Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Inevitably, the reality based community was suspicious at the sudden reappearance of Biden, considering everything that has happened over the last week. Is it really him? He has a spring in his step compared to last time we saw him, he might have become taller, oranger or just ... different. Down the rabbit hole we go again.

Fake Biden - not AI but a body double wearing an advanced mask. It's crazy. But the technology may be adequate to pull this off.

This video features clips from Joanna Mendez, the CIA's former 'chief of disguise' recounting experiences like this:

To prove how effective these tools were, she went to the Oval Office with the CIA director, having disguised herself as a younger woman who worked with her. President George H.W. Bush, a former CIA director himself, was suitably impressed at the reveal.

This technology has surely become even more convincing since then.
Inevitably, the reality based community was suspicious at the sudden reappearance of Biden, considering everything that has happened over the last week. Is it really him? He has a spring in his step compared to last time we saw him, he might have become taller, oranger or just ... different. Down the rabbit hole we go again.

Fake Biden - not AI but a body double wearing an advanced mask. It's crazy. But the technology may be adequate to pull this off.

This video features clips from Joanna Mendez, the CIA's former 'chief of disguise' recounting experiences like this:

This technology has surely become even more convincing since then.
Biden looks younger, as if he'd gone to get his face fixed, really. Maybe he's a robot. The technology is very advanced at this level, so I think it's a robot made in Japan.
First I would ask myself: what are the original sources of the picture and the video?

At first glance the picture has a feel of photoshop and the video of a deliberate distortion that makes all the legs look longer than normal. In other words: Always expect a hoax until proven otherwise, especially when the claims are kinda out there.

I do not discount a double situation, or someone lying to everyone to save face, but I like to be careful before accepting some claims.

Maybe he's finally able to be a grandpa, the focus of the world is going away form him and the pressure to not seem senile is gone, and he looks fresher as a result.

But again it's possible, we will need a bit more data.
First I would ask myself: what are the original sources of the picture and the video?

At first glance the picture has a feel of photoshop and the video of a deliberate distortion that makes all the legs look longer than normal. In other words: Always expect a hoax until proven otherwise, especially when the claims are kinda out there.
Yes, good reminder. I found several videos on Bibi's and Biden's get together, and in those the height difference is not that significant. Here's one by C-Span in which there appears to be more of a height difference between the two than in this one by AP. So, it appears that the camera angle plays a role. As for the other one, the only more legit source I found was by WPRI-TV with this video.

So, it appears that zombie-Joe is still alive. :-D
The recent arrest of the son of EL Chapo and El Mayo Zambada gives the impression to voters that the failed Harris border policy is in place, while both have been transferred to Chicago. Cui bono?

The DNC thinks that Conservatives are idiots and that this news will take the spotlight from the investigation of the attempted assassination of Trump. WRONG!

#ElFinancieroTV | Journalist Raymundo Rivapalacio ( @rivapa) said that "El Mayo" Zambada had not been detained because there were no accusations against him in Mexico and the authorities have not commented because this government only operates from 7 to 10 in the morning .@JC_Barajas

home of shooter with no silverware...any other news on that?
No news to add but another of my "movie mapping" in regards to the silverware observation mentioned by Mr Crane, is the main character in "The Accountant" had no silverware albeit one spoon, one fork, one knife. Whom the main character is autistic, gun enthusiast and shoots people really well at distance.

Oh and it is one of Steve Mnuchin's movies to boot!
For SO long we have been told how powerful, furtive and deadly the drug cartels are, right?

Well, actually, all is needed is for political gain to be cashed in for the drug lords to be detained and incarcerated:

Top leaders of powerful Sinaloa drug cartel arrested in Texas​

Biden praises law enforcement for fentanyl charges against members of ‘one of the deadliest enterprises in the world’


On Friday morning, in a statement issued by the White House, Joe Biden described the cartel as “one of the deadliest enterprises in the world”.

The US president said: “I commend the work of our law enforcement officials, who made this arrest, for their ongoing work to bring Sinaloa cartel leaders to justice. Too many of our citizens have lost their lives to the scourge of fentanyl. Too many families have been broken and are suffering because of this destructive drug. My administration will continue doing everything we can to hold deadly drug traffickers to account and to save American lives.”

These are Trump's talking points, so it is obvious Biden wanted to show some muscle in the Southern Border. The drug lords were just going about their business when they were detained without much hassle.
Well, this is probably known to you all by now, but just for the record, here's the delayed endorsement for Harris from the Obamas:

And according to polls from NY Post, and other similar news outlets, Harris and Trump are neck and neck in the ratings, some say she is leading:

according to polls from NY Post, and other similar news outlets, Harris and Trump are neck and neck in the ratings, some say she is leading:
This was my personal prediction of how it would go. The media can create whatever appearance they want, such as Trump is unpopular and Harris is beloved. They must have learned from 2020. If they can manage public perception better, a rigged election is not so big a problem. They can create enough reasonable doubt among enough people that even a scarecrow could get "elected." I don't think that even the declining popularity of the mass media itself is enough to prevent them from achieving this.

17 July 2022
(irjo) What are the chances that Trump will be re-elected as president of the USA in the coming elections?
A: Remote.
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