Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Why would they need to release a memo to the media if it was SOP?
Indeed! No lack of extreme strangeness these days, for sure. I must be grasping at straws for some semblance of normalcy? And that is not really like me. Why would Biden announce he is quitting on X? Isn’t that highly irregular too?

Or this: (could be noise but let no stone go unturned)

“The press release issued by the White House on the 9th last week states that "Joe Biden delegates the duties and powers of the President under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State…"( )

However, the names of the current administration's Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, are not mentioned anywhere. According to Pentagon sources, this is because "they no longer have any authority…" The current United States is under a provisional military government. Sources indicate that the transition to the provisional military government was decided during the "NATO Summit Meeting to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of NATO," held from the 9th to the 11th last week. However, since this is information at depth level 2, it would be more accurate to say "the provisional military government has become apparent."

I know, no mention of what those sources are, but there it is. Things are very abnormal. It’s obvious we’ve had a puppet government since 2020 minimum. (and I'm not so sure about Laura Loomer either - where is her info coming from?)

That's the impression I got as well, either that or a voice filter while someone impersonates him on the other end.

There was that one phone interview over the phone with MSNBC where he was super lively, right after the debate, and I got the same sense then.. like if someone else was speaking for him with a voice filter.
Absolutely possible. The 'Biden' on this call uses more prosody in his talking than I've heard him use in many years. Plus, this 'Biden' doesn't stumble/slur when phonating more challenging words like 'organization', 'legislation', 'existential threat'. Plus, in these days doing only an audio call is pretty unusual, at least on such an important topic.

I wouldn't be surprised if they've removed him in what Pelosi referred to as the 'hard way' – placing him on some kind of house arrest, not letting him communicate with the outside world at all, and doing all his writing and speaking for him. Funny, how 'Dr.' Jill hasn't been seen or interviewed yet. Maybe we'll here and audio 'call' by her soon.

Or maybe they did it the 'Godfather way' and took ol' Joe out fishing?
Sorry if double post, this is the call from Biden, possibly AI?

That's the impression I got as well, either that or a voice filter while someone impersonates him on the other end.

There was that one phone interview over the phone with MSNBC where he was super lively, right after the debate, and I got the same sense then.. like if someone else was speaking for him with a voice filter.
It is very easy to mimic anyone's voice and style of speaking even with today's commercial AI. I don't want even to think about what they have in their "secret arsenal".
So my impression was that they used some kind of technology to fake his voice.
Charlie Kirk reported similarly today (Loomer's original tweet was last week).

Tucker brought this up in an interview with Jack Posobiec.

It's obvious they're lying about something, it's just not clear what exactly. Meanwhile the implications are reaching people in different ways, depending on their perspective. Some are worried about who has the nuclear launch codes or is 'running the country', which is ridiculous. Others that it shows a disregard for someone who has been loyal to the party, discarded unceremoniously as if they were just a tool. Also ridiculous, there shouldn't be any surprise there.

But here we are discussing the possibility that a fake AI generated voice was used to imitate the president of the US, in order to string people along a bit further, and it somehow seems reasonable 🤔

It does sound like Biden, but too coherent and fluid. The way you would expect him to speak during crucial on camera appearances recently, if he were able to.
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