Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

I didn't bother to vote either and will probably not be voting again under this old corrupt system. However, I'm still not sure Trump could have managed to fight the deep state nor anyone going to prison.
In IT (Information Technology) systems, there is a saying "Machines doesn't lie" for a reason. Particularly multi-user critical systems, it is a basic requirement that there needs a track of information ( all along the flow) for auditing purpose. Voting system contains hundreds of nodes that transfer the data and there are managers responsible for integrity of the data. One can update the systems, but systems are built in such a way, even those updates are to be tracked. Some Voting systems are built without Audit. It is criminal to do it. In all practical purposes, they have to have some audit even for basic operations and most cases, it means the end user doesn't have access to audit logs. More holes in audit, more questions of integrity of the system itself comes into picture.

If one catches hold of those servers and look at the data and logs, analyzes them it is matter of few hours one can figure out the anomalies. That is what Trump did in the second term. He used US military ( say few responsible military people) to take control of servers of voting company in Germany and engaged volunteer IT geeks to look at the RAW data and expose those anomalies. Yes, it is highly technical activity, common man may not understand. But he did it and it was shared. Probably he is the only leader that went that deep to expose in the history.

But Some body has to listen to the data findings and it has to presented along with complaints ( from individual whistle blowers and others). Managers that are responsible for these IT system would wet their pants for scrutiny, some would easily buckle for Presidential consequences . Also, Tampering happened at hundreds of different ways at thousands of places though all end up in central servers and databases. Any way, Media will not cover. But, neither lower courts nor Supreme Court Judges(appointed by Trump, fought by him for their confirmation) are willing to EVEN listen. The people who are whistle blowers are silenced by deep state visits. All fell apart for silly "insurrection" false flag.
(Niall) Just a few I wrote down this morning... Is Trump toast? [laughter]

A: Aha! An interesting question! He is still president and was overwhelmingly elected. He has the support of the majority of Americans. But does he have the boldness to do what must be done? In any event, a titanic struggle is taking place behind the scenes and at 4th density! Whether or not he saves the rights of Americans to elect their president, the USA is still in the soup thanks to global factors.
(L) Here's another question: Were Trump and his team able to assemble any credible evidence for election fraud?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the election rigged in such a way that there was no presentable evidence?

A: No

Q: (L) So why didn't this evidence prevail?

(Joe) It didn't get a hearing. We know that part. No one would go near it.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it couldn't get a hearing. Despite the fact that Trump stacked the courts, they still couldn't get a hearing. The Deep State had tentacles reaching that far. What happened to all of these judges and so forth that Trump put in place who SHOULD have helped deal with this election fraud...

A: Deep State visits.

Q: (L) So in other words, it was kinda like Men In Black who visit you and say, "This is the way it's going to be."

A: Yes

Imagine Trump wrestled the power ( using some military help) and exposed all this in court( of course in public) , the entire farse would have been exposed (rattling the bushes and all the culprits running here and there and some inevitably succumb to testify). Lot of money changes hands in this entire process of elections and lot of politicians involved in it. all that gets exposed.

Trump's election is extraordinary though he is not alone at this time. other ex: Putin, Modi etc. The entire system (Authorities) he is supposed to lead as per electoral mandate is against him. Each leader in this position has to find a way or alternate route to people and chipping away authorities hold. It is highly risky activity. Putin could do it because Russians suffered enough in 90's to understand it. Modi did it for 12 years at state level by paving the way directly to people directly different ways ( occasional long - few thousand miles) marches, while promoting his own activities/achievements/gathering their pain points/ proposing the solutions in a language people and Authorities can understand and making authorities accountable etc.) .

With the whole system seemingly, corrupt I think it would have been more of them trying to manage Trump and keep him confined as they did in his first term. He just didn't seem to understand what he was up against and make the right connections that could have helped him navigate the cesspool , IMO. I think at best the show, had he been re-elected, would have helped more people see just how useless government is for every day people a little faster. Maybe!
If he had managed somehow to be president for the second term, he has to work with what he had ( Bureaucracy and others). No body can replace every thing over night. And the Western world's economy runs on "public Sentiment" not real goods and PTB media has full grip over that. But, Trump will have more allies to do what needed and these allies themselves would have bones in the Closet. That is the best any body can. The notion of good and bad takes very long time (few generations) to manifest. It has been taken so long go bad and it takes lot longer to correct it as people are selfish by nature.

Zelensky And Bush To Give Joint Pro-War Presentation (Author: Caitlin Johnstone)​

"Some “MAGA” Republicans have claimed that funding for the war would stop if the GOP won the midterm elections, but they were lying; there was never the slightest chance of that happening."

"NEW: President George W. Bush, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen will participate in the Bush Institute’s Nov. 16 event on advancing freedom."

More from @kylieatwood @CNN: Former US President George W. Bush to hold public conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky next week | CNN Politics

— George W. Bush Presidential Center (@TheBushCenter) November 10, 2022

Sudden data pop up and copy, Paste data rig up in New York

Oh God. US is a Banana Republic. I am guessing that this negative opinion of those governing the US is spreading in the US at an accelerated speed.

If there at some point was some tiny weeny hope that Trump was 'on board' with things and that his faculties were in shape, it appears to me that they are gone now...gonzerooni! Just look at the short clip below with Trump and Candance Owens. Owens asks good questions about the vaccine mandates (and some related things), what Trump thinks of those, and he just repeats his old mantras of "the vaccines were/are amazing, very effective...bla, bla, bla". It's quite amazing that for a man who is 'known' to listen to the troubles of US citizens, and understand them, he actually doesn't get it in this case. Owens is being too kind with him, but you can see that she's strugglin not to confront him head on because of his stupid remarks (maybe out of respect).

In this clip he is in my opinion looking old and tired, and he's starting to sound more and more like Sleepy Joe.

"One" of the issues I have with Trump is the vaxx. It's kind of a deal breaker. Like when discussing 9/11 I can cut the whole thing down to "just explain building 7" and enough said. With Trump "just explain warp-speeding it and calling it the greatest achievement of mankind?" Today "still" he says its great and everyone should get it. (And if he had stayed in office, he was going to have it administrated by the military!)
Imo, There is literally nothing to learn from the recent midterm elections. Anything that could possibly have been learned has already been demonstrated better, and from that, one should know all the lessons already....What worked in the presidential elections was replayed in the midterms...I expect nothing less in the future.
We voted straight Republican. They can rig the voting, but they can't make us give up or take our free will.
I voted for nothing and thus keep in touch instead of what they are not saying as to what they do to distract us from their agenda.

Nevada's rigged elections are a deep state caldera with no concerns for the state's population other than the capacity for the casinos to operate their money laundering activity while industrializing the rural areas within the vast desert surroundings.

This state thrives off the cheap labor currently entering the country. Without it, the state coffers would die on the vine.

Both governor candidates are douchebags plain and simple.

Bring on nature's head butt!

Though wiki-lie-2-me is on it.

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 16-05-33 Quote Tweets _ Twit.png

Remember: it’s totally normal and not at all suspicious that everything is faster and more efficient in modern times yet somehow our voting results take longer to tabulate than they did in 1802

It makes sense that it takes this long. Each individual ballot must be carried up a mountain on the back of a donkey to be counted by an oracle who sends the results by carrier pigeon back to the election offices, where any necessary corrections are made. It’s all quite standard.

That's what I kept on thinking, Brazil just declared a president, with millions of votes in a rather large nation.. larger than any US state, in like a day... not even. But some of these states somehow take days to count votes? it's like they want people to be suspicious... or like, waiting for a check to clear or something, but not even.. checks clear faster than that.
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