Blood Type Diet - Peter d'Adamo

How about this? I got a response from Mr. Jonsson regarding the article on A1/A2 cows:


As luck would have it, I'm nearing completion of an advanced Biochemistry course
at UC Berkeley, so your letter couldn't be more timely- it's just a bit premature.
I'll be able to give my full attention to the casomorphin issue in mid-August.
I will say one thing now, however- with the amount of genetic manipulation
the hapless Holstein-Freisian breed has undergone to turn the animals into
hyper-productive milk factories, I'm not the least bit surprised to learn that the
milk they provide might have components with unintended consequences.
Tweaking nature's grand design often yields such results.

I'll contact you again once I've completed my studies. In the mean time, I'd
stick to milk form Jersey and Guernsey cows, just to be safe.


Randolph Jonsson
Webmaster/ Nutrition Consultant

I also emailed the AcresUSA site (Everything Illegal farmer link) and also the Weston A. Price Foundation. Will let you know if they respond.
Namaste said:
As far as i am concern, any kind of milk products by a animal is for the offspring of this kind of animal.
I was thinking about this portion of what you had written, Namaste and I agree completely. Milk is for nourishment of the infants of that species - across all mammalian species, including humans. That is its purpose, and I for one, am more than content to leave it to its purpose. In fact, humans are the only species who drink milk (other species' milk) past early childhood. Perhaps if they drank human milk, even that would make more sense!
Vulcan59 said:
Here is a link to a quick and dirty food list for different blood types. I found it useful but I suggest you try it and modify as you go along. For example, oats are listed as beneficial for blood types AB and B, neutral for blood type A and avoid for blood type O. However some people may find that the bloatedness that comes along from eating oats may be uncomfortable and so, after experimenting with it for awhile, I try to avoid it although if I had no other choice, than I would go for the oats.

I am Type 0 and have been lacto ovo vegetarian for years with no complaints. I love oats and raw cream in the mornings. Raw Lunch. Cooked or Raw supper. My blood tests always return 100% positive on everything and I was born in the first half of the last century! :) I use lots of raw cream and cinnamon. I use cream on my lettuce salads, too, instead of other types of dressings. (Please excuse me if I mis-type here. Using a forum is brand new to this senior citizen!)
Namaste said:
As far as i am concern, any kind of milk products by a animal is for the offspring of this kind of animal.

I'm with you on this where cow's milk is concerned. Milk is basically liquid meat, with loads of bio-specific somatic cells targeted for the offspring of the source. Cow's milk has something like 20-plus percent white blood cells, I.E. pus.

There used to be an informative website on milk, but it seems to have disappeared. There is this one though: _
I guess I'll cancel finding that cow... What happens to me if I ingest any milk product is that within twenty minutes I get phlegmy and start coughing, within an hour, and lasting for days - sometimes even a week, every joint in my body hurts, my ankles swell, and I have difficulty walking. It's really not worth the price I pay to try it.
Funnily enough, I was brought up on cow milk but always hated milk (the taste, yuck!) though I do love cheeeeese. I nearly suppressed cow cheese but still have goat cheese / butter / creme, in small amounts.
[quote author=Carcosa]
I was brought up on cow milk but always hated milk (the taste, yuck!) though I do love cheeeeese.

The funny thing about cheese (and I know this doesn't make any sense), is I have a friend whose children are allergic to any dairy, but they can have cheese, because the nutritionist said cheese falls under the 'fats and oils' food group. One can believe it if you put a block of cheese in the microwave and see the resulting dam of oil. But this is word of mouth only. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes for butter as well.
Azur said:
I'm with you on this where cow's milk is concerned. Milk is basically liquid meat, with loads of bio-specific somatic cells targeted for the offspring of the source. Cow's milk has something like 20-plus percent white blood cells, I.E. pus.

_ said:
Supercows, bred for hyperactive pituitary glands or injected with stimulant hormones (such as Posilac) produce an elevated quantity (as high as 13 gallons) of milk daily, leading to inflamed teats. This condition, known as mastitis, pumps high numbers of white blood cells, or pus, into the milk (9).

I had become aware of the pus issue even before reading about it on the raw milk site. Highly disturbing! But, just like the forces bringing us GM foods, these same corporate interests have brought about these unhealthy changes to what was previously a healthy and beneficial food. I think it interesting that Azur says milk is liquid meat--so what's wrong with that if you personally have no objection to eating meat? Everyone should have the right to decide what to eat and to determine what foods work for them either on a physiological basis or on a conscientious basis. Its the blanket condemnation of a food substance without regard to all relevant facts that bothers me. And, I think what we all need to be most concerned about is the mad-scientist corporate manipulation and control of our food. At the rate they are going, we will have no safe, healthy food options regardless of our blood-type, allergies, or personal preferences.
As far as I know, I have never, ever consumed raw milk, only the pasteurized product from the store, previously sold in glass 1-gal containers, but now, like almost everything else, delivered in plastic. That would mean, too, that any and all dairy products I have consumed were also made with pasteurized milk. Have I developed health issues from dairy? Maybe, but how could I know for sure? Besides the issue of more and more of our foods encased in plastic (think the BPA controversy), what about the fact we have all had countless vaccines pumped into our bodies? There certainly are some very damning articles relating to how vaccines are the root cause of a lot of human ills. Let's face it. Our total environment and the packaged and even raw foods we ingest have all been so compromised that it may be virtually impossible to attribute any particular disease or condition to any particular cause. I'd say go organic, but I've read that even foods labeled organic are sometimes not as pure as you would be led to believe. It's really not practical for most of us to convert our present living conditions into a quasi-farm in order to produce our own food. And, we shouldn't have to! Like it or not, if we want wholesome, healthy, natural foods, the populace is going to have to demand it! Just one more thing to fight against! Well, they are out to get us! :evil:
JEEP said:
I had become aware of the pus issue even before reading about it on the raw milk site. Highly disturbing! But, just like the forces bringing us GM foods, these same corporate interests have brought about these unhealthy changes to what was previously a healthy and beneficial food.

It seems the relevant point is what it is NOW - not what it could have been had humanity not followed the path it followed, or what it was in the past. Whether one thinks drinking the milk of another species is wise or not, it really is rather irrelevant to base one's point of view on how things were in the past, when they are not, in any way, shape or form, that way now, in the present. It seems you are rather attached to this milk being beneficial thing and are basically just trying to stick to your guns, despite the reality of the situation.

j said:
I think it interesting that Azur says milk is liquid meat--so what's wrong with that if you personally have no objection to eating meat?

Again, you appear to be arguing for arguments sake, which is really not what this forum is for. I can't speak for Azur, but it read to me as if he was simply speaking to the health implications, not personal objections one way or another.

j said:
Everyone should have the right to decide what to eat and to determine what foods work for them either on a physiological basis or on a conscientious basis.

Who said they shouldn't? This is a paramoralism on your part, by the way, and bears little connection to the discussion thus far. In other words, no one involved in this discussion ever suggested otherwise, so for you to write this, in this context, is suggestive of something that never occurred in this discussion.

j said:
Its the blanket condemnation of a food substance without regard to all relevant facts that bothers me.

No, it seems that your viewpoint being challenged is what bothers you. The point of the discussion has been to point out the relevant facts, or to find them in the first place - facts with which you appear to not agree.

j said:
And, I think what we all need to be most concerned about is the mad-scientist corporate manipulation and control of our food.

Certainly, and always, but that is not what this particular discussion was about, though it is connected to it, no question.

j said:
At the rate they are going, we will have no safe, healthy food options regardless of our blood-type, allergies, or personal preferences.

We've already basically reached that state, thus the entire diet section on this forum in which natural, whole foods, with no dairy, wheat or processed foods of any kind is suggested and is discussed at length.
I'm sorry, Anart, but I think my aim has been misinterpreted. I am not trying to convince anyone to drink milk and certainly not in the context of the anti-candida diet. Frankly, I had considered the necessity of removing dairy from my diet based on the info in the diet and health threads. The raw milk facts shed new light, for me, on the situation.

Anart said:
It seems the relevant point is what it is NOW - not what it could have been had humanity not followed the path it followed, or what it was in the past.

Well, what is now is there are groups actively engaged in getting our state governments to allow the legal sale of raw milk, just as other groups have acted and succeeded in allowing the sale of majiuana for medicinal purposes.

No, it seems to be that your viewpoint has been challenged is what bothers you. The point of the discussion has been to point out the relevant facts, with which you appear to not agree.

Actually, my viewpoint is based on the plethora of facts on the raw milk website. Others have provided their sourced relevant facts. I really thought I was presenting these facts and contradictions in a non-emotional, pragmatic manner, my main point being there is a huge difference between raw milk dairy and pasteurized dairy products and the health consequences of each. However, if any discussion regarding the consumption of milk is counter-productive to the purposes of this forum, I shall immediately cease and desist.
JEEP said:
Well, what is now is there are groups actively engaged in getting our state governments to allow the legal sale of raw milk, just as other groups have acted and succeeded in allowing the sale of majiuana for medicinal purposes.

Apologies, but I'm not sure how that's really relevant either.

j said:
Actually, my viewpoint is based on the plethora of facts on the raw milk website.

Yes, a website promoting the consumption of raw milk.

j said:
my main point being there is a huge difference between raw milk dairy and pasteurized dairy products and the health consequences of each.

I think that is already understood, and that the real question becomes what are the health consequences of ingesting any dairy at all, which may be mitigated by blood type, genetics.

j said:
However, if any discussion regarding the consumption of milk is counter-productive to the purposes of this forum, I shall immediately cease and desist.

Well, JEEP, again, this last sentence is a twist. You know full well, or should, that 'any discussion regarding' anything cannot be, in and of itself, contrary to the purposes of this forum, so why put it that way? Why twist what I wrote that way? Certainly, it can't be that you just don't understand the basic premise. The point is that when one argues just to argue, despite the information presented to them, it runs contrary to the spirit of this forum, but I'm fairly certain you already know that.
JEEP said:
Have I developed health issues from dairy? Maybe, but how could I know for sure?

Do you have health issues at all? How old are you?
As of this time, I am currently on zero medications/prescriptions. I was using Evista to mitigate possible osteoporosis due to menopause. It did nothing to alleviate hot flashes which I still experience to some degree, but not as bad as in years past. I will be 59 the beginning of Sept. According to my dermatologist, I have candida on my scalp which was causing assorted, small breakouts on my back, face, chest, and abdominal areas. One such area was removed and sent to lab as previously I had basal cancer removed from upper back as well. This was how it was determined to be candida. Also, melanoma was diagnosed from pigmented area on wrist - appropriate surrounding skin area was excised. The dermatologist had removed half of the pigmented area years earlier and it came back negative. I am fair-skinned with auburn hair (graying) of German descent. Just had a dental crown put on because of fractured tooth, my second. I can't help but wonder if instead of ingesting fluoride my entire life as well as consuming pasteurized milk instead of raw milk, my teeth would be in better shape. I also question whether raw milk consumption would have prevented or will alleviate my progression towards full-blown osteoporosis. I feel these are legitimate concerns and that I am not swinging at shadows.

The prescription shampoo prescribed by my dermatologist didn't work for me and I began treating the breakouts with the antifungal Lotrimin, which got better results. But I was only treating the symptoms and not the cause. Since then, I have been taking 2 500mg spirulina tablets daily, which apparently have an alkalizing effect, and the breakouts have diminished dramatically.

I have issues with depression, a lot of which are due to current life circumstances, but past as well. I also get a lot of heartburn and other related abdominal distress, but that, too, seems to be diminishing either due to spirilina and/or acidolphilus or even fish oil capsules. I, nor any member of my immediate family (all 0+ nonsmokers), has ever had the flu; I've always been genrally healthy. My only hospitalization for illness was pnemonia when I was six - just in time for the advent of penicillin. My paternal grandfather lived to be 100, my maternal grandfather lived to be 94. My paternal uncles lived well into their 80's and 90's. I did have a grandmother (exposed to abdominal xrays) and 3 aunts die of cancer (2 were heavy into ceramics). My dad succumbed to kidney cancer just shy of 78 and my mother, 82, has some dementia, possibly Alzheimers, although she seems to be holding steady after five years. She's on a total of 13 meds and suppliments and is in assisted living. Dad was taking care of my mother who along with memory issues was also experiencing paranoia - he was dealing with a lot of stress on a daily basis. Plus they lived their entire lives in the chemical valley of the Charleston, WV, metropolitan area. My mother's older sister, 87 I think, is still active and quite cognizant. My one remaining paternal aunt is in her late 70's.

I made my first foray into a natural food store this past week and purchased bulk millet, buckwheat groats, quinoa, sea salt, and xylitol, in addition to Acai juice (glass bottle), boxed quinoa flour, organic eggs from free range/open yard chickens, watermelon, coconut oil, 2 1-ltr bottles Iceland spring water (on sale), and fluoride free, tarter control toothpaste. None of the bottled water in the entire store was available in glass - only plastic. The total came to $83.67.

I am inclined to purchase the FIR sauna blanket and a reverse osmosis water filter including one for shower although I'm the only one likely to benefit. My husband is 6 hours away and is here usually only every other weekend for about a day and 1/2. We now have 2 homes to pay for and maintain. I do have one grown child at home who has zero interest and is quite opposed to any of the material I have encountered on this forum.

I have graciously attempted to disengage myself from the milk discussion only to have more fault found in my efforts. I truly am not attempting to have a debate with a winner to be declared. Purely a discussion of the merits and the facts regarding the issue. The point is probably moot, anyway. Fresh raw milk from A1 cows is all but unattainable in any realistic way at this point in time - plus the cost of driving to a farm to get it in time and money on top of the cost of the milk itself.

My mind is totally open on this issue and I do intend to view the video mentioned earlier in the thread. One should do all one can to learn about the foods we are or even are not putting into ones bodies. Growing up, I was pretty much a meat and potatoes person, although my grandparents who lived directly adjacent to us, had a slew of apple trees which we kids ate apples from the time they were large enough (green) till ripe and falling on the ground. And I drank whole, pasteurized milk well into my twenties. To me, it wasn't dinner without meat. Presently, I have come across the Alive and Well book online that detailed the link between grass fed cattle produced for beef and why it prevents cancer as opposed to grain fed cattle. Written by a doctor who had to battle the FDA (and won) in order to treat his cancer patients with laetrile.

I don't know what I can add to this other than I do not wish to be a disruptive or inconsiderate participant of the forum.

You mentioned that you suffer from confirmed candida on your scalp. Have you considered that you may have candida in other ways? Depression is a possible byproduct of candida, and I would suggest that you read the thread on it hear. You may be over looking the root cause of your depression.

I suffer from depression myself, and have struggled with it for most of this life. I have recently started recovering from my latest 'dark period'. In my case, coming back from the depths of depression this time were related to utilizing the Breathing and Meditation I found here on the forum. I have taken advantage of my new found situation and taken advantage of the Ultra Mind Quiz test and formulated a plan to correct my problems. I do think that the breathing and meditation program have had major impacts on my life. This has allowed me to think again and I have taken advantage of the information on the forum to create a plan to correct my chemical imbalances and move forward. While I was doing my research, I came across the info on Candida and have included this in my plan. All of this information is available here in the Detox Diet and the Candida threads.

I may be way off here, but wanted to offer what I thought may be helpful to your situation.


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