Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

Just doesn't add up...

“Something doesn’t add up” that's for sure – with all of the mileage this event is making (ties to January 6th – say what?:shock:), I would suggest that my original thought that this could have been disintegrating Nancy’s battering seems to be more probable. The fact there is no footage, and this suspect has really no motivation or opportunity due to the security of the Pelosi home, tends to support the idea that he is a patsy in any case, whether Nancy beat her husband nor not.

The US congressman said about the need to destroy Russia "at any cost"​

"US Congressman Jamie Ruskin made an extremely Russophobic statement. He believes that Russia must be completely destroyed, and "at any cost."

"As Raskin said, Russia is "an Orthodox country that professes traditional values." The congressman called Moscow "the world center of anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-transgender hatred."

"That is why it must be destroyed, regardless of what price the United States pays for it. That is, if some johns and bills in Kansas or Texas are destined to die for the sake of destroying Russia, then so be it."

The creep just can't help himself! 🤮

Being a grandpa, this just creeps me out. The girl was very dismissive, which was enlightening. However, there should be signs posted whenever pedo joe is around to keep children 100 feet away and 500 feet if he is riding a bike.
Being a grandpa, this just creeps me out. The girl was very dismissive, which was enlightening. However, there should be signs posted whenever pedo joe is around to keep children 100 feet away and 500 feet if he is riding a bike.
He should get a restraining order.
As in, Kamala should keep him restrained and on a leash all the time, so her dog he does not run off to sniff a child again.

Biden aide speaks of ‘one final warning’

"Biden claimed on Wednesday that “democracy is under threat” from Republican candidates on the ballot next week, 300 of whom he called election deniers.”

“I think the president decided a few days ago it was important to issue one final warning on this issue,”
Klain told MSNBC. He added that the president aimed to “leave no doubt that we have people out there still peddling the big lie, people now raising the issue of election denial in this election, and of course the horrible incident involving Speaker Pelosi and her family,” referring to an attack on Pelosi’s husband that Democrats say was politically motivated, but some conservatives see as the actions of a “mentally ill, drug-addicted nudist,” to quote Fox News’ Tucker Carlson."

"Klain did not elaborate on what Biden intends to follow his “final warning” with."

The evolution of American political candidates.

When you lose the mass media...
More like what happens when MSM loses the respect (and more importantly the ratings) of the masses? They got added to the P list of most reliable liars: Pundits! Preachers, Politicians, Pollsters, Previously-owned car salesmen and now Pundits. Good luck with winning back their viewer/readership. They'll likely lose their true believers in the process of coming clean. Heads could even explode like in that scene from Mars Attacks! Or, maybe we'll see lots more Emily Oster-type gentle pleas about moving forward with a clean slate. Interesting times!
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Last week, the New York Times wrote a puff piece which framed President Biden's numerous gaffes during a Florida rally as 'verbal fumbling.'

Biden Betrayed As CNN, NYT Fact Checkers Set Stage For Downfall​




Biden conflated the war in Ukraine with the Iraq war, then lied when he said he got the two confused because his son Beau died in Iraq.

And while the White House deleted the Tweet, Biden repeated the claim twice last week. As The Blaze notes;

  • Speaking in Florida on Tuesday, Biden said, "And on my watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting an increase in their Social Security checks."
  • Then at a campaign rally, Biden said on Tuesday, "On our watch, for the first time in 10 years, seniors are getting the biggest increase in Social Security checks, period."
There's a lot that's wrong with that declaration. First of all, this will be the seventh increase in a row. Second, increases are routine because they happen automatically -- based on changes to a particular calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W), and not the actions of the president.

What makes Biden's boast especially preposterous is that it ultimately points to the fact that what's happened "on his watch" is 40-year-high price inflation.

joe biden finger1a.jpg

Fast forward four days, and both CNN and the New York Times have gone scorched earth on Biden, in what appears to be a' coordinated effort' to distance mainstream Democrats against a President who's become an increasing liability with batshit crazy comments, obvious confusion, and several recent sniffings.
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