed. And people in Hungary and Tunisia give Trump more positive reviews than Biden, although neither leader gets especially high marks there. (The survey was conducted before Trump’s conviction in a state criminal trial in New York.)

The survey included a series of questions about how Biden is handling major international issues.

Across the 34 countries polled, a median of around four-in-ten approve of how Biden is dealing with China and with the war between Russia and Ukraine (39% each).

The president gets his most negative reviews on his handling of the Israel-Hamas war: A median of just 31% approve of the way he is handling the conflict, while 57% disapprove.

Six-in-ten Israelis disapprove of how Biden is handling the war, including 53% of Jewish Israelis and 86% of Arab Israelis.

And now, on the US

The new survey finds that overall attitudes toward the United States are generally positive: A median of 54% across the nations polled have a favorable view of the U.S., while 31% have a negative opinion.

However, criticisms of American democracy are common in many nations. We asked respondents whether U.S. democracy is a good example for other countries to follow, used to be a good example but has not been in recent years, or has never been a good example.

The predominant view in most countries is that the U.S. used to be a good model but has not been recently. Overall, a median of 21% believe it is currently a good example, while 22% say it has never been a good model for other countries.

In eight of the 13 countries where trends are available, fewer people say American democracy is a good example than said so in spring 2021, when we last asked this question.
At least half of those in most countries surveyed express a favorable opinion of the U.S. Poles are the most positive, at 86% favorable. Of the European nations surveyed, ratings also lean positive in Italy, Hungary and the UK. Elsewhere in Europe, however, opinions tend to be closely divided.

Attitudes toward the U.S. are largely favorable in the Asia-Pacific nations polled, especially Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand. However, most Australians and Malaysians give the U.S. poor marks.

In the Middle East-North Africa region, a 77% majority of Israelis view the U.S. favorably, although this is down from 87% last year. Large majorities in Tunisia and Turkey offer an unfavorable opinion.

The U.S. gets mostly positive ratings in the sub-Saharan African and Latin American nations surveyed. Two-thirds or more see the U.S. favorably in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Peru.

Positive view of the US, top countries:
Poland - 86% (neg. 10%)
Ghana, Kenia - 78% (14, 20 resp.)
Israel - 77% (14%)

Bottom of the list
Tunisia 9% (neg. 87%)
Turkey 18% (80)
Malaysia 35% (65)

Confidence in Joe Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs
Top: Philippines, Kenya, Poland
Bottom: Turkey, Tunisia, Hungary

Confidence in Donald Trump (as above)
Top: Philippines, Nigeria
Bottom: Turkey, Mexico, Sweden, Germany, France

Confidence in Macron, Putin and Xi (as above)
One-digit confidence:
Biden: Turkey and Tunisia
Trump: none (lowest: Turkey, 10%)
Macron: none (lowest Turkey 11%)
Xi: Japan, Poland, Sweden (8-9%)
Putin: Poland 1% (!), Sweden 4%, Japan, Spain, S. Korea, Australia (6-8%)

FWIW, nevertheless interesting. Shocked by numbers from Poland, expected similar sentiments but not that high numbers.
Thanks for sharing!

I had come across that article yesterday. On another note, and speaking of the opinion about he US in general, and just because there's so many, today I came across the videos of Biden being a completely lost elderly demented man in the G7 summit, this one was particularly sad.. he, just walks away.. unaware of the rest of the group.
They write that the grandfather is lost. What would they understand about it! Grandfather just found himself there and it's oh so interesting, not that it's to communicate with these stupid dolls.
Grandfather got lost again

Они пишут, что дед потерялся. Чего бы они понимали в этом! Дед как раз нашелся и там у него ох как интересно, не то, что с этими куклами бестолковыми общаться.
So, where will the cannon fodder be needed? I certainly doubt it would be in the Arctic Region, though.

BREAKING: House of Representatives Passes Bill for Automatic Military Draft Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26, among other things
The U.S. House of Representatives has recently passed an amendment as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025.

The amendment H.R. 8070 will automatically register all draft-age male U.S. residents with the Selective Service System for a possible military draft, based on information from other Federal databases.

This new system of automatic draft registration would replace the existing system, in place since 1980, in which young men have the freedom to decide whether or not to sign up for the draft.
The Gateway Pundit reported that it was introduced by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.). Houlahan is a former Air Force officer. It was endorsed by HASC Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) and approved by a voice vote of the full committee without audible opposition.
The amended bill states:

Automatic Registration: The Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.) is amended by striking section 3 (50 U.S.C. 3802) and inserting the following new section 3:
“SEC. 3. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.
“(2) This section shall not apply to any alien lawfully admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101) for so long as he continues to maintain a lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States.
What is the "every other male person"? ...and just like that the male returns.

"Those who are about to die with a couple of bucks more, salute you" ?
The NDAA also featured the largest military pay raise in history.
...H.R. 8070 authorizes a 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted servicemembers while providing a 4.5% pay raise for other service members.
Additionally, this bill blocks the Biden Administration’s reduction in U.S. Special Forces while stopping the Biden Administration from transferring terrorists currently housed in Guantanamo Bay to prisons in the United States. Lastly, this legislation includes multiple amendments I have authored to enhance our national security and counter aggressive actions taken by Russia and China.”

This year’s House version of the NDAA included three amendments from Congressman Huizenga:
  • Expresses the sense of Congress that each NATO member state should commit, at a minimum, 2% of its GDP to defense spending to ensure NATO’s military readiness. In 2022, only 7 of the 31 NATO member states met their obligations. Now, nearly all NATO countries have a plan to reach the 2% goal, however, there are still some that remain delinquent. Those countries are Canada, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, and Luxembourg. There is the potential for this to be addressed at the upcoming NATO Summit held in Washington, D.C. next month.
  • Requires the Department of Defense to report to Congress building upon the restriction on DOD’s contact with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) by detailing measures DOD is taking to mitigate the risk of the PLA gaining indirect knowledge of US Armed Forces’ equipment and operational tactics, techniques, and produces through interaction with the militaries of US allies and partners.
  • Requires a report to Congress on the military activities of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the Arctic Region. Additionally, the amendment requests detailed information on the Arctic Council as well as the newly appointed U.S. Ambassador-at-large for the Arctic Region and how the U.S. plans to engage with other Council members. Recently, the Arctic has seen an uptick in activity from both the Russians and the Chinese Communist Party. This amendment is designed to refocus the effort with our strategic partners and allies to prevent expansion of both China and Russia in the region.
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