Bloodline Trails


While I was reading this thread, I "stumble" upon this message :
angelburst29 said:
Blood PH, Blood Types & Population Reduction:

Sufficient Copper Intake Maintains Neutral Blood pH of 7.00: (...) A balanced pH of 7.00 is present in blood type AB, which is the only normal blood type. The average pH of the alkaline blood types (A/O) was set up to 7.54 in 2005/06 while the pH of the acidic blood type B was set up to about 6.8. (...) As copper depletes, and blood pH deviates further from neutral 7.00 pH level, iron accumulation accelerates and lifespan decreases. According to documentation on metabolic alkalosis, mortality rates have been reported as 45% in patients with an arterial blood pH of 7.55 and 80% when the pH was greater than 7.65. Mortality rates increase in the acidic blood type as well, with significant increases as the pH approaches 6.8. The desired population reduction rate was set up by increasing the pH level of the alkaline blood types to 7.54, while decreasing the pH of the acidic blood type.
The average blood pH in the late 1800’s ranged from 7.38-7.40 (19). Approximately during the turn of the 20th century in 1900, there appears to have been a blood pH increase, and may be when the pH was initially increased to 7.40.
Diabetes & Type B Blood Prevalence Increase as Population Decreases
(...) According to documentation, diabetes is associated to a blood pH of approximately 6.8; the alkaline blood types A&O correspond with the vast majority of the population and a blood pH of 7.4.
Wow, what a heap of BS, hum, non-sense !

Here is the reality : among humans, whatever one's blood type is, normal blood pH is 7.40 +/- 0.02.
Under 7.35, that's acidosis. Under 7.2, that's severe acidosis.
Over 7.45, that's alkalosis. Over 7.6, that's severe alkalosis. (Around 7.8 : death.)

With a blood pH of 6,8 or even 7,0, it's a severe acidosis, cells get destroyed and death is not far away.
In such a case one should go quickly to the emergency service of an hospital...
PS : (three clarifications about my message of yesterday)
Bastian said:
Here is the reality : among humans, whatever one's blood type is, normal blood pH is 7.40 +/- 0.02.
That's true for arterial blood. For venous blood, it's a bit less alkaline : it's around 7.35 or 7.37 (range : 7.32 to 7.38 or 7.42).

That's the rule for all humans but foetus :
[quote author=Wikipedia]In the fetus, the normal range differs based on which umbilical vessel is sampled (umbilical vein pH is normally 7.25 to 7.45; umbilical artery pH is normally 7.18 to 7.38).[/quote]

[quote author=Bastian]Under 7.35, that's acidosis. Under 7.2, that's severe acidosis.
Over 7.45, that's alkalosis. Over 7.6, that's severe alkalosis. (Around 7.8 : death.)

With a blood pH of 6,8 or even 7,0, it's a severe acidosis, (...)[/quote]
To be precise, I should have used acidemia and alkalemia (acidosis or alkalosis define what causes respectively acidemia / alkalemia).
Stoneboss said:
This makes me think of what the C's said concerning the "iron issue" in the last session:

Q: (Perceval) Those have been around for like decades. (Kniall) It's literally a smoke ring. (L) But coming from the other direction. (Perceval) And they come up with all sorts of fancy explanations for how they form that have nothing to do with the actual cause. (L) Anybody got anything else that's really pressing? (Bubbles) Do we want to ask any questions about iron? (Ailen) Hemochromatosis? (L) Well, I thought we were gonna wait for the tests and stuff, but I guess we should ask. Bubble's iron is pretty high, and there's the possibility she could be afflicted with hemochromatosis, which is what my grandfather had. (Bubbles) You wanted to ask what the significance is of having high iron?

A: Survival under specific circumstances.

Q: (Perceval) So it could be a hereditary thing that was provoked in the past when there was plague.

A: It can also arise spontaneously.

Q: (L) So it's not always genetic? (Ailen) What about these specific circumstances? (Bubbles) Is it like a defense mechanism?

A: Yes.

Q: (Bubbles) A defense against what?

A: Breaching the barriers. Your psyche feels in need of greater defense.
These "false" defenses (if iron actually is poison) make me relate it to the recurrence in more and more countries of governments with hyper-authoritarian, fascist and centralized power profile. For people, in their ignorance, it seems a good defense against the financial and moral destruction around, but it's actually a cure that ends up killing everything.
Although there is some conflicting information about iron (how it looks in the thread of HH). Perhaps at this state of the universe iron is harmful, but if there is a change in Gravity, it may be really benign for humans?.

So maybe:
JGeropoulas said:
In the midst of this fascinating discussion about iron, I couldn't help but notice the irony of the word "ironically" in the above response. Curious, I consulted the etymology dictionary where I found this "clue" (?):

Irony: Noun, condition opposite to what might be expected...assumed ignorance
Yes, that would be very ironic. Because something that the psyche had learned and were great for extremely long eras, in the last few thousand years (and there is the factor of genetic mutation too, right?) psyche continues to implement that defense mechanism, but the "ironic" result now is destructive.
Makes me wonder about the burials of bodies with red ochre powder found in lands around the North Atlantic and beyond. Excavations in New England have these types of burials alongside burials without the red ochre. It leads to hypothesis and diffusinonist theories about the settlement of North America but what's really interesting to me is what did these cultures believe the red ochre did. Did it assist in a return to source?
Certain parts of kosher animals are non-kosher. One such part is the sciatic nerve in the hindquarters, which is extremely difficult to remove. Thus some of the choicest cuts of meat - like filet mignon and sirloin steak - are forbidden. The fat surrounding the animal's organs is also trayf. Interestingly, there is a biochemical difference between the this fat and the fat surrounding the muscles (which is kosher).

Only seafood with fins and scales are kosher. This rules out calimari and octopus and all shellfish, such as crab, lobster, clams. Sturgeon and shellfish have also been added to the list, as their scales are questionable. Fish need not be ritually slaughtered (Num. 11:22).

Comment: I have no clue as to why the sciatic nerve is forbidden? Does it contain a poison?

and who does the ritual butchering? do they get to keep those choicest cuts of meat and all that good internal fat? sounds to me like a scam by the priests/butchers to keep the best bits for themselves :evil:
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