Blue field entoptic phenomenon

Re: Strange Phenomena

anart said:
bngenoh said:
"I" say what i'm seeing are not floaters because they move rapidly and seem to phase in and out of my perceptible range, while having very life like qualities to them, not just slow moving specks.

Okay, I certainly have no proof for your personal experience, but what you've just described above is exactly what I see and I have floaters, so, in my own case, I know they're floaters... ;)

I also know that not everything we 'glimpse' with our eyes is some paranormal phenomenon - most of it is normal processes we simply don't know enough about the workings of the eye/retina to define. That doesn't mean there aren't 'things' out there - but assuming first that it is 'something strange' as opposed to your own neural network is folly, to my understanding. fwiw.

Very true anart :)
Re: Strange Phenomena

seeing dark spots can be bad- get an eye exam by doc- sometimes caused by bleeding in retina. I have had the sparks too, mine are bright white to yellow; I always thought they were caused by drop in blood pressure. They are not ocular migraine, which I also have the auras for on occasion. When we first moved to Texas decades ago, I had tiny sparks frequently in bright light outdoors, I thought my eyes were just unused to the higher 'wattage' at this latitude
Re: Strange Phenomena

okei sounds very reasonable but floaters don't explain the static that's around and in between objects. its pretty much everywhere. like on walls it especially noticeable it almost like in some computer program you make an object active and then it glows except theres just like static on it. and when i don't focus on it anymore it's everywhere... I'm quite accustomed to it now since I've had it forever now, but its started getting more intense when i began with the work and ee ... but then again ee sometimes eases it. its strange:D lets leave it at that:)
Re: Strange Phenomena

FWIW, I see these things too, and they're not floaters because I've had those too. This is more like lights quickly "jumping around". I see it mostly when looking at the sky. I always thought it was a kind of "seeing energy", which is maybe not a strange or paranormal thing but interesting nonetheless.
Re: Strange Phenomena

What Anart said makes a very good point. There could be an internal issue involved. However, I've never heard of such a condition in ophthalmology
Re: Strange Phenomena

I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one that has experienced these things.
Re: Strange Phenomena

timmyman said:
okei sounds very reasonable but floaters don't explain the static that's around and in between objects. its pretty much everywhere. like on walls it especially noticeable it almost like in some computer program you make an object active and then it glows except theres just like static on it. and when i don't focus on it anymore it's everywhere... I'm quite accustomed to it now since I've had it forever now, but its started getting more intense when i began with the work and ee ... but then again ee sometimes eases it. its strange:D lets leave it at that:)

if by static, do you happen to mean like 'snow' on a crt tv or computer screen? I am concerned about the health of your irreplacable eyes. You have had all the standard testing from an opthamologist? I think you should keep going back to the doctor until you get an actual diagnosis.
Re: Strange Phenomena

if by static, do you happen to mean like 'snow' on a crt tv or computer screen? I am concerned about the health of your irreplacable eyes. You have had all the standard testing from an opthamologist? I think you should keep going back to the doctor until you get an actual diagnosis.

pretty much but like with clusters that are brighter and they are wavy. this phenomena doesn't disappear when i close my eyes

Edit=fixed quote tag
Re: Strange Phenomena

I get visual snow and floaters and I actually freaked out when I first became drunk with alcohol because the next day, I woke up and I could see all this. I had really bad depersonalisation and derealisation for years after and it's only in the last couple of years that I just stopped worrying about it, and it doesn't enter my daily thoughts anymore, same with my tinnitus.

It's still there though, and I wonder how this happened after my first time getting drunk? It wasn't there before? I actually went to a university as a test subject for my condition and they diagnosed me with what I remember as " cronic migrane without infarction", or something like that. They said that they had reason to believe that the tinnitus, the visual snow, the depersonalisation etc, were all related as a disorder in the activity of my brain.

Fwiw :)
Re: Strange Phenomena

Well as I learned in working in ophthalmology that the brain actually does sort of fill in the gaps that the retina sent via the optic nerve, so perhaps that has some rationalization to it, however I'm through reasons of my own am inclined to think another explanation so the phenomena is possible if not probable. This is based on my own observation, so I can't speak for all.
Re: Strange Phenomena

There are several conditions, from innocuous to severe, that can create visual disturbances from seeing several translucent objects darting here and there, which are usually floaters, to spots, sparks and flashes, which could relate to a posterior vitreous detachment or, more seriously, detached or torn retina. Change in vascular pressure in and around the optic nerve can also cause sparks and flashes, as occurs with ocular migraines when vessels spasm.

Banging one's head can provoke seeing "stars" as can being deprived of oxygen, but I suppose if those were the cause, you'd probably have already made the connection.

Finally, visual disturbances that include flashes of light and sparks could also be attributed to the presence of hyperdimensional energies, misaligned or poorly inserted alien probes, traveling at the speed of light, paparazi photographers, psychedelic mind alterers and decent celebratory fireworks displays.

Unless you are standing next to a famous celebrity,celebrating your country's independence from its former colonizer, riding in a souped up spaceship, ingested something that was handed to you at a party or in the company of a grey, reptilian, nordic or brother/sister of the Intergalactic Federation, as others have suggested, don't mess around with stuff like this. Get it checked out until you are satisfied it is either innocuous or diagnosed and treated.

You can find quite a bit by Googling things like "seeing spots" or "seeing sparks" or whatever best describes your experience. An interesting page I came across is:
This site gives a decent overview and mentions that sudden onset of floaters could also be concerning.
As well, I found a forum that discusses such things at:

I'm not discounting paranormal possibilities, and I hope my humour didn't offend, but I think it's a good practice to first consider the tangible and measurable possibilities before venturing into areas of conjecture, which are full of ego traps and potentials for wishful thinking and feeling "speshul". When I was seeing colourful sparks, flickers and flashes several years ago, during one of my many educational experience compliments of the New Age, a guy I knew (who was a lightworker, enjoyed energy balancing, phoned long distance to hear a channel bring forward the ancient Tibetan Master Djwhal Kuhl and Kryon, the magnetic master of the Magnetic Service) told me what I was seeing was prana, the life force of the universe, which indicated that my third eye indeed was opening. How speshul of me. Doh!

(If you want an interesting diversion, Google "seeing prana".)

In the end, it wasn't anything serious. It was just a function of aging - I had a cataract in my third eye. ;)

I really hope whatever is causing these visual disturbances is nothing serious.

Re: Strange Phenomena

Well I'm more than sure that my retinas are not detached, I've been experiencing these things for oh about twenty years. I don't have migraine headaches. A neuro disorder plausible, but I've had no other manifestations so I've ruled those out as well.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
Well I'm more than sure that my retinas are not detached, I've been experiencing these things for oh about twenty years. I don't have migraine headaches. A neuro disorder plausible, but I've had no other manifestations so I've ruled those out as well.

What is your diet like? Do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke pot or do any other recreational drugs? You seem rather invested in the idea that you're having a speshul experience - that usually means a sacred cow is grazing about... fwiw.
Re: Strange Phenomena

Well I don't drink very much at all, the last time I got drunk was my B'day in 2010. No comment on the weed thing, and I don't do any other substance, other than what is required for sleep. I didn't take that until 08, and I've been viewing this since 93.
Re: Strange Phenomena

DGF said:
Well I don't drink very much at all, the last time I got drunk was my B'day in 2010. No comment on the weed thing, and I don't do any other substance, other than what is required for sleep. I didn't take that until 08, and I've been viewing this since 93.

So, in other words, your system isn't at all clean. Thus, it's much more logical to consider the obvious factors than something 'otherworldly'.
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