Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

There are as many gun stores per capita here than I have seen anywhere. People are "ready", but, amazing to me, they are still talking like there is hope for 2024. They are basically law abiding good folks and I think most people around here know they are being baited by the Trump arrest. I think the PTB want an outbreak of violence to initiate a crackdown, and I'd say most of the gun toting Trumpistas around here are very aware of that.
There is hope, as in Russia will be the hope of the world. However, 'law-abiding good folks' are not looking in that direction for aid, perhaps closing themselves off to certain real possibilities. It's that darn normalcy bias, which serves us better in times between major upheavals. It's nice to have the secure feeling that things are going to go pretty much the same boring way tomorrow as they always do - it can be a positive aspect of civilization and culture, but not so much in these strange times. Now, however, the example of passengers remaining in their seats while the plane catches fire comes to mind.

Picture the cognitive dissonance when the banks fail, or [insert any number of potential black swan events, and/or skullduggery gone awry]. It will be difficult for everyone, but the whiplash for many won't be fun at all. Normalcy bias, combined with the lying narrative of the mainstream media lulls us into the dream that is our normal consciousness. The entrainment, the 'gently waving blanket', whatever it is, I won't miss it if it ever goes away.

There's going to be a big bonfire of the vanities it seems, (am I the only one who actually liked that movie :-P). Lots of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth no doubt. I don't have a dog in too many races these days, grateful for this forum.
While the media tries to highlight vendetta against Trump as distraction, the rebellion against US is piling up.

Out of all, Africa rebelling against US is most symbolic of all.

US ex-President Donald Trump under arrest — CNN

NEW YORK, April 4. /TASS/. US ex-President Donald Trump has been formally arrested, CNN reported Tuesday.

"The arrest will last until the indictment. It is expected that Trump will be able to leave the courthouse freely after the hearing."

Watch Live: Trump Arraigned In Porn Star Payoff Case​


US ex-President Donald Trump under arrest — CNN

NEW YORK, April 4. /TASS/. US ex-President Donald Trump has been formally arrested, CNN reported Tuesday.

"The arrest will last until the indictment. It is expected that Trump will be able to leave the courthouse freely after the hearing."

Watch Live: Trump Arraigned In Porn Star Payoff Case​

Reading about this I thought that...

"No good deed goes unpunished!"
It is strange even to myself, that I am starting to develop sentiments of indifference towards the United States as a country, same as towards Senegal or Denmark. Maybe the cause is saturation, like some sort of TMI syndrome, I don't know. Maybe it is disappointment very close to feeling betrayed by my own false reality created by books and movies. Maybe it is too much sadness combined with psychic pressure as before identifying myself as South African, I used to think I'm American at heart, and I am just experiencing a subconscious self defense measure.True, I am a bit disoriented as something similar happened to me when we left our home country, but then it was very violent, as for 10 years I could not speak my mother tongue without feeling a dreadful soul ache.

I hope the true USA will not disappear.
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