Bits and pieces from Austria

And now austria again joins the nazi agenda...
Austria votet against the anti neo-nazi resolution, that makes me sad.
How short lasting the learnings from history are..... :-( 😢
They made it very clever. While the slogan for years was against Nazis they built behind the scene the other really Nazi scene - meaning the Green ones.
Meanwhile I try to focus on the good things that surely will come - Russia being the leadership of the other "New World Order" while the Western System will be destroyed . . . . 🥰
And now on Auf1:


Austrian Parliament rejects ban on child sex dolls

All other Austrian parliamentary parties rejected a motion by the FPÖ to ban the sale of child sex dolls!
The curious reason: It would first have to be examined whether there was a need for action at all!
It is well known that the Greens in particular have had a questionable relationship to paedophilia since their foundation. But now the ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos also have to ask themselves whose interests they actually represent.

I don't know what to say, that's horrible....🤮
You are totaly right naorma!
But it get's even worse and more worse, that makes me sad... :cry:

Edit: But that is the way the curtain lifts and the man behind get's visible more and more...
Katharina Rösch, is one of the first doctors who spoke on demonstrations against these covid regime, she was suspended from her job in a hospital for that. She said at a demonstration this autumn: "We should take this all to the extreme". And I think this is it: If you boil water you add heat and heat and heat - up to the point when it changes it consistence . . .
My daughter just called me to tell me the Austrian Railway will be on strike next Monday. Maybe they will reduce the strike to only Monday noon, they do it sometimes. Also doctors seem to be on strike. I don't know why and who but just read the headlines of those free newspapers when traveling in the train. Hm!

Also the control systems gets more and more: I always use a free parking house when traveling to Vienna. Today I was informed that they will take my car number when entering the house and I have to show my ticket with the QR-code when leaving. After 5 days parking I will have to pay 3€/day. They are robbing people wherever they can now.
I found this on fb. The greeting "Grüß Gott" is a shortening of the phrase "Ich grüße Gott in Dir" "I am greeting God in you" which is a very nice picture. Of course socialists dislike it.

"Grüß Gott Schnitzlgsicht
Im Auftrag der roten Impffanatischen Oberbriaderin:
Kai Jan Krainer will "Grüß Gott" in Wien verbieten
Künftig sollen Wiener nur noch Guten Tag sagen !
Gottlose, Ehrlose, Charakterlose stalinistische Bilderberger WEF&NWO fanatische Rendi-Ludwig Partie
Grüß Gott Schnitzlgsicht"


Grüß Gott Schnitzlgsicht =face like a Schnitzel
On behalf of the red vaccination fanatic Oberbriaderin:
(Oberbriaderin is hard to translate, it means the chief of the socialist brothers, Briaderin is dialect and the female word for Bruder=Briader, which does only exist in New speech terms)
Kai Jan Krainer wants to ban "Grüß Gott" in Vienna
In the future Viennese shall only say Guten Tag (Good Day!)
Godless, dishonorable, characterless Stalinist Bilderberger WEF&NWO fanatic Rendi-Ludwig Partie
Grüß Gott Schnitzlgsicht
A blackout-hype!

Since last year or so there is really a hype in blackout preparations. One of the candidates for president wrote a book about it and is organizing meetings to help people to be prepared for a might be coming blackout Also mass media pick up this theme, political parties, etc. And they have even made a plan. Telling people to keep cash at home in case the cash mashines will not work. Supermarkets are supposed to give people certain prepared parcels of food. Thats the plan as published in a mass media.

The Blackout Plan for Austria1
On day 1 of a blackout, domestic supermarkets are completely closed.
Day 2: Food rations for communities & blue light organizations.
Day 3 Supermarkets distribute prepared bags from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for cash only.
4 You can buy candles, bread, water, canned food, ready-made products and co.
5 From day 3 only dry food. The recommendation: 14 days supply, cash.

For me it looks a little bit strange. I am not quite sure what their intentions are. Maybe they really want to avoid panic? But on the other hand it might look as a welcome tool to calm down the population, showing them: "You see, we take care of you! So trust us! We are doing the best for your!". Already a preparation for the next elections?

And so people might forget what this government really did to them during the last 2 years .. ..
For me it looks like an atvertisment, it is allready planned to do a blackout and we shall be prepared for that.
They can and they will turn off the power, and it will not be ncessary to do so. It is only a part of their plan to show what they can do to us.
KPÖ-Major in Graz

I would like to draw your attention to a phenomen we have here in Austria. Graz is the main capital of Styria, one of Austrias 9 federal countries. Mrs Kahr was elected in 2021 when her party, the KPÖ won the Gemeinderatswahlen.

She won because this party acts obviously as a real social policy. A friend who was for a while living in Graz told me: When he had no money to pay his rent for his appartement and already was on the edge of being dislocated the person of this party who is responsible for social things told him to bring his deposit slips. which he did. He was got payed two months.

They also seem to have a fonds where they renovate houses that belong to the community (Gemeinde), building in bathrooms etc. whithout coasts for the tenants.

She is a clever woman, one can see it This is an interview on Austrians state tv. Sorry but is in German.

She - and the whole movement around her - reminds me of that president of Uruguay, José Mujica. Following is cited from an article of Austrians left newspaper Standard: "José Mujica, known as Pepe, the president of Uruguay, forgoes 90 percent of his salary and settles for 800 euros. The 78-year-old ex-guerrillero lives on a smallholding and doesn't mince words."

The members of that Party do something similar. They take not all the money that they earn by her job as politicians but give the money in a fonds to support social weak persons, i.e..

And in opposite to all the other parties they have an eye on their own members that they do not cash money in her political jobs and not use political jobs for private richness.

I dont know what their aims are but insofar it is interesting that there are humans in politics that act differently and responsible.
Not that I want to push this party because I don't know her real intents but they give a good example like I mentioned before.

Different to the others. Salary ceiling for KPÖ-politicians: 2200 Euro.
Salary netto / forwarding.
With these 13.745,24 Euro people in need are supported month after month. Two-thirds of the vacation and Christmas bonuses are also passed on.

KPÖ councillors and district leaders give away half of their function fee for political work.


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If I remember correctly, Austria had very Draconian measures towards unvaccinated people such as outright fines for not having the green pass. Have they done away with these illegal regulations and fines? If so, how did they go about removing the restrictions and regulations or were they just quiet about it like most places? Are you folks in Austria fairly free to move about and do your jobs and travel without pressures for jabs or masks?
Let me tell you...
They wasn't able to controll that and also not to execute it, first of all, there is to less manpower und the next thing is, that most of the persons woh had to controll it, don't give a f*** about that, at least after a short ammount of time.
But i can only speak for Vorarlberg and a bit for Burgenland, but there not so exactly, because I don't live there any more...
Or maybe I only was lucky that I only got to souch persons who don't give a f***... 🙃
Maybe @naorma can add something to that :-D
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